Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Flu: Fast Symptom Relief & Recover

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Grapefruit Seed Extract

5 User Reviews
5 star (5) 

Posted by Rjforshort (Dover, Oh, United States) on 12/23/2009

Grapefruit seed extract cured the flu

I felt the flu coming on pretty bad on Saturday around 2pm. I knew I needed to take something right away to catch it quickly. I took 15 drops of GSE in 4 oz of orange juice that evening. By then I had a fever and diarrhea. 1/2 hour later I took about 1 tsp. of ACV in 8oz h2o and went to bed at 8pm. I woke up at 2am and 8 with diarrhea, when I woke up at 2pm felt much better! Took another 15 drops GSE in 4 oz OJ and more ACV in h2o. Was symptom free from that time on! Took another round of GSE next morning to be safe!

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Natalie (Newport News, VA) on 05/01/2007

I just wanted to let you all know that I tried the grapefruit seed extract remedy two days into my having continual flu symptoms (high fever 103 with aches and pains). On the evening of 4/25 I started to feel really weak so I went to lie down. By late that evening I was running a high temp of 103.4 and started becoming really achy. I tried everything to get the fever down butI couldn't, so that morning of 4/26 I took a 200mg ibuprofen. I was still achy though and by the next morning the fever spiked up to 103.7. I had tried so many things already to get rid of the bug, but I couldn't. (garlic and apple cider viner, egg whites to lower the fever (I think I didn't use enough)). I succumbed to over counter medicine and went ahead and took a naproxen. It broke the fever within an hour. But I wanted to get rid of what ever it was that was causing the fever. Then I read about the grapefruit seed extract, so I told my husband to please go to the vitamin store and pick one up for me. As soon as I got home from work, I drunk me a glass of water with the 15 drops. I felt ok and then I drunk a second cup and I felt even better. By the next day 4/28, I didn't have anymore headaches, backaches or weakness. I just felt like I had a a soar throat. So I continued taking it for the prescribed three days and thank God the bug is gone. This stuff works! I'm a believer. This stuff can be used for so many other things as well. I will always keep stock of this stuff in my medicine cabinet.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Lisa (Memphis, TN) on 12/29/2006

Grapefruit seed extract, peroxide, and apple cider vinegar cured my sore throat, runny and stuffy nose and body aches. I was sooo happy with my results I feel great! after only 20 mins. I feel almost normal. It only took me a day to start looking for cures, and it took less than a day to work! This site is wonderful!

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Dean (Tulsa, OK) on 11/05/2006

I discovered this site a few days ago. I have been impressed. Yesterday I awoke with dark rings around my eyes, fever and sore muscles. The flu was coming on STRONG. I started a new job today too. I went straight to your site and read the grapefruit seed extract cure. They should change the name to bitter fruit, but it has worked. It's awful but within an hour I felt 80% better. By evening I felt 98% better. I can tell it is still there, in hiding, so I will do it 2-3 days like it is suggested. It now feels like that day after your sick which is great because I was really going to be sick. I could tell. Jobs great too. Thanks!

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Genevieve (Bellingham, WA)

I absolutely hate being sick and getting the flu, like I'm sure everyone does. But, I have found something that really helps. GSE, Grapefruit Seed Extract which can be bought at supplement and health stores, really helps boost my immune system. I drop 13 drops in a small glass of orange juice three to four times a day when I start feeling and sick and by the next morning I feel 100% better.

Greek Folk Remedy Tsiporou

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 08/20/2021

The ancient Greeks consumed a drink called Tsiporou (or Raki a distilled grape spirit), which was made from the leftover mash of wine-making. They added half a teaspoon of cinnamon and a teaspoon of honey to the mash to create a remedy that eased the symptoms of cold and flu. Patients would enjoy a clearer head and reduced symptoms.

A substitute for this home remedy is to use whiskey or brandy instead of leftover mash. Consume the preparation 3 times a day, between meals, and immediately the cold or flu will return. Or take half a teaspoon of nutmeg powder with warm water 3 times a day.

Shaker Spiced Grape Juice Recipe

– This drink is a great alternative to hot apple cider and the closest to a Greek drink “non-alcohol” called Tsiporou (or Raki) I can find. I've only had it once and got the recipe at Pleasant Union, one of the Shaker settlements here in Kentucky.


-3 cups concord grape juice (Welches is the best)

-3⁄4 teaspoon cinnamon

-1 pinch clove

-1⁄4 cup sugar (optional)

-3⁄4 teaspoon nutmeg

-1 tablespoon honey

Combine all ingredients and simmer for 5 minutes. Strain if necessary. Serve hot.

Yields 3 cups. Drink throughout the day.

Green Tea

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Matthew (Santa Rosa, CA USA) on 12/12/2008

Yea to Green Tea for remedying my flu. Nay to ACV. ACV made me not feel so sick but my symptoms continued to worsen. I've started drinking green tea and it is making a big difference. I have been using a couple teaspoons of honey with every cup.

Green Tea
Posted by La Tanya (Patterson, California) on 03/04/2008

I have been drinking green organic green tea from China for about two years now. It certainly has excellent health benefits. Before drinking green tea I would normally come down with a cold or flu at least twice a year and it would last a good two weeks, but since I've become a green tea drinker I don't catch a cold or flu. I may get a little sniffle but they may be due to my allergies. Also I notice my energy is always up when I'm drinking my tea consistently. I drink a minimum of 3 cups a day and as an iced tea and I also drink the tea leaves as well.

