Fulvic Acid
Health Benefits

Fulvic Acid Benefits: Boost Health Naturally

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

General Feedback

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Lauren (Queens, Ny) on 03/13/2013

Hey EC... I so badly want to try fulvic acid after reading so much good reviews however, I am kinda worried cause why would we want to put stuff that contains bromine, fllouride, cadimum etc in our body when we hear how harmful substances are to humans? Just a thought..someone/anyone any explanation. Like I said I would really love to try this. Thank you guys...

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Lauren... I use humic/fulvic acid on a weekly basis. I also just buy it from the garden center as granules or powder because its way cheaper than buying the organic or edible "standardized" forms.

To make the drink I just add a small amount of Humic Acid to water so that the water has a light brown see-through appearance(not black). I also always add a small amount of sodium bicarbonate to make the water alkaline. Then I just add a few drops of lugols iodine or a few drops of 10% sodium thiosulphate to remove any heavy metals and bad halogens and then just drink it like that.

Humic acid is just 75 million year old plant humus that has been broken down by enzymes and has also had high thermodynamic pressure applied to it because it is found compacted in rock strata.

Humic Acid makes body metabolism much more efficient, it is a wonderful detoxer of poisons and also has strong anti-viral action.

Replied by Loren

Hi Bill... Thank you for all that information. One question though.. Is humic acid and fulvic acid the same? Thanks a million.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Loren... Humic acid is acid soluble whereas fulvic acid is not. It is really the fulvic acid that is most useful for the body. Humic acid is also useful for plants because the HA component can absorb many times its own weight in water -- and this is useful for plants needing water. Not so essential in humans because we have our own water regulation mechanisms. Fulvic acid is the one that has all the beneficial properties.

So, to just get only the fulvic acid component, Ted also recommends adding a tspn or two of ACV or ordinary vinegar to the HA/FA mixture, thus acidifying the mixture, which will therefore act to precipitate out and remove the Humic acid component, leaving just the more useful and beneficial Fulvic acid in solution.

Replied by Loren

Thanks, Bill!!!

General Feedback
Posted by Ann (Brevard, North Carolina, U.S.) on 03/11/2013

I would like more info on Fulvic Acid. I purchased some from the U.S. (source is China). I have Lyme Disease and Celiac/lots of food allergies/digestive issues. Is Fulvic acid something that will aid those issues? I also need help with dosage, etc. from someone with a good history using it. And can it be toxic at all? thanks so much!

General Feedback
Posted by Emre (Istanbul, Turkey) on 08/19/2012

Hi, I'm new to this forum. I live in Istanbul - Turkey and it's very difficult to find fulvic acid or pure Humic acid here. However, we have plenty of Leonardite, which is supposed to contain Humic acid. Has anyone tried this?

In addition, if I use the raw solid form of this substance, how should prepare the liquid form (weight per volume )?

Many thanks in advance for your answer. Emre

Replied by Bahadir


try zetinistasyonu dot com for fulvic acid at turkey

General Feedback
Posted by Linda (San Francisco, Ca, Usa) on 06/11/2012

OK, I have acquired the dry powdered Fulvic Acid and Granulated Humic Acid. I want to make an ingestable liquid formula out of them.

I am not worried about how "clean" or disinfected these dry things are (I am pretty sure I can figure that stuff out), I only need to know how much distilled water to blend them with.

I know Ted prefers the proportion of 30% Humic acid and 70% Fulvic Acid from his previous EC posts for those 2 ingredients (Forever Thank You, Ted :-)).

Does anyone know how much of this dry Humic/Fulvic blend should be added to say, 8 ounces of water?

Or conversely, if I have a dry measured teaspoon of 70% Fulvic Acid and 30% Humic powder/granules combined, how much water should be added to this to make the liquid solution?

And then- How much of the resultant liquid would typically be ingested?

Does anyone know the answer to this, or can anyone point me to an explanatory EC link which I might have missed somehow (been searching for this info for weeks:-/)?

Ted, do you have time to answer this, I hope? Or anybody else?

Thanks a million, and Thank You Earthclinic :-),


Replied by Nvrt
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada)

Were you able to find an answer to this - please let me know - I am also curious about how much water needs to be added to say a teaspoon of the humic/fulvic mix.

General Feedback
Posted by Anthony (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) on 11/02/2011

Hello Ted,

You have helped me alot with my colitis and mercury issues. Currently, I have been in a little flare so many thing are upseting my stomach or making my symptoms act up. Anyways, I finally got some 100% pure humic acid powder. Now, my question is, when I mix this it is completely black but it does have a taste to it. This is not suppose to have a taste, correct? It's kind of a chalky earthy taste.. I'm getting worried that this may not be pure even though the company has said it's 100% pure... I'm really not sure what to do? Any ideas? Thanks!

