Natural Remedies for Edema (Swelling in the Tissues)

Fulvic Acid Complex
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, San Fernando, Philippines) on 06/06/2011

Hi Everyone... A little while ago, an old Filipino family member whom we know well was reported to be suffering quite badly from leg edema as well as particularly bad skin problems all over her body. She is an 84 y o grandmother matriarch who lives alone(by choice) in the Balamban mountains on Cebu Island in the Philippines. It's very primitive there, no electricity or hospitals. You can only get to where she lives by motorbike-taxi because the roads are so very poor and its far from Cebu city.

Anyway, her family in Cebu city were worried about her and so they contacted us. The grandmother is also a vegetarian and still very healthy -- she used to hike the mountains regularly but, because of the edema, now has problems just walking. The family wanted her to go into the hospital in Cebu, but she flatly refused because she hates cities.

The gist of this was that I sent her a fulvic acid product, which also contained zeolite, concentrated ascorbate and all the major electrolyte minerals for the body. To be honest this was a shot in the dark by me -- the description of her problem given by her family was very sketchy and non-specific -- so there could have been many other things causing her problems and so I just sent her the Fulvic acid complex in the hopes that it would work for her and have particular beneficial effects on her kidneys, liver and blood. The product -- which is taken in drops and is only sold in the Philippines -- is called Quantumin Plus. The dose I recommended was 10 drops two or three times a day with water or Tea. I have seen similar fulvic acid complexes sold in the US online.

Today, we have just received word -- after a month -- that her skin problems are now healing rapidly and the edema in her legs has reduced significantly. She has been taking no other medicines(she hates hospitals too). She is now able to walk normally and apparently continues happily tending her pigs and chickens as well as tending the small coconut forest in her garden. I simply remain astonished at the power and usefulness of this fulvic acid drops mixture.

Raw Food Diet
Posted by Rawjulie (Pine Mountain Club, Ca, Usa) on 06/13/2010

Raw Foods cured my pregnancy-induced edema

I ate mostly oranges, fresh-squeezed orange juice, watermelon, and green juice (kale, carrots, dandelion greens, beets).

My ankles and feet were extremely swollen, propping my legs up helped temporarily, but it didn't last. After being 100% raw for 3-4 days the swelling had gone away completely. I eat a healthy diet normally, but eating all fresh foods and mainly fruit was what made the difference.

Asparagus or Vtamin B6
Posted by Jgmurphy (Skokie, Il) on 12/15/2009

Edema: A wonderful natural diuretic is asparagus. Some have also had good results with vitamin B-6.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by J.j. (Private, California Usa) on 11/16/2009

It worked to heal me of my swollen and sore feet. One especially stayed swollen, and I had this problem for two years. After trying apple cider vinegar it was gone within 3 days. I have to stay on the acv,which is fine with me. With it I have not needed anti-inflammatories, and get better relief. I take 3-4 tbs every 3-4 hours when awake, for best results. Eventually I expect less will suffice. Everything is better, I have a great deal more energy, and I just feel better.

Distilled Water
Posted by Arlene Marie (Jekyll Island, Ga) on 06/13/2014

Distilled water removes only the inorganic minerals from your body which can cause all sorts of problems especially joint pain. DW will not remove any organic minerals. Do the research.

Distilled Water
Posted by Robert Henry (St George Isl., Fl.) on 09/12/2014

HI U NO DRUGS, , , , , , , , , , , , because you don't understand, does not mean it is not so. Pure water is a very strong solvent and because of what is known as hydrogen bonding it has an affinity for minerals to satisfy this ionic charge.

Like in paper mills, most industry uses steam in the process. A small amount of steam condenses in these pipelines and the water is called condensate and it is pure or distilled water. To remove, the steam line will have a line going down to a trap which removes this hot distilled water which then falls on concrete. After awhile, this distilled water will absorb the calcium ( or mineral) and a hole in the concrete will occur.

This phenomena also takes place in your body when you drink distilled water. Folks also don't appreciate that a double osmosis filter in your home will do the same thing.

Back in the ridges of Tennessee we use an alkaline water ionizer which doubles the amount of minerals that are normally in the water. We want the added minerals and the ionized structured water.

I hope this has shed some light as to why distilled water removes minerals from your body.

=====OLE ROBERT HENRY=======

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kelly (Seattle) on 04/24/2021

The actual reason ACV works is because it constricts blood vessels, so it helps with venous insufficiency and varicose veins, which are major causes of edema.

