Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)
I'm sorry I don't remember the dose of ALA I took, but it was nothing out of the ordinary. A local health food store owner recommended it to me and said it had cured several of her customers who had floaters. She recommended taking it with Vit C. My floaters were gone in 4-5 days.
Avoid Canola and Rapeseed Oils
One day I happened upon an article explaining how pigs were going blind in England due to a high canola/rapeseed oil diet. I was eating a lot of hummus.
At age 63, changes don't always happen fast, but I am almost totally healed.
what about Iodine?
I did a quick search and found this comment from 2009 (on another site):
"..I just started experiment with Iodine cause info was being posted to
a number of lists about it.
But being a bit conservative after all these years, I decided to start
with painting the top of one arm from mid arm to mid wrist.
And throwing some Iodine on a finger nail that was growing out badly
after being squashed.
By the second day (after 3 applications the first 2 days) there was
a major difference between what was growing out, and what had grown
There have been some other major improvements as well, but the best
one was finding that the floaters that have been in my eyes for close
to two decades are fading out. _
Major floaters, major vision problems
A friend of mine that is trying out the Providone reported the same
result (among other good stuff.)
Another major unexpected side effect is that a painful dent on my
shin (caused by leg sliding between cement steps and a brick wall,
and then my falling forward while trying to walk down the steps.)
where I should have had a badly broken bone) that has been painful
for close to 2 decades is not hurting anymore. It use to hurt to
the touch, but then lately had started just aching.
AND the dent isn't as dented.
So, it wouldn't hurt to add some Iodine (external or internal)....
AnitaW "
Years ago I got the weak stomach acid and that is a sign of Vit. B deficiency also. So, the floaters were not the only symptom. I have not seen many cures that mention this but Adelle Davis in her book hit upon this. Finding this is a huge relief because it is a very manageable solution. The capper is that Vit. B increases your energy by better processing your food. Who would have guessed!!
Beet Juice
Beet Juice
This is so great because yesterday, I went to sign up for health insurance. LOL! I could pay a premium of $38.25 and my deductible was $14,300. No vision, no dental included. Shocking! What can we do to change this, folks? We all say yes to this debacle. There has got to be a different way. Meanwhile, I'll keep coming back and making myself a guinea pig.
Flashing lights in the eye can be a sign of a detached retina, which needs immediate medical care if your vision is to be maintained. Unless you are talking about what you know to be the flashing lights of a migraine or an ocular migraine, a visit to an eye doctor, immediately, may be wise. I love alternative medicine and don't mean to alarm you, but this may need help from an MD.
I had the flash of light too. Went to eye doctor. Had exam. It was explained to me that the vitreous fluid with age, separates, and that is what caused the flash of light.
Peripheral flashes began about a month ago (while beading jewelry, not the best of light). Opthamologist said the same - vitreous fluid separates causing the flash. Have to return in January as they want to keep track of it. Finished the project and they stopped. THEN, I noticed computer work at home rather than in good office light, they started up again. Could it be eye strain? Like Garth Brooks sang, "I'm too darn young, to be this darn old". LOL. Decided to limit screen time and up the wattage in light fixtures.
(Southern Az)
Hi Katalyst,
I know you said you have no vision insurance. Vision insurance usually refers to refraction (glasses measurement). Floaters and flashing lights, on the other hand, are considered a medical problem and should be covered by medical insurance, as would things such as glaucoma, cataract, and macula degeneration for example. Hope that helps.
(Tyler, Tx)
I just experienced this in early 2020 and again in September. I saw huge floaters that looked like handlebar mustaches and then huge carpenter ant floaters. Flashes of light as well. An eye doctor is in order in case it is a retinal detachment. Mine was a detached vitreous humor both times. There is nothing that can be done. The eye doctor I saw said your brain eventually ignores the floaters. Now I just see a whole sheet of pin tip size floaters. Good luck! Getting old is not for sissies.
Yes, a detached vitreous humor is probably the MAIN cause of 'sudden' larger floaters. That happened to me about 2 years ago, and then again just today at lunch. It came on fast two...within a minute so I knew it was a bleed. And I had some garlic w/my lunch which is a well known blood thinner (see below). They checked and found that it hadn't detached, but there was a small amount of blood at the bottom of the last detached area. When they're repaired with lasers, they can't really close the detachment, but they laser around it to prevent it from detaching further. Those pin-tip size floaters at tiny specs of blood -- so it's best to back off on any type of blood thinner -- natural or drug-based -- because you'll continue to get them and/or they're get worse. Mine were better like I said for a little more than 2 years...but something caused the bleed today, and now I'm back with 'windshield-wiped' type floaters, and those little tiny, tiny black dots, but I'm determined to find every way I can to make them go away. Will update my post as I (hopefully) improve.
