Healthy Diet Programs
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Healthy Diet Programs

| Modified on Nov 07, 2015
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Natural Diets for Weight Loss, Health, and Healing

Today's world doesn't make it easy to stick to healthy diets, let alone to lose weight naturally. Oftentimes the food that is readily available and accessible is heavily processed, filled with excess sugar, salt, fillers and preservatives. Likewise, some eating patterns may cause damage or harm to our bodies, and often some of our ailments can be cured naturally through changing to a healthier diet plan.

Perhaps you're looking for a specific diet program to combat an illness, balance your pH, find overall healthier food options, or to develop personal natural diet plans; whatever your personal dietary needs, below you wll find suggestions to change your eating habits for optimal health.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 02/09/2012

In 1931 Dr Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for Medicine. He discovered that an acidic tissue and a lack of oxygen in the cell causes cancer. This information has since been suppressed but is now coming out.

Before you get to cancer you get disease. It can be in many forms. What we are all missing is that you need an alkaline diet or you will be sick.

Apple Cider Vinegar is alkaline and those who take it unknowingly are actually making their body more alkaline and thus get better. The saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" was correct. Apples are alkaline and thus keep our body disease free!!

Here is an excellent website of what foods make the body more alkaline. We should all incorporate these into our diet every day for health.

This from the website:

See the following table to determine your (pH) level of acidity. Table categories show beginning, intermediate, and advanced symptoms. This is only a partial list.

~ Acne

~ Agitation

~ Bloating

~ Cold Hands & Feet

~ Food Allergies

~ Hard to get up in the morning

~ Lack of Sex Drive

~ Mild Headaches

~ Panic Attacks

~ Rapid Panting Breath

~ Asthma

~ Cold Sores

~ Colitis

~ Depression

~ Excessive Hair Loss

~ Fungal Infections

~ Hives

~ Migraine Headaches

~ Numbness & Tingling

~ Stuttering

~ Swelling

~ Urinary Infection

~ Arthritis

~ Cancer (All Forms)

~ Crohn's Disease

~ Hodgkin's Disease

~ Learning Disabled~ Leukemia

~ Lupus

~ Multiple Sclerosis

~ Schizophrenia

~ Tuberculosis

Go the website. Excellent info on what foods to eat and what foods to avoid. I am printing this list out and it will be my bible! Interesting our water is acidic so adding the bicarb soda to it makes it more alkaline.

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

Correction, I said apple cider vinegar is alkaline, but it is actually acidic at first but does turn alkaline in the body in the digestion process.

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

I wonder if Pharma industry and Govts just ban things like "Essiac" Tea and Hemp that are touted as cures for cancer to confuse the masses. Then the masses think they are the only things that can cure disease and cancer.

People have luck with this or that remedy and don't realise the one thing in common with all the remedies is that they alkalise the body.

If all we need is an alkaline diet then anything alkalising to the body will cure cancer or disease. It is a liberating thought. Worth noting all herbs are alkaline.

Replied by Francisca
(Zug, Switzerland)

Hi Debbie, I don't want to doubt you but I think that not everybody is convinced about the idea that the body should be alkaline. I confess that this is a subject I know nothing about, I only say this from bits and pieces that I have read. It is so difficult to know what to do.... It seems that at least for the skin it is better that it is a bit acid.

By the way, on the subject of what governments and big business tell us I am reading a very interesting book: The great food gamble, by John Humphrys. This book is about the British reality, with reference to the USA but I think that would interest everybody all over the globe who is concerned about the use of pesticides and the way our food is grown. It is very well written, reads easily and I got it for next to nothing on Amazon. I thought that you or someone else might be interested! Amazing facts..... That said this is a difficult subject here at home as my husband works for a big pesticide company. We have our arguments, as you can imagine...... But he is retiring soon and wants to become an organic farmer, so for the time being I tease him quite a lot (taking care that he doesn't feel bad about his professional life and anyway, although he is a scientist he never developed the stuff himself, works on the organization side of things, luckily! And if he had been able to choose his profession freely... He swears that he would have become an organic farmer earlier on!

Replied by Djt10
(Sunnyside, Wa, Usa)

A healthy body is a mixture of acid and alkaline in different areas, but the fluids that need to be slightly on the alkaline side, are far too often acidic and disease-causing. When we test for pH it is usually the saliva before food or water has been consumed which would affect the reading, and it needs to be around 7.4. If it's around 6 or less, that's considered cancer range. You don't want the fluids around the cells to be acidic. Of course the stomach and skin are different, as are other parts. And that which is acid or alkaline in its natural form isn't the same thing we're talking about. The most acid foods like vinegar are "alkaline-forming".

The average person's diet should be about 80% alkaline-forming and 20% acid-forming, that being the meats, starches, and those kinds of foods. If a person is more physically active, they can handle a bigger percentage of acid-forming foods. Having the proper pH throughout the body, acidic where it needs to be acidic and more alkaline where it needs that is so critically important. I know--been there, done that. My adrenals and then thyroid crashed and everything went to hell, including my pH levels. I tried everything for several years to get it back up to normal but nothing worked until I started taking bottled seawater and within about a month my pH was finally back into a normal range. Truthquest2 is my website and I included a page on pH because it was a critical part of my own healing process. Before I got it back to normal, I had developed two "lumps" removed by black salve (one is documented on the site) and have had no trouble of that kind since, although working on my pH was only part of a much larger healing protocol... but it was an important one.