Replied by Dave
(Friend, Ne)

Remember, carbon will hold 4x its weight in liquid, so this is why farmers should use this to build up the organic matter in soil to help it "hold" the fertilizers they use too much of. I use a sugar-backed fertilizer with great results, and also a soil bacteria (aerobic for oxygen) and this drives down the anerobic bacteria into the soil. The oxygen then feeds off the non-oxygen and you have just started a self-perpetuating eco-system in the soil that will grow very healthy foods.

General Feedback
Posted by M (Mukilteo, Wa) on 02/23/2010

Humic acid and fulvic acid are substances that Ted values highly.

My question is of what ingredients are they composed and how sanitary is the production? I have never heard of them before and like to know these things. Thank you

Replied by Robert
(Martinez, Ca)

Regarding fulvic/humic acids: the general subject of mineral deficiencies are discussed by Dr. Joel Wallach in his book Rare Earths, Forbidden Cures.This was printed many years ago prior to the 'invasion' of colloidal mineral products in the marketplace.Basically the author states that the world has become very depleted of minerals due to many reasons from erosion to poor farming practice.The U.S. for example is approx 85% deficient! Austrailia is approx 57%, etc. I don't know how these studies were tested. The point being that we are severely lacking in bio-available minerals. I have known some that drink clay, or granite dust water,(Hunzas & others),etc. Rudolf Steiner in the early century used granite dust as a soil amendment with amazing results.Another great book titled 'Secrets of the Soil' avail used on Amazon is a good read & I think the author is Christopher Bird. Someone mentioned salt as a cheap alternative & it is important to mention that real salt is air/sun dried & without chemical additives or heavy processing. Grinding of the salt causes nickel to be present in the end product if the mfgr uses such composite metals for grinding.Most 'popular' sea salts are not necessarily quality. Search the net for info & sources. Dr. David Brownstein has written a great book on salt & it is avail used on Amazon.He has researched the topic for many years & recommends in his practice. I am not connected with any of the sources mentioned. The only one mentioned who has a mineral product is Dr. Joel Wallach & this is many years after the book was written due to people asking for sources.The person on EC who recommended wu jin san is most likely selling or associated with it as it has a sales tone & the person is from the same source area in Ore. My chinese sister-in-law is a OMD and never heard of it,not that she has heard of everything. The label states "fulvic acid in PURE rainwater from the sea".Rainwater "from the sea" sounds odd to me as I cannot imagine how the rain & sea waters are differentiated.Suffice to say there are many claims in the mineral marketplace, so buyer beware.Most of the colloidal sources in the U.S. are in Utah & share the same mining area with private labeling. I used to sell colloidals many years ago & the markup is great.One quart costs about $5-$6.00, wholesales for $12.00 & retails for up to $40.00! Grossly speaking your are getting mined decomposed vegetation that is placed in an acid bath & sold. Of course there are other steps in the process, but this is simplified.We can't eat dirt because we are not plants, so we eat the plants.Make sense? I don't know how we can absorb minerals from clay unless it is taken with an acid, but clay is primarily taken for detox because like charcoal it is highly absorbant of toxins & non-toxins such as minerals, flora, etc. which need to be replenished. If one wants a good cheap magnesium supplement, soak the feet or body in epsom salts. Magnesium is best absorbed through the skin.A Dr. Sircus has plenty of free info on the subject of transdermal magnesium application. Thank you EC for this forum. Hugs!

Replied by Liz

I am always hesitant to buy products made in China due to little or no regulations, also greatly polluted areas.

I found a company: Nano Health Solutions, 8140 Mayfield Road, Chesterland, Ohio 44026FA comes apparently from the New Mexico region. Have you ever heard of or acquired any products?

Thank you for your great detailed info. Much appreciated.

General Feedback
Posted by Jen (New York, Usa) on 02/22/2010


Can someone please advise me on how safe is it to use shilajit everyday? It is one of the ingredients in a green food powder I am considering to take and I do not know much about shilajit. Is it an herb that is suggested to be used for a period of time only? I think I read somewhere that in texts it has been suggested for use for one year at the most.


Replied by Lisa
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)

Hi Jen, Shilajit is completely safe and is highly revered in Aryuvedic medicine. It helps to re-mineralize the body and a host of many other benefits. It is to some, the ideal fulvic acid. It is safe to use it everyday and is very good for you. You can find lots of detailed information about it online. It is really coming to the forefront in the alternative medicine world.

