Health Benefits

Borax: Unlocking the Health Benefits of a Natural Compound

Posted by Candybeagle (Ohio) on 05/09/2017

I have scleroderma. My hands were sore, stiff and swelling. Getting digital ulcers every couple of mths. The borax protocol seem to help the symptoms plus was feeling better in general. I also take colloidal silver msm in green juice, water kefir, probiotics, colostrum plus some other supplements and essential oils. Autoimmune disease is epidemic and yet you hear very little about it. It effects each person individually. Drs just want to give us drugs to suppress the symptoms instead of attacking the root cause of the disease and seems like the research doesn't do anything to prevent the disease. It all starts with leaky gut syndrome. When we can't absorb essential nutrients then our bodies cannot fight off invaders or heal itself. Most AI patients are deficient in Vit. D3, boron and K2. If the body does not have theses essential components then you develop disease such as cancer or AI. They say 1 in 200 people have these diseases and most do not know it. So bringing awareness to people is critical to getting a cure and methods of prevention.

I find the Borax is effective. So when someone worries about the "safety" of the this I always tell them the drugs that are prescribed for my illness are far more "dangerous" than this. LOL.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Katiekaye (Bend, Or) on 09/12/2016

I just wanted to say ~ that the 20 Mule Team Borax diluted (1 rounded teaspoon) in one quart of water 32 ounces (if you have city water I would not use it and get distilled water or the Zero Water purifier which is AWESOME)

I have No More Pain in my shoulders (even had a cortisone shot 5 months ago in one) and I started taking the Boron concentrate in water (not with meals but before bedtime on an empty stomach) and not only does the left shoulder not hurt anymore at all but the right shoulder does not hurt either (as it was starting to have joint issues! The shot didn't seem to help much but after a week of taking the 2-3 teaspoons of concentrate in a glass of water I have been Pain Free and have a lot of mobility in the shoulder where I couldn't move it before! My skin like others is BABY SOFT!!! Oh my gosh it feels like velvet it is so smooth! My hair is thicker and feels fuller ~ and my wounds have healed very quick! (I have injured myself with some tools I was using repairing old Coleman Lanterns) and the deep gashes healed within a week where before I started using the 20 Mule Team Borax soap my wounds would not heal for weeks! I am so amazed I tell EVERYONE how wonderful this is but family thinks I am crazy and even though my two sisters suffer severely with back/bone Osteoporosis they won't try this mixture ~ so sad ~ and I just lost my niece to Lung/Brain cancer she was only 53 years old and I am close to 70 myself!

If you try this, I am telling you ~ you will Not Be Sorry! The Results Are Amazing,,,, how thankful I am for the PDF File "The Boron Conspiracy Theory" you will understand WHY big Pharmaceutical Companies wants this outlawed ~ they would lose Billions if people would only try this Natural Mineral!!!

Multiple Cures
Posted by Annette (Los Angeles) on 07/20/2017

Borax for Yeast, Bone Density, Inflammation, Etc.

After reading much about boron in the form of Borax, I decided to give it a try not knowing what my results would be. I have Hashimoto (autoimmune thyroiditis), osteoporosis, undiagnosed gastro intestinal issue (like IBS, but gastroenterologist did not diagnose me after a year of seeing her! ), high blood sugar and cholesterol (total and LDL), extreme thirst for years, and have had inflammation issues for a while, especially in finger joints, but others as well including pain in left upper back for months now which I was starting to think may be some form of arthritis developing. A few weeks prior to starting the Borax, I had some sudden strange pains in my upper right chest and got unusual noxious feelings in my stomach (then) a few times. All of those unusual symptoms were strange, scary, and had just begun.

I made the liquid form using a 3 cup ball jar, mixing 3/4 rounded teaspoon of Borax into just over 3 cups of purified water.

