The Extensive Health Benefits of Methylene Blue

Posted by Daboo (Amherst, MA) on 02/27/2014

I was taking Methylene Blue (12-13 drops in 8 ounces of water) with a thousand milligrams of vitamin C for about a week & I noticed the severity of my candida related itchy skin was reduced, I then upped my dosage by a few more drops per day (14-15 drops) in about 9-10 ounces of water, and a few hours later my stool was loaded with dead candida overgrowth! I normally have bad constipation but this time my "relief" was smooth and easy I was amazed. Also, I use the Methylene blue stain directly on my skin where I have itchy candida rashes, yes it stains! But only for a few days & most of it will wash off with soap and water, so use it where it cannot be seen, and it will take you itchy rash away with relief within 10-15 minutes and the relief will last for like a week, until the bugs send out a new invading force! I have also use Methylene Blue in more diluted parts for itchy skin in more visible areas with relief & I found it is also good for tooth aches.

P.S when I take it in strong doses your urine turns blue for about a day, but when you stop taking it it turns back to normal & I take vit C 500-1000 mill and have had no problems with my eye coloring, which I also heard is reversible if you should happen to have that happen to you.

Using Methylene Blue
Posted by Bill (Philippines) on 02/26/2024

Hi Gina,

Methylene Blue(MB) does alot of beneficial things for the body:

1. In it's pro-oxidant or "blue" form, MB can supply increased oxygen to your cells, thus giving you more energy. Also, supplying oxygen more efficiently to all your cells helps to prevent cancer.

2. MB is an efficient wide-spectrum pathogen killer -- it kills viruses, bacteria and fungi on your body.

3. MB is used in medicine to cure Methemoglobinemia.

4. According to Dr Deepak Golwalkar who is a renowned pulmonary specialist in India -- you can use low dose 0.1% MB to both stop the deadly cytokine storms so heavily involved in COVID-19 to actually help to cure COVID-19 problems.

5. Dr Golwalkar also regularly uses a low oral dose 0.1% Methylene Blue + daily nebulized MB to cure and save his patients with serious pneumonia and tuberculosis infections.

6. MB is used as an antidote to cyanide poisoning.

7. MB has been used for over 100 years -- by the spoonful(i.e. large doses) -- against malaria.

8. MB in it's anti-oxidant form -- which is it's colorless form also known as Leucomethylene Blue -- has many cognitive benefits. There is also much research that shows that regularly supplementing low dose MB improves learning, memory, increases energy, is neuroprotective and protects the brain. This therefore makes MB extremely useful against degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other diseases like Huntington's.

9. It's also worth remembering that Methylene Blue is useful in the body both in it's pro-oxidant or "blue" state as well as in it's colorless or reduced state as LeucoMethylene Blue.

10. Methylene Blue has a half-life in your body of abour 6 hours. So this also means that even a small or low dose of MB -- either in it's pro-oxidant or anti-oxidant form -- will protect your body for an extended and useful amount of time.

11. To be absolutely clear, it does not really matter which form of MB that you take -- the pro-oxidant form or the anti-oxidant form(with added Ascorbic Acid) -- because the MB in your body will undergo many conversions to and from it's pro-oxidant and anti-oxidant forms until it is eventually removed by the liver.

Now here's some simple maths for the sake of MB dosage clarity. I don't like using MB expressed as a % and drops as the dose of MB because it seems to always confuse people. That's why I much prefer expressing the MB dosage in milligrams per drop. See below for a useful reference:

1 drop of 0.1% MB solution contains 0.05 mgs MB powder.

1 drop of 1% MB solution contains 0.5 mgs MB powder.

1 drop of 2% MB solution contains 1 mg MB powder.

From now on, I will express all MB amounts in milligrams and you should now be able to easily work out the exact number of drops you must take -- at whateverv % concentration -- from the above conversions.

Dr Golwalkars Own Daily MB Protocol

In his many articles Dr Golwalkar has said that the only protocol or precaution he took for himself during the COVID-19 pandemic in his hospital was just to follow one MB protocol. He said that he took half a teaspoon of 0.1% MB, which is equivalent to approximately 50 drops of 0.1% MB. So from the above -- that converts to:

50 drops x 0.05 = 2.5mgs MB powder.

Dr Golwalkar would then hold the MB in his mouth for 30 seconds for fast sublingual absorption into his bloodstream and then swallow it with a little extra water. Dr Golwalkar has also said that he has had very few COVID-19 deaths at his hospital despite treating many thousands of people. He has also said that he never used a mask in his hospital when doing the rounds and visiting his patients. And he never succumbed to COVID-19 during the whole period of the pandemic. As a consequence, Dr Golwalkar is regarded as a hero in India for saving so many of his people but he still remains unknown in the West because of the FDA's efficient control over the CDC, the WHO and the ever-obedient Western media.

I currently use Dr Golwalkar's low sublingual MB protocol every day -- which helps to protect me against any COVID-19 infections and, since I'm an old guy, also helps to maintain my cognitive and neurological health as well.

Parkinson's Disease
Posted by Jane (Fort Worth, TX) on 01/09/2009

Hi Ted,

I am amazed that after one and a half days of taking methylene blue with vitamin c my 85 year old dad, who has Parkinson's, initiated transfer to his wheelchair and needed much less assistance than yesterday. Yesterday he was not weight bearing much. This morning I did not pick him up to get in his chair, just guided him. I broke out into laughter of happiness!

Thank you a million for the information you provide on earthclinic. I love seeing the results!


Depression, Anxiety
Posted by Stephanie (CA) on 09/26/2023

That's not true. Credible studies have been done in Russia with positive results. It has been used to clean water in other countries for decades. I was born in Spain and my mother said they used it to clean the water there 60 yrs. ago. I'm sorry but there are thousands, if not more, testimonies of people who have used MMS with great success. I don't wish to debate with you, just saying you should do more research.

Methylene Blue Side Effects
Posted by Big C (Traveller) on 06/30/2014

It could be part of a Herxheimer reaction where te fungus/parasites are dying off and releasing their toxins into the blood.