Still, as with all things, I like to give my body a rest after a week or two of anything. So, for instance, if I am taking herbs, I'll go for a full week or maybe even two and then stop for a day or two before I return. That is a protocol embraced by many. That way the body does not become completely dependent upon something to stay healthy. Hope this helps you. Lisa

Replied by Wee Kiong
(Kg Cham, Cambodia)

It has been many years ago when I got to know about shilajit from an ayurvedic practitioner friend. Very good indeed but it was a purified form and coloured like milk. Two years ago, he gave me the unpurified type which is dark reddish brown in colour and smelled urine which turned me off. Can someone who might be familiar with fulvic acid tell me if the urine smell is normal? Thank you.

Replied by Ernesto
(Paramus, Nj)

Fulvic Acid is yellow in color, however it shouldn't have any taste whatsover. If it does, then most likely it is not pure and chemicals have been added. Pure Humic is Black in Color and should also be tasteless if its pure. There's a company Regeneration USA that sells Humic & Fulvic Minerals which are I believe the purest available and aid in dealing with a host of issues from acid reflux, digestion problems, it also re-mineralizes the body and assits in removing toxins from the body. Hope this helps

Replied by Sarah
(London, Uk)

Re: silajit, though it may be harmless in its pure form, at least one Indian manufacturer on the UK market has been done because their product was full of added heavy metals. Six months later: product still being quietly sold on the UK market via various websites. It's one of those things I'd love to try if I could find a guaranteed pure source for it, but as things stand, I'm very wary - it may just make things worse.

I've found fulvic acid products a bit too strong in the past, though I seem to tolerate them better now. One alternative is moor mud, dug out of an Austrian bog and pasteurised. Absolutely delicious, but criminally expensive, at least in the quantities that I am drinking it. The moor mud sold for baths is a quarter of the price, but I have to figure out how to replicate the effects of pasteurisation without just boiling it to death (part of the goodness of the moor mud is in the bacteria, so I'm reluctant to kill the lot) - any bright ideas on this front?

General Feedback
Posted by Dave (Friend, Ne) on 03/22/2009

Fulvic acid fertilizer: Contrary to what some believe, I have been using humic/fulvic acids in my fertilizer program since 1994. I balance the soil with the help of these fine products to help Mother Nature build a healthy soil> Then I have a healthy crop, and Bovines eat it and they become healthy etc.

Replied by Loquat
(Jinan, China)

Humic acid, is rapidly being recognized as one of the key elements in many scientific breakthroughs of the 21st century. It is one of the most crucial factors in the reversal and prevention of disease, as well as the maintenance of good health. I got this link: http://www.greenagrosource.com/the-benefits-of-humic-acid.html

General Feedback
Posted by Nguyen (Vietnam) on 08/10/2005

I am 35years old, living in Vietnam. As you know, VN is an agriculture country (80% of population) and there are many peat-area. I am looking for technology, equipments that can help me to extract humic acid from peat - this is a good target in business and support my peasants in VN for better life. Please kindly contact me with my above email address. I do hope to be advised from you how to extract humic acid. Thank you in advance.

Replied by Ted
(Bangkok, Thailand)
392 posts

The amount of humic acid in peats are so small you cannot do it. Most humic acids and fulvic acid are extracted from near ancient prehistoric deposits on top of coal. In coal mining they resemble a very low grade for heating purposes only, bituminous coal deposits.

However, humic acid are softer than bituminous coal deposits for which they are extracted with humic acid. You cannot do it from extracting from peats, it takes many tons of peat just to get only a handful of fulvic acid or humic acid. The best way to make money from fulvic acid is to mix them into fertilizer to improve the uptake of minerals by the plant.

It causes fertilizer chemical to be biologically available. To date there is no fertilizer chemicals
using this process, but it works well.

Lucid Dreams

3 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Dannelle (Mckinney, Tx Usa) on 12/22/2012

Hello my name is Dannelle and I am looking to do additional research on fulvic acid. In searching via Internet I have found multiple times an allusion to further benefits of fulvic acid beyond physical regeneration. I have been using from a reputable source, and currently experiencing herx symptoms, and I am also having vivid/lucid dreams. I am looking for guidance to find resources to learn more about the propertities of fulvic acid in this regard, perhaps emotional and spiritual, that cannot be shared in a public forum. I thank you in advance. Sincerely, Dannelle

Replied by Michael

I saw that u had vivid dreams I did too. But there is a reason for that. Many toxins limited our pineal glad our psychic gland. Flouride is put into everything and builds calcium in the pineal glad. When taking fulvic it pulls it out. Im not sure what other symptoms u had. But feeling like u have a cold is expected at first till ur body flushes all the toxins out.

