Natural Remedies

Holistic Chronic Pain Management: Natural Therapies and Supplements

Baking Soda
Posted by LorenP (Henderson, Nevada USA) on 06/14/2009

For constipation and relief of muscle and knee pain, I take half a teaspoon of baking soda when I get up in the night to void. It produces results soon after getting up for the day, muscle pains are much less and after doing this for several days my knee pain is gone. There is no happiness like an empty rectum. I'm 82.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sunny (Ca, Usa) on 09/27/2013

For your partner's problem, Pumpkinseed oil softgels. He needs to get on an Alkaline diet. Also good, baking soda, turmeric , can use ACV in juice. Good health to you, much love, pass it forward. -Sunny

Posted by Rita Cachia (Melbourne, Victoria Australia) on 11/10/2008

Vision improvment

I have been taking 3 cayenne pepper caps a day and I cannot believe how i can see better. I am typing away without glasses this evening. My vision is +2.5 on the left and +2.00 on the right.

Also I suffer from a bad cocxyx (tail bone pain) since I started the caps my pain has halved. I read somewhere it heals nerves I think its true.

I am telling everyone about it.I take a capsule with everymeal.Its working. I had a brand new wart which became sore so I mixed cayenne pepper with a drop of water to make a little paste and put it on the wart. Put a bandaid on it and now its gone. Try it.

Collagen and Keratin Capsules
Posted by Janine (Wellington, NZ ) on 08/11/2008

I have been taking Collagen/Keratin capsules for 2 weeks. I started taking these as a possible cure for neck pain which i have suffered from for years. I developed Sjogrens syndrome 2 years ago as a result of a nasty virus I had. I have had the dry mouth which has affected the linings of my mouth and caused bad breath. In the last year I also had dry gritty eyes, and dry vagina. After two weeks on the collagen/keratin capsules I now have saliva in my mouth! My eyes and vagina are improving with moisture too. And yes my Neck pain has practically dissappeared. Hope someone else might find this cure works for them too!!

Natural Painkillers
Posted by TAN KOON PENG (SINGAPORE) on 06/22/2008

White willow bark, devil's claw, Turmeric, cayenne, green tea, feverfew, ginger, kava kava, tea tree oil, cats claw, valerian, cloves oil are useful painkiller. white willow bark works well for all kinds of pain.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Linda (Orlando, FL) on 03/05/2007

On the acv and baking soda page, Katie from Santa Ana was asking about her chronic shoulder pain and what to do. I had a severe rotator cuff injury about 3 years ago. I could not even lift my arm. Initially I took glucosamine and chondroitin, which helped a lot with the healing and the pain. I was taking two pills per day for about 2 years, and then 1 pill a day for the past year. If I stopped taking the glucosamine and condroitin the pain would return. I found this site a few weeks ago and have begun taking molasses with my morning coffee. I read (on a different page) that it helps with inflamation and pain. I have not needed the glucosamine and condroitin ever since!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Janet (Mesa, AZ) on 10/05/2006

ACV cured my Carpal Tunnel. My hands were numb and tingling, they hurt all the time. this stuff has helped me so much, with my carpal tunnel, my sleep, my hot flashes, and the bone spurs in my neck. this really is my miracle drug. your truly, janet

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sasha (Chicago, IL) on 09/29/2006

I tried the ACV and cold shower cures. I cannot thank this website enough for this valuable information! I am overjoyed at my bodies results from taking apple cider vinegar!!! I am definitely overjoyed!!! I have real medical problems (Gastritis, Degenerative Disc Disease) and I have had real progress. My stomach doesn't bubble any more. Before taking the acv, I had constant problems with a queasy feeling. Not any more! I was told I would wind up in a wheelchair because of the disc disease and have been hospitalized for it before. I have experienced extreme pain from it over the last 2 years and it seemed to be getting worse. Now I don't have any pain at all. I don't know if this is a cure for it but I can bend and stretch again! Amazing! I was scared that my back would give out on me but it didn't and I am not in pain. I can do crunches now with out fear. You don't know the quality of life you gave me back. I feel like a kid again. Thank you all and God Bless you!

Ginger Root
Posted by Suzanne (USA) on 01/18/2006

I recently sent you feedback about ginger. I have been taking it in capsule form daily now for approximately 2 months. It seems to act as a pain-killer. The relief I get is tremendous and most of the time i am completely pain-free from Arthritis and Osteoporosis of the spine. I recommended it to a friend in the US. Here are his replies in two e-mails.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by JO ANN (CLEARWATER, FLORIDA) on 07/23/2005

I have been very sick for 14 years, with arthritis and severe bone spurs. Last month a lady heard about my sickness and gave me this recipe. 1-64 oz.pure apple juice, 1-64 oz.pure grape juice. 1 cup apple cider vinegar. Mix well,place in your refrigerator, drink 1/3 cup of mixture 3 times a day. I was also told to take 250 mg. Magnesium oxide,(this promotes bone and muscle health, and 250 mg.super b-complex.take as instructed on bottle. Good luck!

