Why Lugol's Iodine is Essential for Optimal Health

Multiple Cures
Posted by Pamela (Pueblo West, CO) on 02/15/2006

Iodine cured Fibrocystic breasts, weight gain, fatigue, depression, over all poor health. Painted my stomach with iodine, and had a similar reaction as Candace. So now I paint my inside forearms, alternating each time... no problem now. Started taking Lugols at 2 drops daily increasing to 5 drops at this time. Within days I noticed a vast improvement in my breast tissue, my energy level etc. Within 10 days my breasts were normal. Energy still good, depression gone, better immune response. I always tested within the normal range on thyroid tests, however, I had all the symptoms, that is why I started taking the iodine. I was desperate to be normal again. I started Weight Watchers in October and lost 5 pounds in 4 months! It was almost impossible to lose weight even though I lifted weights and walked 6 days a week. Once I started the Lugols drops, the first week I lost 3.5 pounds. The second week I lost 2.8 pounds. It must be the iodine. I feel great. I am telling my family about Lugols because, my mother, grandmother, and both aunts have thyroid problems as well as other health issues I think the iodine could help. I'll lower my dose eventually to 2-4 drops but kick it back up if needed. This stuff is great!

Posted by Cindy (Shady Cove, OR)

I use Lugol's iodine anytime I am getting a cold. I was a chronic user of antibiotics because of asthma. I have not had a bout with bronchitis because anytime i am getting a cold or virus I put 6 drops of Lugol's in water 3 times over a 24 hour period and the infection is gone. I actually have one day colds now. I follow up with acidophilus for my stomach and milk thistle for my liver. This really works and probably will work for Bird flu if you keep a supply in your cupboard.

Diluting Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Kenneth Ridgeway (Lincoln, England) on 03/22/2022

Thanks for info.

I downloaded Hilda Clark's book five years ago. Didn't manage to read it all. Quite a big book. Was researching for my prostate cancer. I managed to buy some Lugols iodine this s year and. Haven't known where to start. Now today, haha n my birthday I stumbled across these conversation no about iodine. Thank you and everyone for talking about it. So. Covid. Is there any protocol for it using iodine? My daughter who s 40 has had it for 8 days. Her taste has gone and isn't getting much better. She takes ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and zinc and vit D3. After reading these comments I was wondering about using iodine for covid. Any thoughts gratefully accepted. Ken

Pink Eye, Sinuses
Posted by Susan McFie (UK) on 10/18/2021

I use Lugol's iodine for everything...transdermally and orally. Initially, I had some mild detox symptoms but now just positive results. I have even used it as eye drops...conjunctivitis....just one drop of 5% Lugols well diluted...in half a small glass of water. Very effective nasally too.

But I'm wondering if this might also work for people with sleep apnea.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Denise (Crescent City, Ca) on 10/15/2018

Wonderful to see this post today, as it was today I just ordered Lugols Iodine. I know I need to be careful not to get too much iodine, so may I ask how much you take? Do you also do coconut oil, and a good salt for iodine content? The main issue I'm having is finding an amount to start with but like my other supplements, there is an amount. I believe the Lugols says 12.5 mg. So, maybe that answers my question;)

I still have some acid reflux, and I also have silent reflux, or sometime called LPR (Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) and find the throat issues almost unbearable at times.

Thank you in advance for any further info on your progress and amounts you use daily;) Denise

How To Take Lugol's
Posted by Randy (Illinois, USA) on 01/07/2023

I use 50 drops of Lugol's 2% in the morning and again in the afternoon. Total 100 drops a day. Morning coffee and afternoon iced tea. I can't tell any taste difference. I take it for metabolic syndrome.

Diluting Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Evgeni (Bulgaria) on 03/24/2022

Hi, Keneth!

Methylene blue and samento tinkture works super. Inhaling nebulized hydrogen peroxyde (bromhexine is also option) for 10 minutes twice daily does wonder. Regards! Evgeni

Diluting Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Bill (Philippines) on 03/21/2022

Lookee24... Just to answer some of your original questions:

" I think 12% is too much if I want to paint iodine on testicular cysts."

If you are using 12% LI for painting the testicular area -- that's is not too much. I use my own 15% LI regularly to paint on plukes, moles, rashes and other skin problems and I've never really had a problem. Also if you apply your 12% LI to the testicular area then more iodine/iodide is bound to be absorbed so this will have a quicker beneficial or reducing effect on your testicular cyst than if you used the weaker 5% LI solution.

"How long does it take for iodine to pass through the skin to the cyst? "

LI will take about a few hours to pass through the skin. And only about 8% of the iodine/iodide applied to the skin will penetrate the skin into the blood. Also bear in mind that alot of the iodine/iodide solution that is applied to the skin will automatically vaporize quite quickly and will be lost like that. The body generally excretes all the iodine/iodide from the blood within about 24 hours.

