Coconut Oil
Health Benefits

Coconut Oil Benefits, Side Effects and Reviews

Posted by Tinkerbell (Austin, Texas) on 03/07/2010

I have been taking coconut oil mainly because I heard it helps UTI's and i got them chronicly. I never expected it to help my asthma! Iv been taking it a few months and I noticed I wasn't useing my asthma meds. I couldn't believe it. Iv been studying coconut oil like crazy for a week now and found that this stuff is incredible! I eat a lot less cause the oil suppress my hunger, my chronic UTI's are gone, I have way more energy, my asthma is going away, my skin is clearing up, dry skin is gone, candita symptoms are gone, chronic headaches are gone. Coconut oil has given me hope for a new life! Don't take it from me! Educate yourself. There is a ton of science behind this stuff, and research that can help you understand what it does and why.

Back Pain
Posted by Penny (Jackson, TN, USA) on 12/07/2008

I was pleasantly surprised it worked! Every winter I suffer with lower back pain. I read about the coconut oil and had some so I thought well I'll try it (I didn't expect it to work) I was so surprised my back pain was gone within minutes I mean no pain! this is wonderful lol. I just took about a small amount maybe teaspoon full in my hand and rubbed it on my I'm a happy camper! Thanks for the tip. Penny in TN

EC: Read more back pain remedies here:

Canker Sores
Posted by Sandy (New Windsor, MD) on 05/13/2008

Canker Sores: In response to Maddy from UK, VCO has a melting temperature of about 76 so it will melt quickly in your mouth or melt on low on your stove in a ramekin. Did you know that microwaves drastically change the composition of your food? There is probably somewhere in this site some good info on it. Blood warmed in a microwave can kill you, breast milk warmed in a microwave is detrimental to the baby, and studies done on blood samples from people after eating microwaved food shows deleterious effects

Appetite Suppressant
Posted by Mary (Boston, MA) on 10/30/2014


I have two tablespoons of coconut oil a day in my morning smoothie which also includes greens, coconut water, a fruit and coconut milk.

It really cuts my appetite for the day (noticed big time when I missed two days and had a ravenous appetite those days)

There is one draw back though that maybe you can answer. Following the smoothie, about 10 minutes later I get really nauseaus and it lasts a good 20 minutes. I know it must be the coconut oil ...what makes that happen and why and should I make it two smoothies with half the oil. Thanks


Appetite Suppressant
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 02/08/2015

Try taking coconut capsules separate from your juice. They go into the intestines and open up. I believe they bypass the gallbladder. I have trouble ingesting straight coconut oil and the capsules are fine for me.

Athlete's Foot
Posted by London (Sandusky, Ohio) on 08/08/2010

I massaged coconut oil once a day on my foot for a week and got rid of athlete's foot.

Posted by K (New York, New York) on 05/13/2009

Epsom salts is magnesium (magnesium sulphate). Transdermal application of magnesium is more effective than oral ingestion, though magnesium chloride is better than magnesium sulphate. Magnesium has a significant impact on a variety of major health issues such as ADD, brain function, anxiety, high blood pressure, heart problems, athritis, migraine. Magnesium also protects the cell from poisonous metals like aluminum, mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium and nickel, which can contribute to Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases multiple sclerosis, and learning retardation.

Magnesium is involved in over 300 processes in the body. Most people are severely depleted of magnesium. Just search magnesium on the web and you will see how crucial it is.

Coconut oil contains Lauric Acid, which both increases transdermal uptake of the magnesium sulphate and is beneficial to the brain and nervous system.

Good health primarily requires healthy saturated fats, adequate levels of magnesium and vitamin A & D in concert. There is a great deal of excellent information at The Weston Price Foundation, which is where I first learnt about the benefits of coconut oil.

Posted by Barbara (Tower, MN) on 01/26/2008

I had a horrible, embarrasing smelly belch! It only happened about twice a week, but it smelled like sulpher,ie: rotton eggs! I checked the internet for what horrid diseaes I may have and found a recommendation for coconut oil. Two meals of scrambled eggs cooked in coconut oil cured me! Permanently! For the last 6 years I only use coconut or olive oil for cooking, not more "smelly burping" ever!

