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  Re: Healing an Anal Fistula from Crohn’s Disease

11 days ago
Posted by Mohammed (Canada) on 05/20/2024

I suffered fistula for more than 30 years and refused surgery. It used to very painfully swell and burst. Tried so many remedies, most worked partially but fistula remained dormant before getting active again and again every two three years. The cure finally came by chance I was taking GSE (Grapefruit seed extract) 5 drops mixed with Food grade Diatomaceous earth, this broke the den of Fistula and finally cured it for good. But when it burst, its bacteria spread all over inside the body. So you need to keep repeating this one week every month for at least a year to clear it from all over inside the body. Also you MUST drink lots of water.

 Re: No More Eye Fluid

12 days ago
Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 05/20/2024

Dear Stephanie,

The progesterone is a cream. You apply 1/4 teaspoon to thin skinned areas at night. Inner arms, abdomen, inner thighs. It's best to rotate around where you put it from night to night.

Estrogen cream, applied vaginally may be helpful for that dryness. Or simply coconut oil.

Do you have a functional doctor you could see? You are dealing with a complex problem and if you could find someone who could help you with these chronic and acute problems it would probably be better than trying different things until you find a solution. Some blood panels would probably be helpful.

~Mama to Many~

  Re: Chicken Bones and Dogs

12 days ago
Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 05/20/2024

Dear Katie,

Do you mean your little dogs are eating the already cooked chicken bones? I did give all manner of cooked bones to our Great Pyrenees but have hesitated to do it with anything smaller.


~Mama to Many~

  Re: High Blood Pressure

12 days ago
Posted by Anjum (CA) on 05/20/2024

It seems like I was reading my own story. My doctor is also forcing me to take some kind of calcium blockers and giving me extra calcium to take. That calcium can go straight to my bone and stay there. Scary! I don't take chemicals either. I am trying hisbiscus tea+ cayenne and Apple cider vinegar. It take time. There is no magic pill, not even the pill that doctors give will cure BP. If he can tell me reason why my BP is high then I will take the medication. All my blood results are good. I am so scared of my Doctor that after seeing him I was sick for more than a week. I worry too much and don't sleep at night and the BP goes higher. Now I changed my doctor. I will keep changing doctors or leave this private hospital in California if they keep on pushing me. I told them, I have lived my life successfully and I am content with it. At least I don't want to live a very long life any way. They shouldn't worry about me. I was all right without insurance for 7 years and then when I had insurance I hardly saw my doctor and I felt good and no worries. Now I am 65 and got medicare so every thing changed and I tries this hospital because they do every tests in their facility and results come fast.

  Re: Blackstrap Molasses for an Enlarged Prostate - 13 Year Update

12 days ago
Posted by ANNA (Pennsylvania) on 05/20/2024

i love updates! Thank you!

 Re: No More Eye Fluid

12 days ago
Posted by Stephanie (Long Valley, Nj) on 05/20/2024

Where do you get Lactoferrin? I would like to try that to see if it will make me have eye fluid and nose fluid again.