Here's the full 5% Iodine Protocol:


Lugol's and Vitamin C
Posted by I 4 Me And U (Great Plains, Us) on 02/27/2015

Your liquid iodine I am assuming is Lugols Solution. Vit.C, more properly known as ascorbic acid, reacts immediately with elemental iodine in a redox reaction that changes some or all of the elemental iodine into iodide. The issue is not that you lose all benefit by mixing with Vit.C, since the iodide form is used by some tissues, like Thyroid. But you lose some or all of the elemental iodine form when you mix Lugols with Vit.C, and, in turn, you lose some or all of the benefit of the elemental form in that dose that is apparently required or preferred by many tissues, such as breast, ovaries, and prostate. BTW, Kelp acts as a seawater filter and picks up relatively high concentrations of toxins, including arsenic, which is why it really is not a good source of iodine.

Measuring Lugol's
Posted by B3l (Canada) on 09/08/2014

I bought Lugol's 5%, but the bottle has no dropper. Apparently there are different size droppers. What do I have to ask the pharmacist for? How big should the dropper be? Or how can I measure the Lugol's without a dropper? Can someone tell me how many teaspoons or 1/8 teaspoons or mL to use instead?

Oral Vs Transdermal
Posted by Mary (Saskatchewan, Canada) on 03/28/2014

Bess from Calgary: why don't you get your Lugols from Script or from Cambrian? I recently bought the best ever Lugols from the herbalist Tony Pantelleresco. He was recently at my house where I hosted a seminar (was really helpful) Tony has a channel on u tube where he teaches people how to make many remedies including how to make Lugols. As well has a video on how to heal with turpentine. My lugols is sooooo concentrated it is 15%.

Really neat stuff.


Acid Reflux
Posted by Jen (Kellersburgh, Pa) on 02/08/2010

The Lugols solution comes in 2% and 5%. How do you know what dose? Thanks

Ganglion Cyst
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 01/01/2023 462 posts

If you're deficient in iodine and give the body some - regardless of what form you use - your body is going to oxidize it, remove the iodine and use it to create the various compounds it needs and APPLY them according to it's OWN list of priorities. If you're iodine deficient - you have far more important things to which it must attend than a ganglion cyst.

Diluting Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Looky24 (Slovakia ) on 03/18/2022

Iodine dose 12%.

Hello, please, I would like to ask. I bought a 12% lugol iodine. How can I dilute a 12% to 5%. I think 12% is too much if I want to paint iodine on testicular cysts.

1. How long does it take for iodine to pass through the skin to the cyst? How many drops are needed after dilution? And how long will it take for cysts to shrink?

2. I also want to take iodine orally. How do I dilute 12% iodine to 5%? How much water do I need to drink with dilute iodine and how often? I know that iodine is used with selenium, zinc, magnesium, vitamin C.

I apologize for the stupid questions, but I'm taking it for the first time and I want to be 100% sure.

Thank you very much for any advice

Diluting Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Bettie (Canada) on 03/22/2022 13 posts

Try Ioso, a liquid supplement, if you wish, for something different. It contains both iodine and iodide as an ammonium compound. 1 drop = 1830 micrograms total Iodine. That is 1.83 mgs. It is not potassium-based (Lugol's), which is hard on some people. It is ammonium-based. Nothing to do with ammonia, so don't panic. I love this stuff.

Diluting Lugol's Iodine
Posted by John (Florida) on 03/22/2022

Thank you, Bill, for sharing your insights and for sharing the insights of Ted from Bangkok.

I have some questions regarding the matter of consuming Lugolʼs iodine with vitamin C and also consuming Lugolʼs iodine without any vitamin C.

• How much time after consuming vitamin C could one wait before consuming Lugolʼs iodine so that the molecular iodine will remain iodine?

• How much time after consuming Lugolʼs iodine could one wait before consuming vitamin C so that the molecular iodine that has been consumed will remain iodine?

I ask this because I enjoy taking nine drops of 2% Lugolʼs iodine each day, but first, shortly after waking up each morning, I consume one half of a teaspoon of baking soda mixed with two tablespoons of lemon juice or lime juice—from a freshly squeezed lemon or lime whenever possible—in approximately four ounces (half of a glass) of water, drinking the mixture after the fizzing has stopped. With that mixture, I also consume vitamin B complex, 50 mg of zinc picolinate, and a quercetin supplement. The quercetin supplement contains 336 mg of vitamin C in the form of magnesium ascorbate.

Also, as references for readers of this, below is a link to Tedʼs observations about baking soda with lemon juice or lime juice, and below that link is a link involving Bill and Tedʼs book about alkalizing (pH Balanced for Life!).



I also ask this because, after consuming Lugolʼs iodine each day, I enjoy consuming the sodium ascorbate form of vitamin C in powdered form. I try to take up to 10,000 mg of the sodium ascorbate each day (a daily total of ten one-fourth teaspoons of the powdered form of sodium ascorbate that I have). I also enjoy mixing nine drops of 2% Lugolʼs iodine with the sodium ascorbate form of vitamin C in powdered form such that the molecular iodine is converted to iodide and the solution of Lugolʼs iodine and sodium ascorbate becomes clear. In that regard, I have a question regarding the choice of either sodium ascorbate or ascorbic acid to mix with the Lugolʼs iodine.

