Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for ADHD and ADD

| Modified on Dec 25, 2024
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Many parents and adults with ADHD are finding success with home remedies and nutritional supplements. Remedies like fish oil and magnesium can often reduce ADHD symptoms. Natural options can help rebalance the system and at times effectively mediate the condition.

Natural Remedies for ADHD

While most treatments present some level of side effects, those associated with more natural treatments are extremely limited in comparison to those of prescription drugs. Natural options function to regulate the system and provide balance of the body overall. Consider these before trying a more aggressive approach.

1. Nutritional Supplements

Research suggests that ADD is connected to certain nutritional deficiencies, so nutritional supplements are a good way to mediate the condition. Magnesium and iodine are most often noted as linked to ADD, so you may want to give those a try first.

2. Dietary Changes

Most individuals have an adverse response to certain foods and food additives, so it should be no surprise that specific dietary changes can also mediate behavior linked to ADD. Try eliminating trigger foods until you experience a positive reaction. Many individuals with the condition react to sugar and gluten. Aim for a diet with whole foods with plenty of fruit, vegetables, and healthy proteins.

3. Consistent Routines

Consistency can also help an individual navigate ADD. A regular routine of sleeping, waking, completing daily tasks, exercising, and other activities helps the individual establish a norm for behavior.

Prescription Medications for ADHD

While many prescription medications are used to treat ADD, these options can actually be dangerous. Among the most common options are stimulant drugs such as Adderall and Ritalin. Many individuals who take these drugs end up with severe side effects such as painful headaches, insomnia, and depression. There have even been reported cases of sudden death, cardiac abnormalities, and serious heart problems.

While ADD is an aggressive disorder that affects all sectors of life, it can be treated without medication. Continue reading below for treatments from Earth Clinic readers who have tried various natural cures for ADD and please let us know if you've discovered a treatment that works.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Apple Cider Vinegar

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Miranda (Ahwahnee, California) on 10/02/2017

I myself am ADHD and have been taking ACV three times a day (for weight loss) and I noticed it made me calmer and made me want to fall asleep.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rubigirl (Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada) on 10/26/2011

Jus wondering if ACV will help my sons with their learning troubles of adhd and add deficeit.. I have started to take if for the weight loss part of it.. And I rather like it.. But.. They have been medicated for soo long with the troubles.. If I could find a way to mask the smell and the taste.. They would drink it like juice I would hope... pls get back to me thank you ..

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

Rubigirl, magnesium deficiency has been linked to ADHD (do some research on that). Kids given magnesium have geat results. Iodine deficiency as well has been linked to ADHD.

I read recently that for kids with autism the parents first reach for magnesium and iodine to supplement the kids with.

Replied by Callie
(Alexandria, In)

Rubigirl, At our local health food store, they have an ACV bottled drink made with grape juice that is delicious. I'm wondering if a homemade version of that would be good for your kids? We have made some before with the no-sugar added grape juice and it tastes great.

Replied by Kate

All u need is a little...tsp maybe in some son drinks this n has no problem with it. Other things I have tried he's hated!

Replied by Gary

Apple Juice can be the trick. I take ACV daily. 2TBLS with 1/8 teaspoon baking soda. The baking soda takes some of the sharp bite out of the ACV. NOW instead of mixing with a glass of water, add to a glass of apple juice or cider. Cider is the best of apple juice and does not include added sugar.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dan (Minneapolis, MN) on 04/22/2006

Apple Cider Vinegar seems to reduce ADD symptoms, as well as anxiety and depression symptoms.

Replied by Susanne
(Easton, PA)

How much apple cider vinegar and how often? My son needs constant redirecting his attention and focus in school. Thanks.

Replied by Joyce
(Joelton, Tn)
490 posts

To Answer questions re children's or animal dosages: A reference found on from Dr. Richard Schulze's Patient Handbook recommends figuring dosage by weight alone. Just put child's or animal's weight over l50 lbs (average adult weight) and do your math. child's wt. 30 lbs over l50 lbs. would give you l/5th of the adult dose for the child. Go to for more detailed explanation. Even better print it out and keep it for ready reference when needed.

Replied by Oepnlyhappy
(Mcdonough, Ga)

I have adhd and acne (i'm detoxing and starting oil pulling). I have heard that vinegar is not good for acne or skin problems is that true????

EC: Not according to our acne remedies page, where apple cider vinegar is the most popular cure with 44 Yeas!

Avoid Potato Chips

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Candice (Foley, Alabama) on 08/11/2007

A friend of mines daughter was just diagnosed with ADHD and she said that the Dr. told her to get her off of potato chips it's the worse thing for children. She did admit that her daughter ate large bags of chips with soda's everyday. He also said chips affect adults in much the same way. First time I have ever heard a Dr. not give a child retlin. Hat's off to this Dr.

Replied by Lisa
(Vancouver, Wa)

Actually, for adults with ADHD.... Potatos & Potato Chips Are AWESOME!!! They have Tyrptophan... So it helps my insomnia... I sleep so much better when I eat them before bed. Eggs have it also.... Americans have it all wrong... They eat hash browns & eggs for Breakfast... When actually they should be eaten as a Bedtime Snack.

Replied by Melissa
(Denver, Co, Usa)

I agree about the tryptophan and potatoes, but not fried versions of potatoes. If we could just get people to eat whole foods (baked potatoes) with tryptophan that would help them sleep. Regardless, here are the necessary things to help those with ADD/ADHD (I am a dietitian):

1. Stop blood sugar spikes by eating a diet high in protein with complex - not simple - carbs.

2. Get more fatty acids, especially omega 3's (EPA, DHA) from fish & seeds

3. Keep iron levels up. Most people, even professionals, are unaware of the important role iron plays in controlling ADHD symptoms. Studies show that those with ADHD tend to have lower levels of ferritin, so be sure to eat enough meat, poultry, fish, beans, dark leafy greens & get your levels checked to see if you need supplementation.

4. Have your Dr.check your zinc & magnesium levels because about 25% of those with ADHD tend to have low levels. Zinc regulates the neurotransmitter dopamine & helps improve the brain's response to dopamine. Magnesium helps make various neurotransmitters involved in attention & concentrations, plus it has a calming effect on the brain.

5. Cut out the chemicals. The UK recommends that parents remove sodium benzoate & 6 different artificial food coloring agents from the diet. Check labels & remove foods that are brightly colored such as Gatorade, & brightly colored cereals like Fruit Loops or Lucky Charms.

