Natural Remedies for Neuropathy: Holistic & Nutritional

Celery Seed
Posted by J.r. (Framingham, Ma) on 04/24/2013

I met a person at a health food store that purchased 6 bottles of celery seed. He said he takes 9 per day and it resolves his peripheral neuropathy. I have that condition so I bought one bottle and it magnified my tinnitus. If anyone tries this please let the readers know how it affects you. Celery is also good for blood pressure. It's supposed to bring blood to the extremities as well/open veins. Thx. And good luck

Laser Treatment
Posted by Alice (Oro Valley, Az, Usa) on 03/29/2013

I have neuropathy in my toes and the balls of my feet and diagnosis said it was creeping back up my lower legs and had some loss of feeling in my geet and the bottoms of my feet. I had gotten pretty much rid of this before using vitamins. But this time it wasn't really working. I was trying to get back on a vegan diet which should have helped, but I was still failing and eating meat. I was looking for help until I could let the diet help. For over 2 years I haven't taken the statins that may have caused or contributed to it. Also, I am overweight.

In any case, my toes and feet were swelling and turning angry red, and often felt like they were on fire. My naturopath was out of town, but she emailed me and said since there was swelling she would send me to the ER or 24 hour clinic, as it might be heart related. Not wanting to expose myself to the purveyors of statins, stents, and quadruple bypass surgury, I researched further, looking for relief. An ad on earthclinic mentioned laser therapy for peripheral neuropathy symptom relief, so I clicked on it. Found a practitioner near home, and made an appointment.

He said the swelling was probably connected to the neuropathy, and that treatment might help but he couldn't guarantee it and that it was not a cure for neuropathy, but a reliever of symptoms, and that it would probably take some time to see results. He prescribed 6 weeks of treatment at a price I could not afford at this time.

I went back online hoping to maybe find Mexican doctors that could do it for less, just like Mexican dentists have repaired my teeth for way less. Didn't find any, but I did find ads for low level lasers that were way less powerful than the one the doctor had. People buy these to help their horses, dogs, and other animals. They also use these lasers on themselves. I had been told these weaker lasers don't work.

I have read there is zero change using lasers, period.

I bought one for $199. The first time I used it I saw immediate improvement, with swelling going down. 3rd treatment even more improvement.

I got the laser last Saturday. Today, Friday, less than a week later, with 4 total treatments and my feet are nearly normal. The neuropathy numbness is still there in my feet, but it seems to be getting better too.

I'm still getting prickles, but I remember when I got rid of the neuropathy before, that I had to go through some prickles and electric zaps just like I experienced when I was getting the neuropathy.

But the difference is like a miracle.

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Karen (Tampa, Fl) on 02/28/2013

Can anyone tell me the difference between R-alpha lipoic acid and plain alpha lipoic acid? I've been taking alpha lipoic acid for neuropathy 600 mgs/day with no results. Someone says they have resolved their neuropathy with R-lipoic acid. Call me confused..Thx.

Sea Salt in Water
Posted by Karen (Tampa, Fl) on 02/21/2013

I have had the same thing for 2 years. I started taking sea salt and water for 2 days and my neuropathy has subsided considerably. My guess is that in a month I will be free from all this pain. Go to and follow the instructions. It's free and easy... 1/2 you body weight in ounces of water and 1/4 sea salt for every quart of water. You BUILD to the amount necessary. It works!

Gluten-Free Diet
Posted by Lauri B (Boise, Idaho) on 02/02/2013

What is the cause of your neuropathy? Neuropathy is ususally a symptom of a greater problem. My daughter 6 years ago at the age of 18, experienced a sudden onset of periphrial neuropathy in both feet which quickly over the course of 2 months extended up her legs to her knees. She was in a wheelchair. After 6 months, her hands lost all movement. Within days of onset, her muscles wasted to nothing. (Yes, we were terrified! ) We did everything we could using western medicine, including every test 26 specialists at both OHSU and the Mayo clinic could throw at her. After all was said and done, they had no answers. No diagnosis.

I was a desperate mother who searched the internet for any clue to her mysterious and highly rare illness. I spent 1000s of hours researching every medical website I could find. I typed in her symptoms - and got nothing.

Then I decided to go through her pile of medical records and research every test, every word I didn't know to find exactly what they tested her for. Long story short here..... She had gluten ataxia! We eliminated all gluten from her diet. Within a week her energy levels started returning. We took her to a couple of Naturopath docs, who recommended she also go off of dairy, eggs and soy.

This story has a fantastic ending! She walked without leg braces at graduation, went on to graduate from college, where she continued to heal! She is healthy today! No nerve damage. No remaining paralysis. Full use of hands and feet. She is comletely healthy! She just stays away from toxic gluten and the other allergens.

Gluten Ataxia is becoming a very common ailment. You can have it without digestion issues. It can be "silent" If you have "brain fog", you could have it. It is an extreme reaction to gluten proteins.

check this website for more information

They have up to date information.

Posted by Kilgore (Jackson, Ms) on 12/06/2012

Try iodine for the neuropathy. It completely restored nerve function in my foot in two months. I used ALA for a year with improvement but no complete resolution. 20 drops of the 5% solution in coffee or milk.

