Dissolving Cysts Naturally: an Effective and Holistic Guide

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jan (Downers Grove, Il) on 03/21/2010

I had a similar experience to Carolyn of Abilene. I suffer from cysts on my scalp, but having the dr. cut them out only causes another to grow, within a couple of days, so I quit going. Finally, it grew very large, and one day I noticed it was draining a tad, so I began squeezing on it, over several days. It would only drain tiny bits, then it became so tender, I knew it was infected, so I started applying regular Hydrogen Peroxide with a cotton ball. It was much better by the next day, and over time, it would drain, eventually I would feel something sticking out and tug on it. This took several days, till finally a white sac would pop out when I pulled. Days later, a smaller sac emerged, then days later, an even tinier one! That was 9 months ago, and it has not grown back, which is amazing to me, but I never realized that it was the hydrogen peroxide that was the key, till I came across Carolyn's post on this site. I am so very grateful, because I know this will be a problem again one day, as my dad and brother suffer from this ailment as well. I cannot wait to share this with them! My dad gets several cut off of his scalp at least once a year! I am so very grateful for this site!

Chamomile Tea
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 09/19/2014

Sebaceous Cyst

Brew some chamomile tea and place a soaked cloth as hot as you can bear. Repeat during the day. In Europe this is an ancient remedy that works well.

All the best, Om

Posted by Nothy (Hamilton, Ontario) on 07/12/2022

Another update: It has been a year and there is no visible sign of the 8mm sebaceous cyst on my neck. I do from time to time feel a small bump and I squeeze it and the white fluid sometimes comes out. It is largely gone but I get the feeling it is something I will have to deal with two or three times a year. And I will do it with kelp supplements for a week and some iodine put on the spot. All-in-all, I am very happy with this remedy as I avoided surgery and saved myself $500.

Posted by Katherine (California) on 07/24/2021

If it is definitely a cyst, paint it with iodine…Drug store kind is fine. Do it for several days and it will be gone! Dr David Brownstein says that all cysts are caused by low iodine.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Caterina (Md) on 01/25/2018

My experience: For cyst on back of neck, applied organic tea tree oil to location with a Q-tip, a few times per week and cyst is shrinking, almost flat now - Amazingly after 30 years!!!!

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 02/22/2015

HI U NEIL, , , , , , , , are you aware that your fresh urine is sterile? If not, then post less and read more.


Posted by Sherri (Seattle) on 11/16/2023

Hello Robin,

There are several websites that sell this salve: Etsy, Zenith Herbal.com, Herbs From The Labyrinth.com, Amazon.com, bloodroot salves.com, wiseways.com, bestonearthproducts.com, cancer salves.com and others.

If it were me, I would find a holistic practitioner with experience using bloodroot salve because some of these mixtures really may not be a safe option due to the location on the upper neck. Often, the affected area is much deeper and extensive than it appears and, extreme pain, a large crater and severe scarring can result, which eventually fills in.

The book "Cancer Salves: A Botanical Approach to Treatment", by Ingrid Naiman, is an excellent reference when choosing which type of salve to use since there are so many that work well. You could consult with her. Most anti-cancer salves are also anti parasitic.

Based on the limited description and assuming it is a type of parasite, many have had success trying one of the following ideas listed below which generally have broad spectrum anti parasitic and antimicrobial effects. However, when you mention "cyst", is this fluid filled, discolored, or deep? How long has it been there? Has a doctor diagnosed it? A more complete description and history and possible ID (Ectoparasite? Helminth? Other?) would be helpful to determine the best approach. If this is not parasitic or if you have doubts, try the more gentle approaches first (e.g., clays, oils) to tease out a possible ID &/or infection dimensions.

1. Salt Packs (Salt & Turpentine Pack or Stupe, Simple Saline Pack)

A. Heat salt in a pan, pile it in a multi-layered cheesecloth and secure end. Apply 10 drops or more of 100% gum turpentine essential oil to the hot cloth and/or to the skin. Apply hot pack to skin 30 - 60 minutes daily. Can do two 30 minute sessions. Debris is often drawn out, remove this. To minimize pain, one can first apply diatomaceous earth and/or Ivermectin cream 3% to the area, wait a while, then remove. Repeat the entire process until nothing else is drawn out. Some repeat this process daily, every other day, 2-3 times a week, as needed depending on the results. Persistence works. One can add other essential oils such as Frankincense (to minimize inflammation and kill parasites), clove (to minimize pain and kill eggs) and others. Most often, dark debris or a scab(s) emerges and this must be removed at some point so that the remaining underlying infection is drawn out.

