Why Lugol's Iodine is Essential for Optimal Health

Multiple Cures
Posted by Gokhals (Ca, Usa) on 03/07/2014 34 posts

I was sick with a bad cold last week. This was very surprising, as I have not been sick in four years, ever since I started eating a nutrient dense, WAPF diet based on Nourishing Traditions (by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig).

The only recent contributory change I made in my lifestyle was that I started finishing off with icy cold showers. These have been amazing for my skin, digestion, lipomas, stamina, muscles, hormones, libido and overall energy, but a few deleterious things happened along the way - I lost some weight I did not want to lose, I developed throbby wrists, I suddenly menopaused (or thought I did), and my sleep became disturbed. I would wake up at 3:00 am, and during the day felt tired as a result. If I cold showered in the evening, it had the effect of two cups of coffee on me. I'd be wired. I think cold showers affect you in strange ways. And finally, I got this cold. Probably after going out into the cold after one of my cold showers in the am.

Anyway, I started with a dropperful of 7% Lugols' in the middle of my cold. The effect has been nothing short of incredible. For the first time in several months, I've been sleeping like a baby. I un-menopaused. Was it really iodine my body needed to fix sleep problems I've never had in my life? When I sleep well, everything else sort of fixes itself. My skin has become wonderful. My cold melted away. Chest phlegm disappeared. Insomnia I suspect is at the root of many mental and physical ailments. Sleep repairs, restores. Iodine is now going to be a regular part of my life. Now, if I could get my partner to try some, the thyroid issues I suspect in his body might resolve themselves.

I should also add my sense of smell (which had gradually eroded over the last decade) is coming back.

Ear Infection
Posted by Deirdre (EC) on 10/19/2021

Hi Diane,

Just wondering why you tried 15% Lugol's straight in the ear when the original post you replied to used only a couple drops from a 1:4 dilution - 1 part of 7% Lugol's to water?

Nail Issues
Posted by Stephanie (Loganholme, Qld. Australia) on 09/24/2006

Iodine cures brittle and easily broken finger nails. It makes the fingernails hard, chip proof and unbreakable. Dip your fingernails in colorless iodine once a day for 1 week; then once a week for 3 to 4 weeks; then once a month. It dries almost instantly. It begins hardening the nails under the cuticle and as the nail grows out it stays hard and un breakable. Once the new hard nail reaches the length you want, you will never again have chipped and broken nails. No need for all those expensive formulas sold in beauth parlors and chemist shops.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Epeach (Ga) on 10/13/2017

I thought I would share an update on my Lugol's regimen. It will be 2 months since I began. I am taking 14 drops of 2 percent in water each morning. I have had a lot of anger and anxiety for weeks. I am having difficulty sleeping through the night. I have also been reducing my anxiety meds at the same time. P*x*l is the brand I take and I have reduced it as slow as I have increased the Lugol's, cutting 1/2 of 1 daily pill every other week. It contains fluoride and I do not want it in my system, obviously. I am concerned about my behavior and OCD tendencies. I pray some (or all) of this may be detox reactions. Can anyone advise me on how to keep my emotions in check while I reduce this toxin? I am extremely happy with my energy level and over all feeling of health, though.

The moles that I have been treating all along that did not go away initially, are giving me fits, they tend to grow big and round and itch, but really do not seem like they are going to give up this fight. Any ideas? Should I stop? Try something else or persevere?

My skin and hair are very healthy. The fungus on my nails is still prevalent but seems to be getting better slowly. I have given up on topical treatments all together because it seems to work only temporarily and I cannot devote the time to it everyday. I believe it will get better in time when my insides are clear of yeast.

I have lost a total of 7 lbs. but have included ACV to my routine 3 weeks ago. My thinking is clearer. My vision is clearer, I hardly ever wear my reading glasses anymore. I feel clean. My allergies are almost completely gone and it is ragweed season! Normally, I would be taking Z*rt*c and Sudaf*d on a daily basis this time of year!

