Abdominal Pain
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Stomach Pain | Home Treatments for Relief

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Baking Soda

6 User Reviews
5 star (6) 

Posted by Teresa (Up North, Indiana) on 07/08/2008

Regarding Baking Soda and Stomach Bugs: I used a teaspoon or less in water for my kids. But, this worked well for them this past winter when the stomach bug was going around. Sometimes, they burped after the baking soda. Sometimes they vomited within minutes. But, either way, they felt much better.

Baking Soda
Posted by Ellyn (Framingham, MA) on 07/06/2008

I think my symptoms are/were caused by a stomach bug. I drank the recommended 1 Tbsp of baking soda with water (3/4 cup cold, tasted like very salty alka seltzer) within minutes I burped INSTENSELY several times. I will try eating an apple later tonight to help. I do feel much better.

Replied by Joyce
(Joelton, Tn)
490 posts

To Ellen from Framingham, Hi Ellen, I hope that was a typo, because a Tbsp. (tablespoon) of baking soda in 3/4 cup water is a lot of baking soda. I think it should have been tsp. (teaspoon) instead of Tbsp.


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Jerry (Miramar, Fl.) on 07/20/2011

When I was a kid, I always had some sort of somach issue or another. My mum reaching for the BITTERS was enough to send u screaming. (it tasted terrible) She held me and spoon fed it to me. And within a few minutes, all was well, I could go back running around and playing. I now use it in my cooking, it adds a great flavour to meats and veggies, and rum cakes. : )

Posted by Brett (Brooklyn, New York) on 10/02/2007

Cure Gas Fast Angostura bitters remedy... I'm a night club dj. On several occasions I've gotten terrible stomach pain just before a gig at a bar. When I say terrible stomach pain, I mean eye watering, agonizing pain that comes in waves. Sometimes it feels like my stomach is in a knot and other times like it's being ripped apart. I've asked bartenders what I should drink. A few have suggested bitters. I'm not sure if this is the same as Angostura bitters, but it's the only thing I remember working. Generally after drinking something with bitters, my pain goes away in an hour or so. Without the bitters, I'm in pain all night and sometimes for a day or two after.

Replied by Jac
(East Coast, U.S.)

You've got ulcers. I had them. If you smoke & drink, you have to quit or it will worsen and you won't last very long. Sorry. Raw honey will help, as will lower stress (if possible).

Replied by Jen
(Beijing, China)

It's crazy to assume someone has stomach ulcers just because of intense stomachaches!! I would disregard the previous reply completely, as when it comes to stomach problems, no one could possibly know what another person has until tests are done to eliminate the possible big issues (ulcers etc, ) and when that doesn't show anything, to slowly experiment with all suggested natural remedies.

I myself had chronic stomachaches with no results on CT scans, endoscopies, etc. When all that showed nothing, I was prescribed a load of medication, none of which worked. In the end, what gave me relief was going to a Chinese doctor who specialized in massage/acupuncture therapy. She was the only one who gave me long term relief, and now, if I get an onset of pains, I lie down and massage my organs for a few minutes the same way she did, and then it mostly goes away.

I say for all who suffer stomachaches, do all the preliminary testing to make sure that it's not the life-threatening issues. (Don't forget to look into MALS. ) If nothing shows, start looking into your dietary habits and allergies (like suggested by other users. ) It was unfortunately not the cause of my pains. If it's not yours either, look into natural remedies which are abundant on this site. I know how difficult life can be when living with chronic stomach aches and not knowing the cause, but keep researching and experimenting. There is almost always a cure.

Posted by Wayne (Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies) on 05/01/2007

Hi All: I'm from the island of Trinidad in the West Indies. Since I was a child, one of the standard remedies for alimentary disturbances - belly aches, gas etc. - has been a few dashes of Angostura bitters (AB) in a little cool water. AB is made only in Trinidad but is famous worldwide as a beverage taste enhancer. However, it was originally developed by a famous German doctor to treat his wartime patients for alimentary disturbances. Locally it is still used for same especially by "olden" folk. You can look it up yourself on the net.

