High Blood Pressure
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure Management

Dietary Changes
Posted by Ricky 77333 (USA) on 05/14/2024

Try the carnivore diet for 1 month...I think you will be amazed. It cured my HBP in completely in 3 weeks.

Make sure to add electrolytes daily.

Blood Pressure and Age
Posted by Vera (Colorado) on 11/11/2023

I have never heard that blood pressure "normally" increases. I am 73 and my blood pressure fluctuates between normal 120 and low. As it always did.

Posted by Art (California) on 09/08/2023 2165 posts


The reason given for limiting potassium to 99 mg is discussed here :

https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Potassium-HealthProfessional/#:~:text=The use of potassium salts, be labeled with a warning.

Here is a relevant quote from the link :

' The use of potassium salts in certain medications has been associated with small-bowel lesions, causing obstruction, hemorrhage, and perforation [20, 74]. For this reason, the FDA requires some oral drugs providing more than 99 mg of potassium to be labeled with a warning. '

Regarding taking more than one 99 mg capsule of potassium at a time being safe or not, consider that one medium sized banana has 422 mg of potassium or more than 4 capsules of potassium. I don't think anyone has had a health issue from eating one medium sized banana unless it happened to be attached to a banana split and you ate it everyday as a supplement!

If you really want go for food with potassium, one medium baked potato has 940 mg of potassium and people eat those all the time.


Dietary Changes
Posted by Stars (Close to Heaven) on 04/04/2023

If you have mysterious high blood pressure even eating right and exercising etc. check your diet for foods that are MAOIs, even mild MAOIs. There is a link between certain genetic anomalies and MAOIs causing high blood pressure.


There is also research suggesting caffeine is dangerous to the heart and blood vessels during exercise, as well, because it constricts blood vessels when they need to be relaxed.

I prayed these past few nights that Father God would teach me what I needed to know to heal my husband's heart condition. My husband drinks tea of green tea, turmeric, meadowsweet, and ginger every single morning. They are all MAOIs. He has had high blood pressure for years. He resumed taking turmeric capsules the other day and his blood pressure went from 130/90 ish to over 200/100 again in just one day. He has not taken the turmeric capsules today and it is back below 200/100. Thank and praise to Jesus for answering my prayers.

Posted by Gee Man (Canada) on 01/31/2022

I have had hypertension for many years and am on medication.

I have Covid for the last 4 weeks and was recovering. I was put on oxygen as they believed I had pneumonia. As I started getting better I realized I didn't need the oxygen during the day but only at night.

I then started measuring my blood pressure in the morning and found that if I used a 1 liter setting and slept with that my blood pressure in the morning was lower than not using it. ( I stopped taking medication and monitored the blood pressure, ready to take medication again if it seemed to high.)

Also I started taking cinnamon with rolled oats for breakfast most days and it seems to be lower still. My normal is typically 153 / 94 but today it was 135/87.

So give a little oxygen (use less than 1.5 liters at night) a try.

Omega 3 +
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 11/18/2021

Hello There,

I notice that there have recently been quite a few postings re. B.P. and I thought I should share my recent experience.

I have been taking an oil capsule each day, hoping that it would assist me with numerous pains and soreness one inevitably experiences with advancing years. My diet is pretty good, as we have been constantly seeking improvements over the years and try not to eat rubbish - processed cheese is now a "no-see-um" around here and it seems you cannot buy a pie in N.Z. any more unless it contains some cheese!? We grow a lot of our own food, partly because we realize that nationally, our soils are somewhat depleted in minerals, especially trace minerals (more on that in another post but I have banged on about it before on previous postings).

Now here's the thing, the day time pains have improved BUT the night time ones (the ones that hit you about four thirty a.m.) have not changed. Makes for a very stiff and sore early morning rise and interferes with quality sleep so much so that I no longer look fwd to going to bed. Probably Fibromyalgia?

