Hydrogen Peroxide (FG): Buying
Health Benefits

Where to Buy Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide

| Modified on Sep 29, 2024
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Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) can be a bit tricky to find at the store in order to add it to your arsenal of natural remedies. While you should be able to find ordinary 3% hydrogen peroxide in any drug store, pharmacy, or large convenience store, this sort of H2O2 usually has additives (typically, stabilizers) that make it less than ideal to drink hydrogen peroxide safely. Food grade hydrogen peroxide, however, should have no additives and as such is said to be safe for use as a "food".

Caution: Just remember that food grade hydrogen peroxide is (most often) a 35% solution, significantly more caustic than the 3% solution found on store shelves. This means that you MUST DILUTE the solution before any hydrogen peroxide treatments, according to the proper dilution tables or calculations.

Find Food Grade H2O2 Anywhere In the World

So if you would like to stock food grade hydrogen peroxide in your medicine cabinet, no matter where you are in the world, check out the forum to follow and find some advice on where to find this natural cure in whatever country you call home, and continue to use hydrogen peroxide for acne, mouthwash, or any other folk remedy!

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Australia: Perth

Posted by Denise (Perth, Western Australia) on 01/07/2013

Does anyone know where I can purchase Food Safe Hydrogen Peroxide, preferably 35% in or around the Perth, Western Australia area please?

Replied by Boysana
(Perth, Wa)

Hello Denise, there is an eBay seller I believe based out of Perth that sells food grade H2O2...

I just checked eBay ID is "therapevo"


Replied by Robert
(Brisbane, Queensland)

I am just advising that we have found many people selling 35% food grade h202 on ebay and on the net. We have been making and selling since 2000 and prior to that it was made by another person from 1985. The product that is being sold is Aseptic or Bath grade, which is food packaging grade made by a chemical company. I get up to 15 calls a week from people asking my advise about what to do as they do not feel well, and the persons who sold it will not give advice. One question I would like to ask is how do you keep the oxy particles in the water if you do not stablise it, if you do not stablise it, it will return to water in less than a day. What is being told is the use of chemicals in stablising it, which is in the Aseptic and Bath grade.

If you are looking for an alternative, I make and sell Stablised Electrolites of Oxygen it does the same and better than h202 with out the taste and time limits can be taken 15 minutes before or after meals.

Replied by Meow
(Portland, Or)

We buy it at the local organic health minded grocery store it is 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide. Apparently bakers used it a lot is what the girl told me... So it is safe. I did the test Ted suggested to double check.

Replied by Jordan
(Perth, AU)

Try?http://wellnow.com.au/ for supply in Perth, they let me pick it up to save postage.

Replied by Tony

They sell HP food grade 35% in capsules. There is no diluting of the capsules, you drink it at 35%! By what I've read, that is dangerous.

Australia: Sydney

Posted by Nickky_shygirl (Sydney, Nsw, Australia) on 05/20/2012

You can purchase 3%, 6% & 35 % Food Grade H202 at newtons pharmcy on York Street Sydney about $30 a bottle.

Replied by Paul
(Ndola, Copperbelt / Zambia)

HYDROGEN PEROXIDE How can l get 35% food grade Hydrogen Peroxide? Am a clinician attending to many patients who may need the product in their treatment schedules.

Replied by Kathy
(Brisbane, Qld)

For Australian residents, Don Tolman's FOOD GRADE 35% Hydrogen Peroxide is availabe here http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=120999426859#ht_1326wt_919

Replied by Natural Girl
(Melbourne, Vic Australia)

Within Australia - You can get a 750ml bottle of 3% food grade HP for under $22 and it ships in Australia - $10 flat rate


Replied by Jaye

Hi I would like to purchase hydrogen peroxide food grade and dropper gloves etc. I have emailed before and received no reply. Please reply and let me know how I can purchase the best food grade Hydrogen Peroxide with the dropper and instructions.

