Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Flu: Fast Symptom Relief & Recover

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Hydrogen Peroxide

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Joan (Fresh Meadows, New York ) on 10/23/2010

Just found your site searching about combining ACV and H202 and found out that was not a good combination. Also found all the testimonials about the benefits of ACV and the flu. Very excited, going to try that immediately.

Here's one for you. I have the flu. Been fighting with it for a week because I have not been eating correctly. I found that putting just ONE or TWO drops of food grade 3% H202 in a half glass of water and sipping it when I start to cough or get congested immediately clears up my head, takes away the sore throat, and gives me an hour of peace. Just like you said, it works for about an hour! Just one drop works! Amazing! Had to share that. Experimenting with H202. Even just a drop... Now I will try the ACV each day and see how that works. Love your site. Be very blessed. Joan

Hydrogen Peroxide in Ears for Respiratory Viruses

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Nichole (Silver Spring, Md) on 01/22/2018

My ears were hurting like crazy along with a sour throat, extreme fatigue, and coughing. A horrible cold, maybe pneumonia, was attacking me yesterday at about 2pm. I felt exhausted and lost my appetite. My throat hurt so badly, and both of my ears really hurt. I went to the internet to see if I could find a remedy for ear pain and was sucking on a halls cough drop. I saw the 3% peroxide treatment in ears. I poured some in a small cup, looked in the mirror and put some in my right ear. It started bubbling and was really loud. I left it in for 10 minutes. I turned my ear over and let it drain into the sink. I did the same thing with the left ear. It bubbled loudly in that ear. I repeated three times, with doing it about 5 minutes the second and third times. My ears were itching like crazy after the treatment and when I would let out the hydrogen peroxide it felt hot when some of it ran down my cheek. I took one whole garlic and diced it up small. I ate half of that with apple sauce, making sure to not let the garlic get on my tongue, just chewed in the back of my mouth and put the apple sauce in to swallow it. The last thing I did within this one hour period was to gargle with listerine for 2 minutes. I tilted my head back so it would reach the top of my throat. Within 5 minutes, I felt like I need to throw up. I started coughing, then threw up this green and dark red mucus. It was a lot of it! I didn't feel that much better yet. I went to sleep. When I woke up about 5 hours later, I felt about 5% better only. I repeated these three steps: 1) peroxide in ears several times, 2:) fresh diced garlic in apple sauce, 3) gargle with listerine. Last, I took 1 aleve. This time for the peroxide in ears, I did it 5 or 6 times in each ear, but only left it in about 1 minute. This time it did not bubble in either ear. It still felt hot though. Again, I threw up after gargling with listerine and what came up was the apple sauce PLUS a bunch of mucus. Within 2 hours I started feeling significantly better. Now, three hours I am completed cured, my appetite came back, ear pain is at 0 and throat pain is at zero. This is a miracle. I will always keep hydrogen peroxide!

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method

7 User Reviews
5 star (7) 

Posted by Deborahmay (Boca Raton, Florida) on 03/26/2014

I have been using this nebulizer with the peroxide and it's amazing 3-5 times a day. Peroxide is only H202 which is oxygen and where there is enough oxygen no virus or bacteria can grow. I have also a vaporizer that I put the peroxide in and let it run all day and night . This is great for babies and kids thank you for this web site as it is my favorite one.:)

Replied by Rob

Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy Using a Cool Mist Humidifier

I remember reading an article about 20+ years ago about this man using a humidifier with diluted hydrogen peroxide 3% to fumigate the house when all members were sick with the flu. I have used this technique in various apparatus to mist the house or a room during illnesses and it work well. So here is what I do.

Use a cool mist vaporizer to deliver hydrogen peroxide to the respiratory system. It's efficient, safe, and you can ease chronic or acute breathing difficulties, or just get extra oxygen into your system. You won't need a heating element in the vaporizer, since heat would just dispel the oxygen too fast. Many people feel that Emphysema, COPD, Bronchitis, Pneumonia and other lung disorders get better when they breathe in a diluted peroxide mist this way. Hydrogen peroxide therapies have been used for over 150+ years by many doctor's and alternative practitioners for a wide range of conditions.

Preparing the Mist

A cool mist vaporizer will distribute water and hydrogen peroxide without heating the solution, which would dissipate the oxygen in the mixture. It's important to keep your vaporizer clean and sterile.