Black Tea

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Mabel (Kampala, Uganda) on 03/05/2009

Hi, first and foremost i would like to thank EC, am so greatful for this website, it's such a blessing! Black tea has always been my remedy for stomachach and menstrual cramps. One just needs to boil a cup of water, add tea bag and take it hot (not very hot though) with no sugar (sour but helps) or add 1 tsp of honey if you cannot stand the taste. This will solve your stomach problems!

Brown Sugar

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Lim (Singapore) on 05/26/2012

Brown sugar works! I was on medication for stomachache but my pain still persisted. Hence, I turned to Earth Clinic for help. After drinking brown sugar mixed with water, the pain stopped. It was easy and effective. Thanks Earth Clinic.

Replied by Malani

You can make your own brown sugar. It is just sugar with molasses mixed with your mixer. That way you know what the quality is.

Brown Sugar
Posted by TAN KOON PENG (SINGAPORE) on 06/22/2008

China Brown sugar is effective for diarrhea, vomit and stomache.


1 User Review
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Posted by Matt (Charlottesville, VA) on 02/26/2009

For stomache ache, reflux, or overfullness, chew or swallow the sticky black seeds of green cardamom pods (breack the fiberous shell by popping between the teeth). Cardamom is a popular spice in Indian and Southeast Asian cooking, and you can find then at Wholefoods in the bulk spice area. I prefer chewing the seeds -- they have a menthol-type flavor -- others who find the taste strong can swallow the seeds like a pill. Without doubt, this is the best stomach ache remedy I have ever found. Seriously, try it -- within minutes you will forget you even had an upset stomache!


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Posted by Lisa (Southeast, USA) on 01/02/2008

2 years ago I finally got healed of an ulcer for which I'd been taking medication for several years. So when I recently began having that telltale burning, gnawing pain in my stomach, I knew exactly what was happening.

I also knew the whole routine...doctor's appointment, upper GI, ultrasound etc etc., just to have them tell me what I already knew. PLUS, they'd prescribe medications which my insurance will no longer cover because there are now non-prescription strengths of them available over-the-counter. Needless to say, I was willing to try an alternative method to save myself the time and expense. If you've ever had an ulcer, you usually don't have to have someone tell you what one feels like.

Anyway, I read somewhere about cayenne's healing effects. A week ago, I was up and down through the night with that burning, and all the antacids I could chew were simply giving me no relief. So Thursday morning I got up, got brave, and mixed a full measuring teaspoon of cayenne pepper into a teacup of very warm water and drank it down on an empty stomach.

It wasn't nearly as bad as I expected! And while I was warm all over and my stomach burned a little more when the fluid first hit that spot, the pain quickly diminished. Within minutes, I felt better than I had the day before, and as the day wore on, I continued to feel even better.

Anyway, I've repeated this every day now for the past week, and by day 3 the burning pain in my stomach was COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY GONE, even first thing in the morning. I'm continuing the regimen for therapeutic and preventive purposes, just to see if it cures my allergies and other problems. I'll probably reduce the daily dosage now that the stomach problem has subsided, but I'm a believer! And I'm a lifelong advocate of that little red pepper...this is news worth sharing!

Thank God for natural remedies.

Replied by Mark
(Las Vegas, Nv)

Cayenne is amazing stuff. Very good for the heart, stomach all else. But you don't need to be Vegan to be disease free or for it to work, in fact the lack of protein of a Vegan diet can cause people to not have enough protein to repair the body. Vegans heal more slowly in general.

It's not for everyone I feel like crap without some meat on very regular basis. It also depends on life style and activity level. Most Vegans do it to save animals, not for good health.

Replied by Shiela

There is MORE protein in plants than animal products. Animals receive their protein from plant sources, and that's how we get protein from meat. Humans do NOT need animal products for protein. Animal products are not meant for human consumption, and can lead to premature death. Humans are herbivores by nature.

Replied by Martha

Yes, it is true that humans can live on a plant based diet with no meat.

But it is not correct that plants have more protein than meat.

Meat is made of protein and fat. Meat do not contain carbohydrates. Animals eat plants which are mostly carbohydrate. They use the carbohydrates for metabolic processes.