6. Watch for food sensitivities. The most common are artificial sweeteners (such as aspartame), dairy, wheat/gluten, soy, high fructose corn syrup/too much sugar.

These methods don't work for everyone, but they have been shown to reduce symptoms in many with ADHD, so it's worth a try!


3 User Reviews
5 star (2) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Corinna (London, England) on 10/20/2010

I used coffee with my 10 year old son who has mild adhd. It worked a miracle - a difference between manageable and unmangeable. I have since found out that coffee for adhd is a common advice in Germany and is recommanded by many doctors before going down the ritalin route. My son has one or two cups a day. However, if he eats anything with food colouring in it he is terrible for two days. He is otherwise on a immaculate diet free of any additives etc.

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Hi Corinna, ever thought of having him try a trampoline? It seems to work wonders and it is a lot healthier for a child than coffee. I have sessions with someone in Zurich because of my myopia and he told me that trampolining works well for children like your son because they get very worked up only in order to find the balance they miss and calm themselves down. I bet he would love the trampoline and you can buy a small one for the living room which is what I have.

Replied by Justwantinganswers
(Easton, Pa, United States)


I was diagnosed with ADHD with my severity level being somewhere around the 97th or 98th percentile while in college--studying psychology, ironically enough. I was part of a research study where cat scans and brain imaging was used to "map" the brains of the participants after different interventions. The researcher at my school and I began discussing the different results and I was surprised when she told me coffee would help people with ADHD. Often ADHD's underlying cause is a lack of functioning neurotransmitters in the synaptic cleft of the neuron responsible for passing along information. Basically--there aren't enough little message carriers making it to their destination--the next neuron. So, the message that came from the original brain neuron intended for another brain neuron will often stop before it reaches the final destination. It's sort of like the neuron short circuiting and stopping temporarily--the signal gets lost. (I wish I could draw a diagram on here--it's how I finally understood it! ) Ritalin, Concerta, and many other ADHD "medicines" are really just stimulants. They work the same way coffee does. Basically, they stimulate the neurons to release more neurotransmitters than they are used to--which helps the message get to where it needs to.

However, some research in its infancy is starting to show that these stimulant drugs (and coffee falls into this category) can do more harm than good in the long run. Yes, the child may be sitting still right now, but with repeated stimulation of the nervous system comes issues. That means that the neurons are being overworked and overstressed constantly. In addition, your body has to process out much more stimulant than it is used to. Think about it--if you overstimulate your pituitary glad for too long, what happens? It breaks down. While much more research needs to be done on these effects, using caffeine and other stimulants to treat ADHD may not be the best idea.

Replied by Maskeen
(Dubai, Uae)

Try magnesium supplements instead. Mg glycinate/lysinate with bioperine. Adhd is the result of mg deficiency.

Replied by Justwantinganswers
(Easton, Pa)

Actually, Maskeen--I have been taking Mg since I was diagnosed and it hasn't been helping me one bit with ADHD. It has helped with my migraines (nearly gone), but the ADHD symptoms haven't changed. Most natural healers I have spoken with have said, when I asked, That Mg deficiency is NOT a cause of ADHD "proper" (being the lack of neurotransmitter function).

Replied by Quixote
(Las Vegas, NV)

When I was a kid I there was no label for this but they recognized that some kids had these issues-sometime the problem is not the child but what they are learning-they are not interested and see no real reason to learn it-they tested me because they were so concerned but turned out my IQ was higher than most of my teachers. I just was not interested.... but of course that wont sell any drugs.

Replied by Violet Velvet

I agree. I am on Adderall right now as both Adderall & Ritalin are both supposed to be the best medications thus far, in order to treat ADHD/ADD. I have it really bad too. This is why I had never done well in school at all and it is upsetting. Especially when I look back on all of those years in the 80's when it was not properly diagnosed or even known of as far as I know anyhow. Because of it, I have barely made it through life to where I could have a semi decent life. I have a decent job but it could have been a lot better had someone known what was wrong early on. In my opinion, I feel that both Ritalin and Adderall are too strong for a child to be taking. If they are on it, I hope that they start out on the smallest dosage possible. I wish that I knew of a natural cure for it rather than taking over the prescription medication. However, I will tell you what would have helped me. If I had a parent that gave me a lot of love, attention and moral support when I was young. I think that it helps to also slowly involve your children on activities very early on because having some type of self esteem and support from parenting would have helped a lot. My mother took care and raised 2 daughters on her own. Therefore, that just unfortunately did not happen. I also grew up in the 80's when ADHD was not well known. Everyone thought that I was just hyper active and did not listen. To this day that still bothers me when people accuse me of not focusing, listening, paying attention. I would if I could and I would also do better around people who have a little bit of patience and understanding. If I feel like this in my adult life, can you imagine how a child must feel? It's really a sad thing to have to go through folks. Love, be patient and encouraging to the children who have this. Encouragement from a young age will help a lot. I feel that this also causes low self esteem as it makes you feel like everyone thinks that you aren't smart or good enough because they just so not understand what ADHD/ADD is all about. Especially children that do not have it. Support, Encouragement, sports and/or some type of school activity(s) and attention would help a child A LOT, who is suffering from this a this type of disorder. Trust me, I'm 48 years old and I've been there and know that I would have done a lot better if I had those things from a parent. I scored an 80 on my test for ADHD. I could relate to every single question. Even the ones that did not pertain to me. It's difficult even when you get older but could be a lot better with age with what I had mentioned above. Thanks so much for listening to my two cents worth of advice. I apologize that this is so lengthy and the fact that I really do not have any natural remedies to apply here other than a good night sleep and what I had mentioned above. Good Luck To All Of You and thanks for taking the time to read this. V.V.B

Pam E.
(SouthWestern California)
154 posts

! Hugs {{{ Violet Velvet }}} Hugs! I recall having asperger-like symptoms in elementary school (mid 60s). Found out a few years ago a tacher felt I had ADHD & spoke to one of my parents, but they didn't understand it, so I didn't get specialized help. Back then Asberger's was thought to be part of ADHD & treated the same, & I think the drugs used for ADHD would have really hurt me! So it's good in a way that I went un-diagnosed. Though, like you say, it wasn't easy!!!

