Castor Oil
Health Benefits

Unlock Castor Oil Benefits: Guide to Hair Growth, Pain Relief, & More!

Beautiful Skin

14 User Reviews
5 star (14) 

Posted by Olivia (Brooklyn, New York) on 06/23/2008

I had hated castor oil for many years because growing up in South America it was a quarterly cleansing ritual by my mother and many others. This website has helped me to see castor oil in a new way. I have been applying it occasionally to my face at night. Every time I do so, I absolutely love the way I look in the morning. My skin looks toned and fresh. Yesterday I attended a function and saw a woman whom I had not seen for about two years. She kept saying "you have to tell me what you are doing, you look ten years younger. I have also been doing facial exercises. She asked her daughter for my number because she said she is determined to find out what I had done to my face. Many people were in the room and she was quite vocal so I just replied that I had been taking care of myself. I will tell her privately. I think the castor oil definitely helped my skin plus the facial exercises helped tone the muscles under the skin. I used to hate the mirror, now I glance at it ever so often. Thanks for the castor oil tip.

Replied by Christelle
(Windhoek, Namibia)

Will this caster oil not give you blackheads?

Replied by Len
(Seattle, Wa)

No--the castor oil will not clog your pores. In fact, it has made my pores clearer and smaller. I was very leery about using an oil on my face (I thought I'd break out terribly) but after the first application, I realized that it helped get rid of any blemishes or inflammations not caused them. And I have less clogged pores.

Replied by Mary
(Saskatchewan, Canada)

To Mama To Many: Hi, does the castor oil make you break out? Do you mix it with anything? Thanks

Replied by Mama To Many
(Tennessee, Usa)

Dear Mary,

I have not had trouble with castor oil causing any type of skin outbreak on me or my family members. We have used it on faces, necks, backs, feet, etc, with no problem. When I use it on my face, sometimes I put a few drops of Rosemary Essential Oil into it (a few drops in an ounce of Castor Oil.) But lately I have just used it plain. (At first I had added the Rosemary because I didn't care for the smell of castor oil, but I guess now I am used to it.) Sometimes I mix castor oil into homemade salves or oil blends for various purposes...I have mixed it with olive oil, coconut oil, and/or almond oil. I have always been happy with castor oil however I have used it.

I hope it will work well for what you need, as well.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Katzie

Castor Oil will not give you blackheads. I regularly use it when I have pimples that have not come to a head yet. I simply rub a dab of the oil into it and then it stops the pimple from forming and it goes away. I never use the oil on a pimple with a head, however, as it causes the pimple to collapse and leaves a small red mark, like the pimple was squeezed or popped. However, on big, red and sore "erupting volcano" zits, Castor Oil stops them dead in their tracks, every time.

Replied by Nic
(Wisconsin, USA)

I realize you posted many years ago. I'm hoping you subscribe to comments and will see this. What facial exercises do you use? Thanks :)

Beautiful Skin
Posted by Brooke (Montgomery, TX) on 03/02/2008

I have religiously used castor oil for over 22 years on my face. About three times per week, I put it on my face and neck and go to sleep! It has continually given me a fresh look, and I have no wrinkles. I also rub it on my elbows and knees. I wash my face with Dr. Bronners Castile Almond soap. The castor oil is a little thick, but keep on trying it. You will get used to it.

Beautiful Skin
Posted by Evita (Chiba City, Japan) on 09/07/2007

Editor's Choice

Castor Oil removes crows feet and wrinkles on the forehead. Mine is not about illness or disease being cured by the castor oil packs. Mine is more of a mundane matter that concerns women about their facial beauty. The tale tell signs (wrinkles) that gives a woman sleepiness nights, avoids facing the mirrors yet counting out the crows feet and how many more lines crisscrossing the forehead. i advise my facial rituals to anybody who is interested to try and apply this very simple application.

Firstly....wash your face with lukewarm water. gently soap the forehead and around the eyes area. Wipe the face with clean towel and let it dry for a few minute. second... into your palm pour a little amount of castor oil. Dab a little amount of oil into the forehead enough to cover the whole area and massage. repeat the ritual around your eyes and be sure the crow's feet get enough of the ointment. If after the massage , you skin is still oily, just press the area with a soft facial tissue. Do not wipe off the ointment.

Do this ritual every night before bedtime, once a day only. It makes you look 15 years younger and you can save money by avoiding botox implants.

Bells Palsy

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Virginia (Cushing, OK) on 08/08/2007

I successfully used castor oil packs for Bells Palsy which my co- worker contracted. I was beginning to have double vision and my eyes were inflamed. I used the pack on both eyes one hour nightly for 3 nights but the directions called for 4 nights. Well, I got busy and didn't do the 4th night and the symptoms returned until I completed the 4 nights in a row...No more problem at all.

Also, for me the packs are a great pain reliever. I used just the castor oil right on my cheek when I had an infected tooth. Still had to go to a dentist but CO stopped the pain immediately!

Also, used it to remove a wart on my son's toe. Each night applied CO put a sock on him until the wart was gone which was less than a week.

Broad Benefits

19 User Reviews
5 star (19) 

Posted by Mary (Usa) on 05/05/2016

Editor's Choice

I am a total believer of Castor Oil, By the way buy ORGANIC Castor Oil only (Baar has it) as Castor oil is now a GMO. If you have some left call the company and ask if there's is organic.

I use it for EVERY infection always with success even open wounds or surgical wounds (but that's for you to determine). I use it for pink eye (gone in 3 to 5 days) right on the eyes, mosquito and spider bites (for spiders best activated charcoal packs and internal until all is gone, change frequently), in the ear for ear infections, over a tooth abscess for relief and reduction in inflammation, for vaginal and uterine infections (pack), for arthritis, fibromyalgia swelling, moles, athlete's foot, sore throat on throat, swollen neck glands, WONDERFUL FOR SCALP AND HAIR....

The biggest miracles were for uterine infection and it dissolved a tumor the size of a mini golf ball in 5 days that formed behind my navel after a tubal ligation.

I used it to massage my brother in-law's body in the hospital after a car accident that left him with 87 broken bones including all the bones of the face. He was scheduled for face surgery. In only a week all his bones went back into place except for one clavicle and no face surgery was necessary, the doctors were baffled (of course they did not question the castor oil rubs because that to them is an impossibility).

A small study at the Meridian Institute at one time showed that the oil raises the lymphocytes in the blood. My brother in law had a lung infection concurrently that would not heal with ANY antibiotic - it only started to clear AFTER the oil was used. That infection alone could have cost him his life, it was the biggest fear. Many may say this is correlation - but all scientific observations start with correlations... which is observation. Otherwise Neanderthal man would not have survived millennia!!

Replied by ROSIE

You never said. Did you take it internally? People don't give details and it leaves us guessing...

Replied by Russ

Roger Spur from Mudfossil University, the man that discovered fascia and that it was an organ and part of your body's immune system. Had a lady contact him about RA and applying Castor oil and wrapping her joints was able to keep her symptom free of this so called incurable disease. If you ask a doctor anyway. But she was able to no longer see her doctor.. I don't ever remember hearing about rheumatoid arthritis when I was growing up but it sure seems to be prevalent now. Having the proper enzymes in your digestive system your real immune system and the enzymes that remove dead cells.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Kem (Joplin, Missouri) on 01/09/2016

Editor's Choice

I had recently been using Magnesium Oil for muscle spasms and joint pain and having great results. I noticed the phone number on the bottle, and thought I'd call to see what other products they had. I was mainly interested in finding something natural to dissolve internal scar tissue and incapsulation after a surgery.

The lady on the phone (not sure if she was the owner) told me about using Castor Oil packs, and that by also rubbing it onto the bottoms of your feet, it will absorb into your body and take it to wherever your body needs it. Just use an old pair of socks to sleep in after applying it to the bottoms of your feet. I've been using it for only about 3-4 weeks now, but I think I'm feeling results already in the softening of the tissue where the scarring is located. I've only massaged it into the areas needed, and I haven't even tried the true heat pack method yet, but I'm still seeing results.

I've had dark spots on my cheeks for many years now, and I'm seeing a lightening of these after rubbing the castor oil onto them and massaging it in really well. I've used ONLY organic coconut oil for about 8 years now on ALL my skin as a moisturizer, and have people comment on how few lines and wrinkles I have, but it has never lightened these dark spots.

One thing I'm definitely amazed at realizing, and I haven't read as a benefit yet, is that I am remembering my dreams now every night!! I haven't been able to recall what I was dreaming for many years now, and now I'm recalling them nightly as I wake up every morning!

I'm hooked on it now!!

Replied by Liz

Hi Kem -

Thank you so much for sharing your amazing experiences with castor oil. I have read numerous articles on the wonderful benefits of castor oil and really want to try it but I'm not sure what type or brand is good. Are all castor oils equal? I know there is the type that is take orally that parents used to give kids for certain ailments. Then there's the topical formula. Do you recommend one over the other?

Broad Benefits
Posted by Katzie (Calgary) on 12/31/2015

The Ancients called Castor Oil "Palma Christi Oil", or Palm of Christ. Now the Ancients wouldn't have named it that without its powers of healing being recognized. Castor Oil was also the favourite "ingredient" in healing for Edgar Cayce in his readings. For me, Castor Oil is my big-gun and I only pull it out when other things haven't worked, and it has never ever let me down. I have used it to get rid.of a fungus on my son's toe, after other natural remedies had worked a little, but not alot. I on 'erupting volcano' zits, on cuts, infections, to get rid.of scars, for moisturization, it is the muscle in my oil mixture for the Oil Cleansing Method ; in short it's my miracle.

Quite frankly, Castor Oil had changed my life. I just had to reply here and raphsodize about Palma Christi Oil and attest to its amazingness. Take care, everybody.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Tricia (South Africa) on 09/06/2015

I have found no better conditioner for my hair than using castor oil leaving it on over night might be messy I put an old towel on my cushion. The next day before wetting my hair I massage in my shampoo into my oily hair and then use water.

I must say being in a hurry one evening while making soap I forgot to put on goggles while making soap. I lifted the stick blender accidently while mixing the mixture it splattered on my eye lid. My family was very concerned about the lye burn so I immediately started applying castor oil and within three eyes it was gone, no scarring.

Another thing it is great for if you want to grow your hair Castor oil thickens and makes hair grow very fast.

Castor is great.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Elaine (Mena, Arkansas, Usa) on 08/21/2011

I was reared from childhood, being given a tablespoon Castor Oil montly for cleaning out the colon, and also removing or killing parasites. The Castor bean has drawing properties, and does work well for drawing purposes. It has been used for so many remedies for many years, and yes, can be used as a purgative. But it also draws out impurities from the cellular tissue. I have also used it to purge of gall stones from Gall bladder. I simply mixed it with grapfruit juice, in order to get it down.

Replied by Tori

Hello, could you please tell me the recipe for purging gallstones with caster oil and juice? What are the ratios. If anybody knows please advise. Thanks in advance.

(Illinois, USA)
518 posts

I just take an occasional swig of olive oil and drink lemonade in the warmer months of the year.

(somewhere, europe)

Tori, I think I read right here on EC that it's olive oil, not castor oil. And it's equal parts of olive oil and lemon juice in a shot cup. Start low and slow.


Hello Tori,

If you're interested in getting rid of gal stones, please look into "The Amazing Liver and Galbladder Cleanse" from Andreas Moritz.

This will teach you everything about gal stones, ailments derived form it and how to treat it with olive oil and grapefruit juice. This really works!!

Barbara O'Neill is a great resource of knowledge too. She talks about a caster oil compress (topically) to remove gal stones together with all sorts of other uses too.

Hope this helps and happy cleansing :)


For Gall Stones- I would take 2-3 tbsp of Castor Oil in Grapefruit Juice (just a cup or so), daily. Ice it for easier consumption. But I would also add - Apple Pectin- Daily - at very high doses maybe 3-4x recommended daily - for 6 days and on the 7th day at Epson Salts- tbs or so, also in ice chilled water - while taking an extra dose or 2 of Castor Oil. Chanca Pedra is also know as a powerful herbal to add to the mix. You can repeat this addition once a month - for thorough deep cleansing.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Phoenix23002 (Amelia, Va) on 04/01/2011

I have been using castor oil packs for going on 30 yrs now and.. They are great for lots of things. The instructions for use are.... You should only use pure wool flannel (no polyester or nylon) and fold it so you have 4 - 6 thicknesses... Soak the thicknesses with cold-pressed castor oil, but not so it is messy. Cover with saran wrap then cover with heating pad.

Ck the heat from time to time (if you combine oil & heat.. What do you get?? possibly a burn). Cut it off or lower heat temp every 10 mins or so to make sure it is not too hot, then cut it back up. Try to give yourself an hour or two with the pack.

The packs are good for so many things. If you use it on your abdomen, it helps activate some immune factors that are in your intestines. Normally you use the pack for 3 - 4 nites per week. You reuse the packs and keep them in a zip-lock bag between uses and don't share the packs with anyone else. Everybody gets their own packs.. Lol. You never wash them. Cayce's instructions say to follow use after a week or so with a dose of olive oil. I can honestly say I have NEVER done that. Just thinking about it gags me... Lol.

I don't know about keeping this on all night long. I am just going by Cayce's original instructions. He never advised wearing for that long. I have no idea how helpful it would be if you don't wear the heating pad but it certainly can't hurt. Massaging with it won't hurt either.

As for the lymphs.. Just massage up to the body from the extremities. On the arm, push up to the elbow from the wrist, from the elbow up to the shoulder, etc. Same with the legs.. From the bottom up. I broke my shoulder and the therapist massaged my arm that way so I wouldn't develop edema in my arm. Must of worked because I never had any swelling.

Be sure and use old, old towels. I use a large plastic yard trash bag, cut so it lays flat and cover that with a large old towel. I put all this under me so none of the oil gets on my bed linens or recliner. I prop up on pillows and I use an old, small hand towel to wipe off excess oil and wipe my hands after use. You can wash these towels but save them & use them just with the packs because the castor oil smell gets in them & never comes out, even after washing.

