Grover's Disease: Natural Remedies for Relief

Peppermint Oil
Posted by Linda (St Petersburg, Fl) on 05/30/2018

I have found a near miracle to get relief from the intense itch of Grover's Disease. It is Peppermint essential oil. I mix it with Nivea lotion or Coconut Oil. You can adjust the portion to your own liking. I put about 1 1/2 tablespoonfuls to about 4-5 drops of oil in my hand, mix it up and apply. I get about 10-12 hours of relief from the itch plus it helps with keeping the skin moist and healing. I'm grateful!!!!!

Zinc Oxide
Posted by Sherry (Scottsdale) on 01/28/2018

Grover's Disease:

I purchased a Diaper Rash Cream with zinc oxide yesterday and rubbed it on my affected areas. When I woke up this morning, the rash is almost gone. I would recommend this.

Zinc Oxide
Posted by Ken (Colorado) on 04/06/2018

I tried the diaper rash cream last night, and the rash is almost gone!!! Thank you so much for sharing this information Sherry.

Posted by Deborah (Nsw) on 04/04/2018

As a qualified nutritionist, Yes I believe curcumin to be a very effective anti inflammatory and could help in Grovers disease. But there needs to be a 'multi pronged' approach to healing it, by both addressing one's inner health condition and in turn the skin's condition. Steroids are not the way to recover. A simple incredible possible remedy is eating fresh coriander leaves (and the roots). Half to One bunch a day for 3 days to see results. Eat it as a salad with olive oil and apple cider vinegar, pepper and a little sea salt. The folate acid and bioflavonoids plus many minerals in it help 'chelate' metals and toxins in one's system and aid the liver in excreting it. Also every day, 1-2 probiotic tablets and yogurt if possible, 1x D3,1000mg Vitamin C and zinc.1 Nettle tea very good for the blood PH & 1 Chamomile tea per day.Cooked Oats or soaked muesli with grated apple and cinnamon soothes and nourishes one's system (unless celiac) On the itch and lesions, gently apply coconut oil (with clean hands! ), or 1 drop oregano oil in a little coconut oil. Or put an oat based lotion or better still a pultase, on all of the affected area. - make by putting raw oats in a clean stocking or muslin and tying off. Dampen in warm water and apply the oat milk. Very soothing. Also many sufferers say they've had great relief from diaper cream if you're in a rush! . A Paleo diet is the most effective as it reduces acidity and blood sugar, otherwise avoid all processed carbs, fried and sweet food at least for a little while to help it clear up. Oh and yes 1st thing in the morning after cleaning teeth, have half a lemon in a mug or cup of hot water. Or instead 2 tsp apple cider vinegar in hot water. Rinse out mouth with water after ( for teeth) Ok.... in good faith and fingers crossed this will work!! Xxx

Grover's Disease Triggers
Posted by Gary (Danville, Kentucky) on 12/13/2017

Not sure if any are reading these posts now its' Dec 2017. I was diagnosed with Grovers in the late 1990's. I'm a single male in my now late 40's. Seems hard to pin point what the cause is. I didnt have the issue until after going on a cruise to the Bahamas in the 90's not sure if that had anything to do with it., the Sun, intense heat, being fair skinned getting burnt etc.. but regardless went to my family doc, went through the ringer of things including at one point they thought it was Aids... that freaked me out and I'm like How is that possible...? but all test came back negative. and was eventually told I had Grovers. I went to a dermo for years.. never got any long term cure.

for me.. mine seems to pop up the worse in Nov to Dec in the cold months so through winter I have a major issue with it. it seems to always be there, but in the cold months it's much worse and I break out on my upper and lower back and same for chest stomach area. Try being single with this going on and trying to date.. ugh... Rare that I go without a shirt, in the spring an summer my symptoms are not as I am trying to figure it out.. cold months, heat in the house drying out skin? I was told by the dermo to use lotion after getting out of the shower. pat dry and lotion up.. I have done that for years.

Skip to now.. I can't afford to see a dermo, haven't been since 2008. I don't have health insurance, cant afford it and my job doesn't offer any. So I go to the health dept. they can only do so much but for the past 4 or 5 years. I have been prescribed and using a topical cream (Trimcinolone Acetonide cream 0.1%) and also they will do about a 3 month prescription of Doxycycline Mono 100mg twice daily. neither have made the Grovers go away but make life somewhat tolerable.