I admit, I should have started out with 1 tsp of the above mixture in water for a few days, but I went right into the 1 tsp. of the Borax/water mix in water 3 times a day. I still had the extreme thirst when I began. Within a few days of starting the Borax, I got terrible stomach pains that stopped me cold. They did not last long, but I also had strange pains in other areas of my abdomen. I attribute the really bad stomach pains to yeast die off (herxheimer effect), because the very next day, not only did the extreme thirst go away and has not returned, but I lost all craving for sugar or other carbs (chips, etc.) and to date (6 weeks from beginning the Borax), those cravings have not returned. My appetite is somewhat suppressed, but I do eat when I'm hungry. During the first couple of weeks, I got achy all over. It was almost unbearable. So far, I have done 3 weeks on, 1 week off, and two weeks on. During the one week off, the thirst and cravings did not return. All abdominal pains have disappeared, the pain in my upper right back has disappeared, and after 6 weeks, the aches in my body have totally subsided, which has paralleled the inflammation, which has been much better to non-exhistent in the last few weeks. My gastrointestinal issues have been much better. I make/drink kefir, which has helped my gut issues greatly, but I've noticed that gut issues have improved more in the last two weeks.

With all the positive effects, I really could not wait to go back on after the one week break. I cannot wait to see what the effects are after 3 months. I plan on doing 3 weeks on, 1 week off every month. I cannot wait for my next blood work to see if my blood sugar is improved, and the next dexiscan for any bone density improvement.

My daughter has Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. I certainly hope that she gives this natural "remedy" a chance to see if it will help her as well.

I look forward to the next 1.5 months and beyond with Borax! Thank you for all the information and posts! Love reading others' experiences and hope mine is encouraging for others as well.

Multiple Cures
Posted by J.D. (Colorado) on 07/13/2019


I started borax water (1/8 tsp to litre of distilled water) 5 days a week about 6 months ago. I had been diagnosed with osteopenea, got rear ended resulting in whiplash that kicked in the arthritis in my neck, the age of menopause, 53, and spending $50 a month on estriol cream, toe nail fungus for as long as I can remember...the list goes on. Not wanting to support big pharma and be dependent on medicines or neck injections, calcium supplements, wanting to live a more natural "get back to basics" lifestyle in the simplest, easiest and cheapest way, I found borax. Which I'm really excited about (cleansing of the pineal gland, BONUS!) Tho I did not notice immediate results as I read others have had, I no long use the estriol cream, my toe nail fungus is almost gone, old crush injuries in both my feet are less painful as well as the arthritis in my neck, my thinking is more clear, I sleep so much better and rarely take melatonin anymore, I'm hopeful it's strengthening my bones, and is it possible borax is responsible for curing my depression?

About a month into using borax water I had a little dermatitis on my ear and eyelid. It did go away. Now it's back on my eyelids and neck and it is bad. I've stopped using the borax water for a week and it is not clearing up. Also, my legs have become very stiff when I wake in the morning (tho not my old injured feet which used to be so painful in the morning) and stiff legs when I sit for any period of time. Is there an explanation for this? I don't want to stop using borax water for any amount of time as I'm putting all hope in it fixing my bones, estrogen, and clarity, but this dermatitis is not fun to deal with. I was adding magnesium drops to the borax water for a bit but ran out and didn't think it was necessary, could that be the supplement I need to get rid of my swollen, dermatitis covered eyelids?

Also, is a borax and coconut oil face cleanser reccomended and shown to increase collagen production?

Arthritis, Herpes
Posted by Kate (Co) on 06/17/2017


I started taking borax 2 months ago. For arthritis in my knee which exploded skiing. I also developed the most painful disease known: Complex regional pain syndrome, or CRPS. This was 2 1/2 years ago. At that time I also found out I had herpes. After taking borax for only 24 hours I was able to walk 3 miles. Herpes outbreaks stopped.

The BIG problem is the side effects. Gut side effects. I sure don't want to quit borax, but am concerned about the gut pain. Can anyone tell me what happens in the gut to cause this pain?

Abdominal Pain, Bloating
Posted by Veesue (Sheridan, Wy, Usa) on 03/10/2014

Prioris, Bill, Ted, and TimH..etc: Thank you all so much for your informative posts on borax. They have explained my mild die-off reaction (herxheimer effect) from using it. I shall cut back a bit on the intake and continue on.

For the record, my apparent die-off reaction consists only of morning diarrhea.

The apparent positive effects that I have noticed recently have been that my chronic abdominal bloating has all but completely disappeared (I've literally had that for decades). Along with the bloating, general abdominal pain and discomfort have also all but disappeared, which included daily, middle-of-the-night deep burning pain in my gut.