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Al (Alvena, Sk., Canada) on 11/04/2012

I have one mercury filling left and have been on ALA & ALCAR for two months now with no side effects. There is a cautionary that I saw in several places to not lay down for at least half an hour after taking ALA and I saw another one cautioning not to take it for a time period after mercury amalgam removal but haven't seen any saying to avoid it with mercury fillings in place. I saw my doctor today and really surprised him when I told him that I am off the pain killers and he saw the lack of gray in my hair. We discussed the heavy metal issue, chelation and mercury causing gray hair and he told me that heavy metals are naturally chelated out into your hair as a natural mechanism to protect the rest of your body and that is the reason that they test the hair to determine the amount of heavy metals in your body. They also test your urine to see how much is being removed at any given time. He also voiced the opinion that because of my first occupation as a steel fabricator/welder that I may have already been toxic with heavy metals resulting in the long term severe reaction to the chemotherapy and I would tend to agree with him. Has anyone else having neuropathy problems got premature gray hair from possible industrial exposure to heavy metals? If so, is the ALA helping the neuropathy and/or returning colour to your hair? By the way, I have improved enough that my motor and sensory nerves are almost completely functional now and I am going to work this coming week. Anyone wishing to contact me directly can do so at "gustafsonal(AT)hotmail. Com". Al

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Danielle Renee (Ocean Shores, Wa) on 10/09/2012

I want to share how beautifully Alpha Lipoic Acid has worked for Diabetic Neuropathy pains. I take 300mgs three times a day and it has taken the burning and sharp shooting pains away, and my blood sugars and H1C are a lot lower. I consider it a miracle supplement.

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Al (Alvena, Sk., Canada) on 09/14/2012

I am amazed at how good this is working. After 13 days of taking alpha lipoic acid I have had my pain reduced enough to quit taking hydro morph contin and I actually have less pain and numbness now than when I started taking ALA even with being off the narcotic pain killers. I am picking up my benfotiamine and acetyl-l-Carnitine on Friday the 14th. If it helps even half as much as the ALA I will be back to work in a few weeks. We need to make chemo patients aware of this as much as possible. Al

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Charles555nc (Winston Salem, Nc, Usa) on 08/06/2012

Alpha lipoic acid is a great supplement for neuropathy. However there should be precautions. Only take a max of 100mg alpha lipoic acid every 4 hours, or it will mobilize too much mercury for you to handle.

Alpha Lipoic acid also burns through methylation agents and Zinc. Methyl agents are methyl b12, methyl folate, other b vitamins... so you should supplement with those, periodically, at least 3 hours before and 3 hours after your next dose of ALA.

Acetyl-L Carnitine, Alpha-Lipoic Acid
Posted by Deb Adams (Fl) on 11/18/2020

Have severe b6 toxicity just from a multi-vitamin, caused neuropathy etc. Get off b6 and see if you improve.

Acetyl-L Carnitine, Alpha-Lipoic Acid
Posted by Lily (Kelowna, BC, Canada) on 01/26/2013

I also went gluten free and after 2 weeks am no longer taking the supplements. Ocassionally in the late evenings there is a bit of tingling but it has only been 2 weeks. I am very strict about reading labels etc. And I eat a lot of fresh fruit and veggies, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and make myself some awesome smoothies. I have dehydrated lots of apple so I have healthy snacks. It is a very healthy diet. Here in Canada I buy 1 loaf of Udi's glutin free bread each week it is good bread.... In the freezer section and I bake some muffin. Good luck to all & good eating. Let's eat healthy & heal our bodies.

Acetyl-L Carnitine, Alpha-Lipoic Acid
Posted by Steve (Las Vegas, Nv Nevada) on 03/09/2013

My brother has had some success relieving neuropathy in his fingers and toes using a low level laser therapy pen. There is lots of research on low level laser therapy for neuropathy you can read as well:


Acetyl-L Carnitine, Alpha-Lipoic Acid
Posted by Jim Spencer (Medford, Oregon) on 11/17/2015

I like the idea about using Carnitine for neuropathy. But, I think you should try taking virgin plant oils rather than a fish oil supplement. Eating fish, including sardines is a good way to get fish oil. Fish oil capsules have a highly refined/distilled derivative of omegas. They might actually result in negative health problems-including cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure and arrhythmias. Cold pressed Hemp oil is a perfect blend of 3-6-9 and GLA, plus all amino acids and protein. Read Dr. Rowens"The PEO Solution" for the in-depth research on the subject.

Alpha Lipoic Acid, B12
Posted by Shrikant (New York) on 11/15/2011

Hello.... I had feet burning for a long time(2 - 3 years). Earlier to that I found my feet was paining a lot. I am diabetic for the last 30 years. Obviously it should be diabetic neuropathy. Recently I tried Benfontamine (fat soluble Vit B1) 200 mg twice a day alpha lipoic acid 600 mg Methylcobalmin (B12 variety) that aids the process of methylation. I found that the feet burning has been controlled substantially. I used to take alcohol in moderate amount. The day I take alcohol my feet burning erupts and the day I stop it goes away. I think alcohol has something to do with my feet burning and I have now decided to discontinue alcohol altogether! Let us see.