Posted by Bill (Califon, NJ)

I have had severe knee and lower leg pain for over one year. All the doctors say my knees have normal wear and tear but they always hurt and especially at night. I took 1600 mg of turmeric (800 x2 day) and after about six weeks the pain almost all gone and flexibility is returning.

Dietary Suggestions
Posted by Netta (acupuncturist) (Greenland, NH)

The dietary factors which most negatively impact Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis are coffee and caffeine, refined sugar and milk products. I've seen significant improvement in my patients who are willing to alter their diets alone. Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs and JMT treatment can greatly help, even alleviate the symptoms.

Avoid Tomatoes
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 03/12/2023 461 posts

Raw tomatoes and I don't get along. Not sure why. I'm going to grow my own this year, organic-style. See if it's something added. Apparently, they mess with organic produce, after the fact, as well. Technically, they're GROWN organically but what happens to them after that is anybody's guess.

Avoid Tomatoes
Posted by Farmer (Hometown) on 03/12/2023

Read about the use and effects of copper sulfate when growing tomatoes. It may be the cause.

Valerian Root
Posted by Caroline (Nyssa) on 11/06/2022

I fell 5 ft off of a ladder on my buttocks. I was in excruciating pain. My x-ray revealed a compression fracture. My chiropractor recommended icing and ibuprofen 4X daily. After a week and a half my stomach could no longer handle the ibuprofen. I was in too much pain to sleep so I took some Valerian Root. It was like a miracle.....I slept all night and woke the next morning with very little pain!

DMSO, Castor Oil
Posted by Linda (Ireland ) on 02/10/2022

Bought dmso for my sore shoulder, I dont know why it was sore but I couldn't lift my arm above my head and it was starting to hurt even without movement, so earth clinic suggested dmso and castor oil.

1 application and after a rash, itch and a little discomfort the pain went from 9 out of 10 to like a 2.....i love herbs and old remedies and would definitely recommend this

Turmeric Pain Paste
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 01/06/2017

Well that is terrific Mama to Many. I was hoping you would reply. Your asset is knowing BOTH what to do and how to do it and explaining both parts so well. Oh dear that's three parts! However... I had been led to believe by my Japanese friend that the heating things up bit was an important component of the therapy . Much like those "Teas" that require you to "steep" them for a while for maximum efficacy or even some of your brews that require a period of standing / absorbing to work most effectively. We may benefit by allowing the chemistry to strut its stuff for a while prior to ingesting some of these substances possibly? Will keep you posted on progress if I gain any wisdom worth imparting! Thoughts on this? Cheers, and thanks again, Michael

Turmeric Pain Paste
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 01/07/2017

This Turmeric conversation is fascinating me. I initially commenced taking Turmeric for pain by scattering the powder on my evening meal but after simply ages (weeks and weeks) of doing this I was getting no tangible results. I consciously commence remedies by taking small doses anyway but I was under-doing it obviously. One simply cannot get enough Turmeric that way. Next, we chucked some Turmeric powder into our rice at every meal consisting of rice (my Wife loves potatoes and I prefer rice), so that all our rice dishes and meals became so yellow that I thought all rice was naturally yellow after a while! Still nothing on the pain front....

Then I was told by my erstwhile Japanese friend to boil some water and then simmer the water with a teaspoon of Turmeric and one teaspoon of Ginger in it for ten minutes or so before letting it cool and consuming the filtered concoction with some honey to taste.

A posting on this Site claims that this dilutes the potency of the Turmeric rather than enhancing it. Rather than taking the Turmeric tablets, I shall persist with trying to find a palatable way of getting the benefits of the Turmeric Powder internally if I can. Am I complicating things un-necessarily I wonder? The tablet takers don't worry about the taste then? The boiling and steeping and standing of things interests me anyway.... as an aside! Increases potency or decreases potency? Someone should write the manual on this. I thought the "fillers" might make the tabs more "full" than the actual Turmeric - hence the quest to go "Au natural". More bang for my buck. I'm a bit of a scrooge that way: possibly to my detriment! However, I am taking a Multi-Vitamin, MSM, and Alfalfa tablets, alkalizing and oil pulling with Coconut oil. Also Ted's Borax regime for a few weeks now five days per week. We hope for progress but I have endured this malady for a few years now so, as one of our actresses famously said many years ago, "It won't happen over night but it will happen".