Unfortunately the Antibiotic (Doxy) if taken for long periods have caused yeast infections which in turn make you have to take something for that and yes men can get yeast infections just like women its just not as common and its not pleasant either. So I don't take the Doxy as prescribed but the health dept cant do anymore then they have other than refer me to a Dermatologist which would be an out of pocket expense.. having to pay for prescriptions out of pocket is bad enough with no insurance. I'm just tired of the condition.

My diet is the same all year long so I can't see why in the cold months if flares up in the worse way. I don't smoke, I don't drink... if I do its just very rare on a special occasion... like New Years or something.. but I dont drink Wine at all... I have made notes on all the posts and may try some of the things you all have tried to see if I can get some more permanent relief.. just to have the rash to be gone and less itching / irritation (i do my best not to scratch) would be a life changer... last person I dated said it looked like I had Chicken Pox... Major Ego Boost.... lol.. Not...

The one thing that helps is knowing I'm not alone and there are more people out there than I thought that was dealing with this. Most seem to not know about nor never heard of Grovers but I suppose if you don't have it you would. Best of luck to you all in your quest for a cure or relief. I have wondered if you can be treated for Chicken Pox would the same medicine used for that work for Grovers??

Posted by Charity (Faithville, Usa) on 07/09/2017

Two cents : histamine creates itching and Dr. Batmanghelidj in his water cures books wrote that histamine is a SIGNAL that the water/ mineral system in the body is out of balance. Sometimes the digestive tract is short of enzymes or acids and cannot break down ingested items we intake. The skin absorbs whatever it comes into contact with .

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Kate (Maryland) on 06/12/2017

There have been many comments regarding dietary changes (both pro & Con), coconut oil and other topical aides. I would just like to share a few suggestions that have had a very positive long term impact on people suffering chronic extreme skin conditions including Grover's.

1. While the dietary changes may not create an instant 'cure' for your skin condition, eliminating known inflammatory foods and foods with a high sensitivity reaction (i.e. wheat, artificial sweeteners, dyes and chemical ingredients) will improve your over-all health and reduce your whole body inflammation making you less susceptible to flare ups of any dormant condition.

2. Coconut oil can be very usually has an impact on skin repair due to it's anti-bacterial properties. I am a huge fan of both the topical and oral benefits of coconut oil but do be careful about extensive long term topical use as some people actually end up with extremely dry skin after repeated daily use...the rash will be gone but the skin will be dry.

3. Probiotics- If there is any bacterial imbalance or lack of beneficial bacteria your immune system will be less than optimal...again, setting you up for a flare up of anything dormant in your system. If you have taken anti-biotics, had a stomach virus or a colonoscopy in the past year then you will benefit from use of a good probiotic.

4. Neem Oil. This stuff stinks to high heaven (unless you are a garlic lover) BUT the healing properties are can be used directly on a severe skin outbreak of any kind (acne, psoriasis, dermatitis of any kind including Grovers) or a few drops can be added to a carrier oil, shampoo or other body care product.

5. Support your skin from the inside out...if you are older and have 'fragile' skin, or are of any age with moderate to severe dry skin you can support the health of your skin with any of the following supplements (or foods)- Skin Ceramides, Hyaluronic Acid, Bone Broth or high Quality bone broth protein (for the collagen) and Astaxanthin.

Stop using body care products that contain chemical ingredients...keep it simple so that you don't end up making your skin worse!

Almost everyone that I have ever worked with to heal a skin issue has had success after working with a combination of these lifestyle changes, body care and supplementation.

Diaper Rash Cream
Posted by John (Panama City, Fl) on 05/04/2017

I was just diagnosed with Grover's disease after a biopsy of some bumps, turns out I've had mild cases for over 10 years. The intense itching only appeared this year. Over the counter creams seamed to work before, this year they didn't work. I tried Witch Hazel, Epson salt in 'hot' baths, mixtures of natural oils and Melaleuca oils, and others. Years ago my brother had a massive case of jock itch (he's a painter, in the sun and sweats a lot), he works for a local Pharmacy owner. After discussing his issue with him, the Pharmacist suggested "Butt Paste" developed mainly for diaper rash. It gave me immediate relief, three days with a few applications each day. I also found Max Freeze at Walmart has an immediate cooling effect and seems to overpower the itching.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Carolyn (New York , Ny) on 03/03/2017

I've had Grover's for 11 months. After much trial and error, this has worked for me:

For the rash, application of triamcinolone 0.1% cream twice daily on affected spots. Liberal use of moisturizing cream (any kind) many times a day on all parts of the body and especially on the itchy spots. Only lukewarm showers. No soap (it dries the skin).