Your tap water will work in the vaporizer if it's reasonably free of minerals. Distilled water is better and easier on the vaporizer, since it won't accumulate hard scum over time.

The 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide you will add to the water is readily available at drug and grocery stores in a familiar looking brown bottle for one + dollar. Many people use this form and are satisfied with it.

Humidifier – To make up the mix to put in the vaporizer, add 1 pint of 3% percent hydrogen peroxide to a gallon of water. Put this into your humidifier so it will diffuse H2O2 throughout the home.

Table Top Room Diffuser for Essential Oils – If your model holds 100ml (about 4oz) of water, The formula I like is 50/50 water to H2O2 3%. It's a little stronger but as you sleep, you will inhale the H202 mist into your lungs.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method
Posted by Tenderfoot (Las Cruces, Nm Usa) on 08/27/2009

I too am using H2O2 inhalation, only by nebulizer since the spray bottle method I tried about a year ago did not give much improvement in my lung condition after using it for a long period of time, although it did help with sinus congestion. I started inhaling it in the nebulizer about a week ago for my COPD in order to try and wean myself off of inhalers and possibly improve the lung condition. I'm so glad I did as the following morning when I woke up my lungs were opened up for a fuller breath of air and I had great energy, I couldn't believe how good I felt. I washed my windows yesterday, a big accomplishment for me and I have not needed so much extra sleep as before. I've used it 3 times now, so I'd say I use it about every other day and plan to continue this routine and/or make adjustments depending on how I feel or if I'm feeling too dried out. I put about 1/8 tsp of 3% HP in the nebulizer cup along with 1 tsp distilled water and 1/2 tsp of colloidal silver, the kind with sun and stars on the aqua label. (I did consumer research and found this as the purest for me to use). I'm still using inhalers and supplements so far until I see cosistent progress and get checked by my doctor to see how how things stand clinically. Good luck to all and feel free to write with any questions you may have.

Replied by Grace
(Denver, Colorado)


I just learned distilled water is bad for lungs and this video shows how to make a saline solution to use

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method
Posted by Sonya (Manhattan, USA) on 08/25/2009

Editor's Choice

My husband started feeling symptoms of the flu on Friday, but I didn't feel them until Monday. I started inhaling 3% peroxide to the back of my throat and into my lungs following Bill Munro's instructions right away. I felt immediately better (literally, 5 minutes later) but 20 minutes later I felt the virus returning to my head. Instead of waiting the 2-3 hours for the inhalation like the instructions state, I decided to inhale again. Again my symptoms disappeared almost immediately. I kept inhaling every time I felt the symptoms returning and by midnight, I didn't have any more symptoms. I went to sleep, symptom free and did the peroxide again this morning, after an 8 hour break and will continue to inhale every 2-3 hours now. I am not 100% (mild congestion) but am doing sooo much better than my husband who is still miserable with congestion.

I am coming to the conclusion that the key to this inhalation method is starting it as soon as you feel the symptoms and then continuing it for a day or two. Don't stop doing it even if you feel better! I also think that inhaling every few hours is not enough if you have a bad strain of the virus. Inhaling every time I feel symptoms returning has been the key to kicking this virus. No doubt I will be able to test my findings again this winter, but hopefully not with the swine flu.

Good luck everyone. We need to be prepared for a bad swine flu season!

Replied by Tara
(Boston, Mass)

Hi Sonya. Thank you for solving a mystery for me! I don't know about anyone else but I spit out a lot of the peroxide after inhaling it, even though I try to keep it in my lungs as long as possible. Because most of the peroxide ends up being spit out into the sink, I am thinking that only itty bitty teeny weeny amounts are making it into the lungs. So it makes total sense that you need to do it more frequently than once every three hours in order for it to kill (starve?) the virus.

Replied by Bob
(Memphis, Tn)

I had a similar experience. I had been doing the inhalation method for several months then kind of slowed down on it. Upon slowing down I felt a cold coming on. I have always gotten at least 2 colds a year and they last 10-14 days always. When I felt this cold coming on I started inhaling the peroxide as many as 10-12 times per day 4-6 sprays each time. Within a couple of days it was gone and did not return. I am a believer in this method of killing viruses. Good luck!