Thank you again Earth Clinic for this website! You are saving my life!

Multiple Cures
Posted by Evelyn (Ga) on 08/28/2017

Update on Lugol's... One of my moles were gone when I got up this morning. It was the smallest. I know it will take longer for the others. I did not prepare my skin around them for the treatment and the area is very red. It initially felt like a sun burn and itched. I do not care though, I know it is temporary.

I took a break for two days after the 5 days of the oral intake. I have been sick with a terrible cold since the 6th day. I am surely detoxing and am using zinc, magnesium, cod liver oil, baking soda and drinking either lemon water or orange juice hours after lugol's. I have been using Licorice root for the congestion and oregano oil for the cold or whatever it is. I am on day 13 and am still sick. I will keep pushing through it though because I want to rid my body of this candida and regulate my thyroid. I am very tired and only get the things done I have to do. The blisters on my hands have not returned, but my finger nail fungus is a battle. There was an eruption on the side of the nail and green pus came out. I am soaking my nails (all of them) in vinegar, everyday, now. I hope with all of these remedies combined I will get rid of this stuff.

Dry Mouth, Dry Eyes
Posted by Doc Sheila (Toronto, Canada) on 08/09/2009

Dry Mouth Dry Eye cures

I use potassium iodide :Lugol's solution for all dryness in the body, vaginal dryness,dry eyes, dry nose,dry mouth.
It is excellent as anti septic, anti biotic ati viral etc
3 drops 1-3% lugol's in juice or water 2x/daily

Acid Reflux
Posted by Sara (Dublin, CA) on 03/15/2009

What was the % of the Lugol's Solution used? J. Crow's still sells 5% as well as the 2% version.

Iodine Warnings
Posted by James (Seattle, Washington) on 06/26/2007

Lugo's iodine caused my heart to palpitate (and not in a good way; the bad way). So I thought no more Lugo's. I felt bad because I read the health benefits on this site and others and I could not take even one drop. Then while reasearching fatty acid metabolism I found that you use a lot of vitamin B-1, B-6 and B-12. All the of these B's have heart palpitaions as a sign of their deficiencies. So I took all three. Now I can take Lugo's. Yeah!

Also selenium and zinc deficiencies can cause heart palpatations. So if you can't take iodine because of the heart quivers you might have a deficiency you need to correct first.

Diluting Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Bill (Philippines) on 03/19/2022

Hi Looky24,

Well, you never said how many drops or mgs of 12% you wanted to supplement. Generally I normally take 8 drops(or 50mgs) of 5% lugols iodine(LI) every day. And one drop of 5% LI contains a total of 6.25mg of iodine. Anyway here's something that might help you with your calculations for 12% LI:

5% Lugol's iodine has 6.25mg iodine per drop.

12% LI is 12/5 or 2.4 times stronger per drop than 5% LI.

But if 5% iodine contains 6.25mgs per drop and 12% LI is 2.4 times stronger then 12% Lugols Iodine will contain 2.4 x 6.25mg = 15mgs iodine/iodide per drop.

So if you want to take 50 mgs a day of 12% LI then you would need to take 50mgs/15mgs drops or 3.33 drops of 12% LI per day. And if it were me -- I'm not so picky -- so I would round that value up to 4 drops -- but it's your call.

And for anyone wondering how to calculate the number of drops of 15% LI to get 50gms iodine/iodide per day, this is a much simpler calculation:

15% LI is 15/5 = 3 times stronger per drop than 5% LI.

Therefore one drop of 15% LI = 3 x 6.25mg = 18.75mgs iodine/iodide per drop

So to be able to supplement 50 mgs of iodine/iodide per day you would have to take 50/18.75 = 2.6 drops of 15% LI per day.

And just to quickly cover it all -- if you were to take 50 mgs per day of 7% LI(at 8.75mgs per drop) then you would have to take 50/8.75 = 5.71 drops of 7% LI per day.