You really should read up everything you can before taking anything, inform yourself first so YOU know what YOU are doing.

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 09/04/2010

Hi Tommy... Using Methylene Blue will certainly help fight your problems. MB has been used against malaria for a century and was used on American troops fighting in Vietnem with malaria. MB should always be used with Ascorbic Acid (Vit C) to avoid the side effects of the whites of the eyes turning blue and also causing blue-green urine. Use of Ascorbic acid with MB prevents these side-effects. Take at least 1000 mgs vit c with the MB.

The protocol I follow is as follows:

Add half a teaspoon of Ascorbic acid powder to the glass, then add water and mix into solution. Then, if you can, add the Baking Soda, or Sodium Bicarbonate (Arm and Hammer is fine) to this solution until the fizzing stops, to make the solution alkaline(in order to preserve the bicarbonates in your own body). Now, just add the drops of 0. 1% Methylene Blue(usually 3 - 8 drops as required). This mixture is taken outside mealtimes. Take this mixture first thing in the morning and again (if required) before 3 pm. If you take the mix after 3 pm, your mind may be too energised by the MB and you wont be able to sleep later in the evening.

Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 08/11/2010 391 posts

Dear Kevin:

Methylene blue does effect cancer growth by turning the cancer tumors into aerobic, which stops their growth that way as cancer in general are aerobic. Methylene blue is acquired from stores that sell aquarium fishes. They usually have methylene blue 1%, whereby we reduce them by adding 1 parts methylene blue with 9 parts water, should get a relatively safe concentration. Then we can add methylene blue drops such as 8 drops and slowly add more so if there is no side effects. In Vietnam war they actually used far more methylene blue to treat malaria, such as methylene powder in milligram to gram doses. The methylene blue is synergistic with large dose vitamin C. What I do know for stage IV cancer, which is cachexia cancer, is B50 vitamin B complex, or B6 200 mg for example can reduce some of this cancer cachexia. The other is the use of Hydrochloric acid concentrated, at 8 drops per 250 cc of water and to that I will add between 4 to 8 drops of methylene blue and take this for an entire day until the cancer cachexia goes away. Another observation to restore the appetite and stopped cancer cachexia that I have found is B5 panthenol, or a possible replacement, pantothenic acid to be helpful. What I do not like about pantothenic acid is the calcium form since the get cancer worse. If it was possible for the methylene blue 0.1% is injected a 1 cc, into the tumor cells that could have done it's job also in staving off tumor, but that's just a theory, by interfering with cancer fermentation. In any case, there are other ways to resolving cancer cachexia such as megestrol which is progesterone hormone, if taken at fairly large dose such as 250 mg for example, or applied to the skin as safer means might actually stop the cachexia by neutralizing what they call TNF, which is a cachectin hormone that causes your inability to eat. The liver's inability to function from lactic acid is another problem that can lead to the condition also. A methylene blue is obtainable from a local chemist, a chemical company , a local aquarium shop, or a scientific supply store, or perhaps a school supply store where they do the slides to stain the samples using a 1% methylene blue solution.


Where to Buy
Posted by Lora (Valley Springs AR) on 12/18/2023 7 posts

My alternative doctor (also MD) recommended I start taking MB for Morgellons, Atherosclerosis, and PAD. She orders hers 1% from BioPharm on Amazon And also gelatin capsules to fill with MB. I ordered size 00 gelatin capsules which each hold about 15 drops (7.5 gm). I started at 5 drops and worked up to 15 and take early am and pm. With each dose I also take three (3) or five (5) capsules of 1000 mg of Vitamin C. I also take the soda water twice a day and borax and H2O2 liter water twice a day—8 ozs at a time. I have only been on this protocol with MB for one week and the little Morgies are coming out in great numbers. I am thrilled to be in such pain knowing they are leaving my body at last!!! We are blessed to have received Ted' and Art's protocols.

Recommended Videos
Posted by Sam (Miami) on 01/17/2023

Oral Dosage For Methylene Blue - FLCCC Protocol Review

Here is the link to an excellent video on dosage. make sure you watch his Methylene Blue and Near InfraRed Light for Neuroprotection video as well.

Depression, Anxiety
Posted by Pam (Kamo) on 03/22/2023

This is Pam, my sincere apologies for getting this wrong. 1gm MB in 1 litre water which Dr Deepak told me could even be tap water (preferably filtered) as MB will deal with anything in it. This will give you .01%, think that is correct now. Whatever this was what Dr Deepak wrote to me when he so kindly answered my letter asking for help. I measure 1gm into water and add to a 1 litre brown glass bottle. I bought some small wide neck 5 gm bottle to put 1gm powder in for this purpose makes things easier but do cover worktop well its amazing for infiltrating everywhere it shouldn't! I take 10 drops in the morning and 11 drops late afternoon, excellent stuff.

My daughter got rid of all her painful, aching bones (Lyme) disease using this 10 drops 2x daily and swears by it. now. I use her method of putting the drops into a shot glass and have a mugful of water with 1gm Vit C some before and rest straight after taking the shot. Yes, lemon juice squeezed onto any spillage dilutes it immediately, then mop up with anything you can throw away.

Posted by Marsh57 (Denver) on 09/18/2017

All the formulas for breaking down Methylene Blue 2.3% caused nightmares of high school math & science, resulting in an Excedrin PM headache lol. I took the info everyone provided and it averaged to be 1 part 2.3% MB : 22 - 23 parts distilled water.

Still afraid to try it, I called a friend of a friend who's a chemist - he said 1 part MB to 23 parts water. (The K--don is 2.3% water solution, zinc free.) I hope this helps!

Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Intestinal Cysts
Posted by Brass Player (Sw Usa) on 01/12/2017

I also thought I had Lyme disease. It turned out that I had an ongoing toxic mold exposure, that nearly killed me before I found out what it was (and not from a doctor) and got out of my house that had a hidden water leak. Lyme and CIRS (toxic mold illness) have extremely similar symptoms, and common mis-diagnoses are CFS, Fibromyalgia, and any other "syndrome" disease.