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method
Posted by Ginny (NY, NY) on 02/08/2008

Yesterday morning I awoke with the beginnings of the flu. My tell tale sign was that my neck ached like crazy right at the base of the skull and I was severely fatigued. My husband had been sick with the flu last week so I figured my turn had come. Well, I started inhaling my 3% peroxide h202 at 10:00am every 2 to 3 hours and by 5:00pm I was back to normal... no neck ache, no exhaustion, nothing. I am going to keep it up for a total of 3 days I think to make sure the virus has been eliminated, but this is the 5th time I have done this remedy for a virus bug and it has worked every time. It is a gem of a remedy. Thanks, Bill!

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method
Posted by Georgie (Marietta, GA) on 01/31/2007

Since I heard about the h202 inhalation method on your site last winter, I have used it to treat viruses about 8 times. It is really the #1 remedy of all time in my opinion. Funnily enough, all my friends are scared to try it even though I tell them to just try it! But I did get my mother to use it (73 years old and going strong). She LOVES it now! At any rate, last night I started to get a sore throat and felt terrible and weak. I inhaled 2 hours apart and woke up feeling 100%.

EC: Read more about H202 Inhalation Method here.


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Merryanne (Florida) on 05/24/2017 113 posts

Editor's Choice

I have had great success using L-lysine to kill cold and flu viruses. If taken as soon as you have any symptoms of a virus at 2000 mg 4 times during your waking hours or less say take at breakfast, lunch, dinner and at bedtime, you will be ok the next day,, but, if you wait till the next day then you may have to take the dosage for 2 or 3 days. This really works great!!!

Posted by Moni (Urbandale, Iowa) on 10/16/2009

Big thanks to Ted

I read Ted's post on Earth Clinic that Lysine would help with Flu.Was sick for 5 days with high temperature(104F)Tried everything with no help.Check Ted's post on flu to get the exam amount of lysine to use. Thanks Earth Clinic and Ted for all your Help!!!!!! Lysine is #1 flu cure for me

Posted by PR (Houston, Texas) on 04/01/2009

I read Ted's post on Earth Clinic that Lysine would help with Flu. My daughter called me and said, Mom Amber (my grand daughter) has the flu what can I do? I had just finished reading Ted's post that taking 1500 mg of lysine every few hours would get rid of the flu. My daughter call me later that evening and said Amber was feeling much better. This made a believer out of her. I plan to keep a bottle of Lysine on hand. Checks Ted's post on flu to get the exam amount of lysine to use. Thanks Earth Clinic and Ted for all your Help!!!!!!

EC: PR is referring to Ted's posts here: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/flu.html#TED

L-Lysine, Tomato Tea

1 User Review
3 star (1) 

Posted by Evelyn (Amsterdam, Netherlands) on 09/28/2009


side effects natural flu treatment (lysine, tomato tea)

My mother got the flu (congestion, sore throat) and I started to get a sore throat, so decided to treat us with L-lysine and hot tomato tea. We took 2x 1000mg lysine and 1X1000mg Vitamin C and drank 2-3 mugs of hot tomato tea for four days. I made the tomato tea using tomato puree, some black pepper, hot pepper powder, water, and then heated the mixture with sliced cayenne peppers and put lemon juice and some AVC in it after I Turned off the heat. Twice, I also put in this mixture an avocado and some turmeric (curcuma) powder). This regimen helped to spead up the healing process (or the flu virus is very mild), though did not get rid of the sore throat completely. However, my menstuation became very strong and my 67 years old mother who stopped menstuating 10 years ago had some spotiings. Did anybody of the women who tried L-lysine with tomato tea have simililar experiences?

Lemon and Honey

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Alem (Perth, Australia) on 11/04/2007

I have heard about lemon & Honey cures from my over 110 year old grand-grandmother in Bosnia. I was overweight as a child and after starting to drink Lemon and honey tea (juice of 1 lemon, little honey and warm water) every morning my whole system has changed. My weight has dropped and I never had a problem with it since. I can't remember the last time I had a cold or flu. Another thing that she told me to do was: When a person feels a cold or flu coming on, to use the juice of 3 lemons and add 5-6 big tablespoons of good honey, mix it well and drink it. I know it sounds horrible, however I can swear by it. I never got sick.

Lugol's Iodine

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Lisa (Coto de Caza, Ca) on 11/27/2008

Cold, Flu, and food poisoning, 6 drops Lugol's solution (iodine) in a cup of water twice a day. Do not take if allergic to Iodine. Lugol's will cure salmonella, purify water ( in case of emergency or traveling overseas), and stop diaherra. Use lugol's not iodine tincture or providone iodine.