However, this Oil capsule HAS helped to lower systolic (whatever the higher one is?) blood pressure by a significant amount say 10% over approximately six weeks at the recommended one capsule per day taken with breakfast. It is manufactured here in New Zealand to a high standard.

Ingredients include Omega-3, Vitamin D, Co-enzyme Q10, Lutein, Zeaxanthin and Astaxanthin.

These are claimed to operate in a synergistic fashion to combat the aging process.

The capsule claims to support joint mobility, healthy cholesterol levels, healthy inflammation, eye health, heart health, blood pressure, brain health, hair, skin and nails. I notice I am having to trim my nails more often too!

It is also claimed that there are no significant side effects when taken as directed but SEE your doctor if you bleed easily or are on blood thinning medications. Your chosen doctor should have an open mind and you need to be honest with her/him or it will be difficult for them to give you correct advice - they DO know STUFF!!

Cheers from Down Under


Chanca Piedra
Posted by Hackerszzz (Malaysia) on 08/11/2021

5 years ago, I had a kidney stone.

During the night, I felt very painful area around the liver area, and I thought I was having appendicitis. Went to the emergency ward, and they said it was something else. After doing MRI, it was a kidney stone stuck in the urinary tract between the kidney and bladder. But to proceed with the procedure they said I need to wait another 3 months, because of many others are waiting in line. I could only afford the government funded hospitals.

Tried to research the internet, and I found something about Chanca Piedra. Fortunately, this herbs grows wildly in my garden. I took a bunch of it and simmer it in water and drank it half a cup daily.

To my astonishment, the pain diminished. Previously I couldn't eat too much since if I eat too much it presses on the affected area and it became painful. I couldn't sleep well at night because of back pain and just tossing around the bed became painful. There is something in Chance Piedra that acts as analgesics. After drinking it, I can sleep better since the pain reduces to tolerable threshold.

One day, I have the urge to urinate, and it felt a bit difficult since I need to push harder in order for the urine to flow out. Suddenly, I hear a loud sound from the toilet bowl like a big pebble clashing down the toilet. It was the kidney stone, coming out without any notice. After that I felt a great relief, I can eat more food, since the pain was already gone.

Another thing that I notice is, my blood pressure reduced to a normal level. I've been taking blood pressure medication without any success, it only capable of reducing my reading in a small numbers. I'm not sure what Chanca Piedra has done to my blood pressure, but the normal value persists for a month. But it came back to abnormal level, perhaps because I was not taking Chance Piedra anymore.

Gonna try again if it could fix my blood pressure since changing several bp medications couldn't fix my bp level.

Posted by Maria (A.C.T) on 08/10/2021

I have a friend with mild intellectual disability who was diagnosed with high BP so I enquired of my Chinese MD what they prescribe for high BP in China. She said they always prescribe Hawthorn, but she is not allowed to prescribe that in Australia so I purchased capsules for him at the health food store. Don't remember dosage etc. They brought him into a normal zone after a few weeks of daily dosing.

Posted by Rose F. (Dorset, England.) on 04/26/2021

I can recommend Hawthorn drops as a great help with high blood pressure. I tried beetroot, which also worked, but could not take the taste for long, whereas these Hawthorn drops are virtually tasteless. It has brought my high BP down successfully, but I need to take it every day, once or twice a day.

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Sharon (OR) on 01/29/2021

Hi everyone, my bp was straight 120 over 80 for more than 50 years, then it went nuts about 8 years ago, spiking a Lot.

Went through many EC remedies, nothing worked. Recently a nutritionist I follow said, watch your Vitamin Bs. Threw my head back, laughed (because everything's fortified, enriched, right?), and was in so much pain I got Standard Process B formula Catalyst whatever- with the additional Catalyst formula for more support (also kept on with years of cutting down coffee to once weekly, sugar down somewhat, tried to cut stress too..ha! ), plus kept taking a very nice probiotic, months on end...