Anyone whose doctor says "it must be a virus" yet it never goes away, should go read survivingmold site. Water damaged buildings are common but the vast majority of physicians are not cognizant that 24% of the population has a genetic haplotype that is susceptible to the toxins. So only 1/4 of the people in a water damaged building will be extremely ill, and the other 3/4 either not ill or only with niggling minor illnesses. Well worth a look for the CFS/Fibro people. If I hadn't found out it was mold, I'd be dead.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Heather (San Diego, Ca) on 03/08/2013

Thank you for posting this. I'd been looking into Methylene Blue (MB) for antifungal/antibiotic/antiviral uses, and noted that it seemed to clear up brain fog and was being used in clinical trials for a variety of brain-related issues (which I have to some degree). I also had multiple painful cysts (one each on an ovary, liver, kidney, in diaphram area and a breast.) The breast one seemed to go away on it's own but the others persisted for 9 months, sometimes doubling me over in agony. Usually though, they only hurt if I or my doctor pressed on them.

After a week on MB, I noticed the abdominal area cysts hadn't been bothering me, so I began pressing on all the parts that hurt, and no pain. I'm assuming they are now cleared up. Note that two weeks prior to MB, I finally took a course of antibiotics, which may have helped, but the pain was still there, and they still hurt when I pressed on them even a week after discontinuing the antibiotics.

Other supplements I take are Lugols 5% (average 1 drop per day); daily, a half dose of a good quality, high b vitamin multi, vitamin D 1500-2000 per day, N-A-C, Milk Thistle, Lysine, 3-4 grams Vitamin C and melatonin; Zinc, selenium lithium aspartate (5 mg) are taken 3-4 x per week. Also, I've been faithfully making Ted's alkalzing formula 1/4 tsp baking soda with an acid (ACV, lemon juice, or for now, just the vitamin C crystals to take with the Methylene Blue). Additional baking soda taken on its own before bed.

Take a few low dose (usually 1/3 of lowest dose) Xanax and Trazadone for sleep or panic attacks as needed. (Once in past week.) Taking the MB in 2-5 drops, 2-3 x per day in the 0.1% solution recommended by this site (Ted). I've settled for now upon 2 drops but experimented a bit.

I've experienced reduced brain fog, increased ability to focus, recall of memories and vocabulary that were lost to the brain fog, deeper sleep, and less anxiety but not ruling out placebo effect (or the addition of Lysine) yet as I haven't been on it for months. I can only say that the cysts are not a placebo effect, as they were painful and I wasn't taking MB for them per se, although I did hope for improved general health due to possible viral/fungal/bacterial infection. I have traveled to jungles, etc. , in past and thought perhaps I picked up something US docs don't screen for.

Side effects I may be experiencing from Methylene Blue are headaches (mild, infrequent), dehydration - drinking lots more water, buzzing in brain - specifically the right side over temple, and sometimes on top of hear, stiffness in neck/ upper back. Except for the buzzing, the others may not be related at all. The brain buzzing is particulalry amplified by coffee and/or N-A-C. I've also been experiencing a buzzing in my lower legs (outside of calf) for a few days.

There's research on Methylene Blue that says it is an inhibitor of Tau protein aggregation. (From wiki: Tau proteins are proteins that stabilize microtubules. They are abundant in neurons of the central nervous system and are less common elsewhere, but are also expressed at very low levels in CNS astrocytes and oligodendrocytes.[1] When tau proteins are defective, and no longer stabilize microtubules properly, they can result in dementias such as Alzheimer's disease.

Melatonin also reduces tau hyperphosphorylation, at least in rat brain studies, so I'm going to taper off of melatonin (I've taken 9 grams for a year) for a while. It might somehow be related to the buzz effect too.

That's my report. I fully expect that the mental benefits from my lose dose Methylene Blue experience will be a fail/placebo, but I'm going to keep it up for two or three more months, just in case.

Prostate Cancer
Posted by Art (California) on 12/30/2022 2165 posts


On the chance that you don't get the replies you are seeking, two other potential adjunctive treatments for PC is Melatonin and Berberine as discussed in the following links below:

A relevant quote :

' This is the first demonstration showing that melatonin impedes metastasis of prostate cancer by suppressing MMP-13 expression in both in vitro and in vivo models. Thus, melatonin is promising in the management of prostate cancer metastasis and deserves to undergo clinical investigations. '

A relevant quote :

' Recently, melatonin emerges as a prospective therapeutic agent with a series of beneficial effects on human cancers over a wide range of concentrations and tumor types. In this review article, we predominantly discuss the anti-tumor effects of melatonin on human PCa. The underlying mechanisms of how melatonin inhibits the growth and progression of PCa were related to the promotion of AR exclusion, activation of MT1 signaling, modulation of PCa metabolism, inhibition of angiogenesis, regulation of neuroendocrine differentiation, induction of apoptosis. Moreover, melatonin also exerts synergistic benefits while incorporating with other chemotherapeutic agents and is an effective adjuvant to androgen depletion therapy. Melatonin is also hopeful to be a noninvasive biomarker for predicting PCa since a low urinary melatonin level is highly correlated to the incidence of PCa. '

A relevant quote from the study :

' In a multivariate analysis, melatonin administration proved to be an independent prognostic factor and reduced the risk of death of PCa patients by more than twice (p < 0.0001). '

Another consideration is Berberine :

A relevant quote :

' Berberine inhibits prostate cancer cell growth and induces apoptosis. A, structure of berberine. B, BBR inhibited the growth of LNCaP. Cells were treated with various concentrations of BBR for 24, 48, or 72 hours. MTT assay was conducted to determine cell viability. The viability of control cells was set at 100%. The data plotted are mean ± SD; n = 8. C, BBR induced apoptosis in LNCaP. Apoptosis was quantitated by cell death ELISA in LNCaP cells treated with indicated concentrations of BBR for 24 hours. Data plotted are mean ± SD; n = 3. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01. '

