Natural Remedies

Tonsillitis Remedies

| Modified on Jan 25, 2025
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Natural remedies are particularly effective for treating tonsillitis and preventing the need for more invasive treatment measures.  Natural cures like apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, and garlic can treat the underlying infection and can help prevent further complications.

What is Tonsillitis?

Tonsillitis is a condition that involves the inflammation of the tonsils. Symptoms of the condition include red, swollen tonsils, white or yellow patches on the tonsils, sore throat, difficulty swallowing, fever, enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, a scratchy or muffled voice, bad breath, stiff neck and headache. The condition is most often caused by common viruses but may be the result of bacterial infection.

Natural Remedies for Infection and Inflammation of the Tonsils

Treatments for tonsillitis focus on eliminating infection and inflammation associated with the condition. A number of natural treatments have been identified that are effective for achieving these goals of treatment. Apple cider vinegar, coconut oil and garlic are among the most common and most effective natural treatment options.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider treats tonsillitis in a number of ways. The vinegar creates an environment in the body in which most strains of infection cannot survive. The compound also reduces inflammation and delivers a number of vital nutrients to the body that bolster the immune system.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is also an effective antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. The lauric acid in coconut oil kills bacteria, viruses and fungi, which helps to eliminate the underlying infection causing tonsillitis. The oil also supports immune function as well as several other bodily processes.


Garlic also functions to eliminate infection and reduce inflammation. Garlic contains a compound known as diallyl sulfide that is 100 times more effective than some popular antibiotics in fighting bacteria and other infection-causing substances. The sulfur in garlic also aids in reducing inflammation.

A common condition, tonsillitis causes inflammation of the tonsils which also results in a sore throat, difficulty swallowing and tenderness in the throat and neck. Natural treatments function to effectively treat and eliminate the infection as well as the symptoms associated with the condition.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Apple Cider Vinegar

3 User Reviews
5 star (1) 
1 star (2) 

Posted by Rosemarie (Greenwich, Ct) on 12/24/2009


I had the worst cold ever. I rarely ever get sick and if I do, I usually drink a little apple cider vinegar with honey for a day or two and it's gone! But, this cold was all in my nose and throat. No fever, no sneazing, no chills! I took everything! Vitamins, applecider vinegar with honey, Tomatoe tea, vinegar, honey,salt and lemon tea, and I even gargled daily. Well, it seemed that it was all fom my sinuses and it was draining down my throat,I started getting an ear infection and then it hit my tonsil! It seemed inflamed and that was when I took out the bottle of apple cider vinegar. I poured about 1/4 of a small glass full and then gargled it straight! Voila! No more tonsil pain, no more cough and my voice returned to normal. Those germs ran away!

Replied by Shaylan
(Wellington, Ohio)

Should the apple cider vinegar be swallowed or spit out?

Replied by Suki
(Edinburgh, Scotland)

Should be spat out because all the bacteria is in what you have just gaguled? -.-

Replied by Golda
(Bellport, Ny)

DONT WASTE YOUR TIME! It doesn't work and you'll end up with your throat burning.

Replied by Star
(Priest Lake, Idaho United States)

I only have white vinegar... will it still work??

Replied by Kiki

Distilled white vinegar will not work the same as apple cider vinegar because it does not have the "mother" or probiotic properties. It IS food grade, but it's going to be much more effective for you to use white vinegar to clean the surfaces you touch in your home (spray bottle with equal parts vinegar and water) because it will naturally disinfect for you, but you shouldn't drink it as you would apple cider vinegar because on its own it is much more abrasive.

You should be able to find organic and unfiltered apple cider vinegar at any health or whole food store for a very reasonable price. I get mine for $3 and change at my whole foods store, and even if you're drinking it twice daily, it will last you for a month or so because you only take a tablespoon in a glass of water at a time.

Replied by Amanda

My throat is so raw from doing this. It is way way worse than before. I had a slight sore throat. Now after gargling with ACV and water.... it feels just as bad as after I had my tonsils removed. Do not try this!!!!!!

