Rhodiola Rosea: Boost Health, Reduce Stress & Aging

Broad Benefits

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Posted by Kim52 (College Station, Tx) on 07/08/2010

My mother inlaw was very very sick... No energy, acting very disoriented. She was always such a active and I mean ACTIVE person. Then she got the flu and from there everything went down hill. The doctors had her on so much antibiotics her system had to be rebuilt with a probiotic treatment. This did not help and her family really thought she was a hypocondriac. To make a long story short, after one year of nothing helping and her getting weaker and weaker.... She went to see a German doctor in Dallas. He put some "machines" on her (that was her words, she was very ill)... And he prescribed her with Rhodiola (Siberian). OH MY GOSH... What a complete turn around. This woman is 74 and energetic and very beautiful for her age.

Replied by Robin
(Zuni, Va)

You mention "Siberian" Rhodiola. I have history of clinical depression and have been taking this with good results. I have done a lot of research, and concluded that it has to be "Siberian". Problem is most Rhodiola does not say "Siberian" and it is extremely difficult to find a good one. I have been unable to get a product that I was very satisfied with, and currently take a product that I find is only mediocre. I know that posting a product name is a no no. But I would really like to know what product your mother in law is taking.

Replied by Luis
(Visalia, Ca)

What is the dosage she was taking and how often?

Replied by Johanna

Iherb sells Siberian Rhodiola. Just enter Siberian Rhodiola in search and you will find this particular product.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Lisa (Las Vegas, NV) on 06/20/2010

Love this. Started taking Rhodiola a week ago due to fatigue and menopause issues. Haven't felt this good in a long time. Major improvement in overall energy, mental clarity and depression.

Replied by Becky
(Fort Wayne, In)

Please tell me the brand you are using as I need something for menopause symptoms. Thanks

Broad Benefits
Posted by Pigaman (Middleboro, Ma. Usa) on 12/06/2009

I have been taking rhodiola for about 2.5 months. I felt the effects right from the start. I am a 62 year old male and in very good health. I took the rhodiola for more energy and faster recovery from sports workouts. I am seeing almost all of the reported benefits. I take one 500 mg capsule before breakfast. It is russian rhodiola extract 5% rosavins. As a bonus, I have lost 10-12 lbs which I have been trying to lose for a few years now. So far so good.

Replied by Constant
(Washington , Dc)

Does anyone have a suggestion on a good place to purchase this or another brand?

Replied by Martha
(Greenville, Sc)

The best brand of this product is New Chapter. Buy it on vitacost.com -- cheaper than anywhere. Read what people say about the product.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Sixfurlongs (Corona, Ca.) on 08/03/2009

rhodiola with 3% of rosavin two to four per day, results clear mind, reduces anxieties, balanced attitude better sex drive, increases stamina and fights the blues. I take it with 50mg. of zoloft no interaction and helps the side effect of sex. I find it the better the quality the better the results.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Patricia (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) on 05/10/2009

I've been taking Rhodiola for 5 weeks and have increased energy and have lost about 15 pounds that I have been struggling with for the last 5 years. I have had breast cysts that have disappeared and my memory has definitely improved. 6 weeks ago I attempted to climb the 7 flights of stairs to my condo when the elevator was out. I had to stop and rest at each floor. Today I take the stairs instead of the elevator without stopping at all.

When I started taking Rhodiola, my daughter had told me about it but I didn't know much about the herb only that it would give me an energy boost that I really needed. The only negative factor that I have experienced is insomnia, so now I make sure that I don't take the herb after about 3pm. I take 2 - 250 mg per day. One in the morning as soon as I get up with 10 oz of warm distilled water and the juice of 1/2 freshly squeezed lemon, and one around 3pm at my work breaktime with lots of water.

EC: Great feedback, thanks Patricia. Would you please let us know which brand you are taking? Rhodiola can be hit or miss depending on the brand. Thanks!

Replied by Janice
(Coloma, Mi)

Thought I'd throw in my two cents worth. I have had a lot of stress in my life the past two months. I finally reached the point that I was afraid I was going to have to start on my anti-depressant. Then I remembered I had a new bottle of Rhodiola Rosea Extract. I thought I would give that a try first. What a pleasant surprise. It really turned me around. I felt good all day and had plenty of energy. I would highly recommend it. Since you asked about brands, you can print it if you want. I used Planetary Herbals. I bought it at the health food store.

EC: Thanks!