• Would the dehydroascorbate that results from mixing Lugolʼs iodine with sodium ascorbate—as with dehydroascorbic acid (DHA or DHAA) resulting from mixing Lugolʼs iodine with ascorbic acid—involve the vitamin C in the form of dehydroascorbate being more quickly absorbed and in much greater amounts in the body than vitamin C that remains in the form of ordinary sodium ascorbate and also involve the dehydroascorbate penetrating the blood/bone barrier and the blood/brain barrier?

I ask this because at the below link, you mentioned that the mixing of Lugolʼs iodine with ascorbic acid results in the molecular iodine oxidizing some of the vitamin C, thereby converting the latter to dehydroascorbic acid; that the body more quickly absorbs the dehydroascorbic acid and in much greater amounts than the body would absorb ordinary ascorbic acid; and that the dehydroascorbic acid can penetrate the blood/bone barrier and the blood/brain barrier.


In that regard, I found some observations that you made at the below two links. The topic of dehydroascorbate is referenced at the first link. The references to dehydroascorbate at that link include the mentioning of ascorbic acid mixed with baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)—which results in sodium ascorbate when baking soda is added until the fizzing of the mixture stops—combined with Lugolʼs iodine to produce the dehydroascorbate.

The second link has a reference to dehydroascorbic acid. https://ted.earthclinic.com/supplements/vitamin_c.html#tedn_11247


Sincerely, John

Lugol's Iodine Side Effects
Posted by Katherine (Vacaville Ca) on 08/13/2020

Don't take iodine at night. It is a stimulator.

Ear Infection
Posted by Pam E. (Southern California) on 06/25/2021 137 posts


I had lots of wax removed from my ears a few years back, when the doctor told me my ear canals were the size of a child's. He was apologizing for not having instruments that small, as his office is set up to treat adults. And my canals were definitely red & swollen after that treatment. So, I can empathize with you.... I wonder if Coconut oil might help you topically, as it is a natural anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, & even anti-tiny-parasites! (It's also touted as loosening ear wax.) You could eat it at the same time, too, so 'come at the problem from both sides'! I've used it in my ears for fungal infection before....

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 04/10/2015

Hi Fats1964...The amount of iodine per drop would also depend on what percentage strength lugols iodine you are using(which you never mentioned). For example, if you're using 5% LI then the amount per drop would be 6.25 mgs. But if you are using 2% LI then the amount would be 2.50 mgs iodine per drop.

For the full range -- see the drop to mgs table in this link.

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 08/12/2015

Hi Celine...It's been a while since I bought lugols iodine in the Philippines. Here are some possible places in Manila where you might be able to buy it:

1039 Banawe st, Manressa Quezon City
tel (632) 3622024; (632) 4758212; (63) 908 4599829
They sell 5% Lugols Iodine

San Francisco
930-G Del Monte Ave,
1104 Quezon City,
Tel: 632-4116692

Multiple Cures
Posted by I 4 Me And U (Great Plains, US) on 02/27/2015

If dose is relative to weight, the equivalent dose to 20mg for a 200lb man, would be 0.3mg for a 3lb dog [20/200 = x/3 ] and [ (20*3)/200 = 0.3 ]

To measure out 0.3mg iodine in terms of oz. of water:

Since one drop of Lugols 5% is about 6.3mg total iodine, put one drop in about 10oz of water and dispense only 1/2 oz for the dog for about 0.315mg total iodine.

If using Lugols 2%, one drop is about 2.5mg total iodine. One drop in 10oz of water, dispense about 1.5 oz for about 0.37mg total iodine

For higher doses, multiply the amounts of dilute Lugols in water above.

Lugol's and Vitamin C
Posted by Blissblues (Usa) on 01/18/2015

This post seems so intelligent & thorough. Thank you!

My sole issue was comment suggesting to take along with asorbic acid, because it states at 1/2 dozen+ websites: NOT to take the iodine within 20 minutes of Vit. C.

I'd really like to see someone knowledgeable address this disparity, because I just started a 1 drop daily morning regimen which I carefully time to wait 1/2 hour to take my vit c afterwards. (which I used to just mix directly in my morning coffee/tea, along with turmeric, etc. And a pile of everything else! :-) Decades including kelp and red algae, so now I am very confused.

Does that mean I never got the iodine from latter because took same time as Vit C? This is a person who also loves her seaweed in soups, beans, etc.

Yet my iodide patch disappears within hours. Comments welcome, many thanks again!

Thank you again!

Side Effects
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 11/11/2014

Hi Sunitha...I'm sorry that you're having problems with the iodine protocol, but this is quite common in the West where people have been eating poor processed food for decades.

When you supplement lugols iodine, two problems can occur:

* If you don't bother to take all the iodine companion nutrients exactly as advised then you probably will have problems. These companion nutrients are critical to ensure that vital enzymes and catalysts are present so that the iodine is correctly absorbed, converted, assimilated and used in the thyroid and used throughout the rest of the body. So if you don't take these companion nutrients then you may well have problems(which are usually all due to a poor processed food diet -- lacking in these nutrients). The essential reasons for taking the iodine companion nutrients are all explained here and here.