Yes, getting old is a series of "ok, that wasn't there before". Yesterday, had my first sudden floaters, never had them before. Will see the eye doc. Recently started taking Benfotiamine for my leg circulation.. so wonder if that somehow contributed. Kind of a reminder for me to stay away from supplement hype and try to go natural. In this case just stick with Nutritional Yeast for my B vitamins.
(North Dakota)
Flash of light is our bodies changing from carbon to crystalline, I also have flash and floaters, its all related to ascention, read the phoenix journals.
Beet Juice
Well, with eye floaters and beet juice I can honestly say that this post has come an hour after eating about half a can of canned beets. The reduction in eye floaters is amazing.
Long story short 2 years ago the vision in my right eye started changing. I got tons of testing and they couldn't find anything wrong but they were able to confirm that I had reduced vision in the center of my eye. Fast forward two years and I suspected that there was a possibility it could be a floater just in a very uncomfortable place ( the center of my eye) causing its presence to be more inconvenient than the norm.
So I came onto earth clinic, decided to try the beets and VOILA! A mere hour later, while the floater is not completely gone and I don't know if it will stay gone, it is AT LEAST 50% better than it was just an hour ago!
I work on a computer pretty much 10 hours a day so it's very noticeable, but hey if you have eye floaters try this, worst case scenario it doesn't work and you now have your daily dose of vitamin C!
(Chicago, Il)
The correction the beet juice gives doesn't persist. A few hours after I take it each time, I can see the floaters again. I have not been using it consistently however, and maybe it's a cumulative effect. I use it when it gets really uncomfortable, outside of that I have just learned to work around it.
(Colorado, Usa)
You say that you work for 10 hours daily on computers. I have floaters too, and here looking for some ideas. But regarding computer use my eyes really enjoy a Yellow night driving clip-on for glasses. If you normally don't wear glasses you can get Yellow night driving glasses in Walmart for about $ 10. I just purchased 2 more as gifts, as my eyes are much less stressed from the blue computer screen light, and so current floaters are so much less of a bother.
Beet Juice
(Imperial Beach, Ca)
I followed your advice and got the same results. My floaters are becoming more translucent after consumming canned beets. Thank you.
Steven, so glad to hear you found the same results I have with eating beets. It was really amazing when I realized what was happening.
Earthling, I had been originally eating beets because of their anti-cancer properties, but after about a week I noticed the improvement in my eye floaters. And then I saw an improvement every time I ate beets. After eating a lot of them by themselves with red wine vinegar, I grew tired of them, but now I am back to eating them in salads, mixed with canned tomatoes and other salad ingredients. I like the combination of beets and tomatoes.
Hi Carolina, sorry to hear you haven't seen any difference after eating beets. Have you gone to see the eye doctor to make sure what you are dealing with are really eye floaters and not something else? There are several other conditions that cause black spots in your vision, and some of them are very serious.
Hi Duc, I would imagine you could get fresh beets at the vegetable market in VN. Cook them and eat them. There is no substitute.
(Zurich, Switzerland)
Hello together
I just have recently eye floaters. I found that Herbal Eyebright is for rinsing the eye and also the herbs are nourishement for the eye. I lost all points, now I have just one more thing left, if I am too lazy and do not rinse the eye everyday I get the it back!! There is also a youtoube of Dr. Wang. He is a Chinese doctor in AL and explains the cause of eye floaters. This is the best, which I found for treatment. I hope I can help somebody with my suggestions. Kind regards from Switzerland.
Hi Catherina, I must have gotten my eye floaters starting when I was in my mid to late 50s. No, they do not get more visible when I don't eat beets, but they don't get better either. Every time I eat beets they become more translucent, fainter and smaller. Now I am in my 60s. I also see some improvement as well when I eat avocados and maybe olives, but not to the same extent as beets. But I combine all those things in a salad with tomatoes and a few other vegetables and it makes me feel so good after eating it. My eyesight becomes sharper. And the big floaters I had are almost gone now.
