Avoid Meat
Life had been busy with kids and grandbabies and my mother in laws needs, so I haven't had much time to post. I still read the latest posts most days though and love hearing what everyone is learning!
I am writing to just put out there a heads up about alpha gal syndrome, which is basically a meat/mammalian allergy caused by tick bites, often from the lone star tick. There is lots of info on the web, but the symptoms are random and it isn't easily diagnosed. I think I have alpha gal syndrome based on some symptoms and some recent bloodwork.
Here's my story:
I had eliminated dairy over the summer, suspecting it was the cause of my chronic sinus congestion. It did greatly reduce my congestion but I mentioned it to my primary doctor who offered to run some allergy testing to see if there was something else that might be a factor.
The results showed a beef allergy and dairy allergy among other things.
That's when a lot of things started to make sense.
I was shocked at the beef allergy. I eat beef and beef broth and have never noticed any issue.
But the more I thought about it the more the dots connected.
Last spring I bought some collagen powder to add to my coffee. I thought it would help my hair and nails.
Three days in a row I added it to my morning coffee. Every afternoon I was having stomach cramps and diarrhea. I just figured collagen powder wasn't all it was chalked up to and bought just gelatin powder. Same results. So I gave up.
All summer it seemed that my digestion wasn't great. I was prone to cramps and diarrhea at random times, but I had no idea what caused it.
Now I realize it was meat. Beef broth. Gelatin. Sausage, bacon. Beans seasoned with pork. And on and on and on.
With Alpha Gal Syndrome, you can't eat any kind of meat from any 4 legged animals. Chicken and fish are okay. Some people can and some cant have dairy products. Dairy has never agreed with me much, so I don't know if Alpha Gal is the reason it bothers me currently or not.
I have been off all mammal products for a week and my digestion has been perfect. Not one cramp. No diarrhea. No bloating. My doctor is going to do bloodwork to confirm alpha gal next time I go in.
Alpha gal can cause an anaphylaxis reaction. And the reactions can be delayed from the time of exposure – 2-8 hours, so the connection is not easily made. It can also be in medications – heparin, gelatin based capsules, vaccines, etc.
I won't try and do a complete education about Alpha Gal. There is plenty of info.
Just keep it on your radar for yourself and your loved ones!
That's all for now!
~Mama to Many~
Mama, you are not alone. I've been diagnosed with Alpha-gal after going into anaphylactic shock. Was bitten by a lone star tick a few months prior. So, crazy. I now can't tolerate dairy either. I have to be so careful and it's not that hard at home. The biggest problem I've run into is cross-contamination at restaurants. If in doubt, don't chance it. On the bright side, there's a chance the allergy can wear off in time. I will be tested once yearly.
Good luck.
Try an alkaline diet or fermented foods. I hear people have had good success with that.
(Fort Collins, Colorado)
Hi Sheila,
I'm curious about the science behind your assertion. It does not match my experience of that of friends with alpha gal.
I have not had a vaccine in 50 years and developed alpha gal after a lone star tick bite.
A vegetarian friend who does not get vaccines developed alpha gal.
Another friend who does not get vaccinated and eats meat raised on his farm developed alpha gal.
We are surrounded by woods here and tick borne diseases like Lyme and Alpha gal are common. We had a dog get very ill with Ehrlichia, another tick disease.
I do not have evidence to rule out that additives to meat and vaccines cause alpha gal, but I am certainly convinced by experience and logic that tick bites can cause alpha gal.
I do think that if alpha gal were caused by vaccines and meat and not by ticks that the incidence of alpha gal would be more evenly distributed on the map instead of concentrated in areas that have higher levels of ticks and other tick borne diseases. But that is not the case.
~Mama to Many~
According to many in alternative health there are just two causes of disease, toxicity and deficiency. Like a glass of water that's full to the brim, if our bodies are at a toxic tipping point, just one mouthful of the wrong food and we have a reaction. I've had a number of episodes of something similar to sleep apnea which is very frightening. I suspect all animal flesh including fish but especially mammalian meat, dairy, nuts, soy, grains. I have sinus and phlegm problems all the time, itching, diarrea, acid reflux and autoimmune disease for 40 years. I will try eliminating suspect foods and intermittent fasting and taking acidophilus. Thanks to everyone who shares their experience.