Replied by Shenica

I'm so glad I found this post. I have been on Fulvic acid for about a week and I am also have cold symptoms and I'm experiencing very vivid dreams.

Replied by Heather
(Queensland Australia)

I was interested to read of others new to fulvic acid having vivid dreams. The first night the nightmares were horrific, but have been getting calmer. I find this interesting. I am only up to 3 drops daily.

Also concerned that even after filtering my tap water may contain some chloride. Will maybe invest in a water tank.

Replied by Mike

I've been taking fulvic/humic acid for about a month now. I take it just before I go to bed. Ever since I started taking it I've noticed extremely vivid dreams. Not are my dreams vivid, but it feels like from the time I lay my head on the pillow to the time I get up in the morning I'm dreaming! It's pretty intense!

Smoking Addiction

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Scott (Pen Argyl, Pa) on 01/18/2010

I ran across fulvic acid quite by accident and started using it as a preventative supplement for various conditions. I noticed that I had more energy, better concentration and a general sense of better health but found another interesting effect. Fulvic acid is a chelator that helps detox the body. I think it took the nicotine and other pollutants from smoking out of my body so that I no longer had the strong cravings. In fact, sometimes I found the cigarettes distasteful so I just quit. The one problem I had with quitting was the physiological reaction of my lungs still wanting that feeling of being filled by the smoke. I solved that just by inhaling and exhaling as if I was smoking without the smoke and it reduced those cravings. I've been off cigarettes for two weeks now. As Samuel Clements aka Mark Twain said, quiting smoking is easy, I've done it hundreds of times. Well so have I. I have a feeling though, this time will be my last time quitting. I just am not having the cravings I had the other hundreds of times I tried quitting and it's just been so darned easy. If this isn't detoxing, I don't know what is.

I use a concentrated form of fulic, 350 times in liquid form. I add 12 drops to to juice or tea. It seems to react to milk so don't use that. Also, as it is a chelator it's highly reactive so don't buy it in any kind of plastic container, only glass. Plastic is also now found to contain a chemical that might contribute to erectile disfunction so stay away from it as much as possible. I won't even use a plastic cup with fulvic acid because of how reactive it is.

EarthClinic won't let us post specific products but maybe they'll let these key words through so you can find it on your own if you do a search. Fulvic Acid, Optimally, Organic. If they let this through then you'll find a supplier that provides several reports on the site that tells of the many other benefits of fulvic acid and one that offers the best value I've found so far in a quality product in a glass container.

Replied by Rena
(Mineral Bluff, Georgia, Usa)

Hi Scott from Pen Argyl, Pa.

I don't know if you are aware, but the brand you are using isn't just fulvic acid, it's ionic minerals in a fulvic acid base. Not that you may care, just to let you know. I also bought this brand first, then I realized what it was, so then I bought the other from bioag which is just fulvic acid, and am currently using both. The kind you have in the morning and the other in the evening.

May I ask how old you are, and how long have you been using it? Also, what conditions are you using it for? It is wonderful stuff isn't it, Peace, Rena.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Donna (South Carolina) on 05/18/2016

Editor's Choice

I was so so sick yesterday, and by the evening desperate to feel better. I have Dengue Fever, Encephalitis and Varicella in my CNS, Lungs and Liver. I am on a protocol to eliminate those, so no worries.... The day before I had taken a Tbsp of High Maize Resistant Starch ( my first big dose) and that, for some reason, set the viruses off! I could hardly breathe - so sick and started to write my Will.

I had a 2 year half used bottle of Optimally Organic Fulvic Acid, and in the evening decided to try that, because of a post I read from Ted where he saved someone from a serious viral disease with humic acid powder. Took 12 drops in distilled water, in split doses, two hours apart, and omg! All the viruses abetted, I could breathe, my eyes could open and I felt 100% amazing. Not sure what this poster is saying, but O. Organic literally saved me......

Sleep so well, felt wonderful upon awakening.

I was even following Ted's advice on small dose of lysine every hour - did nothing for me. He says that will help eliminate viruses as it controls blood sugar, cortisol, which is what viruses feed on. Did nothing for me. It was the O Organic that truly did the trick.