Long short, BP went down in a day or 2, consistently down, been 4 months. And, my hair stopped falling out. This last didn't notice til plumbing didn't need unclogging as it had for about 8 years, a quarter cup coming out a wash.

So, I guess, watch your Bs!

Dietary Changes, Electrolytes
Posted by Lea (Ca) on 06/22/2018

I've done all of these natural cures for high BP, to little avail. It wasn't until I stopped eating sweets and started drinking electrolytes in my water that I started seeing an improvement in my high BP.

High Blood Pressure Reading Tips
Posted by Meadow (Arkansas) on 05/07/2016

For blood pressure, the standard "norm" that is quoted is 120/80. But the poster who said "that is ludicrous, why should we all have the same blood pressure?" is absolutely correct. As with all things, YOU need to be aware of what your vital signs (including blood pressure) are, typically. My blood pressure usually runs "low." When I have it checked routinely (or we checked it in class), it is usually about 90-100 over 60-70. The nurse usually starts to say something about it being low, and I reply that it's always been that way--sometimes they will ask if I get dizzy spells if I stand up quickly, etc.--no, I don't. That really is NORMAL, for me. But recently (after taking baking soda daily for something unrelated) I started having a constant mild-to-moderate headache (for two days); and when I bent over, my head felt VERY full and painful. I suspected my blood pressure was high. I went and had it checked. It came out as 118/81, by their monitor, which they then pronounced as "normal, " of course--but I knew that for me it was definitely elevated. I stopped the baking soda yesterday; the headache is gone and when I bend over, there is still a feeling of excess pressure, but not at the alarming level it was before--so it is improving. The lesson is, you need to know YOUR "normal, " not the "normal" reference range. Many pharmacies will now check your blood pressure (and sometimes other vital signs) for free, so you can just have it checked whenever you stop in for something else and get a sense of what it runs normally. (A further lesson--although many sites will say that "baking soda will not elevate your blood pressure, " I am here to say that it can, at least for some people, so please be careful with it.)

Coenzyme Q10
Posted by Kcmkwhite (Huber Heights, Ohio) on 10/08/2015

After my doctor wanted to put me on beta blockers, I decided to go more natural doing my homework I discovered COQ10 is supposed to have an effect on BP.

After experimenting with 50 mg tablets three times a day no change occured. I started I taking 200 mg of COQ10 a day I dropped from 140 to 125 in the first day. One 100 mg at breakfast and one 100 mg at dinner does the trick.

Coenzyme Q10
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 10/09/2015 2063 posts

K: Couple yrs back I had a sudden & drastic elevation in blood pressure and was prescribed all 3 classes of meds. The Angiotensin blockers were a lifesaver w/ no noticeable bad side effects. Occasional Diuretics proved lifesaving in critical high moments, and the beta-blocker I tried only half pill twice and absolutely could not tolerate. Many folks here on E.C. have similar stories on the BB's.

About the CoQ10. To maximize the effects of CoQ10 take w/ Selenium (or eat Brazil nuts regularly) and a full spectrum Vit-E.

This is a good start and thanx for posting the positive results, but you will also need to go a little further and consider doing a natural cardio cleanse. Lots of good info here https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/heart-disease-prevention.html

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jolole (Australia) on 07/30/2015

I am very surprised to find the warning to not take curcumin, ginger, cayenne pepper or cinnamon for hypertension. All 4 of these foods are frequently recommended to have anti-hypertension properties. Just using search words like: 'ginger and hypertension' will bring up so much information. Do your own research to support your health. Blessings to all.

Deep Breathing and Water
Posted by Thelma (Kansas, US) on 02/04/2015

I had suffered from High Blood Pressure for years, then after trying different meds, that would work for a while and then nothing, I decided to try going cold turkey and drop the meds completely. I would run 140/110 first thing on rising. Well I did some reading and found out that deep breathing and increased water consumption were natural cures. What did I have to lose? I took my BP 140/108, took deep long holding breaths, in thru the nose, hold 2,3,4,5, out thru the mouth like a straw. wait about 2 minutes and take BP again. It was 130/92. Wow! Did another set of deep breathing and then BP again, 121/82. I have been drinking 10 cups of water a day, plus other things like a cup of coffee or tea, a can of soda, and doing deep breathing several times a day. I am consistently running 120/78 anytime of the day. so if you have high BP, drink up and BREATHE!