Cheers, Michael

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 12/29/2016 2063 posts


To my knowledge, Serrapetase is not a natural pain med. It seems obvious that you have chronic infections in your bones. The Serra temporarily destroys much of the bioplasma that acts as a natural barrier to protect infection. After taking Serra your immune system is allowed to kill infection, but is not enough as the infection is advanced. I would recommend following the Serra with Berberine. Ted's Borax protocol would also help your situation. Magnet Therapy is very effective at removing local infection & inflammation (which is the cause of pain). Following Magnet Therapy, place Salonpas on the affected area (your knee & hip) to further eradicate infection.

Anti-inflammatory Turmeric Elixir
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 04/12/2015

Avielle, Santa Clara, CA ---

I am glad you found the post useful. For vitiated vata, regular oiling with MahaNarayan oil, or if not available, pure cold pressed sesame oil . You could enquire in an Indian grocery store or find a wholesaler (which I have done) that sells Ayurvedic meds, or online. MahaNaryan oil is sesame oil with added minerals. So if you use that, always shake the bottle as the minerals collect at the bottom. I have used this for many years as Vata constitution requires oiling regularly to keep skin youthfull and soft. For plugged pores etc. always do exfoliation with oatmeal, turmeric and a little coconut oil to hold it together. I myself do UT (urine theraphy) externally and internally and my skin is perfect.

The things I do for legs in particular, is hydro therapy. Before bed fill a tall bucket with cold water and do water treading for at least two minutes. Do not dry and put on warm socks and you will sleep well. This sees to good blood circulation. Your legs will warm up while covered by the bedding. Also remember to water tread up to at least half of your calves.

Do oiling as often as you can as this also addresses circulation and helps with good quality sleep and improved skin.

Both turmeric with some oil and Amala (vit C) do marvellous things for health especially since Turmeric nourishes muscles and ligaments in particular beside numerous other benefits.

While Ayurveda always works with the individual doshas, once one reaches fifty, the major treatment will be for vata.

Overriding all these treatments is topical application (transdermal) of Magnesium oil which seems to be the underlying cause for all the twitches, etc. Which is a real art to fit all this in.

I hope this is not too overwhelming. All the best.

Namaste, Om

Bill's Remedies
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 03/29/2014

Hello Bill,

I have a similar hip issue; mine is related to pelvis shift problem. I have some scoliosis and the lower back is turned a bit and also the pelvis. So my problem is skeletal basically. My right leg, back side of leg above knee, if I've been driving in my car for a while starts aching, something like a cramp but not a cramping; just it needs stretching. Well, that's what helps. I do a lot of "karate" styled stretching. The more I do, the less the problem manifests itself.

Don't mean to say this is your problem; I'm just playing off your issue for anyone out there who might have similar add to the index of possibilities.

By the way, I love how you list the nutritional items in your post and then describe what that nutrient does. Your posts are always so informative.

Bill's Remedies
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 03/31/2014

Hi Dave...I always appreciate comments and new ideas -- thanks for your input.

Well, my strange hip problem appears to be rapidly receding. I seems to be clear of the shooting pains now although the compression feeling in the left hip region is still there(but fading too). I doubled my dose of Organic Brewer's Yeast a couple of days ago to two tablespoons and this seems to have greatly helped. Brewer's Yeast contains all sorts of other heavyweight nutrient goodies besides the B vitamins including Selenium, Coenzyme Q10 and beta glucan. And Brewer's Yeast is cheap as well as natural.

I also sometimes get the leg cramps that you mention -- at night mostly -- and I know that this problem for me is mainly due to a lack of potassium/magnesium. I usually get the leg cramps after taking turpentine or Makabuhay(Tinospora cordifolia) because these two protocols have diuretic action -- they remove water and minerals from the body and I always forget to add minerals into these protocols.

I always read your comments on using Colloidal Silver. This is a most useful protocol for any blood infections like you have said. I haven't been able to find any CS in the Philippines yet but I will probably be buying some again off the internet soon. For now, I just rely on nutrients like Lugol's Iodine, Methylene Blue, Borax, Hydrogen Peroxide, Turpentine, DMSO etc against the various different types of blood born infections.

I am also looking to start taking enemas regularly for the first time and have been studying them recently. The reason for this new interest is that I have seen the amazing benefits and results -- first hand -- on the autism site that I'm involved with at the moment. The kids are taking enemas on a daily basis and their health is undoubtedly improving rapidly. The coffee enema is a must to clear out all the poisons from my liver and body. Then there is the soda enema, the milk and salt enema(gets rid of excess mucus from the intestines), the MMS enema(parasites), the Iodine enema, the turpentine enema(with soap) etc -- I expect to be having hours of fun experimenting with my new enema kit and Lord only knows what sort of "rust" is going to come tumbling out of my old back pipe...!!

