Seborrheic Dermatitis
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Seborrheic Dermatitis Relief

Magnesium Oil
Posted by Nicole (Los Angeles) on 06/15/2021

seborrheic dermatitis

Magnesium oil has cured it. I leave it on for about 5 min before rinsing it. I leave it on until it stings and it stings less the more you put it on until eventually it doesn't. But I do it once a week to make sure it doesn't come back just in case.

Oregano + Tea Tree + Argan Essential Oils
Posted by Teresa (Tucson, AZ) on 05/22/2019

I struggled for months with SD on my forehead, eyebrows and upper eyelids. My forehead was the worst and I had to exfoliate twice a day to keep the flakes at bay. I tried applying ACV 3 times a day for a week to no avail. Knowing that yeast can't stand oregano oil and that tea tree is a major ingredient in most dandruff shampoo's, I decided to make my own remedy. In a 10ml glass roller bottle I mixed 3 drops of oregano oil and 5 drops of tea tree oil and filled the rest of the bottle with argan oil. Before bed, I rolled the oil on my forehead and rubbed it the area while working it down to my eyebrows and a tiny amount to my upper eyelids (do not get this in your eyes!) I did this for 3 nights and it was completely gone. I decided to do it for 2 more nights just to be sure. I haven't even seen a hint of flakes for 3 months but still have almost a full bottle left just in case.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cam (Edmond, Ok) on 07/31/2018

I believe you may have your facts confused. When ingesting organic ACV, it doesn't promote growth of candida unless sugar is added to it. There are different approaches to the fermentation process that don't use sugar and most ACVs do not. Therefore, ACV is great addition for a candida diet.

Probiotic Wipes
Posted by Watermark (Buffalo, Ny) on 02/15/2016


I was recently diagnosed with SD on my face. Like most, I tried everything without success. It then dawned on me to try probiotic wipes seeing as how this appears to be a yeast problem and I wanted to report that I have had great success with this treatment and my problem has completely resolved after about a week and my skin is nice and soft. I have been doing this 2-3 times per day. It may take longer for some. I hope this is helpful.

Probiotic Wipes
Posted by HÃ¥kan (Sweden) on 10/14/2016

Hi, what do you mean by probiotic wipes? How do you apply it? Thansk

Coconut Oil
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 01/07/2016

Leslie, coconut oil hasn't seemed to clog me any pores. I only use the least amount that will extend all over the face and neck.

Fish Oil
Posted by George (of the Jungle) on 11/02/2015

Seborrheic Dermatitis

Fish oil supplements if taken daily will drastically reduce redness, inflammation, and the rash associated with this condition. For myself, it took about 4 weeks for a 90% reduction in redness, with results noticeable after about 1-2 weeks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dennis (Michigan, Usa) on 06/10/2016

You might try diluting it with some water to where it won't burn anymore and then as you begin not to burn anymore try to slowly work up to higher strength of ACV. The only thing with this cure is you will smell of vinegar when in public perhaps. It works though and I've tried everything from prescription creams to coconut oil and more. Good luck!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Deidra (Ill) on 10/20/2016

Hi. Can you use this iodine on your scalp?

Posted by Steve (Wv, Usa) on 04/08/2015

I had a very flakey, red rash on my face, and I pretty much tried all the remedies on this site. Finally bought some Ivermectin, the paste they give to horses, you can buy it on the internet or in a farm supply store. I applied it topically for over 10 days and the dermatitis went away. This was a permanent solution.

Borage Oil
Posted by D (Az, US) on 03/20/2015

Also be advised a manganese deficiency can cause dermatitis symptoms.

Posted by Victoria (Philadelphia, US) on 02/03/2015

I recently developed rough scaly patches on my skin. Mostly between my eyebrows, in my eyebrows, in my ears, and behind my ears. I tried lotions and apple cider vinegar to no avail.

In researching the condition on the internet, I believed I had sebhorrheic dermatitis. I read that this can be caused by a yeast called Pityrosporum ovale. I had a old tube of clotrimazole left over from a treatment of a vaginal yeast infection. I began to use it immediately, rubbing it into my skin, particularly between the eyebrows.

To my surprise, the rough skin and scaly patches were gone by morning. I picked up a generic version of Lotrimin the next day because the tube was nearly empty. I intend to continue this treatment for at least 2 or 3 weeks. I want to make sure that this yeast is dead.

Even if this cure is not permanent (although I hope that it is), at least I have something to fight this with!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Alex (Dallas, Texas) on 02/24/2015

The best remedy for SD is Neem juice (comes with a dropper, just put a dab on your trouble spots and it vanishes in 24hrs). The burn on your face when AcV drips is typical nothing to worry except for the discomfort.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Niamh Healy (Dublin, Ireland) on 03/15/2015

Hi, what do you mean by 'the mother'? I have ACV.

