Anal Itch
Natural Remedies

Anal Itch Remedies

| Modified on Aug 15, 2024
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Let’s be honest, we have all been there – pretending you’re paying attention when all you can do is think of ways to find relief. You may be embarrassed to discuss such a sensitive issue as anal itching, but the reality is that it is a very common issue with a variety of causes. Whatever the cause, though, we have a few natural remedies for you that will actually offer relief, including apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, and fresh garlic.

What Is Anal Itching?

A common condition, anal itching is an itch that is situated in the anus or on the skin directly around the anus. The condition is typically accompanied by a strong urge to scratch and is often embarrassing and rather uncomfortable. Additional symptoms of the condition, also known as Pruritus ani, include burning and soreness in and around the anus.

What Causes Pruritus Ani?

Identifying the underlying cause of the condition is often considered one of the most important steps toward treating the itch. The condition has a number of common causes including skin irritation, digestive issues, hemorrhoids, infection, skin disease, and anal tumors.

Can I Get Rid of the Itch with Natural Treatments?

While most rectal itching does not require medical treatment, seeking treatment can offer faster relief and healing. While the exact cause of the condition often warrants specific treatment, we have found apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, and fresh garlic to be effective treatments to an assortment of causes of anal itching. Additionally, avoid scratching, wearing tight underwear, and taking bubble baths to prevent further irritation.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

One of the key causes of anal itching is general acidity in the body. As such, taking a daily dose of 2 tablespoons of ACV diluted in 8 ounces of water is an effective way to treat the condition, as it helps alkalize the body. It also helps fight infection and support overall health.

2. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a natural infection-fighting agent, so it helps eliminate the cause of the condition. It also helps relieve inflammation that may be contributing to the condition.

3. Fresh Garlic

Garlic helps treat the condition from the inside out. It helps to eliminate intestinal infection as well as to relieve inflammation throughout the body.

In addition to these remedies, you may want to try warm sitz baths as well as witch hazel for additional relief. We also suggest searching our database of reader contributed treatment options to find even more relief. Please let us know what you tried to heal your anal itch!

Additional Pages of Interest:
Hemorrhoid Remedies
Anal Fissure Remedies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Naturedoc (Los Angeles, California) on 01/15/2012

I too found much of the feedback on anal burning & itching very funny.. Though I know its very a very personal & distressing problem. My experience is that its usually due to

a. general acidity of the system:

this can be remedied quite quickly by drinking plenty of raw vegetable juice made & drunk right away.. Especially carrot with a green apple & a little fresh ginger added. And, an enema with warm water with a 1/4cup of liquid chlorophyll added.

You'll be amazed how 'miraculously' the burning will disappear.

b. worms

Believe it or not, worms in the colon (large intestine) are more common than one would imagine. In this case Before breakfast, 3 cloves of raw garlic, chopped well & left to sit out on the chopping board

for 15mins, then swallowed down with a glass of water.. (3 Beanos tabs taken with will prevent gas)

then eat a bowl of oatmeal or toast for breakfast.

The garlic taken as above every morning for 7 days will kill any invaders, & help to lower blood pressure & cholesterol levels. Plus its a marvelous anti fungal, anti viral & anti bacterial. Again, take the warm water enema with the added 1/4cup of liquid chlorophyll once a day (I recommend Dr. Jensens liquid chlorophyll). Topically I have found applying a warm moist wash cloth to the rectal area followed with a good smear of wheat germ oil is very soothing. As another person mentioned Virgin Coconut oil is also very helpful

..However, alkalising the system with fresh vegetable juices (not fruit), & relieving the bowel of some of its waste with a simple natural non painful enema (as mentioned in the Bible) is THE solution in my opinion. (one can buy the hotwater bottle with enema attachments at any big pharmacy)

Replied by Naturehealth
(Valencia, Spain)

Thanks for all input to this great site.

I tried aloe vera and tea tree oil applied to itch. Then ate raw garlic first thing in morning, as per advice on this site. This, combined with applying cider apple vinegar, cleared it up in a few days.... after months of discomfort.