Shooting Pain Remedies
Posted by Tom (Fort Worth, Texas) on 12/31/2013

Happy New Year Al,

The problem you describe, shooting pain down inner thigh when you cough or sneeze, could be pelvis twisted a bit and that pinches nerves in the dorsal and down leg. Do you feel pain in lower back...especially very low in back?

I have low back issues, two rear end collisions (I was hit)...but have not had the shooting pain, but that doesn't mean a rotated pelvis would not manifest as you describe.

I've had success with Chiropractors over the years. I've had to try different ones until I got ones who nailed the problem. Also I've had some success with physical therapists.

So if the problem is really the vertebra/pelvis maybe a good DC or PT could help.

Sitting Indian Style
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 10/22/2013 2063 posts

Have thought of you during your absence and tried not to succumb to worry as most times things turn out not-so-bad at least during peace-time.

My hip where I had bone marrow biopsy hurts only occasionally (in my weakest times) so I immediately place large magnet over it for about 15 min and all the pain and inflammation is gone.

The squatting is probably a form of "earthing" and earthing is the same principle of energy medicine as magnets. I sleep on a magnet pad nightly, wear a belt for about 2 hrs daily, and use strong magnet over any severe place like liver. I have several times achieved substantial reduction in BP w/ large magn over liver.

Anyway, welcome back.

Sitting Indian Style
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 10/23/2013

Hi Timh from KY,

Thank you for your post. I am not familiar with medical use of magnets and am looking into it!

~Mama to Many~

Severe Pain Remedies
Posted by Gillian (Andulusa, Spain ) on 09/27/2013

Hi, I need help. I am having very severe pain in my neck and shoulders, under my skin it feels gravelly and stringy/ropey. The pain feels electric. I also have similar pain and gravelly feeling around my hips. Massage acupuncture chiro just aggravate it. I feel very stressed, lots of brain fog, bad ocd and a feeling of malevolence. And feel stuck.

Sometimes the pain is so bad I want to die, tho I am not suicdal.

I am very exhausted and sleep very poorly, tho I take trazodone and deep sleep an herbal sleep aid.

My digestion is very bad lots of loose stools very smelly lots of dumping indigestion, acid stomache, bad breath, athletes foot feet very smelly even if I wash them. I am a little underwieght.

My left lower leg and foot is partly numb and has been for a few years it is not from diabetis.

I am SCARED cuz now my right leg is feeling kind of numb and tingley too. My balance feels off.

Yesterday I felt lightheaded and disoriented. I was told I have a low grade virus white blood cell count high, but they could not say what kind of virus. Does anyone know what it could be or how to heal it?

I feel achey, my voice is kind of weak and I have a dry cough and vaginal infection.

My skin color is kind of yellowish. my lfts were normal no mono or anemia.

I had been feeling terrible emotionally, tremendous rage, loads of uncontrollable crying, and depression, for long time, but the past few days my emotions are better.

I had been on a very low dose 6.5 mg venlafazine, generic of effexor which I stopped around 4 months ago with doctors ok.

I am still on 300mg of gabapentin, generic of neurotin for mood swings.

I do not use any sugar or junk food or flour.

I feel that I am getting very little nutrition from my food.

If anyone has suggestions, I would be grateful and if you can be very specific that would help as I get overwhelmed with all the info out there. The air quality in my home is bad despite a very good air filter. Thanks so much for any suggestions.

Severe Pain Remedies
Posted by Connie (Utah, Usa) on 09/28/2013

Hi Gillian;

These are the many symptoms of B12 deficiency. They are terribly painful. It's difficult to diagnose because tests can be inaccurate. Please find a doctor who knows how treat this, or take high dose sublinguals. ( some people with neurological symptoms will require very high dosages.)

Severe Pain Remedies
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 09/28/2013

Dear Gillian, so sorry about all this pain and discomfort. I am sure it is discouraging. Several things come to mind as I read your post.

First, someone else suggested b-12, which sounds like a good idea to me, too.

Charcoal is excellent for bad breath and diarrhea. If you can stop the diarrhea, you may be able to absorb more nutrients. I would suggest 4 charcoal capules or tablets, twice a day. Do not take within two hours of medication. You can take more if you like, it can just be hard to coordinate it with other meds and supplements.

You say you have a low grade virus and athletes foot. Extra virgin coconut oil is good for viruses and athlete's foot. You could start with 1 t. Three times a day and work up to 1 T. Three times a day. Soaking your feet in 1/2 vinegar and 1/2 water may help the misery of athlete's foot as well. Do this for 15 minutes a day. (Any kind of vinegar works for this.)