Posted by Peter (Kaitaia, New Zealand) on 07/24/2007

I was diagnosed with genital herpes in 1999. It was a shock to my system, in more ways than one. The nasty bleeding scabs, the weeping sores, the pain - and the horrible sensation on the thighs, like cats clawing at wet skin. (That's just my description.) I heard about coconut oil a year ago and decided to try it. I was guided to take it this way: A tablespoonful in a glass of clear warm water, mix it up, melt it, and drink it. I took it three times a day at regular intervals. I came off my medication, Ayclovir, and waited for the usual attack. (This was after a few months of taking the oil.) But nothing happened. In order to stimulate an attack, to force it, I ate my old 'enemies' - peanuts and bananas, in great quantities, both guaranteed to cause a herpes outbreak. But nothing happened. I have been clear of the genital herpes now for at least six months, perhaps more, and the only thing I want now is to have a blood test to be absolutely sure the infection has gone. Of course doctors will say that the virus is incurable, but something has happened here, something profound and unusual. I have an inner certainty that the virus has been battered about by the oil, to such an extent it has no power left. Of course, I may be wrong. But there is no sign of it.

Posted by Carole (Peekskill, NY) on 07/07/2006

This is a cure from Jamaica. Rub coconut oil on the head and on the chest if anyone has bronchitis or congestion. I've found that coconut oil and Saw Palmetto tea are really excellent for this. Coconut oil is also a great fighter against candida.

Blood Pressure
Posted by Kelly (Seattle) on 11/08/2021

My blood pressure has been going up over the last 8 years or quite bad about 4 years back, so they put me on losartan. Still, it would sometimes be all over the place -- as high as 175/92 and as low as 126/74. And most times at the docs it would be high, then 20 points lower later that night at home. I mentioned this to a friend and he said his blood pressure got into the HUNDREDS, until he STOPPED taking coconut oil. So I did the same, and it dropped down to an average 135/80 or so, which is fine for someone in their 60's. Until tonight -- I just took it and it came back 162/74! And what have I been taking again, but in smaller amounts -- caprylic acid (for candida), which is made from coconut oil! I'll stop it right away, go back to olive oil and will try to remember to post back again in a few weeks. Anyway, in my case -- and that of a good friend -- coconut oil RAISES our blood pressure.

Blood Pressure
Posted by Brett RN (Hawaii) on 11/11/2021

Systolic BP (the higher number) is an indication of acute stress. If coconut oil or caprylic acid is causing your systolic to go up it is likely due to some form of activity going on in the body that requires your heart to pump harder...(systolic is when the heat beats, diastolic is when the heart is at rest). If you are on medications you cannot tell what will cause issues. All other substances taken into the body are potential issues. Coconut oil is a powerful source of health promoting fats and phyto-chemicals that can react with your BP meds, so consider the question "why is my BP high in the first place?" BP medication treats symptoms NOT causes...

Have you heard of eating celery and celery seeds at every meal? That is a well known Chinese food medicine remedy for High BP. Even soldiers in Iraq: smokers, drinking heavily, under daily high pressure combat stress were able to get the BP back down to normal by eating celery and celery seeds with each meal. When they all started to stop the BP meds the officers (doctors) put a gag order on them all to stop it and stop talking about it. I know a Sargent who got himself and all his guys off the meds.

Sounds strange, I know, because in western medicine you are told to avoid all salt and salty foods. The proof is in the doing and seeing.

Posted by Beth (Janesville, Wi) on 12/08/2018

I was on a low carb diet years ago. Was also consuming about 2 tablespoons of coconut oil per day in coffee, just because of reading about benefits. One day I had a BM that looked liked a bunch of strings of string cheese. Same color too. Looked it up online. It was a yeast kill-off. So coconut oiled worked for me, though it was unintended and did freak me out a bit. Side note though, the CO did cause me to often wake up at night with a very rapid heart rate. I figured out over time it was from the CO, so I haven't used it since.

Appetite Suppressant
Posted by Sandi (Wichita, Kansas) on 03/25/2015

I am overweight and I know that if I will not do anything about losing the excess pounds, it's going to cause more health problems in the future. I would like to try coconut oil to suppress appetite. Is there a normal daily dose for this? Should it be taken before or after meal? How many times a day? Is there any side effects that I should look out for?

Appetite Suppressant
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 03/25/2015

THE GUT ENZYMES are what makes us fat or thin, and then we feed them with what we eat, they affect our hunger hormone. This article is long, but educational.

I eat charcoal capsules at bedtime and my gut is improving . I also eat coconut oil daily and kefir .