Posted by Carolyn (Morrison, Oklahoma) on 08/31/2008

In the 1960's my brother was diagnosed with ADHD. Caffeine was his first choice to help him, in real ADHD patients, they react to sedatives as if it is speed, and anything that causes a normal person, to be hyper caused him to calm down, coffee has been a big help in my family to my brother, and cousins and nephews. It's only part of their therapy, but it helped keep them off ritalin and other strong drugs. A cup in the morning before school and it helped alot with my brother, during the morning etc.

Replied by Lisa
(Vancouver, Wa)

I Concur! Adults with ADHD are made more mellow w/ caffeine -- My Favorite Choice is Chocolate--It has Magnesium, which, ADD & ADHD people are typically deficient in. Its hard to take Mag in pill form, cuz it causes the runs :-(... Chocolate is easier, although the refined sugar isn't so good, so if you can stand 70% cocoa Dark Chocolate... That's the way 2 go :-)

Replied by Jgoodroe
(Clarksville, Tennessee)

I am 25 years old and received the ADHD diagnosis about 3 years ago. I had horrible issues in school my whole life and when I was younger ADHD was not really and issue as it is today. After I was put on Adderall my grades now in college are A's all the way. If caffeine would have done the trick for me I would have never had issues or I must need a mass dose of it to help me out. I have drank coffee since I was about 14. I also take magnesium but I see no difference with it without taking Adderall or added to it. Now my 5 year old is showing more and more signs of ADHD, I will not put her on meds at this early age so I am going to try a little caffeine and mg. Caffeine makes me normal not hyper at all, I wish it did!

Cod Liver Oil

1 User Review
1 star (1) 

Posted by Sal (Roodepoort, Gauteng, South Africa) on 08/24/2011

Hi there..... what are your views on cod liver oil? more specifically for treating ADD.

Replied by Shakira
(Jhb, South Africa)

Hi Sal,

My kids who are both ADHD take a few drops of Omega 3 and 6 Oils with Scotts Emulsion. The difference is amazing. And coffee does actually calm them down as well.

Replied by Gardengrl
(Belfast, Me)


I was giving both myself and my children high vitamin cod liver oil with butter as recommended on and was hospitalized w/ hypervitaminosis a. I had increased intracranial pressure and almost died. I had only been taking this for about a month, and I belive I took 200000 units total during that time.

Dewormer, Hypertonic Water

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by SteveR (Uk) on 09/21/2024

+6 ph & Mineral Balance for longtime ADHD sufferer

As a adhd sufferer who had scored over 90% on the diagnosis tests and who has been on dexamphetamine (Ritalin) now elvanse 70mg for 30+ years and tried many natural treatments, some temporarily worked ‘probably placebo' and others not at all. I do know that eating a hi sugar diet without a doubt excesabates the condition. However what I found that worked like night and day was by taken the dewormer mebadazonole along With Quinton hypertonic water. Hope it works for others as it did me. You do of course need to eat a diet rich in vitamins minerals etc like zinc (pumpkin seeds)

Dietary and Herbal Suggestions

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Terese (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) on 05/13/2008

Editor's Choice


Daycare wanted to drug my son when he was 3. Want to know the ironic thing? Hillary Clinton referenced his daycare in her book, "It Takes a Village." I fought tooth and nail. I finally gave in and put him on ritalin, dexadrene (sp), concerta, strattera. These are all of the drugs I tried on him at different times. Needless to say my son almost died in the ER of an overdose. It's funny because it was supposed to be a "low dosage". You trust your doctor and do what they say because it is good for you right? WRONG! I didn't know any better.

I took my son's life and well being into my own hands. First I had to acknowledge the fact that I needed to have a spine and stop giving him empty threats. I let him get away with anything because I would get to the point where I was just so tired from working all day- I couldn't parent. I needed a break. I wouldn't follow through with things, etc. When I did he was just his bouncing self. I finally set rules, followed through, and there were consequences. Do not join CHADD. They are funded by drug companies. They will think you are a freak for not putting your kid on meds. I got absolutely no support there. I got pamphlets on why I should give my kid a pill. I do not believe they are there to support you. They are there to push drugs. Follow the money if you don't believe me.

First thing I did was watched Dr. Fred Baughman's video on ADHD. You can purchase that at - I bawled when I watched it. Completely amazing. It is worth every penny. You might be able to find it free online if you search well enough. You have to watch this video before you do anything else.

#2. I read every page and watched all of the YouTube videos of Steve Plog, founder of - READ EVERY PAGE.

#3. I got my son a lab test from Steve Plog's site for delayed food allergies. Delayed food allergies are different from your classic food allergies. My son was allergic to everything I was feeding him. Wheat, soy, dairy, eggs, beef, all citrus, peanuts. We had to do research on a wheat free gluten free soy free dairy free diet. No, he was not a celiac but we had to say that so schools would adhere to his dietary needs, but we started packing lunches anyway. You have to change your lifestyle and we did. That is what prompted me to go vegan but that is another story. He still eats chicken and loves bacon. The best book I found for making him goodies like pizza, breads, and cakes was by Cindy Moseley "Great Foods Without Worry". It was my saving grace.

#4. I read everything on the drugging of children on - Click on "Articles" and read.

#5. I absolutely cut out pop, all juice "drinks", anything with Splenda, Sweet N Low, NutraSweet--ANYTHING WITH ASPARTAME. Wanna know why? Because it is cancer! A sweet slow death. Don't believe me? Go read and see for yourself. I get all of the drink things from - He absolutely LOVES the chocolate drink. And what do we do without dairy? We drink rice milk and almond milk. Stop cooking with vegetable, soy, corn, canola, and animal fat oils. Cook with extra virgin coconut oil instead. Read up online about the benefits of extra virgin coconut oil. My favorite is

#6. Find a doctor who does not believe in drugging children (I know that seems hard but they are out there). Look for alternative doctors. Call around and ask around.

#7. You wean your kid off drugs. It is your responsibility. I am not a doctor, but I have lived almost 9 years of hell.

It is against the law for a teacher to reccommend that you drug your kid. If any teacher tells you to get meds. Ask her if she is a doctor. Tell her it is illegal to practice medicine without a license and that she could be fined and arrested for that.

I have slowly introduced certain foods back into my son's diet. The only things that makes him go through the roof are soy and beef.

I put my son on 2 - 250 mg pills of L- Tryptophan (NOW brand)and give him 2 time released melatonin (Source Naturals) pills every morning. He gets another dose at school before lunch. I pulled him out of regular schools and got him into a private school. He is a normal kid, just like everyone else. He also takes a daily vitamin at night. I have a flourishing 9 year old boy now in the 3rd grade. He also gets flax seed oil from -

Don't ever let anyone convince you to drug your child. You are the parent and you know what is best. Set rules and boundaries. Kids that are "over active" need structure, routine, rules, consistency, and boundaries. Even kids that aren't "over active" do. Let your kids be kids but be their parent.rnrnIf you have any questions feel free to post under me and I will check back to answer them.