Raw Apple Cider Vinegar might help you with several issues. It can help certain kinds of pain by reducing inflammation. Plus it helps to balance PH. Try 1 t. In 6 oz of water, twice a day. If that sits well with you, work up to 1 T. in 8 oz of water twice a day.

The yellowish skin makes me think of your liver. Dandelion tea would be a good blood and liver purifier. Start with 1 cup a day and work up to 2 cups a day.

If you have a way to juice organic carrots, that would be a concentrated form of nutition. So would Blackstrap molasses. (1 T. once or twice day.)

I hope this list isn't overwhelming. You have many health challenges and it may take several things to get you feeling better. These would be good things to start with.

Please keep us posted on your progress.

~Mama to Many~

Severe Pain Remedies
Posted by [email protected] (Hayward Ca) on 09/29/2013

Hi, I am so sorry to hear about your ailments. I would like to suggest to search on Magnesium Deficiency. There is a book on The Magnesium and why its a miracle supplement and also Transdermal Magnesium. There is plenty of info. On You Tube as well. Type in Magnesium Deficiency.

Several of your symptoms including unstable emotions, crying, rage, depression, body aches, brain fog, abdominal problems, numbness, feeling off balance, fungal infections are all in the list of the hundreds of symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency.

Transdermal magnesium is use of Magnesium spray for all over the body. It goes thru the skin to the blood and to the circulation faster. My co worker has had back aches for many years, she has had chiro, massages, accupuncture, cupping, etc, none of them helped her. With Magnesium Oil spray, she felt immediate relief. I was surprised. Different effects for different people. Magnesium through the skin gives faster results than pills.

The Mg Oil spray is one, Bathing in Epsom Salt water is another. (Magnesium Phosphate) for 20-30 minutes. It should help the body aches and help your body and mind get relaxed and afford very rested sleep. And third, also take Mg Glycinate orally while also using the spray (Mg Chloride) All these are available on line or Pharmacies.

I buy Mg Flakes and dissolve 1 cup Flakes into 1 cup bottled water to use for the Mg spray. This is more economical. 8 sprays is equivalent to 100 mg. Up to 1000 mg is safe according to Dr. Mark Sircus, he is on You Tube.

Magnesium will take months to get built up in our system, 6-12 months, so using the both spray and the soaks will speed it up. Epsom salt for tub soaking is very inexpensive. Or you could also do foot soaks.

Note that Magnesium could not be used in kidney failure. Always ask your MD if Magnesium is OK for you.

Hope this helps.

