Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
After say 10 days of treatment, the AKs will scab up and fall off. However, they all come back again. Have repeated the ACV treatment after a couple years with same result: the AKs come back again. I feel that, at least in my case, the ACV does not penetrate deep enough, or possibly it is just not effective enough to completely remove what causes the AKs.
I will try eggplant mixed with ACV next time, and perhaps olive oil with tea tree.
You might try the ACV with some DMSO. The DMSO will deliver the ACV deeper and quicker. It actually does that to anything so be careful when using it because if you put anything on it, it will absorb that SS well into your skin, so be careful and definitely read about it first.
I saw someone claiming Castor Oil mixed with Baking Soda worked for them in just 2 days. I think you make a paste, then apply it to the spot.
(Gloucestershire, UK)
About 5 years ago I managed to completely cure a long standing patch (several years) of keratosis from my upper forehead using aubergine (eggplant) steeped in ACV. It took a couple on months of application at least twice a day, a smaller new patch only took a week or two as have the odd bits that has appeared since. None have come back. Now I have a new small patch which I'm treating with the same, but this time once the ACV/aubergine has dried a bit I am then applying a bit of neat 99.9% DMSO with a cotton bud, this causes the ACV type stinging to return within a minute so I am sure it's helping it penetrate the keratosis. It appears to be working nicely so far.
Apple Cider Vinegar
EDITH,,,,,,,,,,, ORH here,,,,,,,,,, my mother was named Edith. Been down your trail all my 83 years and suggest that you first do 5% Fluorouraicil and if that does not work , use Curaderm. Otherwise , you likely to be talking skin cancer and a dermatologist. I was a life guard, played tournament tennis and gardener. Now am reaping the whirlwind with my skin. My Mississippi country grand dad always wore a long sleeve shirt and his skin was like ivory. I now wear long sleeve shirts in the hot Tn summers. Do as I say, and not like I did. Our ancestral wemmins wore bonnets and they were not weathered like the lassies of today. You need some sun for vitamin D, but only about half an hour a day. ====ORH====
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar
I was thinking about buying the curaderm cream which is based on the aubergine remedy however as a first off I thought I would try apple cider vinegar. I had seen some folks say it gets worse before it gets better. It stung a bit when I first applied it and then within about 24 hours of applying it neat a few times a day just using a bit of cotton wool ( I used the mother Apple Cider Vinegar ) I noticed that other scabs were appearing ( about 5 on my upper lip ) and my lower lip also scabbed over. My mouth was in a bit of a mess to be honest and I was really self conscious when I saw people as I thought it looked like I had a ton of cold sores.
I had read that the Apple Cider Vinegar can bring out the hidden stuff so I just gritted my teeth, kept a fairly low profile as much as possible and carried on in the good faith that if it had worked for all these other folks then it would work for me. Within about 5/ 6 days things were looking considerably better and I could see that my lips were actually healing. About another 3 days after that so about 9 or 10 days in total my lips were looking totally normal again. I finished the treatment about 2 months ago ( was extra careful putting on a high sunscreen when I went on holiday ) and glad to say they are still looking great.
ACV rocks. to think that I could have gone to doctors and quite possibly ended up with some chemical chemo type cream which would have side effects, what I can say? Thrilled that this worked.
Apple Cider Vinegar
About a year later, to my dismay, another lesion showed up. This time I decided I was going to give organic ACV a try. For the first few days I just applied the ACV to a swab and dabbed vinegar on in the am, dinnertime, pm, and bedtime. I did that for about a week, with no apparent changes. I wondered if I should be more aggressive, so I applied the ACV to a small piece of cotton and kept it in place on the lesion with a Band-Aid. I would re-wet when needed to keep the area moist, changing out the old cotton every day. The Band-Aid was removed at bath time. I kept it on almost continually, but did give the area fresh air a few hours per day or sometimes overnight. This is when changes started happening much more quickly. The lesion changed to a dark pink, and I would experience burning and stinging. I felt something was happening so kept up the routine. At around the two week mark, the lesion had begun to separate from the healthy surrounding tissue. I was amazed! It took about four more days for the lesion to let go.
That was about two weeks ago that the lesion let go completely. The spot is still a slightly pink color. It is flat and smooth. If I didn't point out the spot to you, you would not see it. I apply natural ointment and liquid Vitamin C to facilitate healing. Of course, I have no idea if will come back again, but I will leave another review if it does to state that has happened.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I did not use the ACV internally. It stung a little. On the second day, I had a little bleeding and scabbing. On the fourth day, the scab floated off. It's been over a month now, and there are no signs of AK.