Aspirin Gargle

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 09/24/2024

Salicylate of Soda Gargle: TONSILITIS –

TONSILITIS – Salicylate of Soda (predecessor of aspirin) for – Also as a Gargle in Adult Ulcerated Cases. – Given in 10 gr. doses, every 2 to 4 hours, internally, and is also used as a gargle in ulcerated cases. Strength of gargle is not given; but I should say 5 to 10 grs. to the oz. of water, according to the degree of ulceration.

Remarks. I certainly expect much from its use upon a fair trial, and say to all who need it, try it.

NOTE: Gargling with aspirin dissolved in water will help ease inflammation in your throat delivering medication straight to the source. Dissolve one 325mg (Adult dose) soluble aspirin in water and gargle for 3-4 minutes. You can do this 3-4 times a day. Spit out the aspirin after gargling.

From the Book – Dr. Chase's New Receipt Book and Medical Advisor or Information for Everybody by A.W. Chase MD, page 74. 1927.

Coconut Oil

12 User Reviews
5 star (9) 
4 star (2) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Eve (PA) on 01/25/2025

Coconut oil 100% worked for us

Overnight, my 5 year old daughter got a very high fever (106) which we quickly got lowered to a less dangerous, though still high, fever. The following morning she woke with an inflamed throat with white stuff in the back. Her throat got worse throughout the day, the white patches grew. We took her to Urgent Care where she tested positive PCR test for Flu strain A but the strep throat culture (also PCR test) was negative, and she didn't have the other common indicators for bacterial strep, so the doctors said it was viral, tonsillitis. There was nothing to prescribe for it they said, just try to make her comfortable. Well, I've been coming to Earthclinic for 15 years so I came here to look for a cure and Earthclinic and the good people who write in, once again, did not disappoint. I read the reviews and gave my little girl a half teaspoon of raw extra virgin coconut oil (I gave small spoonfuls because she's very little). I gave her another small spoonful like that every few hours. Her pain reduced somewhat, and I felt by evening that the huge patches of white gook looked somewhat smaller and the throat was less inflamed. Her fever lowered a bit, too. That night her fever didn't go so high, and the next morning, the fever was very low and her throat definitely looked substantially better. I gave a few more of those spoonfuls during the day, and by evening, her throat was MUCH MUCH better, her fever had subsided. Today, she barely has any white patches left at all in her throat, fever is gone and she is able to play. I still gave her a spoon of coconut oil as the last bits of it go away, but it's really pretty much gone. Coconut oil was a wonderful help! I definitely recommend it. I just told her to hold the coconut oil in her mouth as it melted, so it could drip down the back of her throat, as she's too young to gargle or oil pull. Regardless, it worked, and it worked WELL. Relief was rapid, steady, and constant. Within 6 hours, noticeable improvement, after 24 hours, a massive improvement, and after two days, near total cure. Thank you to all those who wrote in, as your entries gave me the info I needed to relieve my little girl's pain and discomfort.

I am a most grateful mama. Thank you all.


Coconut Oil
Posted by Katie (Wisconsin) on 10/14/2018

Three days ago, I felt a sore throat come on quickly. The next morning, my tonsils felt huge, sore and I was running a low fever. That night, it was awful. I wondered if this was tonsillitis, pneumonia, or what... I just knew I was coming down with something bad. Twice a day for the next couple of days, I let half a spoon of virgin coconut oil melt in my mouth and gargled it, letting it concentrate/sit on my tonsils for a few minutes. I don't know how it's possible, but I feel 90% better today. I'm baffled. Lots of water, gargling coconut oil, and I ate a dish or two that contained garlic... that's about all I did. Waiting to see if this is seriously gone but it's almost 2pm and I've felt fine and energetic all day.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Elizabeth (London) on 03/26/2017

I have been battling tonsillitis for a few months, 4 rounds of antibiotics that have done very little. I took to this site as I am a big fan of natural remedies and sick of the antibiotics ripping my immune system down. I started gargling coconut oil twice last night and once this morning, its amazing! The oil soothes your throat and the infection is going down! Which is a miracle!!! I aim to do it all day long as well as drinking at least 6 litres of water a day and flush this horrible infection away. Highly recommend and aim to gargle coconut oil for the rest of my life!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Rob W (Stuarts Draft, Va) on 03/24/2017