Replied by Citygirl27
(Richardson, Tx, Usa)

Exercise produces lactic acid, so people who do intense or moderate exercise need to especially be careful to not take in more acid forming foods. Hint - any time you feel a muscle "expire" whether its too much tapping, jumping jacks, or carrying a heavy bag, etc, that is lactic acid telling you to stop.

Blood Type Diet

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Diet Seeker (Wisc., USA) on 02/07/2013

has/does anyone follow their blood type diet? I would GREATLY appreciate hearing of others thoughts or results. It gets so confusing when you read in some books that is the best way to balance acid and alkaline diet. Thank you

Replied by Kathy
(Ontario, Ca)

I know of one person that has been on this diet for about 7-8 years and he has done well. He has/had sarcodosis... And doing a lot better. I don't know him well but my friends do. I also know another woman that is actually bipolar and has terrible mental issues but she is very focused and is on the same program and has lost about 50-60 lbs and is getting off some of her meds. So yes it's a good program for at least these two ppl.

Replied by Gerrit
(Abbotsford, Bc Canada)

Hi, if I meet anyone with health problems first thing I ask them What is your blood type? and have you read EAT RIGHT 4 YOUR TYPE ? and a lot of people don't know it or don't care. Well, if you are like me had migraine/headaches 1/2 of your life and your guts eaten out by painkillers you investigate diets etc. My biggest help was from a modified version of the "Hallelua Diet" strickly no animal or fish protein allowed. I read a lot of their info. and from as far I can tell they had about a 65 % success rate and I bet if they would allow wild fish, free range chicken/ grass fed beef their success rate would be even greater.

I'm a type A and should avoid bananas if I don't my stomach doesn't feel very good, same with brasillian nuts I should avoid , if I should take a couple a day for any lenght of time my fingers would cramp up.

Take care and do your own DD

Replied by Pc

The blood type diet is amazing. Blew my mind how quickly it sorted stuff out for my daughter

Replied by Bernadette
(Chicago, US)

I have a really intense relationship with food. I have ulcerative colitis and I found that the wrong diet can and has sent me to the hospital. I have tried any diet plan you can think of, probably, and a great variety of food combinations. The blood type diet is the only one that has ever worked for me, and it works really well. I am an O so I just eat some lean meat and I make fruit smoothies with honey. I try to keep it simple. Highly recommended.

Blood Type Diet
Posted by Cindy (Cochrane, Wi) on 09/02/2011

I would like to hear feedback on following your blood type diet. Does it work or not so much?! Thanks

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

I don't know whether the blood type diet works or not as I never really tried it although I read a bit about my own blood type which is O . Some things seem to fit well with the type of diet I enjoy, meat, no milk, no cereals..... But on the other hand, just think if you live in a household with 4 or 5 people, or more, which all might have different blood types it would be crazy to cook differently for everybody. This has made me lose interest as something is not quite right there! My husband, for example, has no idea what his blood type is (which he should know, by the way but he doesn't! ).

Replied by Angela
(Memphis, Tn)

The healthiest diet is of course the raw vegan diet. But failing that the next healthiest is the low fat whole foods vegan diet. There are many websites, youtube videos and books out on both. For the raw vegan is one and is another even better but very in depth. For the low fat whole foods vegan diet watch the video on netflix called Forks Over Knives and then go to which explains the diet in full. I am not affiliated with any of these sites or people in any way I have just studied nutrition on my own for the last 38 years.

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Angela, although I do respect your opinion I don't agree with your concepts of diet. Low fat is a type of diet that has brought a lot of people a lot of misery, mainly fueled by misguided governments but little by little they are changing their advice, even earlier than I ever dreamt they would do. As far as vegan diet I don't think so either! Like you I have read a lot about diets, not for as long as you have but I have read quite a lot and I don't think that we, human beings, evolved to be vegetarians, vegans or to eat solely raw food. But again.... If you feel well with the diet you are on I suppose that is probably the best diet for you! We are all very different so there is no size that fits all! And I have known people who were quite happy being vegetarians for many years till they changed their minds because they started having health problems and started eating animal products again. That is also possible!

Replied by Rosemary Toews
(White Rock, B.c., Canada)

I believe whole-heartedly in the blood type diet and this is why: Approximately 10 years ago I heard a little about it and was intrigued but didn't purchase the book until 6 months later. In the meantime, due to huge stresses in my life, my health started to unravel. I noticed how certain foods really started to turn me off whether it was the smell, taste, or just feeling sick after I ate them.... So I cut them out of my diet completely. Imagine my surprise when I bought the book and it listed those same foods as toxic for me. I am a B rh-neg. And the foods I stopped eating were chicken, pork/ham, peanut butter, corn and wheat bread. I eat them occassionally now but when I do I notice that my system reacts unfavourably to them.. Especially bread and corn (nothing but a weight gain and it aggravates my diverticulitis), and chicken causes muscle weakness for me... my metabolism overall suffers from these trigger foods.

