Bloodroot: A Medicinal Plant

| Modified on Jul 24, 2024
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Herbal Remedies Using Bloodroot (Sanguinaria Canadensis)

The infamous perennial flowering herb called Bloodroot is a medicinal plant native to eastern North America. Its sap contains a number of alkaloids that are poisonous to ingest above very small amounts, but every part of the plant including its roots can be harvested for the sap or as a powder to be used as a rather powerful topical agent in the treatment of skin tags, moles, eczema, and other skin conditions. It even has been used in naturopathic skin cancer treatments as well as for breast cancer.

Bloodroot is Sanguinaria canadensis in the Latin (other species are also called bloodroot, but are not the same) and goes by the names bloodwort, red puccoon root, pauson and tetterwort. This medicinal plant has gotten a bit of a reputation after several naturopaths and herbal remedies sellers were litigated against for improper medical use and claims. Nevertheless, it is one of the best known anticancer herbs and bloodroot has been widely and safely used through the years, with proper care.

The best evidence for bloodwort herbal remedies seems to indicate its use for skin tags, warts, and perhaps skin cancer. However, in the case of skin cancer great care and ideally a doctor's support should be relied upon to verify that all of the cancerous cells have been destroyed.

Actinic Keratosis

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Posted by Geoffrey (PA) on 05/27/2021

Actinic Keratosis:

made a paste of bloodroot around five years ago, I had tumors in my chest, and one in my arm. I applied it on my skin where there was no tumors for close to 20 hours, and nothing happened. I put my homemade paste over my tumors and felt a tingling sensation, so I left it on and covered it with tape. It was painful by the second day, but in two weeks most of my tumors erupted slowly, the largest one, took a month and had two vessels attached, but the paste had caused them to become necrotic. To this day, I believe it saved my life. Prior to doing this, I watched many videos. I added chaparral, and a few other herbs. I would not advise anyone else to do this.

Actinic Keratosis
Posted by Kgd (Saint Louis, Missouri/usa) on 05/16/2013

I mixed bloodroot powder with aloe vera skin lotion and applied it topically on AK lesions for a week but it did not seem to trigger any healing reaction. I would try it again however if needed, because I didn't really give it a fair chance: I did not keep moist lotion against the skin under a bandage at night which might have possibly increased effectiveness. Since there was no immediate result I switched to treatment with apple cider vinegar which I described in a different post.

I was surprised to find that bloodroot lotion temporarily stained the rough non-pigmented AK patches on the surface of the skin to create a sharp contrast with the surrounding skin so that it became clear exactly where the lesions were located and where the boundaries were. For the first time I was able to see that I had at least 10 distinct AK's on the surface of my scalp ranging from the size of a pinhead to the largest with 5/16" diameter. However bloodroot may not be necessary for this because the staining effect for AK location purposes might also be achieved with a more common herb like turmeric mixed with lotion.

Actinic Keratosis
Posted by Ric (Tempe, Arizona) on 03/02/2009

I live in Arizona and have exposed my skin to the sun for many years before I got smart and started using sun screen. I get actinic keritosis on my arms and have used blood root paste or sauve for years with great results. You just have to use it sparingly.One lesion at a time! Sure it can be sore and itchy for a few days but I sure like not paying the determatologist!

RIC Arizona

Replied by Jinxed
(Granada Hills, California, Usa)

Good to know! I'm going tomorrow to a VA dermatologist. I have some weird things that one Dr said is AK. Oddly, they are on my torso, and I rarely go out in the sun. If I'm out for more than the time it takes to walk to the car, I use 80 SPF and a parasol!

After that appt, I'm going to try some bloodroot salve w/o zinc that I got from Kerstin's website on some weird moles on my face, and will try it on the weird AK thingies. Also on the one on hubby's face, from driving in SoCal - if he'll let me...

Replied by Greg

I bought a small bottle of it 8 years ago when I discovered a sore on my arm that wouldn't go away, I applied some to it, my arm swelled a bit in the area, I only applied it once, overnight as the instructions indicated, it acted as a poultice, it drew the cancer out as it killed it, I still have a small scar, it never came back, since then that little 50 dollar bottle is still working, I use it on brown patches that have shown up on my skin over the years, it's still working, it burns a little, then it itches, which is a sign of healing, the company I bought it from said it had a 5 year shelf life, 8 years later I'm still using it, you only need a very small amount, keep it in a dark cool place, I keep it in my dresser drawer, I love the stuff, I tried turning my sister on to it before she had a doctor remove some dark spots that were growing from her hands, she sent me a picture of the scar the surgery left on her hands, the doctor cut it out, I showed her a picture of where my brown spot on my hand was, no cutting no digging the cancer out, no scar, oh, and the money I saved was awesome, I highly recommend the salve.

Application Tips

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Wolvesbane (Fort Smith, Arkansas) on 07/14/2015

For those individuals using Bloodroot, to minimize scars and advance healing use castor oil on all skin wounds. Castor oil speeds the healing process of skin wounds. Castor oil has also been used against skin cancers so it's a double attack when used in conjunction with Bloodroot.

