Castor Oil
Health Benefits

Unlock Castor Oil Benefits: Guide to Hair Growth, Pain Relief, & More!

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Application Tips

10 User Reviews
5 star (10) 

Posted by Stacey (Berlin, Germany) on 09/14/2009

Cold-pressed oil is considered superior to other methods of oil extraction because heat and solvent based processing often destroys the active ingredients in beneficial oils. You can find cold-pressed oils at a healthfood store. They are often organic as well, so expect to pay more. The are better than regular oil, but regular castor oil is better than nothing.

Application Tips
Posted by Merilee (Guelph, Ontario, Canada) on 07/03/2009

I have a Castor Oil application idea that I would like to share:

I have suffered from pain for years - first endometriosis, and now full-blown fibromyalgia, neck (both muscle and lymph), gall, and kidney pain (which I now know all stems from Lyme infection of 15 years...). Ever since using a heating pad for the debilitating monthly cramps in my teens, I have found heat to be an aid. In addition to the over-used hot water bottle, I also use an infrared heat lamp that a Chinese Medicine Practitioner gave me, which I place over whichever organ/area I wish to treat (he uses one to increase the effectiveness of acupuncture). It's about 8-10" in diameter and has a swing-arm stand, which holds the light about 8-12" from my body, resulting in an approx. 12" treatment area.

This has been very helpful to me. Apparently, the infrared wavelength of light penetrates a couple of inches into the body, vibrating at a wavelength that resonates with fat cells (the water in them?), and can cause them to mobilize and excrete toxins (much of our toxic load is attached to fat cells, and hard to remove). It has a greater impact on my pain than the water bottle (greater muscle relaxation, I think), and I find it soothing, especially as it does not have to be particularly hot to work (it works because of its particular wavelength of light, not just the heat).

The reason for my post:

I have recently been using the lamp as a means of Castor Oil application, with the thought that it might produce deeper penetration (and much less mess) than simple Castor Oil packs. I just slap some on my skin and apply the light for 20min-1hr, then wipe/wash it off. I have nothing to compare its effectiveness to (I never tried castor oil packs after a few messy, unhelpful PMS cramp-releif attempts in my teens), but it does seem to ease my uterine and gall bladder pain, and my sore/swollen groin-area glands.

As both therapies are purported to mobilize toxins, I'd like to think they potentiate each other, and together pull out some of the stuff that is giving me trouble.

I would be interested in hearing what someone with more Castor Oil know-how thinks of my practice, and perhaps other infrared lamp owners could give it a try.


7 User Reviews
5 star (7) 

Posted by Debs67 (UK) on 02/19/2025

I have been using Organic Castor Oil which I bought because I have low vitamin D ( not surprised as the Sunshine is being covered up to “save the planet” which is literally unbelievable ) I had no idea castor oil had VItamin D until I found out on earthclinic. To my surprise after massaging it into my legs ankles arms face I noticed the pain I was suffering in right ankle ( severe osteoarthritis from car accident smashed bones) was not so painful. Arthritis in my hand / finger joints wasn't hurting either. I've since had a pain in my forehead & tried CO & pain stopped!! I'm convinced it's the CO so I wanted to let people know where I found my Castor Oil I've tried & tested the product & found it on very reasonable prices & quick delivery time . Hope this helps others suffering the awful arthritis pain.


7 User Reviews
5 star (7) 

Posted by Shelley (Sun Valley, Nevada) on 08/08/2024 10 posts

In reply to:

Posted by Kathy (Covington, Virginia) on 11/26/2010: "I have read all the feedback on msm. Now I am confused. I am having pain in my knees and legs. Have for sometime. I mix 2 capsules of msm in lotion and apply as much as needed. This seems to help, but not for long. I would like to start taking msm by mouth, but now if it causes anxiety i can't do that. I already have chronic anxiety and am taking zoloft, have been for ten years. The msm i use is pure. What can i do?"

You can use what I used after being run over in a crosswalk by a van going 45mph, I took some gauze strips which I soaked in a bowl of Castor Oil Cold Expelled, Organic. I also had Sudan I.e. Plastic wrap. I had several Ace Bandages.

I was suffering severe Arthritis, now bone on bone in my left leg, my right leg was missing a shim of bone so it was bending towards my left side, sideways.

I took the sloppy Strips of muslin, wrapped them around the painful portions of my legs, my ribs, all broken. I then took saran plastic wrap and plastic ed the castor oil dripping wraps. After insure non, Castor Oil was leaking, I then wrapped each wrapped area in one of my multiple knee ace bandages. I then settled in my bed for the night. place my rather large heating pad on the Castor Oil Treatment areas. I set it eventually all on medium, and had pillows under my knees so I wouldn't thrash a nd toss all night.

After a sound sleep, no moving all night, I woke up without the throbbing, knife slamming pain in my non injured bones. My knee joints and hostel arthritic stabbing knife pain was gone. I went 2 weeks then started every 3-4 days. My pain subdued and wasn't at scream like I am a girl. I am allergic to Nsaids, Only take Tylenol rarely.