Beetroots nourish the blood. In Chinese medicine, eye floaters are an indication of liver-blood deficiency, so it makes sense that people are finding improvement with the consumption of beets!
(Seattle, WA)
One caution with beets -- they're EXTREMELY high in oxalates. So if one has joint pains or especially are prone to kidney stones, you want to avoid beets at all costs. Plus, not sure why they would help with floaters as they have nothing to do with collagen and/or blood issues.
Beet Juice
(Noida, Up)
Hi Jay, Hoping you are doing great. I am suffering from eye flaoters since 4 years and after the last few weeks it got increased. I have been checked by eyes from varius Doctors but they said no treatment is required. Could you please let me know about the beet juice and how much benefit you got with that? Regards, Shikhar
(San Francisco, Ca.)
Hi Carol, I use canned beets. Drained and rinsed under running water in a colander to rinse off the excess salt used in canning. And then I put them in a "salad" that is more like a gazpacho. If you get raw beets I think that the extra work of cooking them all the time would get tedious and make someone stop bothering with them. When I tell people about how wonderful beets are they will say they love beets, but I find that they will eat them once or twice a year. This is not often enough to see any improvement from them. I make my large salad weekly and it lasts two or three days for all my meals.
(Colorado, Usa)
Looking in medical books I found floaters are sometimes even from time of birth, when extra capillaries inside the eye do not dissolve. So nothing to do with sleeping position. BUT they have ALL to do for me with eating sweet things, and bread. So perhaps they might even be candida related. So staying off breads seems to help me a lot.
I make occasionally raw beets to rejuvenate my liver. Formula is easy to make by anyone. All you need is a greater (or food processor).
1/3 raw beets, 1/3 good extra virgin olive oil, 1/3 fresh lemon juice. (Or lime juice when I cannot find good lemons here). Grate beets, mix with olive oil and lemon juice, place in glass dish with cover, refrigerate. Eat 1 tablespoon on its own, or in salads daily. Good for skin too. Original recipe I had said that when we eat this 1 Tablespoon each hour it can completely regenerate the liver. (Unless someone is in a live and death liver situation, I would stick to the 1 then 2 TBSP daily, or one could regenerate the liver, while experiencing major detox. )
Hi Karan, Why don't you try it and see what your results are? It has worked for me. But I eat at least one can of beets per week in what I call my health salad. It is so tasty! I would eat it more often but it takes about a half hour to prepare, and often I just eat something else instead. I'm trying to get into a routine with the same breakfast and then the salad for a combination of lunch/dinner and a snack later on. The salad is large, so it lasts a couple of days or a bit longer if I eat that exclusively for each meal. Good luck!
Hi Jay, I really am skeptical that your eye floaters are disappearing after only 3 days. That makes it sound like magic. There is no magic in the world.
(Granite Bay, Ca)
I'm not sure that eye floaters have much to do with age. I've had them since I was in my late teens/early 20's. :
Back then (I'm 53 now) the eye doctor said; " happens", and that was that. No real explanation.
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
Hi Pbatech
There is magic all around us my friend. It's called the human body's ability to heal itself with the correct nutrition. You just have to know where to look. Jay may be correct in what he says. Everyone's body is different.
A recent study points at Pineapple ingested (or bromelain supplements potentially) for a 30% reduction in floaters over a few months.
The dosage is 1-3 slices per day at lunch.
Budwig Diet
Dr. Johanna Budwig was the foremost expert in the world on fats and oils. She was able to heal people even from their deathbeds using flaxseed oil and cottage cheese. (It's all about the electrons!) She also recommends veggies and fruit. (no meats, animal fats, or sugar.) She lived into her 90's. and was a nominee for the nobel prize many times. Earth Clinic should be all over this one. It helps all sorts of diseases, Heart Infarction. arthritis, cancer etc, and is good for athletic performance and in fact, the whole family. I have done oil pulling for only a short time and it has helped the floaters in my eye get smaller & less dark. (they were the result of a burst capillary.)
