Deep Sleep
Deep Sleep
Deep Sleep
Deep Sleep
(Chennai, India)
You are falling asleep immediately because castor oil has a cooling relaxing effect on the body. In India, it is very common for people (especially in South) to massage scalp with it (along with other oils) and also to put a few drops on eyelashes and eyes. Helps internally cool the body.
It brings blood up to the surface making your eyes feel heavy and tired. I make products and am studying to become an esthetician, it's how I learned iit.
Deep Sleep
Hope it helps you too. Wish you sweet dreams!
Diabetic Feet
I bought organic castor oil & started using it daily. I would take a few minutes to massage the oil deep into my skin. I used a generous amount on both feet. After applying the oil, I put on socks to help keep the oil on my feet. The socks stayed on until all the oil had been absorbed.
Two days later, my feet are lovely & soft; my feet feel like feet again; and, the sensation has returned. Castor oil is now a permanent part of my daily routine.
Hi Philippa. I am 67, also diabetic, but reversed the neuropathy in my feet 16 years ago with diet & supplements.
i dumped highly refined wheat/gluten & sugar & adopted a natural unprocessed whole food diet with some supplements, especially the B vitamins, so crucial for nerve support & repair.
But I also do use Castor oil, & yes, it has made my feet beautifully soft too. I'm also using it on my eyes to (hopefully) heal the cataract & bit of retinopathy I have in my right eye.
Diabetic Feet
I also massage Castor Oil at nights to stop BURNING feet - It really works- Hope this helps.
Diabetic Feet
Diverticulitis Pain
(Glendale, Az, Usa)
I have Shih Tzus and one of them isn't eating his food. I always try natural cures and use Organic Apple Cider Vinegar in their food for the immune system and chinese herbs. I took Amos who is 11years old to the vet for blood work and will let you know his results. He had girgle lose fleem in his throat up to his nose. When I took him my retired vet he had him on medication but it causes stomach naseau, so my vet who I use for emergency operations if needed told me to stop the medcation which I did anyway. He is alway happy jumps around and eats. Maybe whatever he has is breaking lose in his throat as he had swollen lymph nodes/glands and now they aren't swollen.
My question is can I use castor oil on his throat area and just rub it in? as I know it has many healing advantages. Please let me know. I'm also getting chinese herbs as they help my one dog when her legs were dragging, been 2 years as she is fine.
(Palm Springs)
I've been reading comments about a lot of sick pets here. I stopped feeding my dogs commercial dog food. Well, both of them were my son's dogs until he gave them to me. I make all of their meals now. They eat everything that we eat (no junk food). Their bodies have redistributed their weight; muscle and fat redistribution. One that I wax allergic to no longer has that burning odor to her body. The 8 yr old shepherd looks like she's lost several years, and her mental health is better. The other shepherd is still very young so it's hard to make comparisons. She is happier, though.
I'll bet my dogs live a long time, and die from natural causes. That's how my Chow Chow went. She had not one physical ailment, not even weakened eyesight, when she got old and died.
I know the topic is castor oil. I just think that some of these ailments are caused by commercial dog food.
(Sydney, Australia)
You are spot on.
I suppose it is the dog food producers who are saying the healthiest diet for dogs is dog food, when so many find that making your own dog food gives such good results.
I grew up with a dachshund. She lived to be almost 17 years old and rarely needed a vet. The older she got, the less dog food she ate. My mom gave her our table scraps. When our dog was quite old I remember my mom scrambling eggs for the dog's breakfast every day. Our dog hated dog food. (Who could blame her?)
My grandparents lived on a farm. There was a very nice German Shepherd dog that belonged to a neighbor officially, but my grandparents fed him their home grown table scraps for many years as he was always hanging around their house. That dog probably never saw a vet but got oodles of exercise by all appearance was very healthy for many years. (And such a sweet dog.)
Dogs back then (70's) also had much fewer vaccines, which may have given them a health advantage as well.
So, I do agree that dogs do well and better on diets other than dog food!
~Mama to Many~
(British Columbia)
That is such a good story and the one by Francine. I love the way we share our stories. It seems there are more and more things we are finding that are simple cures. Surgery puts so much stress on the animals, even going to the vet does. Vets don't even know of these cures - they don't teach them that in the colleges.
Dry Eyes
I have castor oil in a dropper bottle, and I put the drops around & in my eyes and then I put plastic wrap across my eyes. The castor oil on the skin, keeps the plastic on my face, and seals my eyes fir the night. If you're uncomfortable enough you will try this! If you want to try it for daytime, just touch the tip of the dropper in the corner of your eye, works like a oil slick. Brings relief!
Dry Eyes
Dry Eyes
(Monterey County)
My Opthalmologist said "absolutely not" and gave me a prescription for restasis. Grrrrrrr.
Many people have used castor oil. It will make your eyes blurry for awhile, that's why they say before bed. Dr. Shealy (not sure about spelling) recommends it. I think the back is suppose to say USP.
Remember Drs are taught by pHARMa, that's all they know.
Do some Google searches. There was a good homeopathy eye drop, but the FDA made them take it off the market. Good luck!
Is it safe to use heat with castor oil pack on the eyes?
I don't think I would use heat with castor oil on the eyes.
Dry Eyes