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 Re: Acute Vaginal Pain Left Side Only - Please Help

3 days ago
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 09/16/2024

@ Lucilla (Toronto, Canada)

Try Garlic Oil Capsules (garlic infused olive oil in a gelatin capsule) as a daily vaginal insert. Sometimes I'll mix tea tree oil in with the oil to double the effect. I've made these for clients with female issues with good results.

Also, drink ½ a glass of grapefruit juice everyday for the urination problem.

 Re: Chronic Diarrhea for Over a Year

3 days ago
Posted by Yo (Japan) on 09/16/2024

You did not mention your age. Do not start any remedies, find out the cause. Doctors are probably dismissing you, but there are videos on YouTube, just type “chronic diarrhoea”.

 Re: Chronic Diarrhea for Over a Year

3 days ago
Posted by Lisa (FL) on 09/16/2024

Hi Charisse,

I had diarrhea for over a year in 2023 and had an episode of 5 months about 12 years ago. I had and still have a Candida overgrowth. I also have heavy metals and issues with my liver, autoimmune, etc. Once the liver is overloaded, in my case, the diarrhea starts. I used Chlorine Dioxide to get rid of a severe infection and I thought it would control the diarrhea but it didn't (it did get rid of the infection). I did clays, charcoal, diatemaceous earth, am gluten, dairy free, low sugar, and cholestyramine, but ended up with vertigo after that, and only 1/4 of the dose. I finally began having glutathione IV's to clear the liver and once I got to a larger dose, the diarrhea stopped that week. For six months I had a normal bowel movement and now diarrhea has begun again. According to bloodwork, there could possibly be parasites. Maybe that has been an issue all along as I have had them before, or maybe never completely got rid of them. I met a doctor at a conference and she said to take something for at least 3 months. For that I am taking fenbendazole, 4 days on 3 days off, and mimosa pudica 3 x a day. I noticed with the mimosa an immediate calming of the gut. At any rate, testing would help you to know what it is, but remember that parasites are often undetected. IV's help the entire body. But it was years before I could afford that. You may want to consider zeolite which will pick up heavy metals and other toxins.

God bless you - it is awful to live with, but there is hope.

Acute Vaginal Pain Left Side Only - Please Help

4 days ago
Posted by Lucilla (Toronto, Canada) on 09/16/2024

Vaginal acute pain only on the left side since November 2023, No sex since then, worst at night time, the pain wakes me up with urgency for urination 6/10 times, sometimes I pee a little bit only, sometimes is normal flow. I have more pain and more urgency to urinate between 3 to 6 am. Sometimes during the day sometimes during the night, I feel inflammation, like a ball, on the left side of my vagina, burning discomfort even after urination. I have seen 2 Gynecologist & 2 Urologist, a family doctor and doctors at the hospital with no explanation what I do have. I was evaluated with multiples diagnosis as UTI (treated several times with antibiotics with no results), Vaginal Atrophy (treated with suppositories, creams, coconut oil/emu oils etc, none of this made me feel better). I dont have any Bartholin Cysts and abscesses. I had a normal cystoscopy on June 11/2024, I have had multiple test concerning my issue, ultrasounds with normal results, not infections, not STD or VD. I have had multiples treatments such as antibiotics, all sorts of creams such Estriol/Estrogen suppositories, Premanin Estrogenic hormones, Estragyn(estrogen) and more.

My latest appointment with my Urologist was on September 11, 2024, and I have been trying the Estragyn Vag since September 12. So far no relief at night, during the day time seems like it is ok; just trying to. Also I am trying Kegel exercise.

In 2012 I had TB in my bladder/kidney treated for 9 months. All the doctors I have seen know about the TB issue. The TB in the bladder was treated in Toronto Canada.
Is there any light in this issue? Thank you for any help

 Re: Chronic Diarrhea for Over a Year

4 days ago
Posted by Yo (Japan) on 09/16/2024

Find and Read:

After weeks of having to rush to the bathroom day and night, the 77-year-old had lost 25 pounds. What was wrong?

