Natural Remedies

Best Natural Remedies for Anemia: Boost Iron & Red Blood Cells

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Blackstrap Molasses

34 User Reviews
5 star (28) 
3 star (1) 
1 star (5) 

Posted by Loreeli (Brodhead, WI) on 07/10/2006

I have been extremely anemic most of my life. When I was pregnant they gave me the iron pills and they will constipate you and are not even a good source of iron. I got on the House of herbs black strap molasses and it made such a difference. It has 70% iron and I haven't found any other with such high content. I lost a baby and they wanted me to have a blood transfusion, but I didn't want to so instead to build my blood back up fast, I used the black strap molasses. I was recently diagnosed with degenerative disc disease and rheumatoid arthritis and am more anemic with the disease and recently I have been so fatigued and in reading about my disease and realizing I was just extremely anemic, I got the molasses out and instantly, I felt better in my head and had more energy. I have now ran out of it and have not been able to find the House of Herbs kind anywhere. This is why I got on here and if anybody can tell me where to order it, I would sure appreciate it. It is a life saver and the difference between feeling good and not. Thank you

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Janet (Hot springs, AR) on 07/04/2006

I take a tblsp of blackstrap in the morning and "chase it" with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, with the mother in it, with 3 tablespoons of warm water. In 1994, I was diagnosed with metatastic breast cancer at the age of 53. I had my femur replaced, took 10 radiation treatments and 6months of chemo. I have been on this regimen and KNOW that these things are from GOD made ingredients and, therefore, have kept me well. I have always been a borderline anemic. My blood counts are better than they have EVER been in my entire life. I believe if I had been doing these things for myself BEFORE I got cancer that I would NOT have had cancer in the first place.

Replied by Liz

Hi Janet - Thank you for sharing your amazing testimony! How are you doing these days? Are you still taking black strap molasses.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Delann (chewelah washington) on 05/18/2006

my iron levels were dangerously low, my doctor had me taking 40,000mls. a week of procrit and 975mlgs. daily iron supplements. after 2 months of this i had been told that i was going to have to restart my iron treatments again. so instead of putting all those chemicals into my system again, i started drinking a glass of warm milk with 3tblspn of molasses every day. I am happy to report that after 3 weeks of this my iron levels and energy levels have steadily improved.

Replied by Marti
(Olathe, Ks)

Just an FYI - milk (and also tannins from regular tea) interfere with the absorption of iron. I've read that vitamin C assists with iron absorption so taking BSM with Orange Juice could be more effective.

Replied by Jan
(Falmouth, Ma, Usa)

In reply to Marti in Olathe, KS, I too have low iron and have been taking BSM. I had to go through a bone biopsy and they did a stain on the bone, thus finding out that I was low in iron. And yes, I have been reading that milk and dairy products do interfere with the absorbtion of iron, so I drink 1 tbs. of BSM w/soy milk daily, put it in a blender and it tastes really good. I also keep oranges on hand, as well as juice. I eat an orange a day. As he stated, I have read that vit. c helps to absorb the iron. I have yet to find out how this goes, but I will post on this as soon as I get results from my hemotologist.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Jan (TX) on 01/30/2006

One teaspoon daily dipped and dripping with Blackstrap Molasses (House of Herbs 70% iron content) totally eliminated my anemia, dizziness and fatigue. I drink it in hot water or eat it straight off the spoon. If I forget to take it or run out, all symptoms return within days.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Wanda (Memphis, TN)

I have tried the blackstrap molasses and it's wonderful. I'm anemic and have to take iron pills once a day. I haven't taken them in almost 3 weeks since I been using the blackstrap molasses. I'm full of energy and my fingernails are growing strong. I don't suffer with constipation anymore or irregular bowel movements.

Blackstrap Molasses, Seaweed Snacks, Blood Builder

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Marsh (Colo) on 09/30/2023

A few years ago, I was hemorrhaging every 3 months. My OB/GYN ordered a blood test and scheduled me for an immediate ablation as my iron level was shocking low (she couldn't understand how I was still walking). After the procedure I visited my naturopath who recommended mega food blood builder, seaweed snacks and black strap molasses. For a couple weeks, I craved seaweed, then suddenly I couldn't stand the smell. Iron levels back to normal! I'm confidant they all helped. BTW another health guru warned me about the iron tabs most docs prescribe (the reason I went natural).

