3 Scientifically Proven Supplements To Help You Stay Asleep

Vitamin D
Posted by Penny B. (Central PA) on 04/21/2023

I've used magnesium and it helps me sleep well. I'm 75. Vitamin B50 and other supplements too. Melatonin is helpful but I've found I should take it an hour before bedtime. Getting more sunshine in the daytime helps the body produce its own melatonin.

Vitamin D
Posted by Art (California) on 06/14/2021 2165 posts

I would like to update this post as I have found something through testing regarding melatonin that I was not previously aware of. I have been taking melatonin at 106+ mg per night for over 8 months now as part of my ongoing melatonin test and to try and afford myself of the many health benefits that melatonin has shown in studies. One evening, I decided to start taking one 10 mg capsule of melatonin at 6 pm and then one more at very roughly every hour after that and then take the remainder of my dose all at once just before going to bed.

The reason for doing this experiment was to try and replicate the natural release of melatonin by the pineal gland as daylight fades to night. What I found from this test is that my sleep was very significantly improved to more like when I was in my 30's! I even stopped the magnesium and zinc for this experiment to make sure that it was the melatonin that was causing this very significantly improved sleep. It was the staggered intake of melatonin that is causing this effect. The reason that I am certain of this is because on the nights that I have forgotten to stagger my dose and end up taking the total melatonin dose within two hours of bedtime, the extra improved sleep effect is lost.

Some of you may be thinking, but I only take 3 or 5 mg of melatonin before bed, how do I break that up into smaller doses each hour? Melatonin is available in 1/2 mg and 1 mg so this should make it possible.



I hope this is as helpful to others as it has been for me!


Vitamin D
Posted by Art (California) on 08/20/2020 2165 posts

3 Scientifically Proven Supplements To Help You Stay Asleep

Since the study for this combination of supplements was fairly long, I imagine that many EC readers did not have time to read the whole study, so I thought I would highlight an important point shown in this study as well as other studies and meta analyses. In most of these studies it was clearly shown that there is an inverse relationship between vitamin D serum level (25 OH d) and sleep issues or to say that a little differently, as the vitamin D level declines, sleep issues increase and as 25 OH d serum level rises, sleep issues decline.

Overall, this is just one of many reasons to make sure your 25 OH d serum level is replete!