Onion-Milk Remedy
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 02/16/2024

The Onion in Medicine

The ancient Egyptians it is said, were forbidden to eat the onion, garlic and leek. According to the priests of Pelusium the onion was barred because it caused a flow of tears, hunger and thirst and hence was manifestly out of place in fasts and during religious ceremonies. It did not seem right to weep on occasions of joy or to be tormented with hunger and thirst on days set aside for fasting.

The Hebrews regarded the onion purely for it's culinary value. The Greeks were fond of both onions and garlic. The former were apparently used when drinking to increase thirst and enhance the pleasures of the cup. But in the palmy days of Rome, the two vegetables had become largely the badge of the rabble.

In the Middle Ages any well-set table contained a plate of red onions. The chief repute of the onion in medicine was as a diuretic and remedy for dropsy. This belief has persisted up to the present time and it is somewhat strange to find that as early as 1853 onions and a milk diet were pronounced the best remedy for dropsy (a term used to describe generalized swelling and was synonymous with heart failure). In 1868, Trastour reported that a case of parenchymatous nephritis (renal lesions in parenchymatous nephritis are confined to the kidney tubules), with edema (swelling caused by too much fluid trapped in the body's tissues) and albuminuria (too much albumin in your urine), cleared up under the onion-milk regimen. In addition to anasarca (a condition characterized by severe generalized edema of the body) of both legs there has been a hydothorax (is a noninflammatory collection of serous fluid within the pleural cavities. The effusion is clear and straw colored. Hydrothorax is unilateral or bilateral. The most common cause of hydrothorax is cardiac failure, but it is also frequently the result of renal failure and cirrhosis of the liver). The treatment had provoked a strong diuresis (increased or excessive production of urine). In 1910 Mongour saw a still more remarkable case of cirrhosis of the liver with ascites (a condition in which fluid collects in spaces within your abdomen) clear-up after three days of onion eating with a critical polyuria (a urine output greater than three liters per day in adults). Cruchet had seen a patient with dropsy recover after a period of onion eating – 15 or 20 daily. In 1912 Dalche published his article on the “onion cure”. He spoke of a case of a three-quart diuresis produced in a dropsical patient by this resource. During the war Leclerc to whom we are indebted for the preceding information (La Presse Medicale, February 25, xxx, 16) frequently witnessed this diuretic action in soldiers, notably in a Senegalese with serous effusions and dropsy due to nephritis. From the book: Medical Record, Volume 101 edited by George Frederick Shrady, Thomas Lathrop Stedman, pages 629-630 April 15,1922.


Note: I edited this article with (notations) of medical terms to make it easier to read.

Onion-Milk Recipe:

Boiled onions in milk

By soaking onions in milk helps dilute their sulfur content, taking away that pungent, raw bite. Use whole milk will work for the recipe. Fats are a natural lubricant for inflamed tissues.

General rule of thumb is: For every liter (34oz) of milk, take four medium onions.

For a single dose, one onion (50-60g = 2oz) is taken per 100 ml (3.52oz) of milk.

Boil the chopped onions in milk for 1-2 minutes - (with subsequent infusion in the pot for about 2 hours).

Milk is brought to a boil on slow heat. After boiling is achieved, add onions to it. During the boiling process, the mixture is constantly stirred, maintaining uniformed consistency. If necessary, the onions can be filtered if preferred. The mixture is then poured into a thermos and drunk throughout the day without the need to reheat it every time. Honey (1 tsp) can be added to improve taste.

Recipe variations: There are many options for how to properly drink milk with onions. For medicinal purposes, the dosage is reduced to a 1:1 ratio.

For an adult, the dosage is half a glass at a time.
For children, it is reduced several times - from 2 to 5 tbsp. At the age of three years and up to the norm of an adult at 12-15 years.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Rob (Toronto) on 07/03/2020

I believe for any chronic repetitive condition a food diary and elimination diet is probably the best thing one can do for edema. Rather than applying anti-inflammatory compounds you may get to the root cause of what is causing the inflammation. In my case I just kept note of when I would have the condition and what I ate the prior day. If I eat very cleanly, just some specific greens, teas, and little to no meat all is good. It seems the suspects for my edema/inflammation are milk products, soy milk with the added fillers, I only drink a Soy product which contains soy and water, which doesn't not cause issue. One should have their kidney's checked to rule out that they are functioning properly. Low salt of course.

Posted by Gord235 (Vancouver, Canada) on 10/25/2019

R+ALA 400mg./day worked for me in 24 hr. reducing the swelling by about 75%.

Be sure to get the one with R+. I'm not sure what the R+ stands for but in previous posts on the old site it was stressed that it was better than just ALA alone.