Most of the time, these infections are quite deep and take time, you slowly remove them layer by layer to minimize trauma to the site.

B. An alternative is a Salt Turpentine Stupe: soak a washcloth or hand towel in very hot, highly concentrated, salt water. Add turpentine to the affected skin and/or to the cloth and apply to affected area until cooled, repeat 2-3 times until a full 30 minutes is achieved. Do this process twice daily, every other day or as needed. Cover stupe with plastic & towels to maintain the heat longer.

C. Or, simply use a washcloth or hand towel dipped in hot concentrated saline solution and apply a full 30 minutes, twice daily, retaining the heat by covering the towel with plastic and towels.

2. Earthclinic's BCC Baking Soda Remedy

Mix baking soda, apple cider vinegar or distilled white vinegar, and coconut oil into a paste. Or, simply mix baking soda & coconut oil. Optional: can add essential oils to this. Apply a generous amount and cover for hours to days, or as needed. Remove debris. Repeat until nothing emerges. Some have used various borax mixtures with good results. It appears these pastes work due to osmosis, suffocation, and various antimicrobial effects (anti fungal, antibacterial, antiviral).

3. Essential Oils

There are many that work well, a few are described below. Before using, first dilute the essential oils by adding 75-90% carrier oil to test your skin's reaction. Make sure to rub the oils onto clean/dry skin and rub it in very well extending beyond the affected area by 1-2 inches. Optional: can cover area with non-stick bandage or plastic. Depending on the response, you can repeat the applications once or twice daily every day, every other day, or as needed.

Note: if incorporating Peppermint, always add this oil last to any mixture or if layering. Peppermint “drives” the other oils deeper into the tissues.

* Oregano oil followed by the carrier organic olive oil. Apply 1-2x/day. Or, dilute oregano oil with olive oil, 1:1 or as needed. Can add more olive oil to the skin if it burns too much. For some conditions, having the oils as concentrated as you can tolerate is important. This oil is not for the “faint of heart” since it is burning and is generally used for more difficult or resistant issues. For example, areas in Brazil use it for cutaneous leishmaniasis and apply the oil neat 4 or more times daily until completely resolved.

I used this simple approach on an area on my forearm and was quite amazed at what emerged. I applied the oils 1-2x/day or at bedtime, every day. And, I used two species of oregano - O. vulgare and mediterranean oregano oil (optional). I applied the oils neat then rubbed in organic olive oil on top. As needed, I skipped a day or two or I covered the area with a non-stick pad. Sometimes, I would layer peppermint or frankincense oil on top for pain relief. A friend used this approach & cleared a spot on her lower back after 2+ months of consistent daily use - all sorts of “debris” emerged.

* Purification Blend (citronella java, lavandin, lemongrass citratus, myrtle, rosemary, tea tree) followed by Frankincense oil followed by oregano oil. Use a carrier oil to dilute as needed. Apply twice daily. A family member had success with this mixture on a hand-sized lump on the upper back/lower neck base areas. Pimple-like bumps emerged and dried up. Eventually, the lump & bumps disappeared after daily applications for 2+ months.

* Mix of Four: frankincense carterii, myrrh molmol, lemongrass citratus, yang ylang and carrier oil (olive oil, raw shea butter, black cumin seed, neem oil, and/or emu oil). Apply twice daily or more often. Clears MANY difficult skin issues including parasitic.

* CA Roller: fill roller bottle 2/3 full with Frankincense carterii essential oil and the remainder with 99% DMSO and black cumin seed oil. Apply twice daily. Many add Myrrh molmol. Can add other anti-cancer or anti-parasitic oils (clove, lemongrass, etc...).

Or, use (2 parts) Aloe Vera + (6 parts) Frankincense essential oil + (4 parts orange oil) + (2 parts) Black Cumin Seed oil or Emu Oil.

