Accutane-Related Hairloss Remedies
Biotin (5mg)
N-acetyl Cysteine (1500mg)
Riboflavin 5- Phosphate (36.5mg)
B Complex (Activated/co-enzymated 3x daily)
Molybdenum Picolinate (1, 000mg)
Phytisone Adrenal Complex (3x daily)
AC Grace Vitamin E (1200 IU)
Glutathione (2x daily)
EPO (1000mg)
Thorne Mediclear (2x daily)
Prescript Assist soil based probiotic (2x daily)
Niacinamide (1, 000 mg)
L-Glutamine (10g)
Copper (2mg)
Zinc (30mg)
Manganese Sulfate (400mg)
Fish oil (2x a day)
L-Lysine (1000mg)
Vitamin C (5000mg)
MSM (3000mg)
Vitamin D (6000 IU)
As you can see, I have experimented with a lot of different supplements and it's quite overwhelming. The hair loss did not start until 2 months after my course was over. I feel like none of these are getting to the source of my problem which I believe to be cell divison. Accutane is a chemotherapy agent and acts by suppressing cell division and proliferation. I have done copious amounts of research over the last 8 months and feel like I am getting so close to the answer.
"Retinoic acid (active form of Accutane) induces differentiation and reduces proliferation of stem and progenitor cells. It works on acne by inducing similar events in basal sebocytes. These same actions also lead to 13-cis-retinoic's (Accutane's) side effects, and these are directed towards proliferating cells in the adult such as in the skin, gut and bone. "
"A wide ranging effect of retinoic acid is to inhibit proliferation in dividing cells, and this accounts for its frequent consideration as an anti-cancer agent."
"Deleting telomere elongation capacity throughout the body would also be life-threatening, because it would mean that our regular, proliferating cells (like those in the skin or the lining of the gut) would suddenly have iron limits on their ability to reproduce themselves and thus replenish tissue. From the moment that we denuded our cells of telomerase, a clock would be ticking. With each division the telomere would shorten by a notch from whatever it had been when we took telomerase out. We would be under the specter of a rather horrible death, as our stem cells went offline one by one under replicative senescence with each failure of a stem cell responsible for supplying key functions, the tissue would fail to be renewed and would slowly degenerate. "(De Grey, 297)
To sum all of this up, the evidence we currently have is that long term treatment with ATRA (all-trans retinoic acid), which is almost chemically identical to Accutane, causes "telomere shortening, growth arrest, and cell death."
Accutane induces cell apoptosis. It down-regulates the telomerase enzyme and shortens the telomere length so the cells can't divide as much anymore.
Numerous factors affect the number and activity of androgen receptors in dermal papilla cells. Retinoic acid (vitamin A derivative), if used for a long time, may reduce the number of androgen receptors by 30 - 40 percent. [29] Vitamin B6 reduces by 35-40% the extent of protein synthesis observed after androgen receptor activation. [30] A polypeptide with molecular weight of 60 kDa, analogous to an intracellular calcium-binding protein called calreticulin, prevents binding of the androgen-receptor complex to DNA and also results in the production of calreticulin.[31]
Drugs producing hair loss:
Drugs may affect hair follicles in anagen in two ways: by stopping mitosis in matrix cells (anagen effluvium) or by inducing transition of hair follicles from anagen to premature telogen (telogen effluvium). Anagen effluvium ensues a few days or weeks after drug administration, [46] and telogen effluvium only after two to four months. In both cases hair loss is reversible. Anagen effluvium can be produced by cytotoxic drugs (alkylating agents, alkaloids) and telogen by: heparin, vitamin A and its derivatives, interferons, angiotensin converting enzyme blockers, beta-blockers (propranolol, metoprolol), the antiepileptic trimethadione, levodopa, nicotinic acid, salts of gold, lithium, cimetidine, amphetamine, isoniazid and antiinflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, acetylsalicylic acid).
I feel as if there was a way to increase cell division that the hair loss could be reversed. It states in the last paragraph that "in both cases hair loss is reversible". I hope that this is the case and that I just have telegon effluvium and not permenant alopecia.
