Natural Remedies for Lyme Disease

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Art (California ) on 09/01/2017 2165 posts

I recently read an interesting article written by a naturopath discussing "silver nanoparticles" as opposed to "colloidal silver" and its effects on Lyme Disease (LD).

One major problem that people who have LD run into is not being diagnosed promptly and correctly which gives the disease a chance to take hold and create a multitude of other health issues such as biofilms that protect the pathogen ('s) from attack by the immune system. Also, many co-infections are known to develop right along with the LD, further infecting the body and complicating the treatment process leading to a state of chronic infection that can go beyond the capabilities of antibiotics alone.

In this article the author/naturopath talks about the known effects of silver nanoparticles (SNP's) and how well they align with being anti-LD in nature. Also discussed is the safety of SNP's. What is not discussed in this article is the known fact that some antibiotics have synergy with SNP's and in some cases, SNP's have shown the ability to ameliorate resistance to certain antibiotics, essentially recycling the effectiveness of the antibiotic for the patient.

The longer a person goes undiagnosed with Lyme Disease, the greater the chance to develop a co-infection which will only make the disease harder to treat. Part of the problem with diagnosing LD is that the symptoms can be very similar to other diseases such as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Arthritis to name just a few. Often times people think they have the flu because the initial symptoms can be quite similar to the flu and so people wait until "the flu" passes, allowing the disease to "dig in" further and create even more difficult symptoms. Compounding this problem is the fact that many people test negative for LD even though they are actually positive. There are two labs that I have heard of that are noted for doing more accurate testing. If you think you have been bitten by a tick and subsequently develop the telltale "bullseye rash, that is plenty of warning that you need to take immediate action to confirm a diagnosis.

In any case this is an enlightening article that is definitely worth the read.......especially if you happen to live in an area affected by LD. As you can see by the following map, LD is most prevalent in the Northeast United States, but a closer look at the map shows that it can appear almost anywhere in the US and is also seen in many other parts of the world. Tics are the most common way that LD is spread.

Here is a link to the article:


Colloidal Silver
Posted by Glen (Stoughton, Ma) on 06/22/2016

Let me just say that many of you have it wrong. Colloidal Silver *can* cause argyria, you just have to take massive amounts and probably for a long period of time to do it.
Does that mean it is unsafe? Well, water is unsafe if you drink 2 gallons a day. Do your research, buy your own colloidal silver maker (you'll spend that much eventually on the bottles if not), and be prudent. Don't take massive doses for long periods of time. Somewhere there is a chart that shows the amounts you can take for chronic conditions (and for how long) vs. the amount for daily maintenance. You're basically concerned with lifetime accumulation.
I own a silver generator, and after contracting Lyme recently was able to knock it down to nothing with one dose. I'll be taking big doses for a month or so, and normal amounts for probably the next several months after that.
Good luck...
