Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
(Rajkot, India)
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar, Aspirin, Banatrol
Apple Cider Vinegar, Aspirin, White Potato
(Queens, Ny)
i have a question. I tried the Apple Cider Vinegar before and it indeed removed the dead skin. But my skin was really red and raw underneath and the callous on top of my toes eventually formed again, even worse this time. Did your aloe vera treatment work to restore the skin after using the ACV? what was the exact regimen?
(Brooklyn, Ny)
Hi Ashley,
After the ACV/aspirin technique to remove the corn, I would make a paste of the aloe vera and white potato mix then add a small bit of vaseline. I would apply this to my red area left from the corn and cover with a bandaid. I would do this nightly until the redness disappears.
If your corns are reappearing, you may need to investigate the cause: tight shoes, toes misaligned ... Try foot massages and exercises which stretches your feet like grabbing a towel or objects off the floor with your toes. Toe stretchers are nice too but can be costly. Cover your toes with bandaids or wear socks with shoes if they rub your skin. If you believe your shoes need to be "broken-in" invest in a wooden shoe stretcher or spray them with rubbing alcohol and then stuff them with newspaper.
General skin care is must: drink water, moisturize and take vitamins for hair/skin/nails...
Hope this helps.
Banana and Lemon Peel, ACV Soaks
Banana Peel
The banana peel worked in about two days on a soft corn in between my pinky and fourth toe. I also had success with peel on a rough patch of skin on my thigh that popped up overnight...raised pores and almost like sandpaper. for my part, even old saved banana peels, still work, including peels from bananas I had to freeze before they went bad because I didn't use them enough.
Banana Peel
(Los Angeles CA)
I have tried the banana peel on the corn and find that it is torturously and unbearably painful and feel like this part of the remedy should be mentioned. Or is it just my unique experience. Very sharp and intense pain coming from the corn with banana on it I have to take it off within minutes. I am aware that points at the peel working but is there a way to better tolerate the pain. Has anyone experienced this?
Depends on how deep and hard the corn is. If the corn is deep and hard, the thick banana peel applies ample pressure to make the pain sharp. But hang in there, as each day goes by it gets smaller, less painful
It can also help to soak feet in 2 Quarts warm water with 1/4 cup epsom salt and 1/4 cup baking soda.
You can also solve from the inside. Taking 10 drops Black Walnut tincture twice every day for two weeks, plus phase 1 diet-------no sugar, starch (corn, potatos, flour, etc) for at least two weeks.
Banana Peel
2. Idea > I have a callus "lawn mower" thingy. After trying soaks and Vaseline my soft corn was a bit soft. I very carefully ran my callus tool for a few seconds only and it helped reduce the pain a little. NOW I'm going to try the banana piece taped on which sounds so easy. Thanks to all for the great ideas. Soft corns ARE amazingly painful.
Banana Peel
It worked great. It took about a week and a half of continually changing the banana and bandaid but it totally got rid of the corn!
Banana Peel
Banana Peel
(Durham, NC)
(Bhubaneswar, Orissa, INDIA)
I should be grateful to Babara for this inexpensive and home treatment. I have a large and very painful corn on my left heel. I had undergone an operation but to almost no effect as the corn reappeared in a few days. I shall try the banana peel now and I think it shall cure me.
(Bhubaneswar, Orissa, INDIA)
Please, specify whether the ripe or unripe banana peel should be applied?
EC: Ripe may be better... Check the feedback on the banana peel for warts page:
Hello Barbara, My question is did you leave the same piece of banana peel taped in place for one week or did you apply a new piece of banana peel daily? I have a couple of corns I would like to try this one on, but wonder about the ability to keep the same piece in place X one week, especially on the one that is on the bottom of the toe, just barely off the foot.
(Cavendish, Vermont)
I am trying this now, I will put a fresh banana peel on everyday...I will wear it a day for a week, I keep you posted!Plus, i will get some potassium from the nanners!
(Cavendish, Vt)
(Cavendish, Vermont)
(Byron, Georgia Usa)
My daughter had a corn on her toe that had become extremely painful. She is a diabetic and I wanted to try something natural. I am so glad I found this site!! We alternated between a banana peel and lemon peel changing every night before bed. The corn completely fell off last night. This took about two weeks. AMAZING!
(Ottawa, On)
If your corn looked like cauliflour with black bits, then I would suggest you had a Plantars Wart not a corn. Glad it worked out for you in any case.
(Bonne Terre, Mo)
I have a corn on my left little toe, on top. Very painful that I can not wear enclosed shoes. I have been to the doctor. you won't believe this, my options are cut the toe open and file away calcium deposits or cut the toe off!! He never mentions the corn. This is from a doctor! The corn medications over the counter don't work. Heat irritates it so I put ice on it a few times a day. This helps some. I am an ice skater and need this to go away. I will try the banana and lemon.
Castor Oil
Castor Oil
Here's how I did it and I hope this helps other people because I really understand the pain you go through now and I feel so fortunate that I found mention of this on a website somewhere and gave it a try.
I took a cotton ball tore in less then half apart, made a circle out of it with the center open so the corn could come through the hole.
Pour a small about of castor oil on the cotton, but first place the cotton circle on tape that will stick to the bottom of your foot. I used medical tape that's like cloth from the drugstore. Tape it to the bottom of your foot and wear all day and one on all night. Normally in the morning I would take it off, file the corn with an emery board (black one from Sally's) and put the castor oil patch right back on.
With in 3 days, it was almost gone. I was so happy! Here's a picture of the castor oil I bought and how my cotton donut shaped patch looks. Good luck!!