* Iodine is also a magnificent detoxer so, when you take iodine, it will help to remove cadmium, aluminum, mercury, lead, arsenic, bromine and fluorine from your cells and will dump these poisons directly into the blood. Consequently, all sorts of other side-effects are possible from iodine detox which is wholly dependent on your own high poison intake from your processed food diet and lifestyle. I also suspect that you are having bromine detox symptoms -- see this link.

To confirm what heavy metal and halide poisons you have in your body, I would also advise that you simply get a hair analysis done(quite cheap). This will tell you your body's heavy metal and halide poison status.

If you suspect that your body is high in heavy metals then I would supplement liquid cilantro drops and chlorella. To get rid of fluorine and bromine, you should take lugols iodine(with all companion nutrients) in amounts that are low and slow. The Borax Protocol also helps to get rid of fluorine.

For now, I would stop your iodine protocol and just take the iodine companion nutrients as advised for a week then restart your protocol at low dose initially. If that doesn't work then I would do a serious heavy metal detox for at least a month then retry the full iodine protocol again.

I have been taking 8 drops of 5% Lugols Iodine every day for the last 8 years without any problems. I'm pretty sure that my own heavy metal and halide status are at healthy low levels and not a problem and I always take the iodine companion nutrients at their correct dosages to avoid any further problems.

Side Effects
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 11/11/2014

Something else which might interest people who live in the US.

Selenium is vital for the production of glutathione peroxidase(GP) in the body which is essential and critical for both liver health and thyroid health. GP is also vital for the body's detox pathways.

So here is a particularly interesting map showing selenium deficient areas in the US (which are colored dark blue):

Selenium Deficient Soils -- US

So anyone living and eating food in the dark blue areas of the US will most likely be selenium deficient.

Posted by Angela (New York, US) on 05/26/2014

Re: Lugol Iodine for Celiac. I have a question for Lugol Iodine. I was reading really good reviews on earth clinic and I like to try it. I am gluten and dairy intolerance. I have low energy and feel dizzy sometimes. My hair is very dry and I also have eczema. Please advice that should I take it or not and if you have any link to buy lugol iodine, please post that too. Thank you so much

EC: You may find some helpful information in this article about Lugol's.


Overall Health
Posted by Kate (Raleigh, Nc) on 10/22/2011 6 posts

Henry: How lovely that you view the end of life as the Lord calling you home. I must add a cup of Lugol's Iodine tea to my mornings. Please let us know how you are doing occasionally.

Oral Vs Transdermal
Posted by Mia Nony (Vancouver, B.C., Canada) on 11/29/2009

LUGOL'S COMES IN MANY % STRENGTHS: In Canada we can still get 5%, nowhere else anymore that I have found. Brown iodine by Lugol's is comprised of both iodine & iodide. Iodine is a black crystalline structure, hence the colour. Iodide is what a chemist creates when they add potassium to iodine, as I understand it. This creates a salt or white crystalline structure, so potassium iodide is colourless. Also good for application to places that would show iodine staining & still good for you. Dr Greenberg's is one type of health potassium iodide which can be taken internally & is almost tasteless. Four to five drops five days a week, then none for two days. I ordered it from Finlandia, Vancouver, B.C. I am using it to shrink lymphoma enlarged nodes. Do not EVER take any tincture of iodine internally as it contains isopropyl alcohol & it is NOT meant for internal use. Lugol's is already only available elsewhere @ a far lower %, except (so far) still 5% in Canada, I have checked this out. In New Zealand, for instance, I understand they reduced it to 0.04%!! Almost useless. It is worth sending for, a true miracle cure for so many things, including lowering cholesterol, anti-inflammation for heart disease, arthritis, antidote for flu, as little as one drop in a full glass of water. Get an extra cap as the rubber stopper allows the strength to dissipate into the air over time. Lugol's is the original folk remedy, hence a threat to Big Pharma as it is the most utterly affordable versatile cure for so many things, since it is an anti fungal, & antiviral & chelates heavy metals like mercury fillings, & it is anti parasitic, iodine is one of the best things on this earth! Cancer is likely fungal/viral in origin. Worked for me! BTW ROOT CANALS are the perfect hiding place for disease causing microbes, & can also cause cancer & make cancer return. Get rid of these festering causes of disease asap.

How To Take Lugol's
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 01/09/2023 462 posts

I found a paper that claimed it takes 50 mg per day for about 3 months to clear out iodine's anti-iodine brothers (bromine, fluorine and chlorine) and restore the body's stock of iodine. That's what I'm doing. I started with topical povidone iodide, and added iodoral, 12.5 mg (one tablet) and am increasing gradually. I'm only now at 25mg.The povidone iodide fixed a sore lumpy breast the very first couple of days but nobody seems to know much about the effects of the "povidone" aspect of that so I quit using it.

I've also been taking half of a 130 mg tablet of potassium iodide every few days, as well.

I just received my Lugol's yesterday so haven't used that yet, trying to decide how I want to do it but iodine is an element and I've found no evidence that it needs to be taken in any particular form or in any particular medium so I'm going to put it in my raspberry vinegar shot. When I get to 50 mg, I'll be adding two drops to the morning shot and 2 to the evening.