Replied by David

It's very common and natural and called Pruritus Ani. Too many people suggest it's because you need to clean more but they are wrong and actually that makes it worse if you clean too much. It's the constant rubbing with toilet paper that removes the body's natural oils and irritates the sensitive skin. The best solution is to clean with water and little or no soap (as soap can dry the skin out also) and stop the wiping with toilet paper. Water is cleaner anyways and healthier too. The most convenient and efficient way to clean with water is not to take a shower every time or jumping up on the sink but with a Hand Bidet Sprayer. They locate right at the toilet and require no new plumbing. The itch will go away and not come back.

Aloe and Apple Cider Vinegar

Posted by Cindy (Missouri, US) on 07/22/2014

I have had the itch for over 30 years. It used to keep me awake but I have overcome that. One thing no one should ever do is use a loofa on their anus. It feels so good while you are scratching with it. Then the fire starts. It takes several days for it to heal enough to take a comfortable poop. Don't do it! I have tried everything, some things work and others don't. I wish I could make it go away forever. For years I used my aloe plant, it was known by my family as mom's malady muck. I do think that vinegar is the best choice overall.

Aloe and Tea Tree Oil

3 User Reviews
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1 star (1) 

Posted by CC (SLC, Utah) on 12/07/2008

I had a Itchy/Burning Butt and Reddish Anus (Ouch!) - Doc said to use baby wipes and no dye no fragrance toilet paper (no help). I found with using Aloe (Aloe Vera Skin Gel) & Tea Tree Therapy (Tea Tree Oil Antiseptic Cream) applied to the area that hurt took care of my problem. Thx.

Replied by Michael
(Providence, Ri)

Ok, it's been a week now and I've had ups and downs thx to reading this page. My butt was so itchy I woke up crying and drove myself to the 24 hour pharmacy. Mind you I'm a 42 year old man, this condition has been so frustrating, embarassing, and has taken over my life.

I tried tea tree oil. A little relief.

I tried Apple Cider Vinegar. OUCH! Made my sensitive area worse.

I tried Zinc Oxide, major change, but now I want the cure.

Witch Hazel is wonderful, but I think we are gonna see a doctor tomorrow. I've narrowed the iritation down to only when I have to poop. What does that mean people?

Replied by Kelly
(Cambridge, Ma)

You haven't been taking probiotics by any chance, have you? I'm asking because I had that problem when I started them and when I went off of them.

The best remedy ever is to take a warm sitz bath after bowel movements. Adding a little Witch Hazel to the water - even better. It's soothing, healing and I'll bet you even find it 'curing'. Good luck. I feel for you. It's no fun.

(Frankford, Delaware)

Very interesting because since I have started on probiotics this has happened to me.

Replied by Gavin
(Manganui, Northland, New Zealand)

Its definiatly fungal.. If you do nothing it will clear up in a few years. The firsts thing I would try would be Virgin coconut oil internaly and externaly. Start off with three teaspoons a day and smear the oil into the anal cavity and around the buttocks. If this dosnt work (Im sure it will) then try another antifungal. Wash hands thoroughly to avoid reinfrction.

Replied by Rose
(New York)

Vicks vapor rub should do the trick. Just man up becase it's not that bad..

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

Michael it sounds like you have parasites. Garlic is excellent for parasites.

Replied by Sahara
(Somewhere, France)

Hi Michael! This problem will stop if you eat a pinch of paprika in your meals.

