Abdominal Pain
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Stomach Pain | Home Treatments for Relief

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Dgl Licorice

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Cathy (Richardson, Texas) on 07/26/2008

I was diagnosed with abdominal inflammation. This was in the area of the gall bladder. I tried DGL(Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice). In DGL, the glycyrrhizin compound-associated with high blood pressure-has been removed. I used the chewable kind. Dosage: two tablets when I started to have discomfort on my right side. After many years of having this condition, I have been cured with this product.

EC: Agreed, DGL is a great supplement. If you can't find it in your area of the world, try licorice root tea.

Dietary Changes

5 User Reviews
5 star (5) 

Posted by Sapna (Ny) on 04/06/2017

Re: Urgent Help Needed for Daughter with Chronic Stomach Pain

I have similar problems like your daughter couple of years ago. Doctor did all test and find nothing. One of my friend suggested to go gluten free and dairy free diet for some times. As soon as I went gluten and dairy free, all my problems went away. I am not allergic to wheat but I am gluten intolerance. I also take gluten free probatics everyday it helped me to eat wheat sometimes. Hope it helps

Dietary Changes
Posted by Rsw (Oh ) on 07/05/2016

Hi Deb,

When I was younger, I would get unexpected intense stomach pain, seemingly out of the blue. Pain so intense, just going from laying down to sitting up was excruciating, it even hurt to breathe or walk. When I was pregnant, I got it and my doctor told me he thought it was something I was eating, and if I thought about it, I could probably figure out what it was. Well, I finally discovered that every time I got this, I had eaten yogurt that day or a day or so before. However, sometimes I would eat it and be OK. Well, I stopped eating yogurt and never got it again. A friend reminded me that some yogurt contains live cultures, and some don't. This may explain why I sometimes was OK. FWIW, as I have gotten older, I find I can eat milk kefir and a little yogurt, although I still am hesitant to eat the yogurt because I can still remember that pain. Is there some food you consume on a regular basis, even something you consider to be healthy and is not known to be difficult for most people to eat, that might not agree with your system? Maybe a supplement or vitamin? Just a thought. I hope you feel better soon. Take care.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Mg (Allentown, Pa, Usa) on 04/22/2011

My Doctors kept giving me acid reducers when I needed a laxative. Now I'm on an 80/10/10 diet and when I eat out of proportion I use a laxitive. No more pain, no mor sick belly.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Lisa (Socal, Ca) on 01/13/2010

My daughter was getting stomach aches almost every day as well. The doctor did a Food Intolerance test for her and found she was intolerant to: Milk, broccoli, peanut butter ( not allergy), Oats and barley. When we took these items out of her diet, most of her stomach aches went away. She still gets one once in a while when she knowingly "cheats".

The Food intolerance tests are NOT 100 % accurate, but it will point you in the right direction. Or you can do a food elimination diet to find out which foods "don't agree" with you.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 11/20/2007 490 posts

The best remedy I have found for indigestion, acid regurge, GERD, flatulence is elimination of all bleached flour products in the foods you eat - I find I can eat l00% whole grain bread without problems (usually cures most people's constipation problems also). I don't know what chemicals? are used in the bleaching process, but apparently that is where the problem comes from. However, you must really work at getting bleached flour out of your diet, as many pastas are made with bleached flour, many breads say whole wheat but read the ingredients and you'll find that most start off with bleached flour unless the label reads l00% whole grain. Most gravies, dips, sauces, etc. use the cheapest source of thickening agent - bleached flour. So try it and see if it works for you. It's nice having a "cast iron stomach" which has no problems with cayenne pepper, jalapeno peppers, and all that spicy stuff I used to blame my stomach problems on before I lucked up and stumbled upon the real cause of them.

Replied by Anne
(Cumming, Ga)

Concerning bleached flour, I just read where our flour here in the USA was changed some years back. They took Iodine out of the flour and replaced it with bromine. Iodine which we need has been replaced with bromine which causes health problems.

Bromine is harmful to our health. It is used because it causes the dough to rise higher and be strong and springy. It also bleaches the flour. You can find organic flour that uses iodine rather than bromine. These same flours have also removed aluminum, another ingredient that is very harmful to our health.