Replied by Ami
(London, UK)

About 10 years ago I was finding it difficult to walk, my breathing was laboured and I was in constant pain. My doctor said I would be in a wheelchair within a couple of months. I then discovered the blood group diet. I am B positive but I also found out later that I am a non-secreter. This also affects the diet. I cut out chicken as suggested by the book and within 2 weeks my muscles began to relax and the pain down my back and around my chest eased helping my breathing considerably. I also regained a lot more movement. Spured on by this I cut out wheat from my diet. Well, I cannot explain the difference this made to my life. After about a month the pain in my joints that the doctors had been telling me was arthritis had gone. I followed the diet with the help of a blood group diet practioner and within a year I was well enough to slowly add some of the foods back into my. Diet. I now know the affects most foods have and know how to overcome any pain they may cause, for example if I eat bread, because I really can't resist it, the next day I will have pain in my joints and will have difficulty walking up staris. I just have to eat lamb and by the next day all pain will be gone. The one thing I never eat by choice is chicken as it makes my muscles go into spasam and is so painful that I cannot move or breath normally.

Hope this helps someone.

Budwig Diet

Posted by Wayfinder (Modesto, Ca/ Usa) on 10/17/2012

I have recently read extensively about the Dr. Budwig Diet. This protocol can be found online, and entails the mixture of flax seed oil with cottage cheese or yoghut. The details matter, so look it up, if interested in eating it.

What I found was astonishing.

With this omega-3 combo in the body, one can then tolerate sunshine, and in fact, can convert the sunshine itself, within the body, into life energy for bodily processes. It allows the body to begin healing directly from the sun on the body! Light as healer, and as sustenance.

Are you as blown-away by this as I am? --T.

Eliminate Sugar

Posted by Brian (Adelaide, South Australia, Australia) on 02/04/2012

This totally natural cure has worked for me, twice. I think it will work for others too, maybe not everybody but at least some. It is so simple, costs absolutely nothing, gives you back your health, your vitality and libido, your sense of smell and helps you to control your weight all at the same time. It gives you back your life.

In one sentence, all you have to do is cut out as much sugar from your diet as possible. The more sugar that is cut out, the faster the healing. It is that simple. I cut out the sugar, cured myself but lost a bit more weight than I wanted to. Having declared myself cured, reintroduced sugar to my diet to help put weight back on, which I did, but the polyps came back too. I am currently off the sugar again, polyps have gone again. Twice cured with the same reasoning is enough proof for me that this works.

I did not want to have a medical operation and went looking for a natural cure. I turned Net Detective and researched nearly every website on nasal polyps to gather clues to form a theory. I have absolutely no medical qualifications whatsoever and the theory I am about to outline is just that, my own personal theory. Here we go.

The root cause of nasal polyps is not bacterial, it's fungal. The prime suspect is Candida Albicans, which everyone has to some degree. The good bacteria in your body assist to control bad fungus. Which is why antibiotics don't work because by killing all the bacteria in your body, including the good bacteria, there are none left to control the fungus.

Fungus are extremely clever little critters. They feed on sugar and produce Ethanol as a waste product. The Ethanol confuses the receptors for the Thyroid which tell it to shut down production of Vitamin D. A Vitamin D deficiency weakens the immune system and causes lethargy. Lethargy increases cravings to eat more sugar for an instant energy boost and the condition then compounds as the fungus population grows and prospers.

But wait, there's more. A white blood cell called an Eosinophil goes in to battle the fungus but with a weakened immune system, they fail dismally to win the fight. It seems they act like suicidal cluster bombs - they go to the foe and blow themselves up to take out as many of the foe as they can. When this happens in the nose, they irritate the nose membrane, the cells in the membrane fill with fluid and voila, there they are, a medical case of nasal polyps.

Operations to remove polyps, nasal sprays, potions, lotions and nasal rinses only remove the symptoms temporarily and they are not cures. The cure therefore, is to break the cycle by removing the food supply to the fungus, which is sugar. Ethanol levels thereby diminish, the Thyroid receptors kick start the Thyroid into production of Vitamin D again, which then improves the immune system which then assists the attack of the Eosinophils to win the battle of the nose.

Okay, so that's my theory. I'll admit it may not necessarily be entirely accurate in the finer details but having said that, the one thing I am sure about is that reducing sugar in my diet has eliminated my polyps. I haven't discussed my theory with my doctor, fearful of being either laughed out of his office for being ridiculous, or being thrown out for being too close to the truth and cutting out a source of his wages, and the wages of his expensive Ear Nose Throat Specialist mate who gave me useless antibiotics.

It is impossible to remove all sugar as nearly all foods have it to some extent. Just try to reduce it as much as possible so at least there is no excess for the fungus to frenzily feed on. An obvious deletion from the diet is white sugar added to coffee and on cereal - don't add sugar to anything, totally delete that option including any and all sugar substitutes. Also cut out completely ice cream, cakes, biscuits, chocolate, lollies, honey and fizzy drinks. Even fruit - I have exchanged apples and bananas for raw tomatoes. On packaged foods and drinks, I won't buy anything with more than 10% sugar content. There is usually a per 100g contents list on the package, just look at the sugar level and if it's more than 10g per 100g, don't eat it. The preference though is for levels below the 5% mark because the more sugar that gets deleted, the faster the healing.