I have used castor oil on skin tags and white moles to some success, and it has improved the condition of several old scars.

Yse topically, directly on wound, liberally.

You do not get the same effect taking it internally.

Replied by Wydo

Hi, has anyone tried taking bloodroot powder internally? I have been taking tincture internally but it is hard to take it to places, so I would like it to be more portable. How much would you put in a capsule? Thanks

Replied by Linda Majka

It's so potent, strong taste, it's suggested to take half the size of a pea in a capsule or piece of tissue.Some people say slippery elm is important in addition to protect stomach.It's important to get one with a good reputation of where the source comes from & check ingredients carefully.Get a professional medical opinion before & after treatment to be sure cure will be & was really effective & gone.

Replied by Steve

I am currently taking a combination of bloodroot, chapparel, graviola and galangal. All 4 are believed to be anti tumor/cancer. I have recently used a salve with all these ingredients with success. 3 distinct spots in different areas at different stages of healing. I have used Castor oil, cell food, msm and comfrey to speed healing and minimize scarring. Pleased with the results I am getting.

Replied by James
(Las Vegas, Nv.)

I have found from a very good source and practitioner that bloodroot and magnesium chloride mixed 50/50 depending on the condition, is a good mix, go 60/40 for stronger mix. Use gel capsules.

I had a friend who was diagnosed with pancreas cancer and had 2 weeks to live, started using the caps and lived for 6 more months and stopped taking them and died shortly after, for topical use you need bloodroot, zinc chloride, and wheat paste, mix even amounts and apply, but be careful the zinc is hot and it is used to open the skin to allow the bloodroot to do its job, cover the area and leave for 15 min. wash off and apply gold bond salve.

This treatment is for cancer treatment only. Any time this mix is used for melanoma it's called black salve.

Replied by M J
(Pasadena Ca)

i inadvertently took some internally, yikes.

I mistakenly thought I was buying burdock root (never purchase without your reading glasses) and thought that's very odd it's red. I never noticed it being red. I brewed a nice strong cup as I like burdock root tea, Well ONE gulp was so strong it felt like a chemical burn on my lips. I could not get rid of that horrid taste and I felt nauseous. Nest morning my arm pits smelled of sulphur! A few days later it burned slightly going out as it did going in. I went to the herb store and we realized my mistake.

So I do not recommend taking it internally!

After reading about it I will apply the tea externally to the eczema areas.

Replied by Lil

I read the ingredient you used. Would you please state the measurements for each. Or do you mix equal amounts each then mix together.

Application Tips
Posted by Gail (Sacramento, California) on 07/05/2010

Sorry to hear some are having bad experiences with bloodroot salve. The best black salve I've used for years contains bloodroot, galangal, sheep sorrel and red clover. It works on surface skin moles and warts as well as tumors beneath the skin because it kills the growth and it's roots underneath the skin. ESSENTIAL to know however, is that the user should leave the paste ONLY 12 hours. Then the paste should be thoroughly washed off removing every particle of the salve, preferably with peroxide. Vitamin E should then be applied to the wound itself, and vaseline to the bandage to prevent sticking. The wound should be redressed the same way, vitamin E on the wound and vaseline on a clean bandage 2-4 times per day. It is ESSENTIAL the user understand that to remove moles with roots or tumors beneath the skin, that the area must be kept very moist and completely covered. The growth will return ONLY if you have not killed the roots. Be prepared to witness the mini "volcano" reaction as your body pushes bits of the growth right through the skin, bit by bit. Resist the temptation to pull or prod anything off. Allow your body to push out the debris on it's own time. Just keep the area clean, moist and covered and your body will do the rest. If you've had the misfortune of harming or burning facial skin, vitamin E will help repair skin damage at the cellular level. Be sure to use natural vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol) liberally on those areas at night. If facial growths or moles are small and appear to be without roots, a good alternative to black salve that isn't as strong is ACV or Logol's iodine. But again, apply vitamin E to surrounding skin as they can also burn skin. Many health experts also recommend taking vitamin A internally to protect the skin from further unwanted skin growths. I hope this helps!

EC: Gail's feedback was originally posted in response to several WARNING posts on the moles page here:

Replied by Jen
(Sydney, Australia)

Hello Gail, Would you be able to tell me where I might purchase the bloodroot paste. I really do need it asap for my sister in law. I appreciate very much your time and help with this. Kind Regards, Jen

Replied by Dave
(Astoria, New York)

Hello Gail,

I've been doing much research on black bloodroot salves in order to get rid of a facial mole. I've bought a good version of it from, which contains all the ingredients you've mentioned, but I'm still not totally clear on the application schedule. For instance, as stated, it should only be applied for 12 hours, then kept well mositurized. Is that the only time/application needed? Or should I keep it covered and moist for a couple days, then apply Black salve another 12 hours, say on the 3rd night?

