Natural Remedies

Easy Home Remedies for Constipation Relief

Dietary Changes
Posted by Laura (Houston, Texas) on 12/17/2011

I have had terrible constipation for as long as I can remember (I am 42). I always thought myself lucky to go a maximum of 4 times per week. I have tried eating more fiber, drank gallons of water, followed blood type diet for a year, exercised, used ACV & EVCO, all with limited success. Well, my "cure" as it turns out was to drastically increase the amount of raw fruits and veggies in my diet. Now you can set your watch by me! I still fully cook ground beef, poultry & fish (except sushi), but I eat a minimum of 3-4 whole fruits and 4-5 raw veggies a day. I've also begun drinking kefir. Give it a try!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Grace (London, Uk) on 11/16/2012

Thank you for posting this! This remedy works well. I just took 1 tsp fresh lemon juice and 1 tsp olive oil on an empty stomach and had some immediate relief! I shall persist with this. I had tried a fiber plus probiotics and prebiotics supplement, senna tea and aloe vera, all of which probably did no harm but I saw no results. Lemon and olive oil works a treat!

Bentonite Clay
Posted by Joyce (Glasgow, Scotland) on 03/29/2008


I digested Psyllium and Bentonite clay for a colon cleanse. This was to ruin my whole life and caused immediate gastritis and triggered rosacea/rhinophyma. The onset of symptoms was abrupt, immediate and extremely severe. I now have blepharitis and meibomitis as a result.

I was very stupid and digesting this product has ruined my whole life. DO NOT TAKE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Tish (Chicago, Il) on 07/21/2007

My period has been always heavy that my hemoglobin level is always low that I have to take iron and shot every 2 weeks. ITs hard also to work and go to the bathroom every now and then. When I bleed it like for 10 days and more. I was diagnosed with fibroid just 2 months ago and I found your website just weeks before my surgery and its my second day of my period. I started taking the molasses and the next day my period slow down and no blood clotting and it stopped after 5 days. My daughter is always suffering from constipation and I recommended her this and she said she never pooh like this before..THANK YOU!

Baked Apples
Posted by Nat (Brooklyn, NY) on 01/18/2022

For several days in a row, eating a diet of mostly, or only, baked apples can help for cleansing the body and for relieving constipation.

The apples should be eaten with the peel. (Before baking, they can be scrubbed a bit with a food wash or even dish soap, and then rinsed well, to lessen preservatives on the peel, since the peel should be eaten.) The apples, Cortland cooking apples, can be baked with olive oil drizzled onto the apples and also some spices such as nutmeg and a bit of cinnamon, but without added sugar. Since cinnamon can be constipating for some people only a pinch or so should be added per apple.

The apples can be baked at around 425 degrees Fahrenheit, for about an hour and a half or more. If the apples are baked until the inside starts to caramelize and turn brown, the apples will be sweet even though no sugar was added. (Even regular apple sauce can be simmered very slowly for several hours without added water or sugar. If the apples are good quality cooking apples, such as Cortland apples, the applesauce will be sweet.)

In the writings of the psychic, Edgar Cayce, we find reference to an apple diet. That is, eating only apples for three days, prepared any which way, after which one is to sip a quarter of a half cup of (hot) olive oil for body cleansing.

For many people, the Cayce apple diet is a hard program to follow.

A modified, mostly apple diet is easy to follow and satisfying. While such a program may not be as effective as a total apple diet, it is easy to try out.

One should start eating the baked apples in the morning and if in the evening one feels the need for other food one can eat a small amount of light food such as a few spoonful's of small curd cottage cheese and maybe some hot water with blackstrap molasses with some spices, and a bit of milk (a small amount, such as an eighth or a quarter teaspoon, of salt, added to the molasses drink makes it taste better), or one can drink a tea with some honey in it. Throughout the day, if one feels the need, one can also drink molasses with hot water, or coffee, or tea.

Baking Soda
Posted by Nat (Brooklyn, NY) on 12/30/2021

It was mentioned somewhere that taking a little (maybe a teaspoon or a bit more) of baking soda (Bicarbonate of Soda) in about an ounce of water (others recommend in a little lemon juice) on an empty stomach, and not eating for a short while after, helps for emptying the bowels.

The baking soda/water remedy should probably not be used regularly, but rather only on an occasional basis.

It is important, generally, to wait for some urge to go before using a laxative or suppository, in order to prevent the natural urge, a vital body function, from disappearing.

Posted by Nancy (Albemarle, NC) on 08/25/2021

The best thing for constipation is flaxseed. I tried otc drugs, supplements, magnesium, nothing worked. One teaspoon of flax seed ground works put in coffee or tea or Sprinkle on food.

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 09/08/2020 461 posts

You can't beat MSM for constipation but it's probably actually caused by dehydration as the body has to steal water from the colon when it doesn't get enough as everything but plain old water is processed as food.

Plus, I think it makes my water taste like good old fashioned well water. Yummy!

