Abdominal Adhesions
Abdominal Adhesions
Abscessed Tooth
Abscessed Tooth
Makes me wonder if I could brush my teeth with it?
Question for Post from William in Plains, Mt:
Exactly how did you use the castor oil on your gums and teeth? I have a similar problem.
@ steve follow this link on castor oil teeth https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/tooth_abscess3.html#castor-oil
Did you just put castor oil on the tooth using a cotton ball and did not swish the oil between teeth?
Hi may I ask how to use the oil to get rid of a jaw infection? Do you dab it on gums or do oil pulling with it?
(Kitchener On)
Hi Alison
Get a small cotton ball and soak it in Caster Oil and wedge it on the tooth, do this as many times as needed. Even at bedtime over night.
keep healthy
(phoenix arizona)
How exactly did you use it to clear the infection in your jaw? just apply it topically over your jaw and swish with it?.... thanks for the extra details
Activates T Lymphocytes
You may not know that the A.R.E. of Edgar Cayce Virginia Beach did a study supervised by Dr William Magarey many years ago. They found that 'T' cell Lymphocytes accumulate in the thousands where a castor oil pack is applied. The castor oil does not osmose into the skin, it is too viscous, however, it acts as a giant ultrasound unit attracting the 'T' cell to the area which do the healing.
The A.R.E. has this on record as a double-blind study.
Hope this helps you all... Dr Red.
(South Australia)
That's incredible. Thank you for sharing that information.
Age Spots
Thanks, Alyson
(Plano, Tx Usa)
Update to my post: The dark age spots I started using the castor oil on are almost completely gone! My skin looks so much better - my mother and father when I showed them thought I had been wearing extra makeup! Such a god-send - thank you for the tip!!
Ankle Pain
We had a few dipping cold days and snow in New York. Well I was determined to still go out for my walk and maybe a bus ride. This is what the seniors in New York love to do, after the rush hour we are out there helping others and being young again ( some still get out before day).
Well, on the day of the first frost, my ankle got a few sharp pains for seemly no reason. And that night my ankle hurt so bad I could not get a good night sleep. The next day I put a mixture of oils on it before going out. However, the pain continued, and I had to stop walking serval times because I felt like my ankle was going to give in under me with the stabling like pains. When I got home this time, I remembered Castor oil. The Castor oil stopped the pain quickly and I got a good night's sleep. The next day I massaged in the Castor oil once again, . It's at least a week now and no more ankle pain.
Application Tips
I don't often combine herbs or oils but someone asked about a broken bone and it got me thinking...one could get comfrey tea, as in comfrey tea BAGS, soak one (or more) with castor oil, place it on the break and cover it with a piece of parchment paper (or plastic wrap or whatever one uses), and a piece of muslin and place one of those disposable handwarmers on it to warm it up. Cover it with a tube bandage or otherwise wrap it with a bit of K-tape to hold everything in place, if necessary.
And, of course, this got me to thinking about eucalyptus tea bags soaked with castor oil as a chest pack, for colds and whatnot, or any specific herbal tea as a castor oil patch over a problematic area.
I've been trying to think of some way to try herbal tea bags employed in this way...but I don't have any issues to which I can apply it, at the moment. I DID purchase some handwarmers and, of course, I have a wide variety of herbs and reusable mesh tea bags so if something comes up...I'll try it and let you know.
Application Tips
ALSO - don't toss old bras! Instead, line the cups with PUL (diaper cover fabric), cut some appropriately sized white fleece, put the castor oil on the fleece and spread it out over the breast under your new, waterproof bra for cator oil packs and fomentations or poultices. Or just buy a couple of full coverage sports or nursing bras a little bigger than you usually wear and use those!
Application Tips
Dear Rsw,
Thanks for your details about the castor oil packs! I did not know that the store bought packs had the plastic built in. That is great and I am sure more tidy/handy than what I do. I will be looking in to that further!
Thanks! Always something new to learn...
~Mama to Many~
(Hampshire, England)
Application Tips
Today I was using a hand held infrared device when I was applying castor oil on part of my abdomen. Most infrared devices are just too expensive purchase. The one I had I bought on amazon (infrarex st-302) for $20 and it works for a small area. It comes with an extra bulb. Before I bought it I wondered why it was so cheap and why the other products couldn't bring down the price so I was leery. I have had it a couple years and it's worth every penny. It gives one more options in treating various situations.
I saw a infrared device in a chiropractors office but expensive model. Instead of someone paying $50 a treatment, I had them use this cheap device themselves and they got positive results. It's a good addition to your medicine chest at very low cost.
Many people have difficult financial situations so any DIY approaches to pet care are very helpful.
Application Tips
I just wanted to chime in and say this idea was brilliant! I was on vacation and used this emergency remedy - and it works! Thanks so much for sharing that tip.
Application Tips
(Amelia, Va)
Hi, Esprit64... I responded to your other questions about castor oil packs above. Sorry I didn't cover everything for you.
I have used castor oil packs for many, many years. As to your question about how long you can use an opened bottle of castor oil?... til it is gone.. Lol. After I have my heating pad laid out, plastic on top of that and flannel on top of that.. I trickle more castor oil from the bottle onto my pack and turn on the pad, letting the whole pack heat up a little. Then I apply it to my tummy.. flannel pack first, then the plastic, then the heating pad.
"how many times should you use the fabric pack until discarding?" I have used mine for years. If it gets too runny/sloppy/messy, you will probably have to discard it and start over. And not because there is anything wrong with it but just because it will make a big mess and leak out everywhere.
"is there any need to continue adding castor oil for "refreshening. " At what point do you throw the oil out and begin again?" Unless you have just absolutely soaked the pack, you do need to renew/refresh the castor oil each time you use the pack. I have never thrown out any oil that I can remember, except for a bottle or two maybe some years ago. I used to buy the drugstore variety and, if it had been a while since I had used a pack and if the castor oil smell was really, really overwhelming AND if I had plenty on hand, that smelly bottle might hit the trashcan. But if you are a regular user of the packs, you will probably use up your supply on hand long before you have to worry about it getting too old to use.
One trick I use is... I try to rub the castor oil into my skin directly where I will be putting the pack. Continue to rub in the oil, letting the skin absorb as much as possible. If you rub briskly, everything gets a little warm and enhances the absorption. Then I apply heating pad/pack as usual with renewed oil on the pack also. I think it just gives you/your pack a jumpstart.
Just let me know if you have anymore questions, my friend, ok? phoenix23002
Application Tips
A few months ago I decided to experiment and apply Castor Oil to my face, neck, torso and legs before starting my work-out. I figured since I sweat profusely the oil would absorb into the skin as the pores opened up. I find that it does completely absorb into the skin with the exception of my legs. They feel tacky since they do not sweat as much as the rest of my body. I do not use a towel as I would normally do to dry my face and neck as I begin to drip, instead I rub my hand over the area as little as possible but as needed because I do not want to rub off the oil. Clothing will get stained slightly but tends to come out in the wash because it is watered down with sweat. To be safe, do not use "good" clothing. I work-out (jog) at home not outside. Getting greased up to go outside may not be a good idea although by the time you are finished there is no grease to be seen. So start making your work-out do double duty with the use of Castor Oil or any other oil for that matter! I have not noticed any benefits I just do it because the oil is good for the body in general. Maureen
(Miami, Fla)
Castor oil... I use packs and use it on eyelashes small amounts here and there but one time thought more is better and applied liberally over face torso and ended up with an allergic reaction itchy rash all over. I still use just liver packs and a little on face just not total body lotion.