Yesterday the 04.03.08, I got a cut on the top middle of my right foot about one inch long and all the way through the layers of my skin.
You could see inside my foot! It was very unsettling as I've never had such a deep cut before.
I'm a regular reader of Earth Clinic and have been familiar with the uses of cayenne pepper for a long time so my first instinct was to grab it and smear in about 1/3 of a teaspoon into the cut until it completely sealed the cut.
Let me say that reading others testimonials is one thing but seeing it personally in action was remarkable. The bleeding stopped instantly and only the slightest pain remained.
My family wanted to take me to the hospital to get stitched up but my intuition told me that it would be fine. After about ten minutes there was still no bleeding so I smeared a thin layer of manuka honey (Its rating was UHF 30 ) over the cut and covered it with a large bandaid.
The next day I checked the cut and it had rejoined and is healing nicely without any stitches required. I cleaned of the gunk from the previous day and applied a fresh thin layer of manuka honey over the cut and thin layer of organic cold pressed coconut oil to keep it free from infection.
Much Love and Gratitude to Earth Clinic and all the people who take the time to share their experiences so that the rest of us can be enlightened on the healing powers of Mother Nature! :)