Please note, that along with starting the borax regime, I have also started the “water cure” (Google it), which involves properly hydrating your body. These two remedies have removed a dark cloud of dismal depression that many digestive-related issues have caused me for many years. It feels like I have a new life. Cheers and blessing to all!!

Multiple Cures
Posted by Joey Jacobs on 05/08/2021

Borax healed my frozen shoulder overnight.. I've been using it for about 3 years now.. it has straightened my hands and fingers.. my teeth have new enamel where my gums receded, and the neck of my teeth were exposed.. it has also straightened and removed my neck hump ..I am 73 and feel like I'm 37.. I love my Borax and Magnesium regime.. amazing Minerals!!

EC: This comment is from Earth Clinic's Borax for Arthritis video page here.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Nice Lady (United States) on 06/24/2022

There are two methods of taking this 20 Mule Team Borax powder. One is to put one teaspoon of the powdered borax in a liter of water and then use this by putting a teaspoon of this water in a glass of water once or twice daily. The second way is according to Ted's advice which is for men to put 1/4 teaspoon of the 20 Mule Team Borax into a glass of water once daily and drink the whole glass. He also recommended for women to put 1/8 teaspoon of the Borax into a glass of water once daily. I have read where it's according to your weight and that some women can use the man's dosage.

For me, I am a little heavier at 200 lbs and a woman and what works for me is I started with the 1/8 tsp in water, it worked well for me, I started slowly for a week or so and I also read to take a magnesium capsule once daily to offset any symptoms as this borax seems to work hand in hand with the magnesium. I take one 500mg magnesium capsule in the morning with breakfast. This works for me. After doing well with the 1/8 of a tsp of the 20 mule team borax I upped the dosage to where I take this two times per day in a hot large cup of coffee.

I have taken this for a month now and it seems to be helping me with the stiffness in my shoulder joints which I could not raise above my shoulder level without pain before and can raise straight up now, much stronger with very little pain if any and I run my rototiller about once a week, have a large garden and work daily on two acres, keeping it mowed and taken care of. Plus I am almost 70 yrs old. This has also been helping to dissolve my kidney stones and has helped my IBS very much. Helped my partner's arthritis in his knees a lot also. So for me this works well.

Borax and Hormones
Posted by Brandon (Wa) on 11/08/2018

Urine therapy works great for everything. Also Dr. Lugol's Iodine is a powerful tool as well. Researching old books has brought me to alot of this information. It is a fact, that when Rothchilds/Carnige created the first University, they removed ALL books of knowledge that promoted critical thinking. Schools were put in place to create "workers" not "thinkers".. That is a quote from Rothchild himself.

Posted by Barking Bandicoot (Melbourne, Australia) on 06/04/2015

I have been taking borax in water for mites/fungus but what I have found is that my eye sight has gotten a lot better! I web searched boron and vision and sure enough it is beneficial!

Abdominal Pain, Bloating
Posted by Merlin (Queensland) on 09/10/2016

I too have found a huge, albeit unexpected, improvement in my gut since taking borax powder (This didn't happen whenI was taking borax supplements in tablet form). Pretty much since the day I ran out of the tablets and used 'cleaning' borax (pure with no additives) I have noticed this effect. I told my mother about it as she too has had major gut issues that have caused her serious pain for over 20 years. She has been diagnosed with IBS and told basically that she has to live with it. She too has had next to no issues since taking borax powder (1 tsp dissolved in 1 Liter of water, then add 1 tsp of this liquid to a glass of water to drink every day, sometimes 2x a day.)

Borax Dosages
Posted by John (Michigan) on 07/09/2022

In response to:

Posted by Isolda (Beaufort) on 04/24/2022

Hello, I did the 1/4 tsp in a litre of water first day loading but by the time I reached 3/4 of the bottle about 5-6 hours later I started to feel antsy and nervous. I was a little anxious. Later in the evening I felt anxious again. Like it had a second cycle in my body. Probably going through my liver. I have read that the dosage of the 1/4 tsp = 114mg is incorrect. Can you please confirm that it is correct?