Green Tea
Posted by Amith (Durban, South Africa) on 02/11/2008

Green Tea boost my immune system. Green Tea is the most awesome tea, recently taken the world by storm. I drink 3 cups a day, which is the equivalent of eating 8 apples according to the daily mail. Tea can also rehydrate you so can be used as a substitute for water. I know this because my pee is mostly clear. I used to get the flu 4 times a year without failure. Even during the summer. I suffered for year. ie until I Started to drink Green Tea. My energy levels shot up. I only got sick once in the 2 years that I have been taking it. I think it was the airline food and the long thirsty journey that caused my Tonsillitis. I might have even died the Doctor told me if I didn't have a strong immune system. Well anyway. I haven't been sick drinking green tea.

Green Tea
Posted by Teri (Woodinville, WA) on 11/06/2007

After suffering with swollen glands and a scratchy and sore throat for 3 days, I came across this website. I had been using honey in green tea, zinc lozenges, echinachea and Tylonol Extra for pain...

I tried 1/2 cup green tea, 1 tsp. lemon juice (bottled on hand), 1 tsp. honey and 1/8 or 1/4 tsp of cayenne!! It's only been less than 10 minutes and Boy what a difference!! The hotter you can stand the temperature & 'heat' from the cayenna, the better!! Wow!! It works!


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Reinhold (Gatineau/ Aylmer, Qc,canada ) on 07/21/2011

I live in Aylmer. My mother (in Germany) always made Holunderbeerensuppe, what they called a soup made with them to clean the blood, for general health. I still have the original Kneipp Handbook, take ice cold baths all year round, garden outdoors a lot without much clothes on, and barefoot, Yoga, Acupuncture, eat mostly raw food and fruits, (right now I love mangoes) and apple juice, make my own apple/grape vinegar & vine, yoghurt. I never get/got colds or influenca or throat, for many, many years now.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Stormie33 (Albertville, AL) on 12/27/2013

Use honey for any viral illness. Start taking it at first sign/symtom. If in doubt research honey and virus and will find out the great benefits of RAW honey.

Posted by Nichole (Stanton, Ca) on 12/07/2008

Honey Rocks!!

I came down with the flu one day while eating dinner, it hit me pretty fast. I had just started eating and felt very nauseous, within minutes I was feeling very warm and had a fever and my body began to ache all over. I went upstairs and laid down to try and sleep but I couldn't I just felt so awful... finally I asked my hubby to get me a biscuit and the jar of honey. I dipped the biscuit in the honey trying to get as much down as I could, probably a quarter cup. I laid down again and fell asleep, a few hours later my fever broke and I woke up at that point I felt fine, great even! So I was so excited about how fast the honey worked but of course I began to be doubtful, thinking maybe it was just a quick flu. Well a month and a half later my husband came down with a stomach flu he was nauseous and had the runs for a couple days, he didnt take any honey. Then I came down with it, again I felt horrible really quick so I went downstairs feeling faint and nauseous and grabbed the honey and some soup. I filled my mouth with as much honey as I could and swallowed, then ate my soup and again swallowed a big mouthful of honey. Within a few hours I was feeling great again! My husband was still sick! So now I know for sure it was the honey I took! Just so you know I took Sue Bee's Raw honey, I can get it here for only $5 for 2 pounds... I have become an advocate for all things natural and tell everyone about some remedies I've found on here and others I found at different sources on the net.

A couple other honey stories to share, I use honey on my daughters diaper rash and its gone sometimes by the next diaper change and others the next day! I also used it on myself after I gave birth for the tearing and it not only felt soothing but it did indeed help my tears to heal much faster.

My sisters friend Chante was in a very bad accident 6 months ago and had a severe injury to her foot. The did surgery on it but it wouldnt heal closed, so they did a skin graft and again it wouldnt close, in fact they did 4 skin grafts that wouldnt take. So for 6 months she's been going through this and I told my sister to tell her about Manuka honey, she did but Chante didnt want anything to do with it. Well after this last graft they told her if it didnt heal they would amputate!!!! So she finally conceded to try it. She put it on at 4pm and checked it at 8pm, already the skin was healing! She was so excited she applied a new bandage with more honey and checked it in the morning. Again it was looking even better! I cant tell you how amazing her foot looks now and its only been three days! I have pictures of before and after and after again and again, if anyone is interested email me and I will send you the pictures!

Go HONEY!!!!

Replied by Reasonable BB
(British Columbia Canada)

Thx you for taking the time to share your experience with honey. You're a blessing to the world

(Illinois, USA)
530 posts

Love dem bees! Something else you can do is get raw honey with the honeycomb - which has the same elements as honey - cut off a piece, suck the honey out and chew the comb like gum for a constant, 15 or 20 minute trickle of honey goodness! Good for a sore throat or head cold. Or, well, it's good for just about everything, really, but most noticeable with mouth, throat, breathing and sinus issues.


Posted by Jc (New York, Ny) on 01/13/2013

I read that keeping your bedroom humidified between 40-60% is optimal for killing flu viruses. Any higher than 60% will promote bacteria and mold, so you need a thermometer in the room which also measures humidity. I have been using a $30 humidifier on cold days and turning it off when it rains. Makes the room very cozy and peaceful to sleep in.

Hydrogen Peroxide

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Paolo (Bloomington, In, Usa) on 12/18/2012

Just eat fresh fruit especially the citrus ones. Worked like a charm for me. Also ginger is good for nausea. Try some all natural ginger ale. Finally a secret to getting over the flu super fast is taking h2o2 with water and a little juice. U need to research it but basically it kills all the bad stuff. My fiance got the same flu as me and was bedridden 5 days. I did the h2o2 treatments and was out of bed after one day.