By the way I m still looking for a natural solution to clear out a marisca. It's a peace of skin hanging outside anus. I had this after giving birth. Thank you for your help. Sahara

Replied by Cc
(Slc , Utah)

Back in 2008 I had a bad itch not only on my Butt but also on my anus, upper thighs between the legs, both tesicles and the tip of the penis. From what I now believe it was most likely a male yeast infection or some type of severe jock itch. Even though I used tea tree oil and aloe it came back with a vengeance. I then found using 91% Isoproply Alcohol on cotton rounds or on cotton pads applied to the areas that itched took care of ALL of the itch problems. It will burn like Heck and you will question if this should be happening but it is killing either the yeast, fungus or fungi. How if I could just get rid of the white tonuge... But no more burning down below and that was a couple of years ago. It was driving me crazy... G/l

Replied by Brittany
(Grove City, Oh, Usa)

CC from SLC: You have a yeast infection in your mouth. I don't know of an herbal or "natural" remedy but I had thrush (yeast in the mouth) after a surgery I had and was put on clotrimazole lozenges. It worked in about a week and I quit taking them and it never returned.

Replied by Joeyt
(New York, New York, United States)

I bought a natural cream from England that contains tea tree oil along with beeswax, coconut oil and loads of other stuff. This is the only thing that has worked for me and I would strongly recommend it. I used to wake up three to 4 times a night with an itch and it drove me mad. Of course scratching it caused bleeding and soreness. I apply it morning and night and for the past six months I've been great.

Replied by Mr Stuwi
(Cornwall, Uk)

Once you've ruled out thread worms you have probably got Ani puritus, which is really common in adults. Unfortunately there isn't a definite cure, you will remain susceptible to problems, unless you manage your diet, health and hygiene. Rubbing too hard with toilet paper or not cleaning properly are both culprits. There's now help on the market that lubricates and aids cleansing. Hope you get happy relief.

Replied by Anon

Rubbing alcohol cures fungal infections which it may be.

Aloe and Witch Hazel

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Lsck (Ontario, Canada ) on 04/03/2017 1 posts

Editor's Choice

Cure for chronic Anal Itch:

So many ailments of mine have been cured by things that people have taken the time to post on here. So it's time for me to contribute!

I've been suffering from severe anal itch since I got pregnant with my daughter 3 years ago. It would go away temporarily but then would always come back. I tried EVERYTHING. From trial and error, I finally discovered something that works for me. Hopefully it helps somebody.

Here it is:

Soak mini cotton balls (not q-tips) in witch hazel/aloe combo. Shape them in a skinny-ish narrow shapes. If you can't find little ones, break them in half. Put in freezer. Once frozen, insert whenever needed. I tried coating with coconut oil to help ease them in, but I found that the oil caused more irritation. Sorry for TMI but you kind of have to apply a bit of pressure to get in. But once in, oh my gosh it is COLD. I urge you to grin and bear it because it instantly relieves the itch, and after a minute it is extremely soothing. Leave in for as long as you can, but I don't recommend overnight because it will start to bug you. Use these whenever needed until the problem is resolved. It took about three days for my problem to go away completely.

The frozen factor relieves the swelling and irritation, which I believe was THE key to curing my problem. Keeping the swelling and irritation down so that the area had a chance to heal.

I tried frozen ACV cotton balls first, but I believe that unless you have some sort of infection in there, the vinegar is too harsh for that area and will slow/prevent the healing process.

Hope this helps somebody!!

Anti-Candida Remedies

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jsruby (San Francisco) on 03/11/2016

I tried nearly everything on this earth clinic list for anal itch for about a month. Sometimes the itch would stop for a bit but just continue. It felt more like crawling rather than itching. In my case it is yeast. The only thing that stopped it was prebiotic suppositories for yeast infection. It says it's for vaginal but I used for anal in the morning and at night.

I also took a 9 multi-strain candida formula to drink 1 tsp morning and night. This stopped it immediately!

It also helps to follow an anti-candida diet, no starches, breads, sugar, alcohol. Look up 10 best foods to combat candida. There are also teas and supplements to fight yeast.

Anti-Fungal Creme

2 User Reviews
5 star (1) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Pat (Norco, Ca) on 05/03/2013

I have been going absolutely crazy with (embarassing!) anal itching. However, today, I tried a cream I bought in Mexico, called "Comazol. " The key ingredient is Ketoconazol. This is a prescription in the States. (Not a prescription in Mexico) However, perhaps, it would be available on a Canadian website... Not sure. It was absolute MAGIC! Everything (including my vaginal area, which also itched) stopped itching within ten minutes. Not sure if it's a "cure, " yet. Praying it is. Hope this helps someone....