(Middle TN)
Do you know anyone with support for this in TN?
I am curious as someone in my family has it and it has been very difficult. They seem to get ascites and abdominal pain (not cramps, just ongoing pain in the stomach) and no other symptoms. It's been confusing and difficult. I've found someone on reddit that has an allergy to grapes and tomatos that started after alpha gal. This has been exactly the same for us here and it clicked after reading that thankfully so that has been a blessing. I am wondering what else might also be causing an autoimmune response now and keeping this person in pain. It seems peanut butter and cinnamon may be possible culprits. It's been weeks since we've eliminated all mammalian products and derivatives and being extremely careful.
Looking for support on this from anyone who has insights. I'm sure by a year from now it will be it's own page. The PTB seem to be intent on 'plagues'
Hi Concerned Mom,
I have heard third-hand of a couple of people being healed of Alpha Gal through acupuncture. One of them went somewhere in Franklin, TN. I see that the Franklin Acupuncture Clinic has something on their website about treating Alpha Gal. I have had Alpha Gal for many years and know many people with it. It is very common here in Middle TN, unfortunately. I have known of people going into remission but getting tick or chigger bites again can bring symptoms back.
~Mama to Many~
I've seen an explosion of Alpha-gal here in western kentucky. I have not seen a specific treatment for it so I've been recommending herbal lyme's disease treatments with about 50% success rate.
Yes, there needs to be a page on EC for this disease.
EC: Thanks for the suggestion. A new page was created and posts on AGS moved over!
Since there is no current treatment for Alpha-gal, I recommend treating it like lyme's disease. I have seen a 50/50 result using these herbs. Ticks that cause alpha-gal syndrome are believed to carry alpha-gal molecules from the blood of the animals they commonly bite, such as cows, sheep etc.... When a carrier tick bites a human, the tick injects alpha-gal into the person's body.
For unknown reasons, some people have such a strong immune response to these molecules that they can no longer eat red meat or products made from mammals without a mild to severe allergic reaction. People who are exposed to many tick bites over time may develop more-severe symptoms.
In a 2017 study they found that essential oils from oregano, cinnamon bark, clove buds, citronella, and wintergreen killed stationary phase Lyme bacteria even more potently than daptomycin, the champion among tested pharmaceuticals.
In a study, published Oct. 16, 2018 in the journal Antibiotics, included lab-dish tests of 35 essential oils—oils that are pressed from plants or their fruits and contain the plant's main fragrance, or "essence." The Bloomberg School researchers found that 10 of these, including oils from garlic cloves, myrhh trees, thyme leaves, cinnamon bark, allspice berries, and cumin seeds, showed strong killing activity against dormant and slow-growing "persister" forms of the Lyme disease bacterium.
For the new study, the researchers tested 35 essential oils at four different concentrations against seven-day-old laboratory-grown Bb stationary phase bacteria, which are enriched in persisters and biofilm-like micro-colonies.
A week later, they examined the cultures and identified 18 essential oils (at 1% concentration) which were similar to daptomycin in their antibacterial activity against Bb.
Further study revealed that oregano, cinnamon bark and clove bud were the most effective essential oils because of their high activity against Bb, at the lowest concentration of 0.125%.
To specify the active ingredients of oregano oil, the researchers further tested the three major components and discovered carvacrol (at either 0.1% or 0.05% concentration) was the most active ingredient in oregano oil.
In fact, carvacrol was highly effective against all phases of Bb, including the active spirochetal phase, the stationary (non-growing) phase and the biofilm-like structures. Importantly, oregano and carvacrol appear to be more active than daptomycin and seem to dissolve the most difficult to kill biofilm structures.
To confirm their results, the researchers re-tested their top six essential oils. After 21 days, there was no regrowth of Bb in three of them—oregano, cinnamon bark and clove bud. The other three oils, citronella, geranium bourbon and wintergreen, did not completely kill the organism, with many spirochetes still visible after 21 days.
Renowned Lyme specialist Dr Klinghardt recommends taking 2 drops of medical grade frankincense internally 2x daily. He also advises putting 2 drops of oregano oil mixed with coconut oil on the bottoms of the feet 2x per day. Note: I recommend taking oregano internally.
If you are in relatively good health with no underlying health conditions… I'd hit it with all the above.
Dietary Changes, Supplements
It is becoming very common here in the MO Ozarks. One of our daughters contracted it in the spring of 2024. It can be very scary, and can sneak up on you. Many people start having problems, and because the reaction is delayed 2-8 hours, it can be hard to pinpoint what is wrong. Keeping good records with a symptom log, daily food intake, etc is a must.
Here is our story:
Her reactions started with a rash on her abdomen, for no apparent reason.
Thankfully, we had heard of this "disease/syndrome" going around here. Although, it has just "appeared" in recent years. The older natives here tell us, there was never such a thing; and they have been bitten by literally thousands and thousands of ticks in their lives.
Since we heard this, we were able to pinpoint that about 2 hours after she ate meat or dairy, it was happening.
As time went on she became more and more sensititive, and the reactions became more and more severe. To the point that we had to go through EVERYTHING in the house. We're talking toilet paper, chapstick, (lanolin from sheep), her cowgirl boots (leather from cows), shampoo, soap (goat's milk), our laundry soap, TOO MANY THINGS, we never thought of, to mention them all here.
She ended up having to get an epipen because she would start to get anaphylaxis, just from us cooking beef in the house. She couldn't even be around our cows, goats or sheep without a reaction.
Early on we got her antibodies tested, which you can order yourself online. They weren't elevated very much, when the reaction was just a rash, stomach ache, loose stools etc. About 6 months later we tested them again, as the reactions got worse; and they were higher.
The first advise we would give is to get EVERYTHING out of your life that is a trigger. READ ALL LABELS! Learn everything that contains alpha-gal, and remove it. It's not just a "red meat" allergy. Dairy and mammal by-products are in SO many things! We don't eat pork or pork by-products; which gave us some insight into this before the Alpha-gal.
Carrageenan, is another thing to watch out for. It is derived from red seaweed, and has a polysaccaride that causes an alpha-gal reaction as well, in some people. Beware of it being in VEGAN products.
Make sure you look for products that are VEGAN, not just vegetarian; as they can have dairy in them.
Keep your adrenals healthy, this REALLY puts a burden on them. Our daughter took Ashwaganda, in veggie caps.
We also got her a vegan iron and vegan Vit D. (Most Vit D is from sheep lanolin). These three things helped her the most, in being able to function.
We ended up doing acupuncture, after the reactions got so bad; and it was affecting our large family. No one was able to eat beef at home.
We went to a place where they put needles in her ear for 35 mins, then set the "pins"; that needed to stay in at least 2 hours. This was not the SAAT certified type. She did this twice a week for 10 sessions total.
We are thankful to the Father for helping her through this treatment. She still can't eat mammal meat (we pray and believe someday she will be able to) but she can eat dairy now, and we can cook meat in the house now. The hyper-sensitivity is a lot better, PRAISE GOD!
Pray this helps you as you, or a loved one, is going through this health trial.
(MO Ozarks)
CORRECTION Read this again and I made a mistake with the acupuncture pIns, they are put it for at least 2 days, not two hours
EFT, Colloidal Silver
Terry Chamberlin
Alpha-gal syndrome:
Alpha-gal syndrome (AGS) is a serious food allergy to red meat. It occurs most often in adults bitten by certain types of ticks. Symptoms range from mild to severe and can vary over time. Meat from any kind of mammal — beef, lamb, pork, goat, and even whale and seal — can cause an allergic reaction. While meat allergy is uncommon, more cases have been reported in the past few years and the numbers continue to rise due to increased recognition of the diagnosis.
A bite from the Lone Star tick can cause people to develop an allergy to red meat, including beef and pork. The Lone Star tick has been implicated in initiating the red meat allergy in the US, and this tick is found predominantly in the Southeast, from Texasto Iowa and into New England.
Natural treatment options include EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) tapping and using the Pulse Test and muscle testing to determine more exactly which meats/foods are causing a reaction.
Many people have found that allergic reactions occur less or not at all when the meat has been raised in a 100% grass-fed and pastured environment.
Some have reported experiencing improvement when generous daily colloidal silver ingestion (sometimes 1 quart/liter per day) is a part of their diet/supplementation.
People with a strong immune system tend to experience Alpha-gal and other allergy symptoms less often or not as severe.
Use the search option here in our group (a small magnifying glass symbol) to search for "The allergy thing" and "Ultimate Health".
Oregano Oil
A patient "Chad" called me today to tell me about his alpha-gal "diagnosed via testing" he had contracted this past summer while horseback riding with a group of other men. All of them came down with Alpha-gal and all pulled ticks off them.
As previously mentioned, there is no set treatment yet for this disease. And the posted data as to its cause form reseachers/labs is very sketchy to say the least.
Chad was complaining about the joint pain caused by this disease. He asked if I could treat him and I agreed. I like a good challenge.
Since Alpha-gal seems to be caused by a tick bite just like all the other tick-borne diseases like Anaplasmosis, Ehrlichiosis, Babesiosis, Powassan, Rocky mountain spotted fever, Lyme's, etc... I've chosen to treat it the same way as any other of the listed tick disease's.
Based on research and results from a 2017 petri-dish study on Lyme's disease caused by ticks, I choose oregano for its high activity against spirochetes, at lowest concentration of 0.125%. Plus, it had the lowest side effects attached to its use than the other herbs listed in the study. How this translates to the human body will be different due to the division of cell walls. You will just need to crack up the dosages.
I put him on my homemade wildcrafted oregano capsules 2 times daily with food because they are the strongest I can make and they can cause upset stomach.
He has been on them now for 25 days and he was happy to report that his joint pain has been reduced by 50%. Over all feeling better. So he wanted to order two more bottles from me to continue this treatment for another 50 days.
Based on the initial results this experiment, I would say that wildcrafted oregano will be a good choice for treatment of this disease. Just don't expect any major results overnite.
If I can remember, I'll post again his results in 2 months of taking the wildcrafted oregano.
Hope this helps....
Rob, I have a question, my golden retriever gets yearly lyme disease. The vet always puts her on 30 day treatment of doxycycline. Last fall she even had anaplasmosis, it was the sickest she'd ever been! We live in the northeast where ticks are rampant! Can a dog be put on oregano capsules? Thank you.
@ Hollyhock
To give Oil of Oregano it to your dog add 1-2 drops of pre-diluted oil of oregano to their food. Avoid if dog has seizures.
I recently had a woman (30 years old?) from Davis County Kentucky with Alpha-gal from a tick bite over the summer. Could not eat meat without vomiting every time.
I put her on the following protocol for Alpha-gal and it worked for her.
Colloidal Silver 10ppm – Take 1 oz. CS in 2 oz. clean water 3x daily.
Wildcrafted Oregano Capsules – North American Herb and Spice Co. P73 are the only one I recommend due to the high Carvacrol percentage (83%?). 3 – 4 capsules daily. I make my own.=
Garlic – LOTS OF GARLIC! You are doing to smell like garlic. But that's what you want. 6 cloves per day. I mice 3 cloves and put them on a chicken salad sandwich and eat them that way. I call it a garlic sandwich. Since garlic stay's in the blood stream for 10 hours, you will want to take this every 12 hours.
You will do all 3 remedies at the same time for one month (30 days).
Why it works?
Oregano # 1 antibiotic on Earth. Oregano will kill any kind of "germ". Proof of this statement can be found in the Quarterly Review of Biology, March 1998 and the Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, June 1977, among other authoritative publications.
Garlic Oils and Other Herbs and Spices Kill "Persister” Lyme Disease Bacteria
Source: https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2018/essential-oils-from-garlic-and-other-herbs-and-spices-kill-persister-lyme-disease-bacteria
News Cast WJZ-TV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSIxWMVZOIE
Colloidal Silver - The Natural Antibiotic Colloidal Silver is a near perfect antibiotic. Colloidal silver has been reported to kill 650 micro organisms, many of which are associated with human diseases. This does not automatically mean that taking colloidal silver will "cure" disease caused by these germs. Colloidal silver only kills micro-organisms when they are in contact with it for a sufficient period of time. The human body is a complex system, which may prevent high enough concentrations of colloidal silver from reaching the "affected area". Just about every known germ, bacteria, virus or fungus, will die within six minutes of contact with colloidal silver. In addition, there are no known bad side effects from using colloidal silver.
GLN offers a partial list of the more than 650 diseases that colloidal silver has been reputed to be successful against: acne, AIDS (reference 8), allergies, appendicitis, arthritis, athlete's foot, bladder inflammation, blood parasites, blood poisoning, boils, burns, cancer (References 2,4 7), candida, cholera, colitis, conjunctivitis, coronavirus, cystitis, dermatitis, diabetes (Reference 1), dysentery, eczema, fibrositis, gastritis, gonorrhea, hay fever, herpes, impetigo, indigestion, keratitis, leprosy, leukemia, lupus, lymphangitis, lyme disease, malaria, meningitis, neurasthenia, parasitic infections: viral, fungal and bacterial pneumonia, pleurisy, prostate, pruritus ani, psoriasis, purulent opthalmia, rhinitis, rheumatism, ringworm, scarlet fever, septic conditions of the eyes, ears, mouth and throat, seborrhea, septicemia, shingles, skin cancer, staphylococcus and streptococcus infections, stomach flu, syphilis, thyroid, tuberculosis, tonsillitis, toxemia, trachoma, all forms of virus, warts, whooping cough, yeast infection, stomach ulcer, canine paravirus and other veterinary uses, and fungal and viral attacks on plants. Simply spray diluted silver on the leaves and add to the soil.
I think you are on a good tract with using essential oils. My family and I use oregano oil and have used it for different types of infections for over 20 years. On our small farm, we have had family dogs get struck by rattlesnakes and have treated them at home utilizing Oil of oregano and Vitamin C to cure 4 out 4 dogs that have been struck over the years in 4 to 5 days. giving them Oregano Oil and Vitamin C morning and night in their foods and sometimes having to stick down their throats. From 16 weeks of age to 15 years of age.
Oil of Oregano is Anti Viral, Anti biotic, anti parasitic, anti venom, and the only negative I have ever come across is if someone is allergic to herbs from the mint family, might not be able to take oregano oil. It has helped us with pneumonia infections, covid BS. but now have a source for ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine without prescription from a pharmacy in India. You never know what things big pharma is putting in drugs. Just for kicks look up the safety data sheet on SM 102, Then look at the ingredients of the Moderna Covid 19 vaccine. Don't trust Big Pharma or most doctors. God Puts everything on the planet for our needs. That does not include Big pharma poisons. God Bless.
Why not try Ivermectin. You know the horse paste that was demonized during 2020. Did you ever hear of Dirt road discussions on Telegram. There is a whole protocol for it, for the paste and liquid version, he has everything you need to know about it. Lymes disease, this has helped a lot of people. I don't know if it helps with alpha gal though, joint pain absolutely!
Hi Emma,
I am not familiar with Oregano oil use for Alpha Gal. I could see it being a good remedy for tick born diseases that cause infection, like Lyme or Ehrlichia, but Alpha gal is a tick induced allergy. (But then again maybe oregano oil can heal an allergy.)
Anyway, I have had Alpha Gal for 5 years but haven't made treating it a priority. As a former vegetarian I haven't minded a mammal free diet. However, since I am getting my other allergies treated through immunotherapy, I will go ahead and get the alpha gal treated that way, too. She has had success healing alpha gal through immunotherapy. There is also an acupuncture practice in Franklin, TN that treats alpha gal with acupuncture. I know a couple of people for whom that has been successful.
~Mama to Many~