Thanks in anticipation.

EC: Hi, you'll find information about Apple Cider Vinegar with the 'mother' here:

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Marcela (Crawley, Uk) on 11/01/2017

you guys use ACV too much concentrated.. even in most bottles 'with the mother' is written that u should use it 2 tea spoons with a plenty of water, at least 200ml..

of course if you use 50:50 or 1:1 it'is too strong for a sensitive face

Kimchi & Other Remedies
Posted by Joru (Northeast, US) on 12/14/2014

Sebhorreic dermatitis is often caused by an overgrowth of a type of yeast called Malassezia. Malassezia is different from candida and many other common yeasts in that it feeds on lipids (fats) rather than sugar/starch. Also it is a slow-growing, melanin-seeking yeast (melanin is the pigment in our skins which protects us from UV radiation).

In addition to causing scalp issues, it can infect the melanocytes of the skin (sometimes causing white hypopigmentation spots, burning, or itching), the ears (hearing issues), and the eyes (blurry vision).

Overgrowth occurs when conditions favor Malassezia growth over its microbial competitors. Such conditions include prolonged use of antibiotics, use of antifungals to which it is not susceptible, steroids or other immunosuppressants, medications which increase blood lipids; diets high in vegetable oils & animal fats, alcohol (with the possible exceptions of dry red wine and beer).

The best way to get it under control is to take both topics and internal measures that inhibit its growth and add "good flora" that keeps it in check. And to avoid the things that help it grow, when you can.

Some ideas include:

- Kimchi: kimchi is a fermented vegetable product full of "good bacteria" like lactobacilli. Buy the medium spicy kind (available at Whole Foods or elsewhere). Strain it and spray the juice on your scalp. Leave on for several hours or overnight. Repeat for several days or as needed. Eat the remaining part of the kimchi, some each day. This helps build competing flora.

- Increase your intake of veggies that are high in sulfur (so long as you tolerate them ok). These include: onions, garlic, asparagus, hoarseradish (esp. potent), broccoli & other brassica veggies. Also include ginger (antifungal properties).

- Minimize vegetable oils in your diet, including olive oil. Choose lean meats and low-fat dairy to minimize animal fats.

- Sourdough is possibly the best choice in the bread category, because it contains lactobacilli in add'n to some bread yeast. The lactobacilli ("good bacteria") are what give it the sour taste. Get it fresh from a bakery that doesn't use additives and keep it in the freezer.

- If possible, buy your food at farmer's markets rather than supermarkets. Food at the supermarket is almost by definition lacking in good flora. They use additives and irradiation to extend the shelf life. Fresh food from the farmer's market is more nutritious, and it contains live enzymes and more flora. Be sure to choose meat/dairy that were not given antibiotics or homones, as these promote the growth of fungi.

- Include some seafood and seaweed in your diet.

- Eat more fresh herbs and spices ... packed full of good stuff for you, delicious and flavorful, AND they help inhibit the growth of microorganisms.

Topical measures like shampoos can provide temporary relief of symptoms but since they don't affect Malassezia organisms that can be underneath the surface of the skin or scalp, they aren't getting at the root of the problem.

Kimchi & Other Remedies
Posted by Liz (Kansas) on 09/02/2022

BTW... Everything they said about it affecting inside of your body is correct. Also everything you put on your skin is absorbed into your body through your skin. It can cause the yeast to spread and/or get worse. The fatty acids, weakened immune system, toxic chemicals in your skin care, hair care, makeup and dish soap, body wash and clothes soap feed the yeast and make it worse. You have to change everything you put in or around your body. If you're interested there is a place online where someone has done a lot of research. You can go to Google and look up 1500 fungals acne and you should be able to find the link. It is a great big conundrum and I know that the people in the government and health departments know about it because they have papers about it all over the place. Just like you can go to infectious disease doctor and tell them that you have an overgrowth of candida and they say that's an old wives tale but then they're treating their cancer patients for it. Just my opinion.

Kimchi & Other Remedies
Posted by MissM (New York) on 03/05/2022

If you have yeast. Mct is the only oil to use, and Demi squalane. For yeast on scalp. Make spray 50 50 Apple cider vinegar. Spray before shower and after shampoo. If it's too stinky, get citric acid one teaspoon to one cup distilled water and use. I have also used pet md beonzoyl peroxide and Sulphur shampoo for dogs. It has no odor and gets deep into hair follicles.

