Cayenne Tips
Cayenne vs Water
...if you're chronically dehydrated - as most people are - then your body is constantly in "emergency mode" and continuously rationing water to protect critical functions.
Cayenne is a Godsend BUT if you keep using it to overrule your body in its attempts to properly ration what little water it is able to extract and distill from the foods you eat and the non-water crap you're drinking in order to protect your critical systems and keep you alive in the face of your refusal to drink plain water...what do you think is going to happen?
If you have indigestion? Then you are well and truly dehydrated - and have been for quite some time - and you're almost certainly malnourished due to the foods caked on and blocking the inside of your digestive tract due to the body having to suck the water out of it just to get enough to keep you conscious and your heart, liver and kidneys functioning for as long as possible.
Drink your damn water, people! Get your phone, open your clock, click on timer", set it for 1 hour and start it. Every time it goes off during your waking hours, drink a half cup of water and restart the timer. Or start with even just a quarter cup of water. Not juice, not tea, not so-called "Smart" water - Just plain, cold water.
Or don't - it's up to you - 100% your choice - but understand that under such circumstances, cayenne can only function as a stopgap by taking down your body's defense of rationing what little water it can steal from your gut - probably by sucking it out through the holes in the caked on matter in your gut - holes that are almost certainly created by parasites that are almost certainly drilling those holes and, thereby, keeping you upright and conscious - I.e. alive and conscious enough to get you to a watering hole.
Cayenne Vs. Chili Peppers
(New Iberia, Louisiana)
I'm not Ted, I hope it's OK to post an answer.Where I live we grow a lot of hot peppers, even in our home gardens. The tabasco pepper is a very small pepper, used commercially to make Tabasco sauce. The cayenne that we grow is larger (up to about 6 inches long. The cayenne is used mainly to make ground red pepper for seasoning. It is the one used in Cajun seasoning, and is used to season just about all our food before cooking.
Wikipedia states that the cayenne is related to the jalapenos, the bell peppers, and other peppers.
It is possible that any of the hot peppers that is grown wherever one lives will work as well as cayenne pepper. I would certainly try whatever I had on hand if I were you. (And let us know.)
Chest Pain
I take 2 capsules of 100,000 heat unit 3 times daily. I have had tingly dry feelings in my head and extremities for years and nothing had worked. CAYENNE PEPPER HAS HEALED ALL OF MY SKIN PROBLEMS.
All of the lotions and water in the world did nothing. The problem was circulation, that's why I was suffering in my extremities. I have been taking vitamins, herbs and eating right and exercising for 15 years, and by far cayenne is the most beneficial. I get an unbelievable energy rush, better than drugs because the side effect is better health, not the destruction of your body like drugs.
Also I have replaced most of my water consumption with green tea, for some reason water does not work nearly as good for me to hydrate. I have read a lot of remedies on this website, but felt like I had to tell people about cayenne. Cayenne is not a folk remedy, IT IS A CURE!!! It has not changed my life, it has saved it. I had a debilitating problem for 15 years and it is completely gone, please try!!
Because diabetics often suffer from poor circulation and skin issues, using such items can produce burning, and since diabetics often do not heal as quickly, this can become a serious medical issue.
(Gippsland, Australia)
John, Thanks for the alert I had not heard of this contamination so did some googling and now there are two chemical poisons - the Sudan Red you mentioned and also Para Red. They are illegal dyes that should not be in food. The list of food and spices that are contaminated is still growing and they are sill looking for more. To think I recently looked at some paprika that was very pale and decided not to buy it.
When I need a good good circulation, I just eat the ginger, then the fresh cayenne peppers. The ratio is 50:50.
Of course, I don't expect anyone will do that, so just try getting a mortar and pestle and mix the fresh cayenne peppers and ginger. Try 1/4-1/2 teaspoon for each. Then either mix them in lemon and honey. I can't be too specific about the recipes. It depends on how well you can tolerate the hot taste of peppers. Fresh peppers worked the best.
If you find this too hard for the stomach, just take Vitamin B3, Niacin. That will get you on skin flushing and it works also, but differently. Cayenne peppers are more powerful and for the heart. While Niacin seems to be active on small capillary circulation on the skin. Niacin seems to reduce cholesterol and helps repair damage tissues (such as gum disease and heart circulation also).
Clogged Ears
Hi, recently I was experimenting on ways to get rid of an allergy so I tried snorting cayenne pepper up my nose to see if that works, I did this yesterday so im not sure yet however today when I was exercising at the gym I felt my right ear slowly popping and could start to feel the air coming freely through my ear! It had been clogged up for months and finally it feels so good! I use to use the eardrops the doctor gave me but they didnt work so I just left it alone and forgot about it. I reckon it was the cayenne because I only snorted through my right nostril and only my right ear freed up.
Colds and Flu
Colds and Flu
Lithium is antivirul. Nightshade vegetables tend to bioaccumulate lithium. Cayenne is a nightshade.
