i took two capsules everyday until I knew my body had absorbed it (this came in the form of mild diarrhea) it only took a few days and I didnt have and incident for another year! Everytime I feel it happen I go take another capsule and wahlaah! Instantly cured!
i hope this helps someone else out there! By the way im twenty two.
(Vancouver, Bc, Canada)
you have discovered the tip of the magnesium iceberg, there is much more to magnesium supplements. Some like magnesium chloride oil and flakes can revitalize the body. Dig into transdermal magnesium. I wished I knew about it 40 years ago.
(Anchorage, Ak, Usa)
I've had incontinence about 6 years. Less than a week ago I read about magnesium for incontinence on this site. Within two days I was out walking hills without needing to make pit stops and without leaking. I haven't leaked a drop since taking the magnesium. I just spent $1000 co-pay to hear from the urologist that my options were surgery or physical therapy. I'm so disturbed that my gyn or urologist didn't know the benefits of magnesium, but I'm so thankful for this site and all that participate. I have a new lease on life because I can exercise again. Thanks!
I say paradoxically because Mg has in the past definitely been a HELP for falling asleep, and it has also helped me to overcome migraine pain. A few articles online show I am not the first to notice this issue.
Insomnia, Migraines
Kidney Stones
I have been using Mag for years to keep kidney stones at bay. Its best to also get some B6 with that. But yeah, it works.
Leg Cramps
(Evansville, Wi)
one can use magnesium oil by spraying this on your legs, arms, over your heart and soak your feet for 30 days.. And get your magnesium levals up to par... Your can also make your own... Much cheaper this way.. boy is this really good mag.oil
(Cebu City, Philippines)
To those interested, I used a ratio of 1:1, I boiled a cup of water and Dissolved a cup of magnesium chloride. So far, its working quite well, I rub it on my mom's legs every night. Her legs would itch a lot due to poor circulation, although it has helped her sleep quite well at night even if she feels itchy.
(Maputo, Mozambique)
Thanks, works real well for leg cramps. Took Magnesium Chloride 535mg once at night for three nights and since then a great night sleep with no cramps.
Low Magnesium Indicator
Magnesium and Vitamin D
(Hesperia, Ca)
I would have to COMPLETELY agree with you about the Vitamin D. I was diagnosed with a Vitamin D deficiency and started Vitamin D therapy using supplements and developed extreme heart palpitations within 2 weeks. Didn't make any connection at first. When I quit taking the D the palps went away within a week to 2 weeks. I tried this test 5 different times in the last 6 months and I STILL have not found my Magnesium balance.
3 weeks ago I quit taking all D supplements and just focused on getting my D from the sun. (no sunscreen, 20-30 minutes every couple of days - arms, calves & face) I did that for about a week and a half and within about a week and a half I began getting the heart palps again. So, there is definitely, without a doubt a major need for Magnesium if supplementing for a Vitamin D deficiency. I didn't relaize I had been Mag deficient, but obviously I am.
So, long story longer, here I sit as my palps started back up last night. I alternate between a Mag Citrate powder and a Mag oil (topically). I am afraid to take any more than I already am. Iam taking a total of at least (combined sources) 500-600mg a day..... Today anyway. Before the palps started I was getting about 300mg a day.
Sorry if I am rambling. My doctors have been useless and know nothing of nutrition and when I mentioned the palps being from a Mag deficiency from taking the D, she didn't even listen to me.
Anyway, what would be a top/limit for a daily intake of Magnesium? I think I need more, I really do. What I do take is helping, but it doesn't take them completely away...... Also, I have read that just because you get loose stool from Mag that it doesn't mean you have taken too much neccessarily. What the body needs at that moment, it takes and excretes what it doesn't. That is why doses throughout the day are crucial.
If anyone has any other input I would appreciate it :O)
(Seal Beach, Ca)
Please read my Hawthorn Motherwort entry under Heart Palpitations or my Mothewort Hawthorn entry under Tachycardia. Good chance the latter will be of help if you use it.
(Spring, Tx)
This is absolutely fascinating! Thanks for sharing this info.