* Earthclinic remedy for a skin lump - castor oil + oregano oil + 99% DMSO (which is similar to turpentine) + clove oil. Every ingredient is anti parasitic in some way. Be certain to use high quality castor oil.

Other essential oils: eucalyptus (kills various parasites & ectoparasites), peppermint (kills larvae and mites, anti inflammatory), orange (anti-cancer, insecticidal, anti biofilm), copaiba (anti parasitic, anti inflammatory), lavender, german chamomile (anti parasitic), tagetes (anti larval), davana (anti parasitic), vetiver, garlic (antiparastiic & ectoparasitic), etc ....

4. Sulfur Pine Salve (SPS) or Pine Resin/Tar Salves

SPS typically consist of 75% sulfur, pine oil (turpentine or other pine oil) and vaseline (or raw shea butter, coconut oil, etc...). Apply liberally, cover area 3 days making sure it does not dry out. Rinse off and remove any debris. Repeat the process until no more infection is drawn out. An old traditional commercial brand called NuStock has been used for a long time, there are other brands.

An alternative to the sulfur/pine salve is Pine Tar and/or Pine Resin salves applied in the same manner. Often, anti parasitic essential oils or extracts are added to these resinous salves.

5. Cashew Oil or salves (anti parasitic & ectoparasitic) - research oil as to how to best use.

6. Andiroba Oil (anti parasitic & ectoparasitic) - research oil as how to best use.

7. Dragon's Blood Resin (salve or tincture)

8. EmuaidMax - very effective for many skin conditions - must rub in VERY well several times daily or more depending on the issue. Great for ectoparasitic infections (e.g., mites), fungal/yeast infections, bacterial infections, viral infections, scabies, burns, wounds, viral infections, ect...

9. Drawing clays (e.g., bentonite, French green clay, etc..) mix with distilled water and add frankincense &/or rose essential oil. Keep moist/warm with plastic and additional towels for as long as possible (e.g., 1 hour) then allow it to dry and rinse. Apply 1-2X/day or overnight. Can also use Diatomaceous Earth in this manner, it is a drawing and desiccant agent. You can leave the DE on the skin 24/7 so it continues to work.

NOTE: most of these remedies work well when quality product is used. For example, there are many adulterated or synthetic essential oils on the market so do your research.

NOTE: if secondary infections or severe inflammation develops (fungal, bacterial, viral, ….) you can spray HOCL (hypochlorous acid) on the area. It is a potent antimicrobial, looks and feels like water, completely non-toxic, and is a potent analgesic and anti inflammatory. It also accelerates healing, stops bleeding and is therapeutic in itself. Many hospitals and clinics are now using this in too many ways to list. I use BrioTech.com.

Wishing you speedy success in finding a solution! Sherri

Vitamin E
Posted by Iris (Chicago, Il, Usa) on 01/07/2011

My 7 month old son developed a benign cyst just under the skin in the lower abdominal area. It appeared suddenly and within a week grew to tthe size of 5mm and became very red. There was no head to the cyst so I knew that it was not like a pimple. We took him to the doctor who then sent us for an ultrasound and then when he got the unltrasound results, he sent us to a plastic surgeon. I didn't want to put my baby in for surgery, yet I knew that if it got infected it could be bad, since I myself had that experience about 10 years ago and had to go into emergency surgery for a cyst on my back.

Anyway, I read here that Vitamin E oil could help so I bought a high quality natural vitamin E Oil (32, 000 iu) and rubbed it gently into the area of the cyst on my son several times a day. I have now been applying it for about 6 weeks and the cyst is almost completely gone. Now when I rub I feel a teeny bump inside that is smaller than 1mm, but it is getting smaller every day and I am fairly confident it will disappear altogether.There is still a red spot on the skin, but that seems to be getting dry sort of like a scab and I am guessing that will go away completely in time. Thank you for the posts about the vitamin E oil!!!! It worked to prevent surgery for my baby boy!! I hope my post can help others too.