Apple Cider Vinegar
10 days into the treatment; 2-6 times a day, dabbed on with cotton wool, and the difference is amazing. Got worst before it got better. Uncomfortable/painful. The full extent of the problem was exposed by the ACV. That was worrisome. Now I only have scabs on my pate in a few places. They are diminishing daily. Could not be any happier or more relieved, after years of using diclofenac. I have toasted myself in the sun & on sunbeds all my life despite being blond and fair skinned. I say try it, persevere with it. Tell someone else about it.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
I used the ACV straight on the Ketosis after I took a picture of it. It is now healed completely. Also used the ACV straight, no dilution, on my face, and any bumps that I have on my body and under breasts. A small skin nodule under my lip fell off in one day. At first, my skin seemed to get very red, but I think that was the stuff coming out that needed healing. All other bumps (moles, etc.) are getting better but not healed yet.
My husband had a rash on the back of his knee and has been using ACV for the past month and it is much better but not healed yet. ACV rocks!
(Grass Valley)
How long did you use the ACV? I have been using it for 3 weeks and the scabs seem to come back so I'm thinking the area needs more work. ANY thoughts?
(Huntingdon Valley, Pa)
Apple Cider Vinegar
If you are not getting results with this, I suggest applying the ACV and leaving it open to air as much as possible. Also try not using oils (even coconut! ) for a while. For me my problem just continued when I used oils. Hydrogen peroxide seems fine. I'm getting much better result this way. You can use a soaked ACV cotton ball to cover the area or expose the problem but then it needs to dry out I believe. I have been messing with a spot for over 3 yrs. I feel I had a setback when I applied orange oil 3 months ago but I've almost knocked out the new area using the above. Yes I've tried almost all the home remedies including Efudex, twice daily x 3wk (probably should have done it longer). BTW I only recently quit applying oil completely because it dawned on me that the times I had the most improvement was when I didn't use oil. I just started experimenting with hemp oil on my good skin to see if it helps with age spots.
I'm disappointed to have to report that for some reason two tiny areas appeared on the lower edge of the old spot, like little white heads (after soaking with vinegar). I really thought I had it knocked out. I've decided to switch over to a "dryer" approach and start applying Sunspot Es to dry and peel them off. I used Sunspot on the old spot before and it seemed to work but I applied nothing for 4mos and it came back. I'm not sure what is exacerbating things.
Finally some progress, I decided to only use tea tree oil. I dropped the oil over the spot frequently for the last couple days, it's nice because it dries it up. Well today after my shower I used peroxide to clean and then pulled on the dry skin which peeled off leaving a pretty clean looking pink ulcer. Luckily its only about 2mm so not so scary. Believe me I've had my share of scary. This spot was biopsied as Actinic keratosis 3 yrs ago but the report said it permeated all layers and might be something worse underneath. At that time I was using CO/melatonin paste. I'm gonna continue to tx with tto. And maybe moisture it with CO/TTO/melatonin. One nice thing about this treatment is it doesn't appear to spread things around like some of the other things seem to do. I don't know why the vinegar started giving me problems this time, but I would recommend TTO.
(Somewhere, Europe)
Thank you Blindedbyscience for your update. I've got something similar and have been very frustrated by some things causing the affected area to enlarge.
I am finally seeing some progress in halting the spread and seeing the bumpy area get a bit lower, by using Epsom Salt and French Green Clay. Once in a while I also dab on wet Baking Soda. None of these things are causing spreading so I am finally breathing easier on this!
Maybe I'll add Tea Tree Oil, although in the past it did nothing for me.
(Portsmouth, Uk)
I just wanted to reinforce the previous comment - do not use any oil based product on the area of skin you are treating with ACV. It prevents the healing process. I was treating Solar Keratosis for 6 weeks with only a little success. When I stopped using anything else the process took only two weeks!
(Campbell River, Bc, Canada)
I had liquid nitrogen used about four years ago on four spots on my cheek; they all came back. Now I have just one spot on my right cheek, about 0.5" in diameter. I use coconut oil with frankincense essential oil, about five drops to a Tbsp. of coconut oil, then cover with it several times a day. I alternate with 'DMSO liquid (dimethyl sulfoxide) 99.9% pure', from the health store. It feels 'under control'.
(San Diego)
I've used SunSpot ES for years ... spots always come back.
Yes, liquid nitrogen will make a keratosis form a scab and peel off, leaving fresh-looking skin, but the keratosis will come back after a couple of years. So it's an effective medium-term remedy, but not a cure. I don't know about ACV ... I'll give it a try!
Apple Cider Vinegar
It didn't work for this keratosis. I had had it biopsied, since I didn't know what it was, at first. Having those two puncture marks in it, I believe made it more difficult to treat, because it wasn't in one piece anymore, and had little grooves and difficult to get at areas.
So, I gave in and let my doctor freeze it with the liquid nitrogen. It was quick, and much less painful than the ACV treatments were. I am still waiting for the freezing to heal, and will let you know how it goes, but I think it does look much better than what I was doing with the ACV.
If I had another one to deal with, and didn't get the biopsy, I might try ACV again. I think that I had let this one go on too long, as it had been there for a couple of years. So, I'm not down on using ACV, but would def use it much sooner, if I ever had to....and hope I never, never need to deal with it again.