Magnesium and Vitamin D
I have just started taking magnesium citrate after reading about all its benefits on this site. Today a health practitioner told me that I should be taking calcium along with it otherwise the magnesium would not be absorbed.
But I stopped taking calcium supplements after reading about it on this site, and especially how Ted feels strongly that it is not necessary for adults to take this.
Now I am thoroughly confused! Would someone please help me about what is correct?
I agree with Ted.. Take Vitamin D instead, we get plenty of calcium in our modern diet.. supplementing with it can lead to problems. Calcium and magnesium compete with each other. I over supplemented on calcium for a while and that pushed my mag levels so low that my heart was really acting up. Scary. But that's what mainstream was promoting for bones and arthritis, it almost killed me. Ted knows what he is talking about. I would trust his advice over my neighbor.
Magnesium Article
This is why simple chemicals like Lugol's Iodine, Sodium Bicarbonate(BS)and Hydrogen Peroxide have become so de-emphasised by spoiler drugs research -- the medical companies don't like the competition, so they try and generate fear of use -- despite the older medical fraternity using these simple chemicals very successfully for over a hundred or more years.
Here is the article in PDF format:
(Dearing, Ga)
Hello Bill! Always good to read your postings and research. So I googled the 2.5 % magnesium chloride hexahydrate and the prices vary from really high down to lower. I guess I could call the companies, but was wondering if you might could guide me the product that I would need. Currently I have been taking Magnesium Chloride from Alta health products in tablet form: 1 tablet = 520 mg magnesium chloride and 62.17 mg elemental magnesium. I take one daily. Would I be able to continue this one or do I need the other or just more of this one. Of course I know we can't put a price on health, but I am on a budget and it is a rather small budget. I believe in alternative medicines, but I will tell you I have spent close to $1000.00 this year alone on herbs and vitimans and still did not get all of the ones I would have liked to had. I would also be willing to crush my current tablets and mix them with water, if this would make a difference. Thank You in advance.
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)
Hi Phil... I bought my Magnesium Chloride -- chemical grade -- in Bangkok, Thailand. I purchased it as a simple powder which is always the best form. I confess I dislike tablets because of the fillers and additives they use. The best forms are always powder or capsule containing powder in my experience.
Regarding magnesium chloride, one of the best forms to take is Magnesium Oil. I make this myself -- 70% to 80% magnesium chloride with 20%-30% water. Just add 10 drops of mag oil to any drink twice a day or you can use it transdermally to be absorbed through the skin(forearms). If you use the transdermal method your body is able to absorb magnesium in much larger amounts -- with no diarrhea or intestinal issues to worry about. And any excess is simply excreted from the blood via the kidneys. Magnesium Oil can be purchased quite cheaply from any health shop.
You can also use Magnesium Sulphate(Epsom Salts) transdermally -- normally people just use epsom salts in baths, footsoaks or skin sprays as described on this site.
Like you, I was also fed up with the cost of vitamins, amino acids and mineral supplements. After some research I simply settled on taking 3 Dessicated Liver(DL) tablets(chewed) after every meal. I now rate DL higher than the much more expensive chlorella or spirulina -- DL contains every single vitamin, amino acid and mineral -- and all in the most bio-available form -- that your body will need on a daily basis. I also reckon DL is also better than plant forms containing these nutrients -- since it is fairly well-known that plant amino acids forms -- such as in chlorella or spirulina -- are not so easily digested or assimilated in humans.
So if you want all your daily nutrients in just one form -- dessicated liver is it. Ted recommends eating raw liver shakes, but perhaps DL is easier!!
You can purchase DL at any weight-training store and some health shops. You can also buy the powder form of DL(better). And it's quite cheap because its simply an inexpensive food.
Magnesium Article
Magnesium Bicarbonate Solution
Hi this question is for you Bill. To accurately make the mag bicarbonate water would I be correct with the following proportions? 1 liter of carbonated water, 500ml of MoM, and 120ml of baking powder? Thanks, Mary
The easiest way to make a magnesium bicarbonate solution is to use Milk of Magnesia -- no aluminum -- and carbonated water.