  Re: Rob's Zaditor Remedy for Eustachian Dysfunction

12 days ago
Posted by Avis R. (Canada) on 05/20/2024

Hi Rob,

Thanks for the quick reply, I thought I'd get an email to tell me I had a reply but didn't? Anyway, yes we're in a sad state for OTC meds, I did check Walmart and a lot of others, and found zero. I came here in 1972 from UK, things were not so bad then, it's gone downhill steadily and Liberal gov doesn't do anything but spend our tax dollars on other countries... but I digress! Can't understand anyone moving here these days, as it's become foreign to me from the beautiful country it used to be. I can't believe this stuff is made in Canada!? Go figure! I have no faith in regular medicine, and yours in the USA isn't much better these days, but you have a lot more choice. The corruption from pharma being in bed with the GP's has made it so they will prevent Canadians from getting OTC meds because IMO they want to force us to go see the GP, ka-ching ka-ching for them if you get my drift? They're also trying to ban a lot of natural meds here too, I hope we can stop them! I hope there's no censoring on this site or you won't see that part? I believe I might have to try either Naturopathic doctor or Acupuncture next? I have tried Oil of Oregano rubbed around the ear, temporary relief. I did put olive oil mixed with Tea Tree oil drops in ear but it made it more gummy! So not going that route. So bit afraid of garlic oil or any kind of oil in the ear, but I might try the Tiger Balm Ultra strength.. can you get it from health food stores or Amazon? mind you our Amazon and yours are not the same, but I'll look online for it. Heating pad helped when I had some ear ache a few months ago, but I don't have pain now. I heard dairy can make it worse have you heard that? Other things I've tried are: Hydrogen Peroxide which used to help but now I think has left fluid in there once fizz has gone. Lugol's rubbed around ear, and once or twice tried it on a Q tip just gently into ear but no result. I've tried ACV which I swear by for lots of things, put on a Q tip gently into ear but nothing. I have inhaled steam with Oil of Oregano and Tea Tree and it does clear sinuses, but doesn't do anything for my blocked ear. The only other thing I can do is see my eye doctor and see if she can prescribe eye drops for me but not sure whether to tell her the truth as to real purpose, or fake itchy eyes. I hope I can get it by prescription this way? I was married to an American and did a lot of travel between the 2 borders, but we're divorced now and I have no desire to travel, and am pretty alone these days so no friends going there. So that's the story. I'm worried that if left it will eventually lead to hearing loss, but not sure. There was another thing I saw that blows air with some force up your nostril and is supposed to open the eustachian tube, but that too is only available in Canada through prescription!! You see they want to force us to see a specialist which takes months, and I wouldn't trust them anyway. Medicine has become like a bunch of drug dealers, they are paid to keep us sick. I'm doctoring myself these days. Thank you for any other help from you or others who may see this post. ♥

 Re: No More Eye Fluid

12 days ago
Posted by Stephanie (Long Valley, Nj) on 05/20/2024

Dear Mama to Many,

My body suddenly completely stopped producing eye, nose and even vaginal fluid. Like it just turned off. Like turning off a faucet. I cant even get crying tears. So if it is menopause, or because my lymphatic system and thyroid, and liver, etc are not working properly, is there something that I could try to start fluid again? I am taking Vit D, Vit C sodium ascorbate, turmeric. I just started Maqui berry.

I did use chamomile tea bags over closed eyes the past 2 nights,

I will look into progesterone. Do I just order it and swallow a pill, or do I need to open it and rub onto my gums?

Any ideas you have I would like to try. It is like a switch turned off. Or something is blocked. My eyesight has deteriorated tremendously even since yesterday. This week I had to start wearing glasses, and each day, the glasses are working less and less, and last night the pain from light was extreme. Its like my eyes are dying from no fluid and its scary. I am scared of going blind.

 Re: No More Eye Fluid

12 days ago
Posted by Stephanie (Long Valley, Nj) on 05/20/2024

What kind of colloidal silver eye drops? What strength? And just put 1 drop in each eye or dilute it?

  More Updates on Dr. Christopher's Ointment

12 days ago
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 05/20/2024

They're still gone so I guess I can't experiment on them any more. Of course, there's no REASON to now but, still, after 40 years of experimenting...oh well! NOW I can stand on my tiptoes! Which I haven't been able to do for decades! Which is pretty cool! Being able to reach top shelfs and whatnot, without the step stool!! Walking on concrete, BAREFOOT! Also pretty cool...oh well, I'll sacrifice the experimentation. It's worth it...and I can continue experimenting with the individual herbs - maybe figure out which one or which combination did the deed...I'm thinking it might be the comfrey rebuilding the tissue as the marshmallow root draws out the microbial "poison", as it does with gangrene.

Anyway, VERY exciting!

  Re: Chicken Bones and Dogs

12 days ago
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 05/20/2024

I gave my chihuahua raw chicken bones - or, rather, raw chicken thighs with the bones. Initially, I switched to giving one with bone and then one meat only, as the calcium dries and condenses the stool which appeared to me to be pretty uncomfortable, though she didn't seem to mind...