(Kildare, Ireland)
i have floaters and you say that the use of flax seed oil can help .how much per day should i take and can i get it from my local organics shop. please write back
EC: The Budwig Diet: 3-5 tablespoons of organic flax seed oil thoroughly blended (hand blender works best) with 1 cup of low fat organic cottage cheese. The 1 cup is eaten throughout the day. Flax can be found in the refrigerated section of your local health food store (important). More here:
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)
I don't like cottage cheese. Can I just take it by the spoon? What about doing oil pulling with flaxseed oil? I hadn't seen the answer to a first question I posted on this subject but I will surely look into the mini-beet protocol. I am so fed up of these floaters especially in my right eye which is the one most affected by myopia. I have tried countless natural medication for the liver but nothing ever changed. As someone suggested here that massaging the shoulders seems to help I will roll my shoulders next time I go for a walk in the sunshine as I see them when I am in bright lights.
(Denver, Colorado)
No, you cannot just take the flax oil by itself, that defeats the whole premise of the Budwig Protocol. Oil pulling will just be a waste of good flax oil.
Mix 3tbsp flax to 6tbsp cottage cheese (2:1 ratio) mix it, add in some blueberries or other fruit of your choice and mix some more. Eat it, no whining about cottage cheese.
(Rome, Lazio, Italy)
I have done quite a bit of reading about the Budwig diet, and it seems that as an alternative to cottage cheese you could use quark. It makes it taste much, much nicer, especially with some cinammon and some berries. I have it every morning because it's delicious - tried the cottage cheese for awhile but the consistency put me right off.
Also, I don't think yogurt works too well - something to do with the sulphur content, but I don't remember exactly. Sulphur in itself is a very interesting element and should be researched. I think it's one of the primary ways your body moves oxygen around your body.
(Toronto, Ontario / Canada)
Quark, flax, cheese - forget it - just try those l-carnisine eye drops.
1. can-c
2. Bright eyes
You might have to order them online but they exist and reduce your floaters amazingly well. Use them as much as you want - the more the better. No side effects except your eyes feel a million times better. They are a miracle so try them if you have bad floaters. Forget diets, looking into the moon or sun & any other stupid old remedy - just get those drops and start using them alot.
Then get back online and tell people - maybe the eye community can make those eye doctors tell us about these drops even if they aren't a prescription. They don't seem to recognize them - which led me to get my 2nd floater - if I had used them when I got the first one - I never would have got this second one and my life would have been way better.
(Seattle, Wa)
I doubt safety of using flax seeds. A lot of parasite sites talk about possibilities of nuts and seeds being contaminated with parasites. This totally averts me from using raw seeds. If to do termal treatment of seeds then that omega 3 fats there go rancid, then there is no point.
I understand that there can be a benefit, I just do not know how to clean these seeds.
(Colorado, Usa)
I hear you! That is why I soak raw seeds or nut in some powdered Vitamin C for about 10 minutes for flax seeds, overnight for all others.Then I rinse them in a sieve before using. Walnuts and other nuts I dry by cotton kitchen towel, and ten place in sun on a cookie sheet with rim. If it is cloudy I dry them on lowest temperature my oven has, perhaps even with door slightly open. Then save in fridge.
(Thunder Bay, On)
Hi Kk. You don't need to bother with the flax seeds. In fact, I don't recommend it on a long term basis. I got diverticulitis after using ground flax seeds every day for several years. They can stick together and become trapped in the diverticulae of your intestines and then become infected. You can see the stickiness very easily. Just wet your finger and put it in the seeds an the seed will stick to your fingers like glued on and or will stick to each other if whetted. If you do use the seeds and grind them, consume them immediately afterward so as not to allow them time to become rancid. Just use the flax seed oil instead but be careful about the flax seed oil you buy. It should be produced in a nitrogen environment as flax seed oil is extremely reactive with oxygen of the air and will become rancid quickly if exposed to unrestricted oxygen in the air for any length of time. It is said to be 30 times as reactive as sunflower oil. Further, it should be sold in a brown glass bottle as it can react just from exposure to light. Also, once bought and opened, it should be closed again right after you take out the oil you want to use, and then put back in the fridge where it's dark and cold immediately in order to keep it fresh and to maintain its health benefits for the body. Also, the oil you buy should not have any preservatives in it or it defeats the health benefit of the flax seed oil you're seeking. You can take flax seed oil alone as an antiviral or anti inflammatory. But, the Budwig protocol for cancer requires low fat cottage cheese or quark combined with flax seed oil in order to act as an oxygen carrier in the body to combat the cancer. In the case of cancer, Budwig warns that taking flax seed oil by itself shouldn't be done at all. Also, I think it is best to prepare your budwig protocol just before use to maintain it in the freshest state. I make Budwig shakes. To do this I put a third of a cup of low fat cottage cheese in a blender and add to that two tablespoons of flaxseed oil. I also usually add half an apple and half an orange but you can add whatever fruit you like. I then add just enough 1% butter fat milk to allow it to blend as low fat is important and pour that mixture when blended into a regular beer glass for dirinking. Budwig also allowed or even suggested the adding of a bit of honey. Perhaps the honey helps pull the respiratory enzyme created by the mixture into the cancer cells. When my son had cancer, the Budwig shake was the only alternate protocol we tried that brought his cancer markers to normal and below. FWIW
(Somewhere, Europe)
(Thunder Bay, On)
Hi Mmsg, I used to take two tablespoons of flaxseeds ground up with an electric grinder everyday. As best as I can recall I took these in my oat bran cereal for breakfast or my daily Budwig shake. I would have thought that taking them in this way that they would have been sufficiently separated to prevent them sticking together, but I believe they become trapped first in the diverticulae, then stick together, and them become infected.