I've just seen many websites, probably FDA and Dermatologist association sponsored scary sites showing people with half of their face missing. From what I understand, the salve should not be spread around the lesion, but rather used sparingly directly on top of the lesion. Please share any tips/answers you'd have, they are greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,



I have used Black Salve for years on different parts of my body where some mysterious lesion has appeared. I dab it on directly on the lesion. It will irritate good skin so be accurate. It may take repeated applications over a few days or a week, but keep it dry, covered if necessary. Keep it away from eyes. Wash hands after using it. I have all sorts of problems trying to buy the stuff here, so will investigate mixing some up myself.

2 posts

Would you please share the recipe? Need to get the amount or percentages of each ingredient. Thanks

Replied by Jinxed
(Granada Hills, California, Usa)

I'm allergic to petroleum, could I use another cream or lotion? Whatever will keep the bandaid moist, right?

Replied by Reta
(Ca, USA)

"I'm allergic to petroleum, could I use another cream or lotion? Whatever will keep the bandaid moist, right?"

I used Neosporin, it worked great. I've also read about people breaking open vitamin E capsules and using that.

Replied by Ramji

Hello Gail,

What about using bloodroot on an ulcerated breast tumor?

Broken through the skin and quite large although right underneath the skin/superficial.. I have bloodroot tincture, I am reluctant to use the black salve since the skin is already open.

Thanks anyone with advice/suggestions!

Replied by Anon

Total body detox, aloe vera gel, spirulina, crucifer veggies (wasabi is great, easy, fast), sulfur/sulfur veggies, iodine/kelp, vitamins C, D, E, lysine, NAC, molybdenum... No dairy, chocolate, alcohol, cigarettes, birthcontrol pills. Clean up the diet.

That would be a good start.

I would also cut an aloe vera leaf piece big enough to cover the tumor ares, cut it open and tape it over the area with the gel side toward the tumor.

Maybe consider applying Lugol's iodine to the area followed by DMSO before applying the aloe leaf.

There's always cannabis, too.

You might try an activated charcoal poultice over it, too. Especially since it's right under the skin.

Here's the link for the remedies page that can tell you more:

Black Salve Sources

Posted by Feathers (Reno, Nevada) on 07/12/2009


WWW.HEALINGFORMULA.NET OR CALL US AT (001)775 324 4889 [email protected]

Replied by Debbie
(NA, CA)

You can still buy it at: !! But it comes in 2 parts and you have to mix it yourself. Very helpful also. I don't think I read this source here, but I didn't read every single post either. Just in case:

My husband did try it on a rather large skin tag. It was difficult to cover w/bandaid. It got really gross also but one day it turned BLACK!! and eventually fell off. I guess the tag was too large (about 1/2 inch long???) so he had to do it again. Both time it definitely was painful. But it now is just a little bump but always pink. I don't think he wants to try it anymore. He cut off another one that was smaller and that was the easier way to go.

Replied by Amcken3
(Wyoming, US)

Re: Black Salve: Thank you! I think I will try this!

Replied by Chris D
(Albuquerque, NM)

Twofeathers is an intriguing formula that promisses a LOT but does no come w a money-back guarantee and is extremely expensive. I decided not to try it for that reason. I think I was checking out their liquid for internal use... anyone has tried it?

Replied by Hugh Varange

The best source of information about using bloodroot is at They have all the ingredients listed, what they do, and also user testimonials and instructions for use.

Replied by Paolo
(Kensington, Ca)

Beware of "Two Feathers".

It's a scam, I have experience with them. Very expensive, "secret" recipe, no guarantee and they tell you to take it internally which is to my experience a contraindication. It made me feel sick and did nothing, the sale was at a coffee shop with a nervous older man. Another strage thing is the secret 100 year old Indian recipe could not have contained bloodroot (the active agent in most black salves) because that plant doesn't grow anywhere near this western Indian tribe only in the eastern US.

Also, there are great companies like- alt in Canada and many others offering clear ingredients and reasonable prices.

I have used it for years with Great results on basal cell. I also get checked after at a Dermatologist.

Good luck in your black salve search.

Replied by Lydia

I took Two Feathers formula for 3 weeks and eradicated a tumor in my upper abdomen. I was supposed to take it for 6 weeks total but honestly it is not an easy therapy because of the extreme nausea and headaches it gave me. I am happy I took it regardless because of the obvious results. I would advise anyone who decides to take this therapy to limit their time on computers and cell phones because for whatever reason it makes the nausea so much worse. Good luck!

Replied by Nicole

Lydia would you mind getting in contact with me. Taking the same formula and have a question.

Bloodroot and Children

Posted by Pam (Ca, Us) on 01/24/2010

Ted, what is the bloodroot dosege for a seven yr old child. i've read on this site that 5-10 drops, but is this the same for a child with a tumor. Also is it best for it to be applied on the tumor instead of internally?

Replied by Ted
(Bangkok, Thailand)
392 posts

In an adult dose, the dose I listed is a very low dose for an adult. The dose can be higher even for an adult. The limiting factor behind bloodroot tincture use is too much induces vomiting or emetic, which is what is traditionally used. Therefore if a person can take it just below that level and as frequent, this is usually the best dose. Therefore a beginning child dose is often starting at 2 drops and the frequency of dose can be 5 or more times a day. The bloodroot tincture can be applied on and also taken internally for the tumor.