I have had some minor skin irritation and one lump in the breast that has migrated to the top of the breast, just under the skin. I might try to help that along with a clay pack but I'm going to try some Lugol's with DMSO first. See what happens.

Diluting Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Looky24 (Slovakia ) on 03/20/2022

Thank you very much Bill for the advice. I would like to ask how long can I use iodine for testicular cysts? When can I see the results of cyst reduction?

Thank you.

Lugol's Vs. Nascent Iodine
Posted by Mark David (California) on 05/12/2022

Nascent iodine is too weak to do much good. Lugol's iodine is by far the best formulation of iodine to take, which has both forms of iodine that our bodies must have to function properly: Potassium Iodide, and Iodine. The following link is from David Tomen, a Nootropics expert, on the importance of Lugol's iodine and why we must have both iodine forms, and why Nascent doesn't make the grade.


Ear Infection
Posted by Jacqueline (Devon) on 03/26/2016

Hi Mmsg,

I don't know, as my tinnitus was purely a side effect of the ear infection, so of course, it vanished when the infection did. No harm in trying it, as technically, it's external use. Try and find something on curezone or earthclinic that might guide you.

Posted by Celine De Jesus (Manila) on 08/11/2015

Hi Bill,

I would like to purchase Lugol's Solution 5% to treat my diabetes, GERD and my sinusitis. I'd tried to purchase in amazon but my address is not accepted. Kindly reply where I can purchase here in Manila. I really badly needed your help.


Measuring Lugol's
Posted by I 4 Me And U (Great Plains, Usa) on 02/26/2015

Lugols in the 5% strength is dispensed by the drop, with each drop containing approx. 6.5mg of total iodine. Ask your pharmacist for a standard medicine dropper. Dispense by holding it vertically, barely squeeze the bulb to allow a natural drop to form and drop by gravity into your 3-4 oz. of water, repeat for the number of drops you require. Drink it down, followed by enough plain water to rinse your mouth, throat and esophagus and get rid of the taste. The doctors who have revived the use of iodine recommend a maintenance dose of between 12 and 50mg to achieve and maintain adequate iodine stores throughout the body and deal with the toxic load we face in our modern world.

Posted by Catootje (Netherlands) on 10/02/2014

It sounds like you have a B12 deficiency. Please investigate yourself (Weston Price Foundation). Kind regards, C

Posted by Karlie (Mesa, Az) on 10/27/2015

Angela (New York, US), I see that this was in 2014, so I hope you still get this, but try water kefir. It has probiotics & B vitamins. It should help with your gluten and dairy intolerance, give you energy, which the low energy is probably causing your dizzy spells. And is a sign of B deficiency. Buy the kefir water grains, very cheap, go to youtube, and learn how to make water kefir. Cheap, easy, and a continual supply.

Topical Application of Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Jacqueline (Devon) on 02/12/2016

Hi, I used a Lugols solution in boiled, cooled water in an previous-eye drops bottle. I 1/4-filled the bottle with Lygol's 7% (you might need slightly more for 5%), and then topped up the bottle with the sterile water. I then applied 3 drops x 3 times a day.

This completely cured a severe ear infection, causing deafness and tinnitus and severe pain, that I'd had for 4 months (I used to get it every winter). This ear infection had survived 3 courses of antibiotics, but it didn't survive the iodine drops. I have never had an ear infection in the 7 years since.

As Lugols is effective against yeasts and fungus, I it's certainly worth trying, and won't do any harm. Something you should be aware of though, is don't apply it if you have an open sore or wound, as the iodine will cause intense stinging and might prevent the wound from healing. If the skin is intact, then it's ok.

Converting Lugol's to Milligrams
Posted by Bess (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 07/12/2013

Hi again Jolole from Beaconsfield, Tasmania, Australia - Sorry I misunderstood your question (I'll blame it on the heat! ).

Your bottle is a 5% solution [5% solution consists of 5% (wt/v) iodine and 10% (wt/v) potassium iodide mixed in distilled water]. I use a 5% solution also and that's what's on my label. Since I'm hypothyroid, I take 2 drops every morning in water which works out to be 12. 5 mg daily. Cheers, Bess

Acid Reflux
Posted by Dan (Lodi, N.j.) on 02/16/2018

Essential public service announcement.Thank you, Doctor!

Multiple Cures
Posted by Lisa (Coto de Caza, Ca) on 11/27/2008

Cold, Flu, and food poisoning, 6 drops Lugol's solution (iodine) in a cup of water twice a day. Do not take if allergic to Iodine. Lugol's will cure salmonella, purify water ( in case of emergency or traveling overseas), and stop diaherra. Use lugul's not iodine tincture or providone iodine.

Lugol's Formulation
Posted by Brianh (Austin, Tx) on 11/07/2015

If water evaporates from Lugol's the solution will become more concentrated and one drop (generally = 0.05ml) will contain more than 6.25mg of total Iodine + Iodide in a drop. But keeping the bottle covered should make this not a problem.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Tel (Dewey, AZ) on 10/07/2006

Lugol's iodine cured food poisoning in less than an hour: 6 drops in a cup of water. Also cures, Cold, Flu, and the blase feeling, same dose 6 drops in a cup of water... do not take if allergic to Iodine. Dr Clark in all of her books, recomends Lugol's for many things including thyroid problems. It now sells under a prescription in most states. They know we are being healed with 6 drops and it is taking away from their huge profits.

Where to Buy
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 03/07/2024

'Talisman Use Only' means 'not for oral consumption', which protects the manufacturer from liability for anyone taking it orally. In others words at your own risk.

Lugol's Iodine Side Effects
Posted by Jocelyn (Canada) on 11/28/2022

Try just holding iodine in your mouth with some good water for 2 - 15 minutes. Then spit it out and rinse.

Diluting Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Presouz (Sunny Ca) on 03/22/2022

I don't have Facebook anymore but when I did there was a great iodine group there I would suggest taking a look at it. It's ran by a nurse or a nurse practitioner I can't remember think her name is Stephanie.

Transdermal Absorption
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 12/16/2015 2063 posts

Lorraine: You show many signs of toxicity. Iodine increases cell voltage which sorta-like supercharges cells into recovery, which enables them to "throw off" or displace toxins stored from weak conditions. Since your digestive system, especially the lower or colon, cannot properly excrete these toxins they are recirculated back into the bloodstream and ending up on the surface or your skin. All this condition is called "herxheimer reaction" and is the first step of the healing process.

Your next step in recovery is cleaning & optimizing the digestive system. Under the "Ailments" or "Remedies" E.C. section at top page, go to Gallstones, Parasites, and Colon.

This takes some time & commitment so feel free to come back and post your progress and for some extra help you may need in this endeavor.

Ear Infection
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 09/26/2015

Jacqueline, would you know if this would clear up a long-standing tinnitus?

Ear Infection
Posted by Diane (UK) on 10/19/2021

Oh gosh, I just tried this, only 2 drops of Lugol's 15% neat into my ear that has been itching me all day, and it burned like hell! The pain actually made me vomit!
I almost ended up in the hospital, the ambulance service advised me to flush with water for 20 minutes, which I did and it brought the burning pain down somewhat, but I was worried I'd caused real damage.

I can't believe they would inflict this on children. My advice, do not use Lugol's neat in the ear.

Ear Infection
Posted by beverly (Texas) on 01/21/2022


Povidone-iodine ear wash and oral cotrimoxazole for chronic suppurative otitis media in Australian aboriginal children:

study protocol for factorial design randomised controlled trial - PubMed (nih.gov)


Posted by Fats1964 (Doncaster, UK) on 04/10/2015

I need to know how much iodine is in each droplet, not the full dropper. I get conflicting info.

Other Supplements and Lugol's
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 09/26/2015

Hi John1974...Some information for you about the added nutrients you will need to take when you start supplementing the Iodine Protocol:

The Guide to Supplementing with Iodine(Stephanie Buist)

More Info on the Iodine Protocol

Converting Lugol's to Milligrams
Posted by Jolole (Beaconsfield, Tasmania, Australia) on 07/11/2013

I have researched for hours the information re iodine benefits and also checked the contributions on earthclinic site where I found the conversion table for the various strength of Lugols iodine in mgs. I bought online a bottle of Lugols and the label states as contents: purified water, 10% Iodide, 5% Iodine. The conversion table mentions both 15% and 5% of Lugols, which one do I take to converse to mgs ?? I have started with 1 drop in glas of water daily, but also read that this might take a year to really improve my health. I have used it now for 4 days, have no problems digesting it and wonder how many drops or mgs I can take with this product. Can anyone help out here. Blessings and good health to all.

Dry Mouth, Dry Eyes
Posted by Andrea (Chico, Ca) on 11/27/2009

I have Sjogren's Disease (Syndrome) and am drying from the inside out, particularly afraid it will dry my internal organs. I have very dry mouth, and severely dry eyes right now, and I don't want this to progress. I am wondering if you are still having good luck with this 2-3% solution 3X/day? Are you using Lugol's? If not, what brand are you using and can I get it without a prescription?

Thanks for any help you can give.

How To Take Lugol's
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 11/08/2016

Dear Magnolia,

I think some people put it in coffee. I have done that. You don't even notice the taste of one drop. (Or, at least I don't! )

I agree - it does taste dreadful! :(

~Mama to Many~

How To Take Lugol's
Posted by Sarani (North Carolina, Usa) on 03/21/2017

You can make your own distilled water with tap water. RAIN WATER CONTAINS CONTAMINATES COLLECTED FROM THE AIR. Search YouTube: How to make distilled water. It says use a clean, big tall stainless steel pot as others can contaminate. Add tap water 1/4 up from bottom. Put a glass bowl which floats higher than the water level in. Place the clean lid upside down on top of the pot. Get a bag of ice ready. Turn the stove on to a boil. Put ice cubes on top of lid. The steam will rise, hit the cold lid, n drip distilled water into bowl. When the ice cubes melt, use a potholder n empty the lid. Don't let the distilled water in the bowl boil so lower the heat. Keep repeating with ice until u hv the amount of distilled water that u need. Use a big lid so u can put a bunch of ice on. Turn off the stove, let cool and use a clean ladle to put the distilled water in a mason jar. Place it in a dark storage/cabinet. Good luck!

