(San Antonio, Texas)
Lol the "the head-lock-coffee-application-manuver" had me rolling -- good thing it works! I'd be terrible if it didn't! Lol
How to Use: Brew a cup or two of coffee as strong and dark as possible. Dip a clean cotton ball in the warm coffee. Gently wipe the coffee saturated cotton ball over infected eye so coffee runs into the eye. Wipe over several times and if needed repeat with a new cotton ball. The coffee can be saved in a container for 24 hours, but be sure container is clean. DO NOT contaiminate coffee by placing used cotton ball back into coffee! Be sure to warm coffee before each use.
How often: I used this treatment once every two hours for three days. Treatment can be done more frequently to alleviate itch and inflamation associated with pink eye.
My experience: I payed $21 (USD) for a bottle of antibiotic eyedrops. I used them for the ten days as recomended. I was not cured at the end of the ten days and suffered each day with red, sore, goopy, itchy eyes because the drops didn't even alleviate the symptoms of pink eye. I used the coffee for three days and from the first treatment I was no longer suffering.
Colloidal Silver
Hi Nancy,
so good to hear the CS worked for your eye. I am thinking of getting CS for list of protocal I see for virus. I woke up couple days with terrible headache and coughing like crazy…raw /scratchy throat today. but I see folks saying take the CS to fight virus. I am scared as its METAL that I will be drinking and its going to be in my body. I didnt think our bodies is to take in foreign METal. Reason why I never had any kinds of Flu shots…I learned flu shots has mercury in it!!!! why would I want that in me. lol. So this Colloidal Silver….that is metal…..isnt that bad for us to put in our body.
thank you
(Los Angeles, CA)
I read this last night, tried it this morning and my eye is already clearing up an hour later! Just a few drops and the gritty feeling is already gone. It stung for a few seconds but so worth it to not look bloodshot in my meeting later today. Thank you!
Colloidal Silver
Colloidal Silver

Any advice on what to do? I really want to stop the spread of the pink eye as we have a very full house and its already made its way past my 2 children, myself and my nephew. So I'm trying to prevent it passing thru my husband, brother and niece. Should I discontinue the use of CS or is this normal? I've never used it before so any advice on what to do would be greatly appreciated.
-Thank you
(Lithia Sp, Georgia)
The infection was greater in that eye and the cs was killing it off so fast, that is what made the reaction. it is called the herxemer effect not sure if spelling is correct. I have had this effect in different parts of my body when cs startes to kill bacteria or virus off.
Yeah, you used way too much - one drop of 10ppm every three hours is what you do.
My guess is that you did too many doses in one day at too high of a ppm strength. Most people here are using it only one to two times a day, one or two drops in the eye, at a strength of 10-15 ppm (not 50 ppm as you have - that's 4 or 5 times as concentrated). I would dilute it with 4 or 5 parts water to 1 part of your 50ppm CS and wait a full day to do another dose.
Great advice, Lily. Works great. Tried the teabags first but only temporary relief. I drop 10ppm colloidal silver each eye every 3 hours. The worst eye herxed with the first drop, but only for about 5 minutes, then with every dose it got better and better. I'm on the second day and will continue treatment for 5 days. As soon as the itch is gone I'll reduce to 3 times daily.
Colloidal Silver
Colloidal Silver
I mix raw honey, Colloidal Silver (CS) & Greek organic plain yogurt in a dropper.
Put it in eye every 20 minutes or so for a few hours. It will burn just a bit at first. You have to put it I'm your eye at least twice an hour to be effective.
It will clear up In a few hours!
Colloidal Silver
(Tallahassee, Fl)
Colloidal Silver
Colloidal Silver
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Mike from UK re Pink Eye,
Hello, and I too have used Colloidal Silver on conjunctivitis .... pink eye.
That virus is a killer to get rid of but for the past 15 years when I first read it would work I've used it to quickly get rid of the infection.
I use two drops of CS in each eye twice a day for two days. I was told by an ophthalmologist who was a professor of ophthalmology not to use the CS beyond 2 days because the CS could take off the cells of the eyeball.
Colloidal Silver
Colloidal Silver
Colloidal Silver

(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Dear Turtle,
By now your eyes have probably self-rinsed.
Chamomile Tea is soothing to the eyes and also helpful for pinkeye. You could us it on the days off of silver. I pour very hot water over the tea bags and let them cool to body temperature. Then Gently squeeze out the excess water and place one tea bag over each eye. This I do twice a day but it could be done more often.
~Mama to Many~
Colloidal Silver
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Hello Loretta,
10 ppm is fine. I use 50 but 10 would work. Don't use for more than two days in a week.
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
I use colloidal silver at about the 50 ppm level. I use twice daily for pink eye and administer three drops or so in both eyes and repeat the next day....two days. If a bad case, I might go to 3 times a day for two days. I do not administer cs in eyes for more than two days at a time. CS can take off some of the cells so I must be very cautious with eyes.
(Jacksonville Fl)
(Los Angeles, CA)
I use CS with 500 PPM- I use 10 drops in a coffee cup filled with distilled water, cover with foil and store in the refrigerator. It feels better on my eyes with cold drops. Then I just use one or two drops 2 or 3 times a day when I get that gritty feeling that something is not right. That dilutes it well and only a tiny bit of stinging, not painful.
Colloidal Silver
I contracted pink eye from someone at work. I had leftover antibiotic eye drops, but I have been trying to get over candida overgrowth and C. Diff, and therefore I am no fan of them. I went on EarthClinic and found a number of people had tried colloidal silver for pink eye. I had some left over from when I was sick a few months ago, so I thought I'd give it a try. I applied one drop every 2 or so hours all day on Day 1. It is now Day 2, and it is almost completely gone! Thanks!