P.S. My son in a public school was sent to the office every day. His scores were passing on his report cards. This year in a private school, and last year... he took his Iowa Test of Basic Skills tests. Everything except LISTENING SKILLS were at almost a 5th grade level. So, for anyone to tell me that I am crazy.... you can stick it where the sun don't shine for all I care. I have living proof that what I did with my own son works. Different strokes for different folks. I do not believe in ADHD. I believe in drug companies making a profit off kids being kids. Follow the money.

Replied by Jill
(Portland, Oregon)

I read the article on ADHD by Terese written on 5/13/08. I found all the information very helpful. I would like to talk to her and get some more information on how her son is doing now and how to start this process for my son. Thank you for your help, Jill

Replied by Holly
(Big Pine Key, FL)

Thanks for the info in ADHD. I am so excited to learn more on the subject. I know I had it as a child, but learned how to cope, and have a son now 10 diagnosed with ADHD and ODD. I have to share custody with his father and their family doesn't even want to hear about diet being an issue, so he gets lots of fast food and processed foods no matter what I try. so I try to do what I can when I have him, He was breastfed for 2 years, mostly for security and comfort during the last year, just at bedtime, we had experienced a hurricane and then his father and I seperated so the comfort was mainly before bed to help him to fall asleep. We had to move 5 times that year until i was able to get us settled. I raised him on my own for the most part until he was 8, his dad was moving away and back and away, and so on, now he is close by and so involved more which my son needs, but not having the same views on nutrition and such make it hard. I am chef and teacher, so food is not something I take lightly, but I am made out to be the bad guy when I get upset when I find out my son has been to fast food joints with his fathers side. I plan on trying many things on this site that I haven't tried, and if anyone has any suggestions please feel free to respond! May God's peace surround you always.

Replied by Reid
(Herrin, IL)

Sodas are made with High Fructose Corn Syrup. Corn is a GRAIN NOT a veg. They give corn to cows before slaughter to fatten them up. HFCS turns directly into fat NOT energy like normal sugar. HFCS not only makes you fat it damages the liver and pancreus. It was linked to mine and 3-4 other friends diabetes. I stopped all sodas diet or HFCS and my fasting sugar has went from 130 to 90.

EC: Soda manufactured in Mexico and India (along with a bunch of other countries) are made with sugar, not corn syrup. You can find these sodas at international grocery stores, just make sure to read the ingredients to confirm before you buy!

Replied by Rosemary
(Atlanta, Georgia)

Believe it or not, I work with a lot of parents whose children have ADHD. My 14 year old son just told me last week that he needs medical help. He is tired of not being able to concentrate and getting in trouble in class. He also has a predisposition for anxiety that he inherited from me, which does not help things. I have been trying out different vitamin supplements and ACV to no avail. He just recently began living with his father and I cannot control his diet. He would probably starve if I were to enforce the removal of sugars in his diet anyway, and just sneak junk food other places. It's funny how I have a whole lot of advice for other parents whose kids have ADHD, even though I never advocate medicine. But now that he is REQUESTING meds, I am flabbergasted and do not know where to turn. I will start to read the websites mentioned but I am really upset about this. Anyone with teenagers having any success, please respond!!!

Replied by Jude
(Louisville, Ky)

The Doctor wanted to put my son on ADHD medicine when he was 4 years old, I almost fainted I told him I would have to think about it, but I knew there was no thinking about it that was not going to happen I would have to find another way. This was in 1978 so I went straight to the library after about 3 hours I wasn't finding anything and then it hit me like a ton of bricks it had to be what he was eating. AT THAT MOMENT everything changed I pulled everything that was processed, sugared, refined or had artificial flavoring or colorings in it and got rid of it. He had whole grain cereal fruit and fruit juice in the morning all he wanted. fish,eggs salad,fruit juice in the afternoon and chicken, green vegetables and whole grain bread with real butter for dinner fruit and fresh veggies were always available at anytime.He had no difficulty with dairy so that was always there.He had a marked improvement in 24 hours and I don't know if people realize how much food dye is in kool-aid just removing that will make a difference but removing sugar and processes food for 48 hrs will show a big difference in kids. He is 34 now and I can still tell weather he has been eating right or junking it up. I tell everybody I know with small children if you cant make big changes remove food dyes, processed food and sugar. I know its hard to cook like that I used to cook everything on Sunday and freeze it and pull it out as needed you will get the hang of it after a while. I was hard when he started school because he would slip up sometimes but if I kept everything else in range it was manageable. There were no food allergies.

Replied by Jennifer
(Atlanta, GA)

Is Terese from Cedar Rapids still checking this website? I need to talk with her. My 3 year old son was just diagnosed with severe ADHD and severe ODD. The developmental pediatrician wants to put him on Clonodine. In an attempt to avoid medicating him, we have removed all processed foods, preservatives, food colorings, wheat, gluten, dairy, nuts, and fruits with high levels of salicylic acids. He has improved but we are still having issues with him at school (he has a one-on-one facilitator in a special program at his preschool). My husband and I are at our wits end. I was wondering if I could talk with or e-mail Terese who seemed to have some good ideas and got her son on the right track.

Replied by Michael
(Spokane, Wa)

I've been dealing with ADHD for 22 years now and I can tell you all without the slightest degree of hesitation that Ritalin is pure evil. As of late however I've reconsidered subjecting myself to the self imposed zombification that is induced by this medication. I'm scared shitless. Finding this site and these articles has been rather encouraging. I'm now aware of supplemental vitamin and dieting that may help alleviate the more...constraining aspects of ADHD. Obviously I don't sound like someone who suffers from it, but I assure you all that I do and it is a constant struggle...battles are not is a constant fight. However stubborness alone will no longer suffice. As for children I've read that you should have the doctors check their tonsils. Sometimes the removal of them can be beneficial. Also I've begun taking an anti-stress pill. It's a vitamin pill, not a drug. I've always been against drugs...I suppose drinking counts as well, so in light of my current lifestyle I'm something of a hypocrite.