Posted by Red (Neck) (Goodlettsville, Tn.) on 03/23/2018

For Edema, I have done many things but Serrapeptase seems to work the best as Edema's cause would be an enlarging heart caused by the interior wall of the heart thickening and stiffening due to "critter" infestations causing scar tissue to form in that part of the heart.

Also inositol and D-Ribose helps lots. Also, if the O2 levels in the blood are low the heart will attempt to compensate by pumping harder and frequently the lungs are the source of the problem as the crud we breathe plugs up and scars the lungs thus reducing the O2 uptake by the blood.

For toxic moments in life, Burdock Root or Milk Thistle helps the liver clean out the "remains of the dead critters" and clean water is very helpful too.

Avoid Nitrates
Posted by Gord235 (Vancouver, British Columbia) on 09/07/2017

Thanks so much for your post Janet! OMG, what was I thinking? Bacon and pepperoni sticks have now been banished. It will give me a good excuse to order waffles with strawberries and whipped cream next time I'm out for breakfast. he, he.

Avoid Nitrates
Posted by Kelly (Seattle) on 06/15/2021

With all due respect to Janet, nitrates don't cause edema or swelling. In fact, they're used to TREAT those conditions.

I suspect that the reason her swelling diminished was because the foods she mentions --deli meats, cold cuts, ham, bacon, hotdogs -- are all EXTREMELY high in sodium. Cutting out those salty foods, if you could call them 'foods', will definitely help reduce edema and swelling.

Sea Salt in Water
Posted by Davy (Portland, Oregon) on 08/27/2012

This is a truly amazing cure, drink two to three glasses of water. In each glass add a 1/4 teaspoon of Sea Salt. I'm sensitive so I used an 1/8 teaspoon of Sea Salt. My lower back was super swollen from Edema tried this method and within three hours all the swelling and pain was almost completely gone!

Start drinking more water, for example if you weigh 100 pound you drink 50 ounces of water. I would drink a couple extra glasses to be on the safe side.

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Gord235 (Vancouver, British Columbia) on 09/27/2017

Wow, ALA 600mg./day. I have been taking 200mg./day and will now double my dose. If I see improvement I will then consider going up to 600mg./day.

Thank you for your post!

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Gord235 (Vancouver, British Columbia) on 10/10/2017

Update: ALA (r+alpha lipoic acid) seems to be effective in controlling my Edema. I still have the occasional flareup but not nearly as severe as previously.

I have eliminated anything containing nitrates (bacon, processed meats) and diet soda from my diet. I have tried eating a few things like beets (high in potassium) and asparagus (diuretic) without any noticeable change.

Since my previous post I have increased the ALA to 8 capsules- 800mg/day and plan to continue on this course.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kennywally (Midwest) on 05/13/2016 46 posts

To Glo w-virginia, I don't think 2 t. of ACV is enough to do the trick, but since it did nothing to help, you just may be better off getting a medical doctor to at least get you a proper diagnosis for starters, then check your options for natural remedies. And the 2nd thing is the salt...I can't speak to your condition, but just generally, that salt is vital to good health. I have switched over from that white garbage to pink salt...tastes way better too. did you know that salt used to be traded like money? it was that valuable!!! You may also wish to get a consultation from a naturopathic physician [[ seek one out in your zipcode, look on yelp for comments, then look on doctrs grades, you'll see it, pick one and make appt for consultation, to go over your diet, and so between the 2 docs, you may be able to normalize your body. Best wishes

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Bobbi (Florida) on 07/19/2017

UNSULPHURED BLACK STRAP MOLASSES isn't good as a sweetener. When I was 19 I took 1 T. in hot water w/ milk for a month. My blood count went from 8 to 13 in a month!!! Lots of minerals

EDEMA: It may help edema since it helps your blood & perhaps circulation. GET OFF SALT & SUGAR, KIDNEYS DON'T LIKE THEM!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cheryl (California) on 09/12/2017

If you are going to use straws, which I do, make sure they are made of stainless steel - which means you use them for life and clean them by dropping them in boiling water, or paper which are usable for a few times before they are disposed of. At least they are paper and break down. There are plant-based plastic straws but like the regular straws made of petroleum, the acid in the ACV may leech out of the straw into your body, which is not good.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by RB (Somewhere in Europe) on 01/23/2024 84 posts

In my experience, ACV is not an edema remedy, but one of the many reasons why edemas occur in the first place. I keep noticing that, every time I add ACV to my drinking water, I subsequently develop an edema in my ankles and lower legs.

The ACV I use is "Dennree Apfelessig Naturtrüb, aus Deutschen Bio-Äpfeln, 5% saure". Translation: "Dennree Apple cider vinegar, naturally cloudy, from German organic apples, 5% acidity". And yes, this ACV is organic AND unfiltered.