From going no sugar, the time taken to full recovery for me on both occasions has been about 4 weeks, with every passing day getting better and better. As an added bonus, you can save a fortune on tissue paper let alone the costs of sprays, potions, lotions and the big one, the operation.

I lost weight dramatically the first time but not this second time. At a guess my metabolism has adjusted to derive more nutrients from real foods rather than depend on sugar. My diet now is fresh meat (never packaged), poultry, fish, bacon and eggs, vegetables (including fried potato chips), milk, bread, nuts (especially almonds), pizza, strawberries and cream. Even beer is okay. It's a bit like a caveman diet, but with benefits.

To conclude this post, as a suggestion, if anyone is willing to take my "no sugar" theory up, from the day of their decision, to start a daily diary and keep a record of least their weight and a degree of difficulty from 1 to 10 to breathe through the nose during the day and also the night before (1 would be very easily the nose, 10 would be mouth only). Count tissues used if you can, that would be a fun number. Some feedback would be nice as this is the first time I have shared this idea on the internet. Good luck.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

For many of us (I being one), elimination or avoidance isn't enough as the disease process and aging can be debilitating. In the severe category one would need to eliminate and avoid sugars (as much as possible) and become proactive in treatment applications.

For the burning of sugars, take ---B Complex Vit, Minerals such as Vanadium and Chromium in particular, herbs like Cinnamon, Gymnema, Mulberry. ACV is also proved sugar burner. With this combo, positive results would have to be present. Oh, also Alpha Lipoic Acid is good glucose burner.

Replied by Carly
(Seattle, Wa - Usa)

Hi Brian, Interesting post. I enjoyed reading it. One thing though - I have always been told that eating potatoes, pizza (dough and suace) and drinking beer was about the same thing as eating table sugar. The body metabolizes starches like sugar.

I don't see where you really cut out sugar much if you were eating those things. Maybe eating better over all caused you to lose weight. Perhaps being thinner put less stress on your body, allowing your immune system to work better to get rid of the polyps?

Just a thought.


Replied by Brian
(Adelaide, South Australia, Australia)

Hi Carly, Thank you for your nice comments and also your thoughts. To address the grocery items raised, an average size 200g potato has 3g of sugar (1.5%) and the packaged chips I buy from the freezer section at my supermarket (to heat up in the oven) has less than 1g of sugar per 100g on the label so I will assume even fried chips from a Fish & Chip shop or even McDonalds would be about the same. The pizza I buy which is also from the same supermarket freezer has 4.7g sugar per 100g (or 4.7%, which is under my 5% limit). I have found it impossible to find a sugar content for beer but will run with the thought that although sugar is introduced for fermentation, it gets converted to alcohol, so there is no sugar.

Starches and fats I don't care about (except Trans fats that I really do prefer to avoid). I have targeted sugar as the only food source that feeds the fungus that cause the polyps. The first time I went "no sugar" I was 56kg at the start (and had been diagnosed with a Vitamin D deficiency by my doctor, which was the only problem he could find that I had, so that became part of the jigsaw puzzle that I put together) so I was already thin anyway but had a bad case of polyps. I scarily bottomed out at 52kg before I reintroduced sugar to regain weight and am currently 55kg and the polyps are gone again. A net sum of 1kg loss in weight hasn't destressed my body and eliminated the polyps, it can only be the sugar.

Replied by Brian
(Adelaide, South Australia, Australia)

Hi Timh, All I can say is the headline that Earth Clinic allocated is a bit misleading. It should have read "Eliminate sugar to eliminate nasal polyps". I am in no way claiming that "no sugar" fixes everything. I had no other medical conditions except for nasal polyps and a Vitamin D deficiency (and a sore foot which I cured myself but that's another story) and the avoidance of sugar all on its own cured my polyps and restored my well being. I did not take any other pills, herbs or supplements along the way. Except I did take apple cider vinegar for about 2 weeks for first time when I went "no sugar" so yeah, maybe that's why I lost too much weight then. But the second time I went no sugar I didn't have any ACV at all (the taste is terrible and I had totally gone off it) and I still cured my polyps but didn't lose any weight. Crikey, Timh, the penny just dropped, sounds like we just discovered the best ever easiest natural way to lose weight (no sugar ACV). Thanks for that.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

Brian, some supplement co's make ACV tablets but not many distributers it seems. Swanson has regular and double strength ACV tabs. So don't give up altogether and try and find some ACV tabs down under.

Also worth noting, studies show sugars like high fructose corn syrup not only make triglycerides to be stored as stubborn fat, but also suppress immune function substantially.

As for natural sweeteners ---honey, blackstrap molasses, and stevia are favorites.

Replied by Brian
(Adelaide, S.a., Australia)

Hey Timh, Thank you for the info about ACV tablets, I didn't know they existed. I do now believe that ACV does help a person to lose weight when on a sugar reduced diet, as you alluded to in your previous post, but that is not my intent. I am 5'7" and only weigh 55kg and would rather be putting weight on, not off. My only intent was to get rid of Nasal Polyps and I have done that no other medications, potions, lotions nor the dreaded operation, just reduced the sugar and it was a done deed 4 weeks later.

