Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Insomnia: A Comprehensive Guide

Potassium Iodine, Magnetic Pillow
Posted by Laurin (KC, MO) on 09/18/2007

I am writing to say thanks to Ted who wrote me saying that my problem was probably a calcified pineal gland. I have searched for answers to my insomnia for years spent thousands of dollars for both traditional medical and alternative help and only Ted helped me!!!! I know God allowed me to find this answer through him and I want to say thanks to God, earthclinic and many many blessings to TED! After Ted posted the probable cause, I eliminated ALL fluoride from my life (water, toothpaste, mouthwash, etc.). It is shocking how much of this poison has been put into our products as it is present even in health food store brands. I was already applying Potassium Iodine externally (since I developed an iodine allergy, this is only way I have been able to take it.) I also got a magnetic pillow pad which helps sleep but is also said to help the body detox. Now months later I went out into the bright light and did not enter that hyper alert state. Although I also tried the lime juice and ACV drink, I was not faithful but fortunately what I did was enough. To Ted and earthclinic, you are helping many people and offer a great service to mankind. Thanks again and blessings.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Julie (Elk Grove, CA, USA) on 09/18/2007

I am 48 yrs old and have suffered from severe insomnia for 9 years. I have taken ambien sleeping pills for the last 5 years just to get a good night sleep. I started taking apple cider vinegar and baking soda for eczema and it CURED my insomnia. I mean totally cured. No more sleeping pills and I am not exaggerating when I say I sleep like i did in my 20's. At first my skin felt like it was burning for a couple of days then when it was gone so were many ailments. It also lowered my cholesterol 30 points, and I no longer have acid reflux. Thank you for your website. Its been such a blessing.

Cumin Seeds
Posted by T.Srikantharajah (London, United Kingdom) on 11/27/2007

Cumin seeds: Cumin seeds, when boiled in plenty of water and drunk as a herbal tea before bedtime, can help counteract insomnia. It also contains anti-cancer agents carevol and limonene.

ACV, Baking Soda and Cayenne
Posted by Clayton (Willamina, Oregon, USA) on 12/05/2007

I have been using ACV for a couple of months now. I started off with one Tbls in a glass of cold water. Now I am using 2 Tbls of ACV, 2Tbls Raw Honey, 1/4 tsp of baking soda, 1/2 tsp of Cayenne Pepper. I mix the ingrediants in a large mug, add hot water from a tea pot. This concoction tastes pretty good, is not very spicy (the pepper is hardly noticable). I have had more energy, felt better, sleep MUCH better. And like others I have noticed my dreams to be very vivid & clear.

Honey and Cinnamon
Posted by T.Srikantharajah (Wimbledon, England) on 12/04/2007

Daily in the morning, 1/2 hour before breakfast on an empty stomach and at night before sleeping, drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled in one cup water. If taken regularly it reduces the weight of even the most obese person. Also drinking of this mixture regularly does not allow the fat to accumulate in the body even though the person may eat a high calorie diet.

Honey and Cinnamon
Posted by Bonnie (Long Beach, US) on 12/13/2007

I was looking on your site a couple days ago and saw a remedy with honey to help lose weight. I tried it and found that i had more energy during the day, had less of an appetite, and fell asleep faster at night!! i love it! the remedy i found was every morning, a half hour before breakfast, as well as right before bed at night, drink a tablespoon of honey in one cup of boiling water with a teaspoon of cinnamon. It has only been four days, but man, what a difference!!!

Oil Pulling With Safflower Oil
Posted by Winnie (washington, dc) on 01/08/2008

I stumbled on your site when searching for side effects for coconut oil. I took coconut oil for about 4 weeks and gained about 10 pounds, I was really hoping for the reverse; anyway I found your site and a lot of good information. I started oil pulling the very day I read about it, I have tried with extra virg. olive oil, sunflower, I didn't notice any real change after just one try. then I tried Safflower oil, did it in the morning just after brushing, then I felt sleepy, I decided to lay down on the couch, and slept for 3 hours; I didn't make a connection then until this morning I tried safflower oil again, same reaction. I slept so soundly, good thing I had the day off today. I'll try it again tonite, looking forward to a great night's sleep. I took 1TBSP for 20 mins. So if someone out there has problem sleeping, this might work for you. TED, whoever you are, I wish you radiant health and prosperity. Your kindness and generousity is written all over your words. Thank you.

Kakao (Raw Chocolate)
Posted by Gabi (TORONTO, CANADA) on 02/12/2008

Insomnia remedy. Hi all Insomniacs! I discovered my remedy a few years ago by accident. I just turned vegan and was looking for something raw to sweeten up my food and desserts. It is KAKAO (cacao). Raw Chocolate nibs. You will find them in health food store. Take 1-2 teaspoon in the evening and chew it. I put mine in a coffee grinder.God, how well I sleep! I am not insomniac but used to have sleepless nights time to time and my friend with sleeping problems is already on it and sends me his blessings every morning so I hope it will help you also. Don't ask me if there is caffeine. I don;t know.It works. I use it when my schedule is craze and I sleep 2-4 hr every night and this is going for months sometimes.Being "on cacao" I fall in a sleep in seconds and wake up well rested. I just feel in the morning like a baby again! Please send me email if it works for you.

No Cell Phone or Computer 2 Hours Before Bed
Posted by Hannah (New York, U.S.A) on 02/21/2008

Don't Use Your Computer/Cell Phone Before Bed (No Texting!!). It's always been hard for me to sleep, and I mean always. But recently I read that a computer's bright lights suppress sleep hormones. I'm not sure if that's true, but not using it before bed sure helps. But then I got unlimited texting and my insomnia was back again. So here's the deal, don't use your computer or cell phone 2 hours before sleeping. It will help you sleep better and better each night.

Turmeric and Milk Thistle
Posted by Isabelle (Weirton, WV) on 01/13/2008

I just happened upon a site praising the benefits of turmeric and milk thistle; bought both and started taking them at the same time, so I don't know which of them (maybe both) is having this effect, but I feel like I'm twenty again (I'm 70). I sleep better and just generally have a better feeling of well-being. No better skin tone, or even anything noticeable, other than sleeping better.
