Plantar Fasciitis Pain: Holistic Treatment

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Mytake (Wilmington, DE, USA) on 09/10/2014

I have used food grade diatomaceous earth for a little over two months now, worked my way up to two tablespoons a day in a glass of water. What I have noticed so far is my plantar fasciitis no longer hurts on my right foot, my nails are growing so fast I have to "tend" to them twice a week, improved energy levels, 2X daily bowel elimination (as opposed to one). All of this has taken about two months so patience is key. At 51 years old, I do exercise daily, eat about a 75% clean diet, but have about 30 pounds to loose. I believe the food grade DE is really pretty awesome...and is not a danger if properly used. I am a nurse and do believe many simple natural products support our immune system greatly. DE is one that I will continue the rest of my life with one day off a week. Good luck everyone - follow your intuition.

Posted by Deb (Claremore, Oklahoma) on 07/18/2012

I was recently diagnosed with Plantar Fascia. I have suffered with the pain for almost two years. A friend of mine told me that if I took about 7-9, B-12 pills a day, it would very likely help. Well, I didn't have anything to lose, so, I started taking, about 7 of the 1000 mg B-12 pills throughout the day and within three days I noticed I was pain free. I still take two B-12 pills each morning, and after 1 month, I am still pain free. Thank the Lord!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joan (South Riding, Virginia Usa) on 02/03/2012

Around April 2011, while doing heavy exercises, I got what I thought was another bout of plantar fasciitis. I tried stretching my foot and my calf. I tried homeopathic remedies. I tried 12 weeks of acupuncture. I tried Chinese herbs. While many of these reduced the pain for a while, none took it away. In December 2011 my chiropracter suggested that plantar fasciitis does not last that long and perhaps it was a heel spur. I had my foot x-rayed and, lo and behold, there was a heel spur identified.

I immediately began researching "Natural Heel Spur" remedies and can upon the Earth Clinic site. I read this post about ACV, molasses and baking soda, as well as MSM, and began them all the first week of January. I also added calcium/magnesium supplements. After about a week the pain was subsiding. After two weeks, I stopped taking the Chinese herbs. It was about that time that I stopped adding molasses to my ACV/baking soda beverage. Then I stopped the MSM, as I was feeling lightheaded whenever I took it.

By the end of Week 3, my heel spur was nearly gone. I could push on the area and feel it was slightly tender. By Week 4 (last week), my heel spur was gone. Vanished. Melted away. My foot no longer has the feeling of walking around with a nail stuck in it. While I have to be careful while my foot gets stronger, I can walk short distances without pain. ACV is a lifesaver. ACV works, if you give it time. I believe the way to distinguish between Plantar Fasciitis and a heel spur is the difference between foot pain and feeling like a nail is in your heel. The nail/heel pain signals a heel spur. Try it, and good luck!

Go Barefoot
Posted by Ccadroz93 (Midlothian, Tx, Usa) on 08/10/2011

I had crippling facciitis. I did the shots (worthless... The shots hurt more than the faciitis and only gave minimal relief) I have a drawer full of every orthotic known to man (none of which took away the pain in my facciia or my heel) I ended up tearing it doing stretches that were recommended and in the end after 2 doctor recommendations had surgery to repair the faciia. 2 years later my foot is still jacked up and I began having the same issue with my other foot. One day I saw a guy actually running barefoot on the street. I did some research to find out what damage I was sure he was doing to his feet and after reading about these "barefooters" I started going barefoot whenever possible. My good foot no longer has any pain at all and my foot that had the surgery has improved dramatically. All the orthotics were doing is holding the facciia in a shortened position which is the problem in the first place.... When I started going barefoot, it was able to stretch naturally. Pain is almost completely gone! Anyone looking for an orthotic collection?? LOL

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Deb (Wyncote, Pa) on 03/24/2015

I read John's post a couple days ago and yesterday purchased Grapefruit Seed Extract (hint: it's an oil). Rubbed about 25 drops on my feet and felt a slight tingling, woke up overnight and felt NO pain. Thought it was a fluke and went back to sleep. Woke up in the am and the only pain I felt was very slight on the medial and lateral edges of my foot. This is unbelievable, I'm also putting the GSE in green tea with apple cider vinegar (acv), vitamin E and colloidal silver. Good luck to you!

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Joan (Chewelah, Wa) on 01/25/2016

After months of constant pain, I went to the podiatrist and came out with a plan: stretching, support inserts, anti-inflammatories. And then I found this site. The only thing I actually did was get the inserts (but don't wear those shoes that often) and apply GSE.