Without having a scientific background it is hard to connect the pieces and come up with a solution. Ted- if you can decipher all of this and make some connection between it, it would mean the world to me and many other Accutane sufferers.
Sorry for the long post, take care EC.
(Chicago, Illinois)
Thank you for this post! My son is also suffering hair loss from taking Accutane! I hope that Ted answers soon. We are looking for a solution! He has been taking Accutane for about 2 months now and his hair is falling out. I'm going to try Fulvic Acid. Hopefully this will help!
(Paramus, Nj)
Accutane will definitely cause hair loss. I took it back in 2007 when I was 23years old, and my hair thinned all over.
However, it should be reversible. Like you mentioned, you experienced hair loss 2 months after stopping Accutane, which seems perfectly normal.
Accutane is a very powerful drug and will shock your body from the inside out, and hair loss is just a side effect of it.
I remember a short time after I took Accutane, I looked in a mirror at a retail store and my hair was so thin that I could see my entire scalp. But, before that moment, I didn't even realize I was losing hair. I was 23 and hairloss wasn't even on my mind. I did absolutely nothing to treat the hair loss, but it all grow back over time after I stopped the Accutane.
So in short, I'd be more concerned about the overall side effects of continuing that insane drug Accutane, than I would be about the hair loss it causes.
(Jekyll Island, Ga)
Drugs of any knd will destroy your liver and cause many side effects. If you want beautiful hair and skin just simplify your life and diet. Eat fruit, veggies, nuts, seeds and beans. Lots of water. Your body needs nutrients and you can't get those from pills or creams. Coconut oil is very good for your hair and skin and so is carrot juice. Flood your body with live juice and carrot is the best. Try to find organic if you can. Peace and love to all.....
(San Diego, Ca)
Same exact thing happened to me. Accutane definitely causes hair loss, among hundreds of more serious and even deadly consequences. Do NOT even consider taking Accutane! It is not worth it! There are tons of natural supplements and dietary changes you can make (like eliminating high fructose sugars like in fruit jucies, and dairy products from cows). Sorry to get this topic off track.
(London Uk)
I've recetly started taking Diatomaceous Earth for my joints but read up on it first and was surprised at how many other things it clears up; parasites, hair, nails, blood pressure AND ACNE. Plus more.
I hope Nickodactyl reads this 'cos I think he's getting carried away with the science. Remember Occams Razor; simpler is best. You've been tackling the symptoms rather than the cause which is what most doctors do. Spots on the face, or anywhere, is the body telling us to take care of it. We've all got toxins and parasites and imbalances so chucking a pharmacoepia of supplements at it ain't going to fix it or lengthen your telomeres unless you clean it up first.
And you should NEVER screw around with hormones!!!! I've had thyroid problems and you don't want that, I can assure you. I never took contraceptive pills but there are probably thousands/millions of women out there who are experiencing a myriad problems because they did. They were the easy option, of course, and I guess you thought, when you used Accutane, that would be too. We are all prone to the temptation of the quick fix or instant gratification, particularly at eighteen. Been ther - done that. My Gran used to say - Lazy people take the most pains. - and it's true.
If you are still reading, first do a cleanse, then eat what is most nourishing with good protein for the hair and for vitamins and minerals do juicing. And try the diatomacious earth; tasteless, cheap and easy.
PS. When your hair grows back, please wear it long or longish. Hair does so much for a guy. Michael Bolton is rubbish now.
Acupressure on Nails
Aloe Vera
Thanks for trying to help me, I don't feel as desperate as I was a month or two ago. I have been documentating myself a lot on remedies found on this site. In fact, acv is an astringent (cleanser)it cleans the scalp, lemon is also a good astringent which helps cleaning the scalp and helps with greasy hair. My hair is in fact greasy, I had a habit of touching my head this also helps in making hair greasy as it releases sebum.
I have stopped taking acv orally and wash my hair once in a while with acv now. I tried the cayenne pepper and vodka as well and I didn't feel any different.