Someone here wrote something about structure...and they are absolutely right about saying how children need it, regardless of their psychological state of being. Order within ones life often produces order within the mind. What you see your child doing is merely the tip of the ice berg. It is chaos...untamed wildness. If I had to compare my mind today to what it was then...

Today my mind is as a rabid animal. Then it was as a race car that kept going faster and faster. It is torture.

Unfortunately I'm rather absentminded so I've left my email on the off chance that someone has any questions about my life experience with ADHD. If you have the right questions I'm sure I can answer them. I'd like to help as many people as makes me feel useful, and by extension...normal.

Which brings me to my final point.

You are your childs best friend. Without you they will crumble. This is true with many children, but only with children who suffer from ADHD is it a certainty. No matter what you decide to do, you must be with them every step of the way. No amount of medication, drugs or otherwise, will be an adequate substitute for a parents love.

I speak from experience, because I have seen many others who were not so lucky as I am. You see...I thrive in isolation. But when I was a child and my mother had left my siblings and I for whatever her reasons were at the time...two years...the foundation on which our lives are built crumbles when the only person who loves and understands us abandons us. I can think of nothing so horrible as a child suffering from ADHD forced to confront it alone.

Of course I'm perhaps being a bit melodramatic, or over exaggerating things to make us seem as though we are as delicate as glass houses. But even if you won't believe how terrible it really is to suffer from this monstrous thing...understand that we are listening on some level. We do hear and understand what you say and how you say it. When you tell us you love us we hear that too...and it can make all the difference.

Right then...hopefully that helped someone.

Replied by Taryn
(Tacoma, Wa)

My son has struggled with ADHD since he was about 3 years old. He had constant ear infections for the first 3 years of his life. Antibiotics were given every time. I believe he has leaky gut do to these antibiotics. He would contsantly be sick, throwing up, diahhrea. The doctors never told me to replenish his body with acidophilus after being treated with the antibiotics. I since discovered with my 2 year old son that dairy was the culprit for the ear infections. Food allergies can cause many problems for your child. Elimination diet and a food allergy test not done by a main stream doctor. You need to find a Naturopathic Doctor that specializes in food allergies. Look on the internet in your area. Meridian Valley Lab in Renton, Washington does this test. You might even be able to get a test kit mailed to you and mail it back to them. Dairy, wheat, soy, corn, nuts are in everything and hard to digest. Doris Rapp, MD "Is this Your Child" is an excellent book for children with ADHD/ADD. There are many alternative foods out there for you, it just takes time to learn about them and change your way of eating. Every health problem you come across can be treated with what you ae putting in or on your body. Knowledge is key and reading all the info provided here helps. Both my sons have not been to a doctor except for a check up in 3 years. Not so much as a runny nose. This is after I changed our diet to allergen free foods. They can have these foods once in a while for special occasion and I can still keep them healthy. It is also important to take pro biotics (refrigerated), digestive enzymes, flax or fish oil (cold pressed) and good multi vitamins made from whole foods that do not have wheat, soy, dairy, corn etc. You and your children are worth it. Never give up!

Replied by G Clark
(Phiadelphia, Pa, Usa)

Thank you Theresa for your insite and personal experience with ADHD. I am currently having the same issues with my son. They are trying to diagnosis him with ADHD/ODD. He is hyperactive as well and doesn't listen to the staff at his school. After reviewing your post. I decided to do research as well as take your advise and Ted suggestions. I have cut out the sugar, processed food and artifical flavors. You don't say how often and how much of a dosage that was given to your son. Please give me any advise or further instruction that would help.

Thank you!! Best wishes!

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

G Clark, I have mentioned this a few times (I don't have any relationship to this Dr at all) but have you heard of the GAPS diet. You can google it. It has had some excellent results with ADHD kids. The reason I am looking into it is that my son has speech developmental issues and I think it will help. Basically Dr McBride is saying that the ADHD is caused by toxins in the body, namely the gut and to fix the problem you have to heal the gut and rid the body of the toxins. I would be interested to hear what you say after you see her youtube videos. Many of these kids have digestive issues (including my son).

Replied by G Clark
(Philadelphia, Pa)

Thanks for the advise Debbie. I have taken a look at the GAPS diet. I may give that a try as well. There seems to be a lot of perparing involved. I really appreciate the advise. Thank you!

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

G Clarke yes the GAPS diet is a lot of hard work. I am wanting to start my son on it as he has a developmental delay (will probably do it myself). I am trying to find the green coconuts. I just found some grass fed beef (to help make the broth).

Here are some amazing stories of people who have had great results:

Replied by Lisa
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)

Hi Debbie and G Clarke,

I have been following your thread and wanted to mention some things that might help you both in your journey. Besides the GAP diet there is amazing info by Donna Gates and her Body Ecology diet. She has a whole group dedicated to turn autism and ADD around through her diet. I have heard her speak and she is amazing and dedicated to this mission. She has been at it for over 10 years. You might want to go to her site and read about it. There's lots of really good info there. She offers recipes and you can get her book The Body Ecology Diet which I use myself and have given it as gifts to friends. She also recommends fermented foods. You can watch her making them on youtube.

I know you both are referring to ADD but this info might be very pertinent to you. I know Debbie that you mentioned you were trying to get green coconuts. Is that to make fermented coconut water? Donna's products are made in Australia and I know she is the only one to offer unpasteurized fresh coconut water which is bottled. It is offered here in the US at health food stores in the frozen section so you might want to check into that. Her group she has for families incorporating her diet, BED is called BEDROK. It's a support group for helping implement fundamental diet changes to families. Anyway, I hope this info helps you.

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

Thanks Lisa I will investigate the Body Ecology Diet. I did see the Donna Gates video on youtube with Dr. McBride. I had actually started making a sourdough fermented bread about a month ago but stopped because I got sick and didn't stir the starter enough and it "died". The fermented food products make a lot of sense to me.

G Clarke, something else that I have been doing and it seems to be working for my son is Vitamin C. When I started he did have the croup and some asthma (and ended up 1 night in hospital). I started giving him the Vit C to clear his congestion (Dr had prescribed antibiotics and he had had 3 doses of Prednisone) and had read that Vitamin C detoxes the body of heavy metals and I though it may help him if that were a problem. I was juicing lemons and adding honey and vitamin C powder - put the mixture in a small container on top of a cup of hot water long enough for the honey to melt and mixed it all together. I then used the plastic syringe for medications to syringe that mixture into my son's mouth. (About 1/4 tspn Vit C - 4 or 5 times a day).