Posted by Nothy (Hamilton, On) on 09/16/2021

I applied iodine tincture to my 8 mm complicated sebaceous cyst daily and that, with a kelp tablet every three days, shrunk it considerably. It is now barely there, and I will continue to put iodine on it nightly for two weeks after it is all gone. I used a q-tip and painted the bump with iodine. I found after about two weeks, part of it popped and I cleaned and applied iodine then. It has been about a month now and it seems to have shrunk more than anything, to a flattened barely there cyst. I will keep applying the iodine and taking the kelp tablets for a few more weeks.

Posted by Charles D. (Burlington) on 11/20/2020

Norwegian Kelp will make almost all cysts disappear in a short period of time. I first heard it from a woman that had breast cysts being drained often. A nurse told her her mother cured them taking kelp. I had a cyst on my shoulder 5x7 cm. I had tried edible clay and then castor oil but it continued to grow. I started taking Now Brand Kelp and by the time I was finished the second bottle it was completely gone.

Take 2 caplets twice a day.

Ribwort Plantain
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 08/25/2016

Yes, plantain is the name of an herb. It has wonderful healing properties and grows in many places. I use it for insect bites, poison ivy, burns, wounds, and bladder infections. Amazing stuff!

Low Oxalate Diet
Posted by Sheila (Rockford, Illinois) on 04/24/2012

For anyone suffering with cysts, especially near the vagina or anus: I went to doctors for a thick mass halfway between my rectum and vagina. They told me I may have to have it surgically removed. I didn't want that so I searched the net for anything. What I found was quite surprising. OXALATES! Because I had exposure to mold and swallowed fiberglass in the air, my stomach and intestines were damaged. I developed celiacs, terrible sores on my legs, arms buttocks, sores in my mouth. Fevers, swollen lymph nodes. If I had continued to follow DRs non-advice, I KNOW I would be dead now. I was sinking fast. I stopped the gluten but still had terrible muscle aches and the cyst was getting larger and more painful. I found out about the oxalates by reading online for hours. It is in the foods that are most healthy. Spinach, nuts, green foods, sweet potatoes. I went on the low oxalate diet, took calcium citrate and magnesium citrate with my meals and b-6 200 mg a day. Low and behold the cyst began to shrink and the muscle pains started to go away. It HAS to be only the citrate of calcium and magnesium.

Now I wonder if I had this, how many other people have the same thing and don't know it. It causes eye problems, brain fog and lots of pain all over. If this is you try it, it may help you. Or you can go to a doctor and have him take years to diagnose you. I'm a nurse and it is so disappointing to see how long it takes them to figure out what is wrong with you after you spend all of the money. Good luck all! Bless you all and keep trying to find your answers!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jack (Scranton, Pa) on 02/27/2010

Periapical Cyst: Eliminate it with Gauze, Water, Oil Pulling, Garlic Oil, Tumeric

A Periapical Cyst is formed after trapped puss cannot escape through the infected tooth's abscess, and instead finds a path into the jaw and cheek near the tooth abscess origin. The cyst usually gets quite large, expanding the cheek outward, putting pressure on the mouth and face. Until the puss finds a way out, it will remain. A possible cause is infection from biting down hard on the weak tooth, or through a narrow opening in the abscessed tooth.


For a whole week I suffered with this type of cyst, making my cheek look bloated as though I had a very thick slice of salami between my jaw and inside cheek. It hurt on touch, and made my lower face nerves numb from the pressure. It was a bit embarrassing in public, but my health was most important, as this can sometimes be life threatening if it moves too far into the face or down the neck. Once you see the puss, you'll know why.

The day it finally broke, that morning, I decided to stuff a Gauze pad into my mouth throughout the day, to even out the look of my distorted face. By afternoon, the puss finally found a way out of my cheek tissue, through a tiny blister hole it pressed against, just above my lower jaw gum-line. Once the flow began, I carefully massaged out the rest, spitting out the salty, yellow-green puss and blood into the sink and rinsing with a glass of 50% hydrogen peroxide/ 50% water mix to disinfect the mouth.

I didn't have to use the scalpel, thanks to the gauze pad, stuffed into my upper cheek just above the infected tooth on the lower jaw. The pad was small enough to fit in my mouth, but large enough to press constantly against the cheek tissue from 10 AM to 2:30 PM that day only to my surprise. The gauze was very irritating to my inner cheek, and swelling began at 11 AM. By 2 PM, to the point the swelling of my cheek tissue was pushing against and almost over my lower teeth. By 2:30 PM, a hole broke through the blister on its own and the puss began seeping out. (Read below for the full story). To say I was pleased this worked was an understatement, as I was about to give up.


