Healing Anal Fistulas Naturally: Top Remedies and Supplements

Mastic Gum, DMSO + Iodine
Posted by Tom (CA) on 03/29/2024

Mastic Gum, DMSO + Iodine for Anal Fistula

6 grams of mastic gum a day to start. Pain will be 50% less by next day. Taper downward to 5.5 grams day two, 5 grams day 3,4.5 grams day 4, and so on.
DMSO 15-20 drops on cotton ball with edible iodine supplement 2 drops and apply cotton ball to fistula opening. Replace frequently every day. Pain will be almost gone by day 2. Keep applying every day with paper towel folded several times over top of cotton ball and DMSO on paper towel too. Do not soak the paper towel just 10 drops or so of DMSO. Do this until fistula closes. When fistula closes keep applying for 10 days and continue mastic gum 1gram daily.