10% Sulfur Soap for Tinea Versicolor / Pityriasis Versicolor

13 days ago
Posted by ctnelson (Dupage, IL) on 05/19/2024

10% Sulfur Soap for Tinea Versicolor / Pityriasis Versicolor

Hello! I've read many comments for many ailments and want to say thank you as this is my first post.

Every summer since around 2012 (very hot and humid Memorial Day weekend-long yard work) I've had tinea versicolor. Had my doctor look at my back in 2015 and was prescribed oral ketoconazole for two weeks and it worked but I sure felt physically weak (I workout). A few months later it was back and I stopped seeing that doctor after I learned ketoconazole lowers testosterone temporarily along with many other possible adverse side effects.

Every summer or other times I'd sweat the red spots and itchiness would return and then leave white spots after sun exposure, annoying and cosmetically not cool as it also started to appear on my shoulders, inner elbows, spotty on forearms and lower biceps.

Last week I came across an article that sulfur soap is good for all types of skin ailments; eczema, psoriasis, acne, tinea versicor, ring worm, warts(?), etc. Looked on Amazon for a 10% sulfur soap and read reviews and thought I didn't have much to lose except money. I've been using it for 6 days now but noticed the red spots from new occurrences were gone on day 4 also after being outside in some humid weather and sweating. It says to use the soap twice a day for 4-10 days but I only use it once before bed because sulfur smells and I don't want to be so potent smelling during the day. I lather up in the shower and also use it for my hair/scalp as I was having some slight dandruff and leave it on for 2-5 minutes. It looks like sulfur kills the overgrowth of Malassezia, one of the yeasts on our skin. I would recommend giving it a try!

 Re: No More Eye Fluid

13 days ago
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho) on 05/20/2024

Hi Stephanie,

I also wanted to share that Lactoferrin has been shown in studies to help with dry eye, including those with sojogrens. Lactoferrin is an amazing molecule that I've been looking into quite a bit since I needed something to help my son who had intestinal surgery as an infant after being born with an anomaly. Here's the quote from the article which I will also link below since it contains many other nutrients you may find helpful! “In a controlled trial in Sjögren syndrome patients, treatment with oral lactoferrin resulted in significant improvement in tear film stability, eye surface lesions, and dry eye symptoms. These improvements diminished when treatment was discontinued (Dogru 2007). In another controlled trial, lactoferrin was shown to alleviate dry eye symptoms postoperatively in cataract surgery patients (Devendra 2015).”

 Re: No More Eye Fluid

13 days ago
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho) on 05/19/2024

Hi Stephanie, my heart goes out to you. I read an article on another favorite website of mine about treatments for sjogrens. It spoke about using mesenchymal stem cells to increase moisture levels in the body. (Article found at Life Extension website). I am connecting the dots here… I've recently been using a dermal patch called X39 that increases the body's own stem cells. Studies have shown it activates dormant stem cells. Normally you'd have to pay several thousand dollars for stem cell injections. So this patch is pretty amazing. Perhaps you could give it a try and see if it helps with your lack of eye lubrication.

 Antibiotic-Resistant Bacterial Infection - Update

13 days ago
Posted by noel (california) on 05/19/2024

Update to my above post, my skin infection still persists after 10 day antibiotic treatment and experimental regimen. I felt really lethargic a couple days from either from fasting or depriving myself iron and other nutrients perhaps - it almost reminded me of when I had covid. I am switching to a carnivore diet now and feel better but my skin infection has still not gone away. So now I will try carnivore (no processed meats that may contain sugar/carbs as sugar and carbs feed bacteria) and will also experiment with red peppers or possibly try a Capsicum Annuum extract as I have been reading studies the red peppers contain antimicrobial chemicals and they are low sugar / low carb.

 Re: No More Eye Fluid

13 days ago
Posted by jholl (Louisville, KY) on 05/19/2024

I use colloidal silver as eye drops. They are refreshing and help keep out any virus or bacteria. I now make my own, but you can buy CS at a health food store or online. Best wishes for you!