If you have an tooth abscess and a cyst filled with puss in your cheek, try this:

1. Firm GAUZE PAD (or paper towel will work) folded near the problem tooth, against the cheek with the swelling and puss pocket. Gauze or paper towel absorb moisture and add constant wet pressure to the infected cheek, to help it form an outlet blister where nothing had been before the Gauze Pad was added.

2. Regular use of OIL PULLING as suggested on this site. I used Virgin Olive Oil and Canola Oil. Also, swishing with Hydrogen Peroxide and Water mix, and brushing with Baking Soda (sodium bicarbonate) helps too, drawing out toxins.

3. Tumeric Capsules or Tumeric powder to reduce swelling at first. Once you put in the Gauze Pad though, any later swelling is a good sign if it's building inside your mouth's cheek tissue, gums. This indicates it's trying to for a blister to escape through, as it was unable to make it through the cavity tooth.

4. Garlic Oil soft-gels, Liver Cod Oil softgels (A and D), Vitamin C, Multi-Vitamins are helpful to your body. Vitamin A treats the skin. I took a few more than suggested.

5. Water. If you're 200 pounds, I suggest 100 Fluid ounces of water per day (under a gallon). Water reduces infection. Imagine not drinking water, how will the infection leave your body if your organs are drying out, unable to flush infection from your body? If you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated. Drink plenty of water, just don't over do it as it could kill.

6. Eggs. Eggs provide amino acids, omega fatty acids, protein, vitamins, etc. An egg helps provide plenty of nutrition for growth and health. Chicks thrive on the yolk especially. The yolk is key. Cooked or eat as you like.

After that, It could take as little as one day for the blister to form, or longer, depending on your intake of the ingredients. Altogether, I only used the Gauze Pad for about five hours before it opened up a blister in my inner cheek for the puss to escape. Of course, the week of taking the other ingredients no doubt played a role, but nothing sped up the process as fast as the Gauze Pad that final day to my surprise.

ORIGINAL SYMPTOMS, CAUSE and detailed SOLUTION: 7 days plus 1 day cured:

Friday night, I bit down hard on a slice of pizza, and intense, sharp pain shot down my cavity tooth. About fifteen minutes, the pain eased up mostly, but by evening that day, there would be no sleep. Throughout all day Saturday, the non-stop excruciating throbbing intensified full force, and the tooth was very sore to the touch, followed quickly by a fever including the chills, weakness, sore throat and congestion, but no vomiting or diarrhea. And I had a numb feeling on my lower lip and chin, which was slowly spreading to my right cheek.

From experience, I covered myself in heavy blankets and stuck my head over an oil filled radiator space heater, putting life on hold. Staying so hot that I "sweat out" the illness, with more water than I normally drink (2 gallons over 1 day) and plenty of replenishing vitamin C and A, D, and Calcium, with sunny side up eggs. By Sunday night at 6 PM, the fever was mostly gone; no more sore throat, weakness, chills or throbbing tooth.

Having not slept and barely eaten for two days in a row, the absence of pain allowed some shut eye, for 2 hours sprints, as I'd wake up with intense thirst. I continued drinking, but by that evening, the numbness in my face was continuing into the night, followed by swelling of my chin, and finally the right lower jaw of my face. The inflamed cheek expanded about 3/4" from where it normally rests.

Sunday throughout the entire day, I kept a warm wet compress rag held with my hand against my cheek and after seeing on EarthClinic that Tumeric reduces inflammation, I went out to the store and stocked up on the powder and the capsules (which are more tolerable to ingest). Also on pure Olive Oil for oil pulling/swishing, plenty of odorless garlic softgels, more vitamin C, cod liver oil softgels, and multivitamins.