I'm also currently taking the Hulda Clark Lugol's Iodine protocol. Her LI protocol was very simple and didn't mess around. She advised supplementing 6 drops 4% LI three times a day after meals. I vary it slightly by taking 3 drops of 15% LI three times a day after meals, which works out to a total daily iodine/iodide dose of 18.75 x 9 drops per day = 165.75mgs iodine/iodide per day. I've been doing this LI protocol for about a month now. And whereas before I was always scooting off for a quick kip in the early afternoon heat every day, but now I just don't need it. That was a real eye-opener for me and was a very pleasant surprise. As a 72 year old guy, I have much more energy now than I had before as well as alot more daily anti-viral protection against covid-19 from using Hulda Clark's LI protocol. I'll give a proper and bigger report on EC later on the outcome of taking Dr Hulda Clark's Li protocol after taking her it for a few more months.

A final word of warning about orally supplementing LI. If you use Dr Hulda Clark's LI protocol, which is quite a high dose per day, just remember to start the protocol with a low dose and work up to the advised drop dosages SLOWLY.

Posted by Bev (Long Beach, Ca) on 03/20/2011

I came down with a cold on a Friday. Used 1 drop of Lugol's in a glass of water 4 x that day then increased to 2 drops the next and 3 drops the third day. By Monday the cold was gone. Hope this helps.

Posted by John Scot (Scotland) on 01/29/2021

I use Lugol's also and feel it will protect against any Virus or disease. I normally have 10 drops in a glass of organic 3 times a week never taste the iodine and never seem to have a real cold or flu. Sometimes have a blocked nose but goes away very quickly. Jjust try it with Organic milk, tastes better. I use the strongest Lugol's Iodine 15%.

How To Take Lugol's
Posted by Marie D (Nc Usa) on 10/08/2020

A friend of mine who has been taking Lugol's for 7 yrs. places the drops she takes into an empty gelatin capsule and swallows with water. I have tried her method and it works like a charm!

Multiple Cures
Posted by Epeach (Ga) on 09/16/2017

It has been a month now since beginning Lugol's. I feel so much better, now. I have much more energy than I can ever remember having in a while. I have lost 3 lbs., the fungus on my nails is clearing, brain fog is lifted!!!!!, and allergies are almost completely gone. I will sneeze some mornings but that is all of the symptoms I am having. I am up to 10 drops, now in a little water, it began to hurt the underside of my tongue now that I am using so much more. I found Brazil Nuts and bought enough for a month or so. That was the missing puzzle piece for me. I turned a corner by just eating 5 (a day) on the first day!!!!

I have removed 9 moles so far. Some of the bigger ones are being awfully resistant. I suspect they will go away eventually with continued applications.

My question is, during this journey, sometimes my neck and collar bones ache and throb. Does anyone have an idea for immediate relief?

Multiple Cures
Posted by Truerae (Moberly, Mo) on 02/04/2010

Food Poisoning, Salmonella, Flu, Shigella

Lugol's Iodine (not a brand but a type, not readily available anymore) for Food Poisoning, Salmonella, and/or Shigella & baby parasites & FUNGUS, plus arthritis etc. based on actual experiences & research. See Hulda Clark's "A Cure for All Disease" and "A Cure for All Cancer" and the website about Cancer is a fungus and you can see why this is an ingredient every home should have.

For food poisoning/S/Sh take 6 drops in a 1/2 glass of water to repeat 20 min later and again if needed.

This was used on a health food employee that became acutely ill after eating a (tainted) salad, probabally the sprouts. It worked like a charm. Also, I became very sick (nausea/vomiting) after eating out and went home and did this and had no more problems. I later found out that a friend that had eaten what I had ended up in the hospital for 4 days on IVs and came out of it with lingering effects!!! Conventional medicine does not have all or even most of the answers and I am a nurse.

There was also a research paper done on a three month/nine drops a day therapy to reverse arthritis among other health maladies. This is an antifungal so you can see why it would be good for those who are NOT allergic to iodine. Check out the research on this before you do it of course!