Severe Pain Remedies
Posted by Andrea C (Wales) on 09/29/2013

There is a condition called, post acute withdrawal syndrome, it can be caused by drugs, alcohol, herbal remedies, and vitamins, caffeine and smoking will aggravate it. I have it from medication, its hell!! It often gets misdiagnosed as Fibromyalgia, Me, Ms, Chronic pain Syndrome, Flu Syndrome, and even Mental problems!! I am real angry as God knows how many people are suffering from this, and being told they got a 'Naturally related illness' or their mad???? The thing is, it can be misdiagnosed as so many different illnesses it's unreal!! Neuropathic pain is also another one, and your symptoms are classic of Post Acute withdrawal Syndrome (P. A. W. S) and the more drugs you take the further in to hell you go!! I am a bloody 'expert' on this matter now, unfortunately, as I could not understand why I was getting sicker and sicker, it will do a number on you, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, all aspects of being Human. Do NOT suddenly stop taking meds you are on, or INCREASE dosage, this will make it worse!! Do not drink Alcohol, and if you do, TAPER OFF, you do this by, say you drink 10 beer's a day, drop by 2 a day, until you reach 2, then none, With the meds, they too must be TAPERED, I do not know which meds you take so I can't suggest a taper without this information. Also vits herbs, etc as mentioned above. This is now in epidemic proportions, I know so much about this as I have done millions of research, and through what I am going through, I will post a Link which gives you a run down on this matter, but its got so many faces its unreal! Even suddenly stopping whatever substances you swallow, or use transdemally or I. V will cause it. I can see it in lots of other people from mild, to severe, and to also committing suicide, as they can't take any more. There is also video's on 'youtube' by other's going through this hell, and SOME ONE is very responsible for maybe billion's of us suffering this hellish torment. House hold products is also a big link in a very long chain of caused, manmade material's make up, all sorts. I have nearly died because of Medical incompetence, and had to 'spring' myself from Hospital, after taking a drip pumping more poison into my vein's off, and the Hospital automatically locked down the building to stop me getting the hell out of there, I could barely stand up, and was in a terrible state!! There is a lot more to this, and I feel like an army of one trying to do something about this, its bloody dangerous! I can't say too much, and there's stuff I'd like to say... The whole truth.. But same again. The link is quite basic I feel, BUT, it will give you some idea of what it is, and what to do, unfortunately a lot of people are only too willing to believe the Medical Manipulation their under. That in its self is a huge tragedy. I can see it in lots of folk on E. C as well, and I feel like screaming because I can't save the World, but I am going to have a bloody good try!!! On the link, first read 'Withdrawal' then read 'Post Acute withdrawal' there is also a Menu of different things which may be of help or interest to you. I have mentioned about this to 'Specialist Consultants' but I fear I am treading on dangerous ground, so I stopped trying to get any sense out of them, and they also got VERY angry, and threatening with me, only one admitted, when I said 'These Drugs are killing me!! " 'Yes they are' he replied. Another DR, who I'd never seen before asked 'Who the hell put you on these two painkillers together? Your seriously toxic!! ' This also happened when I was admitted to Hospital for nearly three months with a 'Chest infection'??? I couldn't shake off in over a year, and had every anti-biotic know to Man, I. V, oral, via my anus. They were also treating me for 'Asthma' at the same time, once again another DR I'd never seen, when I told him I felt like I was being seriously poisoned to death, took one look at my Med chart, and freaked out, I was right!!! I also learned it's no good asking your DR to Taper you, they will do it way to fast, and this is so dangerous it can cause Heart failure, Stroke, Brain damage, and God knows what else!! I am not trying to scare you, my fear turned to anger when I discovered 'The Truth' and do NOT let them tell you need more of any drugs you are on now or more?? This escalates the problem. I did my own Taper off so many Meds, I don't think there's anything I haven't had pushed, or pumped in to me. It's that bad, that I now know MORE than most Pharmacist's and every Dr I've spoken too. I had a wonderful Dr once, who told me 'Every time you diagnose yourself you are RIGHT, but DR's don't like it, I only stopped seeing her as she left to have a baby 'Then there was the case of my friends Mother, who I kept telling for 9 years exactly what was wrong with her, and the big Medical guns were wrong. 9 years later they told her. 'We got it wrong'. ' Yes' she said, 'my young friend told me years ago what was wrong' DR's.. 'Did she now? Well WE just discovered this week's ago, she can't have possibly known' so WHAT did your friend say (followed by laughter) so she told them, I was RIGHT!!! Yet some of the greatest minds in the Medical Profession had 'just discovered it?? I did it through observation and instinct, I have no Medical training, but Dr's forget about the Human Spirit, and never think outside the box. Even Mental illnesses, I have observed can often be put down to poor dietary practice, and other environmental particulars as well. I have so much more to say, but I too am in agony, but I post on here when I can, and I will keep doing so, we are ALL dead, if we just sit and say nothing, it's wrong!!! None of us are immortal any way, and who wants to live forever in such an evil and corrupted society?? And there IS Life after Life, I have indisputable evidence of this also, and one time the Medics found something I had told them which it was impossible for me to know was right. They wanted me to talk to DR;s from everywhere but I refused. I will save it for another time. Love Andrea C XXXXXXXXXX

Severe Pain Remedies
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 09/29/2013

Hi Gillain, regarding the Apple Cider Vinegar - you know your body best. If internal vinegar doesn't agree with you, you are wise to know it and skip it. You could look in to alkalizing formulas here at EC, baking soda might work better for you. But now there are many suggestions for you and perhaps that idea could go on the back burner for now.

Yes, charcoal is good for loose stools and not just for diarrhea. It is a wonderful help to the gut in general as it draws out toxins. Since you mention odor and frequency, I would still consider it a good choice for you. And in some strange way, charcoal helps with pain. I wish I understood it better, but I do not, I just enjoy the way it works.

Finally, regarding the Blackstrap... You are so wise to know your body and how it reacts to sugar. Personally, I don't find it very sweet and feel in general that natural sugar (from honey and blackstrap) have enough health benefit that they are worth having in the diet, in moderation, of course. However, for someone who has a lot of trouble with sugar, it may be best to skip even those. So, for now, I would skip the Blackstrap and know it is something you can try down the road if you want. And yes, you could mix it in to water or milk or something. One of the nutrients in it is magnesium, which Toourlady89 mentions, with lots of good detail. I think she is on to something here. And I like her idea of epsom salt baths. They are great for pain and increasing your magnesium. One thing to know and watch for though is that magnesium can increase bowel function. I have a toddler that lets loose when I put him in a tub with epsom salt. (Unless he has recently "taken care of business.") Please do let us know how it is going for you!