Replied by Frances
(Cabarlah, Qld.)

Jaye, I'm in Qld. and ordered the food grade hydrogen peroxide online from a company dealing in healthy solutions at Darra, QLD, 4076. It was 35% and I had instructions and kit to reduce it to 3% so quite economical.

Replied by Tony

How do you tell if it does not have preservatives when buying from pharmacy?

Replied by Sheila
(Cedar Grove Qld)

Hi, can Frances or someone else give me the address, or web site for the food grade peroxide in Queensland?

Regards, Sheila

Replied by Suseeq
(Sydney Australia)

Sheila, I buy mine at Coles.

Replied by Greg

I buy my 35% from www.hydrogenperoxideaustralia.com.au

No Toxic Stabilisers trusted seller made n Australia

Ian Neilsen

Hi For 7 years I have been purchasing my 35% from a company called Hydrogen Peroxide Australia they are a Brisbane based company and the HP is the best I have ever used. It's best to call Gayle her number is on the website www.hydrogenperoxideaustralia.com.au

Be careful as there are some sellers that blatantly copy and use Hydrogen Peroxide Australia in their advertising. The quality the other sellers have is extremely poor.

Replied by Anon

What makes it the best?


Posted by Meyeh (Douala, Littoral Region, Cameroon) on 10/17/2009


I reside in Cameroon.I have succesfully used the prescribed protocol found in the book ____ to heal myself of Chronic stomach ulcers, chronic fatigue, arthritis, chronic headache and even more. I advice others to believe in the therapy for it works well.

I can be proud to tell people where to buy 35% FG H2O2 here in in Central Africa & particularly Cameroon.

For your 35% FG H2O2,contact Madam Besong's Food Store in douala on phone number 00(237) 22 10 62 61 douala Cameroon.

Replied by Max
(Burnaby, Bc, Canada)

Look at www.xenexlabs.com supply for 35% fg h202


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Posted by Bodulica (Barrie, Canada) on 01/10/2024

Hydrogen peroxide 35%

If you live in Canada: Upaya Naturals from Barrie ON is selling it also in smaller amounts. 150 and 450 ml. https://www.upayanaturals.com/Food_Grade_Hydrogen_Peroxide_3_7_litre_bulk_jug_p/h2-3700.htm.

Posted by Len (Toronto, On Canada) on 04/10/2012


Virtually impossible to buy 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide in Canada. This is an exerpt from a letter from Terralink (a seller of HP):

As of March 1st 2009, the Explosives Regulatory Division (ERD) of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) will not permit the sale of Ammonium Nitrate, Potassium Nitrate or Hydrogen Peroxide to any customer unless they provide a photo copy of government issued photo ID (Driver's Licence or Passport), Business Licence or Certificate of Incorporation to TerraLink.

Replied by Fred
(Mag, On)

Some Health Food Stores have it.

Replied by Robert
(Guelph, On)

I live in Guelph, ON and have 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. Smallest quantity is 20 litres. Can deliver to Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton, Hamilton, St. Catharines, Brantford, Cambridge, K-W. Email me at [email protected]

Replied by Paula
(Hamilton, Ontario)

I got 35% foodgrade HP from Goodness Me. The brand is called Gold Top Organics. I am assuming it is safe for internal use.

Replied by Normand
(Montreal, Quebec)

Hi, we ship Hydrogen Peroxide Food Grade 35% accross Canada, and in Canada only. We are registered with Resources Canada - Explosives Regulatory Division. We sell 4 liters and 55 liters containers. It has no additives, pure H2O2 Food Grade, Certificate of Analisys available upon request.


Thank you

Clarence Lloyd

HealthNorm no longer seems to exist. I have purchased 35% Food grade Hydrogen Peroxide there for years. This morning I no longer can find their web page, and phone number doesn't work.