My dentist told me that it is the best for any kind of infection in the mouth. Iodine adheres to tissue (seen with how it stains) and therefore stays in the designated area (stomach for oral or mouth for topical).

Nail Issues
Posted by Robin (Southern, New Mexico) on 08/22/2008

I second what Stephanie says about iodine and the nails. I have had very poor nails all my life to the point where I never wore rings, not wanting to draw attention to my ugly hands. Also anxiety made me bite and pick at them 'til they bled sometimes. I now take 100 mgs (yes one hundred milligrams) of Iodoral every day. My body was starving due to celiac which went undiagnosed for decades. When I paint my skin with Lugol's it disappears in just a few hours (2-4).

Besides my nails and hair improving, iodine has helped me with snoring, salivary stones (swollen and hard salivary glands under the jaw bones), and hay fever is a thing of the past. I don't need the daily claritin anymore and I do not need 5-htp for anxiety now, I only take one or two at the most at night for sleep, where I was taking it all through the day.

When I first started taking iodine I went through a little detox period, but it was well worth it. I still have a long way to go to reach good health, but Iodine is the first remedy that helped and keeps on helping. I imagine that soon when big-med and big-pharma get wind of this movement it will become impossible to get iodine in any form, so I am stock-piling for the future. I never want to go without it again. I do not use kelp because of potential heavy metals and chemical contamination.

Good health to all...

Lugol's and Vitamin E
Posted by Bcnu147 (Wa, US) on 01/04/2015

Some years ago, reading the book Adelle Davis wrote called, Let's Get Well, I came across what she said about Lugol's Iodine. She said that if Lugol's Iodine is not taken with Vitamin E, the thyroid only takes up about 5% but if it is taken with Vitamin E, it takes up as much as 95%. This was crucial information for me because at that time, I had hashimoto's thyroiditis. I made her High Protein drink every morning to which I added these and then drank a couple of ounces every couple of hours.

Many people have criticised Adelle Davis in the past and labelled her as a 'quack.' If they check out her credentials, they should realise she was NOT.

She was a qualified Biochemist, who cared enough about people, to work as a dietician in order to help them directly.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Isabelle (G,C) on 03/23/2011

hello to all! I like to point out a link on curezone concerning the shelf life of lugol because I really think that some pharmacists want you to discard the product early so you can buy more often. lugol made with distilled water can last for years! Peace, take good care of yourself www.curezone.com/forums/am.asp?i=846547

Lugol's Iodine Side Effects
Posted by Mona (Minneapolis, MN) on 04/14/2009

The runny nose and sinus headache (pressure behind your eyes) are most likely a detoxification effect of the iodine you are taking. The iodine has the effect of detoxifying your body of the other toxic halides that are so prevalent in our modern diets and environments. The addition of vitamin C usually helps with the detoxification. The toxic halides are fluorine, chlorine, and bromine. They are toxic to our bodies and have no use by our bodies. They will attach to iodine receptors in the body, but they won't perform the function of iodine, thus the toxicity.

Fluorine and fluoride are added to most municipal water supplies these days, but many, many studies show no difference in the number of cavities and dental maladies between fluoridated and nonfluoridated water populations. Better dental hygiene and education have reduced the cavities more than the addition of fluorine to our water supplies. Trusting community leaders were sold on fluoridation by an industry that needed an outlet for its toxic byproduct, no we all are forced to consume the toxic fluorine.

Chlorine is toxic. Chloride is essential in the body, but chlorine is toxic. Chlorine is added to many water supplies, is used in pools, is found in bleach. The byproduct of chlorine bleach is dioxin, one of the biggest carcinogens known to our planet. Iodine could be used to make and keep our water supplies and pools safe, and is not toxic like chlorine.

Bromine is toxic and has replace iodine in the treatent of wheat for our flour. Bromine is found in flame-retardant and insecticides. We are exposed to bromine from many environmental sources. It is toxic.