At any rate after doing this for about two to three years, I got diverticulitis. This causes the diverticulae to become stretched out and deformed. Now I have to have fiber daily such as oat bran or psylium fiber to keep these diverticulae flushed out so that food particles don't become trapped in them.
With regard to chia seeds, I have no direct experience so I can't really comment on them.
With regard to sesame seeds, I have little experience with them but I suspect they are also sticky like flax seeds as I recall eating them in a Chinese restaurant where you wet the chopsticks and dipped them in the seeds to pick them up.
However, I found out the cause of the diverticulitis when I told a friend about it and he responded, "Oh you get that from eating small seeds." FWIW
In response to ..."However, I found out the cause of the diverticulitis when I told a friend about it and he responded, "Oh you get that from eating small seeds." FWIW"...
That is just a myth. Diverticulitis is caused by bacteria. The bacteria can be killed and pockets healed with Aloe Muciliginous Polysaccharide but i'd try the aloe vera juice first.
There are list of foods that are supposedly the culprit but those foods may be only part of a long chain reaction. You need to know what spawned the bacteria.
For instance, if I eat too much sweet things like candy or french toast etc, it spawns the bacteria. I can eat most of those other foods on the list and it won't be a problem. Of course if the bacteria does get spawned, those other foods like seeds may add to it. If the problem does occur again, I can usually douse it out very quickly.
If your pockets healed, the seeds would likely not have been a problem.
You will likely find out very quickly what actually is the root of your causation if it happens again after you cure it.
(Tennessee, Usa)
Castor Oil
Be carefull, because it is oil, if someone has a RCE (recurrent corneal errosion) it can deteriorate the cornea and make the epithelium stick off with ease even while not sleeping! I had that case and stopped the use in my left eye allthough it was fine for months.
Castor Oil
Castor Oil
(Beaverton, Oregon)
(Dover, Delaware)
Dear Diane,
When I use castor oil in my eyes, I use one drop in each eye at bedtime. (I keep a tissue handy because even one drop won't all stay in the eye.)
Castor Oil in the eyes is a bit controversial. Personally, I am comfortable using it. But you might want to read more and decide.
I do use cold pressed Hexane free Castor oil when I am using it in my eyes. (Actually, I use it for lots of things. It is not that expensive and a little goes a long way.)
~Mama to Many~
(Birmingham, Al, Usa)
How do you put it in and what kind do you use?
Dear Bell,
I keep castor oil in a small squeeze bottle and then it is easy to put into my eyes. Keeping some in a small bottle with an eyedropper would work, too.
I look for brands that are cold or expeller pressed and hexane free when using it in my eyes. I have used castor oil from Heritage, Home Health and Mountain Rose Herbs.
~Mama to Many~
(Sri Lanka)
I have floaters in both eyes and emerging cataract. Read about castor oil for cataract and got down some oil (USP) packed by a company called Humco in Texas. According to the label it is to be used as a laxative. Unfortunately I am not sure about the purity of the castor oil here that is why I imported it from USA. Could I use this for my eyes? Regards
(Colorado, Usa)
Sri Lanka, see if you can find online Can-C eye drops (with L carnosine). I have seen photos of before and after 6 months, of a full blown eye cataract from a trial. Gone. So it is a proven eye drop solution, doctor developed, for humans and animal cataracts. The box one buys comes with TWO eye-drop bottles.