~Mama to Many~

Severe Pain Remedies
Posted by Andrea C (Wales) on 09/30/2013

Sorry :-( try again!! lol :-) Link for 'Post Acute Withdrawral Syndrome' P.A.W.S Andrea C xxx

Severe Pain Remedies
Posted by Andrea C (Wales) on 09/30/2013

Gillain x I have re-read your post, I am more than convinced you have Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome now. The symptom's will come and go, and are so variable it's hard to try, if not impossible to count them. The Meds you are on, I was also on them, plus a load of others, you also mention weight loss, in two years I have lost five stone, (70 pounds) without even trying!! I look like dead person walking, and I am still losing weight, my white blood count is low, hair thinning out, severely dry skin, bones breaking easily without no obvious cause as my bone density is normal. I can't put any weight on no matter how hard I try, and every suggestion others have posted I have tried them all, and more, I have spent thousands of pounds on all sorts of remedies, Chiropractors, Homeopaths, Faith Healers, can't get warm, then burning up, mood swings from hell, character changes, the list is endless :-( I am now trying a 'Paleo Diet') its not actually a 'Diet' I am eating more than ever, and only eat Organic veg, Free Range Grass reared meat, which I buy from 'Soil Association Certified Farmers Markets'. I am following 'Robb Wolf The Paleo Solution' book. He is a Bio Chemist, and explains what certain food's do to your body, and what to eat and avoid big time!! Its helped greatly with long time Bowel issues I suffered with, and I never cooked my meet well, only poultry and pork meat as these have to be fully cooked. I also only eat, Dry Hung Bacon as this contains no nitrates or any additives at all. You can adapt it to suit yourself and I eat four good sized meals a day plus lots of 'Bone Broth' I avoid the 'Night Shade' Family (Google 'Night Shade Foods) completely, no fruit, and no nuts as much as I love nuts and fruit, they don't like me at all!! : -) I got my own health shop in my home due to the amount of stuff I have bought and tried, the only supplements I now take is, Vit D, 20. 000 ius (International units) a Probiotic, Healthy Origins 3o billion CFU's, on an empty stomach, Now Super Enzymes, after all meal's, half a tea spoon of Magnesium Citrate twice a day after food, AM and PM, MSM, I started off with half a level tea spoon (Morning only as too late in the day I can't sleep, but MSM is known to keep you awake if you take it late afternoon or evening) and I now take a heaped Table spoon worked up to over a month AM and the next no later than 2PM. That's two Table spoons a day. I flash fry any other meat so it's very rare, slightly browned each side and seal the edges, steam Fish, and Veg and also use a slow cooker (Crock Pot) you can do Broth's, Bake, Roast, Soup, anything in a slow cooker. I also try and cook and freeze as much as I can in advance, and prepare Salads in advance and leave them in the Fridge, I juice using a Masticating juicer, or you can use a blender with a drop of Distilled Water, or Bottled Spring Water (just enough to cover a quarter of the veg) blend it then strain it, I save the Fiber from juicing and add it to soups or where ever I need fiber. If you use Bottled Spring Water, look at the bottom of the bottle, there is a Triangle, in the Triangle is a number, from one to five, make sure it's one in the Triangle and no higher. I nebulize and drink Colloidal silver straight, Nebulize for 5 mins breathe deep, hold for 5 seconds and breathe out, it may make you cough at first, but this will pass after a few uses and is not a problem. 2 table spoons of Colloidal Silver I make myself, use a plastic spoon to measure, ( NEVER any Metal and store it away from any Electrical gadgets in a cool dark place) and NEVER add salt to the Silver if you make your own, or buy it with Salt added, this is bad!!! I drink the Silver after every meal to kill any Parasites, Mold, Fungus, Viruses, and Bacteria. Wash and Rinse all veg in water with a few drops of vinegar, or lemon juice added, this will kill any Mold, Fungus, Bacteria, and any residues that should not be there. I live on my own so I have to do what I can do for myself, and drink plenty of water too. Here is a link to Robb Wolfes web site, he explains what to avoid and eat, and you can go to paleo recipe pages for idea's there loads of things you can eat and you won't starve believe me!! I am always eating :-)

I am also doing 'Tracy Anderson' exercise from YouTube; saves money :-) you can do them sitting or lying down if you have to. Let me know how you get on. PS as I explained, the symptoms will come and go, and you will have really good days, and bad days, and they will get you with no warning, do not fear this, it's the path of healing, and you can get it while on Meds too. A lot of people don't realize that once your body gets used to anything, your Tolerance level will still rise at your steady normal dose, and you will go in to Withdrawal still, as your brain and body will crave bigger doses, DO NOT TAKE MORE!! It will not stop it, but it will add to the problem, none of the above will interfere with your Meds. And Dietary changes will also cause a Detox reaction, that's why some people do it gradually, but I went in 100% as I have been ill for so long. Another thing, use Coconut oil for frying or roasting, and never heat Olive or Flax Oil, use these col on Salads only, once hated they become 'Carcinogenic' Cancer causing, or you can fry in Unsalted Organic Butter, Ghee is also a no no. Love Andrea C XXXXXX

