Skin Issues, Allergies and Conditions

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Suzanne (Los Angeles, Calif/usa) on 02/26/2011

You may call it mange, or any other name that describes the itching, biting, redness that your pet may be going thru. This really bothered me.... To see my pet suffering, each day seemed to be worse for her, then reading about mange, I tried the borax(20 mule team and hydrogen peroxide this mixture saved my dogs skin, and my mind. You dont rinse this off, and when mixed well doesnt create a mess. Just use small towels to do this. It may take 2 separate applications, but it was well worth it. my pets hair returned, &she healed nicely.

Replied by [email protected]
(Honolulu, Hawaii)

What's the ratio of borax to peroxide? And how often do I apply this treatment?

Replied by Charlotte
(Bolivar, Mo)

Yes please what is the racial! My dog is having the same problems!

Replied by Windy
(Clinton, Mt, Usa)

I would like to know the ratio on this too. Please let me know so I can help my puppy thank you.

Replied by Marilyn K.

My cairn terrier was boarded when I was in hospital and rehab for six weeks. She was scratching a little when I took her home. Now her back has no hair and it is bleeding. She has also the same problem on her launches. She gets under chairs and rubs her back constantly. I am housebound for at least several weeks and can't get to my vet. Please help. She is miserable

Bumps on Upper Lip

Posted by Linda (Queen Creek, Az) on 06/16/2011

My dog has bumps on her upper lip, vet gave us a topical spray which seem to be working; plus we purchase ceramic bowls and dumped the plastic but she is getting them back any ideas?

Replied by Shannon
(Edmonton, Canada)

My dog gets these as well and my vet told me that they are cold sores. Aparantly more commen then you would think. They told me to just wait it out. the heat can bring them out.

Replied by Kathryn4
(Lanham, Maryland, USA)

My cat gets bumps on the lip and I give her lysine treats. The only ones she will eat are the enisyl. Something similar might help your dog.

Coconut Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Beth (Charlotte, Nc) on 01/27/2012

We have an 8 year old schnauzer who has developed scaly skin (yuck! ) I found your site, it was suggested to put some coconut oil in her food and rub it on her spots.... IT WORKS! In just 4 days we see a major change! The only draw back is... Our one year old puppy likes to lick it off her back and she isn't a fan of being licked! :)
Perfect! No medication... A natural fix!

Coconut Oil, Iodine

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Sparky (Odessa, Texas) on 01/28/2012

My large mixed breed dog developed open sores all over her body, her hair around the sores came out in clumps. The vet(s) prescribed Pregnazone, Tipol, and antibotics. Over a year's time and almost $3,000.00 later, the sores were multiplying. After the second round of Pregnazone, she would lose bladder control when she went to sleep. It embarassed her greatly. When the vet wanted to "try" more Pregnazone I refused and changed vets. The new vet wanted to start the whole routine over. My poor baby itched and whimpered most of the time. I was at a terrible decision. I couldn't seem to get her any help and she was miserable. I considered having her put down to get her some relief from the continual sting and itching over most of her body for the past year.

I decided if women can use iodine douche for yeast infections, then I'd try a tiny bit on my sweet girl. I put Povidone-Iodine Solution, 10% (Equate brand from Walmart) into a spray bottle and lightly squirted each sore, allowed the place to dry and applied Monistat Vaginal Cream. She was immediately relieved and for the first time in a year, did not whimper and scratch all night. I applied this treatment morning and night, after a week there was noticable improvement to the affected places.

I changed from Monistat cream to Coconut Oil. The results were even quicker. After another week of the 2x day treatment (using Coconut Oil) she was so improved we only did the treatments in the evening. The sores were healed over in about two months and completely gone in 3 months. I continued to apply Coconut Oil to the spots where the hair was trying to grow back in for another month.

When I told the vet what I had done he said what he prescribed was more potent than the "mess" I was using. All I can say is that for over a year now she has not had any signs of sores, and the "mess" I used worked whereas all the prescriptions the vets used did nothing but make her lose bladder control. My sweet girl is back to being herself, happy and healthy.

Dietary Changes

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Anxietydoc11 (Elkins Park , Pa, Usa) on 04/29/2013

I have a wonderful 12 year old American Bulldog who had a bleeding tongue problem a little over a year ago. He had to be stitched twice and placed on soft food. We stopped feeding him Iams Lamb and Rice Kibble and switched to boiled ground beef, rice and a can of beef and vegetables (twice a day). Ever since the change in diet he began to develop lumps on his back and sides. They turned into large scabs that bled when they fell off.

Our vet thought he had Staph infection and placed him on antibiotics for 9 weeks. Some healed but others remained and now more large scabs on his sides. I just realized that the problem began when we switched him to the boiled ground beef. It might be coincidental but I'm not sure.

I have slowly but surely weaned him off the beef and back on the Iams lamb and rice with a can of lamb as he had eaten for 11 years with no problem. I hope this works and maybe this was only an allergic reaction to the beef.

He is acting fine, eating well and not even itching with these scabs. Has anyone ever heard of this? We are hoping this reconciles itself because no one is sure what this is and how to cure it.

Thank you for any feedback. It's greatly appreciated.

Best to all of you,
Jack's Mom

Replied by Debbiefudge
(Brighton. Uk)

He may have had a reaction to the antibiotics. That's a very long time to be on them!! He would have been better with raw meat. And nothing canned at all. I would have given raw fresh garlic. Bathed him in an anti fungal shampoo and rinsed well and then poured a half water/half white vinegar solution on and allowed to dry and dabbed on coconut oil on the scabs, twice a day. Commercial pet food is responsible for many things!!

Replied by Colleen
(Colorado, US)

Hi Judy from denver, I would not try the garlic at all, (since it is poisonous to pets) I would not worry about the feral cats (since sometimes they are way healthier than domestic) since they are not vaccinated or fed junk grain food. I would however continue with the meat diet and lots of coconut oil - put on paws and they will lick it off - and get a dropper from a dropper bottle and a few drops of Apple Cider Vinegar to your pets water and food on a fairly consistent basis - this will really help with their immune system and constitution - any older dogs, be sure to bring the water to Them, since some times they will be too tired to get hydrated (have noticed that with my husky malamute - 13 yrs old. She gets a meat diet (likes it lightly steamed and eats the bones and all) and lots of sweet potatoes and veggies -green beans etc. (some times she'll eat quality can food if we are on the road or busy.) They make a really good topical at health stores with comfrey, I would also recommend for skin issues (or make your own with comfrey root). good luck.

Replied by Rose
(Saint Paul)

Both my homeopathic vet and raw food diet consultant have recommended garlic for my dog. It is not poisonous or toxic in the correct dosages. Our 16 lb dog gets 1/4 tsp once per day of dry organic garlic to ward off fleas and ticks and to protect against heart worm. Also, what is the likelihood that a dog is not drinking water because it has ACV in it vs. that he is too tired to get up and drink it?

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Rose!

Your dog may be avoiding drinking the ACV water because it is new/strange -and the amount you are adding might be too much for his palate at this time.

If this were my dog I would offer him plain water to make sure he does not get dehydrated. If he is drinking the plain water just fine, try adding 1/4 teaspoon of ACV to 1 liter of water and see how he tolerates that; if he accepts the spiked water let him get used to it for a week and then increase to 1/2 teaspoon per liter. Once he accepts a tiny bit of ACV in his water you can gradually increase week by week to the dose to you wish.

Replied by Sue
(St. Jospeh, Mi)

Your dog may be detoxing thru the skin. I would feed a raw meat diet.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Frances (Lincoln, Nebraska) on 07/23/2009

I have a mix breed hound that has had skin problems for several years. After alot of vet bills I have found that a rice and raw veg. diet has worked wonders. I mix it with a dog food that I have found that is additive free (no colors, additives). It has made the biggest difference. A friend who had not seen my dog in over 6 monthes came to visit an ask what happened to the old dog I use to have. I was so happy to point and say "There she is!' She has now switched her dogs to the food I use and makes her food as well. My friend is a breeder and shows; and the food is called ____ Choice and is affordable and was developed by a vet.

Dog Licking Feet Remedies

Posted by Barbara (Lake Charles La) on 11/27/2013

Dog's licking feet. Has been tested; no yeast and no bacteria. Have tried many holistic herbs and oils!

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Barbara!

Foot chewing and licking are commonly associated with contact allergies. Does your dog experience any allergies? Gunky, yeasty ears? Itchy skin?

Since you have ruled out bacteria and yeast, its possible this is a conditioned behavior in your dog. Super smart dogs may exhibit a behavior they know will draw their owners attention - something to consider.

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc, Canada)

With regard to dog licking paws. Way back I read somewhere that this has to do with a disease developing. Some dogs lick because they have mites in legs and feet. Some are allergic to something they walk on and how many causes there are alone.

I had one rescue dog that licked incessantly. Shortly after he died of stomach cancer. So I think he was in pain and that was his way of reacting, poor thing. I was devastated as I knew that he had a horrific past and before he came to me the SPCA vaccinated him. After such horrendous experiences he must have been in very fragile health and then vaccination added!

Also my thirty pound oriental spaniel is also licking. I found out that some flees lodge in the paws and live there. He also has mites without any visual evidence and I intend to use Ted's remedy but using vinegar instead of hydrogen perox.

I would have the dog examined carefully without, however, going the endless route of tests. The best and simplest way to deal with it in my opinion is to put the animal on Essiac. After some weeks and up to six months there might be some good results. The tea is also very good for detoxing.

For all emergencies I now use MMS as it has prolonged the life of two of my old cats, dealt with upper respiratory problem and I will also use it for deworming.

I found out that MMS is very good for improving eyesight. Now don't worry, get the Essiac going, do good research and all will be well. Om

Replied by Deb
(Arkansas US)

What does MMS stand for?

EC: MMS = Miracle Mineral Supplement

Dry Skin on Dog's Elbow

Posted by Addy (Flowery Branch, Ga) on 05/16/2010

We have a shepherd mix dog (female, 10 years old, 65 /- lbs). She developed a calous looking spot on the outside of her elbow some time ago but we've noticed lately she's been licking at it a lot. We found it bleeding a couple weeks ago and treated it topically and she continues to lick at it.

I've seen it over and over on older dogs and just assumed its an age thing. I've checked out her entire body and it is only on her elbow.

Any feedback of what it is and a way to give our pup some relief would be appreciated..Thank you!

Replied by Sal
(Roodepoort, Gauteng, South Africa)

Our dog also has them all all his elbows in fact and he is only 2 years old. The vet said that there is basically nothing that they can do and we just have to treat it periodically with antibiotics everytime it starts weeping. I somehow can't believe that and am hoping that we can treat it another way? Perhaps the ACV? Please help!

Replied by Sharon
(Albuquerque, Nm)

Garlic liquid capsules are well worth trying. Break and rub into dry patches use generously. If too time consuming use really hot water and melt then apply the outer layer won't hurt anything.

it's just kinda of stiff. Antibacterial, antiparacitic, antiviral. I've used it on parasite larva, cuts everything. Use like ointment even killed a worm in ear. Worms appear to be dry skin. AGRISEPT-L is an excellent product order on internet or ADVANTAGE by wisdom of the ages is cheaper same type not as consentrated they are citrus seed exrtacts about 4 seeds. Both anti varioous ailments as garlic is. Hope these help!

Fishy Skin Odor Remedies

Posted by Margie (Riverside, Ca.) on 01/10/2014

I have a small female dog that is very cute but she has a natural fishy odor. I usually have to keep her outdoors due to this. Only it is cold now so I bring her in at night and keep her in a box full of warm blankets. She is not super furry. She would probably look like a hairless Chihuahua if she had no hair. When I bathe her she will smell nice and fresh with no hint of an odor at all, but this lasts for only one day, then the following day she stinks again? I should have named her Mackerel! Her name is Maggie! I have never had this problem with a dog ever before? I have shampooed her and used vinegar like a friend suggested but that doesn't help either. Has anyone had this problem before? HELP!

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Margie!

I had a friend who also had a fishy dog; for her dog the culprit was the diet - a brand on the inexpensive side from the grocery store.

Take a read at your dog food label; diets that have grains, especially corn and corn by products, in the first 5 ingredients could well be the culprit. Usually along with the rancid aroma the dog also has some other issue - gunky ears all the time, butt scotching/blocked anal glands, chew their feet constantly, scratching all the time. If this sounds like your girl, a diet change is in order.

However if you are feeding a top notch brand, RAW or BARF, and your dog has had a first class meal ticket her entire life - well then, it could just be *her*: some breeds bred for work [even if they no longer perform that work as modern dogs] were designed to have oily coats that most owners report as fishy smelling, or like a bag of fritos!

Replied by Margie
(Riverside Ca.)

Thanks for your advice Theresa. I also have 5 other dogs that eat the same food Maggie does and not one of them stinks at all. I don't buy brown label dog food but I do buy commercial food. I switch around as I don't want the dogs bored with the same type food. I also give the dogs homemade food such as spit turned fresh Chicken and rice etc as well as other left overs the family eats. Maggie is about 9 years old and very frisky, no paw chewing or no problem around the butt. In fact she is a little Alpha female dog and very bossy with the other dogs. Due to age she is slowing down a bit but even as a young dog she had this fishy odor? I will take your advice and change her diet to special homemade food that is better than commercial dog food. See what happens?

Replied by Om
(Hope Bc Canada)

You may want to give him a good dose of chlorophyll for some time. This also creates new blood and can be given with pure aloe vera juice. Om

Replied by Margie
(Riverside Ca.)

I may have discovered how to stop the fishy odor on my dog Maggie. I recently bathed her and used Olive oil on her body by rubbing it on her entire body once she was dry from the bath. For some reason this treatment stopped the fishy odor? I used Olive oil because she seemed a little itchy. And I know Olive oil is usually soothing on skin including human skin. Why Olive oil (extra virgin) stopped the odor I don't know? But it did. I rubbed it on her entire body including her butt and tail. I am still feeding her homemade nutritious foods instead of commercial dog food and I thank you all for your suggestions on helping my dog.

Replied by Joann Riverside, Ca
(Riversiden Ca)

We have had the same issue fishy oily smelly is only seasonal from October to February and it seems to get worse when we have the heater on we buy good quality dog food from Kens Feed store but that does not seem to help. I think it may be something in the area that blooms or in the air during this time of the year. I have never heard of the hydrogen peroxide in the water... any thoughts on why one shpuld think this will work? Is it safe for our dog? we have paid for allergy testing, did the allergy shots but it doesnt seem to help we were even buying some special dog frood from the vet at 75.00 a bag for about 3 years the food chang didnt help. We currently feed our dogs Premium Edge Skin and Coat.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Joann!

You asked: "I have never heard of the hydrogen peroxide in the water... any thoughts on why one should think this will work?"

Read up on Oxygen Water on EC:

In a nutshell:

  • All hostile micro-organisms prefer lower oxygen levels than the body's cells require to remain healthy.
  • Under conditions of optimum health, hydrogen peroxide is produced by the body's immune system in whatever amounts are needed to quickly destroy any invading hostile organisms. It is made by combining water in the body with the free oxygen that is supposed to be constantly available.

When the body is oxygen starved, it cannot produce enough hydrogen peroxide to wipe out invading pathogens, which can then get the upper hand and produce visible disease effects.

Hydrogen peroxide - the food grade that humans ingest - is safe for you and your dog.


The diet you are feeding your dog is fish based; its not unheard of or uncommon for dogs fed fish to reflect this aroma. That said, a fishy smell at the rear of the dog could mean impacted anal glands, and a fishy smell at the front of the dog could indicate a dental is needed.

Given that you have tracked this and have associated the fishy smell to the winter months, its quite possible that your dog has inhalent allergies manifesting as seborrheic dermatitis; I know around this time of year certain pine or cedar trees are blooming in some parts of the nation, while in others mold from snow melt on lawns are in full bloom as well: these pollens and molds can adversely affect your dog.

Read up on EC's seborrheic dermatitis page:

Often times dogs with seborrhea have a staph or fungal infection going on - and special shampoos are prescribed, ie Sulfadene [triclosan], Ketochlor [ketoconazole]; I have found these products to be ineffective on my own dogs with this condition. What works well for my dogs are some of Ted's remedies:

Allergy skin battle plan for allergy flare ups


  • Borax laundry booster - the plain stuff with NO scent.
  • 1 -16 oz brown bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide

I get both of these from the grocery store.


Empty hydrogen peroxide into larger bottle - I use an empty 1 gallon vinegar jug. Add to this 32 oz filtered or distilled water - I just refill the hydrogen peroxide bottle twice - and dump into the jug. What this does is change your 3% hydrogen peroxide into 1% hydrogen peroxide.

Next add 1 cup of the borax crystals and shake. There should be some undissolved crystals in the mixed solution - this is just right. I try to use hot water from the kettle on the stove, that or sit the jug of mixture in the sink full of hot water while I bathe the dog.


Bathe the dog - use whatever shampoo and rinse well. Squeeze out excess water and make sure the tub is drained. I then plug up the tub. Now pour the mixed up solution over the dog. I use a small sponge to soak up the solution from the bottom of the tub and squeeze it out onto the dog again and again, making sure I get the head and underneath. Keep squeezing solution over and over onto the dog for about 15 minutes - 30 minutes is better. Then pull the stopper from the tub and let the excess drain. DO NOT DRY THE DOG OR RINSE THE DOG. The solution has to remain wet as it is still working. Allow the dog to air dry. I just pop mine into their crates and I remove any absorbent bedding.

If you are worried about poisoning your dog keep in mind that borax has the same toxicity as table salt. The solution doesn't seem to hurt the eyes or sting any sores on the skin. Some dogs feel instant relief!

Now, the above remedy is Ted's remedy for mange, but its a good start for troubled skin. If that doesn't seem to be working and things do not look better [many dogs feel immediate relief right out of the tub on the first dip] you can make a topical skin solution for the troubled spots.

Ted's Anti fungal/staph skin solution - you will need:

  • Milk of Magnesia [magnesium hydroxide]
  • Epsom salts [magnesium sulfate]
  • Borax [sodium tetraborate]
  • 1% hydrogen peroxide solution


Mix 1 tbsp of MOM with 1 tbsp epsom salt and 1 tbsp borax into 1-1/2 cups of 1% hydrogen peroxide. Apply and do not rinse. This solution should knock out any staph infection or yeast infection going on in the skin. I have many dogs and when allergy season hits I mix this up in gallon jugs and follow the mange procedure, letting the solution 'work' on the dog for 10 minutes or so in the tub, and then no toweling off, just crating and allowing to air dry.

Additionally you can add pet vitamins, ie Pet Tabs - for a week, along with flaxseed oil and evening primrose oil; you can also try flaxseed oil and coconut oil - 1 -2 tsp am and pm in the food; you should see improvement in a couple of days. Probiotics and digestive enzymes are also useful in combating allergies and skin issues - consider adding those to your dog's diet as well.

Lastly, the addition of 1 teaspoon of baking soda in one half liter of non-chlorinated drinking water may also help to calm problem skin. Once the skin is under control, for long term maintenance use 1/2 tsp of baking soda per liter of water.

Replied by Margie
(Los Angeles, California)

I recently wrote for help for my fishy smelling dog Maggie. Many people responded with various well meaning advice and I thank all of you for trying to help me and my dog. What helped was this: EMPTYING HER ANAL GLANDS! I tried the advice of emptying her anal glands! I watched several people (including one vet) teach how to drain a dog anal glands and I learned from watching the videos on Utube. So I tried it on Maggie while I was bathing her! The glands are located next to the dog anus, one gland at 9:00 and the other gland at 3:00. (The anus in the middle).

You gently push in behind the glands and gently push out, this drains the gland if there is any fluid in them. Maggie had some white cream like substance that came out of her glands. Then I finished bathing her. One video said if the liquid was white the dog was healthy.


Maggie no longer smells!!!! And she seems happier! I sure am! Thanks Earth Clinic!

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Margie!

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us!

I've groomed many a dog and expressed anal glands and never thought the scent was *fishy* - so this was good information to know.

In my experience the oils expressed have been dark brown; I poked around on google to see about the white, cream like substance that came out of Maggie vs what I have encountered and the dark brown I have expressed out of client dogs. Normal, healthy anal gland oil is typically clear or pale yellow-brown and is a very thin oil; the appearance of thick, pasty brown fluid indicates the anal glands have been impacted; you usually see dogs scooting on the floor in these cases. Abscessed anal sacs will have a red-brown exudate and the dog will often chew at or lick the hind end as these are painful and may potentially rupture.

Anal gland oil, be it normal or infected typically smells foul - and some find it *fishy* smelling ;-)

Everything you ever wanted to know about anal glands and more! :

Thanks again for sharing and allowing this opportunity to learn!

Replied by Margie
(Los Angeles, California)

You are welcome,Theresa! I watched several videos on Utube and one lady that raised pure bred dogs, I can't remember which breed stated that her dog was healthy therefore the liquid that came out of her dogs gland was white.

Other than that information I really don't know much about this subject. Another little dog I own a little Terrier (Pixie), another female I own didn't have any liquid at all come out of her glands. This little dog is super healthy. very alert and never seems to get ill ever.

What was funny is Pixie seemed very confused when I did this to her like "What the heck is she doing to me! ". I did this while I was bathing her as well! It seems easier to handle the dogs as they are concentrating on being bathed.

I'm glad I could help someone with my experience. Maggie is still doing well and is very happy now. That fish smell much have been awful for her as well!

Hydrogen Peroxide

2 User Reviews
5 star (1) 
3 star (1) 

Posted by Kdlund (Sheridan, Mi) on 01/24/2013


I have a beautiful dog. He is a mix of akita and white shephard. The problem I have is that he chews all the time, and his coat is sparse on his back side, and he has very dry skin back there. I have treated him with everything the vet gave and nothing, the problem still exists. I have treated him for fleas, bugs, whatever. He was dipped for mange and all. He really smells bad too. Even after treating for fleas I read that you could use dawn dish soap to get rid of fleas too, because he keeps chewing I decided to do this and guess what more fleas.

I heard to put peroixide on his irritated areas to stop the itching, did that and it worked for about a day and he is back at it.

I am going to try the wormer thing and see if that works but in the mean time I have dog hair all over the house and really feel bad that he chews all the time. I know he must be going crazy.

The vet wanted to put him on steroids, I am a nurse and know what they do to humans, I don't want my dog on them. Any help or ideas?

Replied by Claire
(Boston, Ma)

Hi Kdlund, I think it's an internal issue, not an external one. I know a number of people who thought they had flea problems when the issue was in fact food allergies and overgrowth of yeast. I would use a flea comb to see if you see any flea droppings. If not, it's got to be an internal issue.

1. When a dog smells bad, it's frequently from poor quality dog food. You can also tell if its bad dog food if their fur is very oily. There are some interesting articles on the internet about what goes into some cheap brands of dog food from rendering plants (road kill, flea collars, etc) and so it's no surprise that dogs don't do well on food like this.

2. Because of some ingredients in dog food, you will have a lot of yeast overgrowth issues, which can cause a dog to scratch and chew incessantly.

3. Your dog also might have food allergies. This can lower a dog's immune system.

To help your issue, I suggest you change your dog food to a very good quality holistic brand of dog food that is grain-free and good for allergies. Mix the new brand in 50/50 with the old brand at first... give it a few days before you switch over 100%.

You should do your research on this and you may have to test a few brands. For a year I had my dog on a grain-free formula (Blue Wilderness), but after about 6 months, he started to get yeast issues, non-stop ear infections and scratching and biting. So these high end foods don't always work! I found another brand at Petco... very expensive... which was also grain free and supposed to help or eliminate allergies. I put him on this and within a week the incessant scratching and smelly ears went away. I had tried strong probiotics by the way, but this did not help the yeast issues at all. You may pay more for a higher quality dog food, but save on expensive vet bills in the long run,

I hope this helps you. Best of luck to you and your fur baby!!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Racer (Hampton, Tn) on 05/16/2010

I took a cat from a family who was ready to have a baby and they didnt have the money to help take care of it anymore....
The cat was full of postules, its neck area was broken out in a perfect circle, which I suspect a flea collar was used... these bumps were all over the cat..the kind of bumps that if the scab came off, there would be a pit of flesh that would bleed really badly.

I suspected one of two things...fleas or food allergy or stress combined with both. No fleas on the whole cat, whatsoever.But they had been feeding it the cheapest possible pet food, so I switched it, but still the bumps of course, I figured they were infected. Mind you the vet appointment is in two weeks.

So I took a medicine dose syringe without the needle, that you get at the pharmacy for giving kids their meds. I filled this half way with peroxide and then I put it around the cats neck and squirted it right on the sores....then I massaged it in, and then let the cat sit for about 7 seconds, and watched to make sure it would not lick the peroxide off. Then I took a washrag, a soft one, and wiped it off, it has done its job, so I wiped it all off.

You have to be fast, because a cat doesn't appreciate any kind of treatment whatsoever,regarding anything that resembles water.

So anyway the next couple of days I notice the bumps are completely gone or else mostly gone. There are some areas on the hind end that are still there and I have yet to do.

In addition to this, I got some fish in a can at the dollar store.., it was in tomoato sauce and it wasnt tuna but it looked like it. I put it out on a plate and chopped it for the cats to eat. They did and I feel this oil in the fish also helped. I was also trying to see if the cat was allergic to fish.

When I went back and looked at the ingredients in the old cat food, there was a lot of grains and corn and stuff. So it needed meat supplementation. I didnt feel like buying a bottle of fish oil pills and hiding them in a pill pocket because this cat is so unsocial she needed something to glory in and eating the fish was a great reward for the peroxide flushing of the sores.....

Bless her heart. I know doctors dont like peroxide, bt it is still good to use when you take care that they dont swallow it.

A note : A while back I was bitten really deeply by a rat, one of my pets....a rescue from the shelter...and it was betasine I soaked my finger in two times a day for fifteen minutes and the doctor said it was the cleanest deepest bite wound he had ever seen. Of course I still had to get a tetanus shot though, because it was time.




Posted by Squirt2 (San Tan Valley, Az) on 07/20/2011

Any recommendations on what I can use to clear impetigo on my dogs lower chin? Doctor not sure what it is red bumps and I can squeeze and a little pus comes out.. Getting better one day and then the next doesn't look too good. Now my male pup has a few which leads me to believe it is impetigo. Is Demasil good? I have been treating with peroxide. Getting very frustrated. Please help.

Replied by Aurorag
(Muncie, In Us)

Our cat had this and we changed to a bowl that was not plastic and washed the bowl frequently as well as using peroxide and it healed.

Replied by Karen

Apparently, this is a common but little known problem. I heard about someone locally with the same problem. The vet told them to stop feeding them in a plastic bowl and it cleared right up!


Posted by Dltolle (Hemet, California, Usa) on 02/29/2012

Would like some feedback for my dog's inflammation. My dog was diagnosed with bone cancer in his front leg over 3 years ago and I treated him naturally and he is still here. My problem is his leg where the cancer was is inflamed. I was using Rymadal and it worked well except for the fact that it blocks the Cox-2 that cause the inflammation but along with that it blocks the Cox-1 factor and this cause the stomach lining to bleed and also it is hard on the liver and kidneys. I have tried all kinds of natural remedys: omega's, Chondroitin, Glucosamine, Bromaline to Tumeric, quercerin you name it, but can't get the same results as Rymadal. Anybody have any suggestions?

Replied by 5 Pooches Home
(Houston, Tx)

Have you tried COCONUT OIL? Both as feeding and application. Feed him 4-5 BIG tablespoons of CO each meal. For application - try massaging the leg with mix of CO and castor oil. Certified organic and cold pressed is best. NOT refined one. This should help.


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Posted by Carmen (Pennsylvania) on 08/18/2024

My dog has been suffering with a bacterial skin infection for a long time. I even think it is a fungal infection. I have taken him to the vet for several years and all they give him is prednizone or other useless medicine. I am tired of seeing him scratch. I feel so sorry and don't know what to do.

Also he has warts growing all over his body. I have been treating him (for about 3 1/2 weeks now) with 10 drops of mms to 1 ounce of distilled water using a spray bottle. I see some improvement but not much. He still scratches a lot and has some under belly redness, swelling, etc. He also has it on his face, paws, and has loss of hair from a while ago above his eyes.

Could someone tell me what I am doing wrong with the MMS that I don't see improvement.

Thank you very much for your help.

Replied by Cindy
(Illinois, USA)
518 posts

Not sure why you're giving MMS but here's the deal I'd use for anything unknown:

What you'll need:

1 very clean spray bottle

paper towels

distilled water

black walnut hull powder

activated charcoal powder

And here's the magical part - get some disposable male dog belly wraps. (coolest thing since sliced bread!! )

You're going to alternate between the walnut hull powder and the charcoal powder.

Starting with the charcoal powder, cut a small hole in the outer gauze layer of a wrap at one end and add about a teaspoon of charcoal powder and tape it shut with a waterproof bandaid. take it outside, hold it out flat with the gauze side down and shake it a bit to distribute the charcoal the length of the pad. turn it over and spray some water on it to wet and hold the charcoal in place. Not dripping but just dampened the whole length. Wrap it around his belly, right in the middle, and fasten. Leave on overnight of all day, whichever works best.

The next day, cut open one end of of the gauze side of a new band and take OUT the stuffing out.

Fold a paper towel to size, mist well with the water and dust it with black walnut powder, put THAT inside in place of the absorbent stuffing, mist it again through the gauze and wrap THAT around his belly for a day - you want to check it a few times and if it's dry, mist it with water. If the black walnut powder is gone at any point you check it, make up another paper towel the same way, insert and put it back on. If it's just dry, then mist it again through the gauze and put it back on.

Alternate days for a week. So, that would be charcoal on Saturday, black walnut on Sunday, charcoal on Monday and so on, ending with charcoal on Friday.

Assuming it's not some sort of toxin in his food or the surrounding environment - like in an imported dog bed made of toxic material - or he's not rolling around in some sort of toxin everyday, you should see improvement. Possibly even after the first round with the black walnut powder. But keep it going for the whole week.

If the issue comes back, repeat the process with a 2 rounds of charcoal to 1 round of black walnut sequence but do it for 2 weeks instead of one

Personally, I would reserve belly rubs for after a charcoal application and before the black walnut application.

In my opinion, the body is throwing off whatever it is through the skin because the liver is overloaded so, if the skin issues don't start clearing up in the first couple of rounds, try doing 2 days of charcoal to 1 day of black walnut until it does and look for possible toxins he might be getting into.

While you're doing this, keep in mind that when you eliminate toxins, they're gone. BUT, when you're eliminating microbes, once everything is cleared up there could still be a small population that will repopulate and you'll have to start over, but it won't take as long because, by then, you'll recognize what's happening and be able to treat it long before it gets as bad as it is now. Either way, your dog will experience huge relief.


Get LDN, low dosage naltrexone. It works for animals as well. A veterinarian would write you a prescription

Replied by Cindy
(Illinois, USA)
518 posts

Sorry! I could have sworn your post said MSM instead of MMS!

With regard to MMS having no effect, I would take that to mean that you're dealing with a toxin rather than microbes.

Posted by Sandra (Michigan ) on 08/03/2021

Hi my name is Sandra. My dog Louis was groomed at 9 months old and was razor burned. Antibiotics didn't heal him. Got worse. Finally took to different Vet who put him on a compounded Cancer drug. Was systemic. Today Louis is 10 years old. I have been putting MMS in his water bowl for months now. My white little dog with the inflamed skin is now normal. Using small amounts of MMS daily, 2 drops, he has returned to normal. The MMS is a water purifier. It purifies our bodies like it does anyone taking it. It can and does cause die off of parasites, mold, fungus, we injest. Louie did have diarrhea for a short time. Probiotics, yogurt and canned pumpkin helped with that., 360-748-4426, talk to Talor. She is the best and will answer questions. Understand I am not saying Taylor is a doctor or is giving medical advice. Taylor can give suggestions, do as you please with her suggestions. A set of MMS and activator is around $48 and will last a long time. I put it in my water. Been using it going slow now for months. Finally got rid of the bloat around my middle.

Oh, they sell some great books also. Ones the big pharma don't want you to know about! Ask Taylor or look it up on the website.

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