A relevant study quote :

' BBR has been shown to suppress the capacity of prostate cancer cells to spread and infiltrate, these cells being strongly metastatic [49]. The inhibitory activity of BBR resulted in a substantial reduction in the expression of a panel of mesenchymal genes that control developmental EMT. High BMP7, NODAL, and Snail gene expression in metastatic prostate cancer tissues is associated with shorter survival in patients with prostate cancers and offers potential therapeutic targets among the EMT-related genes downregulated by BBR [49] (Table 2). '

A relevant quote from this review :

' Importantly, the active ingredient of berberine has clear inhibitory effects on various cancers, including colorectal cancer, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, liver cancer, and cervical cancer. '

I have always felt that topically applied colloidal silver (CS) with a DMSO primer to allow the CS to penetrate the skin and dermal layers in the area of the prostate would be useful, but it is only speculation on my part so I can't even recommend it, just me thinking out loud.


Posted by Wat (Digby, Nova Scotia) on 08/29/2012 10 posts

more likely mis-information and half truths from FDA and Big Pharma research studies... In any event once your clean of their poisons you should have no further excuses NO! So use it then.

Methylene Blue Side Effects
Posted by A mercer (Fl) on 07/28/2022

Have you checked your iodine levels? Low iodine can occur while detoxing and should be added…low iodine can cause heart arrhythmias.

Using Methylene Blue
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 08/28/2010

Hi Wydo... There are few problems with Methylene Blue(MB) bought from aquatics shops. Fish are very sensitive to chemical toxins, and if the MB purchased at the aquatics shop started killing fish, no one would buy it anymore. Sodium Benzoate, as Ted has mentioned, is a deep acting viral killer and is quite safe to take in small amounts.

I buy Vitamin C as Ascorbic acid powder, which is the purest form. When you buy the Ascorbic Acid tablets, they add adhesive fillers which I don't like, because these fillers inhibit the Ascorbic Acid going into solution thereby inhibiting absorbtion into the body. The ascorbic acid powder is the purest and cheapest form you can buy.

To create Sodium Ascorbate I just add half a teaspoon of Ascorbic Acid to a glass of water and then add Baking Soda(Sodium Bicarbonate) -- Arm & Hammer BS is fine -- to this mix until the fizzing stops. Now you have Sodium Ascorbate in solution -- in its most absorbable form. Then I just add the drops of 0. 1% Methylene Blue(usually 3 to 8 drops depending on your needs) to the Ascorbate or Vit C solution and just drink it down.

Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 08/05/2014

Hi Pankaj...I also use Methylene Blue bought from an aquarium shop. This also has no spec showing the percentage MB in this solution. But, generally, all Methylene Blue sold from aquariums is at 1% strength.

So what I did was just to assume that it was 1% solution.

The way I now take Methylene Blue with water is like this:

Say that I want to take 5 drops of 0.1% MB solution.

For five drops of 0.1% MB I first add 1 drop of 1% MB to a glass of water. This is equivalent to 10 drops of 0.1% MB.

Then I pour half the water out of the glass.

So you are now left with 1/2 drop 1% MB or 5 drops of 0.1% MB in solution which is your dose.

Usually, I take about 10 to 15 drops whenever needed. Always add or supplement at least 1000 mgs of Vitamin C with the methylene blue solution -- the vitamin c stops your eyes and urine turning blue. MB is a harmless stain that is also used in science to identify carbohydrates by turning blue.

Fungal Infections
Posted by Joyce (Joellton, Tn) on 01/16/2009

For everyone with fungal infection:

Deirdre, you might want to get Ted's opinion and post it. I just read Ted's methylene blue for Parkinson's disease. What really caught my attention was that methylene blue is sold in aquarium shops to kill fungus in the fish. DING!!!!

The question pops up: Is Parkinson's disease a fungal infection of the brain?

Something else that pop's up is the Italian method of treating cancer patients with baking soda to kill the fungi and the cancer goes away on its own!!!

It would seem that if methylene blue kills fungi in fish, it should also kill fungal infections in most, if not all living creatures, so maybe this should be posted on cancer pages. As I recall the interview with the Italian doctor shown on Dr. Mercola's site, the Italians believe that all cancers are preceded by a fungus. If this is true and methylene blue kills fungal infections, doesn't it follow that maybe all cancer treatment should begin with a substance that wipes out fungi?

Of course common sense tells you to also change the eating habits that caused you to have the fungus problem

Posted by MARIE (TX) on 02/17/2023

Methylene Blue works good. I have been fighting parasites for 2 years now. Gone in 3-4 days. I take half a glass of water with 4 blue drops 2 times a day.

You are right very few know about this wonderful simple cure, . It can pass through their tough skin that can even protect themselves the most toxic products.

Depression, Anxiety
Posted by neco (Austria) on 09/01/2023

Hallo Kr8peace,

MMs ist schon lange überholt. Chlordioxid ist neue formel. ein lesen. Ein glas wasser ist gut zehn glas wasser kann dich Töten... Paracelsius hat gesagt dosis mach das gift... Ich nehme selber 10 jahren Chlordioxid und besten gesundheit. Informiere richtig nicht ein seitig bitte...

Hello Kr8peace,

MMs is long outdated. Chlorine dioxide is new formula. Read A glass of water is good, ten glasses of water can kill you... Paracelsius said dose make the poison... I've been taking chlorine dioxide myself for 10 years and I'm in the best of health. Inform properly not one-sided please...

Chronic Bladder Infections
Posted by Kathryn (Eastern WA) on 04/30/2022

Hi Lynn,

I just finished reading an article by Dr Mercola who interviewed a Methylene Blue (MB) researcher. The researcher said there used to be pills of 60 mg MB that were used for UTIs. He put his mother on a dose of 1mg per kg body weight a day. He generally recommends 0.5mg/kg up to 1mg/kg (pharmaceutical grade as any others have heavy metal contamination) taken with 1000 mg of Vit C in the ascorbic acid form as it reduces the MB to be bioactive.