Here is the recipe:
In its composition, this homemade magnesium/bicarbonate water is very close to brands like Noah's California Spring Water or Unique Water. The recipe is based on the reaction of magnesium hydroxide (in milk of magnesia) with plain carbonated water according to the formula
Mg(OH)2 plus 2CO2 —> Mg(HCO3)2
Plain Milk of Magnesia (MoM) should be used in the recipe. The "active" ingredient should only be magnesium hydroxide [Mg (OH)2], 400 mg per teaspoon (5 ml), and the "inactive" ingredient should only be purified water. 41. 7% by weight of magnesium hydroxide is magnesium (Mg), so 5 ml of MoM has 167 mg of Mg, and 1 tablespoon has 500 mg of Mg (1 tablespoon = 15 ml).
To prepare the water follow these steps:
1. Chill a 1-liter bottle of unflavored seltzer, which is fully carbonated water. The seltzer should only contain water and carbon dioxide (CO2). Club soda is carbonated water with a small amount of added sodium and is also suitable.
2. Shake the bottle of Milk of Magnesia well, then measure out 3 tablespoons (45 ml) and have it ready. The plastic measuring cup that comes with the MoM is accurate and ideal for the purpose.
3. Remove the bottle of unflavored seltzer from the refrigerator without agitating it. Open it slowly and carefully to minimize the loss of CO2. As soon as the initial fizzing settles down, slowly add the pre-measured MoM. Promptly replace the cap on the water bottle and shake it vigorously for 30 seconds or so, making the liquid cloudy.
After 1/2 hour or so the liquid will have cleared, and any un-dissolved magnesium hydroxide will have settled to the bottom of the bottle. Again shake the bottle vigorously for 30 seconds or so, making the liquid cloudy again. When the liquid again clears all of the magnesium hydroxides in the MoM should have reacted with all of the CO2 to become dissolved (ionized) magnesium and bicarbonate.
If a small amount of un-dissolved magnesium hydroxide still remains in the bottom of the bottle as sediment it may be ignored.
This 1 liter of concentrated magnesium bicarbonate water will have approximately 1500 mg of magnesium and approximately 7500 mg of bicarbonate. It should be kept in the refrigerator. You may note that the sides of the bottle "cave in" when the liquid clears. This is a sign that the reaction is complete.
To make 4 liters of magnesium bicarbonate drinking water with approximately 125 mg of magnesium and approximately 625 mg of bicarbonate per liter and a pH of approximately 8 measure and transfer 1/3 liter of the concentrate (333 ml) into a 4-liter container. Fill the container with 3 2/3 liters of plain or purified water, as desired.
Magnesium dissolved in water (ionized) is considerably more bioavailable than is magnesium in pill form. While this is not as concentrated as colloidal magnesium, it is considerably easier on the tastebuds.
Hi Bill,
I have just started to take magnesium & the leady in the health store recommended magnesium citrate (MAG 365), I am taking 1 teaspoon each morning in warm water. I am a bit confused reading through all the different posts, can you clarify for me will magnesium citrate cause increased blood pressure? as I don't need that to happen to me.
Thank you in advance, love your posts.
(San Fernando, Philippines)
Hi Rialc...I normally recommend Magnesium Chloride as a magnesium choice but the chloride part might raise your blood pressure for a short while. Magnesium Citrate will not raise your blood pressure and would be safe enough for you to take(300mgs twice a day).
If you also have high blood pressure problems and/or cholesterol problems I would also try taking the following nutrients on a daily basis:
Kelp -- Especially for the iodine and beneficial minerals.
Niacin - 500 mgs twice a day. Or you could take the slow release, no-flush niacin form -- inositol hexanicotinate(1500mgs twice a day). The more niacin the better the outcome. Niacin is about the best nutrient I know for relaxing the mind and body(my own experience) -- but you will have to take the higher non-RDA dosages to get this relaxing effect. We are all deficient in most of the B Vitamins anyway because of our poor diets, so supplementing Brewer's Yeast(best natural B vitamin source) or B50 complex on a daily basis would also problably help most people here as well.
Vitamin C -- at least 3 to 8 grams a day(depending on the seriousness your heart or blood condition) with water in separate 1 gm doses throughout the day. As per Linus Pauling's successful heart research.