Coconut oil gargle for swollen tonsils:

About the coconut oil gargle... it surely does clear the mucous out, from around the swollen tonsil, leaving it hanging out there, veeeeery sensitively, in the open air... every breath of fresh air that hits that exposed, raw flesh, stings and burns (ouch! ). But, it's clearing the mucous. That said, I wouldn't recommend gargling before bed. The pain was too much for me at midnight, so I tried it. It's now 3:44am, and I am tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable, because every ten minutes I have to hock up more mucous to spit out (sorry for the gory details). So... conclusion? It works for clearing the mucous from the infected area, but, do it HOURS before you plan to sleep!

Coconut Oil
Posted by E (Houston) on 06/23/2015

Editor's Choice

I have had recurrent tonsillitis my whole life and avoid antibiotics now whenever possible since. Sunday night, I had a fever of 102.8 and a red, swollen throat with a visible patch of infected mucus on my right tonsil. I gargled with salt water, took goldenseal tincture and vitamin C, and went to bed.

When I woke up on Monday, my fever was better but the infected patch and swelling were still the same. Continued vitamin C and goldenseal throughout the day on Monday kept my energy high and my fever down, but the infected patch and swelling weren't reduced.

Monday night, after reading anecdotes on this site, I gargled with melted coconut oil for 10 minutes (spitting afterward). The swelling in my throat was reduced almost immediately, and the infected area on my tonsil was somewhat smaller as well.

This morning (Tuesday), I gargled again with melted coconut oil for 10 minutes. After this gargle, more than half of the infected mucus was dislodged. Two hours later, I repeated the coconut oil gargle. Half an hour later, the infected area was completely gone and the redness and swelling in my throat were almost completely gone. I plan to do two more rounds of coconut oil gargling to ensure that the problem is completely gone!

I did not pull (swish) the oil - I gently gargled it in my throat, focusing on the infected side. It wasn't the most pleasant thing I've ever done, but it is the fastest I've ever cured an infected tonsil!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Gp (Hobart, Tasmania) on 03/05/2010

The few times I've had tonsillitis, I've noticed extra virgin coconut oil cures it in 24 hours. Unbelievable, but true. Just let a knob of it melt in your mouth, tilt your chin up and let it pool toward that back of your mouth/throat. Hold it there for as long as you can. Repeat several times a day.

It works much faster than the nasty antibiotics usually prescribed, and provides some temporary pain relief in the mean time. I usually get tonsillitis when I'm run down, so as soon as I notice that first sign of white in the back of my throat, I start this treatment, and it clears up within 24 hours.

EVCO is amazing stuff!

Replied by Amanda
(Columbus, Oh)

I had tonsillitis for about five days that turned into an abscess. After three doctor visits, antibiotics and steroids that seemed to be doing nothing, I finally looked Earth Clinic and found this. I did it three times in the evening and when I woke up the next morning it was a miracle! I have no pain or discomfort swallowing and the swelling has gone down tremendously! This is truly an amazing remedy, I have rediscovered my love for coconut oil.

Replied by Maria
(Cincinnati, Ohio)

My tonsils have been huge since I was a little child. My ENT wanted to remove them, since they had gotten even bigger and I also had tonsil stones. I am 61 and was concerned about having that surgery at my age so I decided to try something to shrink my tonsils. I had already been doing "oil pulling" (swishing) using organic extra virgin coconut oil with good results in the health of my gums, so I decided to try gargling the coconut oil for 5 minutes before swishing it. After one month I looked at the back of my throat, and my huge tonsils had shrunken so much, I could barely find them. I had never seen the entire arch of the back of my mouth before. Oil gargling is now part of my daily routine and my tonsils have not gotten swollen again. (It has been 6 months...)

Replied by Patrick
(Charlottesville, Virginia)

Maria - are you actually gargling in the back of your throat with the extra virgin coconut oil? I have huge tonsils and do not want to have surgery to take them out! Please let me know what I need to do.



Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

Patrick, I read of someone who sprayed lugols iodine down the back of the throat and it helped the tonsils go down. Like the coconut oil it is anti bacterial/anti fungal.