I find a lot of people but especially women do not tolerate the recommended doses on this site initially. I start people out on 1/16 of a USA teaspoon in liter of water. I will have them do this 3 times a week the first week. If that does not bother them next week I have them do that 5 days and take a break over the weekend. If they are an average size man or larger I will have them jump to 1/8th teaspoon 3 days a week and build up again to 5 days a week. IF they are women I have them try 1/8th teaspoon on one day and stay at 1/16th the rest of the week. The idea is to sneak up on the full daily dose without negative side effects. If they get anything more than a mildly upset stomach I will have them take a day or two off and back the dose down. Your body has been deficient your entire life on this trace mineral. Not everyone can jump in at a high dose. The goal is to heal your body not make yourself sick and miserable.

My wife only takes it once a week at 1/8th teaspoon and that keeps all of her joints pain free. I have been taking 1/4 teaspoon per day for years and it only helped my joint pain the first month or so. It greatly improved my Vitamin D absorption though! I am upping my dose though to 1/2 a teaspoon of Borax and Backing soda to see if a higher dose helps.

I started my Dad on 1/4 teaspoon of Borax and 1/2 teaspoon of backing soda each night before bed. It stopped his kidney disease and reversed it one grade and improved his joints and all of his other health markers. It also cured his constipation. He takes a lot of medications that cause constipation but that is not a problem now. It has not done anything for my joints, tendons or ligaments but I am convinced that it along with vitamin D and K2 removed the calcium deposits from my heart valves.

Before taking Borax no matter how much vitamin D3 I took I was always deficient. So start slow this is not a race. Take what you can and titrate the dose upward as your body can handle it. Do not be afraid to stop it and let any side effects go away before restarting!

Skin Tags
Posted by Rene (Valencia, Ca) on 05/04/2018

I have to tell you I am quite shocked. I've been doing 30 mg worked up to 110 mg a day of borax past few months. I started it for my 2 knee arthritis which it has helped I still have pain but it's not the light me up screaming pain when I move it the wrong way. It's also helping my Candida overgrowth which I'm overjoyed about. But what really sets borax apart for me is I haven't read this from anybody yet.… Are you ready for this? Skin tag Yep that's right. I never get skin tags but about 10 years ago I got a skin tag in a private area. And it was a good quarter inch long. It's been there like I said for about 10 years. Well two months into doing the Borax and guess what the skin tag is almost all gone from taking borax orally! I am so happy this stuff is amazing I'm doing 110 mg and I am a woman, but this is a treatment dose, sure I will end up with the maintenance dose once everything feels better.

I have fibromyalgia, chronic fatique and other co issues. Eliminating my Candida overgrowth that I've been fighting for 20 years is just a blessing. This stuff is amazing I started my own Facebook group to give people support we all talk about how great it's been using borax thank you for all you do we use a lot of your videos to encourage people. I just haven't found anybody talking about borax and skin tags again this was orally, I did not apply it to the skin tag that's what really trips me out. I bet if somebody put it on a cotton ball and held it on their skin tags it would work even faster! God bless keep up the good work.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Gizzy514 (Montreal, Canada) on 01/21/2014

I recently found out about the benefits of boron... as we know it, borax, and was very impressed with what I found out. As with most trace elements, we must be sure to consume not more than our bodies can handle. With this being said, I am a vegetarian, consume as much organic vegetables and fruits as possible, and try to stay away from processed foods/junk foods. I drink between 500ml-1l of water with 1/8 of a teaspoon (0.625g) of borax dissolved in the water. It has a slightly metallic taste, but after a while it goes away... I wonder if it is possible that since my boron levels have increased, my body doesn't notice it as much? (Question for anyone with an answer). I noted that a lot of people say they cannot ingest the borax, causing indigestion, nausea, etc... I don't think that all the sites mention that borax is a base with a pH level of around 9.5. When that mixes with our stomach acids, it may render the acids unable to properly break down our foods for further digestion. I prepare my water for evening consumption, and I don't space it out and I have had no ill effects to date (I've only been taking it for two weeks, and I can't tell you how fantastic I feel) I skip days as well... My cognitive function has improved, my mood is to die for (crap, no more crabbiness, lol)... my joints feel well oiled, and no aches and pains...I am a fairly healthy, active 54 year old and has since developed energy to start lifting weights, getting back in shape... my oomph is back. Another incredible think I noticed was that my skin has improved totally... I never had "bad" skin, but most noticeably are my hands... It is very cold where I live, and usually in the winter months, I suffer from dry hands (not cracked, just dry skin) and my hands are soooooo smooth and soft! No hand cream, no oils... I have put nothing on my hands. Any cuts heal quicker and my appetite is balanced...I am not craving foods, or anything to replace what my poor body has been missing: boron. The regulator of minerals. A superb building block essential for normal, healthy function of living things. Just make sure you take the required amounts & remember it may affect your digestive my tip, if it works for you, is not to drink it just before or after a meal...I am waiting at least 2.5 - 3 hours after my last meal.

