Apple Cider Vinegar
(Greene, Me)
I just had to put my beloved bday down because of warts one grew inside her sinus cavity. I had them removed once and unfortunately she was 14 years old when I noticed she started bleeding from her nose because of her age they recommended I not put her under sedation she lived another two years and I had no clue they were contagious, so now my 6 year old dog has a few on his body. he is bijon frese and he is growing one on his eyelid how would I treat that ? my vet didnt know these were warts because I asked him and he said he didn't know. My husband has agreed to finally go to a specialist but if I can heal these myself? I would be grateful. I don't want to rely on another vet letting Mr. Tibbs down and we tried caster oil and turmeric and it didnt work. I'm willing to ty the apple cider vinegar but how do I apply to his eyelid or can I ?
(Melbourne, Australia)
(Vancouver, Wa)
For some warts sticking up of my dog's body I tied waxy dental floss around the base of the wart and in a few days they would die off, due to lack of blood supply. Then the ACV killed them off within days. You could shut your dogs eyes and rub the ACV on the skin with a cotton ball. I use a dropper 3xs/day topically on the warts and they're going away...Hope that helps
(Alexandria va)
(Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada)
To Darla Greene, Me, I am so sorry you lost your dog. It is so difficult not to have them around all of a sudden. I hope you are able to take the time you need to grieve and if some stupid person make a comment to you like, "why would u be upset it just a dog", or this one from my cousin's pastor, "dogs don't go to heaven". You can email me and I will personally make a trip to where u live and have a private talk with them. You will be in our racers. Kare
I wouldn't use vinegar on your dogs eyelid, you could potentially blind him.. My 15yr coton had one in the same place, his eyelid, and he already had major spinal surgery and didn't want to put him under anesthesia but it kept growing and would bleed and hurt him so I had it removed and he has been so much happier for it. We have to go and have another removed on his foot that is the size of a large grape its really bothering him to the point he doesn't sleep and doesn't let me sleep.
(Hope, Bc Canada)
Hello, Jannese (Nyc)---
You can also try Lugols Iodine 5%, just covering the offending area and do several times a day.
Namaste, Om
(Manchester, UK)
Dear Meriel,
Try all or some of the following.
1. Apple Cider Vinegar ( on any part except eyes and genital)
2. Castor Oil/ Coconut oil application on areas close to eyes)
3. Vitamin E capsules
4. Improve your dog's food, add protein and vitamins less carbs.
Hope it helps
(Downey, Ca)
How much should I use or must I dilute it first?
(Sydney Australia)
(Brentwood, Tn)
(Ontario, Canada)
Yes, my little girl has one the size of a dime. After a week of applying the apple cider vinegar it started to loose the outer skin, and looked very raw. It upset her, so I stopped using it. I am using coconut oil for a couple of weeks, but with no results. There are a couple of videos on YouTube, and they did state the wart would bleed. I am trying to work on her insides, and stopped sweet veggies like carrot and sweet potatoes. She is on a raw diet with added raw pulp veggies. It is pretty common in older small dogs. No sweets, no junk food, little high sugar veggies. Also started giving her salmon oil ( distilled, metals removed) and turmeric. May try the apple cider internally with her food too.
(Nova Scotia)
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Vista, Ca, Usa)
(White Oak, Wv)
I just got on the internet trying to find a cure for my 11 year old cocker. He has multiple "old dog warts, "at least that is what the vet said, he also said they were harmless but he has developed numerous ones and they make me hurt if they don't hurt him! I will try Apple Cider Vinegar immediately starting now, I also will post my results so anyone looking for a cure will know what works or doesn't. I know apple cider vinegar (acv) with the mother in it is known for lots of cures, Thanks for the advice.
(Fairbanks, Ak)
To reader from White Oak WV.... Did the ACV work on your cocker? We have a 17 YO with probably 20 on his body. He is in good health otherwise and has 3 areas with clear gel that looks uncomfortable but don't bother him too. I have been putting [a nutritional mineral oil] on them to keep them from bleeding as it has Almond Oil with Vit A, C & E. Am anxious to give the ACV a try as they must itch especially when they are growing. Thank you folks for this website.
(Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
Hi, I have tried thuja, could you please let me know what ACV is as I never heard of it, my baby has a big wart on the side of her back and another one on the upper part of her leg that she bites on all the time. I tried castor oil but she likes the taste, she also has other warts on her body I have got to the point that I do not know what to put on her I am now trying vitamin E, much appreciated if you could help me as Angel will be 15yrs old and she is my baby Thank you so very very much. Theresa
EC: ACV = Apple Cider Vinegar
(Land O Lakes, Fl)
(Mascotte, Florida)
hi, I also have a cocker that is almost 14 he has a yucky wart behind his ear, that has been bleeding off and on but I read where ACV was really good, I used it for awhile it does help to dried it out but I found where ( all natural drawing salve ) is helpings it to drain and helping it not to be painful, I'm on the 3rd day and I'm liking what I am seeing, I'm hoping it will completely make this disappear 😊
Black Salve
I did more careful research and bought black salve. (check amazon black salve for dogs, cats and horses). They helped me with the number of applications and locations to apply salve).
Black salve was applied to the stem for 5 days and the second picture shows the top of the wart came off and just the stem was left.
Black salve was applied to the stem for 4 days and the third picture shows it is all gone!
The pictures may look disturbing but there was never any infection. The area was cleaned daily with a 1:12 dilution of calcium sulfate (better than hydrogen peroxide) to water and we waited until scabbing happened to clean off all the debris. The final picture shows a little scab (which is now gone) after the big scab fell off. The process took less than 1 month and all her hair has grown back and there is no scar!
I tried the process on myself to remove a mole and if felt like a sunburn - very tolerable. There were a few times that she was quiet but she bounced right back and soon as I mentioned food (she eats raw! ) or a walk! I know my girl and watched her and she was never in any kind of danger. She is now more amazing than ever!
Also please note, the black salve goes right to the root and gets rids of everything so there is nothing left. For some situations, you may have to do another round of black salve but not in this case. It goes after cells that are foreign to the body and does not harm healthy cells. The best thing was no surgery for my little girl! Black salve is simple, inexpensive and it works.
I hope this gives someone else the courage to take control of their animal's life. Do your thorough research and you'll be amazed how you can keep your fur baby happy and healthy! Earth Clinic is a great site!
(Ontario, Canada)
Hi Aunt Bee,
I would speak with the company that makes amazon black salve for cats, dogs and horses. Their black salve can be taken internally in very minute portions.
As the rodent ulcer is more of an allergic reaction, I would first look at the food your kitty eats. Raw or even home cooked are best for clearing so many health issues. That's because it's real food! I always use glass bowls & they are cleaned in dishwasher.
Have you tried adding l-lysine to the food? (from health food store - give 1/4 of capsule in food once a day). What about milk thistle to gently detox the liver? (give up to 10 drops in food once a day). Colloidal silver is a good choice so keep giving that internally (1/2 teaspoon in food once a day) and externally. You could also apply coconut oil to the area as it has healing properties.
Love and light
(Sydney, Australia)
(Ontario, Canada)
Hi there, this is amazing results, I am a bit concerned. My Dog ( bichon Frise- Age 13) has an enourmouse cyst / tumor upon the top of her head. It continues to bleed and leak and just will not fall off. Vet said her age is too risky for surgery. She seems fine, when we touch it and clean it she doesn't show any signs of pain. It looks similar to the second photo of your dog, except now the top is opening and leaking out. We are scared, have run out of options and don't know what else to do. What is Black salve? and will it actually help my poor baby?
(Ontario, Canada)
Hi Kristen,
My Pootese (poodle/maltese) was 13 years old and the wart was also bleeding. The black salve is a paste and you apply it sparingly. I applied a piece of gauze over the wart when the black salve was applied and then wrapped her head in the elastic/sticky vet wrap to make sure she didn't bother with it. She left it alone. I would speak directly or email as they were very helpful every step of the way.
Here is the youtube video that gave me the courage to use this product as I, like you, was scared. The results are phenomenal!
It has been 4 months and she is perfect! There is no scar and the hair has grown over. I think this was not only our last option but our best option. You will be amazed at how quickly and safely the wart completely goes away for good! Our girl is a lot happier without that wart!
Be brave! You can do it and help your baby!!!