Replied by Francisca
(Zug, Switzerland)

I sprayed my throat with liquid magnesium chloride and the itching of my allergy disappeared! Too bad Lugol's doesn't seem to be sold here in Europe... I had already tried in France, England, Germany and now I am trying to find it here in Switzerland but the pharmacy has already told me they can't get it here or in Germany. It used to be sold here but not anymore. They are now trying to find out whether they can import it form the US. Funny if you think that it was developed by a French doctor called Jean Lugol..... The Swiss have banned an awful lot of supplements. In Basel I used to know a very good natural pharmacy and they still sold quite a few things, not here in Zug, the choice is really very limited.

Replied by Carrie
(Philadelphia, Pa)

Unbelievable! I've been in such pain for the last week. I had a bad cold with horrible sinus pain that then moved into a cough. I never had a fever. I fought it with vitamins, herbs & juices and everyday it was getting better. Then, out of no where, my throat started killing me! After a few days I looked in my throat and saw that my tonsils were swollen. I read this post about coconut oil last night & tried it b4 bed. This morning I woke up and it was half as big! Did another again this morning and it's feeling so much better. Finally...relief!

Replied by Simply Kathy
(Brunswick , Ga. Usa)

Blessed to have come upon this site. I went and bought Extra virgin coconut oil- Expensive but worth every penny! My throat was sore, felt like a thousand needles stabbing me in my mouth. I could hardly talk and was in much pain to just swallow. After doing the oil pulling, just one time, the pain left, I could swallow, and talk pain free! I also noticed and it is now the 3rd day of oil pulling, I have a cavity that has been hurting, does not hurt anymore and I can actually eat and no pain! What a blessing. Praise God!

Replied by Mkz
(Philadelphia, Pa)

I tried this remedy earlier today. I think it's working, but I'll update in a couple of days. @Green- It is not for you to say who Kathy should and shouldn't thank. If she wants to praise God, let her do so.

Replied by Melissa
(Baltimore, Md)

After gargling and swishing the coconut oil for 5 minutes, do you swallow it or spit it out??? Not clear on this part.

Thank you

EC: Spit it out (ideally in the toilet, so you don't clog your pipes with the oil). You never want to swallow toxins or viruses when you can help it!

Replied by Pat
(Santa Clarita, Ca, Usa)

I am amazed to stumble upon this site and conversation about coconut oil! It is an answer to Prayer - really! I was just getting ready to take some leftover antibiotic in desperation to rid my throat of an infection in my left tonsil. Reading the side-effects of the meds. Was enough to scare me but I looked up tonsillitis to see which of the meds. Would be best to use... And there it was, a reference to wonderful "coconut oil". I have been using it for various things (like skin disorders including cancers, moisturizer, mixed in my hot morning coffee to clear the brain because of its anti-Alzheimer's affect) with success, and now it is good for infected tonsils! Who knew? The Good Lord did and He has once again been my Helper. Thank You, Jesus. I have already swished it against my throat and tonsil and feel some relief. I will continue ue to do so. Thanks, everyone.

Replied by N
(London, Uk)

After reading this site spent I £15 on some extra virgin coconut oil as I have had sore throat/tonsilitus for over a month now and just can't get rid of it!! Didn't work, waste of money, thought it sounded too good to be true!!

Replied by Jj
(San Clemente, Ca US)

I have reoccurring tonsillitis. So I know a few ways to cure it and sometimes the cure you used last time or the one you have never used wont work... So you have to try diffrent things each time. Keep your immune system strong, vitamin c, second gargel salt water spit out salt water as much as you want listerine also helps. but coconut oil will help most of the time even if you just ingest it the tonsillitis will go away slowly however I have not tried this remedy and looking forward to see how well it works thank you and good luck other people with your pain.

Replied by Jj
(San Clemente, Usa)

I'm back to let you know my tonsilitis has not gone away so easily this time even though I have been taking coconut oil and doing this treatment. Today however, I decided to use old treatment what I thought was inferior but it worked well, gargel salt water it reduces swelling and pain. With the reduced swelling I coughed up a few vile things which is good! ^^ got all the nasty stuff out now I can start healing. But my point is coconut oil will heal and disinfect but salt water will reduce swelling and disinfect so use both!!! And also use listerien or a hydrogen peroxied and water mix to really kill germs back there ^^

Replied by Rob

Thank you so much for the posts on coconut oil to relieve tonsilitis. It worked for me within 12 hours. From not being able to talk, swallow or eat, and just drool from the side of the mouth, now I can have a conversation again and not be in agony!