Bloodroot Usage

Posted by Lynn (Richland, Wa) on 09/28/2015

I used Bloodroot successfully following the instructions of a Master Herbalist (who grows and creates her own product on her S. Oregon farm) and a horrible experience following a famous Doctor who writes of using herbs, but I realized after he had no training as this woman did (life long).

I used her product and teeny dab on a mole I'd had under my right armpit. It had started changing color and shape. Her instructions were one dab ONCE and only ONCE. I was instructed to put a bandage on top of it and leave it that way for one day only. Each day, after the first day, I was to wash it many times a day (and with the reactions one would see why) with H2O2.

The BR was obviously breaking down the mole's tissue and pulling out pus and dead stuff. It was a mess. In the end when all the "reaction" was done, I was left with a huge "pit" scar, like a smooth round crater. My mother an RN told me it would fill in with new tissue (not scar tissue) and it did. All during this time I kept using H2O2.

Now I cannot find any trace nor remember exactly where this mole was. (I had no idea they had such deep roots! )

Then I tried on a teeeeeny type of a red "mole" (typical of Finnish people and all over but hard to spot).

Did not care about these but wanted to see how another person's instructions would work (Famous MD with many books out).

He used it on his dog - OUCH, poor dog, DAILY and even said the dog was crying from the pain. I did as well and the pain was unbelievable! But I kept putting it on for almost a week daily.

There was no use of H2O2 and in the end I was left with Keloid scarring almost a rough inch round. Raised, painful, itchy (later calmed down) and very obvious.

When I went back to my hometown I looked up the Master herbalist and told her about this experience. She said NEVER apply bloodroot more then ONCE a week! It is very powerful and will do its job, just needs time (a bandage on top of paste).

She said the H2O2 was to not only cleanse the pus and debris from the breakdown and death of the mole material, but to stop scarring.

I see on this forum there are many other herbs that can be used as well along with the bloodroot but my experience was with that herb and H2O2 only.

(I have a background in holistic healing therapies, studies in herbs, and many things but not all at a Master level). Background in biochemistry and chemistry of arts, health fields as well.

Replied by Sandhya

I have used blood root (black salve) over the years. I put it only on for 11 hours and then washed it off. Only put the salve on the top of the spot not all over. Then I keep it moist and clean letting the herb do its work. I like it because it gets the roots that other things do not. If you have the kind of skin or heritage that gets keloids..... not to worry. Use half lavender essential oil and half tea tree oil combination and put it on as it kills keloids. Raw Honey is good too after it heals. Use a scarring medication to bring down raised places as well even years later. If people do a second treatment, it is easier to do it after the first one heals......or try bloodroot pills for the whole body....Zenith.


Hi Sandhya! I have a keloid on my jaw line about the size of a sliced cucumber. How much tea tree should I use and does it definitely work? From someone who needs help!!

Replied by Ssmith
(Highland Plateau Middle Tn)

Thank you Lynn ...I enjoy learning all I can...I want to live.

Replied by Audrey
(Chiloquin, Oregon)

Lynn from Richland Wa. Could I please get the name and or contact info on the herbalist in s.Oregon. Thats where I am and am interested in buying local if possible. I have some spots on my skin I would like to use it on. Thanks so much, Audrey

Replied by Dw

Audrey, I'm not sure but there is an herbal company here in Oregon called Herb Pharm. They offer education from herbalists there, so maybe that's where Lynn got her info? Just a guess.... I get my Bloodroot tincture from them.

Bowen's Disease

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Lizzie (United Kingdom) on 04/18/2020

I had a skin cancer right over one nipple, nearly two inches diameter. The skin kept splitting and weeping. This went on for years before I went to the doctor. She said it was Bowens Disease, a slow growing cancer. I went ahead and got some black salve from a herbalist, and he actually told me to keep putting it on every day. (!) I stopped after three weeks as the eschar had formed. It eventually came away. It was staggering to see it - like a big slug coming out of me. I have kept a picture diary. It took weeks to heal - in fact it is still healing as I write. I had to create a guard from cardboard to keep my clothes from touching it . I found if I dressed it the dressing would stick to the wound. I have been applying vitamin E oil around the edges of the wound. It is growing new skin from the outside inwards, and there is still a scab at the inside. I am curious to see if there will be any kind of nipple when it is finished. Looks like there will certainly be a shallow crater which hopefully will fill out in time. I also have a lump under the skin at the side of the same breast so once I have fully healed I plan to treat that as well. I hope the salve can go deep enough to get to the lumps.

Replied by Deonet
(Pacific NW Washington)

If you add DMSO to the bloodroot paste, just a little to about 1/3 the amount of the bloodroot to DMSO, it will help the salve reach deeper into the body and kill the roots of the tumors. Have used it on several growths of my own and on some of my pets. Did wonders. Yes, I scarred but I have keloid skin that scars from literally everything. Using a comfrey salve on the wounds helped with healing and minimal scarring.


I have a keloid on my jaw line about the size of a sliced cucumber. Did you use anything to flatten / remove yours? From someone who needs help!!

2298 posts

Hi FA,

This may be of interest to you :

If you try them, please come back and let us know if they helped or not.