Foot Pain Remedies
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 08/16/2013

Could be you have a pinched nerve in the spine, I had three numb toes and outside of my foot was touchy, put a pillow under your thighs while sleeping and try to stay well hydrated with balanced minerals and bend backwards to open up your spine, try epsom salts bath.

Foot Pain Remedies
Posted by Steve (Las Vegas) on 08/16/2013

Try some rubbing some magnesium oil into your feet. Should reduce pain and cramping etc.

Foot Pain Remedies
Posted by Kelly (Cambridge, Ma) on 08/17/2013

If you haven't already, try Magnesium oil. There are brands that come in a spray bottle. I only paid $8.99 for mine and it's lasted me months. Spray those areas right before you get into bed. I bet you will notice a huge difference.

Chronic Ankle Pain Remedies
Posted by Steve (Las Vegas) on 08/14/2013

Check out magnesium oil and MSM.

Chronic Ankle Pain Remedies
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 08/15/2013

Kerry, two things that come to mind to try:

1. Epsom salt soaks.
2. Foot alignment as per at the alignedandwell website.

Chronic Ankle Pain Remedies
Posted by KT (Usa) on 08/15/2013

Turmeric and ginger reduce inflammation. BSM contains minerals and the B-Complex vitamins that reduces pain. Please note she will still have to watch what she eats because food is being engineered to last longer and has become difficult to digest. Raw fruits and vegetables are really hard to digest. A lot of that contributes to inflammation so finding the right balance may take some time. GMO's are in everything. Try to stay away from MSG, corn, soy and products that contain them. Sometimes I use aspirin that is not coated. It is the oldest remedy and I believe the safest.

Chronic Ankle Pain Remedies
Posted by KT (USA) on 08/18/2013

I got to thinking that your sister's pain has gone on for so long it must be from something she is eating and/or drinking. Pain is inflammation and inflammation comes from nerve stimulants. Our food supply has been permeated with hidden sources of MSG that are nerve stimulants and can stimulate some nerve cells to death. There are also many things in our food supply that are harder to digest because they have been engineered to last longer (GMO's).

GMO grasses and grains are being fed to the animals we eat. GMO's are also being fed to the critters we get milk and eggs from. It is essential that you do not cook in plastic or buy milk in plastic jugs. There is no such thing as "microwaveable plastic".

Each of us are on our own as far as finding out what foods we can tolerate based on what we have eaten as we have grown up. Foods can be healing but at the same time they can be contributing to multiple ailments. Raw fruits and vegetables are no longer safe for me.

I've had to reduce my three extra large egg consumption to one or two medium. I've had to reduce my meat to only two or three ounces at a meal. I've had to reduce my grass-fed dairy cow whole milk in glass bottles to the two percent milk, in glass bottles. I sometimes dilute that, especially in the winter because the cows are being fed more corn to produce more milk. Cheese is made from this milk and sharp cheese has been reported to contibute to arthritis. I have to get butter without salt because the flowing/anti-caking agent contributes to pain. I use sea salt.

This is only a synopsis but I hope this gives you some help for your sister.

Rubbing Alcohol, Aspirin, Epsom Salts
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 10/08/2013

Gillian, check out what you are eating. Also, chew well.

Magnesium, Sea Salt Water
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 05/01/2013

I had neck surgery in an emergency... I flinched and a week later had finger pain , then back pain , saw my doc and got a pain shot that didn't help , then went to ER and got x-ray and they said they couldn't find anything and gave me more pain meds and then I saw a neurosurgeon who sent me for MRI and found that when I flinched, I chipped my disc and a fragment was trapped between two disc and was paralyzing my left upper quadrant... I regularly did aerobics with weights and was VERY FIT and young with toddlers. Two weeks into this ordeal the surgeon removed the fragment and it took me months on end to recover the muscles. I couldn't push myself up on the bed with my arm, had to ROLL off the side of the bed. Now arthritis in that part of my neck.


This surgeon did three operations that week for this same condition......1990

read Dr. Batmanghelidj
read Miracle of magnesium Carolynn Dean
Lastly for overall health read Coconut cures Bruce Fife.

I have been reading 3-5 books on health a month for 30 yrs. Trying to find answers... I recommend these

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