  Re: Rob's Zaditor Remedy for Eustachian Dysfunction

13 days ago
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 05/19/2024

@ Aveybaby

I can't believe that Zaditor Eye Drops are made in Canada but not sold in Canada. So I logged onto to see whats is available OTC and WOW! You guy really have nothing. Socialized medicine is back firing. I'm also hearing the same from friends in the Philippines. All there medicine is coming from China and it's either much weakier or does not work anymore.

I have a friend from here in Kentucky that now lives in Canada. She tells me horror stories about your healthcare system.

Here are your choices:

If anyone you know is flying or visiting the USA, have them pick one up for you and bring it back.

Or the old fashion way:

The heating pad at night, Garlic oil ear drops, Tiger Balm ‘Ultra Strength' around the outside of the ear, Inhaling steam through the sinuses...etc.….

Good luck...

 Re: No More Eye Fluid

13 days ago
Posted by Stephanie (Long Valley, Nj) on 05/19/2024

Hi Larry, I can't find the similasan dry eye relief eye drops, or any natural or homeopathic eyedrops with safe ingredients. It seems like they are no longer in the U.S, except the chemical eye drops I can still find, and they hurt my eyes. And I dont know how to make my own eye drops for dry eye. It does make sense that Beta Carotene helps your eyes, thank you.

  Re: Magnesium Citrate Helping Constipation But What About Long Term Use?

13 days ago
Posted by PayItForward (PNW) on 05/19/2024

Supplementing with Magnesium Glycinate has been the best in our family. It's probably the most accessible form for your body. We take 300-500mg 1-2 hrs before bedtime. Magnesium is involved in 300+ essential metabolic reactions in our body, including regularity and better sleep, but many are deficient causing numerous health issues. If you like soaking in the tub you can add Epsom Salts (a magnesium sulfate compound) to your bath to boost your magnesium levels. For us, magnesium (and Lugol's Iodine!) supplementation are must-haves for general good health.

Also for constipation, insoluble fiber helps. Insoluble is usually better for preventing constipation compared to soluble, though both can be helpful. Insoluble fiber stays intact and won't ferment in the gut - But soluble fiber does, which can lead to bloating and gas. (Soluble fiber is digested by bacteria in the large intestine, which end up releasing gas that sometimes causes a lot of gas when following a high fiber diet). This is why very high fiber diets sometimes make IBS symptoms worse (depending on the person). So, because each person reacts to various fiber-containing foods differently, it's important to increase these foods in the diet gradually and also drink plenty of water.

For constipation, insoluble fiber foods like:

  • Wheat bran and wheat germ, Oat bran
  • Beans, lentils and legumes of all kinds (kidney, black, garbanzo, edamame, split peas, lima, navy, white, etc.)
  • Berries including blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, etc.
  • Whole grains, especially barley, quinoa, sorghum, millet, amaranth, oatmeal and rye
  • Turnips
  • Green peas
  • Okra
  • Spinach
  • Radishes
  • Rutabaga
  • Coconut (grated flakes or flour)
  • Cocoa
  • Apples with skin
  • Pears with skin
  • Flaxseeds
  • Avocado (Florida avocados have more than California avocados)
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Potatoes and sweet potatoes
  • Dried apricots, prunes, raisins, dates and figs
  • Almonds
  • Walnuts

 Re: Need Remedies for Rope Worms

14 days ago
Posted by Katzie (Cancun, Mexico ) on 05/19/2024

Diamotaceous Earth!! (aka fossil flour). It works on parasites and no immunity or resistance to it is possible. A dog rescue I volunteered at gave each dog 1tsp of it to each dog daily. With my two sick rescues, D.E. helped both immeasurably! One rescue coordinator told me that humans should take 1tbsp daily as well since most of us have parasites and do not know it. Eg. I started taking it too and within days NO sugar cravings!! Hallelujah.

Rescue#1 had such a bloated belly when I first brought her home. 1tsp D.E. on her food took care of that issue within a day!

It should be noted that Diamotaceous Earth is dirt cheap! Bonus!