I hope this will help somebody!

Cream of Tartar
Posted by Hh ( Dc) on 10/24/2015

Thank you for sharing.

I have been taking Lasix (furosimide?) and daily potassium supplements for many years for my valve leakage, and gradually I started retaining more and more fluid. Cloth still fit, just that the scale shows numbers that pop my eyes wide. Tried so many things...none worked.

So I tried 1/4 tsp of cream of tartar with glass of water and was amazed by how fast it worked.

Then went and read more , and learned that's it may not be good if taking potassium sparing drugs. (my meds were non-potassum sparing) Optimistic by the result started taking 1/2 tsp with glass of water daily.

I must say, I feel good, I've lost 10+ lbs of fluid over a couple of months. Plan to adjust/reduce to 1/4 tsp once I reach my optimum weight and see how it goes.

Rife Machine
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 08/14/2015

HI U OLE PATOOTS DOIN, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

This is the latest in my leg edema that occurred following a fall that crushed my T 12 vertebrae. All have follow this saga since Feb '14. Well, I have some interesting news to report. Have done it all including a monthly lymph massage, etc. The therapist suggested that I elevate my legs at night and that helped.

Recently I learned that my Rife Machine had a program to get your lymph system to circulate. I have only done this for the past weeks and my ankles and legs are now normal so something is working. They don't stay normal throughout the day, but I am attributing my improvement to my GB 4000 Plasma Rife Machine.

The treatment is for only 15 minutes. I am also using this device in my cancer blood treatment. There is almost no ailment that this machine can't be used for. My wife is now using it to address her thyroid deficiency as she has been on meds all her adult life.

Also learned that this device can be used to address normalizing most all body functions. That seems the way to go.

How a Rife Machine works is to bombard your body with wave frequencies that will address your problem. These same frequencies types can also cause you harm, and that includes microwave, cell phones, wi-fi, power lines, etc. Even a rheostat on a ceiling fan or light can cause you grief. Don't believe me.. then take an AM radio and see if all you get is static next to this device. That static is zapping you with cancer causing EMF's.

Have taken you around the watermelon, but some EMF's heal and some EMF's cause you sickness. I am not an expert in either. Just trying to get you to read. You know my line.


Avoid Nitrates
Posted by Paul (Minnesota) on 09/19/2014

Thanks for the follow up!! Good job!!

Avoid Nitrates
Posted by Dale (Nc) on 07/13/2020

For what it's worth, nitrates also occur 'naturally' in many foods. I put 'naturally' in quotes because the source is often chemical fertilizer which causes the nitrate levels to be unnaturally high. Celery is a prime example. You'll notice that instead of sodium nitrite they are now often putting celery juice in processed 'uncured' meats. That is because celery juice is high in nitrates, and then bacteria in the mix converts the nitrate to nitrite, and there you have the preservative created naturally - but it is nitrate and nitrite nonetheless.

So, if you are avoiding nitrates (as my wife tries to do) you might want to research which foods are likely to contain high nitrate levels (celery, watermelon, and others). The difficult part is that it often depends on how they were fertilized, so the numbers usually cover a wide range.

Cream of Tartar
Posted by Arthur Hall (West Terre Haute Indiana) on 05/24/2015

I mix Epsom salts (potassium sulfate) cup for cup with water. Put it in a spray bottle. It absorbs through skin without the effects of taking it orally.

You will relax immediately; so will muscle cramps. Will put you to sleep easily. Spray some on and rub it in daily. Saves on using large amounts in bath or foot soaks

Butcher's Broom
Posted by Chrissy (Manahawkin, NJ) on 01/30/2013

I have been using Butchers Broom for months now. I ran out if it and the edema came back. So I started taking t again and I have reduced swelling again. It works very well for me. Good Luck...

Pulmonary Edema Remedies
Posted by Tavora (Brooklyn, NY) on 07/29/2009

Hi - if your neighbor's edema is possibly related to her heart - capsicum/cayenne is always an effective means to strengthen the heart. I found this very interesting article about pulmonary edema from the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMM). They recommend both conventional and alternative therapies. Granted - she should speak w/ her doctor but I would pay special attention to the natural remedies. I will keep her in my prayers....she is lucky to have a concerned neighbor like you.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Lisa (Thomasville, Ga) on 05/25/2015

Should only use unsulphured blackstrap molasses which is the third boiling of cane sugar with magnesium, potassium and other minerals.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Gord235 (Vancouver, British Columbia) on 11/07/2017

According to Dr. Berg, a potassium deficiency can be the cause of edema for some. Blackstrap molasses is high in potassium so that could be the reason it worked for you. We are all a little different and what works for one may not work for all. For this reason it is wise to try different cures and hopefully we will find something that works.