Lugol's Formulation
Posted by Marie (St. Louis, MO) on 10/21/2007

I can't believe she has produced a product that is NOT Lugol's and has a label that says it is Lugol's. The iodine everyone needs is iodine AND potassium iodide in a very specific ratio. Dr H. Clark's doesn't seem to be that type.

Side Effects
Posted by Robin (Woodstock Georgia) on 10/03/2023

I've been taking Lugols iodine for 3 weeks now. This week, my dose is 7.5 mg which equals 3 drops of 2% solution. I've been extremely regular right from the start of taking iodine. My only unpleasant side effects have been sweating more than usual and feeling sleepy some days. On those days, I do salt loading with sea salt. Yesterday, I was very hungry while waiting for dinner to cook. A friend had given me some Simply Nature Veggie & Flaxseed chips, so I ate quite a few before dinner. Nothing else about my diet was out of the ordinary. I always eat a.huge salad of spinach or kale or mixed spinach/kale. Then, today...WHAM... I got a huge case of diarrhea totally out of the blue! When I read up on flaxseed I found out it can cause diarrhea and can contribute to eliminating heavy metals because it has lots of soluble fiber. So, beware, if you're on an iodine protocol and are having a BM daily, flaxseed can send it into overdrive!

Ganglion Cyst
Posted by Katzie (Calgary) on 11/12/2022

Maybe betadine isn't good enough (and since it's a Brand name from Big Harma, it isn't pure). You need a quality Iodine like Lugol's or something. And 75% of what you put on your skin ends up absorbed into your body, so that part can't be ignored. Don't give up so easily. Be well.

How to Take Lugol's
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 02/21/2023 462 posts

If you hav issues with vegan caps sticking in your throat, try the bovine gel caps. The vegan ones turn sticky when wet while the bovine gel caps turn slick and slide right down.

Diluting Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Deborah (USA) on 03/22/2022

Can iodine be ototoxic?

Ear Infection
Posted by Kyle (Australia) on 09/03/2017

HI there

any chance you could find the link or publication details of the study on the african children? I've looked quite a bit because of your comment but could only find usage of povidone-iodine (basically Betadine), and some study on Rabbits showing that if too strong it induced hearing loss, but it was very effective (almost as effective as the Cipraflaxin (or something close to that) at the right strength/dose.

I'd really appreciate your help here!

Side Effects
Posted by I 4 Me And U (Great Plains, Us) on 02/27/2015

You could also be suffering a Herxheimer reaction from Candida die-off, which will pass, but don't stop the iodine. You may consider salt loading with unrefined salt, 1/2 tsp. in water or licked, dissolved on tongue and washed down with 8+oz of plain water. This is designed to help eliminate toxins in urine but stimulating copious urination within the hour. If it doesn't do that the first time, it is ok to repeat the procedure up to two additional tries for a total of 3 times in 12 hours, which is just precaution to prevent overloading on sodium. Drink plenty of water. Also, you could take extra Vit.C and magnesium to fight this detox episode.

Side Effects
Posted by Darlene (Alaska) on 12/30/2016

I had the sore throat and coughing also when I first started taking the Lugol's in water. I stopped because of it for over a year. Now I am taking 16 drops in my morning shake and don't even notice any problems at all. Try taking with something besides just water.

Side Effects
Posted by Janine (Puerto Escondido Mexico ) on 04/16/2023

Sure, you can take both Lugol's and Borax protocol on the same day but at least 4 hours apart - this from Bill and Ted, if you take together they cancel each other out

Lugol's Iodine Side Effects
Posted by Rosina (Debary, Fl) on 04/28/2015

Yes, it can do this and it is normal. Your body is trying to stabilize your hormones and this may cause your periods to be irregular. With continued use, it will stabilize.

Lugol's Iodine Side Effects
Posted by Lauren Lee (Riverton, Nj) on 05/03/2016

Hi. I had the same thing happen. Did you continue use?

Converting Lugol's to Milligrams
Posted by Jolole (Beaconsfield, Tasmania, Australia) on 07/12/2013

Hi Bess, I had seen this table but not certain if the product I bought was 15% or 5% iodine. It was advertised as a 15%, but I now assume that the % only relate to the iodine part. This would mean that I have a 5% solution. Is that correct? Thanks and blessings.

Converting Lugol's to Milligrams
Posted by Bess (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 07/12/2013

Hi again Jolole from Beaconsfield, Tasmania, Australia - Sorry I misunderstood your question (I'll blame it on the heat! ).

Your bottle is a 5% solution [5% solution consists of 5% (wt/v) iodine and 10% (wt/v) potassium iodide mixed in distilled water]. I use a 5% solution also and that's what's on my label. Since I'm hypothyroid, I take 2 drops every morning in water which works out to be 12. 5 mg daily. Cheers, Bess

Lugol's and Irradiation
Posted by A (Southern, Ca) on 03/29/2013

Just received a Lugol's solution in the mail, through Amazon. I don't know if it traveled via airplane at some point, but it just struck me that there's lots of radiation up in the atmosphere now. Not to mention that many things do get irradiated through the mail as a standard procedure anyways.