But something has finally stopped my hair from falling completely and that's aloe vera, I went to an aryuvedic shop and bought aloe vera pills.
It in fact, helps all skin problems and stops hair from falling. I did not find borax to wash my hair but I found a neem and lemon soap as well as its shampoo. The blackstrap molasses mentioned by some kind friends is not recommended as it helps in producing cancer, anyone using this often should stop. I write off here for now.
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)
Has anyone ever heard of the connection between Molasses and cancer? Now you got me worried.... I take a tspoon every day...
(Port Louis, Mauritius)
If anyone wants to know more about the BSM, on the earthclinic itself you will find many testimonials of people who have used this. It has its benefits and has helped lots of people. Sorry for alarming anyone. This part comes from one of the reviews that I read:
"Iron acts as a cancer-promoting agent by two separate yet synergistic mechanisms: 1) by producing "free radicals, " and 2) by feeding cancer cells. Iron increases the production of free radicals, and-in fact-the production of free radicals is largely proportionate to the level of iron. 4 This means that the more iron there is in the body, the more free radicals will be produced and thus the greater the risk of disease)
(Somewhere, Europe)
Hm, I wonder about that. I actually take Blackstrap Molasses to up my low iron levels and it has worked very well (iron pills never worked for me).
Aloe, Cayenne
To grow hair:
Aloe Vera Gel and Cayenne Pepper.
1/4 to 1/2 c. of Aloe Vera and 2 capsules of cayenne pepper.( Any cayenne will do, You can use Kitchen Spice)
May need to adjust measurement of the aloe and cayenne a little more or less..For the right consistancy.
Pour mixture into a hair color bottle and shake well.
Apply to scalp, massaging in with fingertips.
This mixture will stimulate and clean the hair follicles.
The hair cycle may take a few weeks possibly months, but you will see results.
Leave on scalp at least 10 to 15 minutes or more if you wish. Can be applied weekly.
If you want to use this remedy more often I suggest you try it once and wait a few days, particularly if you have sensitive skin issues.
Caution.....This will burn somewhat, Be careful around eyes. Do not make mixture too runny as it could run into eyes.
Do not make mixture too thick as it will not squirt out of bottle.
You will continue to feel a slight burn even after this remedy is rinsed off.
Aloe Vera gel normally needs to be refridgerated, When mixing remedy allow it to sit a few hours at room tempature before applying to scalp.
Do not apply to scalp cold, as this will close your pores.
If you make more than you need, it will keep a few days in a cool place.
I have used this mixture as a facial scrub, It is a firey facial! Cayenne Pepper is great for circulation. Cayenne Pepper packs a punch, mixed with Aloe Vera and all the great things in Aloe Vera are increased.
Cayenne is called a "catalyst" herb that increases the efficacy of the ingredients you are using.
Aloe, Essential Oils
My husband uses 8 ounces of aloe vera gel, 1 teaspoon of lavender essential oil and 1 teaspoon of tea tree oil (mixed in a glass bottle and kept in the fridge). Every day he massages about 2 teaspoons into his scalp. His hair loss has slowed down quite a bit. Everyone loses hair on a daily basis but his was clogging the shower drain. Now, it may be that it is the actual massage that slowed down his hair loss and not necessarily the ingredients but he's just happy that "something" is working.
Aloe, Essential Oils
Aloe, Essential Oils
Maybe that is causing the hair loss. Good Luck!
Anesthesia-Related Hair Loss
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Baking soda and ACV is working for me but I'm so not eating foods that may have pesticides and additives!!
I'm eating less because I'm detoxing from pesticides and additiv Es that may be causing the problem, in my opinion hair loss is the body's way of saying its stressed out and the hair follicle can't breath!! Stress comes in many forms, brisk walking, nutrition and letting go of resentments and unhappiness helps!!
Hope this helps!!
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Firstly, thank you sooooooo much for this remedy acv bicarb soda. My hair has stopped falling & new growth has appeared. I didn't think it possible to get my beautiful hair back again!!