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia) on 08/14/2015

I started taking rhodiola last Tuesday. From the moment I took the first capsule I felt different. Now after five days I am starting to get my memory back and feel a lot more relaxed and feel more refreshed and less tired by the end of the day. I find the tablet remarkable. I was prescribed this from a naturapath.

Posted by Jessica (Dc) on 05/30/2014

I've been taking Rhodiola twice a day for about three weeks. I love it! It gives me this subtle calming effect. I've noticed when things get hectic I still feel calm and centered. I love it! And the fact that it's an anti-carcinogen only makes me love it more!


6 User Reviews
5 star (5) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Cécilia (Liège (Belgium)) on 10/02/2024


J'ai pris 1 gélule/jour, pendant 3 jours, d'un plante appelée "adaptogène" : la Rhodolia.

Pendant 2 jours, moi qui suis toujours fatiguée, sans joie de vivre, je me suis retrouvée joyeuse, pleine d'entrain, énergique. Patatras, au matin du 3è jour, j'ai eu une méga crise d'angoisse.

Mon neuro-psy ne me prend pas au sérieux mais moi, je voudrais revivre le bonheur des 2 premiers jours, où j'ai véritablement retrouvé mon moi d'avant. Et je me dis qu'il y a dans la plante Rhodolia quelque chose de bénéfique pour moi. Mais quoi?

Après, j'ai cherché sur Internet et j'ai lu que cette plante était à éviter pour les maniaco-dépressifs et les personnes atteinte d'anxiété sévère.

I took 1 capsule/day for 3 days of a plant called an "adaptogen": Rhodiola.

For 2 days, I, who am always tired, without any joy in life, found myself joyful, full of energy, and enthusiastic. But on the morning of the 3rd day, I had a massive anxiety attack.

My neuro-psychiatrist doesn't take me seriously, but I want to relive the happiness of those first two days when I truly found my former self again. And I think there's something beneficial for me in the Rhodiola plant. But what?

Afterward, I searched the Internet and read that this plant should be avoided by people with manic-depression and those with severe anxiety.

Replied by Art
2298 posts

Hi Cécilia,

There are other adaptogens you can consider if Rhodiola isn't quite giving a consistent response for you. Two that come to mind are Ashwagandha and Ginkgo Biloba both of which are thought to be useful for depression and anxiety. The following two links suggest that Ginkgo Biloba may be useful for both health issues :

Depression :


Here is a relevant quote from the systematic review and meta analysis :

' In conclusion, the main finding was that patients treated with GKB had better MBI, MESSS, BDNF, 5-HT, and HAMD values after 4 weeks, 6 weeks, and 8 weeks than the control group. GKB might reduce the risk of depression or depressive symptoms with safe clinical efficacy.'

Anxiety :

https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/herb/ginkgo-biloba#:~:text=Anxiety, than those who took placebo.

Here is a relevant quote from the article :

' One preliminary study found that a special formulation of ginkgo extract called EGB 761 might help relieve anxiety. People with generalized anxiety disorder and adjustment disorder who took this specific extract had fewer anxiety symptoms than those who took placebo. '

I think you will find similar articles or studies for Ashwagandha.



Thank you, Art I dare not use Ashwaganda, it, s still mor effective than Rhodolia. A was so happy the two first day I used Rhodolia that I would like to know more about this plant. What are the activeingredients in this plant? If I knew them, I could take them in low quantity. What action have this plant on the brain? On wich part of the brain does it have an effect. Why did my brain stopped to accept it and provoked a panic attack? I already tried Gingko and felt worse with it. That's the reason I'm so attached to Rhodolia. In the beginning at least. Than you

2298 posts

Hi Cecilia,

A simple Google search will answer your Rhodiola questions.


Posted by Lottie Earp (Cornwall, UK) on 06/11/2013


Rhodiola root changed my life for the better, as soon as I began taking it 6 years ago I started seeing the brighter side of life. I told the doctor and he said be careful as you can get yourself into situations that you dont know how to get out of because youve never done it before. Low and behold thats whats happened to me. I became so emotionally powerful that it was like limetless the movie, like a role in my own movie. I read morning and night to improve my vocabulary and communication skills. I met influential people. Im not taking it now as these cancerous people ruined me cos they hated how well and mantally fast I was. So the moral of the story is be careful on it.