Your comment about "sugar suppresses immune function substantially" supports my theory about feeding the fungus that causes that (via the Thyroid causing Hypothyroidism, which is an underactive Thyroid function, which is whereby the immune function is reduced and also a Vitamin D deficiency both of which I was diagnosed to have had, by my doctor). Thank you for that. Anyone else reading this thinking where is the Thyroid anyway, picture it as a very small double handed grip around your upper wind pipe.

As for natural sweeteners and considering that fungus don't care what type of sugar they are being fed or where it comes from, the weight of an average teaspoonful of table sugar is about 4g, 1 tspn each of honey is 5.7g of sugar in 7g (81% sugar) and molasses is 3.7g of sugar in 6. 7g (55%) both of which are more or less the same as a tspn of table sugar and therefore no reduced sugar benefit whatsoever. Both of those products are definitely over my preferred limit of 5% and absolute limit of 10% sugar content. Artificial sweeteners I avoid like arsenic. Just Google "stevia good or bad" and your head will spin where to look first. If it was good, why is bad even an option. Cheers.

Fruitarian Diet

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Kevin (Guateamala, Ciudad) on 11/06/2015

Fruitarian diet: I have six months vegan diet, and try the paleo diet.

A friend suggested I eat a diet of only fruits and can help me to heartburn and intestinal candida. I'm desperate ... with Bill protocol took two months Weight 125 lbs 1.70 meters tall, and I lost 30 pounds and I'm down ... any help, any advice ... my protocol is Vit. B, alkalizing diet without fruits, vit. C, magnesium, curcumin, niacin, iodine, chlorella and borax ... thanks

Gaps Diet

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Pauljm112 (Boston, Ma Usa) on 04/28/2012

Anybody try the Gaps or Gut and Psychology diet and if so did you get any results for Leaky Gut as I have that Hypothyroid and all my life have ADD which has really been killing my ability to hold a job.

Replied by Tad
(Slc, Ut)

I have read the GAPS book and use it in combination with information from the Body Ecology Diet in my quest to optimize my health and well-being. My main issues have been glue ear and chronic mental fog, and while I have not yet had the ability to target the glue ear, the wisdom contained in these books is solid, in my opinion.

Replied by Neon

Gaps diet is for eczema too, correct?

General Feedback

Posted by Lauren (Queens, Ny) on 10/27/2012

Hey Guys.... Can anyone tell me what protien is better to use.... Some people are recommending plant protien powder while others are saying animal protien is better.... Honestly I am confused so I figured why not ask the people on EC who in my opinion are the best of the best and I do mean this. Please someone answer.... I really need to get on this asap. Thanks guys.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

Lauren: Many considerations. Animal protein is considered the most complete and dense, but then you have issues of high fat content (which includes the saturated from red meats and poultry). Eggs are also a very good source of complete protein, but there's that cholesterol/fat problem again. Milk proteins are rather complete and are particularly rich in Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA's) which have many health benefits and don't require metabolism from the liver for utilization. Plant proteins are usually "incomplete", that is their amino acid profile is lacking especially concerning Essential Aminos; and then there's the excessive "carbs" problem to consider. The Beans/Rice rotation is said to "equalize" that imbalance. Lately, Pea protein is shown to have one of the best amino profiles of all plants.

It just makes common sense to utilize a variety of both plant and animal proteins as your lifestyle and taste desire, not indulging anything. As for supplementing, Whey is considered the overall best, but many like the egg isolates as well. Liquid Aminos are less "messy" (concerning mixing) and simply need some filtered water or juice to down them with; many of these L.A. products are "predigested" meaning the liver doesn't need to metabolize them for utilization (which is good news for people in compromised conditions).

Replied by Lauren
(Queens, NY)

Hey Timh.... Thanks for your prompt response. I really do appreciate it. What you said made a lot of sense. I think I know what to do now that I have read your post. Thank you so much once again.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

Lauren: am happy to be of assistance to you; and if I might add, Protein Digestion & Metabolism is also of importance. To help the body utilize proteins be sure to take a high quality multivitamin/mineral and maybe some extra B-6 (Pyridoxine). Also eat lots of Pineapple and/or Papaya for digestion or can take these in supplement form. Protein metabolism utilizes minerals and produces lactic acid and uric acid (which is not good in high amounts). Use Sea Salt or Himalayan Pink Salt generously to add minerals to the diet.

Replied by Tony
(Tn, Usa)

I found an article that I'd like to share with everyone here at EC. I'm a bit skeptical about the story so I'd like for Bill, Ted, & other holistic doctors please chime in here and share their opinion. The link is:

So, the article states that his woman cured her candida from eating bananas? Are you serious? Bananas can only feed the fire for candida. Bananas are healthy fruits but not when you have a systemic candida overgrowth. All anti-candida diets call for the complete elimination of sugar. That includes sugar from fruits.

Now, I've gotten a lot of helpful information from but this one doesn't fit the bill so to say. Please give opinions about this. My main problem with the article is the candida part. I just don't believe eating bananas only got rid of this woman's candida issues. Thanks & God Bless!