Where to Buy Info

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Dr R.k.khatri (Mumbai India, Maharashtra) on 04/14/2012

Dear Members, Best source of Fulvic/ Humic acid is Leonardite based. And this is in colour of dark brown to black and acitic Ph 2 to 3. This should used with non-chlorinated water and should be free from any heavy metals and becteria before use.

Regards, Dr R.K.Khatri

Where to Buy Info
Posted by Sarah (London, Uk) on 08/13/2011

After going round in circles like everyone else on this forum, reading loads of dodgy fulvic acid sellers' claims, I've finally decided on a way forward.

Crucially he recommends two competing brands, which are much cheaper than some of the other websites mentioned and also come from established healthcare companies with a notable absence of hysterical marketing: I find this very reassuring. Just tried a bit of Brand A - broke open the capsule and took the powder in water - and feel uplifted but not frenetic. Early days: I will give it a month or so and report back.

Replied by Zaf
(London, Uk England)

hi I have seen your link but has no information about where to buy the fulvic acid can u please tell me if this new product is any goood http://www.amazon.co.uk/s?ie=UTF8&search-type=ss&index=drugstore&field-keywords=Liquid Zeolite I have been reading about zeolite and many say beware im very confused is there any uk seller selling fulvic acid :( HELP ( TO CURE MY ACID REFLUX HAD FOR 2 YEARS :(! )

Replied by Sarah
(London, Uk)

Hi Zaf,

It's down at the very bottom of the article - it suggests either Enzymatic Therapy's complete metal cleanse (which is made from fulvic acid concentrated from a Hungarian bog) or Morningstar Minerals product (it has a few on iherb). I'm experimenting with the former - I want to give it a bit longer before I really comment, but so far I'm very pleased and think it's actually working - both more energy and less stressy. Just don't take it last thing at night, I'm finding I don't sleep well and have very weird dreams if I do. Zeolite stuff is a whole other can of worms - exactly like fulvic, lots of manufacturers with wild claims and attacking each other - very difficult to find anyone who has done research with their own product. Good luck! - and do tell me if you try either of the products above, interested to compare notes...

Replied by Rob
(Manhattan, Ny)

I've tried both the expensive liquid (Wairora) and powder (Zeoforce)..

It is hard to measure their effect but both seemed to help with brain fog, clarity... I experienced a slight cramping with the powder and both would give a slight headache from dehydration... important to drink lots of water taking it..

I won't buy the Wairora brand anymore because it is multi-level marketed which explains some of the aggressive selling tactics on the web... The Zeoforce is probably a better deal... It does seem to help when my system feels off or acidic... However I don't take it too often as I am waiting for more science to back it up... proceed with caution is probably the best advice on this...

Where to Buy: Australia

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Cally (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) on 03/06/2010

My search for fulvic acid was endless. It was very difficult to find which fulvic acid was the best. Could you please tell me where I cay buy a high quality fulvic acid. I would prefer it to be in Australia but in the end if the quality is good I am willing to buy it elsewhere as well. Thanks a lot.

Replied by Angel
(Anaheim, Ca)

Hi , I found the best fulvic/humic/zeolyte and other trace minerals and the whole family is using it even my Mom and my Dad. It does wonders. Even my friends are now using it. If you are still interested to know where I buy it from pls provide us with your contact info. I am buying it from outside US and they mail it to me directly for my personal use.

Replied by Caruso
(Davison, Mi)

Where can I purchase the best fulvic/humic/zeolyte and other trace minerals?

Replied by Nicole
(Sydney, Nsw)

I am not sure where you live, but I know Newtons Pharmacy on York Street in Sydney sells zeolyte.

Replied by Bonnie
(Queensland, Australia)

PLEASE help me find the true Fulvic Acid in Australia. I came across the WuJinSan online and wonder if anyone has found it here in Australia. If not, what is the next best thing? Thanks!

Replied by Prioris

I notice that WuJinSan doesn't list any information regarding concentration. It's hard to tell what amount one is actually getting. I think the mother earth labs gives much more bang for the dollar. I can't give you any help regarding where to find it in Australia.

Replied by Danton
(Washington, DC)

One of the cheapest and most bio-available sources of fulvic acid is Blk water. It can be purchased in most health/grocery stores. It is purified fulvic/humic trace mineral complex + spring water from near Polar Wisconsin. Since it's already in a liquid form, I believe that it's the best source of fulvic/humic acid (Shilajit). The mythology (which always contains truth) is rich and vast concerning the healing potential of this substance. In Ayurvedic medicine, it is at the top of the list as far as healing, detox, and longevity.

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