Lysine -- 3 to 8 gms a day. Take it together with the Vitamin C in water every day. As per Linus Pauling's heart research.
Green Tea 3 times a day. Works together with the Vitamin C and lysine to help cure problems like arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure. As per Linus Pauling's heart research.
Chanca piedra -- Most people don't realize how beneficial and wide-acting this herb is for the body. This one lowers dangerous excess blood calcium, lowers blood pressure, lowers blood sugar, dissolves and removes gallstones and kidney stones, lowers cholesterol and is also strongly anti-viral.
Try to avoid excess gluten, dairy and sugar in your diet.
How to make Magnesium Chloride the expert recommends to drink and also use transdermally Bi carbonate of Magnesium... starting with adding a quantity into a bottle of carbonated water.. putting in the fridge, removing shaking etc. etc.... my mix was obviously not correct as the bottle on opening is still fizzy? Is there anyone in the EC community who can give a better description of how to make this Mag BI carbonate?i from Magnesium Chloride Thank you
Magnesium Bicarbonate Solution
Hi everyone...I found a website article which is useful. There is a new magnesium drinking product in Australia that has been proved to extend the life of mammals. This patent is based on a certain region of Australia where the drinking water is high in magnesium, and where all livestock there seem to live a life that is 30% longer than normal. The patented drinking solution consists mainly of Magnesium Bicarbonate and Sodium Bicarbonate in simple aqueous solution.
The description in the patent says to add 500 mgs Magnesium Carbonate or Magnesium hydroxide to 1 litre cold carbonated water. Store in the fridge for 24 -- 72 hours and allow the solution to clear from cloudy. Add a small amount of amount -- 120 mg -- of Sodium Bicarbonate.
Drink this mixture throughout the day but not with meals -- one hour before or two hours after meals. Adjust to a lower dose if bowels become too loose.
You could also make this solution by using MoM and Baking soda quite easily -- using Phillip's Milk of Magnesia, Baking Soda and seltzer or carbonated water. Do not use the MoM that contains Aluminium Hydroxide.
Read about the patent, manufacture and research here:
I totally agree with the above, that it is simple to make your own water using Magnesium Hydroxide (MOM) but it should have no other ingredients under inactive ingredients other then purified water. No bleach, no coloring, no flavoring. Just use the cap on top of the MOM and add a hair less then 3 tablespoons to the 1 liter bottle of seltzer water. This water is a good start for any other recipe that follows. Example would be those looking to add ACV or Salt or Baking soda for instance. There are videos to show you how on popular video sites I won't mention because some have ads in front which may violate EarthClinic policy. Just type Magnesium Bicarbonate Water or Homemade water in the search engine. I've been using this for quite sometime. I am 53 and my doc said I have a heart of a 15 year old. My bloodwork comes back perfect everytime. He even asked me what I'm doing and I tell him and everybody I know everything. I try to drink healthy, eat healthy, and supplement my diet with those nutrients that are no longer in our food for one reason or another. Starts with our water and I love EarthClinic for bringing me so many things I didn't know to life.
The best MoM I could find was Phillip's Milk of Magnesia which contains Sodium hypochlorite.
When Sodium hypochlorite gomes in touch with CO2, the reaction will be: NaClO + CO2 + H2O --->NaHCO3 + HClO
HCIO is Hypochlorous acid. Is it now safe to consume?
Magnesium Chloride
Magnesium oil, essentially ancient dead sea salt, is an excellent complement to iodine, MSM, baking soda, ALA, N-acetyl cystein. It is absorbed by the skin without the diarrhea that comes from taking it internally. Scripture says that it is good to soak in the foam of the sea, and perhaps this is why. One would expect that soaking in dead sea salts would also provide magnesium through the skin. I still like the sea salts as an internal cleanser, though. And a quote:
"Brushing the teeth with Magnesium Oil and massaging it into the skin can directly assist with re- mineralizing teeth and bones."
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
You're right about magnesium oil - it's great. We make our own by mixing magnesium chloride with distilled water (50/50). We put it in an empty roll-on deodorant bottle and use it as a deodorant, as well as rolling the oil on our legs and arms, bottoms of our feet, etc. No fuss - no muss! Cheers, Bess