I hope you find what works for you , we are all in the battle to overcome health issues

Multiple Cures
Posted by Kim (Columbus) on 01/23/2014


I started rubbing VCO on my lower back about 3 months ago. It gave me a instant relief! I was so thrilled but decided to keep it to myself. I was rubbing it all day as needed and on the third day I woke up with no back pain! I started emailing my family members and got some for my 87 year old mom. We all took it internally 1-2 tablespoons a day, we oil pull with it too. My mom had some remarkable results on her skin. A 25 year old bump on her forehead from a car accident subsided 60% after a couple days of rubbing on direct, after 2 months, it's gone. It seems to sooth her itchy skin and helped her curled toes to relax a bit.

Then going into 3-4 weeks, one of my sister stopped taking it because she was getting stomach pain. Then her old stretch marks started to darken, purple, red and bloody looking.

My other sister was having great results for almost two months with her leg pain and skin problems. Then she had to stop because it was making her constipated, zits under her skin on her face. She got scared due to the bloody wipe when she goes to the bathroom. She went off the oil and is ok now.

I have very mild back pain now after 3 months of taking it internally and using it as lotion after showers. Some day no pain at all but my legs were getting bumpy and itchy all day; extreme, miserable itch. Although VCO did a lot of good for all of us with a lot of little things, we now all stopped due to the side effects. I read up on the detox symptons and I waited over 3 weeks for the itching to go away on my legs which it didn't. Does detox takes this long? My mom had to stop cause she scratched her back to the point of bleeding and was getting boils on her head and bottom. I don't understand what went wrong, it was wonderful the first couple months. We all use virgin, coldpress, the purest coconut oil. My mom did stop for a week and said her itching is 50% better and the boil on her head is flatten. Anyone else that can shed some light on this? Ted, are you around?

Posted by Pam E. (SouthWestern California) on 01/10/2024 138 posts

I've found that the thing that worked quick for my cats on their ringworm was MSM ... in their food.

I gave them -1/32 tsp twice daily (in their meals) ... based on the fact that their weights are from 8.5 lbs. to 9.5 lbs.

Too much MSM will cause runny stool, so best start with a smaller amount than the recommended dose, then work your way up to what they can use (which will not cause runny stools)....

Within a few days their ringworm lesions were noticeably better, & began shrinking right after, until totally gone.... I can't fathom why not even holistic vets seem to know about it!!!

Posted by Bikermom (Corvallis, Or) on 04/01/2012

Coconut oil has helped eliminate my longstanding symptoms related to SIBO and/or candida. The symptoms were experienced in my head and most unpleasant. I am grateful.

Bladder Infections
Posted by Beth (Pembroke Pines, Fl, Usa) on 11/18/2011

I can also vouch for coconut oil clearing up a chronic bladder infection. I had all of the symptoms of interstitial cystitis (IC), and I found by accident that if I took coconut oil daily, the symptoms completely disappeared. I have been symptom free for well over a month now. I am about to do an experiment and stop taking coconut oil for a period of time to see if the symptoms return or are truly gone for good.

Body Temperature, Menstruation
Posted by Jake (Chicago, Il.) on 11/06/2011

Thanks so much for that comment about the itchy scratchy throat because I've been getting that off and on too, as I have increased my Tablespoons of VCO per day. I thought as you did that it was an allergy, but have noticed it sometimes not coming on, so your confirmation leads me to feel comfortable that it will pass. BTW, I also notice my cold hands and feet disappearing.

Antibacterial, Antifungal
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 02/11/2011

Hi R... I normsally take a tablespoon of virgin coconut oil (VCO) 2-3 times a day with my coffee. You also needn't worry about VCO clogging up your blood or being stored as fat in your body. The fatty acids in virgin coconut oil are mainly medium chain triglycerides(MCTs), whereas vegetable oils are wholly made up of mainly long chain triglycerides(LCTs). LCTs (veg oils) in excess are normally always stored as body fat and can cause problems in the blood and intestines, whereas MCT's are handled completely differently. MCT's are more easily absorbed into the lymph from the intestines and then all of the MCT's are taken to the liver where some MCT's are converted to glycogen and any excess MCTs are then immediately and directly excreted back into the intestines via the liver. MCTs are not stored in the body tissues as fat like LCTs. Whenever energy is needed by the body, the liver glycogen is quickly converted into ketone bodies and then converted and used in the cells eventually as glucose. No insulin or any glucose regulation involved, the liver controls it all. This is why VCO is so useful for diabetics -- and virgin coconut oil never gets stored as fat in the body. In fact, when I used VCO in my own candida cure, VCO was one of the major reasons why I lost weight. I've been cooking with and using VCO now for over 4 years. My wieght has not and increased and I've never felt healthier.