Love and light
(Ontario, Canada)
Hi Melanie! I highly recommend the black salve but would contact the company for specific instructions as you say the mass is in the genital area. Are you sure this is the same type of wart or a mass of something else? I wouldn't be overly concerned about the little warts as long as they don't bother him and remain the same size. Sending healing light....
Love and light
(Ontario, Canada)
Hi Mary, the company is and the product is called Amazon salve for dogs, cats and horses. I ordered the small container as a very small amount is used. Order it direct from this company and it arrives in a week or so. Call directly or email them to get directions on how to use the product. It is safe and very effective.
Love and Light
(Mascotte Florida)
hi, my cocker has the exact same thing behind his ear, I tried the ACV but wasn't really happy with it, I am trying the black salve, hoping it will work it's been 3 days and I see some changes, he's 14 so I do not want the vet removing it, thank you for the infor
(Ontario, Canada)
(Ontario, Canada)
Hey Patty! I understand your concern about the wart removal process. How many applications of black salve did you put on your dog & most importantly, did you wash and disinfect with calcium sulphate before each application? Did you speak with the manufacturer of the black salve for guidance as I suggested in my original post? What I observed with my dog was a lot of debris being shed from the wart while using the black salve which made everything look bigger and worse. If you look back to the second photo I posted, before taking that photo, there was an enormous scab over the wart which made everything look worse. What you see in the photo is the original wart stem that had been surrounded by the enormous scab. The scab is the body's protection for allowing the body to heal. Patience is required! It sounds like the black salve is working but you may not be confident with the process so please contact the manufacturer of the black salve you purchased for further guidance.
Love and Light
Castor Oil
(New York)
Castor oil is perfectly safe to put on his eyelid I. I put a drop of castor oil in my eyes every night before bed to prevent cataracts. It is an Ayurvedic treatment for prevention of cataracts.
Castor Oil
My dog had 3 warts right on the edge of her eyelid. They didn't seem to be irritating her eye any but they were not attractive to look at. I was afraid to use ACV because if it got in her eye it would be painful. So I tried castor oil, which I knew would not harm her eye. I have been using it twice a day for a week and a half now and the two tiny warts are gone. The large wart has reduced in size considerably.
I am very happy with the results I got from the castor oil.
(Elkhorn, Ne, Usa)
Telly is a 'blue' bald dachshund. (Alopecia runs rampant with this color in the dacshund world. ) He's also 12. 5 years old (and paralyzed! ) Once a year, I have to have warts removed on him. They start out whitish. Turn pink and grow. Darker pink and grow more. Time for lopping!
So, since Telly has approx 20 warts in various stages of growth, I am doing an experiment on him! Castor oil on the back half, ACV on the front half, and iodine on a couple of the bigger ones.
It has been about ten days and all the moles seem more whitish and less prominent. One big one that is being treated with iodine (actually, Edgar Cayce's Atomidine) has turned even pinker, but I did read that this can happen as the wart releases toxins.
I will give updates in a couple of weeks. Let's hope we have a clear winner!
(Elkhorn, Ne, USA)
Telly Update - All of his small to medium warts are almost flush with his skin. I hadnt thought anything was working because when the vet lops off the wart, it's just gone. The methods I'm using are 'deflating' them and hopefully they will disappear altogether.
The two larger warts (kind of a cauliflower appearance) still seem to be prominent and non-responsive. I am going to try some colloidal silver on them.
And a HUGE surprise!!! My bald dog is growing hair on 100% of his little blue body!!!!!!!! I attribute this to the Atomidine (iodine). A friend had a bald dog and gave it Seameal (enzyme supplements)... Main ingredient was kelp. The dog went from completely bald to 100% hair growth. Common denominator here is iodine! (I will post in the hair loss and alopecia page, too).
Castor Oil, Turmeric
Coconut Oil, Colloidal Silver
Kind regards, Mardi
(Greene, Maine)
My dog had these growths and my vet didn't know what they were my dog ended up having some removed because they were growing on her eyelid and she had one grow in her sinus cavity and ultimately it grew so big she past so im so bummed these vets say there ok no worries etc... its obviously contagious because my other dog now has them and I am so concerned my veterinarian cannot help me. so do u honestly get results with coconut oil and what kind? and coidial silver where do I purchase this?
Thuja, Mushroom Immune Support, Castor Oil