7 User Reviews
5 star (7) 

Posted by Sunny (Sunny CA) on 12/31/2022

Castor Oil for Arthritis

Helps me take fewer OTC meds on days I overdo it.

I started using organic castor oil on my knees and inner elbows. I rub a lot of oil on my knees and place plastic wrap on them and over them with semi lightweight knee sleeves. I add more oil to it a few times during the day.

It's been amazing, more than I hoped for. I used castor oil in 2005 to save my gallbladder, and use it on the gallbladder liver area off and on even to this day.

Worth a try.. I can NOW GET UP from my computer without a cane and without my knees locking up on me for sitting there too long.

Posted by Charlotte (Texas) on 08/11/2017

My castor oil pack for knee osteoarthritis consists of a cotton cloth saturated with castor oil, Saran Wrap to cover it, and an Ace Bandage to cover all that. It's not too messy, and works well with a heating pad applied, or just to sleep with alone overnight.

Posted by Char (Texas) on 07/10/2017

Castor oil packs on painful arthritic knee really helps reduce pain when used overnight while sleeping. Are there any adverse side effects from this? Thanks!

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Char,

The only side effects I can think of would be that it is kind of messy! And ladies should not use abdominal castor oil packs during menstruation because they increase blood flow.

Thanks for sharing your success story. I love castor oil for lots of things - knee pain included!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Sandy

Hello Mama to Many, (Good Samaritan)

I have a cataract and tried castor oil but not much of use. Can you please suggest some alternate home remedy for my cataract. I am not able to drive specially in the night time. Also I tried taking castor oil internally, it cleaned my bowels three to four times in one day, but I noticed that my gums in upper jaw near my front teeth are swelling and having irritation. Is that the side effect?

Replied by Sandy

Dear Mama to Many,

Also please let me know whether the castor oil is good for dry skin. My skin is super dry and face always looked dull and tired. and because of dry skin my face is wrinkled and look very old,

Another problem for my dropping skin on face is my jaw bones have become week and I am some loose tooth. Do you know any home remedy to make my jaw bones stronger? You are my saviour on this site.

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Sandy,

Carrot juice taken daily over a a long period of time may be helpful to your eyes. It cured a friend of mine of an "incurable" eye disease!

Regarding castor oil, yes, I love it for dry skin. You have to gently massage it into the skin. I do this sometimes at night and then by morning it is all absorbed.

Regarding the concern about your jaw bone and tooth problems, could you remind me what you are currently doing? Supplements? Diet? Medications?

I don't think castor oil would have that negative effect on the inside of your mouth, but since everyone is different, I wouldn't rule it out entirely.

~Mama to Many~


Dear Mama to Many,

I have been taking care of just almost every day or at least 3 times a week, for the past 4/5 years. I just stopped last year, because there were lots of guests in the house and there was no time for myself. My tooth became wiggly last summer and I got it fixed by a dentist in India. He pressed it down and put some adhesive kind of thing and now it still firm. But moment he fixed it I noticed that my eyesight in one eye became very weak.i read somewhere that there's a connection between each eye and corresponding body organ to that. And because of my eye problem I'm not able to search on the website what is that connection between teeth and body organs. Until two months ago I was taking vitamin D3 alpha lipoic acid, coq10, magnesium calcium and ashvagandha. Recently I stopped everything and taking only coq10 and ALA. Massaing my gums with G32 tablet. This is my routine now. Sometime I rince my mouth with pinch of Alum and a pinch of salt in warm water. That gives lot of releif to my aching gums and teeth.

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Sandy,

Some things I might try would be gentle oil pulling with sesame oil - it seems to be especially indicated for teeth problems.

If you have not tried Black Walnut tincture, it is something to try to remineralize teeth. We use 1 dropperful in a Tablespoon of water and swish for 1 minute and then swallow. We do this twice a day. We have healed cavities with this.

Bone broth is supposed to help with healing bones and also the gut, which may improve absorption of nutrients.

Comfrey is an herb I use for its cell regeneration properties. If you would be able to grow a plant you would have an endless supply of this, at least in the summer months. I use it daily. Comfrey's other name is "knit bone" because it heals bones and joints.

Some use cod liver oil, internally to benefit from the vitamin A and D. Perhaps the vitamin A would also benefit the eye issue you have been having.

If you could get some black walnut powder, this can be added to homemade tooth powder. My husband uses this when his teeth feel sensitive and it usually helps right away.

I hope you are able to try some things and that they help you a lot!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Brent
(Spartanburg S.C.)

@Sandy from IL: I've read that L Carnosine eye drops will get rid of cataracts. Check Amazon or ebay.

Posted by Littlewing (Boston) on 07/28/2016

Castor Oil for arthritis is terrific. Yesterday my hand was "achin' like a toothache" (as my dear mother used to say) all day. I tried ibuprofen, some ointment I had (stuck at work) – nothing. When I arrived home I took out my trusty castor oil, just enough so I could rub my hands together for a few minutes (it's not watery at all) and voila! – not 30 minutes later the ache was all gone and still feels good this morning. Love it!