For the itching, 1000 mg quercetin daily (available online or in health food stores), and avoiding foods and drinks that either contain histamine or produce histamine in the body. This had been particularly helpful. I usually take it just before dinner, because it's harder to limit the histamine foods for a larger meal. I also take a half pill of Benadryl before bed, and a blend of bifidus probiotics, to help my system produce DAO, which is implicated in histamine intolerance.The Grover's is now under control and I no longer think about the itch.

Vitamin A
Posted by Marcella (Newport Beach, Ca) on 01/25/2018

I was recently having a flareup of Grovers over the past 3 - 4 months on both shoulders and upper arms. The itching was maddening and while I had had a couple of other outbreaks of grovers in the past on chest and back, I had not experienced the itching before. And the symetrical upper arms and shoulders was new as well. So I came back to this forum to read about folks experiences and was reminded about the coconut oil which I had some success with in the past and started applying to the areas twice daily. I dont find that coconut oil abates grovers for me but that it calms it down and helps with itching immensely. Then after seeing the prior posts about Vitamin A I thought I would do that as well. I already take 75,000 iu of Vitamin A daily - I have had surgery that makes me malabsorb Vit-A so I take this high dose to begin with but went ahead and upped to one more pill and have been taking 100,000 iu daily almost two weeks now and the grovers and itchiness is about 95% gone. This was a life saver for me after months of suffering.

Garlic, Grape Seed Extract
Posted by Sabtram (Saratoga, Ca) on 01/05/2015

I suffered for 10+ years with Grover's disease and treated it (pretty well) with Kyolic Garlic pills (2 in the am, 2 in the pm - the Candida type). Finally my dermatologist mentioned she thought I might have a "yeast problem". I also had sebhorreic keratosis outbreaks and dandruff. I sent in a stool sample (you can get these kits from a Naturopathic Doctor or a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner) and indeed had a slight overgrowth (in my gut) of yeast. I took 2 weeks of grape seed extract pills (specific to the type of yeast I had) and haven't had an outbreak of Grover's or sebhorreic dermatitis since! And, I went off the Kyolic garlic pills. Seems hard to believe it's a coincidence, as I've been in saunas and have been sweaty many times since then. Highly recommend trying this! Good luck to you all!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Patty (Santa Fe) on 01/13/2021

You are doing too much!!! Apparently do not have a really good dermatologist either -

Laying in sun is the worst thing you can do!

Heat, sweating, hot tubs, all cause grovers or cause eruptions so stop now!!! Coconut oil is great - have heard that a 20 minute past of turmeric and olive oil - then wash off with cold water is good - I also use a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to i cup cool to cold water several times a day gently slosh on broken out areas..

Find a good dermatologist - do not use prescription drugs unless you absolutely must and then get a prescription from a good - that is g o o d dermatologist and use as directed - if any side effects occur - immediately stop using..

Coconut Oil
Posted by Stacey (Dallas) on 09/25/2015

Have had Grover's Disease off and on for close to 10 years. Steroid creams keep it at bay, but never cure. UVB light treatments at my doctor do the trick every time, usually takes abut 6 weeks, 2x per week. Laying out with exposed areas in the sun for 15-20 minutes a few times per week always helps too.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Marie (Ny) on 04/30/2018

I am a female who suffered with this itchy rash for 2 years before being diagnosed with Grover's Disease (aka Dermatitis of Imminoseques) and in rare instances could lead to a bullous skin condition for which I was tested. The blood test to ruled out the gene (16034- Bullous Pemphigoid (BP 180) Antiobody, which brought tremendous relief.

This natural way that is being discussed on this site seems the better approach than all the drugs prescribed which haven't worked well at the risk of side effects and possible damage to the liver. Among them, as prescribed by Dermatologists, (which have failed) are: A script (nightly) called Hydroxyzine HCL 25 mg provides temporary relief, downside is some brief dizziness upon waking. In conjunction, taken several 10 day predinzone (10 mg at 40 mg per day sliding down to 10mg). I've used several steroid topical prescription creams and over the counter anti itch creams with aloe. I uses Cerave products and soaps. Use hypoallergenic detergents, wear natural cotton clothing, no metals on jeans, take vitamins to ensure basic health, etc. Recently, I've been offered a long course of powerful drugs called metrotrexate (weekly) or mycophenolate (daily) which are used in cancer patients and organ recipient patients which is beyond the pale had I had the gene and whihc I would have refused even if I had the gene.