I just started taking 3drops in about 6oz of water per day, working up to a dose that I can feel better with. My rough calculation is that with 10mg/ml of MB, my weight of 118 in pounds becomes 53.5kg, divided by 2 for the .5mg/kg (or you can multiply by .5, your choice, same answer) becomes a good dose of 26.75mg MB which is then 2.675ml, which then is slightly over 1/2 teaspoon (conversion charts are amazing). It will take a lot of drops to get to that dose! But if a lower dose works, I'm happy.

Cytokine Storms
Posted by Tim (Minnesota) on 01/15/2021 8 posts

The only drug known to inhibit the excessive production of reactive species and cytokines is methylene blue, a low-cost dye with antiseptic properties used effectively to treat malaria, urinary tract infections, septic shock, and methaemoglobinaemia.The relatively poor efficacy of anti-cytokine drugs is explained by the fact that they act on one or a few of the dozens of cytokines involved, and because other mediators of inflammation – reactive oxygen and nitrogen species – are not targeted. When produced in excess, reactive species cause extensive cell and tissue damage.

Cytokine Storms
Posted by Dame Nikki (California) on 08/23/2021


DMSO Represses Inflammatory Cytokine Production from Human Blood Cells and Reduces Autoimmune Arthritis


Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is currently used as an alternative treatment for various inflammatory conditions as well as for cancer. Despite its widespread use, there is a paucity of data regarding its safety and efficacy as well as its mechanism of action in human cells. Herein, we demonstrate that DMSO has ex-vivo anti-inflammatory activity using Escherichia coli- (E. coli) and herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1)-stimulated whole human blood. Specifically, we found that between 0.5%-2%, DMSO significantly suppressed the expression of many pro-inflammatory cytokines/chemokines and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). However, a significant reduction in monocyte viability was also observed at 2% DMSO, suggesting a narrow window of efficacy. Anti-inflammatory concentrations of DMSO suppressed E. coli-induced ERK1/2, p38, JNK and Akt phosphorylation, suggesting DMSO acts on these signaling pathways to suppress inflammatory cytokine/chemokine production. Although DMSO induces the differentiation of B16/F10 melanoma cells in vitro, topical administration of DMSO to mice subcutaneously implanted with B16 melanoma cells was ineffective at reducing tumor growth, DMSO was also found to block mouse macrophages from polarizing to either an M1- or an M2-phenotype, which may contribute to its inability to slow tumor growth. Topical administration of DMSO, however, significantly mitigated K/BxN serum-induced arthritis in mice, and this was associated with reduced levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the joints and white blood cell levels in the blood. Thus, while we cannot confirm the efficacy of DMSO as an anti-cancer agent, the use of DMSO in arthritis warrants further investigation to ascertain its therapeutic potential.

Topical Methylene Blue
Posted by Art (California ) on 06/05/2017 2165 posts


In reply to Leanne (Ca),

Topical methylene blue is difficult because it stains your skin blue and for that matter, some painted surfaces and stone such as marble so you have to be careful handling methylene blue. If the topical application is for fungus, borax might be worth considering or the borax and diluted hydrogen peroxide which do not stain the skin.


Removing Methylene Blue Stains
Posted by Cj (Texas) on 01/15/2015

Go buy some ascorbic acid from the store and put it on the MB stain. Comes out, just get it slightly wet and let it sit awhile. I think I used peroxide too.

I had a bottle from a fish store that had some crusty MB on the top of the bottle. I didn't think anything of it when the MB flake fell on the counter. Later when it was exposed to water (didn't immediately see it), I figured out my mistake.

Posted by Janet (Indiana) on 07/22/2016


Here is how we do it. We use that brand. The bottle should have powder in it. I fill the bottle to below the rim with spring or distilled water cap it and shake. Do this on a paper or glass plate it stains. Citrus cleaner or lemon removes stains. In a two oz. Dropper bottle I add 4 stoppers of the concentrate then I add water to that carefully it loves to overflow leave room to put dropper back in. It makes .01 % solution. Then you can use whatever your remedy calls for. Do not forget to add c with it when you take it. Janet

Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Intestinal Cysts
Posted by WRE (Massachusetts) on 05/25/2022


Multiple Cures
Posted by Bp (Edmonton, Ab, Canada) on 11/13/2011

I thought I would report back after a couple of months of pretty regular use (at least 4 or 5 doses per week). Unfortunately, the euphoria and enhanced concentration didn't persist past the first few weeks, and my depressive symptoms have returned to their previous level. However, as of this time, the pains in my left side (spleen region) that were my constant companion for a long time have still not returned, so I consider it a success by this measure alone. I also believe that it's having a positive effect on my sinus pain/pressure (a problem which I attribute to systemic candida -- a longstanding problem for me -- and/or a mold infection acquired from an unhealthy living environment).

Recommended Books
Posted by Clara (Colorado) on 04/22/2023

While not reporting a cure, there is a book on Amazon that has a lot of information on the use of Methyline Blue - it's not very large nor expensive, but has information on dosage as well as numerous conditions it helps.

Methylene Blue Solution Dosage
Posted by Sam (Miami) on 01/08/2023

Recommended safe doses based on clinical studies with animals and humans ranges from 0.5 – 4 mg/kg. So a 90 kg (200 lb.) body weight translates to 45 – 360mg of Methylene Blue. Compas Laboratory sells 50ml 0.5% solution, 1drop=0.25mg. So a 45kg person should start with 0.5*45kg=22.5mg=90 drops. 90kg person 180 drops.

If the concentration of the solution is different: from 0.1% to 2%, adjust accordingly. The manufacturer usually says how many mg in 1 drop of each solution they sell.

Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by Edward (VA) on 03/26/2023

With a 1% solution of methylene blue 1 drop = 0.5 mg. In Sloane's book available on Amazon 6mg. or 12 drops of the 1% solution should produce noticeable benefits for a 150lb. person.