Replied by Ramune
(Peterborough, Cambs)

Just a quick one about Liugol Spray. It is still sold in Lithuania so we do have it here in Europe. If that helps it is called Liugolis. They even sell it on Amazon. Hope it helps. My friend just brought me a bottle of it as I have terrible throat pain.

Will also try coconut oil gargle.

Have been gargling with hydrogen peroxide and water all day yesterday. One side seemed to be clear of white coating after the night.

Replied by Katherina
(Venice, Italy)

I found Lugol in a Dutch online store UnlimitedHealth. If anyone is interested, they have a brand called Bob's Best.

i known that some people might be allergic to Iodine though, so it's better to test it on your skin before spraying it into your throat.

Replied by Larry C
(Downers Grove, Il, Usa)

Six months ago I was diagnosed with Stage Four HPV squamous cell carcinoma of the tonsil. I decided right away against the Trilogy Of Death (Surgery, Chemo & Radiation) and have been treating my cancer holistically with diet and supplements using the Bill Henderson protocol. Needing biological dentistry to remove the four root canals causing my cancer I waited hoping to get better without but then developed a serious infection of the tonsil. It went on for weeks until I found the coconut cure here and found relief almost instantly. It's been 5 days now of using the oil and all the white puss is gone and the pain I felt is becoming bearable. I also found that oil pulling (holding the oil in my mouth while swishing) with the coconut for about twenty minutes works even better as it kills virus & bacteria alike. Probably going to do this forever... Root canal tooth removal starts next week.

(Berkeley California)
1 posts

How are you now? I have something going on with my right tonsil. I won't find anything until I go to the dentist because my doctor swears it's nothing wrong. But I know my own body. Did you ever resolve your issues naturally? Since this post is old, please let me know if anyone else has a suggestion.

Replied by Amy

Larry I'm not sure if you'll get notified of my reply here but I see your post is from back in 2015 so I just wanted to see how you went fighting this cancer with the natural protocol!

Replied by Mercy
(Owerri, Imo)

Please my child is just one year and nine months old, and she has re occurent tonsilittis, please how do I make her to gargle this coconut oil so that she can get relieved of the pain and discomfort of cartarrh and cough. Please can she just be drinking the coconut oil?

Replied by Brandon
(Willis, Texas)


I know this is probably too late in conjunction to your ailment. Use turmeric and raw honey to coat and treat your throat the next time and you simply can't go wrong.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Neil (Auckland, New Zealand) on 08/29/2007

I get tonsillitises frequently (every 4-6 weeks) and it usually takes 1 week to recover. I have tried prescribed antibiotics with no effect. However, after reading about garlic on this website, I gave it a shot and I was totally amazed at how fast I recover. There is a dramatic difference the following day after I take a clove of garlic soup before going to bed and I make total recovery within 3 days. With prescription antibiotics, it used to take about 1 week, including gargling every couple of hours. Even when I am ok, I take garlic soup about 2 times a week, and this is the first time ever that I have gone through winter without getting a cold!! I peel a clove of garlic and cut them in half lengthwise. Then I boil it for a couple of minutes in 1.5 cup water and add a pinch of salt, teaspoon of butter, a pinch of pepper and sprinkle with nutmeg. I take is as a soup as the garlic is soft enough to be eaten. Works wonders for me.

Replied by Boriana
(Beijing, China)

My daughter has a chronic tonsillitis since she was small now already 17 still the same and unluckily she found out to be allergic to garlic. is there any other remedy apart from the garlic?

Replied by Joyce
(Joelton,, Tn)
490 posts

Response to Boriana from Beijing: Good old apple cider vinegar & local honey, mixed half & half - at 17 years old she should also be able to tolerate a little cayenne added in there (all three are known to have antibiotic effect & honey also has some ability to decrease allergies.