Prefer taking the Natural Way:

To keep my skin in PH balance. I found a body wash sold in CVS which is 100% soap & alkali-free and PH - 5.5. I use coconut cream to moisturize, strong zinc skin cream and intend to detox with Cilantro (after reading the success) from other sufferers of Grover's Disease for which I am grateful. Thank you.

Eliminating Sulfites
Posted by Bob (Chapel Hill) on 08/16/2013

Just checked mayo clinic because they know... Duh, nothing. So it's up to us to educate them! Scotch and bourbon are the problem. Due to the damage they do to the liver. My experience is cirrhosis, fatty build up in the liver, degrading it's ability to remove sulfides. So they get passed to the intestines, which convert them to sulfuric acid. Which gets absorbed in the blood, and the body expels them in the sweat glands. So Bobs theory is Grover's is not a pathogen, no fungus, no virus. It's a chemical reaction. It's exactly like the eufedex I use on sun damaged skin. So get a blood test, check GGT level. You asked if I was clear, answer yes, and no. Spent several months with my father who passed, and I was careless and drank more. And Grover's returned. And GGT levels rose. I backed off the alcohol, Grover's is now under control. Damned, the things we do to ourselves!

Gluten-Free Diet
Posted by Sue (St. Louis, Mo) on 12/16/2012

I have had Grover's since I was a teenager, but never knew what it was. I am 56 now. My Dermatologist confirmed it a couple of years ago. She suggested using the cream AmLactin which helped, but it was always there. I noticed when I started having fruit smoothies 5 days a week, my skin improved. A couple of months ago I decided to go on a no wheat diet in hopes of helping with inflammation problems. I have fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis and have a lot of pain and stiffness. Well, my pain and stiffness is 60 percent better and the grovers disease seems to be gone for the first time in my life! Oh, and I lost about 7 pounds and feel better than I have in a long time. If I cheat and eat wheat, I am in pain for a couple of days. It is definitely worth a try!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by TURBO/63 (PORT HURON) on 10/02/2023


1. Willow Balm pain cream buy it on amazon/the itch cream is less effective, but willow balm emliminates the itching for about 8 to 10 hrs and help heal my grovers.

2. Hydrogen peroxide wipe the effected area 2 times daily before treating it.

3. Uva and uvb exposer once a week for 10 mins.

4. Cotton shirts, no micro fibers.

5. Marshmellow Root/NAC/Querciten/Vit d 5000 to 10000/

6. No oral meds at all to many issues.

Grover's Disease Triggers: Stress
Posted by Art (California) on 05/23/2022 2165 posts


You may have missed this post from 3 weeks ago by EC community member Elena using high dose Vitamin A which may be of interest to you.



Posted by Elena (California) on 04/30/2022

I started taking 50, 000 IU daily for Grover's since this past Monday. As of today, my skin is almost cleared up!! Thank you to the contributors who shared that information! Just as a reminder take Vit D, 2000 IU more or less, because Vitamin A depletes Vit D.

I'm going to continue for another week, and then reassess whether I should continue on a decreased dosage of Vitamin A.

Best to All

Anti-Fungal Remedies
Posted by JP (Out west) on 10/07/2022

Orally administered activated charcoal does not get absorbed through the gastrointestinal lumen and only acts within the gastrointestinal (GI) tract in its unchanged form. Therefore, it could not possibly have worked at the epidermal cellular level to combat Grover's Disease. Additionally, MDAC may have, and likely would have, retarded the effectiveness of the 'Fungal Forte' active ingredients. Fungal Forte being a formulated supplement featuring lacto-fermented herbs, enzymes and more (what is does 'more' mean) to control fungal fluctuation for optimal digestive health. The advertisement for Fungal Forte says to remove sugar from your diet, and yet they include dextrose (a sugar) in Fungal Forte.