Breast Cancer

3 User Reviews
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3 star (1) 

Posted by Judy (Australia Qld) on 07/03/2015


I had a group of thin purple spider veins on my breast for about 2yrs and decided to use black salve, as Iv'e used it several times with excellent results on lumps and BCCs. I applied it and within 10 minutes I knew it had found something big (stinging). There were no palpable lumps or obvious cancer signs. But wow did it react, I think it stopped a death sentence. I applied 2 lots, 3 days apart, as my shower took off most of the salve, after another 2 weeks out came the cancer -a 12 cm mushroom consistency brain shaped tumor. I noticed at the base of the cavit a white thread type thing, it could have been a root to the cancer or a nerve or tendon, but I felt the salve hadn't got it all so into the raw clean empty cavity I put another lot of salve and its been 3 days now, and it has been the worst agony I have ever felt, it has been worse than labour. The pain radiates from the armpit to the sternum and the collar bone to the nipple and is unrelenting, continuous, even walking hurts as it reverberates through the breast. There is a 1-2" thick border of skin surrounding the cavity (thats now filled with black salve)is so red, hot and painful. I know this picked up an undiagnosed breast cancer and it's drawing it out from inside the breast.

Yes its painful, but it beats a mastectomy. My mother has had both her breasts removed with cancer so it is genetic.

Replied by Inanna Lives
(Middletown, Delaware)

Love and Light to you Judy as you heal. The Budwig diet may be of great assistance at this time.

Replied by Carol

Breast to lymph to clavicle bone. Lumpectomy was successful with 3 lymphs. Now have a dirty and growing lymph node and lesion in the clavicle bone. Need strategy. we have used b/s successfully over last decade. But never for bone or lymph node.

Replied by Timh
2048 posts

Suffering various toxicity, infection, and inflammatory conditions somewhat like yours, the three remedies I use with best effect are Heat Pad, Strong Magnet, and Zapping ---in that order.

I also sometimes use a handheld, battery operated vibrator, but any kind of Massage would work to get the blood & fluids flowing.

Dr Christopher's herbal "Red Clover Combination" is good for cleansing and is best used in combination with Detox Foot Pads or Spas.

I have a lymph gland under my left armpit that has been involved for several months and have mostly neglected it then the itching, soreness, and pain return. I slept with a 4x4 Magnet Pad directly on the area and experienced that "hurts-so-good" feeling as the toxicity is being removed. Will continue these treatment options until no sign of sick lymph.

Hope this helps you.

Replied by Matronum
(New York)

Well done, you are so brave and resourceful.

It hurts, but like labor you can be proud of the result afterwards.

Replied by Ann
(Dallas, Texas)

Hi Judy,

How are you? What was the outcome of the process and all that pain you endured? I got on and started looking around because a place on my arm is reacting big time and the pain got to about a 6 on a 10 scale last night. It scared me a bit because I usually tolerate pain well.

Replied by Dianne

I would also like to know how you are doing. My husband is currently taking bloodroot capsules combined with other herbs. He had an open sore on his face that was from a cyst that the Dr shaved off. It didn't heal & the Dr biopsied it & it was cancer. They wanted to do more surgery with radiation & maybe chemo. He refused & started with the blood root capsules. The opening on his face is at least the size of a half dollar keeps bleeding, is now putruding from his face at least 1/2 inch & tonight a lot of gooey tissue came off & it is oozes blood constantly. We are not sure if this is normal. It has not formed a scab or dried up. He's been taking the capsules for a month.

Replied by Beamer
(Brisbane, Australia)

@Diane Florida - normally for cancer on the skin, a person uses the black salve or bloodroot salve. I can't speak from experience for using it in capsules. What I can tell you is that when the bloodroot is working, the area oozes and looks really horrible and eventually the body pushes out the cancer.

Replied by Michele


I am wondering if you have any more information about treating ulcerated breast cancer with bloodroot. I've already tried to apply salve topically when there was enough clear skin on my breast to do so. I'm using Essiac tea and black salve from Kathryn from Texas's blood root paste, very mild. I'm thinking of adding bloodroot tincture to the tea. My breast is pouring fluid, it's clear, bleeds a little occasionally. I have a granddaughter who is ten and I've raised her since birth. I know God has a plan. Thank you for saying it's normal to excrete fluid. I've been looking for this information for months. Is there any other advice you have for me? Thank you.


Hi Michele,

How are you doing now? My partner is going through the same it appears..

Would love to know how you coped and how big was the tumor?

Thanks so much!!

Replied by Orh
(Ten Mile, Tn)

RAMJI, ORH here, be careful with black salve, it can eat you alive. I used it once and it got away from me.


Replied by Geoffrey

I made a bloodroot paste with other herbs as shown on earthclinic and it removed four tumors from my chest. The smaller ones, if my memory is correct, took about 2 weeks, but the large one took a little over a month, this was around five years ago. The larger one had two necrotic blood vessels still attached, so I snipped them with sterile scissors. The past had apparently stopped the vessels from giving support to the tumor, but only to the vessels supporting the tumor. I believe the paste has saved my life.