With the abundance of toxic halides we are routinely exposed to in our modern diets and environments, it is not unusual to experience detoxification effects when you increase your iodine intake. The detoxification may occur, but the runny nose and the headache (and acne or any other symptom of the toxic substances leaving your body) will subside as the toxins are eliminated. The addition of vitamin C and fish oil along with the iodine will help with the detoxification. But, I do not agree with the previous suggestion by Ted that consuming bread (presumably for the bromine content) is a wise solution to the underlying cause of the effect (ingestion of more toxins may temporarily relieve your runny nose, but it is also adding more toxins to be eliminated from your body).

Lugol's solution is potassium iodide, the same iodine compound found in seaweed and sea vegetables, but in a standardized form, and elemental (molecular) iodine. Molecular iodine dissolves more readily in water that already contains potassium iodide. In our bodies, the thyroid gland absorbs iodide, breaks off the potassium or sodium portion of the compound and concentrates the iodine portion in the thyroid gland. Elsewhere in the body, the mammary glands and the ovaries have huge demands for iodine, too, but their preferences seem to be for molecular iodine. The whole endocrine system utilizes iodine or iodide, the digestive system needs iodine, the integumentary system, the nervous system, the cardiovascular system, and the skeletal system all need iodine or iodide. Excess iodine is excreted in the urine. The presence of sufficient iodine in the body detoxifies the body of not only the toxic halides, but also heavy metals, such as lead ad mercury.

Physicians knew of the wonders of iodine over a hundred years ago, then a bad study cast it into the depths of oblivion until recent research into breast health and thyroid health have brought it back into the medical world's attention. Iodine is a natural product. There is little monetary profit for anyone to make from its promotion. The "profit" is for all of us in society whose heath and well-being has been suffering since iodine was cast off in error. Hopefully, the modern research will recapture the attention of mainstream medicine and we will be able to undo the damage.

Diluting Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Bill (Philippines) on 03/21/2022

Looky24 ... I've been taking 5% Lugol's Iodine every day (8 drops per day) in my own health regimen for about 15 years now. And in the last 4 months I have been taking a new and different iodine protocol based on Hulda Clark's LI protocol -- which is 3 drops of 15% lugol's iodine -- which works out to a total of about 170 mgs of iodine/iodide per day. I have no trouble at all with that high LI dose. I've also read that doses as high as 2000mgs iodine/iodide per day were regularly used in the old days before WWII.

A huge caveat here. Just because people in the old and distant past could be treated with large dose LI does not necessarily mean that you can do it now without problems. Lugols Iodine was been around for over 150 years and was eventually banned for use internally in the US round about the beginning of the 1950s to make way for the glorious and unhindered use of antibiotics as well as modern vaccines. Wow, with LI out of the way, think of all that profit for the drugs companies involved! The 1950s was also the beginnings of wide agri-use of poisonous pesticides, fertilizers, etc that contained serious poisons like mercury, lead, aluminum, chlorine, flourine, and glyphosate, etc. You should also bear in mind that -- especially in America -- the supermarket food contains all these poisons, which are very unhealthy for your body.

I'm just saying that if you live in the US and you eat all that poisoned supermarket food and drink their poisonous tap water then your body will accumulate and contain high amounts of heavy metals that also include bromine, fluorine and chlorine. It's also little known or appreciated that Lugol's Iodine is an exceptional detoxer of lead, cadmium, mercury, aluminum, bromine and fluorine. But if your body contains high amounts of any of these poisons then, when you initially start taking the LI at high dose, LI will rapidly remove these poisons from the tissues and put large amounts of them into the blood. And right there is the problem!! Because once the poisons get into the blood there is a definite possibility that those heavy metals, chlorine and fluorine etc will be redistributed throughout the body -- and that is what can cause, serious skin rashes, racing heart, breathing problems etc. Basically these symptoms can accurately mimic a serious allergic reaction -- but they are not caused by an allergic reaction -- they are caused by large amounts of heavy metals and other poisons suddenly being dumped into the bloodstream because of the efficient detox effect of LI.

So, if you're going to take high dose iodine for your testicular cyst, you should start with one drop and just work up to the proper dose slowly.