Replied by Hart
(Lethbridge, Ab)

In Alberta a health food chain known as "Nutters" carry Food Grade (35%) H2O2

Replied by Sher
(Burlington, Ontario)


There are two types of food grade H2O2 in Canada and most don't know the difference when asked. Sproutmaster sells it without stabilizers. Sproutmaster sells to health food stores like the Big Carrot. The food grade with stabilizers is made from 50% Super D Peroxide and contains stabilizers like phenol, acetanilide, sodium stanate, and tetrasodium phosphate. These grades should always be avoided. Be sure you know who the supplier is that the company/seller purchases from.

Replied by Ben
(Bc Canada)

Available in some health food stores. I just bought Vitality Plus (29%).

Replied by Imelda
(Newfoundland, Canada)

You can purchase 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide at Amazon.ca. They have many different sizes!


Not available anymore from Amazon since April 2018 (my last order). Can only buy 12% or weaker dilution (8%-3%)

Replied by Stephen

Does anyone deliver or sell food grade in in the Vancouver area?

Replied by Catherine

Where can I buy 35% home grade hydrogen peroxide in or around Kitchener?

(Cambridge, Ontorio)

Catherine. Did you find 35 percent hydrogen peroxide food grade no stabilizers has to be pure to be ingested? And where did you get it? Ron

Replied by Claudia

Yes, and reviews of the primary seller has proven they use stabilizers. False advertising.

Replied by Helena
(Montreal, Canada)

I found food grade 35% peroxide and got it (prompt delivery and very good service! ) at SPROUT MASTER. You can call them or order on-line.

Replied by Natas

The Soap Dispensary on Main St. Vancouver sells 29% food grade peroxide.

Vacuum distillation for lower to higher concentrations? - interesting project ;-)

Replied by Jon
(Sarnia, On)

What about 3% h202?

Replied by Jay
(Ontario, Canada)

Hey Johanne. Try UPAYA NATURALS on line. They appear to still sell it in 3 different sizes.

Replied by Tessa

Hi Clarence Lloyd –

Unfortunately, Health Canada / Natural Resources Canada have made it difficult to purchase any food-grade hydrogen peroxide over 30%.

If you want 35%, you must provide the store with your driver's license number (or equivalent ID) and the reason for purchase (for instance, to grow sprouts).

Perhaps a local health food store can order it in for you – although they might limit the number and the size of bottles.

A couple of years ago, there was no problem getting food-grade 35% from any health food store ... those days seem to be over.

Good luck!

Canada - Alberta

Posted by Princesschloe (Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada) on 10/28/2013

Hi, I just bought some hydrogen peroxide 35% food grade in Edmonton Alberta Canada, and if anyone is wondering where u can get it you can buy it at Health Matters on 178 Street in the same mall as Canadian Tire. My question is once you get up to a certain amount of drops per days is there a level of drops for daily maintenance and will this help diverticulosis and irritable bowel? I've read it helps high blood pressure.

Replied by Francis

Hey...thanks for the tip on where to get 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide. I just called the Health Matters store and its in stock.

Replied by Biftangent
(Calgary, CA)

Community Natural Foods in Calgary has the 35% food grade stuff as well.

Replied by Gloria
(Guelph, Ontario)

I have just read the One Minute C--e by Madison Cavanaugh where it says the maintenance dose is 3 drops in 8 oz of water, 3 times a day on an empty stomach. 35% Food grade. Well worth reading the book.

Canada - British Columbia

Posted by Mel (Penticton, Bc) on 01/29/2018

Look.. To buy : 35% peroxide in bc was buying from Zep but they have left BC. Help.

Replied by Brie

A & G Supply
Vernon B.C.

Also call Nature's Fare in Vernon or Salmon Arm- someone referred me to a man who sells it but it wasn't as convenient for me.