Posted by Florencia (Hayward CA) on 08/31/2022

I take Tro blue/ just blue: cut it in quarter and place it between my gum and cheek. Turn your urine blue., nootropic to prevent Alzheimer's.



16 mg of Pharmaceutical Grade (USP) Methylene Blue

Other Ingredients: Polyethylene Glycol (PEG), stevia extract, lou han extract, peppermint, silica, Bitter-BlocTM - warning: has nicotine

5 mg pharmaceutical grade (USP) Methylene Blue
1 mg of USP (non-tobacco derived) Nicotine
50 mg of USP Caffeine
5 mg of Hemp Extract
Other Ingredients: Polyethylene Glycol (PEG), stevia extract, lou han extract, peppermint, silica, Bitter-BlocTM

Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Intestinal Cysts
Posted by Dee (Florida) on 08/08/2022

Lufenuron clears up morgellons, because it kills candida and fungus infections. It also eliminates fleas in dogs and cats, because it breaks down the chitin which occurs in both insect and fungus as their protective shells!

Parkinson's Disease
Posted by Jane (Fort Worth, Tx) on 06/28/2009

Dear A from Toronto, I learned from Ted that the sodium ascorbate is in a form more appropriate for the body since ascorbic acid would be a lower ph and our body is more optimal at a ph of about 7. Actually you could probably get a better answer from Ted because I am just learning about these things.

I have seen a published drug study regarding using the vitamin c with methylene blue. I believe it was in regard to treating malaria. At any rate it appears that vitamin c is needed. At least there should be vitamin c circulating in the body when taking methylene blue. I don't think its necessary to take vitamin c every time one takes methylene blue.

As to the stroke issue, I just don't know much about that. What I have read is that it is the chlorides that are so harmful. You know, table salt. So a good sea salt is something that you may want to get and avoid the table salt that is refined and not natural. Sodium chloride is in the processed foods as well. Apparently sea salt, like Celtic sea salt, is very good for us and even fights infections. It also increases thirst and so then we drink more water which is good for us.

Another comment about stroke. I have learned that excess calcium circulating is one sure cause of stroke. The misinformation about taking calcium is not been helpful to us at all. Also I gave my father mega doses of a magnesium citrate product that we since learned was not even magnesium at all or at least had a large component of calcium in it. We have now learned to make magnesium oil with the magnesium flakes sold to salt water fish hobbyists. I rub it on my Dad's skin and it goes through the skin into the body and relaxes his muscles and also helps to put the calcium in its place and out of the blood stream which greatly reduces his chance of having another stroke.

The alkaline drink is something we take about once per day, sometimes twice and now sometimes not at all. Everyone's needs are different and sometimes I am not that compliant. I guess its because my Dad is getting better and so now I'm not that scared. The alkaline drink we take is in a small cup with a small amount of water. We follow this drink with a glass of water. It is 1/8 tsp of sodium carbonate dissolved, then add 1/8 tsp baking soda dissolved, then add 1/8 to tsp potassium citrate dissolved. So that's it. I still recommend inquiring of Ted because I learned this from him. The basic thing is to check urine ph and I believe it is supposed to be a 7. You may find other posts to verify all of this. It will not be in the methylene blue thread though.

Another way to alkalinize is to drink lemon water. Just don't use chlorinated water.

I hope this helps.


Parkinson's Disease
Posted by Art (California ) on 07/11/2016 2165 posts


If you are concerned about the quality of the methylene blue you are considering using for your mom, you can purchase it through a chemical supplier like Sigma Aldrich where they will have a certificate of analysis, a spec sheet and a certificate of origin so you know exactly what you are buying and its purity. It will cost a little more and won't be as easy to get, but you know exactly what you are getting.®ion=US

Another option is to speak to your mother's doctor about it and see if he/she will write a prescription that can be filled at a compounding pharmacy to your doctors specifications.

You will have to do some research on your own to get a better understanding of how MB may be helpful for neurodegenarative diseases and what dose would be best in your mother's case. MB has a good safety profile and probably a very good safety profile at the dose your mother would likely use.

PD has multiple forms and one form is directly associated to longer term pesticide exposure while others do not have this association. Some progress slower than others.

In the mean time, you might look into vitamin D as it relates to Parkinson's Disease. There are many studies available on PubMed that suggest that the population in general is low on serum 25 (OH)D, but even lower among people with Parkinson's Disease and that the lower the serum 25(OH)D, the worse the symptoms. A couple of the studies go so far as to say that the proper serum level of 25(OH)D may slow disease progression and help protect neurons in the brain.

There are many supplements that show benefit for people living with PD. I am currently compiling a lengthy list of about 50 of these supplements and gathering information on them trying to see which ones are most likely to have actual benefit in humans. Many supplements have only been tested in rodents and consequently would fall lower on the list. It is a work in progress and will take me sometime before I am finished. Having a very good to excellent safety profile is a very important consideration for me because that will improve the odds of having a doctor approve a supplement for a patient.

The topical magnesium oil is frequently noted for helping to relax stiff or cramping muscles in PD and is readily available at many health food stores and on the web. It also has other health benefits and can build up the bodies supply of magnesium while limiting the potential for diarrhea.

There are many supplements that show potential to be of use in PD, but you'll have to do your research and determine what will be compatible with for your mother.

In any case it is important that you get approval and supervision from your mother's doctor before using any supplements to make sure that they are compatible with the prescription meds that she is taking.


Prostate Cancer
Posted by JC (ROUGEMONT QC CANADA) on 12/30/2022


I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. The doctor told me that it is a non-aggressive cancer. So the doctor suggested we periodically monitor it for changes.

I am 85 years old and the diagnosis is as follows:

Grade and score on the Gleason scale of 3 + 4, clinical stage T 2 and a PSA of 7.25 ng/ml.

I heard that MBCure (methylene blue) taken together with baking soda might make this cancer go away.

With 1 gram of MBCure and 100 ml of distilled water I can produce a 0.1 solution which seems to be recommended. With this formula I will have a total quantity of 100 ml of MBCure.