Kimchi & Other Remedies
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho) on 03/02/2022

I would try taking 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder twice a day. Someone else posted here on earth clinic that they resolved their scalp issues using this method.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kelly (Seattle) on 10/26/2020

Lindsey, he said he applied "nothing else but Bragg directly to the skin and drank it twice a day minimum."

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jessica (Fresno, California ) on 03/31/2016

I'm 27, and I've suffered with SD for as long as I can remember. I always thought it was just itchy scalp but then it spread to my eyelids (not too much) but then to my nose and that is HORRIBLE. There is no way to hide it. Make up makes it even worse. What exactly do I look for what it comes to the ACV?! Any brand? Organic? I'm new to this and so eager to try it out.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kelly (Seattle) on 07/22/2023

To all Readers:

You don't need to buy ACV with "the mother". There are multiple studies on Pubmed that show it's the acetic acid in the vinegar which is killing the fungus or other microbes and causing the dermatitis -- or other types of wounds -- to heal. So you can buy plain ol' vinegar and get the same results -- maybe even better. Or just buy acetic acid, and dilute it to 1-2% in water.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cd (Manchester) on 08/10/2014

Hi all,

Thanks for all your posts as it has helped me a lot! :)

I have been suffering from severe Seborrheic Dermatitis on my face for over a year. Nizoral cream (anti fungal) from the doctor has helped but not as much as I would like.

I tried ACV 1:1 with water last week. I apply it at night with a cotton pad after washing my face with warm water and leave it on. The following morning I wash my face with water again and reapply ACV.

Results have been fantastic, no more flaking, very little redness and normal skin. It does smell for around 5 minutes after application, however this is a very small trade off for clear skin.

Thanks all and good luck!


Seborrheic Dermatitis Remedies
Posted by Jillery (North America) on 02/16/2014 88 posts

Hi Connie-- I had rosacea about 3 months ago for the past 3 years. I went through all the remedies posted on Earthclinic (and other places) and made a long, long list of them. After about a month and a half I found what worked for my skin. The rosacea I have is very light now and my boyfriend said how great my skin is looking now. I will note what I did just in case you find any of these remedies working for you: Hydrogen Peroxide (wipe down face), Sulphur gel (OTC stuff for rosacea), then I used almond oil with rose in it, and an OTC oatmeal based lotion on top of THAT. I also take 4-6 1000 mg of MSM a day too. That was the final key that helped everything. My skin is combo and sensitive at the same time. (I did try ACV, Borax, collidoil silver, copper etc etc but this worked the best for me) Start making your list. Everyone's issues are just a bit different and look for what speaks to you. Good luck. ~jillery!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Miselliej (Prescott, Az) on 11/02/2013

Folks, it must be ACV with the "mother". No other has the health benefits of this. Braggs is a good one.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Leah (Philadelphia, Pa) on 04/23/2013

Hello, I just came across your post so I don't know if you have tried dietary changes yet? I have a feeling you would benefit from a liver detox, since I've read skin conditions indicate liver problems. There are many to choose from on this site. You may also like to try an alkalizing diet. Have you seen the documentaries "fat, sick and nearly dead" (very funny) or "the gerstein miracle". Both outline the benefits of raw vegetable juicing for skin or other more serious ailments.

Borage Oil, Rose Hip Oil, Pine Tar Shampoo
Posted by John (New York, New York) on 06/15/2012

I take Borage oil daily, wash my hair with Pine Tar shampoo every few days, and apply Rose Hip oil to my scalp. Amazing results.

Green Tea
Posted by Tammy (Vancouver, B.c Canada) on 05/15/2012

This is so simple, brew a strong cup of green tea, let cool use the tea bag to blot your scalp, repeat morning and night for 3 days, should help for up to 3mths then repeat.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sam (Toronto, Canada) on 03/20/2012

I just wanted to say thanks! I'm 29 and i've had SD for over 9 years now. I've used everything prescribed by the docs and needless to say - it only works till it doesn't. I stumbled upon this site looking for ways to get rid of the dandruff buildup on my eyelids and behind my ears. Its not attractive.

I was very excited about using the ACV diluted with water treatment. I have (had) really - really bad SD with the scabs and all. I sprayed the diluted ACV solution on my face and hair. Got as much to the scalp as possible. I have long hair. Waited for 15 mins and washed it away.

The difference in my facial skin was dramatic. I mean I use it 3 times a day on my face now (rub it on with a cotton ball). My skin looks healthy and even some dark spots on my skin have faded away. I love it.

It took almost a month to see the same results on my hair. But i'm glad to report that after 9 years i'm finally dandruff free! And if that wasn't great enough my hair is healthier and shinnier to boot!