2 User Reviews
5 star (1) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Ally (Florida, Us) on 01/03/2015

I woke up with swollen tonsils this morning. Hurt when I swallow and my speech is affected. I came to Earth Clinic to find a remedy (alternate), and was surprised that the remedy that I know and was out of was not listed at all.

The most effective cure I know is Golden Seal in the liquid form. Two drops directly on the tonsils and the pain will be gone instantly.

If I had that I wouldn't even have come here today, so try it folks. Over the years it has been an instant cure for me- not days, hours, nor minutes, but instant. 2 drops on the swollen tonsil, and I swallow it. Awful taste- really awful, but the instant gratification is well worth it. Remember to refrigerate it to keep it fresh and effective.

Thanks Earth Clinic, over the years I have come here so I am happy to contribute

Replied by Prakash
(Sunnyvale, Ca)

We have tried couple of drops of Goldenseal tincture on Tonsils, but didn't have any effect. Taste was awful and it lasted for several hours, but there was no improvement in pain.

Hydrogen Peroxide

4 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Irene (Northern Ireland) on 08/02/2019

I use a spray bottle with H202 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide on my tonsils and toothbrush and has worked perfectly for me. I no longer have really sore throats and my tonsils have shrunk.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Frank (Alaska) on 08/01/2019

Editor's Choice

3% Hydrogen Peroxide Tonsil stones will calcify over time if they are not taken out. This means they will meld onto your flesh(tonsils) forming a hard whitish, rubbery texture. Usually you cannot see it because your tonsils wraps around it. All you will see is flesh. But sometimes a little white-ness will peep out. And no matter how hard you try to squeeze it out, it seems melded onto the flesh - That is because it is. Many people wind up taking out their tonsils because the medical community doesn't know what to do with it. But the solution is easy and only costs pennies. I have taken a 7 inch long cotton squab and soak it in 3% hydrogen peroxide. I then place this onto my tonsils for a while. The hard calcium deposits will then start to fizz. That is the white rubbery calcified tonsil stones coming out. Rinse this away with clean water. You keep repeating this process as long as you or your tonsils can handle it. (Maybe 15 minutes). Rest for about 5 hours, then start again. I do this about 2-3 times a day. It takes about 3-4 weeks to get them completely clean depending on your situation. Each time I do this I can still see more calcified gunk coming out. Don't be discouraged, there will be an end to it, eventually. My case was about 2 decades of tonsil stones untreated, uncleaned, and they eventually hardening onto my tonsils. They calcified until my tonsil was tough (not soft or fleshy) when I poke at it. You will need a mirror and flashlight to do this. After I cleaned out the calcified tonsil - my very bad teeth grinding stopped. The swelled up tonsil came down in size gradually and pressure was relieved from my jawbone. The relieved pressure from my jawbone caused it ache for 2-3 days!! After 2 decades of teeth grinding it has STOPPED!! The pressure is off my jawline. I didn't even know there was pressure on my jawbone, until it was released. Who knew it was caused by a swollen tonsil????!!! My basal temperature has also risen. I used to not sweat easily. It took A lot to make me sweat. After I cleaned my tonsils, I sweat normally! Wow. Bad breath has also improved drastically.

Replied by Frank

It is me again. The above 3-4 week estimation was off. After 6 months I am still cleaning my tonsils in the above stated manner. I gave it some time off as it seemed to need some rest. My tonsils are now half the size. I still have a long way to go, but it is encouraging that it is doing something. The medical community only knows to take out the tonsil. I hope more people read this post before they take out a part of the body you can never get back. As a side note, I have noticed that I sing better! I am no singer but am surprised as the ease I am getting compared to before in singing. I don't know what it will be like if the tonsil really goes down to normal size, maybe I'll sing ever better. ?? Professional singers need to care for their tonsils. If they become hardened it will affect their tone. If the tonsils are taken out, scar tissues can form affect the tone. This has been a wonderful discovery, and I hope it helps more people.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Mary (Los Angeles, Calfornia) on 09/19/2011 50 posts


Hello everyone. Since I was a little child I suffered from Tonsillitis and am now past my sixties. People have made fun of my breath and have said some really mean things like fart mouth and other kind phrases like that. I understand now that my breath has been like that because of the Tonsilloliths (white stones) No wonder my boyfriends didn't want to kiss me! ): I have been told by doctors that I cannot have a tonsillectomy because of my age and severe bleeding that could kill me.