I did notice a marked improvement in his speech in a couple of weeks. He wouldn't sing except maybe one word at the end of each line in a song if that and he had to be coaxed for that one maybe two words. He is about to turn 4. He has the speech of about a 2 1/2 year old.

Anyway it is now about 4 weeks after I have been giving him the vitamin C. He has started singing songs without prompting from me. I was waiting in the Doctors office a couple of days ago (I wanted his blood tested to see if he was lacking in any nutrients) and my son was singing on the top of his voice the song of Twinkle Twinkle little Star. admittedly he missed quite a few words but he has gone from only singing one word when I sing with him to belting out a song in the Dr's office with no coaching from me (and to applause from onlookers). He is also wanting now to sing other songs and rhymes - never interested before.

I can't quite believe it is a coincidence that he has improved so quickly. I definitely think the Vitamin C has helped to detox his body.

Also I have been giving him Cilanto (corriander) chopped up in a yoghurt & garlic sauce mixed in his food. Cilantro also is know to get rid of heavy metals in the body. I also give him probiotics and digestive enzymes every day.

His speech is still not there but there is a lot of improvement. I am also going to try either of the GAPS/ and the BED diets. I need to get the books and study which one we may be doing. In the meantime keep adding to what I am doing. As I type this he is singing Twinkle Twinkle to himself so something is working.

Replied by G Clark
(Phiadelphia, Pa, Usa)


Thanks Debbie and Lisa for your feedback and updates. I am going to start with the supplements and I will decide which diet that would be more suitable for me to start. I look forward to hearing any more updates and improvements. I will also post updates.

Best wishes! G Clark

Replied by Dial999
(Brisbane, Australia)

The moment he was born he showed aggression and the midwives said "We've never seen a baby do that before". My son has adhd. It seemed as if the lights were on, but nobody was home for his first 11 years, we couldn't seem to get through to him. He's 27 now. I did the diet, did the ritalin, did the chiropractor, did everything. Somehow, I knew that preserving his self esteem was paramount. In class he failed, with friends he failed, with family he failed. We had to get some success into his life. We tried a few things and found acting was what he could succeed at, others admired him. He took to computers and was the 'expert', others admired him. His diet was clean, that was a biggie that actually helped all of us in the long run. We decided to forgo the ritalin. I had to become an expert in child rearing, long before the Nanny gave us a few pointers. I was his advocate, having a few standups with doctors and teachers who didn't believe ADHD existed at that time. He's turned out a sociable, happy young man. He still can't organise his way out of a paper bag, which brings a few work related problems, but if his bosses can work out his strengths and use them, then he becomes their most valued employee. Same with his flatmates, if they can ignore the mess, he's great fun to live with.

My mum and sister have ADHD, and so do a lot of my friends (I'm the only one who understands them and will be their friend). As far as I'm concerned, ADHD is simply a variation of normal. Nature makes a variety of people so that we can survive. When war, tsunami, earthquake or hurricane hits, who is out there first on the front line with fearless and boundless energy? Not me.... Them. We need them. Don't try and fix what ain't broke, just manage them, small doses helps!

Replied by Eeore
(Sydney, Australia)

My son has ADHD, refused drugs, tried diet as teenager taken cannabis and developed schizophrenia went to doctors and the drugs started till he had put on heaps of weight and got type 2 diabetes. They then decided his time with them was finished and they changed their diagnosis ( after 2yrs) He has taken to alcohol ( lge qty - bottle rum a day- straight ) to cope and refuses all drugs even his diabetic meds and insulin. He now refuses to eat any vegetables and I try to make food with veggies grated in to disguise when he eats with us. He is 26 now - he has no friends as refuses to go out- and does not want to even talk to us. Any ideas from anyone that I might be able to suggest to him?



Research Dr. Abraham Hoffer and his Niacin protocol. Vitamin B3 is essential to so many functions within our bodies and we simply do not get enough of it from our diet. He helped cure thousands of schizophrenia and other mental health problems throughout his career but was kept quiet by big p.


Eeore, correction. Abraham Hoffer is the Niacin fellow to research.

Replied by Bess
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

Hi Eeore - You mentioned that your 26-year-old son was diagnosed with schizophrenia, as well as ADHD. Have you seen these pages on Earth Clinic regarding schizophrenia?

Unfortunately, since you mentioned that your son consumes 1 large bottle of rum a day, I imagine any vitamins or diet would have limited impact. Is it possible for him to be admitted to a rehab facility? Once there, he will find others at rehab who are going through the same thing he is and he won't feel so alone. He may even find a buddy who can help him through life's up and downs when he gets out.

It must be very difficult for you - don't give up. Your son probably feels that the doctors let him down (sounds like they did) but I hope he is open to getting the professional help he so desperately needs. Take care, Bess

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

Eeore for ADHD, research iodine supplementation. There has been great success with it. Also for schizophrenia Dr. Hoffer cured people with mega doses of Niacin. Go to and search "schizophrenia Dr. Hoffer".

The iodine does need companion nutrients with it. Go to the remedies section here and read up on iodine - the companion nutrients are listed.

Maybe once the ADHD and the schizophrenia have been healed you can look at the vegetables.

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

Eeore, Dr. Hoffer also had great success treating alcoholics with Niacin therapy so your son will be helped so much with the niacin alone. Here is a link to the article. Please research this website for Dr. Hoffer... Lots of great info. Also alcohol depletes your body of many nutients including Vitamin E so maybe you could add some to his diet and also colloidal minerals (liquid form).

Replied by Diane
(Prince George, Bc Canada)

There is an amazing success story of a family with severe mental illness (suicide, attempted suicides, homicidal tendencies, extreme behaviors) who cured the symptoms using vitamins and were able to become "normal" and eliminate all allopathic medications. They are marketing the vitamins "Empowerplus" or EMP.

Replied by Linda
(Lalaland, Thecreek, Usa)


There is a book which should do you a world of good, "Alcoholism and Nutrition", written by Dr. Roger Williams, MD. It is an old book, mine is a paperback. Dr. Williams had great success healing alcoholism using the tasteless, colorless amino acid named L-Glutamine, often added into food or juice, etc.

According to Dr. Williams, L-Glutamine stops the "craving" for alcohol, making it easier to quit drinking.

You might have to find it in a used bookstore, but if you will, I am sure it will be tremendously useful for you and your son.

Kind Regards,


Replied by Jennifer J
(Denham Springs, La)

Theresa, I am so so glad I found your blog!!! I have been fighting the schools, Dr.s, myself, etc on drugging my child. This whole process started in Nov 2011. I finally gave in and took my son to a Nuro Dr who diagnosed him with ADHA, High Focusing Difficuilty, Lack of Impulse COntrol and ADD. So we went thru the entire list of drugs till we found Dexa something that does work. However, IT'S A DRUG! And it scares me to death. I am in the begining stages of finding a healthier way to treat him. He is seeing his PCP tomorrow and I will have him tested for delayed food allergies as you suggested. I just wanted you to know that I am glad I found you and your story. I want the best for my child and I do not think that the doctors know best for our kids. Thank you! -Jennifer

Replied by ~angel
(Chi Town, Ill)

05/06/2009: Michael from Spokane, Wa

Thank you so very much for sharing your story... You have no idea how reading it tonight was God sent for me! ;) thank you for making a difference..

Replied by L J
(Los Angeles, California)

People should know the negative effects of giving their children RITALIN.. It has been shown to give the child later an addiction to heroin and cocaine..current studies have surfaced linking Ritalin to drug addiction. It seems that after the RITALIN is ingested into the stomach it turns into a substance almost identical to that of heroin and or cocaine. Therefore creating a drug addicted child/teen from the effects of RITALIN. Parents beware of this pharmaceutical claiming to help fix your's a crime that these prescriptions are even in existence. Xoxo L J

Replied by Tricia
(Inkster, Mi)

Thank you for sharing this is all I can say right now.

Replied by Asmaa
(Vienna, Virginia)

Great job lady, I applaud you for work well done. I get inspired when I read such great stories. I love your dedication. Great job!

Replied by Ava

Jill, was very hopeful after reading your article. How is your son now doing? Our son is older. He struggles with organization. very stressed when it comes to school.

also at times depressed. Was wondering if you tried fish oils. I believe in l trytophan and melotonin. However he does drive.

Dietary Changes

Posted by Klraine (Memphis, Tn, Usa) on 08/30/2011


I am so glad to have found this website. Both of my children are affected by a genetic syndrome called Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome. Basically, they lack an enzyme necessary to create enough cholesterol in the body (our body manufactures some cholesterol). They are mildly affected on the spectrum of this disorder. They were both originally mis-diagnosed as autistic.

Fast-forward 9 years! Some of my childrens' issues may be a result of this syndrome but I still think much of their problems can be helped. My son has ADHD bigtime. He can hardly concentrate. I have always told my husband and mother that I could tell "where he is at" just by looking at him. He seems foggy sometimes, very distracted and out of it. But he is NOT always like this. He has really great times of clarity too and is more focused and less hyper and has no volatile outbursts. WHen he is "in the fog" he is more hyper, unfocused, volatile and aggressive and so forth. He has been gluten free for 3 months now and it has helped with the over-all fatigue issue I was seeing this summer. He is also dairy free for the most part. As a little boy he had so many ear infections I lost count. He was on antibiotic after antibiotic. Through the years he also took Risperdal for aggression and we tried other ADD/ADHD meds which did not help. He always has bad side effects and I can't stand seeing my son not acting like himself. He is complicated but I really believe there is a more optimum level of health for him! I have to believe that!

Now for my daughter. She is much less affected by the syndrome and is in a private school and at grade level. She began having these throwing up episodes and had an upper GI. Later, through much prayer, I discovered she had a Salicylate Sensitivity. Now her diet is so limited and challenging and I am afraid she is not getting enough healthy foods to eat.

I am also gluten/dairy free now because of being diagnosed with Celiac disease. I have been dealing with overall fatigue for years and now more recently brain fogginess.

Honestly, between my son and I being dairy and gluten free, my daugters Salicylate issues and my husband not doing dairy or red meat~~~ mealtime is stressful and causes me anxiety.

TED, I need your help! Or anyone for that matter!

thank you very much!

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

I also read recently that most/if not all illnesses are actually related to a mineral deficiency.

Here is a great ebook for you to read (only 80 pages). It is by a Japanese Doctor. Really eye opening. I wish every Doctor would read it.

Replied by Klraine
(Memphis, Tn, Usa)

Hi Debbie, I appreciate the information. I am thankful that my kids don't do anything with aspartame but I think some yogurt has it~ so I do need to check on that. MSG is a bad one too and will keep that in mind. I have been trying to cut way back on any food with preservatives, artificial colorings and sweeteners etc. And fruit juices, sugar etc. I am eager to read this e-book and will get to that in the next day. Thank you!

Eliminate Sugar

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Sam (Spain) on 09/26/2019

ADD is caused by sugar. The sugar if it is in excess in the blood sticks to the proteins creating the waste AGE (advanced glycation end). And the more sugar there is in the blood, the more AGE waste will be formed and the worse physical and mental health we will have. If we have this waste in the brain we will have drowsiness during the day because the brain wants us to sleep because during the sleep increases up to 20 times the elimination of brain waste by the glymphatic system. And the drowsiness causes tiredness, suffering, bad mood, violence, depression, stress, little mental clarity, poor memory, low intelligence, addictions…. To see the level of PGA is the analysis of glycated hemoglobin. An optimal level is 4 to 5%, a diabetic usually has 9 to 12% For every 1% increase in glycated hemoglobin there is 28% more mortality. To eliminate PGA waste from the body and brain we have to control the sugar in blood, for this we can eat a diet low in carbohydrates such as the ketogenic diet. We can also eat a lot of carbohydrates but prefer low and medium foods glycemic index to high, and especially making many small meals a day instead of few large meals. At dinner it is better to avoid carbohydrates.

Replied by Jackie
(Homestead, FL)

I am currently doing this for my son. I started the keto diet and basically I removed sugar and salt completely. I have lost 21 pounds and my son is more under control since he has ADHD.

Feingold Diet

Posted by Citykitty (West Frankfort, Il) on 12/17/2010

The feingold diet was being used back in 1975 for ADD/LD. It is now finally being accepted by the so called medical society. Good luck... It was our immediate answer some 30 years ago.

Replied by Mallymuff
(Melbourne, Vic Australia)

A must read for children with ADHD : "The Hidden Drug Dietary Phosphate" by Hertha Hafer, a German research Pharmacist who has had hands-on experience - raising an extremely hyperactive son. Many success stories documented when patients followed a low phosphate diet.