Replied by Mike62

Tony: I am not in the same stratosphere as an holistic doctor. I am an ordinary folk who studies what they say and experiments with the products they recommend. A short while ago I was like you, sick and suffering, reading this and that, wondering what to do, so I can understand your plight. I tried various supplements like moomiyo from Tadjikastan for 4 years. I felt better but far from the joyful exuberance I wanted to feel. Then I discovered the solution. Just nourish the cells properly. Wild animals do not eat cooked conventionally grown food and take supplements. Google Dr. Doug Graham candida natural news, raw food for candida videos, and Andrew Kim Blog carbon dioxide for good info.

General Feedback
Posted by Ed2010 (Oakville, Canada) on 07/14/2012

Hi, Now it is a fact that GMO foods (Genetically Modified Organism Foods) causes many of the modern illness like Auto Immune, Leaky Gut, Cancer, mind fog, depression

To the surprise people who are suffering from chronic ailments, find immediate dissappearance of most of the symptoms when completely stopping GMO foods from their diet.

And in north america most of the foods are GMO. So far we have been eating only GMO foods. To eliminate GMO we have to go to truly organic foods which is very costly at least 4 times.

Is there a way to counter the side effects consumed GMO foods? My 2 cents, is to take lots of Milk Kefir and other probiotic foods.

I expect some golden recommendations from fellow contributors.


Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Ed2010... I confess and admit that the problem of GMO foods is not so easy to avoid in North America for many reasons. First, America has now converted completely to GMO. GMO crops like wheat, sugar beet, barley and corn are grown all over America now. The Great Plains of America sits right next to the grain belts of Canada so the likelyhood of GMO crops in America infecting Canadian crops is very high indeed.

I've also just read about a court case in America where an organic farmer discovered that his crops were GMO. The only cause must have been the GMO crops growing nearby, so the farmer sued Monsanto. Monsanto then responded in kind by suing the farmer for using their agri-product without a licence!! Add to this that the organic farmer can probably only afford an ordinary lawyer whereas a huge, rich company like Monsanto can afford an army of big and expensive lawyers who know how to twist the law and you can perhaps appreciate that the organic farmer concerned doesn't really stand a chance in hell of winning the case.

I also note that China has also just bought huge amounts of Roundup-Ready GMO products from Monsanto to feed her huge population. This will also have massive health impacts on the Chinese populace in a few years and soon I have little doubt that the whole of Asia will be growing GMO crops too. It's bad enough that Round-Up Ready crops are GMO, but it is also doublty horrific that the weed-killer used with these crops was originally derived from Agent Orange in the 1970s. The reason we need robust GMO crops is to feed an overpopulated world. That is the main argument given by governments and by agri-business. Of course, the real reason has to be agri-dominance and profit (discreetly mingled with heavy corrupting influence).

And I'm afraid that I also have little faith in food products that are just labelled "Organic" now. Purchasing such products does not put me into any sort of comfort zone at all. Organic farming is big business now. I was studying the rules and regs of the FDA the other day when I stumbled upon some startling evidence buried quietly in their regs which was both surprising and most shocking. I found out that the FDA's current definition of "Organic" foods actually allows for 5% of any additives you like in any food which is labelled as "Organic" - which can be fungicides, pesticides, heavy metals, bad halogens or anything you like. On further research I realized that this really made complete sense because you simply cannot assure that ordinary water for plants or crops from any reservoir or water table in America is natural and pure anymore and even the rain in America is polluted and acid now. How many people know these facts about the "Organic" label?

So if you really want to eat completely organic foods now then you must always buy foods that are labelled (by law) "100% Organic".

I live in the semi-provinces of the Philippines where I am unable to buy organic foods and most people who live here would simply assume that the local food produce here is both virtually organic and pesticide-free in such a primitive region. But I have also seen the many Monsanto and Syngenta test farms here in my region -- and they are truly prolific. So, as far as I can see, the only possible way to avoid incurable auto-immune diseases later on in life is to go preventative and continually detox the body everyday as advised on this website.

Replied by Mystic Sage
(Cutler Bay, Florida)

Hi Bill from San Fernando, I have to agree with you 100%. Our "food" is no longer food. How sad it is. I knew a woman in Tennessee that built elevated rectangular boxes where she grew her own vegs and some fruits. I asked her what she used to prevent insects and she stated that she measured water and some dishsoap. She claimed that it worked. Even so, I thought that dishsoap on its own has toxins. After thinking about it, it did haunt me because (I'm not a farmer) I couldn't figure out what existed that would eliminate insects minus toxins. I am not that clever. Trudeau mentioned some of the information that you posted and it is true that what you buy must say 100% organic. The problem is that you cannot find many "foods" with that label. I have been looking and haven't found it yet. The closest organic chain is quite a distance from me and even there, you need to read labels carefully.

Replied by Lisa
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, USA)

Hi Bill, Thank you for your well- written post regarding Monsanto and GMO foods. I have been following this for quite awhile now. Because alternative health and healthy eating are two subjects of great interest to me, my path often crosses with those passionate about trying to stop Monsanto and its spread of lies and deceit to the public. At times I am so disheartened and am aware of the story of the farmer vs. Monsanto which is so disturbing. They have also wreaked havoc among the East Indian farmers selling them lies as well regarding their seeds. I know I have signed petitions to try to make them more transparent but when we're talking about such a corporate monster, I'm not sure we the people can do much.