Replied by thomas

I too understand brain tumour and roots of a mole. When I used black salve on my head's mole I found what I felt was roots and electrical paths to my brain. And the paths also went to all the moles on my whole body and its been two 1/2 years working on over 200 moles. Migraines have just stopped and only about 100 small moles left. Black salve I use till I can't take it any more and then I go to MMS and when that is at its toll I bathe in iodine and sea salt. I have been using a lot of lights like infrared and a beamer bed with iTerra care, but breathing exercise seems to be the one that holds it all together.

My biggest question is if you just cut off a mole what happens to its roots and those other places inside your body that are linked to it? I think to get into them you need to use the black salve as it sure does go deeper than the mole itself. Well this is where I am at and hope it helps you some.

Replied by Sherri

Where can you purchase the black mud/Indian mud?

Replied by Bridget

I am looking for the specific protocol that people have used to heal rectal cancer with BS suppositories. Please reply here. Thank you!

EC: Hi Bridget,

Please clarify if you are referring to bloodroot salve or baking soda.


I am looking for the protocol for black salve/bloodroot suppositories for a rectal cancer tumor. There was a post from 2011 by Earnest but no elaboration on how he healed himself of cancer using the suppositories.

M in MD

Check out Alpha Omega Labs they have numerous natural products for cancer and many testimonies. Also, they have a phone number you can call and speak to someone. Good luck!


Yes, I called and emailed Omega. They no longer sell suppositories and were not very helpful. Will try to find testimonies. Thank you

Broad Benefits

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Ernie (Bouse, Arizona) on 09/25/2011

I have used Bloodroot in and on these areas

1. Rectal cancer as a suppository

2. Skin cancer

3. Brown recluse spider bite.

all successfully.

Replied by Bridget

Hi I would like to know more about he used it for the cancer.

Replied by Bridget

How did you use bloodroot suppositories to heal rectal cancer? I have made my own suppositories but not sure of protocol and what to expect. Thank you

Read More

I'm not finding much online about bloodroot suppositories, specifically. Ted has recomendations about using bloodroot in general here:

Using a low dose of bloodroot seems to be key. And supplementing B vitamins in the diet.

You also might consider bitter apricot seeds, garlic, an alkaline diet, aloe vera gel, improving your immune system and doing a detox/parasite/heavy metal cleanse.

Good luck.


Thank you for looking! ☺️🙏 yes I am doing all of the above, plus raw vegan diet, organic cold pressed juice daily, PEMF mat, ozone, rebounding and more. Been taking blood root capsules everyday for a week working up to 9. Will see how that goes.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Monica (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA) on 02/08/2009

Blood Root Salve which I am buying from someone who will not tell me who she buys from nor will she tell me the exact ingredients. My husband died of cancer which first started as small spots on his penis. He heard about blood root and bought the salve but it was so painful that he could not stand using it and went in the conventional methods.

I noticed some very weird spots all over my face and tried some of his salve. It attacked the spots and took almost half my lip off in the process, which has grown back totally. I found more spots on my back and it is removing them with silver dollar size black scabs, raised about half an inch of the skin. I am convinced that since the skin grows back with no scar, that this salve also stimulates the adult stem cells and gets them to repair the damaged areas. I have terrible arthritis and two hip replacements. I am putting this, diluted with vaseline on and around my knee joints and the pain seems to be going away. I think it might be rebuilding my knee. I also had a head injury which knocked out my short term memory. I am gaining full brain function back. I am also taking a small amount of this internally. A friend of mine started using it to cure headaches and he noticed that his brain was unusually sharp when attempting to do extremely difficult tasks.

My husband and I and our dog set up a machine shop in the cellar of an old cow killing plant, where the hides had been cured. I figure he, I, and also the dog, got cancer after hanging out there for three years and breathing the dust etc. My dog has some kind of cancer in her breathing tubes, I am giving her bloodroot also. I can see small pieces of cancer coming out of my body in my shits. Also from the dog. I am convinced if my husband had been able to withstand the pain and just used the bloodroot salve both externally and internally he would still be alive.

I would like to obtain a recipe to make the salve which can also be ingested and I would like to start growing bloodroot, and all the other plants which go into making it. I would like to make it available at a more reasonable price to whoever needs it. If anyone knows a good way to make it please let me know.

Replied by Eve
(Cocoa Beach, Fl)
3 posts

Monica, I know your source won't tell you what the ingredients are in the blood root formula that you take internally, but can they tell you whether there is 'zinc chloride' in the formula?... and could you please tell me 'how much' you take internally daily?


8 User Reviews
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4 star (1) 

Posted by Jacky (Canada) on 03/31/2015

I am inquiring for a friend if black salve bloodroot capsules can be taken internally as she is going through chemotherapy for lung cancer. Thanks for the help, Jacky

Posted by Lee (Australia) on 09/18/2014

Has anyone tried or have any comments to make on black salve (cansema) with regard to cancer? has anyone used it to treat cancer? has it worked?

Replied by Joy

Hi Lee in Australia: Try to see Bill O'leary's cancer story on you tube or google. This may be of interest to you. I have used the salve and it cured a basal cell on my leg.