Canada - British Columbia
Posted by Annie (Kelowna, Canada) on 06/04/2008

Hydrogen Peroxide 35% Searching for where in Kelowna, British Columbia, I can buy hydrogen peroxide 35%. Thanx, Annie

Replied by Mai W
(Vancouver, Bc, Canada)

35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide: I just bought a bottle today at Alive Health Centre, Richmond Centre mall. They've been carrying 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide for awhile. She said it's a popular item. I am pretty certain their other stores would carry it too.

Replied by Katy

You can buy 29% Hydrogen Peroxide from most hydroponics grow stores in Kelowna.

Replied by Lg
63 posts

I called Alive Health Centre (Surrey, Burnaby, New West, Langley, Vancouver, Coquitlam, Richmond). You can buy 35 percent food-grade hydrogen peroxide from them.

Canada - British Columbia
Posted by Ieneke (Nakusp, British Columbia) on 03/20/2007

This is for the reader from Canada who is looking for food-grade hydroger peroxide. Try this one: Vitality Plus call 604 805 1660 It is a gentleman in Langley, B.C. No website, and I threw out the bottle with the label that had his snailmail, sorry.

Replied by Dreamsinc
(North Vancouver, Bc, Canada)

Another good source for buying 35% food grade Hydrogen Peroxide in the Vancouver lower mainland area is from...

1320 Lonsdale Avenue
North Vancouver, BC V7M 2H8
(604) 985-3214

Replied by Tessa
(Vancouver, Bc, Canada)

Finlandia Pharmacy in Vancouver also carries it.
It's 29% food grade, also by Vitality Plus.
It was $6.52 for 100ml..
they also had information sheets to take, provided by the company (might be on their website), describing various methods of usage.

Replied by Bruno
(Montreal, Quebec)

I found this site that ships 35% across Canada. http://www.healthnorm.com

Replied by Phyllis
(Vancouver, Bc Canada)

Hi, I called Finlandia today and they sell two sizes of food grade hydrogen peroxide a small bottle ( about 1 cup size) for about 7. 00 and a larger 1litre size ( about 1 quart) for 20. 00 It is 29% and when I asked why the lower percentage and they said because Canadian Food and Drug governing does not allow the higher percentage to be sold in Canada anymore.

Replied by Robert
(Guelph, On)

Try www.cleartec.ca for 29% hydrogen peroxide.

Replied by Alexander
(Delta BC)

What is address of Finlandia pharmacy? Thank you Alexander

Canada - Calgary

Posted by Conofcalgary (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 01/18/2011 3 posts


Replied by Bess
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

Hi Con of Calgary - On Monday, I bought a 1-litre bottle of GoldTop Organics SuperOxygen (35% hydrogen peroxide) from the Community Health Food store on 10th Avenue here in Calgary. You need to ask one of the store clerks to get it from the back storeroom. They don't keep it on the shelves for safety reasons (although they have a poster of it by the sinus and cold remedies). The other Community Health Food stores probably have it too but you may want to phone first to see if they have it in stock. Good luck!

Replied by Mary
(Calgary, Alta)

To the person looking for hydrogen peroxide in Calgary, go to Sangsters in Marlborough Mall. They are the only ones I know of that sells Food Grade Peroxide.

Replied by Tom
(Regina, Sk)


Sometimes it can be found in the most obvious places!

Have you tried a smaller local health food store? Don't use a chain store or national chain pharmacy, since they'd be least likely to have.

HINT: Gardeners use H2O2, diluted, for astounding plant growth. Since we're talking tonnes Of produce, they use it by the giant carboy container daily.

Also, I see a place now right in Calgary, website healthnorm. com that sells FG 35% by various sizes, and you can pick up in person so no HAZMAT charge to ship.