It seems that on top of the GMO wheat that most of our bread is made of...we have the problem of bromine which is a thyroid disrupter and causes stomach problems. It is also a carcinogen. I have noticed that those with gluten intolerance have major stomach problems and must stay on a gluten free diet. We are told that grains are terrible, but I believe that we have a contaminated food problem in our nation and it all relates to those given the responsibility to protect the public and are not. Sad but true. Thank God that we have Earth Clinic and those that have given us the answers to so many health problems. This is the first place I go for health solutions. I am 76 and I only take thyroid meds and blood pressure meds. I hate doing that but my thyroid was removed when I was 13. My blood pressure started giving me fits when my son and grandson died in 2014. It was the worst year of my life and my stress level and emotions bounced out of control. Most of the BP meds made me feel like I was dying but finally they gave me one that addressed the underlying problem of stress. I am working on coming off of BP meds.

I have been into natural cures and health since I was 34. Our food must be addressed in this nation as those without the means to buy organic food are at risk every day. Thanks, Anne

(Canberra, Australia)


I asked my Chinese doctor what is used for high blood pressure in her home country and she said "Always Hawthorn" but she is not allowed to prescribe it in the West. I told a friend who was in need and he bought Hawthorn capsules at the health food store. It took two months, but worked well and no side effects. He just followed instructions on the bottle. Hawthorn is from the May Bush.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Cibitka (Here&there In Eu) on 07/05/2016 6 posts

Trigonella foenum-graecum (Fenugreek) never failed to help me when I felt sick to my stomach. Also proved successful when I gave it to family and friends. Usually works in about 30 mins.

  • Take about 2 tablespoons of seeds (I use whole seeds) and place it in a cup.
  • Boil water and slowly pour it over the seeds.
  • Leave for about 15 mins to rest under a cover to omit important essential substances to evaporate.
  • Slowly sip the 'tea' and at the end eat the seeds as well - by then they should be soft enough.

Small inconvenience: you will smell like a chicken soup during next 2 days. This is due to strong flavours, that this seeds have inside. How ever the nice calming effect on your body is worth it I guess : )


4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Desalegn (Harar) on 12/25/2015

Garlic saved me from bad stomach pain.

Posted by Will (Houston, Texas) on 03/22/2008

Two days ago, I was having sharp pains in my abdominal. I swollowed a whole clove with cranberry juice and the pain went away.

Replied by Erin
(Tampa, Fl)

Thank you for this suggestion! I tried a garlic pill for a nasty case of indigestion based on your recommendation, and it worked fast. Less than a half-hour after I'd taken the garlic capsule, I started feeling relief. If I had to take a guess, I'd wager that the garlic sped up the process of eliminating the toxin that was causing the discomfort. Thanks again for this!

Replied by Melissa
(Crandall, Tx, Usa)

I just wanted to say this worked great. My cousin had a stomach ache for days. She had tried tums and other over the counter stomach aides and they did nothing. I read this on here about the garlic and had her eat a clove. About 15-20 minutes later, the pain had subsided quite a bit. I spoke with her today and she said that she is free of any pain now. Thank you for the great advice!

General Feedback

Posted by Harriette (Brighton, CO) on 05/07/2013

My husband had a massive heart attack last year. He is on many heart meds. He had his gall bladder removed a couple months ago and is having terrible abdominal pain that travels up his chest and esophagus. Doc does not know what it is. Any ideas/cures?

Replied by Harriette
(Brighton, Co)

The cardiologist took my husband off Lipitor, Plavix and Digoxin. He stopped them as of yesterday. The abdominal pains are gone! We don't know if it was the Lipitor or which one was wreaking havoc with his gut. All we know is that is feeling the best he has felt in months! Thanks, everyone, for your input and help!

Gluten Free Diet

Posted by Jessie (New York City, New York) on 02/28/2012

Regarding gluten allergies or those of you with chronic stomach pain or stomach issues. PLEASE READ! Very important!

Ask your doctor for a Celiac's panel as the official term for gluten allergy is Celiac's disease. It's a blood test but you have to have been eating a gluten FULL diet for the test to be accurate. And if you have Celiac's you have to COMPLETELY cut out all gluten for good!

My husband's grandfather has stomach cancer from not avoiding gluten despite his allergy. He didn't find out he had a gluten allergy til after he was diagnosed with cancer. After researching, I found numerous studies on this. Most prominently, an 11 year study that followed 1, 982 patients from 20 G. I centers in Germany diagnosed with Celiacs Disease. Those who did not follow a gluten free diet had a 200 times greater chance of gastrointestinal cancers and lymphoma than those who followed a gluten free diet. The chances increased with age.