Anyway, about 8 days ago I woke up in the morning with my tongue, the left side of my face and throat swollen. I could see the Tonsils inflamed and the pain was excruciating I've never had it that bad before. I quickly started on my remedies. Made a strong tea of garlic and honey. It helped some but I woke up about an hour later and in even more pain. My throat was so swollen I looked like a bullfrog only to match that swamp breath! How lovely!

Well I became desperate and took an empty 2 oz brown bottle that had a 3 inch dropper in it. I took that dropper and filled it with, 3% hydrogen peroxide and did not mix it with water even though my inner voice was warning me and shot it straight down my tonsil opening to finally heal myself! I figured it would clean it out and stop that pain. WRONG!!

I didn't feel any fizzing or anything so figured it hadn't helped me any. I woke up about an hour later and was in the worst pain of my life plus a headache and could not swallow very well and could not lay back because I felt as though I was choking. I figured I better go to the hospital and they made me wait even though I was dying!! They gave me an antibiotic and a shot to bring down the swelling. The nurse said, "you can't leave yet we have to make sure you'll be alright. I didn't mention a word to the doctor about what I had done. For fear that they would do worse than what I had done. I started to hyperventiliate because I was afraid that that shot would make things worse. They made me stay a little longer and then let me go.

I kept checking on my Tonsil and saw that there was no opening!! Oh no I thought I must have burned it out!!! After a few days I noticed I could not bend over or my tonsil would hurt so bad my head hurt and could not swallow or lay down I had to sleep sitting straight up. I kept putting ice packs on my throat and it helped a little. It felt as though my throat wanted to close up on me. Everyone in my family told me I was crazy for doing it.

Now 8 days later the Tonsil looks like a big exclamation mark (! ) I will see if it stays like that but I think it's gone.

What finally helped the pain to go away was 1 tsp ACV, 1 tsp honey and a little liquid cayenne (only 2 drops! ). I am praying that the one tonsil is gone but hoping I will be alright. I feel pretty good now but would I do it to the other one? HELL NO!!! By the way, the doctor said I needed a Tonsillectomy. If I had listened to him I'd be writing you from my grave! It's very good to be alive!!!

P.S. I will give you an update if anything good or bad happens because of it! REMEMBER SOMETIMES A LITTLE IS BETTER!!! Happiness and health to all.


Hydrogen Peroxide, Coconut Oil

Posted by Momsy (East Coast) on 08/30/2013

My daughter could not sleep due to swollen tonsils-I could barely see her uvula, and she said her throat felt like pins and needles. This remedy worked fast:

She gargled with 1/4 tsp. 3% hydrogen peroxide and 3/4 tsp. water for 2 minutes, then spit. After a few minutes her throat area started stinging badly-it was working! We let the H2O2 do its work for 5 minutes. She then gargled with 1 tsp. extra virgin coconut oil for a few seconds, then swallowed it. The oil seemed to coat and soothe her throat nicely.

She went back to bed and ten minutes later, was asleep! I checked her throat the next morning, tonsils were a bit smaller and not as red. As usual, Earth Clinic came through. Thank you!!

Lorraine's Tonsillitis Tea

2 User Reviews
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Posted by Lorraine (Derby, Kansas) on 12/02/2008

I made a sort of "tea" with 2 tablespoons of honey, lemon juice from one wedge, pinch of salt, a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, one minced garlic clove, a dash of cayenne pepper, and boiling water (to fill a mug) for tonsillitis. Works better than anything I have ever tried before.

Replied by Dan
(New Britain, CT)

I have made a tea with a few pieces of chopped up ginger root.. 2 tablespoons of Apple cider vinigear (ORAGNIC) (mother) and some honey.. seems to be working very well for me. Give it a shot.

Replied by Suznne
(Staines, England.)

Please could you tell me if you drink this tea or gargle with it? My daughter can't take antibiotics.

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