I use about 1/4 tsp in every 20 oz glass of water I drink but there are days I get dehydrated because I drink so much coffee. Then I set the timer on my phone to go off every 2 hours and drink 8 oz when it goes off. That's about 10 good gulps.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Gord235 (Vancouver) on 08/31/2019

I've spent a lot of years taking various things for constipation but recently found a video that describes what not to take; in other words things to eliminate from your diet. The author of the video said to eliminate grains, eggs and dairy and to start the day with a cup of warm lemon water. I tried this and it worked within 24 hrs. Basically I cut out bread and eggs but still had a bit of butter on my cooked veggies. I have since found that I can tolerate one or two eggs and bread slices per day. For dinner I have beef, pork or chicken with vegetables and fresh fruit for dessert. This has largely eliminated any constipation issues. I find it interesting that the solution was so simple.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Robert (London, UK) on 07/23/2019

Since switching to a low-carb vegetarian diet for health reasons, I've had issues with mild constipation. I found the suggestions on the Earth Clinic website very helpful and I started trying them. My constipation has now gone, I am able to have an easy bowel movement every morning which is soft and moist.

I previously found that I couldn't eat egg yolks because they would block me up, but this is no longer the case.

The remedies the worked for me are as follows, starting with the most effective and proceeding in order down to the least effective: - 1/4 tsp of bicarbonate soda dissolved in 1/4 cup of water 1 hour after each meal. This is one of the remedies recommended by Parhatsathid Nabadalung (aka Ted from Bangkok, Thailand) in his book pH Balanced for Life! The Easiest Way to Alkalize. -

1 tbsp of olive oil dissolved in 1/4 cup of water every morning, after my bowel movement and before my first meal. - Before each bowel movement, drink 1/2 tsp pink Himalayan salt dissolved in 1 cup of warm water. - Eat some cucumber with every meal. I tried lots of other things including abdominal massage and eating coconut oil, but the above four worked the best for me. If anyone is interested in my diet, a typical meal for is 3 cups of vegetables with 2 boiled eggs, plenty of healthy fat (avocados, olive oil, coconut oil), and spices (garlic, ginger, turmeric etc). I drink plenty of plain water - I don't take other liquids.

Thank you to the people who run this site. You've helped me find a natural cure to my problem, which was causing me a lot of stress. I'm going to make a donation by way of thanks.

Posted by Bill (Philippines) on 08/19/2022

Hi Nat...I take senna leaf tea every once and a while, been doing that for many years. For me, if I drink senna tea in the evening then I will definitely have a substantial poop the next morning. My poop urgency isn't that huge and the poop itself comes out soft and quick but not explosively.

On the other hand when my wife drinks the senna tea then she will have a stronger poop urgency then me (yup, she runs to the toilet! ) and will have between 3 to 5 poops the next morning and they can be rather explosive. So my wife is quite sensitive to senna's effects in the intestines, whereas I seem to have few problems using the senna tea. Horses for courses, I guess.

I've also read that you must never take senna everyday because doing so will harm the liver. But once in a while is OK. I also like using senna because -- from all the research -- it also kills a wide variety of bad bacteria and parasites in the intestines.

I must also disagree with what you said about magnesium supplements in general in this thread. I've been taking magnesium chloride -- at a higher dosage -- twice a day for about 15 yrs. I also use mag chloride combined with DMSO for tired or aching muscles and I can confirm that it works a treat!

Ted is also quite correct when he says that we eat far too much calcium in our supermarket diets. All the grains, bread, corn flakes, sports drinks etc that you buy in the supermarket are all over-fortified with too much calcium and no magnesium. That's why I take magnesium chloride regularly, which helps to balance and regulate any excess calcium in the body.

And for sure you better be very careful what you are led to believe about RDA dosages from the FDA. About 50 years ago the advised dosage for magnesium supplements was only about 200 mgs per day. The RDA dosage that the FDA now recommend is between 350 mgs and 420 mgs per day, which I think is still way too low -- it's just a clueless guessing game for the FDA because they really don't give a single hoot about proper mineral nutrition for the body. That's also why, on some days, I take much higher dosages of magnesium. And if you take too much magnesium the worst that can happen to you is that you get loose stools or diarrhea. And the intestines and kidneys will always act to self regulate proper electrolyte levels(including magnesium) in the blood.

I'm 72 y.o. and I've been taking high dose magnesium chloride(and Borax) regularly for about 15 years. And that's probably why I have no arthritis, rheumatism or any other aches and pains in my body right now. And there are more than a few days when my combined magnesium intake is probably above 1000mgs per day. That gives me soft stools with no other noticeable side-effects. But I'm not you. So it's like I said, horses for courses. That means that you should always find the best dose for yourself. Call it your own, personalized, orthomolecular dose if you like...that's the way to do it because your body always knows best.

Green Iced Tea
Posted by Loie (Naples, Fl) on 09/30/2014

I have tried many different remedies from an early age.....over the counter and natural.....for my lifelong battle with constipation and nothing last more than a few months. I started drinking organic green iced tea in place of water all day long, knowing that I will get the water that my body needs while enjoying the taste of the iced tea.(I hate plain water). After about 2-3 weeks I noticed that I was having a BM every morning and sometimes in the afternoon! Every straining.