Replied by Jg

I tried a lot of different things, nothing seemed to help until I tried Lotrimin AF (the orange one for athlete's foot). This is 1% Clotrimazol, don't use Generic and don't use the yellow Lotrimin. Get the orange Lotrimin AF. This stuff worked like a charm. Apply 3 times a day until itch is relieved. I think I only had to do this for 3-5 days.

Other product I've used is Balneol, which helps reduce irritation a lot. It doesn't take away the itching, but it can prevent some of the irritation, which causes the itching.

Good luck.

Apple Cider Vinegar

9 User Reviews
5 star (8) 

Posted by Colorado Kris (Colorado) on 11/16/2016

Ok, so I has a VERY itch butt. There was small white little crumble discharge, that was the itchyness. It had been going on for a couple months. I was gonna try some natural things first, then last resort, the doctor. I'm a believer in apple cider vinegar. It work like a charm on acne! I was reading all the itchy butt refleif stories, so I thought I would give it a try. I soaked a cotton ball in organic apple cider vinegar with the mother( actually with a little of the mother on it)i put it just right inside the hole for 10 min-that's were I believe I went terribly wrong! It burned like crazy the whole time! I took it out and immediately horrendous pain!! The worst pain I believe I've ever experienced. I could barely move or breath the pain was undescribably. I thought I was going to pass out but knew if I did I would most definitely rip it more and wouldn't be able to get up of the floor. I filled the bathroom sink with warm water, coconut oil olive oil, tea tree oil and tried my hardest to sit in it because the bath trying was impossible to get back it( I could lift me legs up that high because of the pain.

I began searching this site for doing some kind of relief. I tried extra virgin olive oil, aloe Vera from the plant and the bottle- I was too far gone.. I some how barely made it on my bed in the worst position ( the only one that wasn't so painful. I'm surprised my neighbors didn't call the ambulance with all the noise I made for so many hours. I was sweating and exhausted. Luckily I remembered I had some left over pain pills from a old surgery! I feel like that thing saved my life! I tried all the other natural cures that I had ingredients to at my house.

Anyways I was not able to view the damage I did to myself until I woke up the next am. The taint, or the little flap of skin in-between your vagina and anus burst in a couple places and where I put the soaked cotton ball, shredded inside and outside it! Puss everywhere and a little blood. I called out to work that day and slept the whole day until 9 pm( 24 hrs later) I've been doing a couple sitz baths with olive oil, coconut oil, epsom salt then pour olive oil all over it after each bath the last two days, still lots of puss and can hardly walk . I guess I drew out the infection, man it was rough! I will NEVER DO THAT AGAIN, especially since I did it the wrong way. I am still a believer in the apple cider vinegar remedies, just not for me down there in the booty department. Sorry to be a complainer, I think this site is great and tell people about it when I can. I should have read more carefully.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Penntony (Erial, Nj) on 01/19/2015

I have had this itching problem for about ten days. I called the Doctor and she sent a cream. I have used it for about 5 days and it has shown some relief. Today I got some apple Cider Vinegar. It helped but, then I put some more and left it there for a few minutes. When I took the cloth out, it had some surface blood on it. I dried the area up and have checked several times since without seeing any blood. So, I guess that you have to be careful about using this.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dan (Uk) on 08/24/2013

Anal Itch: OMG Apple cider vinegar works! The itch/burning had been driving me mad for several months, on and off, following supposed prostatitis (which was much improved with simple stretches - google Heal Pelvic Pain book - my doctors didn't have a clue) I tried coconut oil with some relief, but the ACV worked almost immediately. No stinging and I've got my mojo back. Thank you so much! Try it.

Replied by Cathy

Omg after reading all your posts I decided what have I got to lose so I soaked a washcloth with ACV and placed it between my buttocks it really stung but at first but then it started to lessen and now it really feels better thank you all so so much!