After a couple of days of GSE, the pain was GONE! I NEVER would have thought to use it in this situation, but it works!

Posted by Olivia (Sacramento, CA) on 05/26/2023

I have been suffering with plantar fasciitis since Nov. 2022. This past Monday evening I felt a fever blister developing on my lip so I took 3,000 mg. of Lysine at bedtime. The next morning I was amazed to find the pain in both feet reduced by 95%!!! I have been taking 2,000 mg. of Lysine 3 times a days for the past 4 days and feel I will be completely healed in the 2 or 3 days. Once I am healed I plan to slowly reduce my dosage down to 1,000 mg. once a day so I will never have to deal with this painful condition again. I am so glad my fever blister led to this simple miracle cure! Everyone, please try this remedy and pass it on to everyone you know.

Calc. Fluor 6X
Posted by Art (California) on 12/06/2021 2165 posts

I recommended a homeopathic remedy to one of my sister's friends. The remedy is often suggested for foot pain in general and many other uses. In this case, Jane had an actual diagnosis from her doctor of plantar fasciitis and heel spurs in both feet. Her severity was such that she could only get around in a wheelchair because it was too painful to stand on her feet.

There are quite a few homeopathic remedies for these two conditions, but I recommended only one remedy to make it easier and simpler for her.

I recommended Calcarea Fluorica 6x (CF) which is commonly used for heel spurs and rarely suggested for plantar fasciitis.

Her two doctors told her that her only option was surgery, but she also has another condition that I do not understand and is as yet undiagnosed. This condition from her description of it, sounds like seizures. She had one of these episodes while at the doctor's office and when he saw it, he told her that surgery is no longer an option for her with this seizure like condition. Needless to say she was distraught after the doctor told her that he had no treatments to offer her and she would have to use a wheel chair for the rest of her life. So my sister asked if I would recommend something for her friend, which I did.

She started on it as soon as she got the CF and about 1 1/2 months later, she reported that the inflammation had diminished to almost nothing and according to her doctor, the plantar fasciitis was much improved, but the bone spurs were still an issue. I had told her at the outset to allow 3 months to see benefit.

At two months she reported that the plantar fasciitis was no longer an issue and the heel spurs were about 95% resolved and her doctors were very surprised at these changes as they had told her that surgery was the only remedy and she was not a candidate for the surgery. All this was good news, but the best news was that she is now walking with a cane and no longer needs a wheelchair!

She is very happy! Her seizure like events have also diminished in quantity and intensity! At 2 1/2 months in, Jane remains on this regimen to see if she can reach 100% recovery. I will suggest regular exercise to try and recover muscle strength in her legs. Being in a wheelchair all the time has no doubt weakened her leg muscles and strengthening those muscles now, will help keep her more stable on her feet and much less likely to fall.

In addition to the homeopathy remedy, I had suggested the use of mag oil or Epsom salt foot soaks with borax. I had also suggested icing to help get the inflammation under control initially and after initial control, to be used only on an as needed basis. That is the whole remedy that was very successful for Jane.

Roll Feet on Frozen Bottled Water
Posted by Dotty (Augusta, GA) on 09/28/2021

People might also want to add another step in eliminating plantar fasciitis (such a painfully condition):

Put a bottle of water in the freezer and at least once a day, when it's inflamed, put a thin sock on and roll ur foot back and forth heel to toe over the frozen bottle10-20 min, then simply put the bottle back in the freeze for your next time.

This is also great for tired aching feet!

Posted by Clatterbuck (Beltsville, Md) on 09/12/2018

This sounds strange, but I think vitamin B12 shots cured my plantar fasciitis. I had a very painful right heel for more than a year and a podiatrist said I would probably need an operation. Before I could decide what to do about my heel, I was diagnosed with severe B12 deficiency. For whatever reason, my body can't process the B12 I consume so I have to get a B12 shot every month for the rest of my life. Anyway, after my loading doses of B12 I noticed my heel didn't hurt anymore. I don't know if it was the B12 shots or something else, but the pain in my heel went away and hasn't returned.

Foot Stretch
Posted by Rexe (Junction City, Ar) on 12/31/2010

This is what I did for plantars fasciiatis, stand straight facing a wall. Place your well foot to the wall, move the sore foot away from the wall-behind you- until you feel a good streach in the back of your leg stretch and release, stretch and release, do this 3 or 4 times, the next day do the same thing, you probably will not notice any change except you can move the sore foot back farther each day, keep doing it everyday, soon the problem will be gone, and you will have no heel pain. It has worked for me and a family member.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Angela (Sacramento, California Usa) on 06/11/2010

WOW! Thanks John, the GSE worked on my heel pain too! I woke up this morning w/o the pain. I just rubbed the GSE on both heels yesterday mourning and again last night and today the pain is gone. Love, love, love, this site!