Here's some more useful advice on how to treat testicular cysts with iodine from Ted from Bangkok:

"Testicular Cysts... If lugol's iodine is applied externally to that area, is one of the few ways it the iodine can reach it to prevent further spread. Cysts is usually calcium, hence magnesium supplements is taken, such as magnesium citrate roughly 500 mg a day. The magnesium is antagonistic to the calcium. I have also found that cysts is a form of iodine deficiency, it seems to occur in women with low iodine, which gathers around the breast. Cysts can also form when the blood sugar is high, increasing the solubility of calcium to go from bones to the tissues causing cysts. Hence, 1500 mcg of chromium chloride, or a good chromium supplements without the calcium added, best in capsule form is taken. I prefer chromium chloride, perhaps chromium polynicotinate. If a person is serious about reducing this cyst, staying away from sugar, and drink plenty of water during meals will dilute sugar concentration, in addition to avoiding dinners before sleep also helps reduce the sugar spikes."

Source: https://answers.earthclinic.com/any-remedy-for-testicular-cysts.html

Converting Lugol's to Milligrams
Posted by Bess (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 07/11/2013

Hi Jolole from Beaconsfield, Tasmania, Australia - Here is what Bill (very knowledgeable in these things) posted awhile ago:

02/13/2012: Bill from San Fernando, The Philippines replies: "There seems to be some confusion over the use of Lugol's Iodine. What people tend to always forget is that the drop dosage of say 50 mgs of 5% Lugol's Iodine per day is completely different from the same 50 mg drop dosage from say a 2% Lugol's Iodine solution. A single drop of 5% strength, Lugol's Iodine -- where one drop contains 6. 25 mgs iodine -- would be about 8 drops. A single drop of 2% Lugol's Iodine would therefore contain only 2. 50 mgs of Iodine. So to get a 50 mgs dose from a 5% LI solution would be only 8 drops, whereas a 50 mgs doasage from a 2% LI solution would require 20 drops(2. 5 times more).

To help clarify this, here is a table that shows total Iodine content per drop for different % strengths of Lugol's Iodine:

Hope that helps! Cheers, Bess

Multiple Cures
Posted by Mesem (Toulon, France) on 12/20/2010

A pharmacy prepared a bottle of Lugols for me no problem for 2.60 euro but another pharmacie were very unlightened and cautious and another pharmacist assured me that I couldn't take it internally! I told my doctor who seemed completely uninterested but results were quick; my severly chapped lips have healed, skin gradually less itchy, hair even seems to be changing (sebaceous glands) and eyes less sensitive. As far as female gland activity well lets say that its high tide!

Iodine Warnings
Posted by Joan (Virginia, US) on 11/04/2014

I get heart palpitations when I drink coffee or tea. It's the caffeine for me. So I add a bit of organic BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES to my coffee. That prevents me from having heart palpitations. BSM contains several minerals, which coincides with your theory that heart palpitations are as a result of a mineral deficiency.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Michael (Peoria AZ)

I have used Lugol's internally for years. My wife had a major bladder infection and had 2 bio's performed and all kinds of drugs prescribed including a Dr. stating we were passing a virus thru sex back and forth. I refused to take the chemicals. Finally she wanted to try the Lugol's and within 2 weeks began to walk with no pain. I placed it in the water containers of my 2 dogs. My 3 pound 10 old dog came alive once again. I feel it killed all the worms in her that were bleeding her of energy. I believe in Lugols for everything. I purchase it by the 500ml's and give it away to people who are real ill or sick.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Hersche Chocolatte (South Africa) on 03/02/2015

I can't believe I've stumbled upon this! I have been experiencing severe "heart" attacks and stabbing pains in my neck...long story short, had the gastro and Ecg checks done, Ecg is 100% clear, got a rx to treat GERD but chose not to get it cos my integrated practitioner advised against this and suggested Betaine Hydrochloride to increase acid levels, Digestive enzymes, Probiotics and Lugol's Iodine for thyroid issues and reflux. Unfortunately, I haven't followed it in this way, will surely do now!