You can use the packs all over your body if you like. It sure won't hurt anything but, it is messy. Multiple sites might be hard to manage, logistically.

I get my supplies from Baar and they have a great book on Cayce's cures... "The Edgar Cayce Handbook for Health Through Drugless Therapy". Cold pressed castor oil is recommended but, before the internet and health food stores, my only access was the drug store variety of castor oil and it worked just fine. I do use the cold-pressed oil now.

I broke my back in 5 places in an auto accident years ago and wouldn't allow the drs to fuse my spine. The castor oil packs were a God-send for pain relief when I would occassionaly throw out my back. Over the years, I have used it for sprains, strains, sore throats... Just about any pain concern. They shouldn't be used in lieu of a dr for serious concerns but for run-of-the-mill aches/pains, the packs are great. Good luck!!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Dianna (Austin, Tx, Usa) on 08/26/2010

Yes, castor oil is amazing. They don't call it the palm of christ (palma christi) for nothing!!! I have recommended it to several friends for shoulder problems and other joint problems and they were amazed too! Also I have an old pet rattie who is dying and rubbing it on her abdomen has given her comfort and allows her to sleep and relax better. I also use it on my face and body - it seems to actually make my skin firmer! And any time I feel under the weather I do a castor oil pack on my abdomen or neck or both and by morning I feel great!!!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Karen (Sydney, Australia) on 08/25/2010

I've had very sore knees due to being overweight. For the last few days I could barely walk or put weight on my left knee... About a month ago, I bought some Castor Oil and and was using it for my face (wrinkles etc) and I must say, it's just fantastic... Last night I could barely sleep due to the knee pain so I tried the Castor Oil on my knee.. I massaged it in for around 5 minutes and went to bed... This morning, I woke up almost totally pain free.. Apart from a slight pulling sensation at the back of my knee, the severe pain I was suffering with for days, has gone... I'm not only gobsmacked but still gingerly walking around as if it's going to erupt at any minute.... I can't thank this site enough and the information it offers... It has been a God send.... I am going to use the oil on other parts of my body as well whenever I feel tension or pain... I'm still shocked as I write this.. Thank you to everyone who asks great questions and others who give such informative answers, especially Ted... God Bless you.. Karen

Broad Benefits
Posted by London (Sandusky, Ohio) on 08/08/2010

I LOVE castor oil!!! Its a miracle oil!!! I use it for EVERYTHING. Does not work very well as a laxative tho, however, It does relax you, and I usually take a long nap after drinking it. Its wonderful for injuries, and painful muscles, strains, sprains, etc.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Dfc1 (Murfreesboro, Tennessee, Usa) on 07/23/2010

I thought I would comment on my use of Castor Oil. I had a small cyst under my skin beside my left eye for about a year. A few weeks ago I started rubbing one drop of the oil on the cyst. Sometimes it would get in my eye, but it didn't hurt or anything. Within two weeks I noticed that the cyst was gone. I couldn't believe it. I had read on this site about Castor Oil being good for sleep, so every time I put it on my eyelids I sleep better that night. I have also read that Castor Oil is good for cataracts. My 12 year old peek-a-poo has cataracts so I'm going to try the oil in his eyes, if I can get him to hold still long enough. I love Castor Oil and I love this site.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Cajun (Opelousas, La) on 05/17/2010

I began using Castor Oil Packs [COP] a few years ago and can swear by them...even my mother swears by it now after falling and damaging her knee...all was well overnight after applying the COP method. Another use has been for liver spots; religiously applying CO has lightened them and also improved my skin.

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Cajun, please tell me exactly how you used castor oil for your age spots? I applied it for maybe a week, covered with a plaster, day and night and it did absolutely nothing.

Replied by Dianna
(Austin, Tx)

it takes longer than a week... maybe a month or more. keep applying nightly and also use a method of exfoliation like baking soda or apple cider vinegar daily or at least weekly. also stay out of direct sunlight so you don't keep getting more spots. the spots will lighten with each layer of skin that comes off and if you don't create more spots by sun exposure - eventually the skin that replaces the spotted skin will be spot free.

Replied by Ali

Try putting a castor oil pack over your liver for several nights. I put mine on and wrap a large bandage or towel around it and fasten with pins or ties then go to bed. The warmth helps it penetrate and draw the lymphocytes to heal wherever the pack is placed. To rid the body of ‘liver' spots place it over the liver, not over the spots. The spots are just a signal that the liver is struggling. Between the castor oil and a good, clean plant-based diet I no longer have liver spots anywhere. Having a clean free-flowing lymph system and well-filtering kidneys is imperative for health & vitality.

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