Important Info About Boron
Posted by Sharon (Vancouver, BC Canada) on 01/22/2009

Here's some information on the mineral boron you might find surprising...

"Prior to 1981 boron was thought to be unimportant in human nutrition. Since then numerous animal and human studies have established it as essential for normal growth and for hormones involved in bone metabolism, and for normal balanced levels of estrogen and testosterone.

A 1988 study by Neilsen and Prasad "Essential and Toxic Trace Elements in Human Health and Disease," found that boron is essential for the manufacture of several hormones. Overaggressive marketing claims touted boron for high testosterone levels; this is false, boron only helps the body to maintain normal levels. Of course without those normal levels many facets of enjoyable living will suffer. The U.S. Department of Agriculture conducted a study on boron and found that within eight days of boron supplementation of 3 milligrams, the test group of postmenopausal women showed 40% less loss of calcium and 33% less loss of magnesium through their urine than before boron supplementation. In spite of this study and numerous others, boron has yet to be added to the "Essential Nutrient" list and given an RDA intake level.

Strangely this complete article has vanished from the web! You have to ask yourself why? This article by inference explains that boron is a very cheap viagra... Pharmy would lose billions of dollars if men switched from viagra to boron... and it's good for osteoarthritis and old women's bones too!... but it's also another sad example of how the government protects big pharmy by withholding and manipulating information.

The old pharmacology of using silver, gold and alkaloids like boron is so effective at treating illnesses that it is a direct threat to the existence of current pharmacy methods and the AMA. This is how the pharmacy holdings get into the play of things... its now about racketeering and ill gotten gains, by failing to report these simple truths.

The reason the internet is currently flooded with warnings about boron is simply because Big Pharmy would lose billions of dollars if everyone knew the truth and what they fail to tell you is that all plants would die without boron and that it's a necessary mineral required by humans. The daily requirement is from 3mg to 6mg a day and up to 45mg a day is useful for treating deficiencies.

I found USP grade boron on ebay for about 8.00 per pound which is about a two year supply. While on the subject of minerals, researchers have recently discovered why the body requires zinc... it turns out that there is one molecule of zinc at the very base of your dna and if you are deficient in zinc the body simply cannot properly duplicate your dna!

Before you believe internet propaganda about the dangers of vitamins and minerals and natural cures please remember that if you're too healthy from taking cheap natural cures you will fail to spend thouands of dollars on doctors and toxic Rx's that hide symptoms and do nothing to eradicate disease!!!! Always ask yourself who and where your information is coming from and who stands to profit from it? Wishing you all the best of health.

Posted by Rachel (Montclair, NJ) on 12/21/2008

Borax instead of soap:

After reading all of the information about borax on the earthclinic website, I decided to experiment with it.

I started using borax in place of the liquid bodywash that I normally used in the shower. I have always had breakouts on my chest and back and have tried everything (acne creams, soaps, kits for problem skin, alcohol, changing laundry detergent) and never had any lasting success keeping my skin clear from breakouts.

Well let me tell you, since I started using the borax to wash myself with, my skin is COMPLETELY CLEAR! I've been using the borax now for about two months straight and will never go back to bodywash. I also started using it on my face and I will no longer buy facial cleansers again since the borax works so well. I still do use regular shampoo. I tried using just borax to wash my hair and the first day my hair looked great but the following two days my hair looked terrible. I now add a small handful of borax to my shampoo and use that with very good results. It is winter in NJ right now and usually I have a lot of static in my hair, but the borax seems to be counteracting that. I attribute the lack of static to the borax as that is the only different thing I am doing.

One last thing, the borax that I am using is the stuff you can get in the laundry aisle--20 Mule team borax. I love using borax and I love the Earthclinic website!

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