Replied by Conofcalgary
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
3 posts



Replied by Bruno
(Montreal, Quebec)

I found this site that ships 35% Food Grade across Canada. http://www.healthnorm.com

Canada - Manitoba

Posted by Nikki (Winnipeg, Manitoba) on 04/12/2013

Hi I am looking for h2o2 (hydrogen peroxide) 35% food grade. I live in Manitoba and have gone to several health food stores and they say they do not carry it. I don't care what I have to pay for it as long as I am healthy again. Can anyone tell me where I can find it? Thanks.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

Nikki: Have you tried online vendors?? Call the health food store and ask them if they can order some for you. If not, try a swimming pool supplies store (if there is one in W); they carry chemical supplies for pools and could probably get the H2O2. Also consider an Ozonator for bubbling in filtered water (if oral oxygen is what your after). Also, MMS the common name for chlorine dioxide, is supposed to be much more powerful oxygen donor than H2O2.

Replied by Bess
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

Hi Nikki - Have you tried Aviva Natural Health Superstore at 1224 St. James Street (204-947-6789) in Winnipeg? They usually carry the Gold Top Organics line of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide - it's popular for people who sprout seeds (that's why most health food stores should carry it, but unfortunately, a lot don't). If it isn't in stock, they can order it for you. There are other companies in Canada that can ship it to you but it would cost extra (considered dangerous goods) - two are sproutmaster.com and upayanaturals.com. Good luck! Bess

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Bess, just curious: why would a sprout grower need HP? What would it be used for?

Replied by Bess
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

Hi Mmsg - I'm a novice at sprouting but I bought a book called "Sprouts, the Miracle Food - The Complete Guide to Sprouting" by Steve Meyerowitz (also known as the Sproutman). He recommends using it to inhibit bacteria. When you add it to the soak water, it eliminates mold and the extra oxygen encourages a more robust crop. You soak the seeds using 1/2 teaspoon of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide in 16 ounces of water. You can also mist the growing sprouts (using the same formula - 1/2 teaspoon of 35% HP in 16 ounces of water). Rinse the sprouts once or twice a day with regular water, followed by a hydrogen peroxide misting. It aids in disinfecting and gives the sprouts extra oxygen. It's an interesting book - I like sprouts but I don't like how expensive they are in the store. Much cheaper growing your own and you can ensure they are free of bacteria! Cheers, Bess

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Thanks Bess. I do sprout stuff as per "Sproutman", I have other books of his but not this one so I missed that info. Thank you!

Canada - Nova Scotia

Posted by Ken (Nova Scotia, CA) on 03/04/2015

The Health Basket is now called Urban Sante, they are in a different location but with the same Ph.#.They do still carry 35% H2O2, food grade.

Canada - Nova Scotia
Posted by Margie (Wolfville, Nova Scotia Canada) on 07/12/2007

Hi Canadians: You can get 35% H2O2 at

The Health Basket
Health Basket Address: 978 Cole Harbour Road
City: Dartmouth Prov /
State: NS
Postal/Zip Code: B2V 1E7
Phone: (902) 462-3765 Fax: (902) 462-3777

It cost $15. plus $8. shipping here in NS and they are great people.

Replied by Bruno
(Montreal, Quebec)

I found this site that ships 35% Food Grade across Canada. http://www.healthnorm.com

Replied by Michael
(Mulmur On)

"Pool grade" H2O2 is actually technical grade and so INFERIOR quality to food grade. Do not ingest!!!!

Canada - Ontario

2 User Reviews
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Posted by Lynne (Kingston, Ontario Canada) on 01/18/2011

There is another place in Odessa, Ontario Canada that sells 35% Hydrogen Peroxide, 55kg carboys, Tech Grade and Food Grade. 1-800-200-0865. They also have a website www.mwater.ca

Replied by Wendy
(Orillia, Ontario)

I've been using peroxide for years. For internal use we just used to purchase the Sproutmaster brand from the local health food store. Then a pool place in Barrie Ontario called Clearchoice was carrying the 35% for the pool. In 2009 or 2010 they switched to 25% due to Canadian regulations they said and charged more so we went with a farm place instead. This is where we purchase our 35% hydrogen peroxide for our swimming pool and since it is a higher grade then food grade, we also use it for ingestion ;-) You can buy it in a 5 gallon plastic jug or drum if I recall (my husband went and picked it up in Orangeville). Because of regulations we did have to give them drivers license number and info and address and when we met the driver in orangeville we had to show proof of identity. Very nice people here!