Chamomile Tea

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Kathie (Houston, United States) on 05/25/2011

For tummy cramps (or the runs) Chamomile tea works wonders- it stops the spasms in your tummy that cause so much pain. Double bag it for extreem measures... If you know what I mean. Roman Chamomile essential oil also works well (just rub it on your tummy). - Do not use the Roman Chamomile for too long or it will stop your bowels. Please note that if you have the runs, your body is telling you that you need to get rid of whatever is inside of you, so do no clog it up too much.

I have also found (from personal experience- with in 30 minutes) that homeopathic ARSENICUM ALBUM works very well for food poisoning (vomiting and the runs), also make sure to take some probiotics to get the good bacteria back.

take care of yourself, KT

Chiropractic Visit

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by kje10959 (Bedford, NH) on 07/03/2009

My daughter also suffered from unexplained stomaches. After a Dr. visit yielded no help I ended up taking her to a chiropractor. Presto!! Her spine was out of alignment and as soon as she was adjusted no more stomachaches. Now when her stomach starts to hurt, off we go to the chiropractor and she's always out of alignment. Quick and painless!! Give it a try. It's a much better alternative than reflux meds!! Good Luck!!

Cinnamon Tea

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Mike (Queens, NY) on 12/18/2007

I had a stomach virus and after 3 nights/days of diarrhea and stomach pain, I tried some over the counter drugs with no results. I was so desperate that I came across your website and I read the article on cinnamon tea. So I immediately tried it and it work about 3 hours after. So I continue to drink this tea for a few days and now I am perfect. Thanks for your information.

Dgl Licorice

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Brooklyn Baby (Brooklyn NY) on 11/02/2021 11 posts

I was just diagnosed with having a Duodenal ulcer last week. The doctor prescribed medication which I did not want to take because of prior experience with the medication that did not go well. I did some research and found out that DGL helps to prevent the flare up of the ulcer as well as helping to heal it. I purchased a bottle and started taking it immediately and right away I've had nothing but positive results. I can actually sleep through the night now without the severe stomach pain that used to wake me up two or three times during the night. I still get some stomach pains here and there but nothing compared to what I've experienced in the past. I feel very positive about the DGL and I'm convinced that it will help to heal me. I will keep you posted.

Replied by Michael
(New Zealand)

Thank you for that interesting feed-back.

Would you kindly tell me what Dgl Licorice is please?

We are unfamiliar with many of the acronyms used on this Site.



EC: DGL - Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice

Dgl Licorice
Posted by Lisa (S. California, Ca, Usa) on 11/18/2011

I've had ulcers in the past and tried prescription medications that did help, but I don't always want to go to the doctor when they flare up. I have a flare up 1-2x a year.

DGL licorice in chewable form will get rid of stomach pain in around 10 minutes. It's a little hard to get past the taste/texture of the chewables but it is the best thing out there. We're talking about pain that will stop me in my tracks and this stuff works. I take 1-2 chewables at a time and sometimes need to take throughout the day.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Usa)
2042 posts

Lisa, I have been using DGL and sometimes regular Licorice for digestive healing for yrs, but the strength isn't enough. Now I chew 2 tabs DGL and add 1/2 spoon Allantoin dissolved and swallowed. This is necessary only once a day for a few days and you're good for a long while. Manufacturers should include Allantoin to their DGL for that extra needed healing power.

Replied by Karamio
(Oakland, Ca, Usa)

To TIMH from Louisville - Why on earth would you take Allantoin internally for anything? I think you must mean aloe!!! Allantoin is a chemical compound used in skin care, toothpaste etc. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allantoin

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

Karamio: Allantoin is the active ingredient in the herb Comfrey. Allantoin is an epithelial tissue proliferator, that is, it increases the rate at which epithelial cells regenerate. The skin, intestines, and lungs, are made largely of epithelial tissue. Allantoin is not programmed to be effective on only skin tissue, this is why the herb Comfrey is so effective for disorders of involving all epithelial tissue organs like intestines and lungs.

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