Replied by Dan

Arse update - The ACV has worked! But it did start to sting, which I guess means it was working, so I alternated between ACV (diluted) and witch hazel gel for a week. This did the trick. Good luck!

Replied by Dan

Arse update 2 : After an itchy relapse caused by what, I don't know, I decided to try natural bio yogurt a few times - very soothing, and itch has gone - let's hope so!

Replied by Richer
(Colorado, US)

How did you use the ACV to get rid of the itching?

Replied by Larry
(Shingletown, Ca Usa)

I wet a cotton ball with ACV and stick it at the anal opening. It will sting a bit at first. Leave it there for a minute or so. Relief is almost instant. If it has a blood stain on it, when you remove it you probably have a hemorrhoid. You will have to repeat as necessary. But works rather fast for me.

Replied by Valérie
(Nanaim Bc)

Do you know what caused the itchiness in the first place? Do you apply Apple Cider Vinegar every night? I've been dealing with mine for years.

Replied by Jo
(Columbus Ohio)

I've had itchy rectal area for several years. When I stop using hot spices it goes away- when I go back to hot spices it comes back. I think the spices inflame hemmoroids and fissures and cause itching and pain. I use wet wipes to clean the rectal area after using the bathroom and that helps. Vinegar helps somewhat. My pharmacist told me to use hydrocortisone cream for the itchness for a few days (around the outside of rectum only)to heal and lay off the spices.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ray (Racine, Wi) on 07/06/2013

I have to thank everyone who posted information about ACV for anal itch. I been having this problem for 6 months and nothing helped. The only thing I did different was to soak in a bath of hot water with a cup of white vinegar. Then I followed up with the ACV, Tea Tree oil and Coconut oil. I problem went away that night. Thank you all.

Replied by Desperate
(Sarasota, Fla)

How do you apply the acv, tea tree and coconut oil? In a paste or seperately? I am so exhausted. Cant sleep or work or function anymore! HELP

6 months and I feel officially crazy!

Replied by Juanita

DO not use pure tea tree, it can cause very painful skin burns.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Itchy Boy's Mom (Boston, Ma) on 09/02/2012

Everyone here is so good natured about this uncomfortable problem. My poor 11 year old has had an itchy butt on and off for a couple of months. We have tried Prep-H and that does next to nothing. By the time we get to the doctor the symptoms have disappeared. Hoping a specialist can rule out other things, but in the meantime I am going to see if he is willing to try the ACV followed by aloe. He does sit on his butt a lot while playing video games (but manages to play outside a lot too! ) and he sits on a donut pillow, but I bet that contributes to his condition. Anyway, thanks for the advice, and I will post again once we try the ACV and aloe.

Replied by Bob

Worms maybe?

Replied by Jen
(Redondo Beach)

Incredible. I was despairing, having tried everything including antifungals and steroid creams. This works like magic. I believe it works by restoring the acid mantle of the skin--healthy skin being naturally acidic. Anyway- itch gone, comfort restored!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kerri (Kansas City, MO) on 06/20/2009

itchy butt: Love love love this website. I'm very much into natural healing and run from anything that comes from Big Pharma. I've got to say that I about fell out when I was reading about people's "itchy butt" - side splitters, these testimonials. Please, I'm not making fun, we've all had itchy butt at least once. Christine from NY - loved your comments and the guy that asked his girlfriend to blow on his backside. . . I'm still laughing! OK, back to my reading - too funny!

Replied by Jasmine
(Tucson, Az)

If you take too much acidolphilus or any probiotic supplement you will definitely get an itchy butt--I guarantee it! That is one easy way to tell if you are overdosing. You will think you have pinworms as it feels like just like something is moving or crawling at the anal opening.