In europe, 1 in 300 are diagnosed with a gluten allergy (aka Celiacs Disease) and in Italy, all children are required to be screened for it automatically as toddlers. In the U.S. only 1 in 3000 are diagnosed SIMPLY because we don't screen for it or recognize it as a possible cause for chronic stomach issues. And since it's hereditary and you don't always present symptoms, if a family member tests positive, have ALL family members tested. My husband's 76 year old Grandfather (with stomach cancer)had 2 siblings who died from stomach cancer. They figured it was the cancer that was hereditary. No. It was the gluten allergy that was. I also know that one of my Dr's medical assistants (was in her 60's) recently died 3 months after being diagnosed with lymphoma. During her autopsy they discovered she had a gluten allergy she never knew about. It's clinically proven that Lymphoma is one of the cancers caused by eating gluten when you're allergic to it. Put your health in good hands... Your own. Get tested!

Replied by Delaney
(Olympia, Wa)

Thanks for this post! I've had a lot of stomach noises lately, among other ailments including headaches. It appears ACV is good just about everything, so I mixed 1/2 TBSP in 6oz of water and just took a few sips. The stomach noises stopped right away, but I kept clearing my throat all night, got horrible heartburn and woke up with my stomach burning like crazy. I'm going to see my doctor today, so I'll ask him to do a celiac panel. My Mom died of lymphoma - B cell, when she was 84. She didn't have stomach issues until a few months before passing. She started getting sick in Oct and passed 3 mo later. Any ideas to help the stomach burning?

I personally say nay on ACV, due to my reaction, but I'm a redhead and hypersensitive to everything! A doctor once told me I'm just one big recessive gene:-)

Grapefruit Seed Extract

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Thomas (Searcy, AR) on 12/04/2008

I was so impressed how quickly the Grapefruit Seed Extract soothed my aching stomach. I think I ate some bad food(fish) earlier in the day and had been ailing for a few hours. I tried the GFSE we had and within 15 minutes it felt better.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Kerri (Salt Lake City, Ut) on 01/01/2008

Grapefruit seed extract is the very best for a stomach ache 5 to 6 drops in a cup of water. It works also if you swallowed some bad water while swimming or drank some bad water while traveling in a different country. It has a very bitter taste. helps kill the germs and bugs. My child after throwing up and trying many different things was able to go to sleep and rest without pain. It has worked even for my friends!!

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Mindy (Boston, MA) on 12/19/2007

Just wanted to add grapefruit seed extract (GFSE) to your list of remedies for stomach aches. I read how bitters have been used as digestive aids for centuries, especially in Europe. The only "bitter" I had around my house was GFSE which I use to disinfect my produce. (GFSE is a powerful germ killer: bacteria,virus, fungus, Candida, etc.) Well I put 5-6 drops in a glass of water and chugged it down fast, and within 10 minutes my stomach ache was gone!!! I drank this bitter water 3x that day and noticed how CLEAR my mind became - another benefit. I had tried other remedies like ACV, ginger, mint tea, but GFSE worked the FASTEST for me. So give it a try. There are other numerous good uses for GFSE which you can learn about on the internet.

Replied by Faithinhealing
(Forest Park, Ohio)

I used pure PINK GRAPEFRUIT for the same purposes, an upset stomach, and it worked wonders too! I also chewed the seeds because grapefruit juice extract is made from the pulp and the seeds.

Replied by Marie-Cecile
(Liège Belgium)

Hi, Mindy,

I'm French speaking but I learned English at school and can communiicate here. But I never understand what your acronyms mean. What mean ACV, GFSE.

I know that for Englis people, "gut" is a rough term/ Not in French. So, it's sometimes difficult for me to see if you all speak about stomach of about gut. Wich word do you use for "gut"? "Belly"?


She did clarify it at the GFSE means GrapeFruit Seed Extract and ACV in Apple Cider Vinegar


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Maria Khan (Germany) on 04/07/2017

Re:: Urgent Help Needed for Daughter with Chronic Stomach Pain

Hi Sheila, So sorry that your daughter is in so much pain.Try pure honey for stomach pain.It helps me and my family tremendously in stomach pain or any digestive problem.She can take one tablespoon with each meal. For feet pain apply Magnesium oil .I make my own by mixing magnesium chloride powder with aloe vera jel and apply on the feet or legs of my kids or husband at night.They sleep restfully all night.For migraine Ted always advises to take potassium citrate.For kids dose of potassium citrate check Ted remedies for migraine.

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