Ted can you please tell me what is in the above remedy to regrow the hair. I am very excited and interested to learn how this works?????
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
(New York)
I have been waiting a little over a year to write this letter expecting better results than what I have. Unfortunately, I believe the benefits of fighting Male Pattern Baldness with baking soda and ACV may have been exaggerated. I've been using ACV & baking soda since Aug. 9, 2009 (today is Aug. 22 2010) and the difference in my hair regrowth is only slight at best. The shape of my head is still quite visible. I've found that drinking horsetail tea on a regular basis and adding it to the ACV rinse helped with the MPB even more so but again only slightly. However, until something better comes along I'm going to continue using baking soda & ACV because it's a wonderful treatment for dandruff. Also, every shampoo & conditioner I've investigated contains Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and/or Sodium Laureth Sulfate. These two chemicals are what are used to make soap nice and lathery but they also destroy hair follicles. I must also add that baking soda & ACV restored my hair color. It didn't get rid of the gray hairs but restored the youthful shine & got rid of the dullness that comes with age. As I continue the baking soda & ACV treatment, if anything should favorably change, I will make sure to write.
ALL baking soda is aluminum free. I don't know where this nonsense started, but at some point because of some uninformed person confusing baking powder, with baking soda (two completely different things), and it just took off like wild fire. There is a major company that sell it, and grains, that has been making a mint by claiming that his baking soda is aluminum free. He knows none contain aluminum, which makes him a con-artist. Don't buy into the lie.
EC: The nonsense only started years ago when Bob's Red Mill, the company you are referring to, started marketing their new "aluminum-free baking soda." There are old posts on Earth Clinic in the baking soda remedies section about it.. at least 10 years old now.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
(Hightstown, Nj)

I am grateful for Mary's story about topically applying acv to her head by mistake when she had a fungal infection and thus losing all her hair.
I unthinkingly slapped some acv on my head before bed last night as I do from time to time, but this time I woke up disturbed and vaguely recalling her post so I got up and reread it as well as Teds instructions about the subject since I hadn't read them in a couple years. I realized I was making the same mistake Mary had because I likely also have a fungal infection due to my parasite infection.
In Jan just when my hair was starting to see some real progress I absentmindedly put a little acv on it and continued to do so on occasion. Soon afterwards I was combing my hair and it started falling out in clumps. Not making the connection I continued over the past five months to put acv on my hair from time to time, wondering why it kept getting shorter and wouldn't grow any more. Sure enough, topical acv is likely part of the reason why my hair fell out and hasn't grown. I had credited it all to the meds I took about the same time which are known to cause hair loss, which is also likely part of the reason as well. Now I hope to get it right by using tea tree oil and the proper remedies instead. I will let that be a lesson I have to be more careful. Thanks for your site.
I'm sorry for your experience, however I would like to make a few notes. I am a licensed hair professional and it was not the apple cider that made your hair fall out, it was the peroxide. I wouldn't necessarily recommend ACV for a hair rinse regularly. I do use it on myself and have never had a problem with it. However, leaving peroxide on the scalp will cause breakage. It's a shame that you are having to deal with this issue because hair loss is such a delicate issue. Please look into a deep conditioning treatment which will help to preserve your hair and prevent further damage due to the peroxide.
Best wishes.
(New Jersey)
I am a licensed beauty professional as well. ACV is not what made Mary's hair fall out, it was most certainly the peroxide. But I will say, unless it is a conditioner, I don't recommend leaving any product on overnight. Everyones skin is different, including your scalp, and will react different. Also, vinegars are cleaning agents, as are baking sodas...mixing these products together is essentially stripping the hair of anything. Salons use baking soda to strip the hair. ACV is a great product, but should not be applied to the hair in full strength (more is not better in this case). In fact, (I did not see it so I cannot be sure) but I would be willing to bet that Mary's hair did not fall out, but actually broke off. Am I saying not to use it, absolutely not, I love ACV, I use it all the time...use it in moderation...equal parts with water, do not leave it in overnight.
Argan Oil
Avoid Shampoo