Fish Oil and Primrose Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Sauron (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 06/04/2012

I am unable to take fish oils due to the high Vitamin A content ( anything with high Vit A leaves me stiff and in a wreck *it's a long story*) so I thought of giving evening primrose oil a try for the ADD that I have. At times, I am just disorganised and distracted and spend the entire day idling instead of doing what I have to do. I would be so much more accomplished but for my focus.

How does EPO fit in to this need? Thanks in advance.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky)
2042 posts

Sauron, try some zinc to help your body utilize the Vit-A. Evening Primrose or Black Currant would definately be a step in the right direction BUT may need the help of Flax Seed Oil to get therapeutic results.

Replied by Syrena
(Nederland Texas)

I'm willing to try anything. I can't concentrate to save my life.. took Staterra as I had a job. It was too expensive now and I'm a Chronic insomniac too!

HELP I need a decent home remedy for me. I'm 52. Cannot sit still or shut up. Interrupt all my friends. Makes me sad. Takes a special person to be my friend ..Sad

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile , Tn)

HI U SYRENA,,,,,,,,, there is a new protocol that the medical folks are using with our vets and their mental situation. It is called IASIS and my wife has just had her first scission. If it helps her insomnia, then I'm the next in line. The scission takes about an hour. I suggest that you research this protocol. There are few doctors in this field because it is too cheap and too effective. Our allopathic's have to pay for their schooling so they are no help. You will have to find an integrative doctor.

I wish you well.


Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Usa)

yes, I know. B vitamins in form of nutritional yeast is best. Magnesium in some form that agrees with your gut for relaxing. Soy lecithin granules for detox of bad fats and choline and inositol for your brain. D-3 with K-2 for lots of systems including hormone. Sun and fresh air . Take a walk daily.Progesterone cream can be calming. L- Taurine to detox msg( excitotoxin ). If a bad night of sleep try activated charcoal capsules with glass of water at bedtime. Kefir if your gut needs help to break down your food. Coconut oil for many detox values in the body from head to toes. Extra cup of water in the morning to start your day off right and some high mineral salt to balance your electrolytes for brain/heart health.Iodine drop on skin daily .

Go on youtube and watch eric berg or john bergman . so much to learn, so little time. Get healthy while you are young, take a walk/ breathe deep. Talk kind about yourself and call yourself what you desire to become not what you are worried about. Words have power. Help someone else or smile at people. You go girl....I'm rooting for you, walked a few miles in your shoes.Charity. Start all changes~ low dose and slowly add things, less misery.

Fish Oil and Primrose Oil
Posted by Roxanne (Perth, Western Australia) on 12/09/2007

High Potency Fish Oil w/ Virgin Evening Primrose Oil Has Made My Little Boy "Normal" I have two children aged 3.5yrs and 21 months. My eldest was diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder at the start of the year (Jan 2007). Because my eldest son is classed as Autistic, the health professional seem to think that my youngest may have a problem. Okay, my youngest is very hyperactive, used to run into things (like the kitchen table) and not feel any pain and he had a serious biting problem that went waaaayyy beyond teething. After geting sick and tired of hearing "your youngest maybe suspected Autistic/ADD" I decided to see a homeopath and ask (beg) for help. The lady there was wonderful and recommended that I try a mixture of high potency fish oil that also contained virgin evening primrose oil that was recommended for children and adults of all ages. Well, after a week of giving him 5ml a day (mixed with food), our little boy is all cool. calm and collected. He stills runs around but he has stopped running into walls and tables. The biting was gone and he interacts well with his autistic brother. He has also started talking again. And to think, only 2 weeks have passed now and he will only improve. Just wanted to share this with you. Thanks, Roxy

Replied by Lil_jin21
(Saugus, Ca, USA)

Hello, My eldest son is also very active. He's very hyper and constantly jumpy and fidgety and loud. I was wondering where you got your Fish Oil and Primrose? I'm searching online and cannot find it. Do I buy each separately and mix them together with his food? He is 4 years old. and I'm constantly getting hassle from my family about his hyperness. I took him to his doctor to review him, but he hasn't really given me an answer. I would like to try this in the mean time. Thank you. Melissa

Replied by Sharon
(Utica, Mich)

Try your organic store, or whole food store for the fish oil and primrose oil.

Replied by Brooke
(Montgomery, Tx, Usa)

I have two boys and when they were young, people told me they should get checked by a Dr. And me, being all into natural remedies, I told them they are crazy! I would NEVER put my boys on anything other than vitamins or minerals! I found that Vitamin B, D, folic acid, fish oils, primrose oil, and Castor oil rubbed onto their tummy under their diaper, or later - under their pj's did the trick. They are now 12 and 11 and they are both wonderful, beautiful boys that are healthy and have no problems! They are A, B students with no signs of hyperactivity! And no - I did not mix it into their food - when they where little, I got the liquid forms and put it into orange juice or any other type of juice, and now they take them in the pill form.

I feel that kids should not have any caffeine through drinks or chocolate and they should be on a high vegetable and fruit diet, with meats. You can ask your health food store for the vitamin mixes that can be added to juice, they have them in liquid form and some, like calcium have them in chewable form. We still give them a calcium in chewable because they always liked the taste - it tastes like vanilla. I would never put my child on to a drug to cure hyperactivity though!

Replied by Rhonda
(Maryland, US)

I read a couple of articles about this study where this combination takes up to 6 months before it takes affect... It was done in UK. So seeing results in that short of time is interesting to know. My DS is 8yr and I want to try this. But wasn't sure of primrose needing to be the oil intake or a skin rub?? Or is it the same. Not sure if DS will take the softgel everyday :/ Oh that's right you mixed with food. Let me know the later results

Fluoride Related

Posted by Native Born Citizen (Virginia Beach, Virginia) on 11/23/2012

Regarding ADHD, Dr. Oz just had a show on ADHD in adult women. The sympoms are different for women and can vary in intensity from person to person. Adult women with ADHD tend to be tired, anxious, unable to organize, are distracted, and can't focus. These phenomena tend to interfere with their relationships and work.

Retired neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock says that fluoride poisoning can cause profound neurolgical disorders including ADHD. Any treatment program must obviously address fluoride poisoning and how to keep it out of the system since fluoride is in pesticides, water, many drugs, and toothpaste. See:

Dr. Lendon Smith used to drug ADHD children; he later was against it. Instead he advised fish oil, B vitamins, multivitamins, sugar avoidance, avoidance of allergens like milk if ear infections present, and so on.

If you can't digest fish oil, take a digestive enzyme with it.

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