Chlorella, Supplements, Water, Turmeric +
Posted by Tarra (NY) on 02/04/2022

After reading some of the posts here and suffering with this atrocious disease for 2 years, to which my dermatologist simply said "there's no cure, " I tried out the cilantro smoothies and noticed a slight improvement, however I also have added or removed a few other things from my diet and after 2 years, this terrible rash is finally going away, nearly completely. I'm listing a few things here as I'm not sure which one was key for the cure, or maybe it was multiple:

  • I started taking Fish Oil (Omega-3s) and Vitamin D-3 daily
  • A scoop of Chlorella daily in my morning smoothie (I did not stick with the cilantro)
  • Quit alcohol- my acupuncturist suggested that the cilantro and chlorella sounded like liver cures, so I decided to give my liver an extra break
  • Stay hydrated- 1.5-2L of water/day
  • Women- use a chafe balm under your bra or sports bra! This helped tremendously to reduce additional agitation/friction
  • A sprinkle of turmeric daily in my smoothie

I wish I clearly knew what to recommend here, but overall these were all healthy changes for me, so I figured it couldn't hurt to share.

Grover's Disease Triggered by Vaccine
Posted by Marie-Louise (Zürich- Switzerland) on 02/16/2022

Hi Audrey,

I came lately across an interesting combination to rise up the own Cannaboids and to bind down the silent inflammations and inflammations in general. I copy in the orginal combination: Since I have all products at home, but never used them together, it does not have the same effect. Instead Astaxanthin, I take my fish oil, PEA I take twice a day and Curcuma every 3-4 days, since I have a very strong one. This combination should help for Rheuma and Athritis, but I guess, it does not matter where you have pain or other problems, the own Cannaboids have to be supported.

DoloGon mit PEA (Palmitoylethanolamid), BCM-95 Forte® Vollspektrum-Curcumin und Astaxanthin,

Grover's Disease Triggers
Posted by Sherri (Seattle) on 12/01/2023

Hello Jessica,

There are several causes for "true" cherry angiomas however, the most probable cause is Bromine toxicity. Bromine, like Floride and Chlorine are toxic halogens. You can be tested for bromide toxicity with a simple urine sample (e.g., Hakala Labs). Can read up about Bromism (bromine poisoning).

There is a page on EarthCinic to check out - Bromine Link to Cherry Angioma.

Other causes for cherry angiomas include: other chemical exposures - e.g, topical nitrogen and sulfur mustards, butoxyethanol; intravascular large B-cell lymphoma (IVLBCL); other toxic agents.

Also, it is associated with excess estrogen which is related to liver dysfunction, excess copper, vitamin C deficiency, Iodine deficiency and aging.

There are other conditions that have a very similar appearance, for example:

1. Bacillary angiomatosis - (bright red lumps) caused by various Bartonella species (e.g., These lesions are sometimes called cherry angiomas. This is a common Lyme co-infection.

2. Grover's disease - itchy red bumps, slightly raised, water blisters can occur alongside or inside them.

Bromine: research conducted by Drs. A. D. Cohena, E. Cagnanob, and D. A. Vardya, shows the correlation between bromine poisoning and cherry angiomas - "Mysterious red moles appeared on researchers' bodies after working for extended periods of time with brominated compounds."

Bromine poisoning is a toxic halogen (Bromism). It is a known disruptor which prevents the absorption of iodine in the body. Bromine builds up in the body and replaces all the iodine on the cell's iodine receptors. Eventually, there is excess and the body stores it in the skin/fat tissues causing these lesions.

Due to chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity, the US Food and Drug Administration banned bromide salts from over-the-counter products in 1975 and all sleep products in 1989. There are no FDA-approved uses for bromide, and it is no longer available in over-the-counter sedatives (however, some drugs today contain bromides?). Therapeutic bromide levels are measured in European countries like Germany, where bromide is still used therapeutically in human epilepsy.

"Bromism was once a very common disorder, being responsible for 5 to 10% of psychiatric hospital admissions, but is now uncommon since bromide was withdrawn from clinical use in many countries and was severely restricted in others."

Bromine toxicity can be caused by: industrial exposure at work; sodas & foods which contain brominated vegetable oil (e.g., Colas); brominated flours ("enriched flour") and baked goods; medications (e.g., Citalopram Hydrobromide (aka Celexa) which is Citalopram bound to bromide; ipratropium bromide for asthma; cyclosporine for psoriasis, some anti-cancer drugs, etc...); Sodium bromate is added to hair permanents and dyes; some cosmetics; Methyl Bromide is an agricultural pesticide used on fruit, especially on California-grown strawberries; bromide based cleaners for pools and spas; PBDEs (bromide compounds) are used heavily as flame retardants in new furniture, children's clothing, bedding, cars; and, Bromide ions have been detected in some bottled drinking water and water filtration systems.