Blackstrap Molasses, Vitamin C

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Stephie (Nc) on 05/18/2013

I had become anemic and had to be hospitalized to receive a blood transfusion. My iron levels were low to say the least. A friend recommended I try BSM in addition to taking iron pills. I took my iron pills with vitamin C, and I took another vit. C before drinking BSM in hot rasberry tea (which does not block iron absorbsion). I had a blood test on Friday and a follow-up on the following Friday. My iron level came up almost 100 points! After just 5 months of usage, I was in low normal range for the first time in 4 years! Now, one year later, I am in the middle of the normal range (just got a blood test in May 2013). I use 500mg, chewable vitamin C and BSM at night (a 2nd time in the day) when I feel a little more tired than usual.

Blood Building Recipe

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Bai Li (Houston, Texas) on 09/11/2009

Editor's Choice

Building Blood in Preparation for Surgery

I don't know who first gave us the recipe, but it is said that it really works:

Take a pound of beef stew meat (or any other cut you can get, no or low fat) and put it into a Glass canning jar, some do this without any added water, some add
only a little, not higher than the level of the meat. Put the lid and band on the canning jar, and put this into a canner or large deep pot, add some water and put the lid on the pot, bring to a boil, then simmer for 6 hours. All of the IRON is cooked out of the meat and into the water. Give this to the person who is anemic or anticipating surgery, and also give them Black Strap Molasses, the one with the highest iron, calcium and magnesium, listed on this website, ONE tablespoon along with the beef broth. This will shock the doctors, just how fast it will build the blood. We are giving my mother 1 cup three times a day. So you may need to cook several pounds, jars at a time. Our friends are doing this for us too, and one of them got about 1 quart of juice from 4 (four) pounds of beef.

IMPORTANT: Don't fill the jars too full, because when it is boiling you can lose some of the juice into the pot, and any juice lost is IRON lost. Leave at least a couple of inches above the meat in each jar. There are other treatments that will help and if you email me, I will reply with what else we are doing, that you may not have heard of, and you can ask your doctor for these too. The reason that this works so well is that the HEME from meat it very quickly absorbed by the body, but the HEME from vegetables is slowly absorbed by the body. You can find more information about this on the internet.

Replied by Elodie

You can make bone broth- even better for absorbing iron, from the marrow. I would suggest boiling bones in a slow cooker for up to 16 hours (add a little salt and ACV). Roast the bones a little first before you slow cook them, this along with the ACV helps to draw out the marrow.

Replied by Brenda
(Somerset, Wi)

I have tried the meat broth idea and also the molasses you mentioned but still seem to have gone backwards after having another menstrual period, rather heavy. Any more ideas would be appreciated.


It is just my opinion, after being anemic about twenty years ago, that taking the BSM is all that is necessary. The animals we eat or get milk and eggs from are being fed GMO grasses and grains. This is affecting all of us by over stimulating nerve cells. I used to be a big red meat eater but because of what beef cattle/steers are being fed I can only safely tolerate two ounce servings at a meal and I cannot reheat leftover beef. Everyone will be affected differently because we come from different backgrounds and eating habits.

Replied by Lori

Hi, Can you e-mail with any cures you have, please?

Carao Fruit

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by katie (crescent city, ca) on 04/25/2008

Re: Carao Fruit. Have you heard of this Costa Rican fruit that can cure anemia.??? What is your opinion? thank you

Replied by Neesy917
(Milwaukee, Wi, Usa)

My son took the carao syrup as directed 2x a day and after a couple of months his anemia resolved. This was after iron supplements were not helping.

Replied by Mary
(Santa Clarita, California Usa)

Where can I buy Carao syrup? thank you so much for any response. I was able to locate a company in costa rica, but was wondering if it could be purchased in the states.

Cautionary Note

1 User Review
1 star (1) 

Posted by Carol (Pocatello, Idaho) on 11/07/2006


I work as a Nurse Practitioner in a hematology clinic. Please remember that not all patients with anemia have it because of low iron stores. Too much iron can have significant medical side effects. Therefore, I would have your iron blood levels checked prior to starting any replacement iron, molasses, or other herbal products.