I want to thank this little community for the "enlightenment".

So Thanks, Sam

(p.s. I use a mild 99% organically sourced ginger based shampoo to wash my hair after the ACV treatment)

Avoid Sodium Laurel Sulfate
Posted by Caitlin (Austin, Tx) on 03/24/2012

Pat, thanks SO much for this entry. I have the same facial problems and it really flared up last week after weeks of great looking skin and scalp. What did I do wrong, I wondered, viewing my ravaged, 1000 tiny bumps, flaking, itching skin in the mirror? Well, in a hurry, I had used my daughters regular toothpaste that she left on the sink. Mind you, I only used it once! My husband and I originally thought it was the great, California sweet oranges I ate. Then, thanks to your article I looked at her toothpaste and low and behold, the enemy, SODIUM LAURYL SULFATE (SLS) was present. I tell ya, vigilance is quite the necessity with man-made products. While I wait out the 4 days it will take my skin to get back to clearness, I will more dilligently stick to my natural mix: BS, peppermint oil & HP. Thanks for the heads up! Peace to ya as well.... CAT!

Baking Soda and Water
Posted by Traci (Virginia Beach, Virginia) on 01/30/2014

Try this link for instructions or just google "ted's alkalizing formulas".

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Lt (Boston, Ma) on 09/20/2011


I'm suffering from Seborrheic Dermatitis and hair loss. I've been reading about alkalinizing your body to help with SD and started using (2 TBlspns) apple cider vinegar and baking soda( 1/4 spoon) along with 8 oz of water on an empty stomach for once daily( two days in a row). By the second day afternoon I started noticing stomach cramps and diarrhea. I have not taken it today, but I have a lot of stomach cramping and gas. I'm burping a lot of gas too.

Should I continue taking this or should I stop. What am I doing wrongly? Please Help! Thanks!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Marvin Is (Out Of This World, Though He) on 12/08/2011

Any vinegar and baking soda will create CO2 gas. That's how a school kid's science fair experminent of making a model volcano works! Also pouring vinegar in a wine bottle and some baking soda in a tissue and putting the cork back in makes a cannon. Instead you should be separating the two. Take the ACV first then wait a few hours then take the BS. But that depends on when you eat. You'll want to take the ACV just before you eat as it aids digestion. BS would interfere with the acid in your stomach trying to digest. So if you don't eat breakfast first thing in the morning, you could get away with taking the BS first. Google around and learn how and when to take BS properly, you'll continue to interfere with your digestion as you have already demonstrated. Try incorporating some probiotics and fermented foods as well. Kombucha, Kefir, raw milk. Stay away from pasteurized dairy!!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Dilesh (New Malden, Surrey, United Kingdom) on 08/15/2011

Just want to say that I tried ACV mixed with Bicarbonate of Soda and water. Sprayed it on my face and my Seb Dermatitis has gone. From what ive read its a fungus. The ACV on its own didnt help the White, scaly marks that ultimately ended in skin flaking off. Since I started this mixture my face is clean. Now can someone help me with what I need to take to close all the wounds on my face. They get itchy, and even when I go outside the wind can hit the open wounds and make me itch.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by David (Mn) on 10/29/2013

The direct combination of the two substances, hydrogen peroxide and vinegar, produces a strong oxidizing agent known as peracetic acid (also known as peroxyacetic acid, or PAA). The reaction occurs when hydrogen peroxide reacts with the active component in vinegar, acetic acid.

The substance at high concentrations can be highly corrosive and cause irritation to the skin, eyes and respiratory system. Long-term exposures to the substance can cause permanent lung damage.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Irina (New Jersey) on 12/13/2016

Hi, I rinse with regular vinegar and water 50/50 and leave it on. By the time I dry my hair the smell is gone.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Maya2141 (Cambridge, Ma, Usa) on 10/21/2009

I have been suffering from Seborrhea for most of my adult life and used all possible medicated and non-medicated shampoos, nothing seemed to help. The only thing that worked was steriod creams and after I stopped them, it came back. I turned to the internet and found the ACV cure on EC. I have used it religiously for two weeks and its working.

I read another user's remark and got myself a color applicator from a beauty store and poured half ACV and half water. I apply it everyday after shampooing, rub it into the scalp and leave it for 2 to 5 minutes. It stinks like vinegar when the hair is wet, but once dry, no smell. There is none to minimal scaling and absolutely no itching in the hair. Since its only a couple of weeks, I am going it give it more time to completely rid the scaling. Note: I use an organic shampoo, with all natural ingredients and no sulfates. And since using ACV, I have skipped using the conditioner, the ACV leaves hair soft, shiny and detangled.

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