Arginine, NAC
Posted by Art (California) on 04/13/2022 2165 posts


I should probably ask EC to take that post down.

It continued working for me for a long time but it also reduced my Lysine /Arginine ratio which can tend to make you more susceptible to certain viruses and that is not good for people who have herpes or shingles and in my case it caused me to catch one cold after another before I finally figured out what was going on. Then I started supplementing L-Lysine to rebalance the Lysine/Arginine ratio which resolved my cold issues and I kept taking that trio to maintain blood pressure in range, but eventually decided that it was not practical or efficient, imo, to take three supplements twice a day to control blood pressure.

So I stopped the trio and found something else that I only take one pill once a day and it works very well. As a matter of fact I will be writing about it as soon as my testing is done with two friends who are testing it themselves and then I can recommend it on EC. So far, I am impressed, but I want my friends to finish their testing before I recommend it on EC.


Arginine, NAC
Posted by Art (California) on 06/12/2022 2165 posts


Sorry, I forgot to answer your question.

Low blood pressure or hypotension can be dangerous also.

https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/low-blood-pressure/symptoms-causes/syc-20355465#:~:text=Low blood pressure might cause, pressure can be life-threatening.

Keeping things in context is important also because there are some people who just have low blood pressure as their norm. For those people, it might serve them well to wear a bracelet that identifies them as normally hypotensive. The reason being is that if they were ever to end up in the emergency room unconscious, the attending physician may interpret the abnormally low blood pressure as a symptom of some other serious condition and use an inappropriate treatment on the patient.

As far as allowing or accepting higher blood pressure readings with age, my opinion would be to stay as close to the normal range as possible, within reason. I think Carditone or beet root powder can do that for the great majority of people with side effects that could be significantly less than some blood pressure medications.


Alternative Treatment for HBP
Posted by Sigistardust (Vancouver, Canada ) on 03/30/2014

I have high blood pressure ( 162 sometimes 45 it changes all the time) now Doctor wants me to take a chemical product called Coversyl. By reading the side effects I refused taken it. he told me that no alternative medicin can reduce high blood pressure, which I don't believe. I don't drink, nor eat meat, and check the salt intake, no cheese, I would like to know what causes my high blood pressure, one think I know when ever I am in his office, my blood pressure is high, he scolds me by not beeing co-operative, so I decide not to see him any more, it just doesn't work with each other, I am just not taking chemicals. Would appreciate hearing from you guys, because he does scare me each time I see him and that increases my blood pressure even more.

Thank you again, Sigistardust

Alternative Treatment for HBP
Posted by Mary (Usa) on 08/07/2017

High blood pressure while in docs office is called "white coat disease"

What you should do is NOT have BP taken as you enter only after you have seen the doc than let them take your BP, because they usually only put the first one on the chart. It usually takes 15 minutes for the BP to slow down after you enter the office and this is your resting BP.

Calcium Carbonate
Posted by Azchuck (Medford, Or) on 01/21/2014

I've noticed that chewing and swallowing two to four generic Tums (calcium carbonate) results in an almost immediate drop of about 20 to 25 points in my blood pressure. Does this indicate inflammed stomach linings and what diet change would be most effective? Many thanks.

Calcium Carbonate
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 01/22/2014 2063 posts

Azchuck: This seems like an Acidosis issue; which is also a mineral deficiency issue. I would recommend a Mineral supplement like Cal/Mag/Potassium taken as directed. If you are using traditional processed salt (sodium chloride) drop it and begin using Iodized Sea Salt and or Himalayan Pink Salt as both of these real salts also have many other major and trace minerals which are lacking in the diet.

Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 03/30/2013

That makes perfect sense, as taurine regulates and normalizes heartbeat. Contrary to what is claimed, it is not the ingredient in "energy drinks" that causes any problems. Taurine also occurs naturally in red meat. It gets its name from the "meat of the bull".

Posted by Franko (Perth, W/australia) on 12/14/2012

Australia I used I stick of Aloe Vera (minus thorns) 1lemon, 1Tbs of honey and a banana for a month to cure my HBP. No result. For an extra two weeks I did experiment and add, 4 young asparagus, 15 flowers of dandellion. It was an excellent colon cleanser, but made no difference with my HBP. (150/105 for too many years to mention. Never used any medications). Franko

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Jon (Othello, Wa, USA) on 05/20/2012

Steve, when you combine an acid with enough base to neutralize the acid what is obtained is the conjugate base. This is the basis behind alkalization of the body by using things like citrus fruits and vinegar. In the body the pancreas secretes bicarbonate to neutralize acid, whether it's stomach acid (HCl), vinegar, citric acid, or any other acid.

In the case of vinegar it's acetic acid bicarbonate = acetate (the conjugate base)

In the case of citrus fruit it's citric acid bicarbonate = citrate (the conjugate base)

If baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is used then then the result is sodium acetate and sodium citrate.

So supplementing with either the conjugate base or the original acid should offer similar benefits.

When the conjugate bases are in the blood they will absorb hydrogen ions (one of the definitions of an acid) recreating the original acid. As far as acidity is concerned this is a much weaker acid than the original free hydrogen ions thereby "alkalizing" the body. The body generally uses bicarbonate/carbonic acid for this buffering system, creating carbon dioxide and water as end results. The carbon dioxide is then exhaled to maintain a proper pH. Supplementing with citric acid or vinegar, or the conjugate bases of them, helps this process in maintaining things.

As far as sodium is concerned, several recent metastudies have been released that show conclusively that low sodium diets offer no benefit to otherwise healthy individuals. What was shown was an increase in stress/inflammation factors. Cholestrol, triglycerides, adrenalin, and noradrenaline were all elevated in low sodium diets. The only benefit was an extremely marginal blood pressure drop of 1% or around a 1/2 point drop. However, it should be noted that those who are already hypertensive did experience a slightly greater drop of 3. 5% or around 4-7 points depending on what the blood pressure was to start with. On the other, hand salt really isn't the culprit in hypertension. Instead the culprit is a horrible diet of transfats, low vitamin and mineral intake, overcooked/fried food, sugar, no vegetables, no omega 3 fats, etc...

You know you have to much salt in your food when your food tastes too salty-Joel Wallach DVM, ND

Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 01/27/2012 2063 posts

Christine, to strengthen the heart, make sure you add Selenium and Vit-E to the CoQ10 as they work best together; and it's also recommended to swap the CoQ10 for the better form ---Ubiquinone, especially as one ages. *A note on Selenium, England is notorious for high Sel soil levels which have threatened cattle & sheep herds, and hastened tooth decay in humans, so I would take less than the recommended dose.

As for herbs, look for an herbal combination which contains as many of the fallowing as possible: Hawthorn, Cayenne, Ginger, Garlic, Ginko Biloba.

A dash of Sea Salt in 1/4-1/2 cup water 2 daily is good for HBP.

Hope this helps and good luck.

Aloe Vera, Hibiscus Tea, Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Ramiro F. (Las Vegas) on 08/14/2018

Hibiscus tea is the same as the dried red flower that is being sold in any Latino Market and is called " Jamaica "

best regards

Blood Pressure Readings
Posted by Donald (Pa) on 07/29/2016

Your numbers are not high, despite what you're being told. The 120 number is an artificially low number set by big pharma to induce people into taking medication. The old standard used to be 140, before that it was 160.

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