Thus, I do my best to empower myself otherwise. I look at labels, I shop at Whole Foods here in the states, which unfortunately, is not cost- effective for many. I know it's expensive but my health is worth it since I avoid doctors and medications. I have to be proactive in preventing problems and keep my immune system strong! There is a petition circulating which I signed recently requesting Trader Joe's to commit to carrying exclusively/ only meats that have no antibiotics/ hormones because as of now, Whole Foods is the only store that can make that claim.

I also make sure to constantly detox by using sodium thiosulphate which you recommended, methylene blue, taking far infrared saunas on a regular basis of at least once a week, using EMF protection and eating cleanly with organic foods (with the understanding which you pointed out). I have to agree, detoxing constantly is the only way we can really control this situation. Dr. Brian Clement who owns and runs Hippocrates Health Institute speaks extensively regarding this!

Once again thanks for your intelligent reads! Lisa

Replied by Tina
(Houston, Usa)

Hi Lisa from Thousand Oaks, Ca, USA, I read your comment to Bill re: shopping at Whole Foods which I did too at one point.

Below article sheds some light on the controversy surrounding their involvement with GMO products.

Please read and educate and spread the word.

Thanks, Tina

Replied by Lisa
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)

Hi Tina, I read your article you linked with interest. A couple of years ago there was quite a bit of controversy regarding WF and their sources. Enough to embarrass them to clean up their act. I thought this had been resolved. Your article speaks differently. So, guess I have to really pay attention to what I'm purchasing. Presently, I always only buy grass fed, free range, small farm meats. I choose organic fruits and veggies when ever possible. I did sign the petition at the end of the article requesting labeling of GMO and factory farmed foods. Thanks for presenting this article.

In the meantime, I will continue to do as I said in my earlier post and make sure I am always detoxing in some manner. Best to you and your health, Lisa

Replied by Ed
(Oakville, Canada)

I agree there is nothing 100% organic. But before farming used to be virtually organic involving natural processes in producing foods. I think which is very much suffice. Even if a product is inorganic that is ok.

But altering the DNA, which is the GMO, is fundamentally changing the building blocks of any any produce like wheat, corn, chicken, milk that nature has given for us and this is atrocious.

Our body is created to adapt to this natural products, It can't even take a refined food, imo refined food is a slow poison.

Big companies are trying to monopolize and monetize in every possible way. Need to feed the growing population is a lame suggestion.

Countries has to increase the agro lands to feed the world.

I think the farmers around the world need to be educated to deny the GMO cultivation. If china and india continue to produce GMO foods then there will be a silent health catastrophy in the next decade.

Hoping for the best.

General Feedback
Posted by Tracy (Narvon, Pa) on 06/11/2012

Eliminate all or most these from your diet or at least ingest in moderation: Artificial sweeteners, coffee and black tea, processed foods, luncheon meats, wheat flour, ready to eat breakfast cereals (make your own oatmeal or use other grains in the slow cooker and add fruit and honey). Keep your sugar to a minimum but when you do sweeten, try honey, maple syrup, or Stevia if you want no- calorie. Eat plenty of fresh fruits & veggies. Stick to beans, roots, and non-wheat grains for your carbohydrate needs like yams, potatoes, brown rice, lentils, bulgur, lima, navy & soy beans. Eat high quality proteins such as raw unsalted nuts, hummus, fresh fish and shellfish, chicken or turkey breast sparingly. Soy and almond milk are preferable to dairy products. Fats are not your enemies if you stick to the good oils such as olive, coconut, sesame or flax. Make sure you stay hydrated as this is VERY important to all around good health and controlling your hunger cravings. I know all this is easier said than done but if you stick with it for the first few days, you will find a large portion of your cravings become managable. Good luck and good health to all of you.

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Tracy, thanks for your good list. One point: bulgur is wheat.

General Feedback
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 10/05/2011

Lisa from Thousand Oaks: If you are still reading these posts, I'd love to know how you are doing with your healthy diet now? Did it help further? Are you still incorporating cooked veggies or anything else? Anything else you have noticed along the way?

Thanks so much!

General Feedback
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 10/05/2011

1. Has anyone used the SCD (Specific Carbohydrate Diet) for Crohn's?

2. Has anyone used David Klein's Natural Hygiene diet for Crohn's?

If so, what is your feedback?

Improving Mitochondrial Function

Posted by Mike (Denver, Colorado) on 09/23/2013

The place to begin any nutrition program is improving mitochondrial function. Sod, catalayse, and glutathione are complex antioxidants produced in the mitochondria from simple nutrients. When people are low in these free radicals make holes in the wall. This is a major cause of chronic fatigue and degenerative illnesses. This is like a blown head gasket because the mitochondria is the engine where fuel is burned and energy produced. Trace minerals increase sod and catalayse. Raw whey increases glutathione. Absorbable colostrum has glycophospholipids that repair the cellular wall. Google improving mitochondria function for more info.

Replied by Timh
(Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

Let's not stop the cure with these few nutrients to support antioxidant status and improve energy levels. The list goes on w/ many antioxidant nutrients.