I also remember watching a mystery diagnosis episode about a woman who had chronic diarrhea. There were something wrong with a sphincter that stops bile flow and caused diarrhea . She had a minor surgery that fixed the problem.

 Re: Chronic Diarrhea for Over a Year

4 days ago
Posted by Magnolia16 (VA) on 09/16/2024

You may not want to take prescription medicine, but my husband who had horrible diarrhea finally got some relief from chlorestymine (I think that is the right spelling). It is a powder you mix with water/gatorade, and it did wonders. He would take up to 8 imodium a day w/no relief and this would take effect overnight. He had to keep taking it as his was caused by mestasized rectal cancer, which does not mean at all, that your is caused by that. This medicine just worked when nothing else would. Most pharmacies do not carry this all the time and may have to be ordered. Made in France. This would be for a long term, chronic problem, but it works. He could even take 1/2 an envelope at a time and get relief. Good luck.

 Re: Chronic Diarrhea for Over a Year

4 days ago
Posted by Sherri (PNW) on 09/16/2024

Hello Charisse,

Since this condition has continued for so long and, there can be many causes, are you able to see a holistic physician or a holistic oriented gastrointestinal doc for testing?

Again, there are many causes for chronic diarrhea including: persistent parasitic infections (often protazoan), IBDs, diverticulitis, malabsorption disorders, medications, toxicity such as glyphosate (roundup), SIBO, IBS, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, Bile Acid Diarrhea, food intolerances - especially from gluten and foods contaminated with glyphosate (see Dr Peter Osbourne's website - Gluten Warrior), specific artificial sugars, persistent bacterial or other pathogenic intestinal infections, and other more serious conditions.

To start, consider the following suggestions:


If I was in your position, I would complete the stool/urine tests from ParaWellness Research Lab in Colorado. They test for many parasitic and pathogenic infections that cause chronic diarrhea (e.g. Cryptosporidium, Blastocystis Hominis and Giardia). These infections are actually more common than most know.


Very important to regularly take electrolytes and stay hydrated - diarrhea depletes your body of electrolytes and water.

Also, it would be prudent to take a good vitamin and mineral supplement.

There are many remedies one could try (essential oil blends, silver, iodine, herbal tinctures, medications, etc.) however, trying to figure out what the cause(s) is will save you time/money. So, it is important to take a personal "history."


When did this start? What do you think caused it? Did you eat or drink something before it started? Did it occur after you traveled? Did it start after a diet/food/beverage change? What makes the condition better or worse? Did it start after drinking water? Keep a journal of what you remember. Taking a very detailed history often provides answers or direction.

I have a personal experience with this as I and a few others picked up E. coli after drinking an iced latte purchased from a grocery store in Maui .... the stomach issues started after this drink. Later, the news indicated the water supply was contaminated with E. coli, ugh.

It is estimated that ~ 1/3 of the city water supply and public pools in the U.S. are contaminated with a protozoa.

You could try a couple remedies known to treat some forms of diarrhea - check with your physician first:


High quality activated charcoal (e.g., Takasumi - Supreme Nutrition) with bentonite clay. Take 2-3 capsules or 1 Tablespoon/each, 3x/day, preferably on an empty stomach, with one glass of water. Make sure you are hydrated. Try this for about 3 days and see if it makes a difference. GI Detox also includes these ingredients.


Try eliminating the most common suspects for at least 3 weeks and see if there is improvement, often you can identify the culprit(s): e.g.s: common food allergens, gluten/grain, sugars, dairy, raw foods, moldy foods, etc.


There are quite a number of essential oils that have been used to treat diarrhea: e.g., caraway seed, caraway seed with peppermint, cassia bark, etc..

And, there are several very effective essential oil blends that are used for diarrhea. They can be applied in different ways - rubbed on the abdomen; orally 1-3 drops after meals in Manuka honey, with water on bread, pr place drops in capsules with another carrier oil; etc....