As my weight is 78 kg (172 lbs), I would like to know how many drops I should take each day to get a good result.

Also does it have to be taken with vitamin C and can it be taken and mixed with baking soda?

In addition, I would like to have your opinion on these products:

There is Deuterium-depleted water that can be consumed to reduce the Deuterium in our body to around 120 ppm.

There is also Zeolite Clinoptilolite which seems to be another product that can improve cancer treatment.

Thanking you in advance for your advice and for all the people who may benefit from your advice.

Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by Genie (Ne Ohio, Usa) on 03/16/2017 4 posts

Greetings. I'm on the candida protocols from book. I had to buy 1% MB, rather than the 0.1% called for. I thought I had figured out how to dilute but also confirmed where Bill addressed the problem for another person.

I followed as he states: 1 part by volume of 1% to 9 parts water. I used tablespoons, 1 to 9. Then I thought I understood that would be my jar supply to work out of. I then did 10 drops (protocol amount) from that new mix and added water for drinking. Added 1/4 tsp sodium ascorbate as directed whereupon he says it should go from blue to clear. It did not clear. I'm guessing maybe he expected my powder to be same strength as his powder...or something like that? My powder is 'crystalline' and states 1/4 teaspoon is 1112 mg vitamin C as sodium ascorbate and sodium 137 mg. I guess I thought powders would be one basic same 'strength'. I added another 2 teaspoons once before hoping that would help but it did not.

I could certainly be 'one sandwich short of a picnic' in my reasoning so please help me get un-stumped. I'm very new at this stuff as well as having 50 varieties of foggy, soggy brain. Thank you for sharing your power around the universe.

Goofy Genie

Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Intestinal Cysts
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 05/18/2013

So glad this is helping relieve some of your suffering. Curious about what intestinal cysts are. Did you get a medical picture of them? Love, JOY

Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Intestinal Cysts
Posted by Stanster (Wilmington, Nc) on 06/28/2013

I had tried methylene blue for my brain fog, lack of energy and achy joints, etc. I've been told I have Fibromyalga or Chronic fatigue. I didn't get any great results.

After further study I feel I have Lyme's and overgrowth of those little critters: Borealis bacteria. I urge you to read (google) all you can about Dr. Lee Cowden's protocol. He is doing medical studies using certain herbs and detoxifiers to kill off these bacterial invaders. This is probably the root cause of your problems. This info has changed my life, hope this helps anyone suffering from strange symptoms the medical doctors can't figure out.

Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Intestinal Cysts
Posted by j (Southeast Georgia, US) on 04/12/2023

RE: "Lyme" disease & the bacteria that cause it, it was recently discovered that stevia tea (whole leaf only) will eradicate it. Saw it on Dr. Berg's Youtube channel earlier this year.

Best wishes,


Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by Terry Jacks (USA) on 12/17/2022

Don't take the fish tank version, lab, or chemical versions. Take ONLY USP grade. Anything less than USP can give you poisoning from Lead, mercury, Cadmium, etc.

Parkinson's Disease
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 01/09/2009 391 posts

Dear Jane:

The methylene blue works, however, continual use of low dose is very helpful. However if it is discontinued, at least in the beginning may weaken the energy level, but further dose will allow the person to recover. Methylene blue is considered a super antioxidant for the mitochrondria. The best that I have seen so far. The brain is the highest metabolic rate in the body and hence is helpful with methylene blue since it increases energy level to normal levels through mitochrondria support. Taurine supplements and some potassium bicarbonate with baking soda are also helpful and supportive to this remedy too.

It's often best used as dose I have mentioned. I liked it so much I have since added methylene blue to my Emergency Aid kit as posted previously, although it remains I still needed some tweaking. Low levels of brain metabolism is what I believe to be causing the Parkinson's disease, and I have found the methylene blue to be helpful.

Thank you for the feedback!


Parkinson's Disease
Posted by Deb (Tucson) on 02/02/2023

Pet store methylene blue is very low quality and apt to have heavy metals included. It is not for human consumption. You can purchase pharmaceutical grade that is tested for purity and it comes with directions to dilute for the correct strength. I would mix with normal saline.

Parkinson's Disease
Posted by Sneed Urn (Usa) on 07/13/2018


As of 7/13/2018, Your link goes to Methyl Blue, which is NOT Methylene Blue. As you all know, in chemistry, the EXACT NAME matters. Be sure you are looking up "methylene blue".

Recommended Books
Posted by Pallas (Canberra Australia) on 09/09/2023

There are a few and most are pretty poor. The best reviewed one by Mark Sloan is "The Ultimate Guide to Methylene Blue" for about $US 4 on Kindle which was worth getting I found.

Methylene Blue Solution Dosage
Posted by Bill (Philippines) on 01/11/2023

Hi Mike,

To make a 1% solution of Methylene Blue, add your 1 gram of MB powder to 100 ml of distilled water. This will give you 100ml of 1% Methylene Blue solution.

To make a 0.1% solution of Methylene Blue, add your 1 gram of MB powder to 1000 ml of distilled water. This gives you 1 liter of 0.1% Methylene Blue solution.

Methylene Blue Solution Dosage
Posted by Kath (Sydney) on 09/13/2023

I buy mine from Amazon, brand CZTL which is USP pharmaceutical grade. Comes in 1mg vials. For 1% MB solution dissolve 1g powder in 100mls filtered water. I'm not sure how to work out the dose from your source. CZTL provide instructions, a low starting dose is 1-2mg (2-4 drops). I take 20 drops which is approx 3/4 tspn./10mg. An empty capsule holds about 1/3 tspn. I see where people take 0.5mg per kg. In your 50kg case that's 25mg. I think that's too much personally, just going by how I can feel the mind alertness and physical energy with just 10mg, I'm 75kg.

Anyway start off low a few drops and take it from there. Never take more that 1mg per kg body weight. Also an easier way than capsules (MB melts them) is to just get Vitamin C powder, ascorbic acid. You won't get blue mouth. Just 1/2 tspn in water with MB drops. They have synergy, creating a clear liquid called leukoMethylene Blue with increased antioxidant power. Also if you spill any which you will haha, put Vit C powder straight on the stain it immediately disappears.

