Health Benefits of Water: Essential for Life and Well-Being


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Posted by John (Bakersfield, CA) on 11/26/2005

I've had some bad bouts with gout. Anyone that has never had it, can't understand the pain associated with it. The best way for me to describe it, is it feels like you just broke your foot, ankle, or BIG TOE and now someone has put it in a vise and is tightening it in a slow torturous fashion. Most of the time before I get an episode, I will get an ever so slight "twinge" of pain, warning me that I had better start drinking copious amounts of WATER and lay off some of the things that have caused attacks in the past. But after its been a while between attacks, I'll sometimes forget exactly how excruciatingly painful it really was and not heed the numerous warnings, and before you know, it sneaks up from behind you, taps you on the shoulder and hits you right between the eyes!! (or should I say Big Toe) And says I told ya I was com'in. So all in all, listen to your body and drink plenty of WATER.

Posted by John (Duluth, MN) on 08/22/2005

I am a field geologist, and a few years I started to develop severe gout-like symptoms in my foot. These symptoms generally occurred after working in areas where I tended to get overly dehydrated (desert or tropical environments). I have found that massive hydration (drinking 2-3 liters of water over an hour or two) tends to almost immediately (within a few hours) reverse my symptoms. Hydration generally keeps me gout free, and when gout does occur (very rarely now), it is the gout "cure" for me. It sounds almost too simple (and cheap) to be true, but it works for me.

Hard Water

Posted by Cindy (Wisconsin, Usa) on 03/20/2013

Question for Bill from San Fernando:

Hi Bill, I am hoping you can answer a question I have on water. We have our own well water which we drink, unfortunately it tests quite high for being hard. I just came on some information about hard water can cause hardening of the arteries could you help me with this. Thank you.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Cindy... Well-water or any beneficial natural water will usually always be hard -- hard means that it just has minerals dissolved in it. Soft water has had all the minerals taken out of it either naturally or chemically and that's not so beneficial to drink. After all, mineral water is also hard water -- the minerals in the mineral water are beneficial for the body.

Provided the water tests on your well did not show high amounts of Bromide, Fluoride, Chlorine or Heavy Metals, pesticides etc and didn't show any dangerous microbes in the well-water, then the well water should be beneficial for the body because of its natural mineral content.

Hexagonal Water

Posted by Lardiver (Abbotsford, BC) on 08/17/2014

Has anyone heard of hexagonal water, is it real or a scam?

Replied by Sweet Pea
(Somewhere, Usa)

Hexagonal water is real indeed! You may want to order the fascinating book on it, sorry I don't have it in front of me to tell you the author's name. It is also called restructured water. You invest in a small machine the size of a blender and it spins your water in a vortex and restructures it to have 6 sides instead of 5. When you drink the water it seems lighter and hydrates better than regular water. This water also has more hydrogen in it because it will pull that from the air as it spins. I use my machine constantly. You can also energize the water further with additional minerals or say silver for instance.

Honey and Lemon

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Posted by Sameen (Pune, Maharashtra) on 02/04/2008

Hi i am 22 years old,i am not overweight but want to be slimmer then wat i am.Two years ago i used to take lukewarm water with honey in morning loose weight,i started loosing weight but my colour started to get darkened.I dont know the reason behind it but everyone started telling me that taking lukewarm water along with honey creates excess heat in body due to which our colour starts to get darker. So please tell me whether its true or its safe to take Lukewarm water + Lemon + Honey

How to Make Hydrogen Water

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Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 07/20/2021 518 posts

In my exploration of colloidal silver, it occurred to me that perhaps the water at Lourdes comes down through the Pyrenees across a vein of silver somewhere but, apparently, it's actually what some call "hydrogen water".

In looking into what hydrogen water is, I found something very peculiar. Machines that dissolve extra hydrogen are actually sold - and not only sold but, some, for thousands of dollars!

Here's the deal. You can get the same "hydrogenated" water by heating it which increases the hydrogen by decreasing the oxygen so, just heat some water and treat it like an indigo vat because that's where the magic of indigo is - "hydrogen" water - I.e. low oxygen water. It's also that magical "feel good" effect of tea as well as why hot springs can't support aquatic life. Not enough oxygen.

So, if you want some hydrogen water just heat some up which will cause it to throw off oxygen, increasing its hydrogen and then be sure not to stir it up or shake it or splash it around. That's it! Practically free hydrogen water! Yeah!!

But don't forget! Silver is awesome!!

Now, somebody can sell "magical tea kettles" that make "hydrogen water" for thousands of dollars! ROFL!

P.S. Something else occurs to me which is that urine contains NO dissolved oxygen so, it is 95% hydrogen water...very interesting...given its profound therapeutic effects...I never did get up the gumption to drink it. I tried it's a psychological thing, I guess...but boiled water...I can DO that!

Replied by mmsg
(somewhere, europe)

Cindy, I heard that it's the high magnesium content that does the healing in all those "healing springs".

(Illinois, USA)
518 posts

I wasn't looking at "healing springs" - just Lourdes.

Replied by M n m

Cindy….how much water….warm, hot, boiling? ….how much hydrogen peroxide? I find it interesting, but could you provide some more details, please?

(Illinois, USA)
518 posts

I wasn't talking about hydrogen peroxide - just less (and/or more) oxygenated water which simply happens - either by heating or simply letting it set in the open and off-gas.

If you want more oxygen, just aerate some cold water - I.e. scramble some cold distilled water with a whisk or simply shake it up in a half full bottle, squeeze out the air and release, letting it reinflate and suck in fresh air a few times, shaking it up each time, put the lid on and put it back in the fridge. If you want less oxygen, simply boil it off, cover and don't agitate it as it cools, bottle and keep at room temp. Or just let it set still, covered with a coffee filter, somewhere warm for a while to off-gas and then drink it. No hydrogen peroxide required.

Ionized Water

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Posted by Dale (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) on 08/24/2011

I have a water ionizer and I love it. It seems to be doing great things for me and my body. What do you think about water ionizers?

Kangen Water

Posted by Baldev (Maharashtra, India) on 05/08/2014 184 posts

Hi Ted / Bill,

I would like to know your opinion about the Kangen Water, whether it is true about the benefits of drinking Kangen Water, they claim. I request any body who is using Kangen Water for drinking or for any other purpose to give their feed back. Thanks.


Replied by Mike62
(Denver, Colorado)

Baldev: Kangen water is based upon the principle that the frequency of cells is different than pathogens. When the energy of the cells is higher well being results. When the energy of the diseases is higher illness results. The war between the cells and the pathogens is electromagnetic in nature. Kangen water has a better structure that increases the energies. There is a video on you tube of a raw foodist who takes it. There are three problems with kangen water. The machine is over priced and very expensive. Kangen water doesn't have any nutrients. There are foods that have both kangen water and nutrients. Live ferments, home grown sprouts, and raw organic fruit have kangen water and nutrients. Adding activated barley to water makes kangen water. God made kangen water originally. Saponins also make kangen water. A $389 vitamix blender gives nutrients in raw organic fruit a better structure that produces more energy. As fruit ripens the green chlorophyll is changed to it's analogues. Kangen water doesn't have the number one nutrient. Chlorophyll changes sunlight into food. You can get raw organic fruit from Organic India. They have over two hundred farms and ship everywhere in the country.

Replied by Baldev
(Mumbai, India)
184 posts

Hi Mikes 62,

Well, I agree with you. But we live in such a contaminated environment and GM food every where that it is not possible to live without any external help of supplements / helpful things. India too is no more what it used to be as an organic country. To enhance the yield to take care of the population here too GM food is creeping in.

So, I would like to have the comments from people who are using the Kangen Water and if Ted / Bill can comment through their research, whether it is worth investing that kind of money in to it. Thanks, Baldev

Replied by Mike62
(Denver, CO)

Baldev: The Hunza tribe of the Himalayas live very well even up into their 80's because they drink glacial milk. Glacial milk is the kangen water God made. The kangen water machine is just an over priced blender that man makes trying to mimic what God already made. You can make kangen water with glacial milk powder. It contains hydrogen and a special form of silica. A scientist spent 2 decades developing the formula. Just add some powder to water and you have a superior form of kangen water.

Replied by ryan

Check on ebay for a tyent mmp 7070 or a model near it they are used and came out about 10 years ago that do the exact same thing as the kangen. They cost about $200. If you go to the tyent website and grab the 0.01micron filters too, it will take out a lot of the chemicals in tap water. I will say I've been using it and I do feel better overall. doing this and using a grounding pillow case that plugs into the ground on your wall worked very well for me.


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Posted by Becky (Vancouver, Canada) on 06/18/2012

The Benefits of Magnetized Water and a simple way to make your own

What holds water molecules together in clusters is surface tension. This is what you see when you wash your car and the water beads up in droplets on the hood. When washing your car, you use detergent to break that surface tension -- which breaks apart the large molecular clusters, making the water wetter and better able to clean. Obviously, you can't use detergent to "improve" the bioavailability of your drinking water. But you can use magnetics.

Magnetizing your drinking water breaks its surface tension, making it wetter and more useable by every cell in your body. In addition, there's a strong secondary benefit. Applying a magnetic field to water can not only make it wetter, but it can also raise its pH (up to a full point, depending on the water).

The ratio of small cluster water to large cluster water changes over time in your body. When you are born, there is a high percentage of small cluster water present. As you age, however, that percentage steadily drops -- eventually becoming almost nonexistent.

One of the problems is that small cluster water is not stable. (The electric charges inherent in water continually cause the small clusters to bind together into larger and larger clusters. And to make matters worse, the process is accelerated when water is exposed to air and light.

Water On the Market

Recently, in health food stores, I've noticed that they are now selling small cluster water in little bottles for large prices. Why would you want to pay inflated prices for small amounts of clustered water when you could have as much as you wanted for FREE?

Instructions to make your own Magnetized Water
Take a plastic water bottle and using painters tape to attach several disc magnets, I used neodium magnets (1/2 diameter) to the bottle. Make sure that north is facing in for all of the magnets that you attach. You can find disc magnets almost anyplace that sells magnets. I used 10 magnets, 5 on each side of the bottle. They worked great. You could easily taste the fact that the water was "wetter, " and they raised the pH of the water a full 1/2 point. Water placed in this bottle will fully magnetize very quickly -- in 5-10 minutes, or less.

I have been drinking the magnetized water for a week now and it tastes so much better and "wetter" than any other water while doing taste tests.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2048 posts

Becky, thanks for this post. Also, one can purchase a clamp-type magnet placed on the inlet cold water pipes. How effective these are I dunno. Also the powerful supplement "Cell Food" or "Cell Power" also has this effect on water thru the stimulus of Deuterium Sulfate. Either method restores the "virginity" of water (H2O). All the stressors (positive charged electrons) of our environment wish to rob the negative charge of the Oxygen atom thus adulterating the original composition of water. Magnets use this same magic wherever we apply them, thus reducing stress and inflammation, returning the organism to it's original balanced polarity.

Replied by Bwcky
(Vancouver, Bc)

Hi Timh, thanks for your response, I have noticed over time that drinking this water, my body/mind has responded in a number of astonishing ways.

Joy de Vive, clarity of mind, my mouth feels the freshest it has felt in years and I think that my skin is getting smoother.... Most notable is how my mouth feels so fresh always like I just brushed my teeth........ Absolutely amazing.

Hope to help, there are guardian angels walking amongst us!

Replied by Denise
(Buena, Mt)

Thanks for posting the link to the magnitized water info. Their method works very well, but there's an even faster way. Get a magnitized 6" square pad. You place your water jug on it. It will magnitize a gallon of water in only one hour. OR set your water glass on it. An 8 oz cup will be ready in ten minutes. The pad will last "forever." Search online.

Replied by Cindy

Does anyone have information or links for using or making ionized or magnetized water for drinking and any health benefits they have had? Thanks to all

Replied by Mike62

Cindy: You made a good decision asking wonderful E.C., the best place for folk medicine, first, because this is the skinny, or could I say dope, being from rocky mountain high, on water. Many people suffer, not because they don't have a gizmo, but because they don't eat raw organic and grass fed whole foods that all wild animals in nature have eaten for eons. People would lead you to believe that their gadgets are better than God's Goodies. You need carbs, oils, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals in the proper doses and ratios in their most active form to function optimally, not a thing a ma gig. The 4 best waters are volcano, spring, water from home made water kefir, and water from raw organic and grass fed whole foods. A mountain lion can high jump 20ft and broad jump 60ft. He doesn't drink water from a machine. He gets his water from a raw herbivore who has been eating raw wild greens.

Posted by Cat (Tauranga, New Zealand) on 04/30/2012

Found this very interesting link. Helpful for those of us with the need to re-mineralize teeth and better hair growth amongst many other things including cancer and is easy enough to try out yourself. Trouble is, our black sand is on the west coast and I live on the east!!! Worth a drive I think.

Mineral Water

Posted by Biodoc (San Francisco) on 01/19/2014

Healing with mineral water has a long history all over the world. There are lots of healing mineral spas in the Europe, where people with chronic liver, pancreas, gallbladder, intestinal diseases, and metabolic disorders spend healthy vacation by using drinking healing mineral water, diet, massage, acupuncture and so on. The small Czech town of Karlovy Vary has been a well-known international healing resort since the 1700s.

Visitors throughout Europe, America, and Asia traveled to Karlovy Vary for a few months stays to drink healing mineral water for various chronic conditions. For sick rich people, which couldn't go to Karlovy Vary, water was carried by bottles and barrels all over Europe. European doctors understood that the mineral content is a primary healing factor of this water and began producing the salt from the evaporated thermal spring water in 1764. Dissolving the salt in the warm water has been given the chance for home treatment.

According to research of European doctors who practice alternative medicine, the most beneficial action of the water in chronic diseases is to increase production and improve the flow of bile and pancreatic juice. Additionally, healing mineral water supplies the pancreas with the alkaline minerals and bicarbonates, the key ingredients of the pancreatic juice. Alkaline pH is critical for pancreatic juice because digestive enzymes work only in an alkaline environment.

Multiple Ailments Addressed

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Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 06/30/2024 518 posts

This is important for several reasons.

Most issues are caused by dehydration. Or, rather, by your body's response to the neglect of not drinking plain water caused by the dehydrtion. And that's ANY level of dehydration.

Your responds to dehydration, first, by rationing the water it gets.

Your body is going to TRY to protect you from yourself by allowing things you don't want in an effort to control your blood pressure and protect your heart.

Such things may include narrowing circulatory pathways to balance the loads dehydration puts on your heart via its blood pressure:heart rate ratio.

It may also include allowing parasites to reside in the digestive tract to aerate the dried matter on the walls of the intestines to open channels through which nutrients can be acquired.

It may include the accumulation of elements and metals it would otherwise use or discard.

If you're dehydrated, then your body is making sacrifices and regardless of what pills you take or how you change your diet, your body will have no use for much of that because it's not going to feed a system or organ that is in the process of sacrificing and adding toxic medicine to the mix is just going to force the body to sacrifice even more aggresively because it will have to reroute a great deal of what little water it's getting to eliminate and otherwise protect you from those toxins.

Two things you definitely DON'T want to do before starting and maintaining a plain water hydration regiment (with tiny amounts of sea salt) include, killing parasites and forcing open the pathways of the blood. Once you start hydrating, the body will begin taking care of those things in a controlled manner and in the order and to the degrees they need to be done to keep you safe in the process which something no human being knows how to do.

And I include maintaining a hydration regiment because your body knows you and that you can't be trusted to provide the second most critical thing it needs. You're going to have to prove yourself to get it to fully engage in repairing the damage it's suffered from such a profound form of neglect.

Don't get me wrong. Your body will put any water it gets to good use but how it uses water it didn't expect and how it uses water when it is being regularly provided - as it should - are two entirely different things.

If you want to help, do some Buteyko breathing. That will provide it with oxygen it won't have to struggle to deliver a every struggle consumes water and you don't have any to spare if you've been chronically dehydrated for any length of time.

Replied by Claudia
(Phoenix, Arizona)

The information you provided makes so much sense to me. It also lets me know I need to keep learning and growing and how you explained it. Let me know how unthinking I can be lol I appreciate you so much. Thank you.

(Illinois, USA)
518 posts

Hey Claudia! Don't look at it as "learning". Look at it as exploring and wondering because whatever is of interest to you? When you're exploring it? When you're wondering about it? You are maximally closer to every human being - and others - who has ever shared that interest with you - and they're all right there, exploring with you. No matter what you're wondering about. Talking and wondering about it and sharing your "Wow! Would you look at that! " moments with you.

Intuitive exploration looks like intellect, coincidences and thought from man's realm of "knowledge" and "learning" but it's not. It's a bunch of brothers who share an interest and function as a subset of the entire band of brothers that includes every individual mind that has ever existed. Every mind that has ever explored and discovered and wondered about anything.

To say that we are never alone is an unimaginably absurd understatement - just as it is to say that we are loved. Humans have no idea...

At any rate, these are your peeps. Your peeps, my peeps and the peeps of everyone on this site who shares an interest in these things. Even those who are still caught up in the ideas of "learning" and "knowledge" - as if such things were possible in the vastness of the infinite and, as yet, unexplored!

And now you're wondering about that so, let the first signs - the "coincidences", the goosebumps and the seemingly undeserved understanding - commence!

Don't you just love the smell of exploration in the morning! YEEEhaw!

Replied by mmsg
(somewhere, europe)

Cindy, thank you very much for your good explanation. I live in a very dry climate and must put this into practice. Thank you.

Ozonated Water

Posted by Savvy (San Antonio, Tx) on 12/26/2012

Would like to hear feedback from folks who have ingested ozonated water for whatever purpose.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn Usa)

HI U SAVVY, , , , , , , Have had an ozone generator for several months and it was bought in my effort to defeat Lymphoma. Will not address my cancer and cannot tell what effect ozonated water has on my health. I will tell you that doing ear insufflation has driven my candida nuts. The little buggers are raging, and my ears crusting over and itching like mad. My only relief is to coat them with ozonated oil. I'm sure my anal insufflation and ozone sauna has them looking for places to hide. All the critters that we house are not dummies. That is the reason anti-biotics are of little use anymore. Know this was not your question, but you know how I am. ==RH==

Recommended Books

Posted by Sandy (Scotland, United Kingdom) on 02/11/2010

I found this site through searching for information on Cold Showers. Very interesting material indeed. I am well into my 60's and keep running/jogging and have 'enjoyed' a Cold Shower for quite some time. Can I expand your thinking on water? Ten or so years ago I read the book - "Your Body's Many Cries for Water". I have found it so helpful. Drinking water is quite therapeutic I have discovered. I have studied this work and if you need a 'free' and perhaps unusual 'help' read this work. Consider it seriously.

Reverse Osmosis Water

Posted by Prema (Cambridge, England) on 10/17/2011

Hi, I recently read [on earthclinic] to add 1/4 salt and 1/8 teaspoon bicarb to reverse osmosis water. I also read that adding lemon juice makes it antioxidant. I am hoping that someone can please answer my questions: do I add all 3 [bicarb, lemon and salt] and to how much water do I add the 1/4 salt and 1/8 bicarb, 1 glass, 1 litre? I am desperate to know as I don't want to give me and my family unsafe water to drink. Thanks ever so much in advance. Prema

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