Regarding HIV therapies, perhaps the best, simplest and one of the most successful is Dr Foster's Selenium HIV therapy. Dr Foster discovered that a major and important enzyme in the liver -- Glutathione peroxidase (protects the liver and body from oxidant damage) -- was heavily depleted in all HIV AIDS patients because the AIDS virus uses it, along with Selenium, amino acids Glutamine, Tryptophan and N-Acetyl-L-Cysiteine (which all become depleted when you have HIV AIDs). Read his free ebook on his HIV AIDS remedy: "What Really Causes AIDS" by Harold Foster

With some small alterations and additions, Dr Foster's therapy is essentially the same as Dr Berkson's therapy for Hepatitis B & C, Cirrhosis and liver disease etc. This therapy simply involves taking Milk Thistle, Selenium, Magnesium and R-Alpha Lipoic Acid daily and is essentially a Triple Antioxidant Therapy to revive and greatly boost the liver, blood and immune system.

A third option is to just take the Chanca Piedra herb everyday (1000 mgs or twice a day). Chanca Piedra is currently undergoing trials against HIV AIDs and has been fairly successful at greatly reducing the viral load. Chanca Piedra is easily obtainable from any health shop and succesfully works to inhibit the reverse transcriptase enzyme in the HIV virus thus completely inhibiting viral reproduction. I know alot about Chanca Piedra -- one of my favourite herbs -- and is another herb that greatly boosts both the liver and the kidneys -- I can personally vouch for this. I grow Chanca Piedra in my garden and I have already used it quite successfully for treating friends and locals who had gallstones, bloating, diabetes, edema, gout, candida and arthritis.

All the above therapies have few if any side-effects and can be combined without problems.

Athlete's Foot
Posted by Jim (Klamath Falls, OR, USA) on 01/13/2009

I had a very similar experience with the EVCO. I also use it for an underarm deodorant, along with ACV. I first apply the ACV and let it dry and then apply a very light amount of the EVCO. If I happen to get too much under the arm, I just dab it with a tissue. It does not stain and the light odor of coconut is gone within 1 hour max.

My athletes foot problem cleared in 3 days usage. Amazing how effective it is as an under arm deodorant. I just started to use it 2-3 times a day in hope that it will have a similar effect on my gastritis.

This is a great web site! Thank you all.

Posted by Kathie (Washington UK) on 01/01/2009

Many people who have autism may benefit from an emollient made from powdered epsom salts mixed with coconut oil and then massage with this cream.

Posted by Teena (Melbourne Australia) on 03/15/2018 233 posts

Hi Tegan,

Coconut oil is very heat stable. I am very comfortable using it to shallow fry eggs, and occasionally deep frying. I also will (only) use ghee or grass fed lard as these provide health benefits and are heat stable.

Whichever detox you choose to start the children on, my advice to minimise detox effects is to start on much lower dose than is recommended. You could actually start with a pinch of a powder or a smidge of a liquid, keep that going for four days, then increase, gently, slowly. You are less likely to experience negative reactions if you go this way. Keep reading and researching for your family's health, may I suggest for your further research the turpentine castor oil protocol specifically for autism.

Many blessings on your good health journey.

Posted by Star Z. (London, UK) on 03/17/2008

I have been taking Organic VCO before meals for the last 2 days. A single heaped table spoon. It's yummy. I felt a tense pressure in my baby belly and my stomach has not stopped churning very low pain levels. There is also discomfort to my lower back. I was surprised to find a huge discharge below totay. I was unaware of the fact that I had trush. It disclodged and evacuated more discharge than the prescription medicine I take when I feel the discomfort of thrush. I have also been having an unusually thin poo, not watery, loser than the norm. After the display with the discharge I just wonder what is leaving my stomach! The fact that I didnt know it was there is not reassuring. This is the best detox I have ever done. I think in 3 weeks I will reduce to 1table spoon a day, as well as skin and hair application. This site does a fabulous job, somebody needs to tell Oprah. Star Z.

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