I have had this problem since I was a little girl. I am now 71 years old and wish I had found this organic green iced tea solution a long time ago.

Not sure this would work for everyone, but it sure works for me.

Vitamin D
Posted by Nat (Brooklyn, Ny) on 09/10/2013

Vitamin D helps in constipation issues. It is better to take at least part in an oil based form since Vitamin D, an oil based vitamin, is better absorbed with fat.

Mayo Clinic's site states that people who are deficient can take about 50,000IU weekly for three months and then smaller amounts daily. They write that up to 4000IU daily is safe for people who are not deficient. It is reported that about 70% of people are Vitamin D deficient.

Other place recommend higher doses. They write that at times a 250,000 IU dose was given to children with rickets with no negative results. This high dosaging was given once in about three months.

Vitamin D should be taken with K2. (K2 keeps calcium in the bones and out of the arteries.)

Chia Seeds
Posted by Yellowbird (Portlandia) on 09/11/2013 10 posts


SIDE EFFECTS: Caution with Chia Seeds (and Flax & Primrose Seeds) for those with HYPOtension (very LOW blood pressure)...

These seeds are known for their ability to reduce blood pressure via vasodilation- a good thing for folk with HYPERtension (=High BP), but the quick reduction can be dramatic- even dangerous- for those who live with very low blood pressure already.

Much as I loved them, I had to stop using chia becoz of this effect. Everytime I tried them, within minutes my allready low blood pressure would fall thru the floor: veins overly dilated, throbbing sensation in neck vein, dizzy, faint, anxious, knot in chest, breathless, fluttery heart, skipped beats, light & dark spots before eyes. Classic signs of blood pressure plunging too low, too fast.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Rene (Idaho USA) on 08/12/2023

"Die off" refers to when a "pathogen" (the broad word to describe any microbe, worm, candida, mold, etc.) is killed. often that pathogen will be a host to other pathogens, so when the host is killed, the pathogens that it supported will die and all these dead pathogens have to be removed by our body. Sometimes this can make us feel sick, flu like. Our kidneys and liver have to work hard to cleanse our body of all this yucky waste. It helps ALOT if we drink extra water and remain "regular" in the bathroom by whatever means necessary (enema, fiber pills, even laxatives for a short time). as always, try to "put the good stuff in (healthy food) and get the bad stuff out". Thank you E.C.!! This sight is refreshing and helpful.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Tori13 (Kelowna, Bc Canada) on 12/14/2012

My understanding is that coconut oil has antimicrobial properties and so there are toxins released as it kills off bacteria, viruses, etc. I would guess that candida would be included in this mix, but I'm no expert. When I started taking it I experienced headaches and flu-like symptoms. I felt pretty crappy so I cut back to where it was comfortable and worked up from there.

Castor Oil
Posted by Karen (Los Angeles, California) on 01/23/2012

What works for me for severe constipation is Castor oil. One tablespoon. But if you try it, take it only on a weekend you have off. Stay home because you don't know when it's going to work.Works on me like drain-O on a drain.

Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 05/01/2011

As a suggestion if you take a teaspoonfull of blackstrap molasass a day, you will find your problems will end.. Plus the eradication of any hemorrhoids over a few days. Put it in your mouth and wash it down with fruit juice.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Kelly (Cincinnati, Ohio) on 11/11/2009

A very good remedy for constipation and heartburn is: peel and core apples (sweet or sour) put them in a freezer ziploc bag (add 1 tablespoon of bottled lemon juice 2 tablespoons of water/gal. bag) and freeze. They come out like really good applesauce and are well worth the time spent. Here in Ohio when winter rolls around the apples are 3x the price and have no flavor. If you suffer from chronic constipation and heartburn they will especially help if you eat before bedtime. Hope this helps someone. God Bless.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Laurie (Belleville, Ontario, Canada) on 09/08/2009

Hi. What I discovered years ago is a simple yet very effective and natural trick to be rid of constipation.

In the early evening (taken early in the day, you'll feel painful cramps) I eat 1 apple. By morning I have a very good BM. The 2nd night I have one more apple and usually the problem is gone.

IF this doesn't work at all over the first night; the 2nd evening I eat 2 apples.... for me its guaranteed it does work in the morning. Repeat the 2nd night too.

Apples are Fabulous for many reasons.

Posted by Caitlin (Austin, tx) on 05/26/2009

Constipation: I spoke with a naturopathic doctor who said that ACV is great in limited amounts. Said that when you take too much, the stomach stops producing its own acid; it regulates itself to the acv and may produce smaller amounts which may account for constipation. I have personally found that drinking a lot more water can regulate my bowels more than anything else. Water is the key. I met a lady who said she drank about 2 gallons of water a day and lost 50 lbs she was carrying, mostly around her stomach. That's all she did. When I saw her later in the year she said her doctor told her to cut down on the water as it was flushing her nutrients out as well which was making her feel extremely tired. Cutting back to a gallon a day worked for her.

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