Always start with lowest dose (do a sensitivity test first), go slow, and build up.

NOTE: use high quality and tested essential oils, preferably organic.

Blend #1: ginger, peppermint, juniperberry, anise, bitter fennel, lemongrass, patchouli. 1-3 drops in capsule with a carrier oil, take after meals or on empty stomach.

Blend #2: black cumin carrier oil, caraway seed, lavender, bitter orange, thyme ct thymol, 12-20% essential oil blend.

If you are interested, I can share the holistic protocol I followed for various intestinal protozoan infections acquired over the years. Though, I am sure there are simpler protocols out there.

Wishing you recovery, soon!


  Re: 35% Food Grade Peroxide

4 days ago
Posted by Phyllis (jacksonville) on 09/16/2024

Hi Linda, where do you get the food grade 35% hydrogen peroxide? Thank you

 Re: Seeking Help For Painful Rheumatoid Arthritis Nodules on Feet

4 days ago
Posted by Shelly (California) on 09/16/2024

Did you ever take food grade DMSO internally?

Chronic Diarrhea for Over a Year - Please Suggest Remedies

4 days ago
Posted by Charisse (Wasilla, Ak) on 09/16/2024

Diarrhea for over a year. What can I take to stop this horrible issue?

  Re: Treating Ear Mites in Cats

4 days ago
Posted by Pam E. (SW California Desert) on 09/16/2024

There are natural remedies that work fine.... This cat's problem right now is more the fear from the painful use of vinegar, than the mites! Using a chemical treatment would only add insult to injury. Please do *NOT* encourage the use of pharmaceuticals on EQ ... Do you have any idea what these chemicals are doing to a great many of our pets ...?!?

"Even veterinarians routinely prescribe these based on an animal's history. But that could be a tragic mistake with this dangerous chemical. Seizures, tremors, lack of muscle control or death could occur, even if your pet has never had an adverse reaction in the past...."

*FDA-Approved Treatment Causes SERIOUS Reactions in 2/3 of Dogs!* ...

  Re: Cayenne as Mood Elevator

4 days ago
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 09/16/2024

This is what I love about being human! Getting all distracted and out-of-sorts to the point of totally forgetting you have something like cayenne. Then, REMEMBERING and riding that seemingly supernatural wave all the way back to the awesomeness of being human!!

  Re: Iodine

4 days ago
Posted by Mary (TN) on 09/16/2024

The Japanese consume between 5,000 and 13,000 mg. 1,000 mcg is equal to 1 mg. That is a very low dose. Listen to Dr David Brownstein's interviews available on YouTube— he has written books about iodine

  Re: Knee Pain Help Requested

4 days ago
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 09/16/2024

@ Neema

Check out Mommy2 post about Apple Cider Vinegar Knee Wrap

Posted by Mommy2 (Atlanta, Ga, USA) on 08/25/2009

My husband has been bothered with a nagging knee pain for years now. He knows he needs to have surgery, but keeps putting it off. He had the worst flare up, I've seen him have and we've been married for 12 yrs. The pain was so tremendous he could hardly walk and you could see the pain all over his face. I've been a believer in ACV for years now, but it takes more convincing for him. After he'd fallen asleep, I took a hand towel and saturated it in ACV, wrapped it around his knee and wrapped saran wrap around it to hold in place. He slept with it on all night and could not believe his knee was 99% better when he woke up. That's been about a month ago now and he hasn't had anymore flare ups!!!

  Re: Apple Cider Vinegar, Garlic for Jock Itch

4 days ago
Posted by LALIT (Delhi, india) on 09/16/2024

Hey Razz, sorry im replying so very late. Well the result was pronounced then but as with all fungal infections it has made a comeback albeit not that big an area as it was earlier. it is indeed stubborn. I will do the same again now. In fact I was searching for my own review (!! ) and read it as I was not sure what concoction I had done then., I think I am gonna leave this mix on my butt crack overnight and report again. Fingers crossed. What an awful parasite this!