Replied by Bee
(Somewhere, Mo)
08/11/2009 I think that must be true about too much probiotics causing an itchy butt. I have never had this problem, despite having IBS, irritation...yes...but itching like crazy like this..never!! It's so annoying. I haven't taken any probiotics today to see if it will help. I just recently started them and then upped the amount. I will definitely cut back. As far as trying to get rid of the itch...some improvement with the tea tree oil on a cotton ball. Kept it on there for about 5 mins. Felt cooling and soothing, minor sting, not bad at all, but only lessened the itch. So I put some zinc oxide ointment which kept it under control most of the day, but now it's itching again. I just put some VCO to see how that helps. No change yet. But hoping it will stop eventually with reducing the probiotics!!

Replied by Faith
(St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands)

Trust me, the apple cider vinegar works for the "itchy butt". I've used it a number of times. I get itchy when i eat too many carbohydrates. I use apple cider vinegar for must skin irritations and it works. :)

Replied by Tom
(Munster, In)

Out of desparation I tried a brand of lip balm (Carmex) on my itchy anus. It worked incredibly well to instantly stop the itch. I don't suppose Carmex would ever suggest using a lip product for the anus......... but it works instantly. I hide my Carmex as I don't want anyone to ask to "borrow some" (if they knew they'd never ask) Tom

Replied by Marcelo
(Sao Paulo, Brazil)

Okay... It`s been few months that I am suffering from this itchying where I got to a point that I couldnt take anymore. Went to the doctor and did a full treatment for worms(6 X meza*&&^ can`t remember the medicine name)anyway it didnt work. Went back and collected a sample for scan and the result didnt show any kind of parasites. So I found this BRILIANT article about the Apple CIder Vinegar which made me scream in the toilet :) but it felt good!! Oh yahhh. I have to say that sorted me out, but what`s happening now its that becomes itchy after using the toilet( after a shit).. Where I have to use the ACV again! Im wondering that could be my diet as I am very much into weight training(carb cycling at the moment). Could it be too much protein? considering that I eat every 3-4 hours.. 7 meals /day. Also did reduce the amount of whey protein that I was taking since last year( isolated whey chocolate flavour-again could it be from cocoa powder.. ??!! ) Appreciate any suggestions! :) Thank you Christine!! Love ya!

Replied by Jenn
(Los Angeles, California)

OMG - I am laughing so hard, first for this message string, and 2nd that it's taken me two months of an itchy butt before I got online to find a natural remedy. So I want to thank you all for your insights as now I have some remedies to work with.

Also, I know what is causing my itchy butt. My doc put me on high dose probiotics to naturally get rid of a stomach pnemonia virus and then I started a 3-week cleanse that had probiotics in it. No wonder when I got off the cleanse I had itchy butt.

I am just getting over a stomach flu and was dosing up on my probiotics.... No wonder I've got such an itchy butt tonight. :-(. Ok, I'm off the probiotics until I'm not itchy anymore.

Good night and be well!

Replied by Amoni
(Phoenix, Arizona)

Yes. I detest the smell of apple cider vinegar -- it makes me nauseous because as a child my mother made me rinse my hair after shampooing to make it shiny and manageable. When I read about the anal itch cure with it I'd been using expensive products. It hurts when applied but OVERNIGHT the itch is GONE!

Replied by Thomas
(London, Uk)

I am often skeptical about natural miracle cures but I have to admit Christine was right on this one. Last night my anus was itchy and burning to the point of insanity. After reading this I gathered I had nothing left to lose. I got the ACV I already had in my cupboard, put a bit on a piece of kitchen towl and tucked it between my cheeks for a minute. The initial sting was unpleasant but if you get to the point I was at it would be the least of your worries. I removed the kitchen towl then applied a little aloe vera gel to help the burning. 20 mins later the itch had practically gone and I was able to sleep. My only regret is that I hadnt read this at the beginning of the night! Thanks for your help and I would recommend this remedy to anyone.

Replied by James
(Houston, Texas)

I have reached the same point - I have nothing to lose, I'm going to try the ACV solution and hope for the best. I've tried almost everything else. I too have a high protein diet mostly from chocolate flavored drinks that are premixed, to supplement my workouts. If his proves to be the root cause rest assured I will find another source of protein.