I knew a doctor whose son developed psychosis and cherry angiomas from drinking several Mountain Dew Liters, daily, for quite a while! He was admitted to the ER.


The only way to flush Bromide out of the body is using a high quality iodine source. iodine rids the body of bromine, other toxic halides, some heavy metals and other toxins. Including a safe source of sea salt is also used along with the iodine.

Example of a toxic halide detox protocol: (See Dr David Brownstein's books)

Iodine - work up to 25-50 mg/day slowly, stay at this level for 3-12 months then reduce to maintenance dose of 12.5 mg/day - CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR FIRST.

Note: Bladderwrack or another high iodine seaweed contains the best form of bioavailable organic iodine so it is best to include this as part of the iodine intake. Some good brands: Iodoral, Lugol's by compounding pharmacist or make your own (see Dr Hulda Clark's books), Global Healing Detoxadine, etc..).

Celtic Sea Salt: 10 grams daily, check with doctor first; NOTE: intake of iodine should be preceded by a salt loading protocol and/or sulfur supplementation (see Dr Brownstein's protocol). The chloride in salt helps the kidneys detoxify bromide.

Magnesium: 500 - 1000 mg/day; baths, topical gel, ionic liquid oral. Good forms - Mg citrate, Mg glycerinate, chelated Mg by Solgar, etc.. Ionic liquid form is most bioavailable and topical. Mg chloride is more effective.

Epsom Salt Baths: x2/week, 2 cups in bath

Note: magnesium baths and excessive Mg supplementation is contraindicated in CCSVI - Chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency.

Vitamin C: 10 grams daily, divided doses. Taking it on the higher end is needed to detox Bromine. Maintenance dose is 3 g/day.

Vitamins B2: 100 mg, x3/day

Vitamin B3: 500 mg, x2/day

Selenium: 200 mcg/day

Zinc: standard dose

Zeolite: use high quality, x2/day; there are quality German brands and others, only use the powdered form.

A comprehensive vitamin/mineral, Essential Fatty Acid (omega 3s) & nutrition program

Note: some also apply iodine and/or magnesium topically in various ways to detox bromide:

* Ancient Mineral oil of magnesium applied to the area
* Pascalite clay applied to the area
* Epsom salts or Celtic sea salts with hydrogen peroxide applied to the area

Sources to explore:

"Salt Your Way to Health" - Dr David Brownstein

The Iodine Group Website

"Iodine - Why You Need It - Why You Can't Live Without It", Dr David Brownstein

"The Iodine Crisis", Lynne Farrow

Grover's Disease Triggers
Posted by Vlada (Miami) on 12/01/2023

I removed all cherry angiomas with a heated end of a needle. I insert it in a cork for convenience. Easy safe and fast.

Grover's Disease Triggered by Vaccine
Posted by Gi9gles (OR) on 07/11/2021 2 posts

Update: I still have Grover's ( 7 months). But I am still working on healing my body to get rid of it. Also, I was able to find a place to report my symptoms to the CDC I believe. The website is thru the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. The link is There is also information about filing a claim after you submit. I also read an article recently that stated that dermatologist know that the shingles vaccine can cause Grover's disease but they don't tell you that so if you are at that age to get the Shingles vaccine ask questions before you get it. The link to that article is

Grover's Disease Triggered by Vaccine
Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 06/03/2021

Our skin is our largest organ, coconut oil is anti fungal anti viral and anti bacterial anti microbial, molybdenum keeps the liver from causing pain when detoxing. The liver is the largest detox organ and ginger is very wonderful. Castor oil is the palm of Christ and you can put it in and on the body, really messy works amazingly. Comfrey heals rapidly bones and skin and muscle. Zinc is for viruses and copper is for parasites. One lowers the other.

One mineral imbalance or hydration issues will produce histamine. Histamine will cause all kinds of immune and skin issues. Borax removes calcium out of soft tissue and displaces certain toxic minerals like they use in vaccines.

The effects of some boron compounds against heavy metal toxicity in human blood - PubMed (

Use some chanca piedra with that. Dr Berg Gives Best Tip on Autoimmune Disorders & Conditions | Autoimmune Diseases - YouTube

Sunbathe for vitamin D and hormone reset.

and I go to the healers on youtube, just type healing prayers if you are interested. the real ones have testimonies below them about the miracles, as with anything you have to keep applying the cure. Blessings, Charity

Grover's Disease Triggered by Vaccine
Posted by Rita (California ) on 06/10/2021

Hi Charity,

I'm so sorry to hear you have RA, it is a challenge to have this dis-ease.