Bio-Ag Consultants & Distributors Inc. 1400 Greenwood Hill Rd. P. O. Box 189, Wellesley, Ont. Canada N0B 2T0 Toll Free 1-800-363-5278 Local: (519) 656-2460 Fax: (519) 656-2534

Replied by Monique
(Ottawa, On)

We've been looking into switching to 35% hydrogen peroxide for our pool coming this summer vs pucks. We already have a UV light system, and would prefer doing completely without chlorine. Would anyone have tips, suggestions, sites, equipment required, approximate costs... etc for an inground 36,000 l pool.

Replied by Wendy
(Orillia, Ontario)

Hi Monique, we have run our pool on h202 for maybe 6 years. Here is a basic article and I also have another very long original one we found online and used years ago when ther e wasn't any information but our local chiropractor to help us LOL I just tried the link and it isn't active anymore but if you email me at holisticparents2 at rocketmail dot com I'd be happy to send it to you. I didn't write it, it was just one I found that gave the dangers and then how to shock the pool at the beginning of the season, and how much peroxide to use etc. For pools and hot tubs.

Replied by Subhash
(Scarborough, On, Canada)

Could somebody advice me where can I buy 35% hydrogen peroxide Food grade and also how is it to be taken?

Replied by Robert
(Guelph, On)

The Big Carrot in Toronto has 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide.

Replied by Normand
(Montreal, Quebec)

Hi, we ship Hydrogen Peroxide Food Grade 35% accross Canada, and in Canada only. We are registered with Resources Canada - Explosives Regulatory Division. We sell 4 liters and 55 liters containers. It has no additives, pure H2O2 Food Grade, Certificate of Analisys available upon request.


Thank you

Replied by Sher
(Burlington, Ontario)


Bio-ag's H2O2 has stabilizers. I have their email if needed. Not a good option and can cause some harm. Hope my comments are posted so others learn the difference, thanks

Replied by Marianna
(Edmonton, Ab, Canada)

Hi, I would like to know where I can find the Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide in my neck of the woods? Please Advise, Thank you

Replied by Jan

Any health food store.

Canada - Ontario
Posted by Robert Simpson (Guelph, Ontario) on 07/13/2009

Hi..we supply technical grade 35% hydrogen peroxide throughout Ontario and test strips for agriculture, pools, hot tubs, cleaning concrete, removing odours & mould. Over 20 years experience. Very effective for removing and preventing algae in ponds & greenhouses, iron & sulphur in wells, unplugging sewer & septic lines.

Replied by Vickierose
(Lantzville, Bc, Canada)

re: item from Robert Simpson of Guelph:

Please note - Technical grade hydrogen peroxide must NOT be ingested in any fashion.

Replied by Catherine
(London, Ontario)

Robert how does one get ahold of you to get the Hydrogen Peroxide?

Replied by Inga

I live near Peterborough and need 35% hydrogen Peroxide in large quantities. Robert, Can you email me your website.

Replied by Robert
(Guelph, Canada)

Website is www.superfastsolutions.com

delivery to Peterborough available

Credit card or cash accepted

Replied by Judy Holt
(Kelowna Bc)

Hi is there any supplier for 35 % hydrogen peroxide in BC? Do you have a contact for where I can get this for hot tub use? Thank you

Replied by Marie
(Saskatoon Sk)

We have odor from our new well water ... are interested in solution with good grade hydrogen peroxide need advice of competent company....

Replied by Bonnie

What is technical grade? Can it be injested (very diluted obviously). Can I wash my fruit and again, not worry about ingestion? Thanks! Can't seem to find 35% nowadays.