Cut a Hole in Insoles
Posted by Darrell (Myrtle Beach, SC) on 11/28/2020

A foot Dr. told me a fix for pain in the metatarsus years ago over drinks at a party that's been successful for me (that he didn't like to publicize due to his loss of visits). Buy a thick, quality pair of insoles for your shoes. Cut a hole in the insole right where the pain is. Must be used at all times in all your shoes. No more bare or stocking feet indoors. Works like a charm for me.

Posted by annette (New Zealand) on 12/14/2020

I've had Plantar Fasciitis for months and lately could hardly walk at times the pain was so bad. I've always kept cider vinegar but haven't used it for a while.

Last night my son had a tummy bug so I made a bottle of cider vinegar water to help ward of bugs (hate being sick) and low and behold this morning my foot feels so much better... surely it can't be that? So I looked it up and found all that its helped all of you people. Wow!!!

Posted by Tessa (Okanagan) on 12/15/2020

Thank you Lindy for mentioning Dr. Berg's exercises. I looked them up on YouTube and will start doing them today.

2 Simple Stretches / Exercises to Fix Plantar Fasciitis: Dr Berg



Magnesium Oil
Posted by Mrsg (Jupiter, Fl, Usa ) on 06/14/2018

I have tried everything under the sun to help relieve the pain including the cortisone shot, ice pacs, prescription anti inflammatory and pain meds and nothing was helping. I heard about the benefits of magnesium chloride but I have a hard time drinking. I search for info to make my own magnesium oil cream (recipe found in Pinterest). I put cream on feet then wear socks at night or whenever I was home. I noticed almost immediate results! The first morning it was not as painful to take that first step. The next day or two more improvement. Within a week I had a business trip that involved a lot of walking. I still took the anti inflammatory pill but still I noticed I was almost pain free in the afternoon!!! Worth trying. I may even cancel my MRI appt since I am feeling so much better.

Foot Stretch
Posted by Legofighter700 (Utah) on 07/11/2016

I have spent over a thousand dollars to try and find remedies for my plantar fasciitis. After suffering for a few years, the best remedies I have found are to stretch. Stretch for 3 whole minutes, 3 times a day. After a month, my feet went from feeling like walking on glass, to walking on bubblegum. I also used a golf ball for deep tissue massage. With the two, my feet feel great. When my feet hurt again, I go back to this and it clears it up.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ecurb P (Albuquerque, Nm) on 06/20/2015

To everyone suffering with foot pain, joint pain, tendon pain etc--along with ACV, which can give really good results look at your coffee intake and try cutting back to none or just one cup a day. The same for black tea. Many will scoff--coffee can't hurt--oh, yes it can, especially in excess.

Massage Gun
Posted by Magnolia (US) on 09/26/2022

Plantar Fasciitis

Get you a massage gun from Amazon - many to choose from. It will cut the pain almost immediately and begin the healing process. My daughter-in-law and I both had it at the same time and it worked for us both. She delayed getting one about 6 six weeks and was sorry she waited. Go slowly and on low speed and keep it moving over the bottom of the foot and over the calf muscles - beats anything else that I tried by far!!!!

Magnesium Oil
Posted by Pepper (Melbourne, Vic, Australia) on 03/09/2012

I am 55 years, usually in pretty good health and in a healthy weight range. I have had physio therapy, painkillers for heel spur/plantar fascia on left foot for 4 months with no relief and ended up on crutches, it was that bad.

Also suffering from a Morton's Neuroma on ball of right foot thought to be aggrevated by stress and unnatural walking and favouring of left foot problems. Was in a job where I was on my feet all day so possibly what caused or exacerbated the problem.

Well I have just discovered Magnesium oil rub at my health food store (Karma Rub but there are many brands of Magnesium oil to choose from) and day three of using I am off crutches and the pain in my heel/ fascia so much better. Ball of foot taking a little longer but it is definitely getting better. I can't believe it... Wish I'd discovered it months ago! It's a miracle!

I am also going to look into Serra Plus tabs/capsules to speed up the healing process as heard they are very good for my type of feet problems. Magnesium also helps with anxiety which I suffer from so that is an added bonus! Feeling much calmer but it could have something to do with being in no pain!

All I can say is it works for me so it might help you... No harm in giving it a try. Magnesuim Oil!

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