I'm happy to share, though it was a quite a quest of a journey, because in back 2008, there was not much info. Or healing support like there is today.

Here are two very good people I would highly recommend that you contact.

1. Clint Paddison, at

2. Erika Bustos, @ Instagram, you can reach at healing_arthrutis_holistically or

Here is my list for healing from RA:

#1 most important: Eating a Whole Food Plant Based Diet, no processed foods, no dairy, no animal meat, no gluten, no soy except for organic sprouted tofu, very little salt, sugar, and oil (instead cook with vegetable or chicken broth)

#2 See, and follow these doctors: T. Colin Campbell, Dr. John McDougall, Dr. Neil Benard (, Dr. Michael Gregor, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. Michael Klapper.

These guys are honest, true, and have dedicated their whole adult life helping people to heal from dis-ease in their life. They are the BEST.

Mind & Body work, is very important. Addressing unresolved life issues is key (self work). And body work to keep your body balanced.

Coach/Therapist for support is very helpful and to keep you on track. Erika Bustos or Clint Paddison

Exercise & Strength Training, even if you start slowly it's ok. Your body must move for oxygen and inner fluid movement. Strength Training is for building muscle, so joints have muscle support, which shall ease joint pain. Again start slowly, and build up.

I hike 3 days a week, in the am - and accomplish getting fresh air, sunshine and exercise. And 2 days a week, I do strength training, and yoga. Just move you body!

Practice Meditation, Pray, Yoga, or Qigong, or Tai Chi

Parasite cleanses /Dr.Richard Shultz (super important)

Infrared saunas

Ayurvedic Practioner/ medicine


Functional Medicine Doctor,

or Integrated Medicine Doctor

Practice breathing, calmness, and positivity.

This is most of it, but it was done over many years of learning and going through my own journey to discover all of this, and who I was.

I truly hope this is helpful, please reach out anytime. btw- I am a Whole Food Plant Based certified health coach.

Love & light to you!



Zinc Oxide
Posted by Terri (Humble, Texas ) on 12/28/2020

Zinc Oxide for Grover's Rash

I'm a 69 year old female and tried zinc oxide! It's awesome!! I put in on last night and the red areas were gone this morning. This is the first thing that worked for me.

Vitamin D3
Posted by Doug (Nevada) on 07/25/2020

I've had grover's for several years. Compared to the cases described here, mine was milder than most. My lesions were mostly on the front of my torso, and though they would itch sometimes, not to the point of keeping me awake, and never all at one time. Hydrocortisone cream subdued them for a few days, but never eliminated them.

I have been taking 2000 IUs of Vitamin D3 for over a month now, and the lesions are 99% gone. I am continuing to take D3, but now I am focused on fading the little scars left behind from the lesions. For this I am using Jason's vitamin E 25000 IUs once or twice daily. I'll report back if see any definitive improvement.

Thanks again to Timothy from London (2014), for posting his success with vitamin D3!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Kp (California) on 04/03/2018

I was diagnosed with grover's disease in January of this year. The symptoms began with very itchy feet at night and the progressed to outbreaks on back, chest, stomach, arms and legs. At one point, my arms became totally inflamed and looked like lizard skin. This is a horrible condition and my heart goes out to all of you that are enduring this. I have been to four doctors, two of which are dermatologists. The family physicians had never heard of it, so no help there. The dermatologists had absolutely no real advice to give, other than topical steroids, which don't really help unless you could bathe in the stuff.

The posts and words of advice on this forum have been the only relief and help I have had, so thank you everyone. I want to post what has helped me. To me this seems very inflammatory. I have found that ibuprofen helps alot. If you space it out as needed and throughout the day, it can bring relief. Also another thing that I haven't seen posted too much is baking soda baths. About 1/2 to 1 cup in the tub and soak 30 minutes helps with the itching and it is not toxic.

At night I take an antihistamine like Benadryl which helps with the itching and for sleeping. For diet, I have added vitamin D and Omega 3 supplements daily, along vitamin C. I drink the juice of a lemon (diluted in water) and also cilantro a few times a week. One dermatologist told me not to exercise (?) but that sounded so depressing. I try to walk every day for a few miles. No one knows if this is an immune disorder, but I believe that staying as heathy as possible has to help. I pray for you all, that you all will back to health and well again very soon.