I tried it all, and the swelling finally went down by the next morning (mostly thanks to the compress and Tumeric), but it was time to go to work with a huge Periodical Cyst/facial lump on my cheek, still filled with puss trapped under the tooth. I discovered quickly, food going into the tooth wasn't the issue, but when I first bit down on it, that caused trauma to the lower right jaw nerves, resulting in numbness and puss infection beneath the tooth root. Having no way out through the tooth, the puss found a path into my lower cheek bone and tissue. The lump was very firm, but didn't hurt much, but the pressure on my lips was heavy. I could barely smile.

That Monday, I felt very tired having not slept, and weak, so I attempted to sleep all day and continue with the treatment. By Tuesday, the swelling had not even shrunk an inch, and I had to go to work.

Continuing this all week, it finally turned to Friday night once again, and this thing was still on my face. I'm normally embarrassed by such things as this, so that night, I decided to put a GAUZE pad in my mouth to balance out the protruding bump, stuffing it just above the now swollen lower jaw. "Looks more even with my face", I thought.
Saturday morning, I could see swelling inside my cheek, so I replaced the Gauze with a new one and almost gave up as I drove up to the hospital, then decided to follow my instinct, and drove away. I was going to try and cut a hole in there and save the money. Throughout the day, I picked up groceries and shopped for foods that would feed the bones in my teeth, not sap away the calcium from them like so many junk foods. From 10 AM to 2 PM, the gauze was becoming more irritating against my inner cheek, swelling more than it had all week. At 2:30 PM, just as I got home, something wonderful happened. I tasted a very unfamiliar, salty, foul substance in my mouth. I stopped the car and glanced in the mirror, seeing a big ball of yellow-green puss sapping out of my cheek tissue just near the gum-line. Thrilled, I began spitting out over six tablespoons of puss and blood, carefully pressing on the cyst to allow more to follow out. Inside, I immediately rinsed my mouth with hydrogen peroxide/water mix, to cleanse the mouth. An hour later of this continued treatment, the lump is completely void of puss, though it is still slightly swollen having gone through such abuse. My face is back to normally thankfully and I'm convinced all that work finally paid off, mere minutes before I was going to "cut a hole inside my mouth" from the misery. Absolute relief and joy, with some apprehension it could always return.

Having learned a lesson of a lifetime, I will no longer take my teeth for granted. I have been reading much on "Curing Tooth Decay", and will eat properly once more. A man named Doctor Price, back in 1936, wrote a dental health book about various isolated villages across the world who ate rye bread, eggs, cod liver oil, butter, cheese, some greens, and milk from grass fed cows, and they were immune to tooth decay. Alternatively, he discovered that many in America, who ate mostly white bread and sugar with skim milk, suffered from many cavities and teeth that had trouble fitting in their narrow jaws, despite brushing and flossing everyday. You can find out more online with a search for "Cure tooth decay".

EC: Thank you, Jack! Cross-posted to cyst and tooth abcess remedies pages.

Vicks Vapor Rub
Posted by Alice (San Francisco, California) on 11/08/2009

Following (necessary) abdominal surgery five years ago, I developed a deep cyst (began 1/2 inch under the skin) at the incision site -- on a whim put Vick's on it for 3 days and the contents moved up through the tissue. 3-4 days later it came to a head (was a real medical event!) Cleaned repeatedly with alcohol, never recurred.

5-6 days ago I found a small lump in my breast, at about an inch under the surface. Hit the Vicks again and after a day and a half it started moving up, came up to various ducts at the surface -- completely gone where I had felt a solid lump. Then no movement for a couple days, a little uncomfortable. Put organic progesterone cream on it and it appears to be gradually working but I'll try some other things to move it along, thanks to this site.

Really I think it is a disgrace that this kind of quick no-harm preliminary tactic is not widely known and medically advised. I understand dog breeders are using Vick's on cysts -- why in the world don't we hear about it??!

Vitamin E
Posted by Carolyn (Pittsburgh, PA) on 01/29/2008

After finding a lump in my breast, rushing to a doctor, I was told that I needed to find a surgeon, before a scan was even taken. After the scan, I was informed that it was merely a cyst and I could either have it aspirated with a needle, or just leave it, as it would cause no harm. I left it alone, and remembered being told that vitamin E can cause cysts to go away. It worked and when the cyst came back a year later, I went straight to the vitamin E bottle, and next doctor appointment, there was no signs of the cyst.I take it continually now. I am currently taking vitamin E (as d-alpha Tocopheryl Acetate) 1000 IU, but if I recall, I was taking 400 IU when my cyst dissolved

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Lynn (Maryland) on 11/10/2022

I have had thyroid cysts for years. One had grown bigger and bigger. I did Lugol's one drop in cup of water once a week. Believe it or not it has shrunk half the size my endocrinologist says.