Replied by Sean
(London, Uk)

just given it a try and feels better already!

Avoid Peanuts, Use Coconut Oil

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Cheri (Port Charlotte , FL) on 11/10/2008

Well I stopped eating peanuts and my rectum stopped itching. so much that if it says "may contain peanuts" I won't eat it any more It's nice to know what was causing that horrable itch ya can't scratch in public. Also coconut oil for anything ichy or red down there and I get relief.

Replied by TraderJosie
(Maricopa, AZ)

I had an itchy butt for 2 years and I finally cured it with MEBENZADOLE the mexican name is VERMOX
(for parasitic infection) I asked my doc. for some and I took it once every 10 days for two months. No more itchy butt.

Replied by Todd
(Indianapolis, Indiana)

Nuts definitely cause it. I just started a workout program that advised nuts for protein. I've been eating almonds like crazy. Then I started getting the itch! I can stop taking them and the problem goes away. I think I can also get used to it after eating them for awhile?

I thought maybe there were little undigested pieces of the almonds causing the problem, but who knows maybe there is some kind of reaction.

Replied by Geoff

This guy is correct! I tried the same experiment months ago and problem gone in two days; and not returning. Doctors should know this. There must be so many medications and concoctions prescribed for peanut lovers exit pipes. I still eat peanuts, but about 1/4 as many. Easy!

Banana Peel

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Davey But-itchi (Seattle Wash ) on 02/04/2017

Banana peel the inside with the white part just rub on the effected area and a little sting then the itch is gone ...cures anal itch.

Banana Peel
Posted by G (Wherever, Fl, USA) on 09/26/2012

I suffered from an itchy butt for about 4 or 5 years. And this wasn't just an occasional off-and-on itch either. This was EVERY DAY. It was horrible. Especially at night. It was impossible to get a good night's sleep. And I loves me some sleep. That was probably the worst part. And I tried everything. Apple cider vinegar. Coconut oil. Tea tree oil. Rubbing Alcohol. Zinc Oxide. Nothing worked.

And then I tried a banana peel. I had used it before on warts with success, but I didn't realize its potential for other skin ailments until I read about people using it for dermatitis and eczema. So I figured I'd give it a go. I took a banana peel. Scraped off some of the inside gunk. Not all of it. Just enough to not make a total mess in there. And then I just kinda stuck it in between my butt cheeks and left it there for an hour or so. When I first applied it, the itch became worse. But it's important to resist the urge to remove the peel. After a few minutes the intense itching should go away. To my surprise, the next day my itchy butt had diminished significantly. I finally was able to have a good night's sleep. However, I'm not entirely cured. I find that I have to do this every few days. Also, alcohol is a huge factor for me. If I drink, the itch and soreness quickly returns, so I have to limit how often I over-indulge in alcohol. But the banana peel gave me my life back. Give it a try. All hail the almighty banana peel!!

Replied by Sammy61
(Brooklyn, Ny)

Stop Drinking and the itch will go away.... I'd rather be sober than to make a habit of sticking banana peels up my azz. Cmon Man!

Replied by Kay
(In The Valley, Ca)

It sure sounds like you have a candida problem. Look it up on EC and see if any info can help you. Good Luck, sounds miserable!

Replied by Me
(Mississauga, Ontario, Canada)

Itchy but it's a sign of parasites in your organism, check that out! I remember reading an article about using natural remedies to deparasite the body wich said that we should use one remedy at a time for no longer than one week or ten days because the parasites develop resistence to it, always have them on an empty stomach, especially in the morning. There was a list of over a dozen of natural remedies, I remember only a few like bee products, garlic or pumpkin seeds, not salted or roasted, I think you can find more info. on this site or google if you are interested.

Replied by Smitty
(Greensboro, Nc)

When u said the alcohol sets it off that immediately made me think of yeast! How many of us have had butt problems since Christmas and New Year's. I've had 2 horrible episodes and wondering if sugary treats set it off. Also have not had any corn in many month, had cornbread that about killed me until all of those 2 meals got thru my system.