Distilled Water
Posted by Stephanie (Los Angeles, Ca) on 11/27/2013

Distilled water has been very helpful for me. I started using it June 1 2013 see a huge difference in my health, joint pain and well being.

Distilled Water
Posted by Helen (Australia) on 01/04/2018

False. Distilled water removes inorganic minerals, which your body can't use anyway. Organic minerals are immediately utilised. Be aware of this when buying mineral supplements: if they're not organic, they're not beneficial.

Distilled Water
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 07/13/2023

Dear Sandy,

My children grew up with well water and will not drink "city water, " when we go to hotels or airbnb's etc. So I understand your dilemma.

Some options would include trying a Brita filter; we used one when we lived in Michigan. Store bought spring water would have minerals in it.

Ask around. There may be a spring somewhere that people like. Where I live there are a couple and we see people stopped and filling up bottles right on the side of the road. (Rural roads.)

If you know anyone who has good water they may be happy for you to fill up gallon bottles at their house. My son and daughter in law have bad water and fill up bottles whenever they go to her parents' house.

When we travel I usually just get bottled spring water.

I have used a Berkey Filter in the past, but they are pretty expensive.

For the issue of feeling poorly after drinking certain waters, charcoal tablets can be taken to help with that. I keep a bottle of them in my car; I never know when I will need them!


~Mama to Many~

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cindy (Az) on 10/04/2020

I know this is an old post, but for anyone reading now, the reason ACV works so well (on so many things) is because it is a detoxifier! As we pull toxins out, we drop weight, get rid of pesky and bothersome ailments.

The best type to get has the mother and it should say it is unfiltered as well. And if you can find ACV that is unpasteurized, that is the best.

A lot of the reason for all the sickness these days is pasteurization. Literally, almost all foods that used to be homemade and contained tons of probiotics naturally, are now heated to 165 or greater to kill all chance of any bacteria--good and bad--potentially making someone sick. Unfortunately, now everything we eat makes us sick! Think of this--wine and cheese used to be made without pasteurization. Almost everything we ate before pasteurization was "discovered", we had so many good bacteria in us, we weren't getting sick from being so toxic and having failing immune systems!

Pasteurization also gets rid of the digestive enzymes that naturally come with food. No wonder we have so many ailments. We have wiped out our good bacteria population and have eliminated most of the enzymes needed to digest our food.

ACV is good. And if you want to take back even more control of your health, look up cultured or fermented foods. (Kombucha, Kefir, Yogurt, sauerkraut, all homemade canned/bottled veggies that are made the same way as sauerkraut.) Kombucha is the easiest and cheapest to make. And is a great fizzy-drink replacement. It's an acquired taste, but so is coffee and wine! And then you love it and you can't stand the taste of all the soda, bc you can taste the chemicals and it's just way too sweet. Even converted my husband to a kombucha drinker. All women know if their husband has been converted to a new good food, it can't be too awful, and it actually must be good--given a couple of weeks to adjust! Plus it only has 60 calories in 16 ounces. Delicious!! It can be used as ACV too! (Tastes better! )

Butchers Broom
Posted by brian (New South Wales) on 07/29/2023

I've had a bout of odema of the right foot for the last month or so. I did some online research and found Butchers Broom was recommended on this site and others. I bought a bottle online and it arrived last week. I've been trying it for several days: two capsules 940 mg each per day. In this time, I've noticed the inflammation and swelling have receded. And I've not noticed any of the pain I've had when the foot was swollen. I will keep using it for a month or more to see how long the effect lasts. But it looks like an effective treatment for odema.

CBD (Cannibis Oil)
Posted by Gord235 (Vancouver, British Columbia) on 04/10/2018

I have been diagnosed with venous insufficiency where only two out of six veins in one leg are working properly, causing Edema swelling. I suspect that my veins were damaged due to knee replacement surgery.

I have found CBD (cannabis oil) to be very effective in eliminating the swelling in my leg due to Edema. I first took it in the form of large gummy candies purchased from a licensed dispensary. After three days of taking one gummy candy per day I was surprised to see that the swelling in my leg had completely disappeared. I have since switched to the CBD tincture which is the much stronger liquid form dispensed from an eye dropper at .5ml per dose. After just three days of taking the tincture once a day I noticed that the pain in my foot was also starting to disappear.

I will continue with the same dose of CBD as long as my condition continues to improve and will provide an update in a few months.

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