Thank you very much David! (David (Huntington Beach, California, USA) on 01/04/2009)

How to Take Lugol's
Posted by RB (Somewhere in Europe) on 04/18/2022 84 posts

How to Take Lugol's

I found a better way. I took a different approach. In the last 3 months, every morning, right after my breakfast, using three 00-sized gelatin capsules, I have swallowed 36 drops of 5% Lugol's Iodine (LI).

Advantages: One, I get all the benefits of chlorine, fluoride and bromine detoxification. Two, this is, or seems to be, the only way I'm able to take LI with food, without having to dilute my food. Three, this way I don't have to taste LI every morning. Four, this way I am able to take higher doses of LI.

Disadvantage: There is only one disadvantage; you need to have good manual dexterity; you also need to assemble the capsules quickly and carefully. There is only one danger; if one of your capsules breaks, the resulting LI exposure will irritate your throat. However, if you plan ahead, and if you ensure the capsules are well-sealed, slippery and able to go down quickly enough, then this is not going to be an issue for you.

I hope someone can use this!

Posted by Terry J. (USA) on 06/04/2022

I think it is safe to say that you are deficient in Iodine, since about 90% of the world's population is as well. My experience is I started with 12.5% of Lugol's iodine )5 drops of 2% iodine) in a glass of distilled water, along with 100mcg of Selenium. I followed that with another glass of distilled water mixed with 1/2 teaspoon of unprocessed Salt (Sea, Himalayan, Redmond's real salt). The Salt water keeps you from getting sick from bromine, fluoride, chlorine and heavy metals by combining with these toxins pulled from you by the Iodine. You simply pee them out.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Bladey56 (Brisbane, Australia) on 09/23/2011

For the last 4 months I have been on iodine worked up to 50mg daily (lugols) blood test awaiting for complete thyroid check. Along with companion nutrients (selenium, vit c) along with mag/cal/boron/, lysine, b complex and naicin, omega 3/6 ratio correction in my diet and removed as much fluoride and bromide as possible (reverse osmosis) less processed food. My transformation has been amazing. I was 105, and now down to 85, my skin is repairing from the sun damage, face sunspots are peeling from lips, cheeks, arms. I now sleep without waking during the night, my body temp now regulates correctly.

I started my father on the same diet, he's got a history of high blood pressure and cholesterol, now after 1 months his blood pressure is normal and cholesterol is now within normal range. I have achieved this with no extra exercise, other than my daily job. The last time I lost weight with the gym and just eating "well" made me tired and I just gained the weight again, I am 25 years old and I feel the benefit everyday from this very powerful supplement, being tired at the end of the day is a thing from the past, no brain fog, just clean thinking.

Food Poisoning
Posted by Earth Clinic (USA)

Here is a remedy that's been around quite a long time. It stops Salmonella poisoning immediately. Also used to treat Giardia. If you have gas and bloating and suspect Salmonella poisoning, here's the recipe:

  • 1/2 glass of water.
  • Add 6 drops of Lugol's Iodine Solution.
  • Stir and drink in entirety.

You will feel better within an hour. Take this 4x a day, after meals and at bedtime, for 3 days in a row, then as needed.

Lugol's Iodine Side Effects
Posted by Hisjewel (Usa) on 02/14/2018

I remember inquiring for help concerning the tingly sometimes, burning feeling on my face. I had started thinking it was stress.

I got some advice that got me through that time.

Soon I stopped using some of my supplements then start back up again.

Well, I had stopped using the Iodine. I had been obviously taking too many drops for me, about 4 drops of 5mgs or 7mgs of Lugols Iodine in a glass of water.

Any way I wanted to kill an infection, so I started back on the iodine. One to two drops in water this time, plus a little on infected area. I began to feel that old tingly burning feeling in the face again.

It good to know what is causing a situation, then we wont be trying to fix it while still consuming the cause.

I only took it a few days this time. Just enough for my healing.


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