New York

Acetyl-L Carnitine, Alpha-Lipoic Acid
Posted by Carol (Los Angeles, Ca) on 01/12/2012

I was suffering from continual extreme muscle tightness in my thighs and neuropathy in the top of my foot shortly after I began taking Lipitor. I discontinued the Lipitor after 3 weeks, but was unable to exercise without the pain becoming increasingly worse. I stopped taking the Lipitor but had no improvement in my symptoms whatsoever, so after 6 weeks I broke down and decided to try this combination based on Bill's experience. I began taking 500 mgs of Acetyl-L-Carnitine 1x a day and 100 mgs of R Lipoic Acid 2x a day. (I am a small person, so I take a minimal dose. ) I felt relief within 2 days. Five months later, I am happy to report that I am at 98% of where I was before taking the statin with only the slightest bit of tightness and neuropathy when I exercise hard.

You should always check with your doctor and investigate as much as possible before taking a supplement with a prescription drug or other supplements. I believe my original problem with Lipitor was caused by inadvertently combining it with Red Yeast Rice.

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Sharon (Sacramento, CA) on 12/03/2008

My mom has peripheral neuropathy not caused by diabetes. She complained every day and it had started to cause a persistant burning in her forehead also (a form of pn according to her neuologist) She now takes 300mg of alpha lipoic acid daily and no longer has the forehead sensation and feet are much less painful. She stopped for awhile and within weeks was complaining of the old symptoms. She resumed the supplement and symptoms abated.

Posted by Baldev (Mumbai Maharashtra India) on 06/17/2023 185 posts

May I request Art and any other poster to do the research on this subject. Because Neuropathy of non diabetic origin is quite rempent these days.

Thanks Baldev

Posted by Art (California) on 06/17/2023 2165 posts


I'll do that this coming week.


Posted by Whisperingsage (Northern Ca) on 09/20/2020 45 posts

I've been using MSM for years to prevent gallstones and my neuropathy just continued on. My initial neuropathy was from B12 deficiency, which was from chronic diarrhea, which was from vaccine injury.

Posted by Mary (Florida ) on 12/08/2018

You can get dmso at a ranch supply or feed store. I have used it for years. It helps fix just about everything. Read about it online.

Posted by Joanne M (Vancouver Wa) on 12/28/2015

I had PN BAD in both feet. After several tests doc told me to stop the B vitamins. B6 in excess can cause PN. I quit the B vitamins and started taking Benfotiamine and after a month my feel are returning to normal! I can finally feel my feet and the tingling is almost gone. Thank goodness!!!!

Some people cannot metabolize B6 efficiently. I'd quit taking them asap.

Posted by Joanne (Vancouver, Wa) on 12/02/2015


I got Peripheral Neuropathy from an overdose of B vitamins! Be careful with them. They really messed me up. Vitamin B has been said to help with PN but if you get too much it can cause it. The tingling I was feeling was from too much Niacin also. Called the Niacin flush. Doc told me to go off of B supplements and within a few days my zapping was gone. It's been 2 weeks off of them now and all has recovered except I still have a thick feeling in the balls of my feet. I am now trying the ALA remedy and so far it is helping but it could be also that I am not on the B supplement anymore.

Posted by Megan (Usa) on 04/04/2016

B6 people!!! B6 toxicity is happening in small amounts all over the world!!

Posted by Hamza (London, UK) on 08/11/2014

My mum had severe pain, pins and needles, numbing, throbbing and tingling in her feet whenever she would try to sleep for about 20 years. I wanted to help her, so I looked it up online and found that vitamin b1 would help. Within a few days of supplementing with 1 vitamin b1 100mg capsule daily her pain is gone and she sleeps much better.

Hepatitis C and Neuropathy Link
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 05/01/2014

Hi Diane...In a study published in the BMJ in 2003 it was found that varying degrees of peripheral neuropathy, in the form of cryoglobulinaemia, commonly occurred in patients with Hep C. They found that 40 of 51 Hepatitic C patients had this form of peripheral neuropathy.

Peripheral Neuropathy in Hepatitis C

Although the numbers may vary, if you type "Hepatitis C neuropathy" in Google Search you will find many other instances and confirmations that this form of peripheral neuropathy commonly occurs together with Hep C as well as in other diseases like leukemia and pneumonia.

In other studies it has also been suggested that this form of peripheral neuropathy is caused by auto-antibody response arising due to a heavily stressed immune system because of the HCV factor. Nevertheless, cryoglobulinaemia is still referred to in medical research as an idiopathic disease.

idiopathic = completely clueless as to the real cause of the disease

Treatment of cryoglobulinaemia is normally entirely palliative(treat the symptoms) using analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs, since there appears to be no apparent cure.

I also think that your liver doctor needs to open a book or go on a Hep C refresher course or perhaps she just needs to renew her dusty but outdated Standard of Care Manual.

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