Magnesium Foot Bath

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Francisca (Zug, Switzerland) on 03/03/2012

A little tip that helped me two weeks ago when I was feeling very ill with the flu. My legs were hurting big time so after dinner I made a hot footbath with nigari (the only kind of magnesium chloride we can get). Amazing, while before it felt like someone was cutting my legs off and my head was also feeling weird right afterwards I had no more discomfort. Worth trying..... I knew that a hot footbath can cure a headache because it pulls the blood away from the head and in this case it relieved me big time!

Mama's Flu Recovery Remedies

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 12/02/2022

Editor's Choice

Our family has had the terrible flu that has been all over the country.

We are mostly better, but the cough lingers (and relapse is common.)

I have been drinking vinegar tea and that has helped some. But this morning, I squeezed the juice of one lemon into a mug and added hot water and that seemed to be more effective for this cough.

My 11 year old has had a relentless cough and, after 2 weeks, was not really improving. I started using the nebulizer on him yesterday with 2 teaspoons 1% hydrogen peroxide 4-5 times a day. To make 1% hydrogen peroxide, I mixed up a jar with 1/4 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 1/2 cup of distilled water. I then use 2 teaspoons of this in the nebulizer as often as desired. His cough today has been noticeably less. I am using hydrogen peroxide from the drug store in the brown bottle.

I also used that same hydrogen peroxide in the ears (straight 3%, not diluted) for anyone whose ears felt stuffy. This flu has come with some ear and sinus pain after the first week, many of us have found.

We have also been using Nyquil to help us sleep. (Just like the commercial promised back in the 80's.) It seems that returning to normal activity and not enough sleep are the recipe for relapse.

This flu has also had a seriously painful sore throat. My son asked for a throat spray, but the store was out. I made my own - 2 Tablespoons of honey and 2 Tablespoons of warm water and 1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract (not essential oil) I put that in a little spray bottle. It is tasty and helpful. Of course, gargling salt water is ideal, but a yummy spray is a better sell than gargling. :)

Take care everyone!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Lulu
(Toronto, Ontario)

Hi Mama to Many,

For the persistent cough please try nebulizer with baking soda. ( 1 tea spoon of baking soda for the cup of water ).

I hope it will help your kid.

Replied by Fouzi


Diluted hydrogen peroxide in the nebulizer is highly effective for cough and chest infection. The 1% solution of hydrogen peroxide seems to high. I use what Mercola recommends, which is the 0.1% or what Dr. Brownstein recommends, which is 0.04%. The dilution is done with saline. Try the diluted betadine for through soreness. This is done by diluting the 10% down to 0.5-1%. It is very effective.

I also use a home made mouthwash/gargle that is the best I a have ever used. Directions given below: Add 2 tablespoons of black seeds and 2 tablespoons of whole cloves to 800 ml of water in a pot. Boil it covered for 5-10 minutes, no more than that. Keep it covered till it cools to prevent evaporation. Strain it, then add 150 ml of apple cider vinegar then add water till it reaches 1 liter. Trust me, this is the best mouth wash I have ever used. It should be used after brushing.


Hello and thank you for the mouthwash recipe! Can you please let me know what kind of black seeds you use? Are they black sesame seeds or?

Replied by Karen

Is the peroxide already 3% or do you dilute it to make it 3% and where do you purchase peppermint extract?

Mama to Many

Hi Karen,

For in the ears, I use the 3% hydrogen peroxide in the brown bottle. For the nebulizer I would dilute to 1% by mixing 1 part of the 3% hydrogen peroxide with 2 parts distilled water.

You can find peppermint extract in the grocery story in the baking section, usually near the vanilla extract. My daughter picked me up some at Walmart!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Mary Martinez
(Arcadia, CA)

I was very ill with a horrible sore throat and phlem in my chest. I found a 3oz bottle filled with saline solution and threw the solution out. I then filled it with 3 drops Apple Cider Vinegar (Or less for those who think it may be too much) and filled the rest with distilled water or tap water. I threw my head back and sprayed my nostrils. It burned a little but took the pain of the sore throat away. Later I ate a 1/2 inch of fresh Ginger and chewed it. A lot of phlem came out. After a couple of days of doing this I was fine. Hopes this helps you.