Does anyone know whether the iodine particles in the solution can turn into a radionuclide form because of this? Can the irradiation make it harmful rather than medicinal?

I know that at least Iodine 131 has a relatively short half-life. So if this were the case, that the tincture may have become radioactive, maybe just wait so many days before using it?

Sorry if this topic was already covered - I don't have time to search the whole site. Take care

Lugol's and Irradiation
Posted by Brenda (Las Vegas , Nevada) on 01/03/2014

I would be more concerned about your proximity to Japan and Fukushima and inhaling the particulates from the power plants blowing up, being on the west coast, then your Lugols solution going radioactive. This is why I am considering taking it.

Lugol's Iodine Side Effects
Posted by The_truth (Narnia, Lanzorotti) on 06/12/2013

@ Asktodaboutrealestate: Your weight gain could be the displaced toxins being stored in your body until it has time to process them. It sounds like you increased your Iodine dose too quickly but more importantly, you were probably not taking the companion supplements that aid the body with this detox (Selenium, Magnesium, Unrefined Celtic salt, Vitamin C, Vitamin B2/3. Since your kidneys and other organs could not keep up with the toxins being displaced by the Iodine, it stored those in body fat hence the weight gain from the bloat. This is just a theory I have heard about and feel is potentially true. For anyone who wants to try Iodine supplements, I suggest you research thoroughly before you begin.

Lugol's Iodine Side Effects
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Usa) on 12/30/2011 2063 posts

Elizabeth, it could be that your basal or overall metabolism is boosted by the Iodine, but a Chromium deficiency is causing a lag in sugar metabolism via ineffective Insulin uptake. Take 200 - 400 mcg Chromium Picolinate at least twice a day. Some Cinnamon caps would also help.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Darlene (Alaska) on 12/30/2016

I applied Lugol's 5% to a skin tag twice daily for a month and it was gone, never to return. Caution, don't apply it on a cotton ball or anything like that and tape it to the skin, it will blister.

Lugol's Formulation
Posted by Connie (Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA) on 09/06/2009

Is this like Lugol's?

At the local grocery store, I stumbled on two little bottle of "Iodine Tincture USP" and I'm wondering if this is like Lugol's. Under active ingredients it says, "Iodine tincture U.S.P. 100% (2% iodine)...... First aid antiseptic. It doesn't say what else is in it, no secret peel-back label, and the product's website was minimal and unhelpful. Naturally the bottle declares it for external use only, with a cute little red scull and crossbones on the front of the label. Is the USP 100% some kind of standard wherein it would be possible to ascertain any additional unmentioned ingredients?

This is one of those mysterious happenings, actually. I was wandering through town aimlessly, and figured I'd wander through the grocery store. I was feeling very aimless. Looking through the shelves of pharmacy offerings I began looking for items Ted had mentioned. Potassium Citrate contained sucrolose..... I perused the shelves for several minutes. Then, stashed behind some hanging items were two little bottle of iodine, similar to the kind I'd been meaning to buy online. I failed to find the price on the shelves, as well as any additional bottles. The clerk scanned them at about $3 each. I felt less aimless. Went home.

EC: Don't think so...

According to this website: http://www.sciencelab.com/page/S/PVAR/10416/SLI1597

Iodine Tincture, 2% (w/v), USP

Alcohol Content (C2H5OH) 44.0-50.0%
Assay for Iodine (I) 1.8-2.2 g/100 ml
Assay for Sodium Iodide (NaI) 2.1-2.6 g/100 ml

Lugol's Ingredients:

1. Potassium iodide: 10 g
2. Distilled water: 100 ml
3. Iodine crystals: 5 g

Lugol's Formulation
Posted by Kathy (Dubois, Pa) on 09/06/2009

The alcohol in the idodine solution is probably methyl (wood) alcohol, or denatured in some way, and must not be taken internally because it is poisonous. The law does not allow ethyl (drinkable) alcohol to be used in any products like antiseptics or cosmetics.

Lugol's Formulation
Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 06/11/2012

Please, do not consume first aid Iodine tincture thinking it is the same as Lugol's. First aid Iodine tincture contains a high amount of methyl alcohol and or ammonia which indeed are dangerous. EC - would it be a good idea to put an alert or 'Important! ' message at the top of the Iodine section to not confuse the two and to not take Iodine tincture internally?

I have Lugol's and just need to learn how to appropriately use it. To answer my prev. post about how much is needed, I am finding out it is dependent on a lot of things including gender, past medication history, and prior exposure to flouride and bromine. I found from watching the YouTube videos that we need almost 100 times more than is put in a single "serving" of iodine (USA)! Wow...

Lugol's Iodine Side Effects
Posted by Peter (Shellharbour, Australia) on 03/17/2007

Remember that minerals or supplements and treatments can be either a food or a poison. Food at the correct dose and a poison if too concentrated. If you analyze your hair the minerals are measured in parts per million. So very weak solutions of iodine regularly are better, not enough to discolour but enough for the skin to absorb. This also solves the problem of finding discoloured iodine. The same applies to anything that may burn, if it burns you are using far too much and causing damage instead of causing healing.

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