Replied by Ratunda

Carao heals anemia without the use of iron.

Replied by Michael

Why give it just one star? BSM obviously works, judging by the great number of five stars. Anemia can have other causes, although iron deficiency is the main cause. It is highly unlikely that taking a tablespoon of BSM is going to do anyone harm, even if a deficiency of iron isn't the problem, unless they have a rare disease that causes them to absorb too much iron.


4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Mary (Illinose, Chicago) on 03/04/2013

Try taking liquid chlorophyll

Posted by Litsa (Fairbanks, Alaska) on 10/06/2010

I just want you to know for people who suffer for anemia I use chlorophyl-1 tsp full in the morning mixing with water and drink it everyday you will see fast results. I hope this help

Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 04/22/2010

I just want to add that I was severely anemic throughout my childhood and had to go every couple of weeks for blood tests. It was a terrible experience especially for a child. Anyway, I was always taking iron supplements. So, why was there no real change? From my understanding, iron is very difficult for our bodies to integrate. Often, when women are pregnant they will be given iron supplements which then cause the woman constipation, along with all of her other issues that come with pregnancy!

Well, I have an interesting story. When I was pregnant with my first son, I was also selling these amazing vitamins for a small company. Simultaneously, my midwife checked my blood to find that I was severely anemic. She warned me that it was so severe she would not be willing to deliver my baby if this was not changed immediately. Well, the company I was selling for had run a contest for sales and I won which included a luncheon with the founder who was also a biochemist. He was a very sweet man and I told him my predicament because at the time I was a committed vegetarian. He told me the answer was simple. To take liquid chlorophyll which I could obtain from the health food store. He explained (in a simplified manner, I'm sure) that chlorophyll is the "blood" of plants and helps facilitate the building of our blood. I immediately went and got that and added it every morning to my smoothie. The next visit to my midwife was astounding. She looked at me, her eyes wide and smiling and asked what I'd done. My blood was absolutely fine. When I told her she was thrilled and so was I!

I have since given this advice to several people and the results have been the same. One was my husband's granny who at the time was well into her 80's and the drs. threatened to hospitalize her if they didn't see her red blood count go up. My mother-in-law at the time knew how much I studied alternative healing and asked my advice. She immediately put granny on chlorophyll and voila! the next visit the drs. were astounded and couldn't believe it. I asked my mother-in-law if she explained but she said she didn't feel comfortable doing that.

Anyway, if you have issues with anemia, consider chlorophyll instead of iron. Much easier on the body... Lisa

Replied by Ana

Hi! I would like to try taking chlorophyll 1 tsp. a day. For how long is it safe to take once iron levels go back to normal?

Replied by Basilia
(Pittsburgh, Pa)

The chlorophyll, which is really called, chlorophyllin, that is produced is altered by adding a copper molecule that replaces the natural magnesium molecule. In return, copper helps the iron to recycle itself which is then utilized by the body. Copper and vitamin A are very important for the iron recycling process within the body, with the results being iron absorption.

Cream of Wheat

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Crstline99 (Crestline, CA) on 06/12/2009

You can try cream of wheat to bring up iron. I used it before surgery, because I had to give blood to myself two weeks in a row before surgery. My iron went up a lot. enough that the nurse taking my blood made a comment on how unusual it was for someone's counts to go UP after giving blood the week before.

Cream of Wheat Cereal, Molasses, Raisins and Flax Seeds

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Tanya (Olympia, Wa) on 01/21/2008

I wrote back in November about my anemia and would like to report that I just got a blood test and my iron is 38 percent, way into the normal range. I have eaten cream of wheat with 2 tbls of unsulphered black strap molasses and raisins with flax seed every morning since September when I was diagnosed with fibroids. I have also been drinking 1 tbls of Mothers Apple Cider Vinegar with Apple Juice every day. During my cycle I drink it first thing in the morning because I read it helps to clot blood. My cycles have been very light and I just saw my Natropath Friday and she was amazed at how high I got my iron and how well I was doing. She also has me taking some liquid herbs to shrink the fibroid. My cycles have been great only thing is the last two were only 15 days apart. When I told my Dr. about this she said perhaps it is my body getting back on track? She wants me to go back in May to get an follow-up ultrasound. I will report back when I have that done.

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