Posted by Nothy (Hamilton, Ontario) on 09/26/2021

All of my sebaceous cysts (diagnosed via ultrasound as 8 mm in size) seems to be completely gone. I am cautiously optimistic that it is gone for good, but I will keep an eye on it for a few weeks. I am not doing the iodine on it since it is no longer there. It has taken about 6 weeks of nearly daily application to the cyst. At times, the cyst would burst but generally, it seemed to shrink.

I would clean it with antiseptic and cover it when it burst. I also found that the skin on the cyst seemed to be rougher at times, and then would peel off with time. The iodine would irritate my skin, mostly making it red and when it got to be too much I would stop for a day or two. Also applying the iodine would at times make it itchy or cause it to sting and then at other times, would have no effect at all. I am going to keep taking the Kelp tablets for another two weeks (one tablet every three days). I used Nature's Way 600 mg of Kelp for this.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Maria P. (Australia) on 06/10/2019

Coconut Oil for a Sebaceous Cyst

I dissolved a large sebaceous cyst on my scalp successfully by rubbing in some virgin coconut oil every night and pressing as I did so. I

had this idea from reading about the dissolving of acne in "Coconut Cures" by Bruce Fife N.D. 12 weeks later, it was reduced to a large flat dark scab which could be picked off leaving behind a teeny hole.

Cysts and MRSA
Posted by Karen (Georgia) on 10/02/2016


To all of you looking for cyst remedies: I would be very careful! I had a "cyst" that was lanced at the ER and later diagnosed as staph at the ER, lanced, drained and packed. Finally wound up at the surgeon's office. It was MRSA and resistant to ALL but two antibiotics. It still never totally went away and required surgery. MRSA is VERY serious and can even be deadly.

Please if you are ever in serious pain or these self diagnosed "cysts" are growing rapidly, consult a physician IMMEDIATELY and get tested for MRSA. This can also be very contagious if the skin is broken and it is MRSA.

DMSO, Colloidal Silver, Turpentine
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc ) on 05/05/2015

I have used a few methods of dealing with surface cysts and below skin cysts. I say cysts; but I "lump" fatty tumors; cysts of mass as well as fluid in a single group.

I first want to make sure the cyst is not caused by infection or accompanied by infection. So I place on the site a poultice of colloidal silver mixed with DMSO. I let that sit for fifteen minutes on the surface.

I have also used a charcoal poultice and a turpentine poultice. I mix the turpentine with DMSO and colloidal silver. The turpentine is caustic so I don't put too much on skin for too long.

I've used Healing Clay. Not as a poultice. I just put a half spoonful of the clay with colloidal silver and then place the "goo" onto the site. I let dry.

All the above I repeat many times.

JUST in the past three days I found a number of "nodules" on my chest wall. They were sore and the size of a pencil eraser. I used the colloidal silver and turpentine plus DMSO on day one. Day two I used colloidal silver with tea tree oil and DMSO as a poultice and then did a colloidal silver with turpentine and DMSO poultice. The nodules covered an area about the size of three by four inches.

In only two days the sensitivity is down by 80 percent and the size of the five or six nodules is reduced by over half. I theorize I had an infection perhaps in my lymph glands. I will continue this poultice application for a month.

Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 02/22/2015

Whatever you do, do not mislead people about a subject you have not researched. The facts about urine therapy are scientifically researched and available in Martha Christi's book "Your own Best Medicine". There are spiritual texts in India, thousands of years old that attest to its efficacy, too. Moreover, Urine Therapy is practiced the world over.

Your claim has nothing to stand on. In fact a recent poster forwarded the entire book by the famous Mr. Armstrong which is proof and not based on opinion, available to everyone. It takes research, so please abstain from mere opinion.

Namaste, Om

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