Many folks got restored w/ Mangosteen and Acai, now Red Grape extracts are in the mix. Athletes in particular, in the attempt to reduce fatigue and burnout, have found the citrus bioflavonoid Quercetin to be very effective. DMG is also effective in restoring immune, detox, and mitochondria function. CoQ10 and ALA decline w/ disease and aging, so supplementing these is always beneficial.

Replied by Mike62

Mystery of high fat low carb solved.

Many people take high fat low carb for two reasons. They have heard that carbs are bad. A few endurance athletes try to lose body fat for improved performance. They have won two important events during the previous two decades. The mitochondria can only burn small amounts of carbs when fat is high. High fat high carbs would cause insulin, carbs, and nutrients to accumulate in the plasma causing diabetes and heart disease.


Posted by Judy (Riverside, California U.S.) on 06/15/2014

I stopped eating meat for 3 years because someone told me that eating meat might be unhealthy. After 2 years I began having health problems such as insomnia and while at the supermarket I felt very weak like I was going to faint. After 3 years of not eating mean I was so weak at times that I decided to buy some steak as I was ready to try anything to stop my weakness. Also my sister in law's doctor told her that red meat helps one heal. So I bought a steak and ate steak for about 4 days. Not a whole lot of meat but a small portion at each meal. I then started eating ground beef as a store in my town is known for having great fresh meat and I can digest ground beef easier than steak. I no longer feel weak and I am sleeping like a baby again. I don't know if this will help others but it helped me to eat meat a few times a week. I am back to normal.

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

I have to agree with Judy about eating meat. I also went vegetarian for many years. For me it was because I felt and still feel bad about eating meat. I did feel " wimpy " while a vegetarian. I now eat about one to two pounds of beef per week.

This makes perfect evolutionary sense because we evolved as a species as hunter gatherers. We evolved eating both plants and animals. There are certain proteins and such you do NOT get from plants alone. I wish this was NOT true but my experience agrees with Judy`s....Oscar

Replied by Judy
(Riverside, California US)

Like Oscar I also felt bad about animals. That is why I also stopped eating meat as well as for other reasons. I am 63 years old and I just cleaned part of my property of debris and raked and pitch-forked like I could when I was in my early 30's. I have my strength back! I will continue eating meat. It seems like I am in need of it.

Replied by Marigold

Our health isn't a one size fits all, I'm glad you're feeling better now. I feel better eating very little meat. The only additional supplement I take is Creatine, which is not readily found in any plant product.

To be a healthy vegetarian, there has to be some research or learning involved - mostly simple things such as which plant products have enough protein, etc. Having a rotation involved helps, using one bean/lentil one meal, a different protein the next (like eggs), etc. That way if you're short on one nutrient, you're more likely to get it in the next meal. There's a lot of sites online that can help with nutritional needs.

But I doubt that I'll ever be full fledged vegetarian, either.

Native Diet

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Wayseeker (Modesto, Ca/ Usa) on 10/06/2012

Have read three books recently that have proposed an astonishingly obvious idea. Native peoples, when not eating the Western or European diet at all, experienced incredible health, immunity, and vitality.

Once they began to eat the white man's foods, they soon progressively became very ill, even faster than the white man. Things like canned goods, white flour, sugar, denatured foods destroyed their immunity to disease. Something to consider here and now. It wasn't the lack of immunity to civilized man's diseases that killed them, as we are told. It was the loss of immunity which arose from straying from their protective native diet that left them vulnerable to such diseases-- for which they then had no immunity whatsoever.

Native diets were simple, often wild, raw foods, like treenuts and berries (hey, fruits & nuts, like CA), raw milk, wild game and fish, roots and greens, grasses, and some cultivated crops, grains, and livestock. Real foods like mother's milk, blackberries, squash, oats, acorns, chestnuts --all exerted substantial protective qualities on these indigenous peoples who ate them.

These studies went back as far as the 1500's, and said that these peoples knew extraordinary strength, stamina, health and immunity, great old age, total ease at giving birth, and their teeth were like porcelain, set in wide dental arches (like wider pelvises).

The soil minerals came through the plant foods, and green live grasses, the best way to get them --where they don't calcify the arteries. Maybe we could amend our soils to achieve such super foods again? Just by adding compost, mulch, worms and trace minerals? Just a thought.

(See soilandhealth. org for a magnificent library.)

Replied by Lisa
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)

Hi Wayseeker, I was wondering if the work you are studying is from Weston H. Price? If not, you would certainly be interested in his work. For awhile, my husband and I went raw for 3 months and I do have to say, it cleared a few issues up for me. We loved it! But then, something we started to observe was other issues of deterioration took hold. My husband started having problems with his teeth- pain and sensitivity and both of us lost a lot of weight making us look gaunt and unhealthy!

It just so happened that I went to see Daniel Vitalis speak (a marathon talk! ) who is well-known in the raw world. Someone in the audience brought up Weston Price's work and posed the question to Daniel about many of the well-known people in the raw food world secretly adding in cooked food, etc. Daniel then went into speaking about his revelations about his own health and after reading Price's work, he radically changed his diet. That was the first I'd heard of this work and immediately began to research it. It made so much sense that I immediately began embracing this way of eating. During the winter I make bone broth, we use raw butter, grass-fed beef, eat fermented foods and use other principles of his.

We definitely notice a difference in our health and vitality. I would encourage others to study his works. Best to you, Lisa

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