Grover's Disease Triggers
Posted by Jim (Champaign, Ilinois) on 02/11/2018

Gary, I read your post and could not have described life better than you just did. I am an orthopedic surgeon and have wonderful access to any and all aspects of our medical care system and that has not helped me at all. The dermatologists, God bless them, have not been helpful. This problem leaves now single guy like me feeling hopeless when it comes to dating. I continue to read and try to learn about it and try new remedies. That is where I'm at.

Posted by Anna (Uk) on 11/20/2017

Grovers disease - I use Magnesium sulphate and this helps.

Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 07/10/2017

Hi Lynn,

For sure....! We were frequently advised by parents when growing up on our small island in the pre-historic era to take our skin problems into the surrounding sea water for an inexpensive treatment. Seemed to work a treat. We are prone to being somewhat cynical of things touted as being simple or free but it is frequently in the mind I reckon. My ears and sinus condition also improved if I tried a bit of diving, as long as I pretended to be a dog when exiting the water by shaking my head about a bit to drain the ears, much to the amusement of my friends and on-lookers. This was the brief period in my life when I cared what people thought of me! Only when I got a perforated ear drum was I cautioned not to go swimming for a whole year. If you try out the usual hot pools though, you ought not to duck under unless they are certified as being safe to do so. The offending amoeba is also present in parts of the States as well as New Zealand (in case any Americans are reading this! ). Our grandparents knew a thing or two or three!

Cheers, Michael

Vitamin A
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 02/15/2018

Dear Ellen,

You have expressed concern about vitamin A toxicity when using large amounts of vitamin A to try to resolve Grover's Disease.

What about trying carrot juice? Carrot juice has large amounts of vitamin A. And vitamins derived from foods tend to be more readily used by the body. Carrot juice is also helpful to those with many chronic health problems. For therapeutic purposes, sometimes several cups a day are consumed, but since it can have a laxative effect in large amounts, you might want to start with less and work up to more.

Burdock root is a blood purifier and useful to treat chronic diseases as well. I took it for months, 2 capsules with breakfast and 2 with lunch to treat neuropahty with success.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Linwood (Fort Bragg) on 07/06/2015

I have found that an ice pack applied to the area where the itching is occurring during a Grover's disease outbreak is extremely effective to bring almost immediate relief.

Vitamin D3
Posted by Brenda (Florida) on 02/09/2015

I was diagnosed with Grover's Disease in 2011 and suffered 12 weeks. Five of those weeks I could not sleep at all. It covered my back, front, down my legs to my knees and around my shoulders. There was nothing the doctor could do for me. By the grace of God, I went from sores to a clean back in one night. I thought that was that. But, ten weeks ago I started to break out again. For three weeks there was no sleep. Between the two experiences I went off all wheat which changed my life for the better. I do not plan to go back on wheat, but I did get Grover's again. I do think there is a link to wheat. I was found to have very low vitamin D in 2011, so I think that might be another link. I was also a little low in B12 and I was taking a supplement off and on. I am currently in the 11th week and last week I discovered lavender essential oil. I applied it to the skin and saw improvement. But the best effect was I was able to sleep most of the night. I found out later there have been double blind studies that it helps sleep. We heal when we sleep and I think, now I am about finished with this Grover's. I plan to stay off wheat and take a Vitamin D3 supplement along with my organic whole food supplement for the other vitamins.

Also, some of the best advise I received was to take 3 tablespoons of cold first pressed olive oil in the morning and again at night. It does wonders. I also used the organic coconut oil on the rash and it helped a little. It is my choice of lotion. If I break out again, I will try the ice packs. I get a mega dose of Grover's when I get it. I also think a quick lukewarm shower twice a day helps at the worst of it and then down to one quick shower for moisture. This year I bought a humidifier to keep the humidity at 55 in the house when the heater is running. FYI my blood tests look great for the usual things. I am usually very healthy. I am not overweight. The Grover's did make it to the skin that as not seen the sun. I currently eat all whole foods. There are great recipes out there. I have eaten this way for about a year and a half. My theory is that I got into something I shouldn't have eaten at Thanksgiving (that is when rash started again) or my D and B dropped down again. Hope this helps someone.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Patty (New Mexico) on 01/13/2021

Also drop the sea salt and hydrogen peroxide which is very drying - who in gods name have you been talking to?

Your mantra is moisturize, moisturize, moisturize - no heat or heat lamps, or hot tubs, or heat pads, or sun - no sun - no sun - no sun - sweating and all these things cause the frigging rash!!!.

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