Depression, Anxiety
Posted by Tom 70 (Auckland, New Zealand) on 04/02/2023

Anticancer activity of methylene blue via inhibition of heat shock protein 70

Conclusion MB demonstrated potent anticancer activity in vitro and in vivo via inhibition of Hsp70 in benzo[a]pyrene induced lung carcinogenesis in mice.


Depression, Anxiety
Posted by Hank (Louisville) on 12/09/2023

NO ONE is making any of those claims there. You sound like a shill against it. WATCH THE RED CROSS DOCUMENTARY they did on CDS. Why don't you post that on the Dr K CHANNEL THEN and ask her for that instead of ranting nonsense here? HAH

Depression, Anxiety
Posted by Sam (Miami ) on 03/24/2023

Buy already diluted from compass labs, for example.

Chronic Bladder Infections
Posted by RW (OH) on 04/27/2022

Hi Lynn,

My neighbor and some of her relatives had trouble with recurring UTIs, and she found a probiotic that is sold on Amazon to stop this in everyone who has tried it. We also had a friend who had the same problem and was very ill, so we gave her several packages that my neighbor had on hand, and she is now completely well, as long as she takes the probiotics. She thinks it is worth the cost to stop getting the UTIs. It might be worth a try.

Best wishes!

Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by Gilbert (Grand Marais, Mn) on 08/17/2017 8 posts

Methylene Blue Dosages

Reading here and elsewhere all the discussion about MB, could be helpful to put it all in perspective. I ran across also an article (link posted below) that helped with some aspects of the questions. The accepted doses for various conditions cover a range of three orders of magnitude, ~ 50 mg to as little as 50 micrograms. Even if a person determined the dilution necessary for the final dose it might not be the best amount for that person. Genetics, epigenetics and the mediation of microbiomes on any medication does make fools of MDs who are inflexible. How to get a particular dose? I have several droppers from herbal extract 1 oz bottles. One is graduated in 1/4 ml increments.

So, one ml, close 2/3 of that dropper, of the fish tank solution of 2.3% methylene blue is gonna be about 23 mg methylene blue. Just now tried with water and found 8 drops ~ .25 ml. 1 ml water is 1 gram. With MB drops the equivalent could be different because of surface tension and viscosity but that I will try later. Rough estimate at the moment is 1 drop/30 mg of 2.3% MB solution contains ~0.7 mg MB. If you want a dose in that range put n drops into a glass of water.

Hepatitis B
Posted by Charley (Usa) on 04/21/2016

There was some research on using Methylene Blue to treat Hep B. I believe it was 70 mg twice a day. I cannot remember the pharma company that did the research. However they were unable to get a patent on it so dropped the human studies. Only downside was that the Methylene Blue causes blue pee.

Methylene blue was used in WWII in high doses to treat infection. Also look for information on the Blue People of Kentucky. Those people were taking several hundred mg a day for years without harm.

Posted by jeanna (arkansas) on 08/31/2022

I still don't understand your instructions, you say bottle what size bottle? and its a powder how much? I don't get percents either

Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by Chris (Pdx) on 11/07/2016

MB Dilution: To arrive from a 2.3% solution to a 0.1% solution you simply add 23 units (drops, oz, etc) of distilled water for every 1 unit of MB. I used a glass eye dropper container. Add 20 drops of 2.3% MB, then add 460 drops of distilled water.

Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Intestinal Cysts
Posted by Bennie (San Diego, California) on 05/18/2013

UPDATE; Four months of Methylene Blue.

It has no effect on chronic fatigue - doesn't give me any energy; also doesn't keep me up at night if I take it right before bed.

There are two areas where it seems to have worked magic: Cysts and Anxiety; as well as other benefits for insomnia and problem solving.

It did clear up my long term liver/kidney/diaphram/intestinal cysts, and for that, I am very grateful. I stopped taking it for about a week, and the pain radiating from what used to be the most painful cyst began to return, so I am sure this is what fixed them, although I have no idea why it came back and whether to continue taking MB indefinitely.

Anxiety: There's something about MB that fixes my generalized anxiety. It's fairly miraculous in that regard. I did not take it for anxiety, but I notice an improvement (almost total resolution) when I take it. As a result, don't need xanax. Again not sure whether it is safe to take indefinitely for anxiety.

Along with the reduced anxiety, it helps me to focus more on problem solving. Not a complete resolution but a definite improvement. I have chronic fatigue related brain fog, and it definitely gives a boost in that department so I can see why it is being used successfully in Alzheimer's patients.

I think I am sleeping better -- deeper sleep, not getting up so much in the middle of the night, because of the MB, which is huge because I've lived through 25 years of insomnia. Used to take RX sleeping pills of various kinds (4-5 days per week) but not taking them anymore.

When I first started the MB in Feb 2013, I experienced significant tingling in my head (felt like brain buzzing). I was taking several milligrams of melatonin per night, and drinking coffee during the day. Both of those were a problem while taking MB but now, after a few months, I am able to drink a regular cup of coffee now and then with no adverse reactions. I also take a much lower dose (1. 5 mg) melatonin with no side effects. For some reason, tea creates no problems.

MB had no effect on yeast/candida, herpes related virus, or fungal infections.

Other than occassional "brain buzzing", I think MB may have a negative effect on vision (blurrier, esp at higher doses). It MAY have a positive effect on acne but I've been taking a skin/nail/hair formula as well and think it is because of that that my acne has improved.

I am taking 3-5 drops of 0.1% per day.

Perhaps E.C cross post this to Anxiety/panic attacks; and intestinal cysts.

EC: Bennie's latest update has been cross posted from her thread in the Q&A section on the Methylene Blue page here:

Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Intestinal Cysts
Posted by Lou (SF Bay Area) on 03/22/2023

Iodine what??

EC: Probably iodine supplementation for cysts.

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