Colds and Flu
I got up Sunday with a tickle in my throat. I was suppose to sing at church and by the time I arrive could not. By half time of Superbowl the sore throat an congestion had set in.
Worked Mon, Tues and Wed thinking I could get through it, but after not sleeping Tues and Wed, I was simply put exhausted and tired of being sick.
Called in sick Thurs, figuring I really needed to rest to beat this, since I had not been this sick in 5 years. Missed work again Fri. By Fri evening I decided to look online for natural remedies.
My symptoms, sore (strep throat), hard packed congestion, coughing up the vilest green/yellow crap I have ever seen.
Having diagnosed myself with strep throat, I search Dogpile with ("strep throat" "natural cures"). This is how I found the Earthclinic website, of which I consider myself blessed to have found.
Under the "sore throat" section I read the "Penny's cayenne pepper remedy". I thought to myself, you have got to be kidding me.
However, I was so miserable I figured what do I have to loose. So I sprinkled some cayenne in a glass, mixed in some warm water and gargled about 5 times (swallowing only a very small amount each time).
By the time I was done, I could tell there was something good happening. I waited 15 minutes and repeated the same procedure. When I finished I just couldn't believe it. My swollen sore glands were all but gone and the thick green/yellow was breaking up.
I said "praise God", took a Melatonin (for sleeping) and crashed. I woke up about 3 hours later, hawked a few loogies (no where near as bad as before), gargled again and went back to sleep.
When I got up in the morning I simply could not believe how good my throat felt, so I gargled again thinking if what I did makes me feel this good, doing it again will make me feel even better. However, my sinuses were still pretty packed and discharge still fairly green/yellow.
By now Doris, my wife, had arose around 6:00 a.m. (she had the same thing prior to my getting it and still had not fully recovered now almost 2 weeks after it started). I told her the above, she then asked where did I get the info and what do they say about sinus infections.
We both looked at the site this morning and saw the info about Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). We looked at each other in amazement, looked at the ACV on the top of the stove and made a couple of ACV cocktails for breakfast.
Within an hour I had no more green/yellow snot. It is now 10:30 a.m. and my nose still runs abit but clear discharge verses the vile stuff previously mentioned. I simply cannot put into words how much better my throat feels. 12 hours earlier I told my wife the best thing I could use for my throat would be a knife. :-)
I am still coughing a little but nothing like the 4 days prior that make your head ache and pound. Even sitting here finishing this script, I keep saying outloud to myself, "I can't believe how good my throat feels! I can't believe how good my throat feels! ..."
I am a skeptic who has been turned into an advocate. The only thing you have to loose is sleepless nights and a smaller pay check. Are you with me??
My goals is not only for health benefits but to block the sciatic pain used to have from (shoulder & hip) old dislocations.
The reason writing this is April 17, 2012 was involved in an electric skateboard accident. I am 48 years old and was not wearing a helmet. I hit my head at 24 mph. I hit my head 2 more times while trying to stabilize myself before EMT arrived. Yes, I know not very bright without a helmet.
The hospital did a CT Scan there was no blood on the brain. I received 5 stitches in eyebrow, sprain my wrist and took a layer skin off my shoulder underneath my shirt.
My shoulder healed in 2 weeks complete with a new tan, my wrist healed in 5 weeks, you can't even see the stitches in my eyebrow. I didn't even get a black eye at all. I had a little dizziness for about my last 3 weeks with nausea and feeling of wanting to vomit.
I upped my dosage of cayenne along with 2 plain aspirin twice a day. Today, 5 weeks later had a severe headache located on the lower back part of my head that lasted 2 to 3 minutes. Afterwards my dizziness had completely vanished.
I feel 99% healed from my post concussion accident in 5 weeks. I believe it was cayenne powder for my speedy recovery for my traumatic state.
(Dallas, Tx)
Hello and thanks for that remarkable story, glad for your recovery results. Please tell me how you took the cayenne 2 to 3 times a day. Thanks!
Crohn's Disease
(San Diego, California)
Yes stop taking it 5 days before surgery, ask your Doctor., also anything that thins the blood, such as aspirin.
(Bg, Serbia)
cayenne is used in curing ulcers, so don't worry about that. source: (read testimonials)
(Atlanta, Ga)
I'm 52 years old and had Pilonidal cyst for years, didn't get the recommended surgery. I began taking the B Vitamin complex vitamins for more energy and vitality, I noticed that my Pilonidal cysts disappeared and stayed gone for 15 years because I love the B vitamins and always take them. Now after not having a cyst for 15 years it came back when I was diagonosed with Diabetes. At the health food store I was told the medicine I was taking for diabetes depletes your body of the B vitamins, so I increased my B vitamins, particulary B 6 and sure enough no more Pilonidal cysts!
EC: For those interested in researching more about pilonidal cysts: