Ear Mites
Natural Remedies

Ear Mite Remedies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Campho Phenique

3 User Reviews
5 star (1) 
1 star (2) 

Posted by Gayla (Odessa, TX)

I have raised rabbits and dogs for over 30 years and have to deal with ear mites each summer. I have always used Campho Phenique to kill the mites and heal the ears. I even bought a rabbit once with ear mites so bad the entire ear was nothing but a red inflamed mass of scabs. I pour in a few drops of campho Phenique and massage the base of the ear to get it in and repeat for 2 days on a really bad case and just once for a mild case. Try it, you will be amazed how well it works.

Replied by Jody
(Stowe, VT, USA)


Just a reminder that felines are radically different, physiologically, from both dogs and rabbits. Cats are able to absorb many things through their skin, including oils and other solutions, and even many essential oils can be harmful to them, whether by inhalation, ingestion, or absorption. Just because Campho Phenique works on a dog or rabbit does NOT mean it is safe for use with a cat ;o) Their livers are unable to process these things in the same way other species can, and it can quickly toxify their system. I am using warm water with a few drops of witch hazel, and a drop of gentle pet shampoo to cleanse my cat's ears. I gently wipe out, then use slightly warm olive oil to soothe.

Castor Oil

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Sunny (Centerville, Iowa) on 06/04/2010

My dog has ear mites he caught from an infected cat. I'm an ER RN and we treated wax build-up with a name brand laxative drops... waited for the wax to soften, then used warm H2O to rinse. So I have started tonight with Castor Oil in the ears, and tomorrow will use H2O2 with the Castor Oil. I used the Castor Oil a week ago 3-4 days, and he was feeling so much better that I slacked off. I clearly didn't understand the little beasts would be so hard to get rid of, until reading some of the horror tales on here. I used the Oil an hour ago and the dog is sleeping. Anyone tried Castor Oil ? The oil should smother the mites, loosen the wax, and the H2O2 will help work wax and ear mites out. My main concern is not to cause harm. I think this treatment will be more successful than some I've read about.

I'll let you know.


Replied by Joann
(Ny, US)

My saint caught mites from a cat friend..and she is miserable..the vet and I were treating her for a fungal infection because she gets them every so often...but she now has some irritation on her butt. she is moaning and rubbing her ear on the floor and now I see the brown stuff...what is best? please as she does not tolerate fleas and certainly not these horrible mites. Thank you. I cleaned her ears thoroughly and used peroxide on a q tip then q tipped some oil in her ear and she stopped moaning. HELP

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Joann!

If this were my dog and castor oil was my option, I would FLUSH the ear with liberal amounts of oil. Really work it down into the base of the ear and all over the orifice. Dabbing with a Q-tip IMHO will not suffice to get rid of ALL of the mites. You may need to treat your dog daily for up to 30 days to eliminate all of the mites.

Coconut Oil

Posted by Linda (Wayn, PA) on 02/03/2009

I was just wondering if anyone has used coconut oil for ear mites instead of mineral or vegetable oil? Since coconut oil has so many healing properties, it seems like a good choice, but I haven't seen any posts about it. Does anyone have any thoughts or personal experience with this?

Thanks everybody for sharing your stories and thanks EC for bringing this wonderful site to us!!

Replied by Chi2x
(Manila, Philippines)

I'm currently using virgin coconut oil on my pup, pooch. She's like been scratching a lot especially at behind the ears and she keeps shaking her head. i also looked inside her ears and found red-black debris in there. so i think it might be ear mites. she's also been scratching her legs and biting herself which resulted in dandruff like substances in those areas she scratches. a friend of mine suggested applying virgin coconut oil on the needed areas and put some in her ears while massaging it after. im currently trying it now. hopefully it works. she has been scratching less but we'll see what happens. 1 month is it for ear mites??

this is site is great. :P i'm learning so much.

Colloidal Silver

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Leah (TX) on 04/12/2024

I have recently discovered that colloidal silver works with ear mites, fungal infections, parasites, and many other issues that come with cat care. You can mix it with water and mist the ears for a cleaning solution or you can put it directly into the ear. I had a cat that had ear mites very badly. They smelled and looked like coffee grounds. She was suffering. I used olive oil to suffocate the ear mites treating each ear twice a day. Now my cat was not at all cooperative but I invented a type of papoose board that I have to use when doing this. Yes, sounds traumatizing but what is worse the constant ear mite and infections or a couple minutes swaddled? After 3 days I started using the colloidal silver. I mixed 2 drops into 1 tsp. Of distilled water and put it in the ears. She was cleared up in 3 days. No coffee grounds or foul odor. I now give the colloidal silver to all my animals. 20 cats and 6 dogs and not one has suffered from any ear mites, infections, or skin issues and it's been 3 years!

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Sharon (Wesley Chapel, Florida) on 11/29/2011

l have used colloidal silver for years for ear mites in dogs. 2 drops directly into the ear and massage. Quick relief. Treat daily for a week, then once every 4 days if needed for hatching eggs. Doesn't burn. Keep in mind that the cheaper versions may not be the real deal.

Diatomaceous Earth

10 User Reviews
5 star (8) 
1 star (2) 

Posted by Helen (Sioux Falls ) on 07/10/2023

I mixed diatomaceous earth, 1 teaspoon with his food, because I thought he might have a parasite. The next day he threw up this mucus and it had a little bit of blood in it and there was a worm. I think it was a tapeworm that came out about 12 inches long. So I took him to the vet and I put what he threw up in a baggie and we were in the room waiting for the doctor to come back in and I asked her what it was and she says we don't know what it was and I ask her can I have it back so I can find somebody that knows what it is and she said that they had already thrown it away. Every time I take my dog to a vet I tell them about the diatomaceous earth, and they're all against it but after my dog did the diatomaceous earth, he gained weight he was healthy, running around like a wild dog. He was having fun again.

Also, my Maltese had ear mites, and my Dog Groomer said to use diatomaceous earth and I did and they're all gone now.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Amanda (Wichita, Ks) on 09/14/2017

Ear mites DE treatment

I've found to use a makeup brush to apply DE to dogs ears works very well, especially with animal that doesn't cooperate. Be sure to tap off brush before applying it. Doesn't take much to be effective.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Susan (Las Vegas, Nv) on 03/11/2014

I have 3 indoor-only cats. Somehow, my Bengal got a case of ear mites, then the Snowshoe and the Maine Coon got them at about the same time.

The Maine Coon is the one that has been affected by them with the worst symptoms-- ear scratching, ear tilting, head tilting and shaking, and looking plain miserable. Of the 3, his ears showed the least amount of the telltale coffee ground ear wax. In fact, his ears were almost free of anything at all. The other 2 had some of the brown stuff, but I've seen worse. Fortunately, he has been the easiest to treat, holding still for us when we doctor his ears. The Bengal is a whole different story!

I've treated all of them with Food Grade Diatomaceous earth. I've put it directly into their ears, onto their ears, into their fur, onto and rubbed into their bedding, I've spread it all over the house and furniture... in fact, I've followed all the things recommended on this site as well as on various Diatomaceous earth sites.

The Maine Coon seemed to get quick relief from the DE whenever he started the cycle of itching and head shaking. This all began about 6-8 weeks ago, and the battle hasn't let up.

Due to the Maine Coon showing the most irritation and been the easiest to treat, I began applying the DE to him on a daily or every-other day basis for about a week to ten days in a row. I'd put a pinch into each ear, then rub a fair amount into his fur, especially around his neck area and outer ears.

Then one day we noticed his fur suddenly appeared to be thinning on each side of his neck, below his ears. Within a couple days, they became obvious bald spots. He loses his winter coat every year, but not like this!

That started about 7-10 days ago, and now he's rapidly losing hair down to bald skin in a pattern around his neck, as if he had been wearing a 2" wide collar and it had rubbed all his fur off (except he doesn't wear a collar! ) The skin is baby-smooth, no redness, bumps, welts, or discoloration of any kind. It does itch him though! 2 weeks ago I was admiring how beautiful his coat was looking- now he's starting to look like Bill the Cat.

I brush him daily to help with the winter coat shedding, and it might be my imagination, but it seems like his coat is starting to thin in other areas too. He seems to be itchy all over, not just in the ear and neck areas, but also along his sides. His winter coat is naturally thick, shiny, long and fluffy and he still has most of that except he is going bald in that 2" wide "collar" area, and also a little in front of his ears (between his eyes and ears), and on the backs of his ears too.

I applied DE pretty heavily in these areas (except for between the eyes and ears.) Could the DE have rubbed his fur off? I can't find anything about side effects.

I stopped using the DE when I noticed the rapid balding, and increased itching. I treated his ears with an ear wash last night, followed by Vitamin E oil mixed with Olive oil to see if that would help sooth his ears. Now he's back to shaking his head and scratching at his ears and surrounding areas. I don't want to use DE in case that's the problem, so I might try a little ACV and water.

Any ideas? I am at a loss and am trying to find a way to stop this rapidly expanding balding thing before it gets worse. He is a very healthy, energetic, inquisitive, loving and playful cat. His personality, eating habits, energy level etc have remained the same.

I would love to hear any suggestion or maybe thoughts on what this might be and/or why it's happening. Thank you for any suggestions, advice or opinions!

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Susan!

The bald behind the ears/at the base of the ears sounds like it could be from scratching due to the ear mite infection. That you are still dealing with a mite infestation after treating for 8 weeks with DE tells me that the DE is not working - its not the right remedy in this case.

Read up on EC for ear mite remedies: https://www.earthclinic.com/pets/ear_mites.html

Ear mites spread from animal to animal, and do not typically spread from surfaces to animals. So while a thorough cleaning is in order - wash bedding and the like - you shouldn't have to sterilize the entire house - whew!

It may help to bathe the cats using Ted's mange remedy - scroll down as it was posted very recently.

Treat the ears with an oil remedy, use the oils to flush out particulates and debris as the gunk in the ear will cause to itch also. Keep at the ears on all cats am and pm, for at least 5 days to start. The life cycle of the mite is 21 days, so you should really plan on treating for 27 days to ensure you have eliminated all the mites.

Hair loss does seem related to the mites, but you report naked skin and not scratched up and bleeding skin. The mange baths will help determine if its another mite that is the problem. Barring external parasites diet should be considered - what are you feeding?

Many questions but do start with the ear oil remedy and see what results that brings.

Replied by Susan
(Las Vegas, Nv)

Hey Theresa! Thank you so much for replying to my post in March and helping me try to solve the problems surrounding my cat's ear/ear mite issues.

Unfortunately, I'm still fighting the war and now I'm desperate!

Any advice from anyone here is more than welcome!

This is their diet: Free-feed Orijen kibble, canned Organix grain free, fresh meats like chicken and beef, canned salmon, but they also get "junk" food like Whiskers treats, Meow-mix treats or Pounce treats. I'd created three cookie-monsters by giving them too many junk-food cat treats that the Bengal is totally obsessed with! I hate to admit I went overboard with giving them cookies too many times a day. But those sneaky little cats totally took advantage of me and trained me to their benefit! Now I have gotten a grip and although they still get cookies, it's in moderation. I've also switched their litter to Dr. Elsey's dust-free, hypoallergenic litter.

I used the oil (olive+vitamin E) in Trouble's ears (he's my Maine Coon with the hair loss around his neck) and got the last of the larger particles of "dirt" out of his ears. There might be some deep in his canals, but there's nothing visible. When I wipe out excess oil, pinhead-sized brown particles are on the cotton-ball. Of the three cats, his ears have the least amount of "dirt" and they actually look completely clean. The Snowshoe's and Bengal's ears both have a little visible dark-colored "wax" and it returns a couple days after putting the oil into their ears. Those two have intense reactions when treating their ears-- they cry and scratch their ears like crazy! Trouble does that a little, but not like the other two.

I didn't give them a bath. Trouble has had a couple "sponge" baths. Putting the oil in their ears once a day caused too many reactions that concerned me, so I didn't use oil as often as suggested.

Trouble is suffering the worst since he's still itching and shaking his head, twitching his ears, holding them sideways, and looking quite forlorn. The balding areas around his "collar" have widened, but the skin isn't red, isn't crusted, and is just regular-looking skin. If I'm not mistaken, it looks like the fur is coming back. It's peach-fuzz-like and there's only a couple dime-sized totally bald spots. The area is still itchy and I scratch it for him using my knuckle and he enters a state of nirvana! He has never had skin problems before this, ever!

I've read all the remedies on EC for ear mites, ear problems, and skin problems as well as info from other resources. I have the following products on hand: DE; pure organic Neem oil; H2O2; 100% organic pure coconut oil; Vitamin E oil; pure virgin olive oil; colloidal silver (gel) ; Borax powder; organic ACV; Dr. Bronner's baby shampoo; purified H2O.

Besides the oil, here's the remedies since the last post: I tried watered-down ACV but that stung Trouble's ears so I only tried that once (on his outer ear skin.) Then I tried Neem oil, warming it and applying it into their ears with a dropper. So, that seemed to help all of them at first: the next day their ears were considerably less itchy. Before I used it, Trouble's ears had become irritated and the inside skin on the ear-flap was almost red. Two days after applying the Neem oil his ears were almost light-pink again. I waited another day then re-applied the Neem oil to the Snowshoe and Trouble. I couldn't catch the very elusive Bengal. (Another story.)

When I applied the Neem oil the second time, both cats had bouts of crazy itching inside their ears, unlike the first time. Trouble's ears turned bright red, his ears really bothered him! Snowshoe's ears also bothered her and she sort of hid out for the day. Then I noticed two scratching-wounds on her cheek area! I applied colloidal silver to those patches and they heal up quickly, but then she scratches the scab off and we have to start over.

Since their reaction to the Neem oil was so intense, and it didn't seem to help them like it seemed to the first time, I let their ears rest for a few days. Since Neem oil is supposed to kill mites along with being an anti-inflammatory, anti-biotic, anti-viral and anti-fungal oil, I don't know why they had this reaction.

I don't treat everyday with these cats due to behavioral and physical reactions -maybe I should.

So, after a couple days I went to the next concoction: coconut oil mixed with colloidal silver applied with a dropper into their ears. Again, negative reactions at first. Then it seemed as if Trouble's incessant ear twitching, tilting, scratching, head shaking and misery subsided a little, but then the next day (yesterday) he was totally miserable! I've never seen him like that! His ears were/are making him totally miserable. He couldn't sleep because his ears kept twitching and itching, and he's holding them sideways, shaking his head. His eyes were squinting. His ears turned very red and tender. He even hid under the bed which he's never done before. The other two cats are not having these issues. I am just having other difficulties with treating them which is another story.

Tonight he is in better shape: he has more energy, his ears still twitch but he's not constantly shaking his head and looking as miserable as he looked yesterday. His ears still bother him but are more upright, they itch but aren't as red and his eyes are not squinty.

Of all the treatments, the least "harsh" seemed like it'd be the coconut oil/colloidal silver mix, so I was surprised at the reaction. Both have anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-mite, anti-everything properties, so I don't get it.

Maybe the treatments were too close together when I transitioned from the Neem oil to the coconut/silver one. Or do I need to treat more often?

I gave Trouble a good brushing, shedding out his winter coat, and found some tiny white particles of dandruff on his back. I looked at it under a high-powered jewelry loupe and I don't think they are bugs since they didn't move. I also saw some dandruff on the Bengal's coat but it didn't move either.

Again, the only hair loss is on Trouble and it's only on his neck. The only itchy parts are Trouble's neck, and ears on all cats. No one's ears have any bad smells coming from them.

The DE has not caused any negative reactions on the other two cats, but to be honest I have been concentrating on Trouble more than them since he's the one with the most pressing problems.

Anyone have any ideas about what's going on, or if I need to do things differently?

(Illinois, Usa)
533 posts

Are you sure it's mites?

(Stanwood, Iowa)

To Cindy from Illinois,

Yes, I was wondering also! I thought my male shorthair had mites, he was digging at his ears and shaking his head a lot, he was miserable!

Decided a trip to the vet was necessary and found out he didn't have mites, he had a nasty yeast infection in his ears! Much better now, with ear wash prescrip, and an antifungal ear med! Poor guy!

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Susan!


My first thought on reading your update was that it doesn't sound like you are dealing with ear mites as you certainly have done all the right things to get rid of mites and the symptoms persist.

My next thought is ZYMOX otic with 1% hydrocortizone, enzymatic ear solution. Google it, order it, its not spendy. The hydrocortizone helps calm the skin and the enzymes 'digest' the yeasts that may be in the ear. You should dose once per day, but you don't have to dig around and clean the ears so it is easy to use.

Hair loss around the neck and ears indicate itchy ears - usually. And your cats do have something going on with their ears so it would make sense to see this hair loss. But just in case its something way off the mark check out these sites and see if anything makes you go "Hmm...."



Replied by Susan
(Las Vegas)

Thanks again Theresa! I followed the links you provided, read through the info, and nothing made me go "hmmm..."! (Those are great resources, by the way). He has no crusty skin, no scales, no sores, no redness, no pustules, no oily skin, no odor: nothing but hair loss and itching. The backs of his ears have lost fur too, and they are inflamed (although better today.)

I was giving them an abundance of junk food cookies, and thought maybe that had something to do with his hair loss. But the ear thing is being passed around, and it began prior to my OD'ing them with cookies. His hair loss may just be from scratching. He doesn't use his claws when scratching, therefore his skin isn't broken/scratched or bleeding. The other two use their claws and that's why when the Bengal is scratching his ears he cries.... and that's why the Snowshoe has ripped those scabs off when she's itching.

The Big Question is: What is contagious, causes intense ear itching, head shaking, back legs thumping when I scratch their ears for them, dark brown wax, no odors, etc., that can be contracted by an indoors- only cat and passed to the other two?

Trouble is looking much less distressed this morning. Ears are still itchy but he is back to acting like himself... same shenanigans and same little troublemaker as usual. I haven't put anything into his ears since the coconut oil/colloidal silver stuff. By tomorrow I will guess he'll be miserable from itching again because that's the pattern, with one ear being worse than the other, holding it horizontally and then giving me that "meow" letting me know he's miserable.

I am so grateful for this website and the help I have received because I don't know if I'm treating this problem correctly since I've never personally dealt with an ear mite problem. The only ear problems I can remember dealing with on my own animals was a GSD's ear infection due to those big donkey ears getting stuff blowing in and another GSD had a foxtail in his ear. With all my dogs over the last 4+ decades being swimmers, not one even got a bacterial or a yeast infection! Have had lots of cats in the past and just lucked out I guess because no ear problems with any of them either!

Now it's three cats getting this thing all at the same time and each one is hard to treat in their own way so I guess my luck temporarily went on hold!

I will look up the meds and order some today. I hope it works, then I hope they never have to go through this again.

Thanks again!

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Susan!

I am just not picking up on mites. you could maybe use your jewelry lope to examine the gunk to see if there are mites, but the treatment didn't work - all the treatments didn't work, so again I rule out mites when I think on it.

The only thing that I can think of that could *appear* to be contagious to all cats/get's passed around would be inhalant /allergic reactions - be it from allergens in the breeze blowing pollens from CA over to you, or from the junk food treats you abundantly fed. I know around this time of year I see allergies in my pack; it shows up as gunky ears: best I can figure it's the molds and mildews from the spring melt that come into play and while it seems to affect all of the dogs, the way the allergic reaction is expressed in each dog varies greatly. This could be the same deal with your pride. Feeding the wrong foods will cause one of my dogs to get swollen lumps that act like abcesses and ooze and weep, while another dog might get gunky ears and another might break out in itchy hives. Feeding the wrong stuff can set up a chain reaction on the inside allowing yeast to over grow in the GI tract which often expresses as skin allergy, but might also express as gunky ears.

I would go ahead and get the Zymox; I would also try alkalizing the water by adding 1/2 teaspoon baking soda to 1 liter of pure water; if you can build it up to 1 teaspoon do so, and dose 1 teaspoon per liter for one week. In addition I would consider adding probiotics of some sort - ie DDS with FOS. As with yeast over growth, if you have too much of one flora in the GI tract the whole system fails [you see skin problem or ear problems] so rotate the probiotic flora species around - when you finish 1 bottle, replace it with a new formula, and so on.

Also consider the chemicals in your house. From what you have shared I get the idea that you likely would use green chemicals for kitty safety, but things like scented plug ins can cause all sorts of problems for cats, along with the type of laundry soap you use to wash their bedding. So have you purchased new cleaning products in the last few months?

Replied by Shala

My main coon was losing fur in spots and he had a bladder infection and a cheap diet. Some anti biotics and good food and he was all Better! Good luck

Replied by Kim
(NC, US)

Susan, Sometimes when cats have flea allergies called flea dermatitis, they can lose their fur that leaves a bald spot. My cat experiences this every summer, so I always get flea medication such as Frontline or Revolution to stop the allergy. The hair grows back normally once you kill all the fleas....

Replied by Gia

Please if your cat is losing hair and you have already attempted some home remedies fight all means, take him to a vet he needs an examination. If his hair is falling out the diatomaceous earth is probably drying out his skin and if that isn't the case he might have an internal infection or deficiency of some sort. If you truly loved your family member, your pet, you would act on it. If you yourself were scratching for months and hair was falling out eventually you would go to a doctor please if your cat is losing hair and you have already attempted home remedies, please, he needs an examination.

Replied by Cherie

Please make sure you are using (FOOD GRADE), not (POOL GRADE)....pool grade has added chemicals for the pool and will hurt your pets!!

Replied by Wanda

Food grade diatomaceous earth is great to add to food as a supplement or for worms/parasites. Externally, It is good to use for fleas, but over use can dry out the skin and that could be why the cat's fur thinned out.

Replied by Adam
(Denver, Colorado)

This is for the lady with the balding Maine Coon...... Diatomaceous earth is generally safe for use on pets, so long as it is food grade. BUT, some cat breeds are more sensitive to certain treatments, especially when they are used long term. Maine Coons, Persians and Himalayan breeds are especially sensitive. I would suggest cutting out the DE for now. Second, loss of hair to that extent and at such a rapid pace points to secondary health problems. These can include, but are not limited to ringworm infection, vitamin deficiency, diabetes, mange, or allergic reaction to something in his environment or on his skin. Take him to a vet and get him looked at to determine what exactly is going on.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Lynn (Gulfport, Florida) on 01/21/2009

My male cat had scratched his ears so much that the ear developed a huge bubble and separated the ear skin/flesh. I had to take him to the vet for expensive treatment and surgery. It was due to ear mites. The ear is now permanently disfigured and ruined his appearance. I used diatomacious earth (food grade) mixed with a little water for transport, and and eye dropper, and put it in his ears when the mites came back. The water will evaporate and leaves the DE in the ear for ongoing treatment, as it is a powder and coats the inside of the ear a little. You don't need much. He stopped scratching by that night, and he hasn't had a problem since. That was a couple of years ago. My other cats are having problems though, and I am going to use it on them. I HATE ear mites and see how my cats can suffer with them. You can buy it (food grade) online or sometimes in a plant nursery (they use it to kill insects). It pays to remember that there may be an infection in the ears as well, and without a proper examination, you can't know. As much as I don't like vets offices, checking for an infection is worth it, especially in severe cases. One of my cats had mites and an infection. Her energy picked up after treatment for the infection, and I felt guilty that maybe she'd had it all along and it was painful. It's important to find a vet you like. Talk to people and get a referral for one you trust. Treatment can utilize both natural and standard treatment when appropriate.

Replied by Gwenda
(Gulfport Fla, Fla)

thanks for this info, my dog a cocker has ear problems all the time, the vet was charging me a fortune for a cream that as soon as it was used up immediately returned, i came looking online just in case there might be a remedy and i have the diamomceous earth at home here and will try it.......as you see i too live in Gulfport fla

Replied by Rachael
(Fountain Valley, Ca)

Only use food grade DE as any other can be hazardous to you and your pets.

Replied by Chris
(Birmingham, Alabama)

I use DE for ear mites but it is a desiccant which means it can dry out the skin and ear.

I just dip my forefinger and thumb in and put it on the outside and inside of the ear but not all the way down into the ear canal. Mites travel so they will get up to it. I rub some around the base of the ears and some at the base of his tail. (not sure how much good that does but read that mites will travel to the base of tail area like fleas. ) That is the only thing animal related that DE seems to work for. I had no luck for fleas. It does work for roaches and seems to discourage ants.

Replied by Chris
(Birmingham, Alabama)

I use Diatomaceous Earth for ear mites but it is a desiccant which means it can dry out the skin and ear.

I just dip my forefinger and thumb in and put it on the outside and inside of the ear but not all the way down into the ear canal. Mites travel so they will get up to it. I rub some around the base of the ears and some at the base of his tail. (not sure how much good that does but read that mites will travel to the base of tail area like fleas. ) That is the only thing animal related that DE seems to work for. I had no luck for fleas. It does work for roaches and seems to discourage ants.

Replied by Jean
(Old Glory, Tx)

There are two kinds of DE (Diatomaceous Earth). One is food grade and just as it says, food grade and when it is viewed under an electron microscope, you can see the razor blade sharpness of the long ago diatoms. Pool grade has been heated and is smooth and not to be used except for what it says, pool grade. The way the food grade DE works is by slicing into the breathing portals of fleas, flies, ticks, ants of any kind, termites and the list goes on. They say it is even good as a wormer when put in an animal's feed and if flies are a problem due to feces, the fly larvae can't live. I can't testify as to this but have read about it many times. I have eliminated huge red ant beds by putting maybe half a cup of food grade DE around the ant's entrance and if it rains, replace the DE. I often dust food grade DE on the shoulders and at the base of the tail for fleas during the summer and this will kill ticks if they walk though it.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Amazon Thyrteen (Fresno, CA, USA) on 11/09/2008

First of all I want to say "NEVER" try anything on your pets you won't try on yourself. I won't give anything to my pets that I wouldn't take myself. The best rule of thumb is use human grade (whatever)you're using on your pets! I've noticed a lot of comments on Diatomaceous Earth. I would like to say that the only grade that is good for animals is the same grade that humans use, Freshwater, food-grade DE. If it doesn't state on the package that it is certified, food grade then you don't want to give it to your pets, period! I also noticed that on this site someone mentioned the use of "Neem Oil" it is a really good oil to use that is 100% natural. If anyone is interested in finding out more about Neem Oil go to, www.organixsouth.com or call 1-888-989-Neem(6336). This oil is good for human use also for dry skin and scalp treatments. The one that I use is Thera Neem ,skin soothing 100% pure cold pressed. I'm one of their customers and have no affiliation with this company and I'm not getting anything for this endorsement, this is just great stuff!

Replied by IVORY COAST


(Calgary, Canada)

DISREGARD the above post!! IT is a ridiculous statement! And posting it in all-caps did not make it any more believable or less fictional. I am embarrassed for this poster. Please only share your ignorance with your family members from now on. Unless this a pharma employee since no useful anecdote or stort was shared. He only left a negative-implant of stupid based information. This post is to negate that.

Diamotaceous Earth is comprised of Diatoms, and it is mined from dried up saltlake beds (not the above ridiculous theory). It does indeed look like glass shards under a microscope, which is how it messes up parasites, worms, insects, etc.

The above-post just goes to that we need to read ALL the posts for a particular treatment, since there are misguided people spouting wrong or harmful info (like the lady below who used poolgrade d.e. IN her dog's ear! ; do y'think she'd come back to update if her mistake turned out to be deadly?). We're not all rocket-scientists here, so ya need take the totality of the information in and not just one post.

Stay well, everyone!

Replied by Webuddy
(Bangor, Me)

I use Diatomaceous Earth. FOOD GRADE kind. It is mined from fresh water deposits and does not harm people or animals. Dont breathe in the dust while you are applying it as it is unsafe for your lungs. Once it is applied it is fine.

It is amazing! My daughter and I both drink about 1 Tbs a day with plenty of water, or sprinkled in yogurt. It has helped our digestive systems as we both have issues with constipation and diarrhea depending on the day.

I also made a paste with 1 Tbs DE, 3 Tbs water,1 Tbs olive oil and 1 drop of peppermint oil and used it as a face mask.Rub on gently and let dry for about 5 minutes and wash off-smooth and soft!

For my pets I use DE to get rid of fleas. I brush it into their fur making sure it doesn't get in their eyes or face. I also mix a couple teaspoons in their wet food to get rid of worms. I do this every other day. Also, I put it on my rugs and the bedding and leave it there a few days then vacuum up a couple times a month. This has taken care of a severe infestation that has not returned since started.

This is a product that is worth doing a search on the internet about. DO NOT USE POOL GRADE. ONLY FOOD GRADE.

Replied by Brad

Diatomaceous Earth is NOT glass. Saltwater derived DE has a high sillica content and is only used as a filitration catalyst. It is neither suitable for consumption nor useful as an insecticide. Food-grade DE has little or no crystalline sillica. I've used it on chickens, cats, dogs and for general insect control in many applications. It's non-toxic and has little impact on beneficial species outside of the applied area.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Marisa (San Jose, USA) on 04/18/2008

My cat was miserable and his ear stank. I put a pinch of diatomaceous earth (swimming pool filter grade)in each ear. He seemed to be a bit better in about 40 minutes. He has stopped shaking his head and seems less lethargic. We'll see if he needs something more,(if he has a bacterial infection. His ear smelled like feces. ewwwwww!

Replied by Missy
(Toronto, Ontario)


Pool filter grade diatomaceous earth has been heat and chemically treated and will poison an animal or human who ingests it, so it is always of utmost importance to only obtain food grade diatomaceous earth to use in and around your household.

Quote from: Wolf Creek Ranch web site: http://wolfcreekranch1.tripod.com/defaq.html

Replied by Marsha
(Wichita Falls , TX)


FYI! I lost a beautiful German Shepherd and the sweetest kitty because they ingested pool grade diatomaceous earth. Keep it away from your beloved pets!

Replied by Joey
(Kingston, Ontario Canada)

this is a wonderful product... My mixed breed collie has always had ear infections which I presumed were mites and were treated with steriod liq from the vet, only to return in 8 wk. my vet then took a swab and it came back as a YEAST infection. I then researched online and found a treatment for this:

4 oz witch hazel, 1 tbsp boric acid, 4 drops gentian violet, shake well. put several drops in ear and massage, use 2 x per day for 1 week then 1x/dy for a week. Use longer if required. this is not a permanent cure but sure did last longer than the steriods.

About the Dia. Earth 'dirt': I bought a bag (35 lbs! ) at our local farm centre - ensure you buy food grade. I take a teasp daily for colon health..... It is also good for your pet health - worms - have seen the results. I use it in the garden for grubs, use in the basement to control spiders. Since we can no longer use pesticides this is the best all round product for home/garden that is safe.

Replied by Melissa
(Kamloops, Bc)

Diatomaceous earth is amazing! It works wonders as a dust bath for fleas on my dogs and I even had a friend that used it for bed bugs! Bed bugs is apparently a huge epidemic right now and so I thought I would share what my friend learned from her experience. As everyone has suggested make sure you use food grade d.e. but also make sure that it is in a powdered granulation... Not fine! And most importantly she was told not to put it right on top of the matress but rather to put it in the cracks and crevices, in the boxspring, on the headboard, etc. Where the bed bugs will hide!

Replied by Deborah
(Prattville, Al)

D.E. is NOT GLASS! Diatoms are actually made up of mostly calcium and other minerals and are the food grade is safe for humans and animals internally as well as externally.

Replied by Laura
(Lawrenceville, Ga)

I can't imagine that it would feel good, to put vinegar on inflammed, irritated skin. Vinegar is very acidic.

If you have to do this, please rinse afterwards with water and put something soothing on there, like aloe.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Lynn (Jeannette, PA)

I have found that putting a pinch of food-grade diatomaceous earth into the dog or cat's ear kills the mites. I do it daily for about a month since that is how long the mites can take to hatch. Within a few days though the animal has absolutely no symptoms of mites and it is completely safe for pets of all ages and sizes. It is also a great way to get rid of mites on birds and to rid a pet of internal parasites.

Dr. Bronner's Liquid Soap

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Lady (Milwaukee, Wi) on 05/07/2011

Remember the liquid soap sold in health food concerns back in the hippie days? The one w/ writting covering the entire label w/ talk about God? Dr. B's All One? Came in Pepermint, Almond, and now I have been using the excelllent LAVENDER. (Bronner). I mixed a bit w/ water and gently cleansed my cat's ears of mite debris and massaged the suds in his ears and all around his ears, really making it a good experience for him! LAVENDER is helping... He is perked up and no twiching so far. I shall continue this as needed throughout the summer and whenever he needs it!! It's GREAT!

Replied by Sazure

I love that product and used it since the "hippy days" well for me post. That said Lavender and most essential oils are toxic to cats - many will get by but again why risk it as they do not have the same detox (metabolic and other) enzymes that we humans have. I think this product comes in NO fragrance.

Ear Drops

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Avery (Hewitt, Nj) on 01/30/2012

Hi, y'all!! I have an 11 year old Purebred Chocolate Lab... And she started getting a bad ear infection about 6months ago, and I have tried everything to get rid of it! I couldn't figure out if it was an ear infection (bacterial) or ear mites, and it was ruining her normally bubbly personality, not to mention making the ear canal raw red and bleed!! :( So, I tried everything I could think of, for both Ear Infections and Ear Mites, including some of the following (you can use these if you want! )... 50% Apple Cider Vinegar/50% Water, 50% Rubbing Alcohol/50% Water, Canola Oil with 2 cloves of Garlic left overnight and then removed the next day and using the oil (4-5 drops using a child's medicine dropper) to smother the mites 2 times daily, Rx Drops from the Vet (Tresaderm, I had to get the script filled 2 times because the first time didn't work, either did the second round for that matter.. That's how I knew it was Mites and not an infection. ) And I also used Amoxicillan 500mg (human Rx Pills) 2x daily, and THAT didn't work!

So, I was rummaging through my old medicine drawer, and I found old ear infection drops for me that were well expired, but it was a full bottle. So I figured, what the heck? The drops were called Cipro HC, OTC. The ingredients are Ciprofolaxin (.2% HCL)and Hydrocortisone (1% Otic Suspension. ) I swear to you, this poor dog was walking sideways because her equilibrium was compromised from these mites, and the first night I cleaned her ear with a cleaner and then used 2 drops of this stuff, no joke, the next morning, the ear looked almost back to normal!!! I only had to use 3 Q-Tips to get gunk out, which is brilliant compared to the 10-11 I used to have to use (and that's using both ends of each one! ) I used the drops again that morning, 2 drops, and again that night, and by the next morning, I didn't even need to use any Q-Tips!!!!

The first time I inserted the drops, she got a little uncomfortable, but the Hydrocortisone may have stung a little because she had open sores inside the ear canal. But it's been about 3 weeks since I stopped using the drops, and she is back to her old self!!!!

Before you use these drops, First, determine the amount of drops needed for your type of dog. My dog is about 60 lbs, and I used 2 drops, I could have used 3 but I didn't want to push it... but if you have a smaller dog, try one small drop first and see how the dog does, then adjust accordingly.

Use an ear cleaner from a Pet Shop or just use some warm water and Q-Tips. ** MAKE SURE you don't push the Q-Tip too far into the ear canal, as you could puncture the Ear Drum. Clean any debris out of the ear, and use a tissue outside of the ear to pat it dry. Then, insert the drops, and massage the dogs ear canal from the outside for about a minute. (It is basically the area right below the opening of the ear. ) Close the flap of the dogs ear so the ear canal is no longer exposed before massaging it.

Once you've massaged the drops in, try not to let your dog shake their head too much. If they do, it's not the end of the world, that's why you massaged the drops in, to assure that they made it deep into the source of the problem. Once you have massaged the drops in, "open" the ear back up, exposing the ear canal, and see if there is any fluids or pus around the flap of the ear or in the crevices inside the ear. If there are, just use either a Q-Tip or a tissue, and lightly remove that gunk. That could lead to a bacterial infection if left there.

Do this 2x a day, and use a flashlight to ensure you can see everything going on in the ear. Do not overdo the drops, as it could dry the ear out too much. Dogs need a certain amount of moisture in their ears to prevent further infections.

I hope this helps!!

Feel free to email me if you have any questions.


****I am NOT a Veterinarian, and the article above is simply MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. The information provided is not factually proven to be used on dogs, I just tried it with my dog and it worked. PLEASE use this information at YOUR OWN DISCRETION. I hold NO responsibility if anything should happen to your pet as a result of following the regamine I describe below. I can ensure you, however, that the information I have provided above is true to MY experience, and I hope this helps you!

Ear Mites and People

Posted by Artie (Queens, NY) on 02/25/2009

Can Canine Ear Mites Get under Human Skin?

My friend's Rottweiller has ear mites and 3 vets tried to treat her but she wouldn't let them -- (this is what I'm told?) but she's such a sweet dog and I roughhouse with her almost every day and I've broke out in a rash and I feel a crawling sensation and tunnels on my hands AND my ears are being bitten-up. OF COURSE NO DOCTOR WILL EVEN LOOK but only gave me topical medication for scabies - AND I DO NOT HAVE SCABIES.

My question is: is it possible I got infected by canine ear mites? All this stuff sounds crazy to me but it's the only thing that makes any sense. I'd appreciate whatever help I can get and thanks so much! Artie G.

Replied by Bev
(Mt. Juliet, TN USA)

Black walnut hulls in the form of drops is effective on parasites, about 7 drops per day in a small glass of water for 3-4 weeks. I learned about this from a holographic health practitioner.

Replied by Barb
(Syracuse, NY)

I think it is possible that cat mites go onto humans. The scabies treatment will work as well, they are similar mites. Chlorine water from a pool is great, just make sure you keep the mites to yourself, should you visit a pool. You can suffocate the mites on your skin with cream, but they might keep hatching, so you have to be persistent.

Replied by Jen
(Monona, Iowa)

I've used this web site before and its great. I would see if your friends dog will let the owner put veggie oil in his ear that is infected.just a few drops.and massage the bottom of the ear. it wont kill the eggs but it does get ride of the live ones. clean with a cotton ball. it works i have used it on my lab. he was so happy!

Replied by Joy
(Austin, Tx)

Animal mites do infect humans. I have found one website very helpful, and there is a regular email forum. It's called birdmites.org.

Replied by Jus1chance
(Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)

I'd like to post a comment to Bev from Mt. Juliet. What exactly is a holographic health practitioner? Is it someone who practices medicine on holograms? Do you know what a hologram is? Or did you mean homeopathic health practitioner? Or is it someone who practices medicine through the use of holograms? I'm confused.

Replied by Sharon
(Wesley Chapel, Florida)

The correct word is holistic, not holographic. It means a person who is interested in the integration of all types of healing for the whole body.

Replied by Utahowl
(Salt Lake City, Utah Usa)

Replying to Artie G: Yes, humans can get mites from their dogs, cats or bunnies. My friend got a terrible infestation that gave her a huge immune reaction - hives & itchy rash in multiple places. You need to STAY AWAY from that dog (sorry! ) for at least 3 weeks because that's how long the eggs take to hatch & then die. Cheyletiella - check out http://veterinarynews.dvm360.com/dvm/Dermatology/Cheyletiella-the-under-diagnosed-mite/ArticleStandard/Article/detail/363975

Replied by Just Browsing

I'm pretty sure you mean holistic.... holographic is something very different....

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