Replied by Prioris
(Fl, US)

I bought some just in case. Haven't needed it or used it. What is the shelf life of the black salve. it would seem to be pretty long.

Reading the back label as I remember, there was something painful or uncomfortable about putting it on. How was it for you?

How long did it take to heal the basal cell problem?

Replied by Benny
(Lancaster, Pa)

I have used the original Cansema on facial cancer after the dermatologist cut it out as there was still some cancer left around the periphery.

I will be using it again on another spot as well. However, the original Cansema manufacturer has moved to Ecuador (as someone mentioned) due to FDA harassment.

I found other black salves locally which contained bloodroot and other necessary ingredients but they did not contain the zinc chloride. Without the zinc chloride it probably would not be as effective on anything but the most benign skin issues. I would like to know the formula/ratios so I can add my own zinc chloride- as necessary- to a mild formula I can buy over-the-counter.

Replied by Sue
(St. Jospeh, Mi)

You can still buy the black salve from the people in Equador. I just purchased some for my dog. They have been very helpful and will e-mail you immediately with any questions. In case anyone wants, the web-site it is

Replied by Timh
2048 posts

As for adding Zinc for topical administration, you might do well by adding a pinch to a small container of Cod Liver Oil as these two work together.

An old time skin remedy I like very much and which contains Zinc is "Porters Salve".

Replied by Bill
(Winnsboro, Texas)

I have used black salve for years on myself (melanoma included) and supervising others and I can say that it works. I stopped counting at 50 cures without one failure.

I used to get it from Holly Bacon of Sparks, Nevada. I don't what happened to her after the feds closed her down because she had the audacity to keep saying that it cures cancer. I now get black salve from Best On Earth Products. BTW - zinc chloride is used to make the penetration faster only.

Replied by Gwen M.
(Orlando, Fl)

I have used Cansema for years. My TCM doctor told me about it and applied it in her office ($25). She told me where to buy my own supply. My original jar is probably at least 15 years old. It is important to stir it well if it is old. I don't think it is quite as potent as when fresh. I bought another jar ($50) from the original lab that is now in Equador. I was told they are not allowed to send the full, original formula to USA clients. I suspect that is true because it is not as effective. I bought a bottle of Bloodroot Extract recently from a normal herbs store, so apparently the heat is off. I haven't tried it yet. It only seems to work when cancer is present. It reaches out and destroys any off-shoots of the cancer, some if them pin-sized. Dermatologists were recently given a "paper" saying Bloodroot doesn't work; it most certainly DOES! I treat it with great respect, treating only one site at a time. Each cancer reacts differently.

Replied by Ron
(Tenino Wa. Usa)

Canasema aka black salve. Works good on small skin cancer spots. Apply a small match head size dab, cover with Band-Aid leave overnight, if cancerous it will sting & pus up, wash the salve off, keep a band-aid on it and let it work, let it fall off naturally. It will heal from inside and fill the crater with new skin. If not cancerous it will not pus up. Have used it several times, it works I cannot see any scarring.

Replied by Cheryl

Do you ever put more black salve inside the crater?

Replied by Morganism

Don't ever do that. Pain is intense. One application only, then wait. If it doesn't "crater" then it is prob benign.

Don't ever apply on thin skin, you need at least a centimeter of flesh underneath, or the "crater" won't work, and the effect can flatten out and liquify large areas.

Never on face, ears, nose, back of hands/feet.

Replied by Dianne

Hi Gwen from Orlando. What kind if Dr used the salve on you. TCM Dr? I'm not sure what that stands for. My husband currently is self treating with a capsule that has bloodroot in it & we have tried to find a Dr that know something about this. His tumor on his face is now hugh & bleeding. It is the cancer coming out but as of yet has not formed an escar. I'm concerned that if this comes out completely it will start bleeding profusely. Would it be possible to get the name of your Dr? We are in the Tampa Bay Area & could come to Orlando to see the Dr.

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Dianne, the salve might have already pulled it out! Stop applying it for a few days or more until you find a doctor that knows.

Replied by Davod
(Pensacola, Fl)

For cancer on the skin I'd recommend applying the blood root directly on it. For deep sores, I needed to take 2 Dilantin pain killers to sleep for 2 days..

I treated several spots on my arm, wrist and scalp. A few I had to treat again.. but the pain is less each time.

If you are in Florida, they Florida Medical Marijuana now offers a lotion that dissolves cancer in 30 days a MD told me. I have used this an oral drops for all the spots I treated, and some lingering one.. I suspect there a different problems with some of the scalp sore than just cancer... Bacteria probably.

Replied by Josef
(Katherine, Australia)

My reply to Morganism Southwest on 9/3/2017.

Your post says: "Don't ever apply on thin skin, you need at least a centimeter of flesh underneath, or the "crater" won't work, and the effect can flatten out and liquify large areas. Never on face, ears, nose, back of hands/feet."