  Knee Pain Help Requested

5 days ago
Posted by Art (California) on 09/15/2024

Hi Neema,

Please look at the EC link for Borax here :

This page also explains how to use it.

Another advantage to borax aside from its antiarthritic activity, is it's boron content, which helps maintain bone integrity and helps prevent osteopenia/ osteoporosis.


  Re: Turpentine for Leishmaniasis

5 days ago
Posted by M (Ridley park, pa) on 09/15/2024

How much turpentine fir leishmaniasis? Internal only? What dose? How many times per day? How long did you treat?

Thyroid Disease and Virus Connection

5 days ago
Posted by Zander (Anytown USA) on 09/15/2024

Thyroid Disease - a Virus? Hashimoto's Graves Thyroiditis Autoimmune

Both conventional and functional medicine practitioners will agree: a virus can "trigger" auto-immune and thyroid diseases:

Lymphocytic infiltration of the thyroid, as seen in the proliferation of thyroid anti-bodies, is happening because there is an infection present.

Functional and conventional medicine practitioners promote the theory that one's immune system has subsequently become "confused" and is launching an attack upon one's own organs and tissues. This occurs because of "molecular mimicry" where the immune system is mistaking one's healthy tissue for virus, they claim.

But what if the virus itself is producing the disease state?

What if one's immune system is not "confused" but acutely aware of where this virus has hidden in the body? And this hiding of a virus in the body can last a very long time. Here's an example of Covid being the culprit, the hidden virus, which has led to secondary conditions in the long-term aftermath:

What if treating the virus itself is the winning strategy to cure even so-called "auto-immune" thyroid disease?

What if one's immune system is NOT "confused?"

Well, if these premises are correct, then one would need to look at the characteristics of the suspected virus still present whether by malingering or re-activation* in the body.

The two most common such would arguably be Covid and Epstein-Barr.

What do these viruses look like, at a molecular level?

Well, they are "spiky" - they have points like a "crown."

And guess what gums up the spikes on viruses so they can no longer proliferate? Ivermectin

In my case only a micro-dose of Ivermectin every other night stopped my trembling upon awakening that was attributed to Hashitoxicosis and Hashimoto's, initially. A functional medicine doctor put me on the path to the viral connection in regard to these tremors upon awakening. The Medical Medium put me on the path to look at the viral connection to thyroid diseases.

I'm currently having success - and by that I mean symptom free - with 3 mg Ivermectin every other night. Ivermectin remains in the body for 18 hours so I thought I'd try this every other night interval.

I'm afraid that by missing this viral connection people have suffered needlessly, been treated erroneously and been taught to believe their own body is working against them. In my view, that is NOT what is happening.

Functional medicine practitioners will provide elaborate diet restrictions and conventional medicine practitioners will provide thyroid hormone and/or beta blockers to mask the effects of the high octane thyroid hormone in the blood (the latter in cases of hashitoxicosis and/or Grave's.) But claim these thyroid conditions are nearly always incurable and can only "go into remission" - maybe. But both of these approaches are only treating symptoms if the virus model is correct.

Treat the virus. Cure the disease?

It's working for me.

*in my case and also in the case of one of the most well-known functional medicine doctors for thyroid, the onset of the thyroid disease state occurred right after performing a liver cleanse. Was the liver working as a sort of "virus vault" where it had safely isolated such? But then released it in due course of the "cleanse?"

  Re: Type of Vinegar Used for Age Spots

5 days ago
Posted by El (Washington, DC) on 09/15/2024

Seeking clarity: malt vinegar is brown, but you then said it's white vinegar. Which did you use?

  Re: Coconut Milk Reduces 'The Munchies'

5 days ago
Posted by Tina (Princeton, NJ) on 09/15/2024

Hi Mama to Many,

When I add coconut milk to my daily smoothie, I've noticed that I can go the whole day without wanting to eat. You're on to something. It is the fat. Thanks for sharing your discovery.