Posted by Rosemarie (Poole, Dorset, Uk) on 12/31/2012

I'm 45. I've purchased Rhodiola Rosea 1000mg online in the UK. One tablet per day, as a 250mg extract providing Rosavins 8mg. I've had these for some time, not taken, then yesterday, here alone, trying to sort my horrendously cluttered flat, I was feeling depressed then I just started to cry and cry and felt so lonely. In the end I thought about taking a tablet, anything to help... And blimey! , within an hour I was feeling calm and after months of thinking about it I managed to empty and store my 3 suitcases in the alcove behind the kitchen door and clear my hallway and some of the lounge! Is that coincidence? My flat now shows promise of how nice it can look! Anyway I've just had breakfast and taken my second Rhodiola Rosea tablet! I was worried they'd harm long-term but from this site they seem to be a boon of Mother Nature's bounty for us. God bless!

Replied by Joyce

Do rhodiola tablets cause indigestion or any other side effects?

Replied by Betina

I have been taking this for depression and anxiety for 6 weeks and feel fantastic. I buy mine at whole foods. I take the elixir. You can also purchase it online. Make sure you get alcohol free rholiola root.

Posted by Ella (Flint, Flintshire) on 01/10/2012

I was first introduced to Rhodiola in 2005 for depression, with excellent results the first time in my life I felt alive. The store closed and I haven't been able to find any other rhodiola that works for me they either send my anxiety levels way too high or I suffer from deliberating headaches. I am not sure if the fillers cause problems or the rhodiola is not good quality, I would love to feel alive again please can anyone help.

Is there a difference between rhodiola rosea and rhodiola rosea root extract? I have bought both in the past but nothing worked like the stores own brand I tried in 2005.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Usa)
2048 posts

Ella, St. Johns Wort is standard herb for depression. I get good results in combination with the amino acid Tyrosine. Consider 3 mg Melatonin before retiring for good night sleep AND a Glutathione boost. Take a good multivitamin/mineral supplement w/ every meal. Maybe extra Vit B-12 and D.

There are very many causes of Depression, have you tried any detoxification or body cleanses, fast???

Any type spiritual practice, particularly Meditation can allow some degree of light from BEING into consciousness. Cannabis is a wonderful happy herb, but can cause anxiety if used improperly.

Hope this helps.

Posted by Allie (Fullerton, Ca) on 11/07/2011

Rhodiola is my new miracle cure. I have suffered severe chronic depression and fatigue for decades. I began this supplement about three weeks ago, and I feel like a new person. Better than any of the multitude of anti-depressants I have ever tried--and no side effects.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Megan (Fl) on 06/09/2014


I recently ordered a bulk package of Rhodiola Rosea root powder, and discovered the package didn't contain dosage directions or a "scoop" of any sort. I was wondering, since you provide a standard dosage of 200-600mg, what exactly that would look like in terms of teaspoons? As in, how many milligrams of Rhodiola is in 1/4 tsp - 1/2 tsp?

I contacted the website but they couldn't provide any information, so I greatly appreciate any information you may have! We are using the powder for research and development of a product, so it is (obviously) crucial to know dosage equivalents!

Thank you for your time, Megan

Posted by Coach (USA, USA) on 02/19/2008

Rhodiola at low doses will give a stimulatory effect and at higher doses of the higher quality 5% Rosavins Rhodiola will give you a calming effect.


11 User Reviews
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4 star (1) 
3 star (1) 

Posted by Lh (Manchester Uk) on 01/28/2014

Have been suffering from symptoms of anxiety, stress, fatigue, sleeplessness for a couple of years. GP initially prescribed anti-depressants after a 5 minute chat so I felt very reluctant to go down this route. Read a book that was recommended on combatting anxiety and panic attacks, which when I read it made sense and offered advice on how to manage situations but little about the associated symptoms that I have had for a long time.

I tried valerian and Kalms which helped a little with anxiety but did not regulate my sleep patterns. Every morning I wake up feeling exhausted which then exaggerates or adds to the rest of the symptoms.

I have taken a rhodiola rosea capsule for 5 days now and the effects have been instantly noticeable. I feel mentally alert, full of energy that lasts all day and evening and most noticeably this morning, the feeling that I had had a restful nights sleep which feels like the first in a long time. I felt jittery on one particular day but I think that was because I had drunk a strong coffee later that day.

Obviously it is early days but I feel able to make comparisons as to how I feel now and how I felt "before" and the difference I have to say is huge.

I'm not sure how long you can take them for and if prolonged use is advisable, but for now I'm going to keep taking one a day to see if the symptoms relief is long lasting.

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