My reply:

- I have used Black Salve, Best on Earth, on my scalp on my forehead, it was very painful, I could feel the inflamed dead roots radiating away from the treatment area, there was inflammation and swelling as expected in the area, the diameter hole once scar was ejected was about the size of a cigarette butt. I had no problem with wound getting larger in good tissue, I have treated many lesions or whatever on my face, especially my temple, my most outstanding treatment was not long after I started, I was going deaf in my right ear, the ear canal was closing up over a couple of months, I treated a very small dry mark on my temple with the Salve, just overnight, it reracted very painfully over 5 days or more, I was comfortable with this as I had already built my confidence with the salve, the pain was inside the temple, seemed deep, I also had a noticeable black eye from the treatment, an area about 1/2" was affected by the salve, this took about 2 weeks to come out, the site where the wound was is hardly noticeable, now comes the good part! Within 2 or 3 weeks of the treatment, my closed up ear canal was open, fully, and I could once again hear, I tremble at the thought that there was a massive growth inside my head, I have treated 5 or 6 in the vicinity of my temple, also 3 below my eye, and 3 on my nose, they all worked and healed successfully, my nose however looks like a moonscape, but now not red and swollen like I was a wino! I feel that I would not be here if I went to the doctor, a healthy diet, plenty of restful sleep and exercise, give up the unhealthy hoodlike processed crap!

BTW, I lost a family member to stomach cancer 2 months ago, he put his faith in his practitioner, 10 rounds of chemo over a few months, was diagnosed as clear of cancer just before christmas, went for follow up visit 2 weeks later after being allowed to go home, was then diagnosed as having cancer spread through his body, they wanted to put him on further rounds of chemo, wanted to try new drugs, he passed away riddled with cancer, I feel that Chemo was the main cause of his death as his immune system was destroyed, no coming back from that.

I am on a course of Black Salve Bloodroot caps, have been through 1 bottle, had a break for several days, have now began a final treatment, I suspected to have growths inside at specific spots, had shadows on one of my kidneys, a lump under the right rib cage and something in my throat, these seem to be reacting, throat seems ok now, lump in right side not as noticeable, no idea on kidney but am confident.

Another affect is that I can feel the sides of other areas to treat when I am laying in bed focussing, I feel a tingling sensation, I put it down to the capsules irritating the growths, where I treat are hardly noticeable, I just go by the sensation, and I have not been wrong yet.

I feel that these growths are from using Glyphosate for years since it was released on the market, I am a nurseryman, I took some precautions, wore Nitrile gloves, but living in the tropics, I would perspire, it would run into my face so I would wipe it away from my face with the back of the gloves, these would have had Glyphosate on them....


Hello Josef, l wonder if you are still in the NT, l am in Qld, nearly finished my second 100 capsule bottle of the root, but my diagnosis is now an aggressive Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma around the Bladder area, (Female) l wonder how you went, as the guy l get my caps off says he has not had - 'personally have not heard of a lymphoma case that was cured with bloodroot' -' s l am very curious of course, thanks Ro

Posted by Kenneth (Bergen, Norway) on 01/06/2013

Editor's Choice

Replying to posts regarding bloodroot for skin cancer on the basis of my personal experience and my own personal synthesis from my own healing journey from a deep muscle/sinew cancer on the inside of my left elbow during the last two years:

Always start a suspected skin cancer treatment with multi-layered iodine as per the Simoncini protocol. Paint a layer of iodine, let dry, then repeat the process 9 times. Try to do this at least once per day for the first 10 days. If it is cancer, it will react visibly and you just continue the treatment until completion. Always paint 1cm beyond the visible boundary and if the area reacts try to paint 2 or 3 times per day. If possible use Lugols or mix 50/50 Lugol 5% with regular tincture. Set up a fan so that it dries faster. The alcohol helps it dry faster and aids in penetration. There are two reasons it is so important to always use iodine as first treatment with suspected skin cancer:

1. You need to discover the true depth and bredth of the cancer which is often considerably larger than the presenting lesion. The biggest problem with biopsy and surgery is that an MD doesn't know the actual dimensions of the cancer and sinking a knife into it is going to make it spread. By using iodine, you will get a good idea of what you are dealing with.

2: If it's just a small or even large but superficial lesion then the iodine will easily heal it without any scarring. But if it forms a running sore, then iodine is inappropriate and you can be very glad that you did not make the potentially fatal error of using an MD. In this case you need to move to Black Salve and it may be necessary to do successive treatments. Each time the salve will penetrate deeper and cause more pain. The first couple of times, it is usually sufficient with ibuprofen or acetominophen but after that you'll probably want to go to an MD to get som codein tablets. You need to treat systemically also and volumes are written about this but essentially: detox, diet change, high potency supplements and deparasitizing. A Hoxey tonic with very high dosed Lugols might be a good idea. The original Hoxey tonic was mixed in a base of potassium iodide and it was likely very strong. I take a gram per day of Lugols.

Start small and work up but don't let someone convince you that iodine is not important.

Replied by Idot13

Did you ever try bread soda (also known as baking soda/sodium bicarbonate) as it seems to cure all sorts of external cancer. Put it on as many times as it falls off and you should notice a great change within a few weeks as it will start to dry up and keep getting smaller.