Posted by Carolyn (Inverness, FL) on 02/27/2007

Castor oil packs driven in with heat. Arthritic condition (back out). Will cure various problems. Famous Edgar Cayce cure. Look at Una da Gato a Peruvian rain forest herb -- other name Cats Claw. Also for arthritis and other ailments, Edgar Cayce said 'Castor oil will leave the body in better condition than it found it.

Beautiful Skin

14 User Reviews
5 star (14) 

Posted by Linda (St Amans De Pellagal, France) on 11/08/2016

Editor's Choice

I have been using castor oil mixed half and half with coconut oil as a moisturizer for a couple of months now. My skin looks and feels great and I really feel I look a hundred times better than I have in years. And even more wonderful is that not only have the bags under my eyes gone, my eyelids are not sagging any more - at one time I could actually see them drooping from the inside.

Replied by Phoenix

Thank you sooooo much for sharing this! So appreciated. I will use it for sure! :)

Beautiful Skin
Posted by Judy (N/york) on 07/30/2013

I like all I had been learning, I have just started using the Castor Oil in face before I go to bed 2times and have noticed a change already. Am gonna go ahead & use it on my legs. Thanks & keep up the good work you are doing.

Beautiful Skin
Posted by Patti (Seattle, Wa) on 10/19/2011

I am 69 and just started using castor oil nightly. My skin has never felt this good. I am so amazed! Why spend money on expensive cosmetics when this works wonders. I add a little sweet almond oil to thin the castor oil a bit.

Beautiful Skin
Posted by Pam (Groveland, Fl) on 09/17/2011

Castile soap is an awesome face and body wash! Among other uses for it! It acts as a natural degreaser, without drying out, then I put castor oil as a bedtime moisterizer while my face is still moist with water for easy application. Yes I do have a fresher look in the morning and also have noticed the little fine lines that started appearing by my eyes have disappeared! I feel so wrong if I miss a day without my castor oil. you'll learn to love its thick viscosity.

Beautiful Skin
Posted by Len (Seattle, Wa) on 06/10/2011

I used to use proactive years ago and I didn't like how it seemed to bleach all my pillow cases. If it was doing that to my pillows, what was it doing to my skin? I now have a very simple skin regimine: I cleanse my face at night with grapefruit seed extract (I wet my fingers a little, put 4-5 drops of GSE on my fingers, rub it on my face and rinse. I started doing that because I was diagnosed with perioral dermatitis and GSE not only took care of that, it's taken care of my acne problem as well. )

After cleansing, I use my homemade lotion of aloe vera gel, vegetable glycerin, shea butter and lavender oil.

Before going to bed, I apply castor oil around my eyes and on my forehead. When I wake in the morning, my skin is glowing. I don't even usually wash my face in the morning (though I used to be adamant about it) because I don't feel like I need to; it feels very clean when I wake up. I do get the occasional zit here and there but it is nothing like it used to be. Hope that helps!

Beautiful Skin
Posted by Tricia (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada ) on 10/21/2010

After reading many articles on the wonders of castor oil, I have started using castor oil (neat) to spread on my face. My goal is to improve my sun damaged skin (large brown spots and red around the nose area). I am also acne prone although it's been much better than when I was a teenager. My skin is so greasy you could fry an egg with the amount of oil that comes off it by the end of the day. I have been using Proactiv for years and it works for the acne but leaves my skin dry and oily at the same time!

Anyway, in only three days, the castor oil has already smoothed out my skin, made it LESS oily and seems to have dissolved the flat skin tags that I had on my cheeks near my nose. After cleansing (still with my Proactiv cleanser) and toning with alcohol-free witch hazel, I put the castor oil on my cheekbones (where the brown spots are), around my nose and on my chin. I massage it in for 5 minutes to work it in, then pat the excess off with a Kleenex. I do this in the morning too and wait 10 minutes before putting on makeup on my face. My pressed powder seems to glide on now. The makeup stays on my face ALL day with only one touch up necessary in 10 hours! My skin looks AIRBRUSHED! This is only after three days!! I'll be trying the Oil Cleansing Method next. I want to give up using commercial cleansers altogether.

Replied by Risa
(San Francisco, Ca, Usa)

Hi Tricia,
Congratulations, and thank you for letting us know how the castor oil has improved your skin. I have a question regarding the usage of castor oil on the face. I have read that castor oil promotes hair growth. So doesn't castor oil when applied on face promote facial hair growth? What was your experience?

Replied by Brooke
(Montgomery, Tx, Usa)

I have been using Castor oil on my face for 20 years and have never had a problem with facial hair growing.

Replied by Molly
(Tucson, Az)

I have also used Castor Oil on my face with good results. No facial hair growth but my eyelashes are thicker!

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